Cadence Tutorial PDF

DESIGN AND VERIFICATION OF GRO-TDC SUBMITTED BY ALOK KUMAR CHAUDHARY SHRI MATA VAISHNO DEVI UNIVERSITY SUMMER INTERN 2013 STUDENT AT VNIT ,NAGPUR VHDL Simulation of RTL Design This chapter presents the main steps to perform the logic simulation of VHDL models with the Modelsim tool from Mentor graphics . 1) First open the terminal window and login to server PG01@malashri ssh -X PG01@malashri cd Alok mkdir rtltdc copy all the vhdl files in the rtltdc directory csh source Xilinx_source.cshrc cd rtltdc 2) Now we need to invoke Modelsim by giving command in rtltdc directory vsim & vsim & command will open a modelsim window



Transcript of Cadence Tutorial PDF








    VHDL Simulation of RTL Design

    This chapter presents the main steps to perform the logic simulation of VHDL models with

    the Modelsim tool from Mentor graphics .

    1) First open the terminal window and login to server PG01@malashri

    ssh -X PG01@malashri

    cd Alok

    mkdir rtltdc

    copy all the vhdl files in the rtltdc directory


    source Xilinx_source.cshrc

    cd rtltdc

    2) Now we need to invoke Modelsim by giving command in rtltdc directory

    vsim &

    vsim & command will open a modelsim window

  • 3) RTL logic simulation

    a)Make sure your working directory is still rtltdc , otherwise change the working directory

    Select File > change Directory ...

    And select rtltdc directory

    b) compiling the VHDL source files

    select compile > compile ..

  • New window pop -up ,in which we select our all vhdl files(just simply click on all files with

    ctrl ) and then click on compile .

    If there is compilation error , message are displayed in red in the console pane otherwise

    successfully compilation is done .

    If there is error, Fix all the error then Recompile all the vhdl files

    c) simulation with coverage

    before doing simulation , go to compile > compile options and select Coverage , select the

    following coverage as shown in figure below and click ok

  • Go to your Workspace library(left side ) , click on the + in front of the work library to see

    its content (vhdl files ).Right click on tst_whole_digital_tdc_ckts_nxt (testbench) and click

    on simulate with coverage .

  • Lots of window pops up as shown in figure below .

  • Select view > New window > wave

    Type run 6000 ns in console window and click enter (to run simulation for 6000 ns).

  • Results

    Carefully study the waveform(zoom in) , it should be functionally correct and check the

    code coverage .

    Code coverage should be more than 95% , code coverage depends upon RTL code of our

    design and our testbench(test vector which we are giving to rtl design ) .we have to write

    testbench in such a manner it will check all the combination of RTL design .

    ii) Simulation with IOPAD

    As we are working on ASIC design flow , In which we have to take our design up to chip

    level or tape out .we have to connect or interface IOPAD (input output pad) with our RTL

    design . IOPAD comes from the vendor library or technology library.

    We are working with UMC 180nm technology, UMC 180nm provides Faraday180nm library.

    Faraday180nm contains all the standard cells and IOPAD which helps for synthesis purpose

    .we have to look what are the iopad available in this library .Faraday180nm contains

    T33_GENERIC_IO (it contains all iopad , corned pad and Empty cells).

  • T33_GENERIC_IO available on server at



    T33_GENERIC _IO contains IOPAD like



    We have to write a VHDL code for IOPAD and final top design (interface b/w RTL and IOPAD


    First open the terminal window and login to server PG01@malashri

    ssh -X PG01@malashri

    cd Alok

    mkdir finaltdc

    copy all the vhdl files in the finaltdc directory . finaltdc directory must contains all previous

    RTL code, VHDL code for IOPAD and final top design (vhdl code for interface b/w iopad and

    rtl design).


    source Xilinx_source.cshrc

    cd finaltdc

    2) Now we need to invoke Modelsim by giving command in rtltdc directory

    vsim &

    vsim & command will open a modelsim window

  • First we need to create a New library (name = fsa0m_a_t33_generic_io) for simulation

    purpose with iopad. In this new library we have to compile

    fsa0m_a_t33_generic_io_Vtables.vhd,fsa0m_a_t33_generic_ioVcomponents.vhd and

    fsa0m_a_t33_generic_io_VITAL.vhd files . All these vhdl files available on server




    other option we may copy these three vhdl files in our directory and do compile , then

    there will be no need for browse all these 3 files .

    Select File > New >Library ... New window (create new library) pops up , where simply

    write fsa0m_a_t33_generic_io and click ok .

  • Now we have to compile simulation files . go to compile > compile and change the library

    name fsa0m_a_t33_generic_io

    Compile all three vhdl files in a sequences fsa0m_a_t33_generic_io_Vtables ,

    fsaom_a_t33_generic_io_Vcomponents and fsa0m_a_t33_generic_io_Vital.

  • Go to our workspace library (left side) and Click on the + in front of fsa0m_a_t

    33_generic_io , where all the iopad present in fsa0m_a_t33_generic_io library

  • we have already check code coverage of our RTL design before in VHDL simulation likewise

    no need to go for code coverage just simply go for functional simulation of your final top

    design .

    Just do all the steps as explain before in VHDL simulation . dont go for simulation with

    coverage becoz iopad reduces the percentage graphs . simply go for simulate .

    Steps for simulation :-

    Compile > compile and select all vhdl files including iopad, final top design and then go for

    compilation , make sure there is no error in console window otherwise check and remove

    the error .

    Go to your workspace library , click + in front of work . select and right click on your

    testbench file(tst_final_top_design_nxt) . Go for simulate .

    Lots of window comes , select view > New window > wave.

    Type 10000 ns in console window and watch carefully your waveform for functional

    verification .

    All these steps already explain before in VHDL simulation .


    For synthesis , we will use design compiler (synopsys).

    As we confirm out RTL design is functionally correct, we need to synthesized the design and

    create gate level netlist.

    For synthesis , we need following files :-

    Technology cell library (.db files)

    VHDL/Verilog code (.vhd/.v).

    Environment & Timing Constraints.

    Before synthesis , we need to create a scripting file(.tcl file) for synthesis .where we define

    all cell library , Design environment, Timing constraints and VHDL files.


    set target_library








  • ynopsys/fsa0m_a_t33_generic_io_ff1p98vm40c.db





    set link_library













    set symbol_library





    define_design_lib WORK -path "work"

    analyze -library WORK -format vhdl {/home/anita/Alok/synthesis/vhdlcode/whole_digital_tdc_ckts_nxt.vhd



    /home/anita/Alok/synthesis/vhdlcode/pipo_nxt.vhd /home/anita/Alok/synthesis/vhdlcode/iopad_nxt.vhd









  • elaborate final_top_design_nxt -architecture TOP -library WORK



    set_operating_conditions -min_library fsa0m_a_generic_core_ff1p98vm40c -min BCCOM -max_library

    fsa0m_a_generic_core_ss1p62v125c -max WCCOM

    set_wire_load_model -name enG30K -library fsa0m_a_generic_core_ss1p62v125c

    create_clock declk -period 94.20 -waveform {0 47.1}

    set_input_delay 0.02 -clock declk clk1

    set_input_delay 0.02 -clock declk clk2

    set_input_delay 0.02 -clock declk clk3

    set_input_delay 0.02 -clock declk clk4

    set_input_delay 0.02 -clock declk clk5

    set_input_delay 0.02 -clock declk clk6

    set_input_delay 0.02 -clock declk clk7

    set_input_delay 0.02 -clock declk rst

    set_input_delay 0.02 -clock declk clk

    set_input_delay 0.02 -clock declk t

    set_output_delay 0.02 -clock declk Y1

    set_output_delay 0.02 -clock declk Y2

    set_output_delay 0.02 -clock declk Y3

    set_output_delay 0.02 -clock declk Y4

    set_output_delay 0.02 -clock declk Y5

    set_output_delay 0.02 -clock declk Y6

    set_output_delay 0.02 -clock declk Y7

    set_output_delay 0.02 -clock declk Y8

  • set_output_delay 0.02 -clock declk Y9

    set_output_delay 0.02 -clock declk Y10


    set_max_area 0

    uplevel #0 check_design

    compile -exact_map

    change_selection -name global -replace [get_timing_paths -delay_type max -nworst 1 -max_paths 1 -


    report_timing -path full -delay max -max_paths 1 -nworst 1



    report_timing > reports/timing.rpt

    report_area > reports/area.rpt

    report_power > reports/power.rpt

    report cells > reports/cell.rpt

    write_sdc final_top_design_nxt.sdc

    write -hierarchy -format verilog -output /home/anita/Alok/netlist/final_top_design_nxt_syn.v

    write -hierarchy -format vhdl -output /home/anita/Alok/netlist/final_top_design_nxt_syn.vhd

    write_sdf -version 2.1 final_top_design_nxt_vlog.sdf

    ------------------------------END of TCL FILE -------------------------

    target_library (.db files) :- This library specifies the name of the technology library which

    help to build a circuit during synthesis. Design complier selects functionally correct gates

    from the target library. It also calculates the timing of the circuit, using the vendor-supplied

    timing data for these gates.

    link_library (.db files) :- This library uses only for resolve references but does not use the

    cells present in it for mapping as in case of target library. For a design to be complete, it

    must connect to all the library components.

  • symbol_library (.sdb files) :- This library contains all the symbolic representation of logic

    cells. Basically used for schematic generation.

    define_design_lib :- define work as library.

    analyze :- The analyze command will do syntax checking and create intermediate .syn files

    which will be stored in the directory work library, the defined design library.

    elaborate :- This command read all intermediate .syn files from work library and built the

    design in the design compiler memory . It translates the design into a technology-

    independent design (GTECH) from .syn files produced during analysis.

    link : This command checks all of the designs and library component referenced in the

    current design.

    uniquify :- This command automatically select the most top design of the hierarchy of RTL

    design .

    set_operating_conditions : operating conditions include temperature, voltage and process

    variation. Before a design can be optimize, we specify operating condition

    (best,typical,worst) in which the design is executed to operate. we set worst condition as

    Max. Library and best condition as Min. library to make it slow-fast process.

    set_wire_load_model : Technology cell library contains various wire load model , depending

    upon design select wire model or otherwise dont select any wire load model during

    synthesis because design compiler by default choose wire load depending upon the design

    complexity. The models include coefficients for area, capacitance, and resistance per unit


    create_clock : we have to select at which frequency we want to operate our design . if our

    design is sequential , then we just select clock pin and give the frequency . If our design is

    purely combinational, then we have create virtual clock like :

    create_clock -period 40 -waveform {0 20} -name clk

    set_dealy : set input and output dealy w.r.t clock .

    set_max_area : This command helps the design compiler to synthesis our RTL design in

    minimum area .

    check_design : This step will check your design's netlist description for problems like

    connectivity, shorts, opens, multiple instantiations.

    compile : This command helps design compiler to synthesis design on the basis of

    constraints(clock frequency, input output delay , clock lantency).

    report : Report command are just to generate report file for area , power and timing .

  • write_sdf : generate sdf (standard delay format) file .

    witre_sdc : generate sdc (standard delay constraints) file.

    Now we have to run our scripting file (.tcl) in design complier

    First login to anita@shri server and create working directory

    ssh X anita@shri

    mkdir Alok

    cd ALok

    ---- create synthesis , reports, netlist directory and all necessary directory where do u want

    to save ur reports, netlist files etc....

    mkdir synthesis

    mkdir reports

    mkdir netlist

    -----source the design complier ------------


    source /cad/synopsys_NEW/synopsys.cshrc

    cd Alok

    -------- now invoke the design compiler and run TCL file --------

    design_vision xg f finaltdc.tcl

    Make sure you are getting all these files in reports directory , verilog netlist in netlist

    directory and sdf file.

    View the schematics of your design , just simply click on schematic and select New design

    schematics view.

  • Post synthesis simulation

    The post-synthesis gate-level simulation uses the same testbench models as the ones

    developed for the verification of RTL models and the same logic simulator. The simulation of

    the Vhdl/Verilog netlist require models of the standard cells that are usually provided in the

    design kit.

    Files require for post synthesis simulation :

    Gate level netlist (in vhdl) which we get after synthesis .

    We have to create two new library for simulation

    Library for iopad (name = fsaom_a_t33_generic_io) , as we create before .

    Library (name = fsaom_a_generic_core) , this library require because after synthesis our

    gate netlist (final_top_design_nxt) become technology dependent that why we need

    simulation file for post synthesis simulation.

    Simulation file contains all standard cells which require for functional simulation and all

    these files available on server at



    All these three are simulation files

  • fsa0m_a_generic_core_Vcomponents.vhd



    Login to server PG01@malashri

    ssh X PG01@malashri


    source Xilinx_source.cshrc

    cd Alok

    mkdir synthesis

    copy the netlist file (in vhdl) in synthesis directory , which we get after synthesis.

    Invoke the modelsim simulator

    vsim &

    Create new library with name = fsa0m_a_t33_generic_io , follow all the steps as explained

    before in simulation with iopad .

  • Create one more library with name = fsa0m_a_generic_core .

    Select file > new > library and type fsa0m_a_generic_core

    As we see new library is added in workspace library.

    Select compile > compile and change the library name work to fsa0m_a_generic_core

    Browse your simulation file fsa0m_a_generic_core_Vcomponents.vhd,

    fsa0m_a_generic_core_Vtables.vhd ,fsa0m_a_generic_VITAL.vhd and compile all these

    three files in sequences .

    Click + in front of fsa0m_a_generic_core and see all the standard cells .

  • Check that , we have two library in our workspace

    a) fsa0m_a_t33_generic_io b) fsa0m_a_generic_core

    Check Both contains there standard cells .

    Make sure we have to simulate gate level netlist file (final_top_design_nxt) , which we get

    after synthesis

    Steps for Post synthesis simulation :-

  • Select compile > compile and select gate level netlist (final_top_design_nxt.vhd) and then

    go for compilation , make sure there is no error in console window otherwise check and

    remove the error .

    Go to your workspace library , click + in front of work library. select and right click on your

    testbench file(tst_final_top_design_nxt) . Go for simulate .

    Lots of window comes , select view > New window > wave.

    Type 10000 ns in console window and watch carefully your waveform for functional

    verification .

    All these steps already explain before in VHDL simulation .


    We are using the Cadence SOC Encounter version 8.1

    After synthesis our design in Design compiler , the synthesized netlist was saved in verilog

    format. We need to convert this synthesized design into a layout . For this purpose ,

    Cadence SOC Encounter uses a verilog netlist and generate its layout view.

    Files require for PNR tool :-

    synthesis netlist (in verilog)

    Timing constraint file (.sdc) , this file generated during synthesis in design compiler.

    IO assignment file (.io) : if use IOPAD in design , we need to generate this file.

    Login to anita@shri server

    ssh X anita@shri


  • source /cad/common_source.cshrc

    cd Alok

    mkdir encounter

    -------- copy the synthesis netlist (final_top_design_syn.v), timing constraints file(.sdc) in

    encounter directory .

    ------------Invoke the soc encounter tool in encounter directory , just simply type encounter.


    encounter will open the soc encounter window.

    Now we can start using encounter . First we need to import the synthesized netlist .

    click on Design -> Import Design , a new window should pop-up . Now we need to fill up

    required files :-

    Verilog netlist files : use the browser buttom on the right to navigate to your synthesized

    netlist ,likewise in my case(final_top_design_nxt_syn.v), make sure you click on Add , then


  • Max Timing libraries : it contains two files , one for standard cell

    (fsa0m_a_generic_core_ss1p62v125.lib) and other

    fsa0m_a_t33_generic_io_ss1p62v125.lib) for IOPAD cells.

    These files are available on server at





    Note : ss1p62v125 library is worst case that why we use as a Maximum library.

    3) Min Timing libraries : it also contains two files ,

    fsa0m_a_generic_core_ff1p98vm40c.lib (for standard cell) and

    fsa0m_a_t33_generic_io_ff1p98vm40c.lib(for ioapd) . they are also available on server ,

    likewise find on above link on yourself.

    Note : ff1p98vm40c is best case that why we use as Minimum library .

    Common Timing libraries : It contains fsa0m_a_generic_core_tt1p8v25c.lib and

    fsa0m_a_t33_generic_io_ tt1p8v25c.lib .

    Not e : tt1p8v25c.lib library is typical case .

    LEF files : contains six lef files , 3 for each standard cell and for iopad cell.

    For standard cells :-




    b) fsa0m_a_generic_core


    For IOPAD cells :-



  • header6_V55



    6 ) Timing constraints file : Browse for timing constraints file(.sdc), likewise in my design

    final_top_design_nxt.sdc . .sdc file is generated during synthesis.

    IO Assignment file : Browse your io file , In my case . You

    have to create this io file . The only need for this file is to proper placement of input and

    output pad . if designer or user wants to change the pins configuration , then he has to

    modify the io file.

  • Now in same Design Import window select Advance tab and specify your Global nets

    (VDD,GND) . click on ok, Also you save this as a .conf file. It will help to open project next


  • Now we can see complete chip view, which has logic block and IO pins surrounding core

    area , where we have to place all digital logic.

    Now you have to specify floorplan , floorplan -> specify floorplan . Here, you decided DIE

    size and core to IO boundary .

  • Now specifying Global nets , Floorplan -> connect Global net . specify all global nets to

    power pins of standard cells.

    Now create power rings around core area. Select Power => power planning => add rings.

    It create power rings which supply power to vdd & gnd pins of standard cells. Select top &

    bottom layer( Horizontal Layers) as metal5 and Vertical layers as metal6.

  • Always odd metal layers are Horizontal metal layers and even metal layer are Vertical


  • Now add strips to core area. Select Power => power planning => add strips.

  • Now for Faraday Library we have to change orientation of all corner pads. Double click on

    corner pad it will show its property, where you can change its orientation. For top right

  • corner pad make R0,top left R90, bottom left R180 and bottom right R270

    Now you have place all standard cells. Click on Place => standard cells, It will place all

    standard cell in core area, you can view it by selecting physical view button

  • Now add all filler cells. Place => Physical cells => add fillers .

    Also add IO filler Cells to fill gap between IO Pads. Place => Physical cells => Add IO fillers.

    Find filler names in io lef file.

  • Now perform Trail Route

    17 )Now clock tree. Select clock buffers which you want put in your design

  • 18 ) After clock tree, go for global routing, where all power pins will routed to

    power rings. Select Route => Special Route option.

    19) Make sure your all power pads and power rings are routed properly and

    then perform nano route to finalize the routing of design.

  • white cross makrs shows errors in related to connections or overlaps.Make sure your design

    is error free.

    Note :- In Faraday Library it will always point for VDD& GND pins X at top of pin, tools will

    show connectivity error, but actually it not error. You can avoid it. Also tool will show

    overlap error for IO fillers. This is also not considered as error, you can simply avoid overlap

    error massage for filler cells. Other than this if you have any errors that you have correct. So

    your final design will look like as follows.

    20 ) Now extract RC values and other reports for further process of Static timing analysis

    using simulation and STA tool.

  • 21 ) Also save your design as netlist to perform final equivalence checking.

    22) Now you can create GDS file. Select Design => Save => GDS/OASIS.

    Note : while creating gds file, give out file name as .gds file and select proper file from your technology library.


  • Save all necessary files : -

    Go to Design -> save ->Floorpaln , Place , Route ,Netlist etc


    After running place and Route on the synthesized design , you obtain a GDS file . you can

    use this GDS file to import the layout from SOC Encounter into cadence Virtuoso layout

    viewer. This allow you to verify the place and route tools have properly generated the

    design and that your design is DRC clean .

    You can verify this by :

    Importing the LEF files for standard cells

    Importing the LEF files for IOPAD cells

    Importing the place and route layout(.gds file) to cadence Virtuoso.

    Login to anita@vlsiserver

    ssh X anita@vlsiserver

    cd umc_work

    ---copy your GDS file in umc_work directory ---------------------------------------

    Icfb &

    -----icfb & command will open cadence tool----------------------------------------

    Before importing your LEF file and GDS file . You have to create one library , where you can

    import your gds file.

  • Go to File -> New -> library .

    New window pops up ...

    Fill all the information as shown below

    Importing the LEF files for standard cells

  • Go to file -> import -> LEF

    New window pops up

    Here we have to import Two lef file for standard cells , so lef are available at :-




    Write path for LEF file name (fsa0m_a_generic_core.lef ) :-


    RE/BackEnd/lef/ fsa0m_a_generic_core.lef

    Target library name : FSA0M_A_GENERIC_CORE

    Select Macro target view as abstract view and click apply

  • Similar select Macro target view as layout view and click apply


    Write path for LEF file name (FSA0M_A_GENERIC_CORE_ANT_V55.6.lef) :-


    RE/BackEnd/lef/ FSA0M_A_GENERIC_CORE_ANT_V55.6.lef

    Target library name : FSA0M_A_GENERIC_CORE

    Select Macro target view as abstract view and click apply

    Similar select Macro target view as layout view and click ok.

    Importing the LEF files for IOPAD cells :-

    Go to file -> import -> LEF

    New window pops up

  • Here we have to import Two lef file for standard cells , so lef are available at :-




    Write path for LEF file name (fsa0m_a_t33_generic_io.lef ) :-


    RIC_IO/BackEnd/lef fsa0m_a_t33_generic_io.lef

    Target library name : FSA0M_A_T33_GENERIC_CORE

    Select Macro target view as abstract view and click apply

    Similar select Macro target view as layout view and click apply


    Write path for LEF file name (FSA0M_A_T33_GENERIC_IO_ANT_V55.6.lef) :-


    RIC_IO/BackEnd/lef FSA0M_A_T33_GENERIC_IO_ANT_V55.6.lef

    Target library name : FSA0M_A_T33_GENERIC_CORE

    Select Macro target view as abstract view and click apply

  • Similar select Macro target view as layout view and click ok.

    Importing the place and route layout(.gds file) to cadence Virtuoso.

    Go to file -> Import -> steam

    New window pops up

    Fill in the stream form as shown below .

    Input file : final_top_design_nxt.gds

    Library name : tdc_design_nxt

    Leave other field blank

    Select User defined data

    Layer map table :

  • Click ok.

    Note : available at server :-


    copy this file into umc_work directory , then browse this map file in layer map

    table .

    Select option : Fill it as shown below

    A new window (stream in option) will pops-up

    Fill the reference library order in sequence : FSA0M_A_GENERIC_CORE


  • Select Retain Reference library (no merge) , Do not overwrite existing cell and leave other

    as a default , click ok in Stream in form

    A pop-up message will indicate that PIPO STRMIN completed successfully.

    Now you can see your layout , which you have imported in cadence virtuous .

    Go to Tools -> library manager

    Select for your library (tdc_design_nxt) , click on final_top_design_nxt (cell) and then

    select layout (view) .

  • Click on Assura -> Run DRC

    If there is DRC error , then remove all these error . Error are shown in error layer window.

    So , you can physical verify your layout design by using Assura DRC in cadence Virtuoso

    Import synthesized design into cadence composer schematics View

    Once you have the schematics design saved as a verilog file , you may need to verify that the

    place and route tools have properly displayed the design .you can verify this by :

  • Importing the place and route layout to Cadence Virtuoso. As you already did before

    in Physical verification , where you import your GDS file from soc-encounter into

    cadence virtuosos.

    Importing the verilog netlist into a schematics in Cadence composer

    Running LVS on the views to verify that they have the same netlist

    *This section describe how you may import the synthesized netlist into cadence

    composer schematic view

    Before importing your synthesized netlist , we have to import verilog files of

    standard cell and iopad cells.

    Make sure you have verilog files of standard cell, iopad cell and synthesized netlist

    in umc_work directory .

    Verilog file of standard cell is available at : -/cad/UMC_FARADAY/Faraday180nm_library/L180_MMRF/fsa0m_a/2009Qv2.0/GENERIC_CORE/FrontEnd/verilog/fsa0m_a_ge


    Just rename the fsa0m_a_generic_core_21.lib.src to fsa0m_a_generic_core_21.v

    when you copy this file in umc_work directory

    Verilog file of iopad standard cell is available at :- /cad/UMC_FARADAY/Faraday180nm_library/L180_MMRF/fsa0m_a/2008Q3v1.2/T33_GENERIC_IO/FrontEnd/verilog/fsa0m_a_


    Just rename the fsa0m_a_t33_generic_io_21.lib.src to fsa0m_a_t33_generic_io_21.v

    when you copy this file in umc_work directory

    Login to anita@vlsiserver

    cd umc_work

    icfb &

    1) Importing verilog file of standard cell

    Go to file , select import > verilog

    New window pops-up

    Target library name :- standardcelllib

    Reference library : sample basic

    Verilog files to import :- fsa0m_a_generic_core_21.v

  • Click ok , then window a pop-up which show that verilog file is import complete.

    2) Importing verilog file of iopad cell

    Go to file , select import > verilog

  • Same New window pops-up , you just have fill the information as shown below

    Target library name :- iopadstandardcell

    Reference library : sample basic

    Verilog files to import :- fsa0m_a_t33_generic_io_21.v

    Click ok , then window a pop-up which show that verilog file is import complete.

    3) Importing verilog file of synthesized netlist

    Here ,you have to add libraries of standard cell and iopad cell, which you have

    generated before

    Go to file , select import > verilog

    New window pops-up

    Target library name :- TDCSCHEMATICS_NXT

    Reference library : standardcelllib iopadstandardcell sample basic

    Verilog files to import :- final_top_design_nxt_enc.v

  • Click ok , then window a pop-up which show that verilog file is import complete.

    Now you have to look for your schematics view which you have generated by verilog netlist

    Go to CIW ,select tools > Library Manager > TDCSCHEMATICS_NXT (library) >

    final_top_design_nxt (cell) >schematic (view)

    Your look like this :-


    In this section we have presented the simulation, code coverage report and synthesis result

    of the TDC . As we already describe the whole architecture of TDC , ASIC design flow of

    Semi-Custom Design and what are the tool require in this design flow. Our next aim to show

    the Simulation, Code-coverage report , Synthesis and Layout result of TDC which we carried

    out throughout the ASIC design.

    Code coverage Report :- It is a technique that allow the users to determine how their

    source code is executed . It gives detailed information on statements that are executed

    during the simulation . code coverage examines each executable statements and checks

    how many times it has been executed . Many types of coverage report are available there ,

    out of which three are very important

    Statement coverage or line coverage :- It provides the most basic level of analysis. It

    simply indicates that a particular line of code was exercised , if a VHDL code consist of 10

    line and 8 lines of code were exercised in a test run then line coverage is 80%.

    Branch coverage :- It consist branches of IF or Case statements and checks how many times

    a true or false condition was met by each branch during the simulation .

    Toggle coverage :- It is a program that measure a design activity within terms of changes of

    signal logical values.

    Coverage result[%] = (number of statements executed) / (total no. of statements) * 100 %

  • For code coverage report percentage should be more than 95% or approx around 95 %. In

    our deisgn , Branch percentage less around 83.9% it is because of testbench which we using

    for our RTL design is not so much effective to cover to branch coverage .Before writing a

    testbench first we should know what corner points of RTL design are there so it will become

    easy to write a testbench .

    Functional simulation :- In figure shown below , it shows the simulation result of Time to

    Digital converter (TDC) before the Synthesis . Functional simulation is simulated in

    modelsim simulator. This functional simulation is totally independent of CMOS technology

    library. Red line are undefined because these are power supply (VDD, GND, VCCIO, GNDIO) .

    These power supply lines are comes into play during Placement and Route process.

  • * Synthesis Result

    All the synthesis is done with Design compiler with Faraday 180 nm library .

    Faraday 180nm library provides three different libraries :-

    ff198vm40c (fast-fast) library is for best case analysis.

    tt1p8v25c (typical ) library is for typical case analysis.

    ss1p6v125c (slow-slow) library is for slow case analysis.

  • For synthesis of TDC , we are taking ss1p6v125c (slow-slow) library as maximum library and

    ff198vm40c (fast-fast) library as minimum library. The maximum library will be used for

    verifying minimum delay constraints (e.g. set-up times). The minimum library will be used

    for verifying maximum delay constraints (e.g. hold times).

  • Report : power -analysis_effort low

    Design : final_top_design_nxt

    Version: B-2008.09-SP5

    Date : Mon Jul 1 09:26:38 2013

    Library(s) Used: fsa0m_a_generic_core_ff1p98vm40c







    Operating Conditions: WCCOM

    Library: fsa0m_a_generic_core_ss1p62v125c

    Wire Load Model Mode: enclosed

    Global Operating Voltage = 1.62

    Power-specific unit information :

    Voltage Units = 1V Capacitance Units = 1.000000pf Time Units = 1ns

    Dynamic Power Units = 1mW(derived from V,C,T units) Leakage Power Units = 1pW

    Cell Internal Power = 18.1065 uW (74%)

    Net Switching Power = 6.4624 uW (26%)


    Total Dynamic Power = 24.5689 uW (100%)

    Cell Leakage Power = 247.5292 nW

  • When performing timing analysis, Design Compiler must consider the worst-case and best-

    case scenarios for the expected variations in the process, temperature, and voltage factors.

    Report :timing -path full -delay max -max_paths

    Design : final_top_design_nxt

    Version: B-2008.09-SP5

    Date : Mon Jul 1 09:26:38 2013

    Operating Conditions: WCCOM Library: fsa0m_a_generic_core_ss1p62v125c

    Wire Load Model Mode: enclosed

    Startpoint: A1/A4/temp_reg[0]

    (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by declk)

    Endpoint : Y1 (output port clocked by declk)

    Path Group : declk Path Type : max

    Y1 (out) 0.00 2.29 r

    data arrival time 2.29

    clock declk (rise edge) 94.20 94.20

    clock network delay (ideal) 0.00 94.20

    output external delay -0.02 94.18

    data required time 94.18


    data required time 94.18 ns

  • data arrival time -2.29 ns


    slack (MET) 91.89 ns


    Report : area

    Design : final_top_design_nxt

    Version: B-2008.09-SP5

    Date : Mon Jul 1 09:26:38 2013

    Number of ports: 25

    Number of nets: 46

    Number of cells: 2

    Number of references: 2

    Combinational area: 102338.961316

    Noncombinational area: 93786.507824


    Total cell area: 196125.469140 um2

  • Process Variation Report :- This variation accounts for deviations in the semiconductor

    fabrication process. Usually process variation is treated as a percentage variation in the

    performance calculation.

  • *GDSII view of Time to Digital converter (TDC)

    Fig GDSII view of Time to Digital converter (TDC)

    This is the GDSII layout generated by SOC Encounterusing Faraday 180 nm library. It has

    total 25 pins.11 are inputs and 10 are outputs pins ,4 pins power pins are for power supply

    in each. All the stages are done check viz., floorplanning, placement, routing, antenna,

    metal density, DRC in the same tool