CABRAMATTERS...2 3 Friday the 13th of November saw a bountiful array of colours, as Cabramatta High...


Transcript of CABRAMATTERS...2 3 Friday the 13th of November saw a bountiful array of colours, as Cabramatta High...

Page 1: CABRAMATTERS...2 3 Friday the 13th of November saw a bountiful array of colours, as Cabramatta High School celebrated Peace Day. With a special visit from the 2015 Sydney Peace Prize



Cover design by: Brian To

Page 2: CABRAMATTERS...2 3 Friday the 13th of November saw a bountiful array of colours, as Cabramatta High School celebrated Peace Day. With a special visit from the 2015 Sydney Peace Prize

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Friday the 13th of November saw a bountiful array of colours, as Cabramatta High School celebrated Peace Day. With a special visit from the 2015 Sydney Peace Prize winner, George Gittoes, fifteen schools and special guests came together to glorify the day’s significance.

George Gittoes is a remarkable individual who promotes peace through art. The Afghanistan Yellow House is one of his most successful projects, that aims to establish a safe haven for artists across several countries.

The school captain, Petra Matic, has stated that “It was great to be able to contribute to Mr Gittoes Yellow House Foundation with {the} fundraising we did over the past few weeks.”

Peace Day 2015 By; Nita Kong and Katrina Trinh


In addition to Mr. Gittoes’ visit, Peace Day also unified 60 diverse cultures within the school. Students from grades 7-12 were part of the welcoming party attired in their traditional clothing. On top of this, many great performances demonstrated the multiculturalism in Cabramatta.

Principal, Ms Beth Godwin commented on the tremendous effort as well, stating “Cabramatta High School staff, students and community are a living example of how many cultures can come together to create peace.” A few days after the event, Gittoes sent an email to the school expressing his thanks and appreciation of the day and said, “It was definitely the most amazing day of my life and certainly one of the happiest.”

Scan this QR code to be directed to the school’s

website for more photos. Photos courtesy of Mr. Hallab

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White Doves ‘R’ Us

Page 3: CABRAMATTERS...2 3 Friday the 13th of November saw a bountiful array of colours, as Cabramatta High School celebrated Peace Day. With a special visit from the 2015 Sydney Peace Prize

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Careers corner By: Mr. Pulham


The Minister for Multiculturalism, The Honourable John George Ajaka, recently presented Timothy Lam with a Premier's Volunteer Recognition Program certificate at a ceremony at

NSW Parliament House. Congratulations to Timothy, our Captain of 2014 !


Cabramatters challenge




Peace Day 2015 ........ 2

Debating Champions ........ 4

careers corner ........ 4

Principal’s Message ........ 6

Principal’s message ........ 7 translations

school council minutes ....... 14 Cabramatters Challenge ........ 15

Oakley in Residence ......... 9

Where are they now? ........ 17

The Science Lab ........ 18

Proud supporters........ 20

2015 the year ........ 21 to be green

HSIE Newstand........ 22

Special RED Time ........ 25 Roll CalL

CHS Stationary shop ........ 26

IMC Sky High ........ 27

Cabra Foodies ........ 28

2nd chance helping ........ 29 The people of Ethiopia

CAPA: Art studio ........ 30

School Calendar ........ 31

Debating champions By: Ms. Simatovic (Debating Coordinator)


Throughout the year, the Year 7 and 8 Debating Team has participated in a number of debates against schools in the South Western Sydney region. They have debated against Cecil Hills High School (Team A and B), Hoxton Park High School, Canley Vale High School and Hurlstone Agricultural High School. Through it all, they have remained undefeated. Their ongoing dedication and hard work has meant that they have made it through

to the Grand Final of the Premier’s Debating Challenge for 2015. Out of 64 teams, our Year 7 and 8 Debating Team was able to successfully defeat Picton High School in the South Western Sydney Grand Finals.

We congratulate Danijela Sekuljica, Sarah Nguyen, Julina Lim and Emma Tang for their excellent efforts and wish them all the best at the Debating Camp.

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Principal’s message 2015 has been an excellent year for Cabramatta High School academically, in sports, the arts and in global citizenship. Our school building project has finished and the school facilities are of the highest standard.

We started the year with fantastic reports of high numbers of school leavers entering tertiary study (85%) and other students gaining full time employment and training opportunities. Five students gained results in the top 10 of the state and in practical subjects of textile, art and multimedia student work was selected for state wide exhibitions.

Our NAPLAN results continued to show that the school is High Performing at State and National levels with some of the best results we have had in five years. Year 9 numeracy results were higher than the State average, which reflects the dedication of both students and teachers to numeracy. Student participation in National and International academic competitions yielded high distinctions, with one student gaining 100% in chemistry. A number of students have excelled in all academic areas and were offered significant scholarships for their senior study and university. Our Junior debating team triumphed over all schools in the South West of Sydney to become the champions.

To support and acknowledge our students who strive for personal best we have created 19 school scholarships as high as $5000. All students have been asked to apply and the results will be announced during the 2015 presentation assembly.

In sporting competitions we had students compete at state level in golf and volleyball. Both the girls and boys volleyball teams achieved 3rd and 4th in the state respectively. The fitness club continues to grow and the breakfast club were featured on morning television. We have

had significant representation in state level swimming, athletics, cross country and football.

In the arts our school dancers featured in the prestigious School Spectacular and performed at a number of venues in the local area. The Lion Dancers performed at many schools in the region showing a high level of discipline and motivation. The drumming groups were in high demand or performance at other schools and in high profile community events. The school hosted professional artists in the Artist in Residence program and worked with students to produce some outstanding artworks. The school concert was of high quality and strongly supported by the community. The school choir and individual singers were selected to perform at a number of events including the Moon Festival and the Australian and Business Community Network.

Our school has been very active in the field of global citizenship. This is an area that is very important to students as they go forward in the world. It is what helps them develop empathy, values and a strong sense of responsibility. It promotes leadership and team work and allows students to respond to issues with purpose. The school raised money to help rebuild an orphanage devastated by the earthquakes in Nepal. Money was raised for our sister school in Kenya to provide tables for the students. Money was donated to the Yellow House project in Afghanistan promoting artists working in peace. Fundraising activities have resulted in enough money being raised to build a school for underprivileged children in Ethiopia. Family hampers were created to give our local community for the holiday period. The students and staff worked together to help an orphanage in Cambodia for children affected by landmines.

The school also hosted 14 other schools at the annual Peace Day to promote peace with justice and for students to contribute

towards making the world a more peaceful place. These projects are very important to our cultural identity in Cabramatta and the school. By giving back to the community we are showing that we value our lives in Australia, we want to make a difference and that we appreciate the struggles of others.

Our school completed the five year major refurbishment and building project funded by the state government. Our campus facilities are now recognised as world class with specialist facilities and technology a feature. The school and community are to be commended for their patience and flexibility during the building project. 2015 has been a progressive year for Cabramatta High School.

The staff, students and community have all worked together to create great outcomes for students across all areas. Cabramatta High School has shown that it is a school where everyone is valued and can achieve.

I wish the staff, students and the community a safe and peaceful holiday season.

Beth Godwin

Principal’s message translations

2015. је била одлична година за Cabramatta High школу академски, у спорту, уметности и глобалном доброчинитељству. Започели смо годину са фантастичним извештајима о ученицима који су завршили школу и наставили на другим високошколским установама (85%) и оним који су добили посао и могућности за обуку. Пет ученика уврстило се међу првих десет у држави, а у практичним предметима као што су текстил, уметност и мултимедиј њихови радови су доспели на изложбу широм државе. Резултати NAPLAN теста настављају да показују да Школа постиже високе резултате на државном и националном нивоу. Неки од резултата су најбољи у протеклих пет година. Резултати ученика 9. разреда у бројевима

су изнад државног просека, што указује на посвећеност и ученика и наставника. Учествовање ученика на разним националним и интернационалним такмичењима донело је највише оцене, међу којима је и резултат од 100% из хемије. Велики број ученика је постигао академски успех и добили су значајне стипендије за сениорске године и универзитет. Наш јуниорски тим је тријумфовао у дебати победивши све школе у регији југозападног Сиднеја и постали су шампиони.

Да подржимо и одамо признање ученицима који теже да дају све од себе, ми смо створили 19 стипендија у износу до 5.000 долара. Свим ученицима смо рекли да се пријаве и резултати ће бити оглашени током завршне свечаности 2015.

У спортским такмичењима ученици су се такмичили у голфу и одбојци. И девојчице и дечаци освојили су 3. и 4. место у држави у одбојци. Fitness клуб и даље расте и заједно са Breakfast клубом приказани су на телевизији на јутарњем програму. Имали смо значајан број представника на државном нивоу у пливању, атлетици, кросу и фудбалу.Што се тиче уметности, наши ученици плесачи учествовали су у престижном School spectacular програму и такође изводили на неколико локалних места. Тзв. Lion плесачи изводили су свој плес у неколико школа у регији показујући висок ниво дисциплине и мотивације. Наши бубњари били су веома тражени да учествују у другим школама и на догађајима високог профила у заједници. Школски хор и солисти.

су изабрани да учествују на разним догађајима укључујући тзв. Moon фестивал и Australian and Business Community Network.

Наша школа је такође била веома активна у области глобалног доброчинитељства. Ова област је веома

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важна ученицима пошто се они крећу према свету. То им помаже да развију осећај за друге, за вредности, као и снажан осећај одговорности. То промовише лидерство и тимски рад и дозвољава ученицима да одговоре на разне проблеме са циљем. Школа је сакупила новац да помогне у изградњи сиротишта која су порушена у земљотресу у Непалу. Такође смо сакупили новац за нашу братску школу у Кенији за куповину ученичких клупа. Новац је такође сакупљен за тзв. Yellow House за њихов пројекат у Афганистану – рад уметника у миру. Разне активности сакупљања новца донеле су довољно средстава да се изграде школе за угрожену децу у Етиопији. Породични пакети су такође припремљени да се поклоне локалној заједници за време одмора. Ученици и особље су заједнички радили како би помогли сиротиште у Камбоџи за децу која су жртве минских поља. Школа је такође угостила 14 других школа на годишњем Дану мира (Peace Day) да промовише мир и правду, као и за ученике да дају свој допринос светском миру. Ови пројекти су јако важни за наш културни идентитет у Кабрамати и школи. Тиме што узвараћамо заједници ми показујемо да ценимо наш живот у Аустралији, да желимо да направимо разлику и да ценимо тешкоће других.Наша школа је завршила главни пројекат изградње и реновирања који је финасирала државна влада. Наша наставна средства су сада призната као средства светске класе са тежиштем на специјалстичким средствима и технологији. И школа и заједница заслужују похвалу за њихово стрпљење и флексибилност током грађевинског пројекта.

2015. је била година напретка за Cabramatta High школу. Особље, ученици и заједница су заједнички радили у стварању изврсних резултата за ученике у свим областима. Cabramatta High школа је показала да је школа у којој свако вреди и може да постигне. Желим особљу, ученицима и заједници безбедан и миран одмор.

Beth Godwin

2015 الرابعلفصل اكابراماتا، -مقالة المديرة

يزبصا نذسعخ كبثشايبرب 5102نقذ كب ػبو أكبدب ػبيبزب انف اناغخ انؼبنخ. ا انثبخ ف انشبظخ

ي يششع الأثخ انزغلاد انذسعخ راد يؼبش ػبنخ.

نقذ ثذأب انؼبو ثزقبسش لأػذاد كجشح ي يغبدس انذسعخ ى %( زصل غهجخ آخش ػه 52يؼخ )ذخه انذساعخ اندب

غهجخ ػه 2انؼم ثذاو كبيم فشص نهزذست. كب زصم زبئح ظ يشرجخ انؼششح الأائم ػه انلاخ ف اناد

خزبس انعبئػ انزؼذدح رى اانزطجقخ ف انغح انف عزشد خ. اأػبل انطهجخ ف انؼشض ػه يغز انلا

ب ف يششع انزقى انغ نهقشاءح انكزبثخ انسغبة زبئد)بثلا( ف إظبس الأداء انؼبن نهذسعخ ػه يغزبد انلاخ انغ ثجؼط ي أفعم انزبئح انز زققبب خلال

ذل يغز خظ عاد. كبذ زبئح انسغبة أػه ي يؼلأعبرزح ثبنسغبة. نزضاو نكلا انطهجخ اانلاخ انز ؼكظ الا

كب أثشد يشبسكخ انطهجخ ف انبفغبد انغخ انؼبنخ % ف انكبء. 011ػ انزض انؼبن، ثسصل غبنت ػه

رض ػذد ي انطهجخ ف كبفخ اندبلاد الأكبدخ قذو نى زقق يسبد دساعخ يخ نذساعزى انؼبنخ ف اندبيؼخ.

نهطهجخ انبفؼ انصش ػه كبفخ انذاسط ف فشقب نهبظشح خة غشة عذ صجسا أثطبنب.

ثذف دػى غهجزب رقذش يغبػى ف ثزل أفعم اندذ قب رى انطهت ي كبفخ دلاس. 2111يسخ دساعخ رجهغ 01ثخهق

ئح خلال انؼشض انغ انطهجخ انزقذى عزى الإػلا ػ انزب .5102نؼبو

ف انشبظخ كب نذب غهجخ رجبسا ػه يغز انلاخ ف انغنف كشح انطبئشح. زقق فشقب انجبد انج انشرجز انثبنثخ انشاثؼخ ػه انزان ػه انلاخ. غزش بد انهبقخ انجذخ ف ان ظش بد انفطس ف انؼشض انصجبز

لا كجشا ػه يغز انلاخ ف نهزهفض. كب نب رثانغجبزخ انؼبة انغبزخ انذا انشكط ػجش الأسبف


ف انف ظش ساقص يذسعزب ف انغكل عجكزبكلاس انؼبن انغز أدا ػه ػذد ي انغبسذ ف انطقخ انسهخ. قذو ساقص سقصخ الأعذ ف يذاسط ػذذح ف

يجذ يغز ػبن ي الاعجبغ انسبط. كب طقخ انبنك غهت ػبن ػه فشق انطجل نهزقذى ف انذاسط

انشسح. اعزعبفذ الاخزبػخالأخش انفؼبنبد انزيسزشف ف ثشبيح "انفب انقى" فبانذسعخ

ػها يغ ثؼط انطهجخ لإزبج أػبلا فخ سائؼخ. كبانكغشد انذسع ػبن انػخ زصم ػه دػى كجش ي قجم اندزغ. رى اخزبس كسال انذسعخ أفشاد ي

انغ نلأداء ف ػذد ي انفؼبنبد ثعب يشخب انقش .الأعزشانشجكخ انصبنر انزدبسخ اندزغ

كبذ يذسعزب فؼبنخ ف زقم اناغخ انؼبنخ. زا زقم يى نهطهجخ ى زقذي ف غشقى ان الأيبو ف انؼبنى. يب رغبػذى ف رطش انزؼبغف انقى زظ ق ثبنغؤنخ.

م اندبػ رغر نهطهجخ ػه رشج نهقبدح انؼذ انذسعخ انزجشػبد ثغشض. خؼعزدبثخ نهقعبب الا

إػبس داس نلأزبو انز زطزب انضلاصل ف إػبدحنهغبػذح ف انجبل. رى خغ الأيال نهذسعخ انشققخ ف كب نزفش انشزلاد نهطهجخ. رجشػب ثبلأيال نششع انجذ الأصفش ف أفغبغزب نهزشح نفب ؼه نشش انغلاو. زدذ

نخبصخ ثدغ انزجشػبد ػ رفش الأيال انكبفخ انشبغبد انجبء يذسعخ نلأغفبل انزعشس ف اثثب. كب قذ خهقب علال انؼائم نزقذب لأبن انطقخ خلال انؼطهخ انذسعخ. ػم انطهجخ انئخ انذسعخ يغ ثؼط نغبػذ ح داس نلأزبو

الأسظخ. اعزعبفذ ف كجدب نلأغفبل انزعشس ثبلأنغبوي انذاسط الأخش ف و انغلاو انغ 01انذسعخ

نهزشح نهغلاو انؼذانخ نهطهجخ نهغبخ ثذف خؼم انؼبنى أيبب. ز انشبسغ يخ خذا نهخ انثقبفخ أكثش عهب يكبب

إب ثئػبدرب نهجؼط ي اندم ف كبثشايبرب ف انذسعخ. ػهب ي قجم يدزؼب فئب ظش ثأب قى زبرب ف انز

أعزشان أب شغت ثزسقق انزغش ثأب قذس يؼببح اخش.

أكهذ يذسعزب يششع انجبء انزأثث انكجش انزذ ػه زى زبنب يذح خظ عاد انز ينز زكيخ انلاخ.

بيؼ نذب راد خدح ػبنخ ػزجبس رغلاد انسشو انداثزغلارب انزخصصخ انزكنخب انزضح. دت رقذش

رسهب ث خلال انهزاانذسعخ اندزغ نهصجش انشخ يششع انجبء.

نذسعخ كبثشايبرب انثبخ، زث 5102نقذ كب ػبو رقذيب ػبيبق انزبئح نهطهجخ ػم انطهجخ انؼبيه اندزغ يغ ثؼط نخه

أظشد يذسعخ كبثشايبرب انثبخ ثأ خلال كبفخ اندبلاد. انذسعخ انكب انز زى رقذش اندغ أ ثئيكبى رسقق


أر نهؼبيه انطهجخ اندزغ ػطهخ يهئخ ثبنغلاو الأيب.

Beth Godwin گودوينث ێب المديرة

2015 الرابعلفصل اكابراماتا، -مقالة المديرة

يزبصا نذسعخ كبثشايبرب 5102نقذ كب ػبو أكبدب ػبيبزب انف اناغخ انؼبنخ. ا انثبخ ف انشبظخ

ي يششع الأثخ انزغلاد انذسعخ راد يؼبش ػبنخ.

نقذ ثذأب انؼبو ثزقبسش لأػذاد كجشح ي يغبدس انذسعخ ى %( زصل غهجخ آخش ػه 52يؼخ )ذخه انذساعخ اندب

غهجخ ػه 2انؼم ثذاو كبيم فشص نهزذست. كب زصم زبئح ظ يشرجخ انؼششح الأائم ػه انلاخ ف اناد

خزبس انعبئػ انزؼذدح رى اانزطجقخ ف انغح انف عزشد خ. اأػبل انطهجخ ف انؼشض ػه يغز انلا

ب ف يششع انزقى انغ نهقشاءح انكزبثخ انسغبة زبئد)بثلا( ف إظبس الأداء انؼبن نهذسعخ ػه يغزبد انلاخ انغ ثجؼط ي أفعم انزبئح انز زققبب خلال

ذل يغز خظ عاد. كبذ زبئح انسغبة أػه ي يؼلأعبرزح ثبنسغبة. نزضاو نكلا انطهجخ اانلاخ انز ؼكظ الا

كب أثشد يشبسكخ انطهجخ ف انبفغبد انغخ انؼبنخ % ف انكبء. 011ػ انزض انؼبن، ثسصل غبنت ػه

رض ػذد ي انطهجخ ف كبفخ اندبلاد الأكبدخ قذو نى زقق يسبد دساعخ يخ نذساعزى انؼبنخ ف اندبيؼخ.

نهطهجخ انبفؼ انصش ػه كبفخ انذاسط ف فشقب نهبظشح خة غشة عذ صجسا أثطبنب.

ثذف دػى غهجزب رقذش يغبػى ف ثزل أفعم اندذ قب رى انطهت ي كبفخ دلاس. 2111يسخ دساعخ رجهغ 01ثخهق

ئح خلال انؼشض انغ انطهجخ انزقذى عزى الإػلا ػ انزب .5102نؼبو

ف انشبظخ كب نذب غهجخ رجبسا ػه يغز انلاخ ف انغنف كشح انطبئشح. زقق فشقب انجبد انج انشرجز انثبنثخ انشاثؼخ ػه انزان ػه انلاخ. غزش بد انهبقخ انجذخ ف ان ظش بد انفطس ف انؼشض انصجبز

لا كجشا ػه يغز انلاخ ف نهزهفض. كب نب رثانغجبزخ انؼبة انغبزخ انذا انشكط ػجش الأسبف


ف انف ظش ساقص يذسعزب ف انغكل عجكزبكلاس انؼبن انغز أدا ػه ػذد ي انغبسذ ف انطقخ انسهخ. قذو ساقص سقصخ الأعذ ف يذاسط ػذذح ف

يجذ يغز ػبن ي الاعجبغ انسبط. كب طقخ انبنك غهت ػبن ػه فشق انطجل نهزقذى ف انذاسط

انشسح. اعزعبفذ الاخزبػخالأخش انفؼبنبد انزيسزشف ف ثشبيح "انفب انقى" فبانذسعخ

ػها يغ ثؼط انطهجخ لإزبج أػبلا فخ سائؼخ. كبانكغشد انذسع ػبن انػخ زصم ػه دػى كجش ي قجم اندزغ. رى اخزبس كسال انذسعخ أفشاد ي

انغ نلأداء ف ػذد ي انفؼبنبد ثعب يشخب انقش .الأعزشانشجكخ انصبنر انزدبسخ اندزغ

كبذ يذسعزب فؼبنخ ف زقم اناغخ انؼبنخ. زا زقم يى نهطهجخ ى زقذي ف غشقى ان الأيبو ف انؼبنى. يب رغبػذى ف رطش انزؼبغف انقى زظ ق ثبنغؤنخ.

م اندبػ رغر نهطهجخ ػه رشج نهقبدح انؼذ انذسعخ انزجشػبد ثغشض. خؼعزدبثخ نهقعبب الا

إػبس داس نلأزبو انز زطزب انضلاصل ف إػبدحنهغبػذح ف انجبل. رى خغ الأيال نهذسعخ انشققخ ف كب نزفش انشزلاد نهطهجخ. رجشػب ثبلأيال نششع انجذ الأصفش ف أفغبغزب نهزشح نفب ؼه نشش انغلاو. زدذ

نخبصخ ثدغ انزجشػبد ػ رفش الأيال انكبفخ انشبغبد انجبء يذسعخ نلأغفبل انزعشس ف اثثب. كب قذ خهقب علال انؼائم نزقذب لأبن انطقخ خلال انؼطهخ انذسعخ. ػم انطهجخ انئخ انذسعخ يغ ثؼط نغبػذ ح داس نلأزبو

الأسظخ. اعزعبفذ ف كجدب نلأغفبل انزعشس ثبلأنغبوي انذاسط الأخش ف و انغلاو انغ 01انذسعخ

نهزشح نهغلاو انؼذانخ نهطهجخ نهغبخ ثذف خؼم انؼبنى أيبب. ز انشبسغ يخ خذا نهخ انثقبفخ أكثش عهب يكبب

إب ثئػبدرب نهجؼط ي اندم ف كبثشايبرب ف انذسعخ. ػهب ي قجم يدزؼب فئب ظش ثأب قى زبرب ف انز

أعزشان أب شغت ثزسقق انزغش ثأب قذس يؼببح اخش.

أكهذ يذسعزب يششع انجبء انزأثث انكجش انزذ ػه زى زبنب يذح خظ عاد انز ينز زكيخ انلاخ.

بيؼ نذب راد خدح ػبنخ ػزجبس رغلاد انسشو انداثزغلارب انزخصصخ انزكنخب انزضح. دت رقذش

رسهب ث خلال انهزاانذسعخ اندزغ نهصجش انشخ يششع انجبء.

نذسعخ كبثشايبرب انثبخ، زث 5102نقذ كب ػبو رقذيب ػبيبق انزبئح نهطهجخ ػم انطهجخ انؼبيه اندزغ يغ ثؼط نخه

أظشد يذسعخ كبثشايبرب انثبخ ثأ خلال كبفخ اندبلاد. انذسعخ انكب انز زى رقذش اندغ أ ثئيكبى رسقق


أر نهؼبيه انطهجخ اندزغ ػطهخ يهئخ ثبنغلاو الأيب.

Beth Godwin گودوينث ێب المديرة

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Năm 2015 là một năm xuất sắc nhất cho Trường Trung Học Cabramatta trên các lãnh vực học vấn, thể thao, nghệ thuật và nghĩa vụ của người công dân hoàn vũ. Chương trình xây dựng trường sở cũng đã hoàn tất và các phương tiện của trường nay đạt được tiêu chuẩn cao nhất.

Chúng ta đã bắt đầu năm học với những bản phúc trình tuyệt vời về số lượng học sinh rời trường để lên học Đại Học tới 85% và nhiều học sinh khác đã có cơ hội tìm được việc làm toàn thời gian cũng như huấn luyện nghề nghiệp. Có 5 học sinh của chúng ta đã có được kết quả vào nhóm 10 học sinh xuất sắc nhất Tiểu Bang trong môn thực hành về vải vóc may mặc, nghệ thuật và báo chí truyền thông, tác phẩm của các em đã được tuyển chọn để triển lãm trên toàn Tiểu Bang. Kết quả kỳ thi Đọc Viết Và Toán Số của chúng ta đã tiếp tục chứng tỏ rằng trình độ giảng dạy của Trường ở vào bậc cao so với các trường trong toàn Tiểu Bang cũng như cấp Quốc Gia qua những kết quả tốt nhất mà chúng ta có được trong năm năm nay. Kết quả về Toán Số của học sinh lớp 9 đã cao hơn mức trung bình của Tiểu Bang phản ánh được quyết tâm của cả học sinh và giáo viên trong lãnh vực dạy và học toán số. Học sinh tham dự các kỳ thi cấp Quốc Gia và Quốc Tế đã gặt hái được kết quả ưu tú cao với một em đạt điểm 100% trong môn Hóa Học. Một số các học sinh có điểm xuất sắc trong nhiều lãnh vực học vấn đã dược cấp những học bổng giá trị trong cấp lớp cao hơn và trên đại học. Toán tranh luận lớp nhỏ của chúng ta đã chiến thắng lớn khi thi tài với các trường thuộc vùng Tây Nam Sydney để trở thành những nhà vô địch.

Để yễm trợ và khen thưởng cho các học sinh của chúng ta khi đã đem hết khả năng của cá nhân mình ra phấn đấu, chúng ta đã cung cấp 19 học bổng của trường trị giá cở

5000 đô la. Tất cả học sinh đã được khuyến khích làm đơn xin và kết quả sẽ được công bố trong buổi lễ phát phần thưởng cuối năm.

Trong những cuộc thi đấu thể thao, chúng ta có những học sinh tham dự cho cấp Tiểu Bang về golf và bóng chuyền. Cả hai đội bóng chuyền Nam và Nữ Sinh đạt được hạng ba và hạng tư trên toàn Tiểu bang. Câu lạc bộ thể dục tiếp tục phát triển và câu lạc bộ điểm tâm đã được trình chiếu trên truyền hình vào buổi sáng. Chúng ta cũng có những đại diện đáng kể ở cấp độ Tiểu Bang về bơi lội, điền kinh, chạy xa và bóng đá.

Về bộ môn Nghệ Thuật, các vũ sinh của trường đã trình diễn trên sân khấu hoành tráng của nhà trường và một số địa điểm trong vùng. Đội múa lân đi trình diễn ở nhiều trường khác trong khu vực chứng tỏ trình độ kỷ luật cao và năng động. Đội đánh trống đã rất là bận rộn với nhu cầu trình diễn tại các trường khác và trong các ngày lễ hội quan trọng trong cộng đồng. Nhà trường có tổ chức một buổi họp các nhà họa sĩ chuyên nghiệp trong chương trình The Artist In Residence và cùng làm việc với các học sinh để sáng tác ra những tác phẩm nghệ thuật xuất sắc. Ban hòa tấu của trường đã được yễm trợ một cách mạnh mẽ và chất lượng cao từ cộng đồng. Ban hợp ca của chúng ta và các ca sĩ cá nhân đã được tuyển chọn để đi trình diễn tại một số các lễ hội bao gồm Tết Trung Thu và Hệ Thống Cộng Đồng Thương Nghiệp Úc Châu.

Trường của chúng ta đã rất là tích cực trong lãnh vực Công Dân Toàn Cầu. Đây là một phương diện rất là quan trọng cho học sinh khi các em tiến vào môi trường của thế giới. Đây là những gì giúp đở cho họ phát triển lòng cảm thông, giá trị của cuộc sống và cảm giác mạnh mẽ về tinh thần trách nhiệm. Nó làm gia tăng khả năng lãnh đạo chỉ huy và làm việc chung với đội ngũ đồng thời cho phép các em đáp ứng với những vấn đề xảy ra với mục đích tốt đẹp của nó.

Nhà trường đã gây quỹ được một số tiền để giúp xây dựng lại một viện mồ côi đã bị tàn phá bởi trận động đất ở Nepal. Một số tiền khác quyên được cũng đã giúp cho ngôi trường kết nghĩa chị em của chúng ta ở Kenya để cung cấp bàn học cho học sinh. Một số tiền cũng đã được tặng cho Chương trình Yellow House ở Afghanistan để xúc tiến nơi các nghệ nhân làm việc trong hòa bình. Những sinh hoạt gây quỹ đã có kết quả là kiếm đủ tiền để xây một ngôi trường cho các trẻ em bị thiệt thòi ở Ethiopia. Những giỏ đựng thức ăn cho gia đình đã được thực hiện nhằm giúp cho các đối tượng thiếu thốn trong cộng đồng vào mùa holiday. Các học sinh cùng hợp tác với nhân viên nhà trường để giúp cho một trại mồ côi ở Cambodia dành cho các trẻ em bị ảnh hưởng bởi mìn bẩy cài đặt trên mặt đất. Trường cũng tổ chức Ngày Hòa Bình hàng năm với sự tham dự của 14 trường khác để quảng bá hòa bình với công lý đồng thời dành cơ hội cho học sinh đóng góp vào việc làm cho thế giới trở nên một nơi nhiều bình an hơn. Những chương trình nầy thật là quan trọng cho tính đặc thù của nền văn hóa ở Cabramatta và ở trong trường học của chúng ta. Bằng cách đáp đền lại cho Cộng Đồng, chứng tỏ được rằng đời sống ở Úc của chúng ta được đánh giá cao, chúng ta muốn làm những gì để đổi khác khá hơn và chúng ta hiểu được nổi khổ khó khăn của người khác.

Trường của chúng ta đã hoàn tất chương trình tái trang bị lớn và xây dựng cơ sở được tài trợ bởi Chánh Phủ Tiểu Bang. Những phương tiện của trường hiện được công nhận là có đẳng cấp quốc tế với những trang bị chuyên môn và sự nỗi bật của khoa học kỷ thuật. Nhà trường cũng như cộng đồng đáng được khen ngợi về sự kiên nhẫn và linh hoạt của họ trong thời gian xây cất công trình.

Năm 2015 là năm tiến triển cho Trường Trung Học Cabramatta. Nhân viên , học sinh và cộng đồng tất cả đã cùng làm việc chung với nhau để tạo dựng được thành

在年初开始時我们知道有为数眾多(85%)的离校生得到很美好的成績成功進入学院進修,其他学生获得全職工作和得到受訓的机会。有五位学生的成績名列全州最优秀成績的名单中,在实踐科目內之紡織品,美朮和多媒体等学科,学生的作品获选在全州中展出。我们的NAPLAN 結果継續顯示了学校的成績皆高过其他学校在全州和全国的水平,这乃五年來最好的成績。九年級的数学結果高过全州的平均成績,这反映出学生和教师兩方面的数学努力而成。学生參加全国和国际学朮競賽获得最优秀的成績,有一位学生在化学科中得到百份百之全对成績。一連串的学生在各学朮笵圍获提供很可覌的奨学金,以在高中和大学時使用。我们的初中生在辯論競賽中勝过雪梨西南区的所有学校而获得冠軍。




quả to lớn cho học sinh qua mọi lãnh vực. Trường Trung Học Cabramatta đã chứng tỏ rằng đây là một ngôi trường nơi mà tất cả mọi người được đánh giá cao và có thể đóng góp vào sự thành công.Tôi xin cầu chúc tất cả nhân viên, học sinh và cộng đồng hưởng được một mùa holiday an toàn và bình yên.


校长致詞 -卡巴瑪打中学校刋,二零一五年第四学期


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Terms and conditions: Students with all the required details will be eligible to enter the draw to win a $50 food voucher.

There is a limit of one entry per student. The winner will be announced on Monday’s assembly in week 11, term 4,

School council minutes WEDNESDAY 28th October, 2015



• School Funding- The school receives several sources of funding to employ additional staff and resources to continually improve student learning. One major source of funding is called RAM or you may have heard it called Gonski funding. Our money is capped at $1.2 million and goes a long way to addressing the needs of our students. Each year we look at what is working and use data to inform our decisions on how to spend the money.

This year we received a grant of $20,000 from an anonymous donor to provide study skills workshops for students in all year groups.

As a school we are now aware of our funding for 2016 and it will be the same as this year. We will be able to continue to offer the high level programs and opportunities for students as we have this year.

• Global citizenship- It is very important that the school continue to be supportive of global issues. This helps develop their sense of citizenship and understanding of the world. It also allows the students to be involved in activities to support others in need.

At the moment we are raising money to build a small school in Ethiopia.



一所在柬埔寨受地雷禍害的孤儿院。在年度和平日中,学校亦招待了十四所其它学校,提升公正的和平,誏学生贡献力量,促使卋界成为一个更和平的地方。对于我们在卡巴瑪打和学校的文化特 性,这个項目是非常重要的。回饋社区,表现出我们重視在澳洲的生活,我们欲作出改变,我们感激其他人所付出的鬥爭。




Beth Godwin

We are about to take on another short term project. This time it is in Cambodia with victims of landmines and the children who are either injured or made orphans through the landmines that still exist in Cambodia.Another element of global citizenship is our annual Peace Day hosting the winner of the Sydney Peace Prize. This year it will be on the 13th November. This year an artist called George Gittoes will be our guest.

2. FACULTY PRESENTATION - Mr A. Simpson - Head Teacher English

• NAPLAN 2015 results given to parents.

3. FACULTY PRESENTATION- Mr. G. Powers - Head Teacher Mathematics• NAPLAN 2015 results given to parents.


• Survey to parents.

5. SRC REPORT - Petra Matic, Carlos Guate, Joanna Qiao, Jordan Treloar• School Captains and Vice Captains for 2016 introduced. Petra Matic and Carlos Guate - Captains. Joanna Qiao and Jordan Treloar - Vice Captains.• Preparing Peace Day event for November. • Team effort and making a difference for a better school environment.• Question time for parents to the new SRC team.• Fundraising and new ideas given.• Mentoring plan suggested by SRC to implement.


Next Meeting 25/11/15. ..............................................................................

Translations for the School Council Minutes are available on the school’s


Fill out the form below and submit it your ROLL CALL TEACHER OR place it in the box outside the staffroom (block 1). Competition closes before Monday’s

assembly in week 11.

Cabramatters Challenge entry details....................................................................................................................

Invent an innovative ice cream flavour for WHAT THE FUDGE Cafe,

to win a $50 food voucher.

Student name: _________________________________Roll Call: __________________________________Invention: __________________________________

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Inter IEP Oratory Showcase Extravaganzaby: Ms. Daghel


On November the 17th, 2015 the Intensive English Centre hosted the Inter IEP Oratory Showcase. We had 14 different Intensive English Centres from around NSW (Canberra and Wollongong included) and many special guests, particularly Ms Gaffey our retired IEC head teacher joined us on this exceptional day. The Inter IEP Oratory Showcase allowed students to showcase their speaking ability. The students spoke passionately about numerous topics. They captivated their audience and shared their views, feeling and thoughts in an expressive and emotive way. They all did extremely well and were all congratulated on their efforts.

The sound and lights in the hall were spectacular and added to the ambience of the day. We thank Rhegie Mai Salcedo and Tuan Minh Le for representing Cabramatta IEC and speaking so clearly and vividly about bullying and pollution. We would also like to thank our MC’s Hussein Al-Natrawee and Ngoc Han Tran for ensuring the assembly ran smoothly. The day was a great success thanks to all staff and students who contributed to making this day happen. 16

Photos by: FMC

Where are they now?By: Ms Phung & Miss Lam.


The class of 2005 recently reunited after 10 years of graduating from Cabramatta High School. The reunion was held on the 15th of November at a trendy café in Glebe, called Brewristas and is owned by ex-students in the cohort. Former students and teachers were delighted to celebrate the anniversary and reminisce all the memorable experiences they had at school. It was great to hear about the wonderful accomplishments our students were able to achieve after graduating from the school. Our former students were happy to share their success stories in their chosen career paths and personal life. Some students have embarked on a career in Pharmacy, Teaching, Business, Accounting, Engineering, Investment Banking, Medicine, Physiotherapy, Political advising and etc.

The night was filled with laughter where many happy, fond and embarrassing moments were recounted and reflected upon. We were all amazed about how quickly time has passed and were surprised how much the school has changed during the time. The night concluded with an intimate and honest discussion about whether each individual has achieved what he or she have set out to accomplish 10 years ago.

All graduates were grateful of the support the school has provided them and appreciate the role of the school in preparing them for life beyond the HSC.




civil engineering


radiography pharmacy

medical research


political adivising


civil engineering

Australian defence force


human resources


software engineering


civil engineering

legal services

retail services

business consultancey

personal training

On Sunday 22nd and 29th of November, 6 students from Year 7 to 10 were given the opportunity to participate in the Oakley In Residence – Creative Collaboration & Creative Workshops. They were taught how to design and print their own t-shirts and about illustrations and photography with some of the designers and illustrators from Oakley. Some students were lucky enough to win prizes and they all had an amazing time. A big thank you to Mr Kerehona and Street University Liverpool who picked the students up from Cabramatta and drove them home on the day.

Oakley in residenceBy: Ms Calderan


Photos courtesy of Jackie Te Aroha and Brent Kerehona

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The Science Lab ............................................................................................................................................................

Space Camp 2016 UpdateA huge thank you to our generous sponsors who have very kindly donated funds for our students to be able to travel to the USA to attend space camp next year. Students wrote a letter of introduction about themselves with help from Mrs Piesse which was collated with a cover letter and information about the camp.

Cabramatta Bowling Club has donated $2000 per student and Cabravale diggers has donated $1000 per student. Students were most appreciative and will visit the clubs to give a presentation of their experiences on their return.We are most grateful for their support as some of our students would find it difficult to attend without this generosity.

Spectacular Science News By: Kim Le and Sandy Nguyen

On the 26th of November, Year 9 Science 1 and 2 went to the University of Sydney to participate in the Spectacular Science Day.

The day began with some amazing demonstrations to showing the uses of liquid nitrogen and the explosive power of hydrogen gas. Some of our students were even selected to participate!

Students then completed different workshops. These included DNA analysis and extraction, engineering, chemistry with dry ice and slime, and a skeleton workshop.After lunch, Adam Spencer gave a presentation about the amazing power of maths and encouraged us all to get more involved in maths at university.

At the end of the day, exhausted and full of new knowledge, we hopped on the train home.

Every year Mrs Jeyakumar enters our students into the Australian National Chemistry Quiz, and our students always compete at an exceptional level. This competition aims to stimulate a student’s interest in chemistry and shows them the real life applications of chemistry in society.

The quiz is translated into seven different languages and is conducted throughout Australia and in 17 neighbouring countries. Congratulations to all students who participated in this opportunity! We received 9 credits, 8 distinctions and 5 high distinctions. However this year we also received a special “Award of Excellence”!

Congratulations to Sok Haing Phork who had a perfect score of 100%! Sok is an exemplary student who is not only achieving great marks in chemistry, but also in his Physics studies.

The Australian National Chemistry QuizBy: Ms. Piesse

During the September/October school holidays, Jennifer Vo, Janet Lim and I attended an exciting and fun event, UNSW Experience It: Women in Engineering Conference. The all-day event for girls was jam-packed with a range of activities about engineering and how women can benefit from working in a field like this. There were many activities, all categorised by different types of engineering, allowing each student involved in the event to explore the wonders of engineering.

All activities allowed the opportunity of discovering what being an engineer was about as well as having fun. These included designing solutions to problems, considering different factors when making a project and improving the way we live. The event was hosted by the motivating Faculty of Engineering students and staff at UNSW, where many questions were asked by students and answered thoroughly by staff, Engineering students and guest speakers.

Towards the end of the day, the event ended with one last session, where show bags were given out, in order to further our knowledge of the wonders of engineering.

WIE ConferenceBy: Jennifer Ly

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proud supporters ...............................................................................................................................................

Cabramatta High school would like to gratefully acknowledge

the generosity of our sponsors.

Academy Photography Bavas Music City Cabramatta Community Centre

Ching Hai International Association Coca-Cola Amatil Committed to Coaching C2C)

Greater Union Liverpool Iglesia Ni Christo Church of Christ

Kenny Lam Tuition, Coaching Learning Centre Kimarie Lingerie and cosmetic boutique

Lansvale Pharmacy Lifeline Macarthur LJ Hooker Cabramatta Local Care Pharmacy

Lowes Narrelan Maple Florist Margaret Milligan- School Canteen

Martial Arts Spirit Nancy Nicholls Plus Fitness Cabramatta Priceline Bonnyrigg

Ray White Cabramatta 7/10 Split Bowling Fairfield Sydney Printing Signage

Sheryl Rumball Taylors Pharmacy Top Class English Tutoring

The Australian Association of All Nationalities of China Inc.

V Mobile Phone Repair White Doves R Us

LiverpoolMega Centre

2015 the year to be green! By Kevin Tear & Brandon Huynh (year 9)


What a year it has been! This year, the Enviro Club carried out many projects that have improved our school and we have had a great time doing it. Earlier in the year we planted forty trees near the back of the school next to Block 4 as part of Planet Ark Tree Planting day. We adopted the responsibility of watering them regularly and we must say they are growing really well. As part of Green Day, we took on cleaning out the storerooms and book rooms of the school and with the help of year 8 and CBA (Commonwealth Bank) volunteers we mulched the gardens as well.

As part of Earth hour we encouraged the school to turn off electrical devices such as lights and computers for one period to conserve energy. We have also started our own spinach vege table patch. We planted the seedlings, watered the plants and when the spinach was grown we harvested it and donated it to the Home Economics faculty. Hopefully they cooked something yummy

with the organic spinach. We have also nurtured the 10 indoor plants donated to us by Bonnyrigg Garden Centre. Our most recent project has been taking part in National Recycling week. We were given a recycling bin by Bingo Bins for one week and the whole school got behind the project and recycled unwanted items. We also had special guest speaker from the Fairfield City Council, to talk to us about the importance of recycling correctly and how it affects our environment.

Just like our plants, the Enviro Club has grown and blossomed this year. We are extremely proud of all that we have achieved. We have created awareness and actioned fantastic projects that have contributed to an environmentally sustainable school, community and world. We are excited about what projects we will take on in 2016. We hope to see our committee expand and look forward to meeting new members who are equally enthusiastic as we are, about making the world a better place.


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HSIE NEWSTAND...............................................................................................................................................

On Friday 20th November, an event was held at The Hills Sports High School with a group of Year 7 and 8 students who participated in the History Mastermind. It took us around 25 minutes to travel to Seven Hills station with 28 different schools that also competed in this event. Teher were four people in each group. A series of questions were based on history and current affairs which were thrown at students. What was this? What was that?

Year 7 and 8 History Mastermind CompetitionBy: Trish Nguyen and Jenifer Ly

It was very challenging as we had to walk through the Sahara desert and endure the heat that the sun forced upon us. Never fear! We all survived without missing any arms or limbs. Water and some fans were provided. Although it was a scorching day, we think that all the students did a pretty good job.

Overall, it was a wonderful day as we had the opportunity to meet and interact with many new people from other schools. We would like to thank Mr Pratap and Ms Phung for preparing us for the History Mastermind Competition and Mrs Mikulic for joining us on the day.

Commerce Business ChallengeBy: Nita Kong and Katrina Trinh

On Friday the 16th of October, both Year 9 Commerce Classes undertook a challenge that required them to run a business during school. This was to apply knowledge learnt throughout the year in a real-life experience.

The execution of this process relied upon thorough planning in terms of; marketing, finance, operations and Human Resources, that occurred 6 weeks prior to the business day. It involved students working together and communicating effectively within a team environment.

“The Commerce business challenge gave me an insight into the realities of business and made me realise the difficulties of the workforce.” said Jing Chen, 9 Commerce 2.

Selling to the grades 7-12 and teachers saw difficulties in time management and surplus products. The challenge was a race against time as both classes competed to gain the most profit and return on investment, selling Wings, Sweet Drinks and Dominos Pizza. In the end, profits ensured positive returns for student investor.

Despite difficulties that surfaced, students were able to overcome them and use this experience as a learning point for the future. They incorporated the use of strategies such as better teamwork, leadership roles as well as improved communication. Hope Ale, a student of 9 Commerce 1 stated that “It was a good experience. I learnt how to run a business and the strategies required to make it successful”.

Overall, running of the business was a great success, highlighting the student’s ability to work together in a stimulated business environment.

What is the PAC program?-- CBA Partner a class is a program that is run by the Commonwealth Bank. This unique program allows Business Studies students to have the opportunity to work together with mentors from CBA to guide, inspire and prepare students for the corporate world. Throughout this program we have had the opportunity to develop the following skills including: leadership, team work, problem solving and communication.

Some highlights!-- This year’s CBA group had the privilege of meeting mentors with many years of experience at the City and Parramatta offices as well as at school. We have met and heard many inspirational people that work at CBA and have shared their tips and advice to dream big and achieve our goals.Challenging activities are

provided as well, to help student’s further gain knowledge and skills. An example of an activity that CBA gave students was to build the tallest building using paper, sticky tape, straws and staples within a 5 minute time frame! This was to work on our team building and problem solving skills under pressure. We have also met media personalities from the bank as we had our 5 seconds of fame facing bright lights and a camera!

Even though, we are only half way through this program we have accomplished so much and have grown in confidence. We are thankful to our mentors, particularly Andrew Roberts, Albert Wong and Kristine Jenkins who have worked closely with us on our journey and have given us an invaluable insight into the business world and what we can potentially achieve in the future.

CBA Partner A Class 2015By: Kathy Tran

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El Dia de los MuertesBy: Ms. Passarelli, Shaylyna and Clementine

El Dia de los Muertes is a traditional Mexican celebration, a day to honour and remember those who have departed this life. On the 9th of November, 8HSIE7 and 10 Elective History participated in the inaugural “Day of the Dead” celebrations. The classes had an opportunity to deepen their understanding of the customs and traditions of the people of Mexico and how their beliefs have been strongly influenced by the Spanish colonisation of Mesoamerica since the 1500’s.

Despite the growing commercialisation surrounding the “Day of the Dead” celebrations being linked with Halloween, the students through their investigations have been able to understand the true meaning and significance of this event for Mexicans.The highlight of the day was the photo booth which was enjoyed by both students and teachers alike(see pictures above). The students had the choice of dressing up as Spanish conquistadors, Mexicans or Catalinas.

Another highlight was the Mexican fiesta prepared by Mrs.Mikulic, a delicious spread of tacos, burritos, salsa, guacamole and off course chocolate. This was washed down by red cordial, a tribute to the ancient practice human sacrifice by the Aztecs. Shaylyna of Year 10 said that the “Day of the Dead celebration was a fun experience, everyone was enjoying themselves and participating in all the activities”. Clementine from Year 10 also added that the “Day of the dead celebration was a fantastic opportunity to experience a different culture, with all the different foods and costumes. A big thankyou to Mrs. Mikulic for making this day possible”……

~ Adios Amigos ~

Each morning during roll call, a group of teachers and Year 7 and Year 8 students meet in the l ibrary. Most of the students have been in Australia less than three years and have been chosen to participate in a program to help improve their reading, comprehension, spelling and writing skills.

Students work in small groups and with the help of the teachers and three Year 9 peer mentors who come each Thursday they complete three books in each level of the program. For each book they do a variety of tasks which include both reading the book and listening to it on a CD, completing a range of spelling, vocabulary and dictionary activities, sequencing the story, filling in a cloze passage, answering comprehension questions and composing a piece of writing.

As a result of their involvement in the program, all students feel that their skills and overall confidence in their classes have improved. Here are some of the students’ comments:

“I like to learn new words.”

“I love the books! The teachers are nice and they help me with reading.”

“I now know how to spell better than before and I have more confidence.”

“When I’m in other classes I remember how they teach us to answer comprehension

questions and it really helps a lot.”

“I learned to pronounce words properly… I am more confident to read and not shy anymore.”

Special RED Time Roll CallBy: Ms Lowe


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CHS Stationary ShopBy: Mr. Pratap


The CHS Stationery Shop is now open for trading from Ground Level - Block 7. It is open everyday from 8.30am to 8.55 am.

We sell ALL the school needs in one place and it is the cheapest store in NSW.Some of our products include: * Exercise Book 92 pages * A4 Grid Book 192 pages * Mathematical Set * Exercise Book A4 192 pages * Exercise Book 360 pages * Compass * Exercise Book 240 pages * USB - 4GB, 16GB * Protectors * Calculator - FX 82 AU Plus * Rulers: 15cm, 30 cm * Eraser * HB lead pencils * Coloured Pens (Blue/ Red) * Gluesticks* Correction Tape (White-out) * 1m contact (book covers) * Display Folder * Dictionaries/ Thesauruses * Paper Clips

Art Supplies: * A3 Art Folio with handle * A4 Display Folder * Canvas Apron * Artline black felt tip pen 0.8mm * Daler – Rowney Brushes * Daler – Rowney Oil Paint* Calligraphy Pen (2, 3.5 & 5mm) * Canson Visual Journal A4

* Daler – Rowney Deep-Edge Canvas 24” x 20” * Faber Castell Kneadable Eraser * Faber Castell Watercolour Pencils * Jo Sonja Acrylic Paint Sampler* Koh-I-Noor Brilliant Watercolour Paints * Micador Paper Stump* Plastic Palette Knives * Reno Charcoal Pencils* Sakura Watercolour Brush size 6 * Staedtler Graphite Pencils

IMC Sky High By: Shalom, Efalata, Isabel, Annabel, Maria, Danny, Christine, Jack, Adel,

Lachlan, Tam, Nhien and our mascot Mrs van Groesen....................................................................................................................................................

Sky High is a fun and interesting program run by the University of Technology, Sydney and IMC where we get to go to different places. Here are just two.

Music Day with Australian Piano Quartet

On Thurs 30 April, we went to the UTS Tower in Sydney where we danced and responded to music. We also did some exercises on how musicians communicate with each other while performing. We also got to play instruments in front of another school.

Then at the end of the day we watched the Australian Piano Quartet perform multiple classic songs. The music was relaxing, calming and inspirational. We learnt a lot at the workshop including how to respond the music.

Amazing Race around The Royal Botanical Gardens

On Thursday 21 May we travelled by train to the SOH where we met other schools and formed teams and began a race around The Royal Botanic Gardens.We had to find a map to find different places like the herb garden, the cadi garden and the main lakes. We were really good at communicating with each other and finding our way through the gardens. Even though we got lost it was a fun experience to find all kinds of different herbs and flowers.

One group had Ms Van Groesen as our mascot.We learnt a lot at the Cadi gardens like how the Indigenous boys had to have a front tooth knocked out to become a man. We got to try the bush food like kangaroo, plum, damper and lime fingers. It was all delicious but the davidson plum was really sour and bitter.

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This year a dedicated team of volunteers from within the school and wider community have been working to raise enough money to build a school in Ethiopia. The land and services of a teacher have already been secured by the Eloi Prison Ministry

This school is for children whose parents are in jail and who have no alternative but to live with their parents. Through providing a school for these children they will gain basic education and become literate and numerate. They will have a chance to make their way in the world.

The school has been making greeting cards and selling them in the community throughout the year raising $3000.00.

Special thanks to Stampin up Australia, Mrs J Godwin and Ms J Wicks for donating products and card kits which has helped make over 1000 cards this year.

A fundraising dinner was held in October where items were raffled, cards, paintings and Ethiopian crafts were also sold. The dinner was kindly provided by Margaret Milligan and team from the school’s canteen and we wish to thank her for her generous support.

A total of $6000.00 was raised at the dinner and with additional donations the school has raised a total of $21630.17 this year which will be enough to build the school.

We would like to thank the students and staff, their families and friends for their dedication to this cause.

We would also like to thank the community and our many sponsors for their ongoing support and generosity.

2nd chance helping the people of ethiopiaBy: Mr. Befekadu


Special thanks to our major sponsors:

Looking for a great place to hang out with friends after school or during the weekends? Then What The Fudge is the place to be. This local dessert joint is located at Shop 1, 100 John Street, Cabramatta, NSW.

Being at the end of John street and walking into What The Fudge was like stepping out of Cabramatta and into one of the groovy and chill cafes we thought we could only find in the city. We were definitely impressed. We were greeted by thoughtful customer service and the sound of upbeat music. What really set the mood for an awesome outing were the artworks of pop culture references on the walls and the open atmosphere.

Josephine: There was a vast choice to choose from and in this case, I chose the “Green Tea Frappe” and “The Nutella Heaven”. The Green Tea Frappe was sweet and had just the right amount of matcha powder. The drink was topped with fluffy whipped cream and had sprinkled matcha powder all over the top, which made it more appetising. The “Nutella Heaven” consists of 2 slices of waffles, a scoop of Golden Gay Time ice cream, a small plate of melted milk chocolate and finely sliced bananas and strawberries. The milk chocolate remained smooth and soft and was a great dipping sauce for the fresh fruits. The dusted icing sugar and the chocolate drizzles made the waffles even more irresistible.

Amanda: If you’re trying to escape the summer heat, I suggest that you try their must have Golden Gay Time specialties- The Golden Gaytime Frappe and the deep fried ice cream. This golden duo absolutely set

Cabra foodies By: Josephine Lang & Amanda Easterbrook



Margaret MilliganNancy NichollsSheryl Rumball

my tastebuds dancing when I took a bite into the crunchy pastry with melted milk chocolate drizzled all over and into the soft and crisp textures of golden gaytime ice cream. The chilled frappe sealed the deal as i gobbled down the delicious drink within minutes. It was magical! The service, atmosphere and food would make an amazing experience with family, friends or a date.

Overall, the flavour and appearance of the dishes were exceptional. The atmosphere of the cafe was amazing. All items we ordered were were reasonably priced and we had a great time! We would strongly recommend this café to anyone craving for some serious desserts within the area.

Deep fried Golden Gaytime

The Nutella Heaven

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CAPA: ART STUDIO.............................................................................................................................................

Leading up to Peace Day, all of Year 8 Visual Arts students researched their cultures and traditional housing. They selected one of these houses and made a ceramic tile which they then painted yellow. The tiles were installed in the Peace garden on garden stakes to symbolise the coming together of many cultures in creativity – this is what the Yellow House Project of George Gittoes is all about.

Mr Gittoes was so impressed with the tiles that he chose 25 tiles to take with him and place in the garden of the Yellow House Artist Collective in Jalalabad. On his facebook page he wrote;

“It was like our dream to bring Yellow houses to all the conflict zones of the

world. The kids had gotten it!”

We also sold the tiles and raised $200 for Mr Gittoes and his Yellow House projects. Congratulations to Year 8 for their hard work!

PEACE DAY- Yellow House Tiles

Photos courtesy of Mr. George Gittoes

This year in the Artist In Residence program, we had Abdul Abdullah, Di Turner and Angus Fisher come and work with our Year 9 and 10 Visual Arts students.

Mr Abdullah started the year with portrait painting and got all the students painting versions of George Gittoes. The portraits also became a feature of Peace Day. Several portraits are on display at St James station as part of the World’s Biggest Classroom Project.

Then we had ceramic artist Ms Turner whose tiles were inspired by the shopfronts of Cabramatta. Turner’s work also influenced the Yellow House Tiles installationin the Peace Garden on Peace day.

Finally, we had printmaker Mr Fisher who explored botanical specimens and mythical creatures through drypoints and drawings.

We would like to thank our three artists for their valuable time and expertise throughout the year. The students have thoroughly enjoyed the experience of learning about range of materials, techniques and themes.

Artist In Residence (AIR)

Walking Together Congratulations to Kelly Quach of year 8 for her entry to the Cultural Diversity Calendar 2016. Kelly received a Cerificate of Achievement as her work was shortlisted for selection. Her artwork is oil on canvas and titled "Walking Together".

Peace Prize Portait by Cindy Bui of Year 10

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WEEK Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat/ Sun

Jan 1 Week



26 Australia Day

27 School

Development Day

28 Years 7, 11

& 12 Start school

29 Years 8, 9, 10

& IEC Start school


Feb 2 Week




3 4 5 6/7

Feb 3 Week


8 9 10 11

12 13/14

Feb 4 Week


15 16 17 18 19 20/21

Feb 5 Week


22 23

24 CHS Swimming


School Council Meeting





6 Week




2 3

4 5/6

Mar 7 Week




9 School Photo


10 11


Mar 8 Week


14 YR 7/8

Immunisation Catch up day

15 16 17 18 19/20

Mar 9 Week



22 23 School Council

Meeting 6:30 - 8:30pm

24 25 Good Friday

Public Holiday


Mar/ Apr

10 Week


28 Easter Monday Public Holiday

29 30 31

1 Cross Country




11 Week


4 5

6 7 8 9/ 10