Ca3 NEW Letter 1

FOR INFO ONLY LETTER 1 - SEND THIS ALONG WITH SECTION 10 NOTICE Delete this before priti! NON-NEGOTIA"LE [First name] of the family: [Surname] c/o [your house name or number] [your Address line 1] [your address line 2] [your postcode] FAO: [CEO Full ame] [!heir address line 1] [!heir address line 2] [!heir address line "] [!heir postcode] Cc: #$ana%er& Contact ames 'ere( [date] Re# Refere$e N%&ber# 'ACCO(NT N()"ER* )ear [CEO !itle Surname] * +ould be happy to settle any ,nancial obli%ation * mi%ht la+fully o+e& as soon as * ha-e recei-ed the follo+in% documentation from you * re.uir e A documentation to be presented to me in substance and +ith full disclosure: 0 A co py o f the la+fu l ! erms a nd Cond iti ons 0 alid ati on o f the de bt # the act ual accoun tin%( - eri,cation of your claim a%ainst me #a s+orn a3da-it or a hand si%ned in-oice in accordance +ith !he 4ills of E5chan%e Act 1662( -  ! rue and certi,ed copies # ot photocopies( o f the )eed of Assi%nment #O! otice of Assi%nment( and )eed of o-ation - A copy of the contract si%ned by both parties in +et in7 and therefore bindin% both parties - A true and certi,ed copy #O! photocopy( of the Ori%inal ote #Credit A%r eement(& under penalty of per8ury and +ith unlimited liability and con,rm that this ote& has ne-er been sold -  !he name of the indi- idual +ho is the duly author ised representati-e from your company& +ho has carried out due dili%ence under !he $oney aunderin% 9e%u lations 2; and +hat actions s/he has ta7en in relation to this account< * hereby %i-e you ten #1( days to reply to this notice from the abo-e date +ith a notice sent usin% recorded post and si%ned under full commer cial liability and penalties of per8ury& assurin% and promisin% me =a%e 1 of +


Ca3 (new) letter one

Transcript of Ca3 NEW Letter 1

Page 1: Ca3 NEW Letter 1

7/21/2019 Ca3 NEW Letter 1 1/2


Delete this before priti!


[First name] of the family: [Surname]c/o [your house name or number]

[your Address line 1][your address line 2]

[your postcode]

FAO: [CEO Full ame][!heir address line 1][!heir address line 2][!heir address line "][!heir postcode]

Cc: #$ana%er& Contact ames 'ere(


Re# Refere$e N%&ber# 'ACCO(NT N()"ER*

)ear [CEO !itle Surname]

* +ould be happy to settle any ,nancial obli%ation * mi%ht la+fully o+e&

as soon as * ha-e recei-ed the follo+in% documentation from you *re.uire A documentation to be presented to me in substance and +ithfull disclosure:

0 A copy of the la+ful !erms and Conditions0 alidation of the debt #the actual accountin%(- eri,cation of your claim a%ainst me #a s+orn a3da-it or a hand

si%ned in-oice in accordance +ith !he 4ills of E5chan%e Act 1662(-  !rue and certi,ed copies #ot photocopies( of the )eed of

Assi%nment #O! otice of Assi%nment( and )eed of o-ation- A copy of the contract si%ned by both parties in +et in7 and

therefore bindin% both parties- A true and certi,ed copy #O! photocopy( of the Ori%inal ote

#Credit A%reement(& under penalty of per8ury and +ith unlimitedliability and con,rm that this ote& has ne-er been sold

-  !he name of the indi-idual +ho is the duly authorisedrepresentati-e from your company& +ho has carried out duedili%ence under !he $oney aunderin% 9e%ulations 2; and+hat actions s/he has ta7en in relation to this account<

* hereby %i-e you ten #1( days to reply to this notice from the abo-e

date +ith a notice sent usin% recorded post and si%ned under fullcommercial liability and penalties of per8ury& assurin% and promisin% me

=a%e 1 of +

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that all of the replies and details %i-en to the abo-e re.uests are trueand +ithout deception& fraud or mischief< >our said failure to pro-ide the aforementioned documentation +ithinten #1( days& from the abo-e date& to -alidate the debt& +ill constituteyour a%reement to the follo+in% terms:

 !hat the debt did not e5ist in the ,rst placeOR*t has already been paid in fullAND !hat any dama%es su?er& you +ill be held culpable !hat any ne%ati-e remar7s made to a credit reference a%ency +ill beremo-ed >ou +ill no lon%er pursue this matter any further >ou a%ree to pay all fee schedules<

=lease ote:

* +ish to deal +ith this matter in +ritin% and * do not %i-e youror%anisation permission to contact me by telephone<Should you do so& * must +arn you that the calls could constitute@harassment and * may ta7e action under Section 1 of the =rotectionfrom 'arassment Act 1BB; and the Administration of ustice Act 1B;S<D& +hich ma7es it a Criminal O?ence for a creditor or a creditorsa%ent to ma7e demands #for money(& +hich are aimed at causin%alarm& distress or humiliation& because of their fre.uency or manner<

 >ours sincerely&4y:

4y: So-erei%n [First name] of the family: [Surname]

Authorised A%ent and 9epresentati-e for [your full name in CA=S]

o assured -alue& o liability< Errors Omissions E5cepted< All 9i%hts9eser-ed<


Calls maybe recorded

=a%e + of +