Cabin in the woods ppt


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Transcript of Cabin in the woods ppt

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By Amie Brady

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SOUNDAs the distribution and production logos are being shown we can hear the non digetic soundtrack. We can hear a repetitive low pitched thumping accompanied with the sound of machinery creating an uncomfortable atmosphere for the audience. We can then faintly hear a high pitched choir which then sharply fades out into the sound of a heavy gate closing. We then hear a repetitive low pitched beat accompanied with a symphony of high pitched trumpets, both sounds contrast with one another to create an interesting effect. This non digetic soundtrack creates tension and makes me think of the theme of adventure. The music then increases in pitch suggesting something is going to happen shortly making the audience feel cautious. Additionally, the drum beats increase in volume suggesting an increase in power or status will be introduced throughout the film. The non digetic soundtrack then increases in both volume and pitch which results in an increase of tension but then sharply fades out to the digetic sound of surround music and the dialogue of a male character stating ‘its hormonal’ this makes the audience feel relieved. Dialogue continues now until one of the male character asks ‘are you even listening to me?’ and the title ‘The Cabin in the woods’ comes onto the screen accompanied by a short sharp sound of screaming which shocks the audience as the screaming contrasts with the previous ‘casual’ dialogue. We then hear the digetic sound of a young ‘hip’ band playing from a young girls cd player and the sound of a skateboard, this contrasts dramatically with the previous ‘screams’ and makes the audience feel comfortable again.

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MISE EN SCENEWe first see a black background with dark red blood dripping from the sides into a puddle of blood and in the puddle of blood we can see an image of an Egyptian this suggests the film is gong to have a historical background or link. We then continuously see the puddles of blood with images from the past in them. All images are violent and include pain and suffering which suggests that it will be a main theme throughout the film which makes the audience feel uncomfortable. We then instantly switch mood as we see a sign stating ‘Enjoy a fresh cup of coffee’ which makes the audience feel relieved and comfortable. We then see two male characters talking in a kitchen which creates a relaxed atmosphere. Both men are wearing suit and tie suggesting they care about their appearance and have efficient jobs. Then we see, what looks like, a lab, which reinforces the idea of the male characters have efficient and ‘smart’ jobs. We then see the two male characters on a small car suggesting they have a lot of authority within their job which could indicate they are very smart. We then cross cut into a very different scene where we see a young girl wearing just a t-shirt and underwear in her room dancing to music which creates a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. We then see inside her room and are shown that she has posters on the walls and lots of clothes indicating she is a stereo-typical teenage girl. This atmosphere and mood contrasts dramatically with the images shown in the puddles of blood at the beginning of the sequence which makes the audience question what the link is between these two separate scenarios.

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CINEMATOGRAPHYFirstly, we see close ups of the puddles of blood in order for the audience to see the detail of the images inside the blood. We then see an extreme close up of the words ‘Enjoy a cup of fresh coffee’ to highlight the mood has changed and to hide the information of the surroundings of this machine. We then zoom out to identify the whereabouts of the coffee machine and we see that it is placed in a dark, dull kitchen. The use of a previous close up makes the audience assume it is placed in a colourful surroundings and then the zoom out shows that it is not, but is in a contrasted dull surroundings. We then see a long shot of a ‘lab’ this is to introduce information and clues about the characters and this long shot of a ‘lab’ suggests they have important jobs as it looks very clean and efficient. We then have dolly shot from in front as we follow both male characters this suggests they are going to be a main part of the film. Then we see a long shot of a house in a colourful and friendly-looking neighbourhood. The bright colours contrast with the previous dullness of the ‘lab’. We then zoom in to a young teenage girls bedroom the use of a zoom shows that she is also going to be a main part of the film. We then see a point of view shot showing the young girl looking into her drawing book and we are shown a side portrait of an elder man. The use of a point of view shot indicates that the drawing is extremely personal to her and also it makes the audience feel more involved and more emotionally attached to this character.

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EDITING,TITLES&QUESTIONSThroughout the opening sequence, the editing is slow paced suggesting that scenarios will happen slowly further on in the film which creates tension. The use of a cross cut from the beginning titles to the lab and then to the young girls bedroom is very effective and it shows a dramatic contrast and suggests the film will include dramatic changes which makes the audience intrigued. In the beginning titles showing the puddles of blood it is one long continuous shot which helps create the image if blood slowly dripping. The titles are in the colour red suggesting blood which could imply the film is going to contain violence and aggression making the audience feel aware and cautious. The title ‘The cabin in the woods’ sharply jumps onto the shot and fills the whole screen. It is in block capital letters emphasising the importance of the name of the title. Also, it is in the colour red reinforcing the idea of blood and danger. We then see the title of the director and it is in the previous red font but as blood dripping around it. The blood contrasts dramatically with the shot of the young teenagers. Questions asked throughout this opening sequence would be: Why are the images in the puddles of blood such a significance? What job do the two male characters have? Who is the man the young girl has drawn? Where are the teenagers going?