CAE Result - Unit 11

1 CAE Result © Oxford University Press Reading Is it art? 11.1 nutter /"nVt@(r)/ (n) foolish or mad person L Informal. nut (n), nutty (adj) 11.2 poke /p@Uk/ (v) if an object is poking out of, through, etc. sth, you can see a part of it that is no longer covered by sth else The end of the cable was left poking out of the wall. L Also: quickly push your fingers or another object into sb/sth. 11.3 stocking /"stQkIN/ (n) either of a pair of thin pieces of clothing that fit closely over a woman’s legs and feet 11.4 battered /"b&t@d/ (adj) out of shape because of age or regular use batter (v) 11.5 conceptual art /k@n%sepÍu@l "A:t/ (adj) art in which the ideas involved are considered more important than a physical object as in traditional art concept (n), conception (n), conceptualise (v), conceptual (adj), conceptually (adv) 11.6 heyday /"heIdeI/ (n) time of sth’s greatest success, power, etc. Although some people do still wear them, the mini skirt had its real heyday in the 1960s. 11.7 public forum /%pVblIk "fO:r@m/ (n) public place where people can exchange opinions and ideas on a particular issue Giving a speech 11.8 ominous /"QmIn@s/ (adj) suggesting that sth bad is going to happen in the future We started walking across the field as quickly as possible, while ominous dark clouds were gathering above us. ominously (adv) 11.9 blankly /"bl&Nkli/ (adv) in a way that shows no feeling, understanding or interest When I announced my decision to leave him, he said nothing, and just stared blankly out of the window. blankness (n), blank (adj) 11.10 disposed (towards) /dIs"p@Uzd/ (adj) having a good/bad opinion of a person or thing His parents were well disposed towards the idea of John studying music instead of going to university. 11.11 engage (with) /In"geIÙ/ (v) become involved with and try to understand sth/sb If she doesn’t like engaging with children, why on earth has she chosen to become a teacher? engagement (n), engaged (adj) 11.12 delivery /dI"lIv@ri/ (n) the way in which sb speaks, sings a song, etc. in public His delivery is rather hesitant and he doesn’t come across as being confident in what he’s saying. deliver (v) What I think of Shakespeare 11.13 excruciating /Ik"skru:SieItIN/ (adj) extremely painful Being no longer able to suffer the excruciating toothache, I had no alternative but to visit the dentist. 11.14 strenuousness /"strenju@sn@s/ (n) great effort and energy strenuous (adj), strenuously (adv) 11.15 knobbly /"nQbli/ (adj) having small hard lumps knob (n) 11.16 entrance /"entr@ns/ (v) make sb feel great pleasure and admiration so that they give sb/sth all their attention Renee Zellweger’s impeccable acting in Cold Mountain entranced the audiences. entrancing (adj) 11.17 bleat /bli:t/ (v) speak in a weak or complaining voice L Also: make the sound that sheep and goats make. 11.18 be not a patch on sb/sth /%bi %nQt @ "p&Í Qn/ (idm) be much less good, attractive, etc. than sb/sth else His latest play, unfortunately, is not a patch on his previous masterpieces. 11.19 gangling /"g&NglIN/ (adj) (of a person) tall thin and awkward in their movements 11.20 diction /"dIkSn/ (n) the way that sb pronounces words Entertainment or art? Words and phrases 11


CAE Result Words and Phrases for each unit

Transcript of CAE Result - Unit 11

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1CAE Result © Oxford University Press


Is it art?

11.1 nutter /"nVt@(r)/ (n) foolish or mad person Informal.

� nut (n), nutty (adj)

11.2 poke /p@Uk/ (v) if an object is poking out of,

through, etc. sth, you can see a part of it that is no longer covered by sth else ◆ The end of the cable was left poking out of the wall.

Also: quickly push your fingers or another object into sb/sth.

11.3 stocking /"stQkIN/ (n) either of a pair of thin pieces of

clothing that fit closely over a woman’s legs and feet

11.4 battered /"b&t@d/ (adj) out of shape because of age or

regular use � batter (v)

11.5 conceptual art

/k@n%sepÍu@l "A:t/ (adj) art in which the ideas involved are

considered more important than a physical object as in traditional art � concept (n), conception (n), conceptualise (v), conceptual (adj), conceptually (adv)

11.6 heyday /"heIdeI/ (n) time of sth’s greatest success,

power, etc. ◆ Although some people do still wear them, the mini skirt had its real heyday in the 1960s.

11.7 public forum

/%pVblIk "fO:r@m/ (n) public place where people can

exchange opinions and ideas on a particular issue

Giving a speech

11.8 ominous /"QmIn@s/ (adj) suggesting that sth bad is going to

happen in the future ◆ We started walking across the field as quickly as possible, while ominous dark clouds were gathering above us.� ominously (adv)

11.9 blankly /"bl&Nkli/ (adv) in a way that shows no feeling,

understanding or interest ◆ When I announced my decision to leave him, he said nothing, and just stared blankly out of the window.� blankness (n), blank (adj)

11.10 disposed (towards)

/dIs"p@Uzd/ (adj) having a good/bad opinion of a

person or thing ◆ His parents were well disposed towards the idea of John studying music instead of going to university.

11.11 engage (with) /In"geIÙ/ (v) become involved with and try to

understand sth/sb ◆ If she doesn’t like engaging with children, why on earth has she chosen to become a teacher? � engagement (n), engaged (adj)

11.12 delivery /dI"lIv@ri/ (n) the way in which sb speaks, sings

a song, etc. in public ◆ His delivery is rather hesitant and he doesn’t come across as being confident in what he’s saying. � deliver (v)

What I think of Shakespeare

11.13 excruciating

/Ik"skru:SieItIN/ (adj) extremely painful ◆ Being no longer

able to suffer the excruciating toothache, I had no alternative but to visit the dentist.

11.14 strenuousness

/"strenju@sn@s/ (n) great effort and energy � strenuous

(adj), strenuously (adv)

11.15 knobbly /"nQbli/ (adj) having small hard lumps � knob (n)

11.16 entrance /"entr@ns/ (v) make sb feel great pleasure and

admiration so that they give sb/sthall their attention ◆ Renee Zellweger’s impeccable acting in Cold Mountain entranced the audiences. � entrancing (adj)

11.17 bleat /bli:t/ (v) speak in a weak or complaining

voice Also: make the sound that sheep and goats make.

11.18 be not a patch on sb/sth

/%bi %nQt @ "p&Í Qn/ (idm) be much less good, attractive, etc.

than sb/sth else ◆ His latest play, unfortunately, is not a patch on his previous masterpieces.

11.19 gangling /"g&NglIN/ (adj) (of a person) tall thin and

awkward in their movements

11.20 diction /"dIkSn/ (n) the way that sb pronounces words

Entertainment or art?Words and phrases


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2 CAE Result © Oxford University Press

11.21 misquote /mIs"kw@Ut/ (v) repeat what sb has said or written

in a way that is not correct◆ The actress threatened to take the magazine to court for misquoting her words. � misquotation (n)

Vocabulary11.22 soundtrack /"saUndtr&k/ (n) recorded music from a film

11.23 subtitle /"sVbtaItl/ (n) words printed on a film that give

the dialogue, usu. in translation from a foreign language but also for the deaf � subtitle (v)

11.24 canvas /"k&nv@s/ (n) strong cloth used by artists for

painting on

11.25 palette /"p&l@t/ (n) thin board on which an artist

mixes colours for painting

11.26 showcase /"S@UkeIs/ (v) present sb’s abilities or the good

qualities of sth in an attractive way ◆ This new exhibition will showcase the work of some of the best young artists in Berlin. � showcase (n)

11.27 foretell /fO:"tel/ (v) know or say what will happen in

the future, esp. by using magic powers ◆ You’re so naïve! Do you really believe fortune-tellers can foretell the future?

Grammar11.28 meteorologist

/%mi:ti@"rQl@ÙIst/ (n) person who studies the processes

that cause the earth’s weather conditions � meteorology (n), meteorological (adj)

11.29 transistor radio

/tr&n%zIst@ "reIdi@U/ (n) small portable radio An

old-fashioned word

11.30 choir /"kwaI@(r)/ (n) group of people who sing together,

especially in church services or public performances

11.31 audition /O:"dISn/ (v) take part in a test to be an actor,

singer, etc. � audition (n)

11.32 weedy /"wi:di/ (adj) thin and weak-looking ◆ I always

thought my neighbour was a bit weedy, so I was amazed to see him carrying a new fridge into his house by himself! � weed (n)

Listening11.33 animated /"&nImeItId/ (adj) used to describe a film in which

puppets or drawings appear to be real ◆ Mickey Mouse appeared in the first successful animated film from Disney. � animation (n), animator (n), animate (v) Also means lively and expressive when describing a person. � animatedly (adv)

11.34 complex /"kQmpleks/ (n) set of buildings or facilities

11.35 hum /hVm/ (v) make a low steady continuous

sound like bees � hum (n)

11.36 equation /I"kweIZn/ (n) type of mathematical statement

that says that two amounts or values are the same � equate (v)

11.37 convey /k@n"veI/ (v) make feelings or ideas known to sb

◆ Sending a card wasn’t enough to convey how grateful I am for your help, so I’ve bought you these flowers too.

11.38 resentful /rI"zentfl/ (adj) feeling bitter or angry about sth

� resentment (n), resent (v), resentfully (adv)

11.39 doctrine /"dQktrIn/ (n) set of beliefs � doctrinal (adj)

Use of English11.40 hang around

/%h&N @"raUnd/ (phr v) wait or stay near a place, not doing

very much ◆ In between classes, we usually hang around the nearby shopping mall.

11.41 loathe /l@UD/ (v) feel great hate for sth � loathing (n),

loathsome (adj)

11.42 by popular demand

/%baI %pQpj@l@ dI"mA:nd/ (phr) because a lot of people have asked

for sth ◆ This store now opens on Sundays, by popular demand!

Vocabulary11.43 do away (with)

/%du: @"weI/ (phr) get rid of or abolish

11.44 come out (with)

/%kVm "aUt/ (phr v) say sth, express sth in words

11.45 stick up (for)

/%stIk "Vp/ (phr v) defend or support

11.46 give in (to) /%gIv "In/ (phr v) do what sb else wants or tells you


11.47 bully /"bUli/ (v) frighten or hurt sb weaker

� bully (n), bullying (n)

Writing11.48 chest /Íest/ (n) large strong box, usually made of

wood, used for storing or moving things

11.49 sin /sIn/ (n) offence against God or against a

religious or moral law ◆ Murder is a sin in any circumstances.� sin (v), sinful (adj), sinfully (adv)

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3CAE Result © Oxford University Press

11.50 gripping /"grIpIN/ (adj) very exciting � grip (v), grippingly


11.51 retrieve /rI"tri:v/ (v) bring or get sth back, especially

from a place where it should not be ◆ The police have managed to retrieve some of the stolen money. � retrieval (n)

11.52 fabled /"feIbld/ (adj) famous and often talked about,

but rarely seen ◆ Fabled monsters, such as the Loch Ness, appear in numerous novels and films.� fable (n)

11.53 sprout /spraUt/ (v) start to grow sth, start to grow on


11.54 tentacle /"tent@kl/ (n) long thin part of the body of some

creatures, such as an octopus

11.55 mischievous /"mIsÍIv@s/ (adj) enjoying playing tricks and

annoying people ◆ Don’t you just love little boys with that mischievous look, when you know they’ve been up to something? � mischief (n), mischievously (adv)

11.56 grin /grIn/ (n) wide smile � grin (v)

11.57 bloodthirsty /"blVdT3:sti/ (adj) describing or showing killing or


11.58 affair /@"fe@(r)/ (n) used to describe an event, or

thing that happens, when you want to describe its main quality ◆ Though they are two of the most famous celebrities in the world, their wedding day will be a strictly private affair.

11.59 infest /In"fest/ (v) exist in large numbers or amounts

in a particular place, often causing damage or disease ◆ The abandoned house had been infested with mice. � infestation (n)

11.60 frame /freIm/ (v) produce false evidence against an

innocent person so that people think he or she is guilty ◆ The defendant claimed he was innocent and that he’d been framed.

11.61 outstanding

/aUt"st&ndIN/ (adj) excellent, extremely good

� outstandingly (adv)

11.62 naughty /"nO:ti/ (adj) behaving badly, not willing to obey

� naughtiness (n), naughtily (adv)

11.63 cruel /"kru:@l/ (adj) having a desire to cause pain and

suffering ◆ There should be strict laws against people who are cruel to animals. � cruelty (n), cruelly (adv)

11.64 spine-chilling

/"spaIn %ÍIlIN/ (adj) very frightening ◆ It’s no wonder

you had nightmares after reading such a spine-chilling book!� spine-chiller (n)

11.65 wooden /"wUdn/ (adj) not natural or lively ◆ Even the

best script in the world couldn’t save last night’s TV drama with wooden acting like that.

11.66 lead /li:d/ (adj) main or most important � lead (n),

lead (v), leading (adj)

11.67 mediocre

/%mi:di"@Uk@(r)/ (adj) not very good ◆ We weren’t

surprised to learn that Giovanni’s Restaurant had closed; the setting was fabulous but the food was terribly mediocre. � mediocrity (n)

11.68 stunning /"stVnIN/ (adj) extremely attractive or impressive

Implies less surprise than staggering (see 4.177). � stun (v), stunningly (adv)

Review11.69 vow /vaU/ (v) make a formal and serious promise

to do sth or a formal statement that is true ◆ The activists vowed they would continue fighting until the government took serious measures to protect the environment. � vow (n)

11.70 scathing /"skeIDIN/ (adj) very critical

Workbook ReadingPublic art or publiceyesore?

11.71 eyesore /"aIsO:(r)/ (n) building, object, etc. that is

unpleasant to look at ◆ That new office block in the centre of town is a complete eyesore.

11.72 clamber /"kl&mb@(r)/ (v) climb or move with difficulty or a

lot of effort, using your hands and feet ◆ The children clambered over the rocks while their parents sat on the beach eating sandwiches.

BA in acting

11.73 arduous /"A:dju@s/ (adj) involving a lot of effort and energy,

especially over a period of time◆ I seriously doubt whether I’d enjoy such an arduous journey across the Himalayas. � arduously (adv)

11.74 integral /"IntIgr@l/ (adj) being an essential part of sth

◆ You can’t cut this scene from the film. It’s an integral part of the story. � integrate (v), integrated (adj)

11.75 prospective

/pr@"spektIv/ (adj) potential, expected to do sth or to

become sth ◆ Most shops now offer attractive bargains to prospective clients. � prospect (n)

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Use of English11.94 levy /"levi/ (v) use official authority to demand

and collect a payment, tax, etc.� levy (n)

11.95 whizz-bang /"wIz %b&N/ (adj) spectacular

11.96 couple /"kVpl/ (v) join together two parts of sth

� coupling (n), couple (n)

11.97 seamless /"si:ml@s/ (adj) with no spaces or pauses between

one part and the next Also: (of a garment) without a line along which two edges of fabric, etc. are joined or sewn together.

11.98 lob /lQb/ (v) hit or kick a ball in a high curve

through the air, especially so that it lands behind the person you are playing against � lob (n)

Grammar Extra11.85 cauliflower /"kQliflaU@(r)/ (n) vegetable with green leaves around

a large hard white head of flowers

11.86 aubergine /"@Ub@Zi:n/ (n) large vegetable with shiny dark

purple skin and soft white flesh

Listening11.87 rebel (against) / rI"bel/ (v) fight against or refuse to obey an

authority, e.g. a government, a system, your parents, etc. ◆ It’s only natural for teenagers to rebel against their parents and try to do things their own way. � rebel (n), rebellion (n), rebellious (adj), rebelliously (adv)

11.88 binoculars /bI"nQkj@l@z/ (n pl) instrument that makes objects that

are far away seem nearer when you look through it

11.89 baffle /"b&fl/ (v) confuse sb completely ◆ She had

been preparing for the song contest for over a year, so her decision not to take part baffled me.� bafflement (n), baffling (adj)

11.90 spotlight /"spQtlaIt/ (n) light with a single, very bright beam

that can be directed at a particular place or person � spotlight (v)

11.91 glare /gle@(r)/ (n) very bright, unpleasant light

◆ I can’t stand the glare of the sun in the summer, so I never leave home without my sunglasses.� glare (v), glaring (adj)

11.92 crouch /kraUÍ/ (v) lower your body close to the ground

by bending your legs under you◆ The tiger crouched down ready to pounce on its prey. � crouched (adj)

11.93 peer /pI@(r)/ (v) look closely or carefully at sth,

especially when you cannot see it clearly ◆ The two thieves peered through the fog to see if anyone was following them.

The Dark Tower VII

11.76 exhilarating

/Ig"zIl@reItIN/ (adj) very exciting and enjoyable

� exhilaration (n), exhilarate (v), exhilarated (adj), exhilaratingly (adv)

11.77 pilgrim /"pIlgrIm/ (n) person who travels to a holy place

for religious reasons � pilgrimage (n)

11.78 foe /f@U/ (n) enemy

11.79 strait /streIt/ (n) very difficult situation ◆ After

losing his job, Mark found himself in desperate financial straits.

11.80 uttermost /"Vt@m@Ust/ (adj) greatest, most extreme

11.81 reach /ri:Í/ (n) the limit of sth ◆ The tribe live in a

remote location beyond the reach of most western travellers.

11.82 culmination /%kVlmI"neISn/ (n) the highest point or end of sth,

usually happening after a long time ◆ The agreement with EMI was the culmination of a long struggle in the music business.� culminate (v)

Vocabulary11.83 hand in your notice

/%h&nd In jO: "n@UtIs/ (idm) formally tell your employer that

you want to stop working for them ◆ I’ve got another job so I’m going to hand in my notice tomorrow.

Grammar11.84 fiery /"faI@ri/ (adj) showing strong emotions,

especially anger