c!!1 9 PElt DAY:A;T P1IllLlBHEIJ THE AMERIOAN SAllllATH ...Vol+31+(1875)/Sabbath... · and bal> ts...

c!!1 9 0 PElt DAY:A;T !JiJ....... HOME T d li b NSON&CO P1IllLlBHEIJ :BY THE AMERIOAN SAllllATH TRAOT SOOIETY a a d tb ngB f om a new center A ne\li felln all has sp ung up n h m f om wh eh the whole cur ent of s outward I fe flows on to ts new des nat 00 Non oonform ty to e world s now the duty of the n w maD the man n Ch st To fiud out and define the terms of tb s non onfo m y to the ..orId IS the ob c of d scourBe to day Be not conformed "0 d says ran There are two 1\0 ds a Via d w th n a' world 'I wo k ngdom-a k ngdom w th n a k n"dolD The world of 01' r t w th o he wo Id of flesb he k ngdom of Ch s w tb n the k ngdoms of h ea h k ngdolDB and he • m Bet up by Chr 8t s that au ho y of the ner world the e k ngdom 8 supreme tB laws be oheyed whatever may be the b es 8 of the other When tempo .1 and Bp nlnal th ngs conffict wheu human and dlvme laws lay VOLUME XXX[ - NO 21 OpInt oays wholloever shall sm te thee on the THE SEVENTH nAY IS THE SABBATH OF THE LORD TRY GOD" ALFRED CENTRE, NY, FIFTH DAY enough enougb d eBB deta ['spangles] the bonnets and the ornaments of the legs and the head bands the tablets and tbe ear nng. tbe nnga and tho nOB. Jewels the cbangeable sruts DC appatel and tbe Im:antlee, and tbe w mp e. and tbe cnsp ng I' n. the glasses anil tbe finD I nen and tbe hoods and the va Is Do you wonder the sonl of the dear old maD q,f God was st Tred as be saw the daughters of Z on oh Idren of God God s cbosen go ng by n sucb " d .!igurement of dress? Had some f'hsh 01 able belles from heathen Askalon gone by n snch att re he would not bave won dered He would have s ghed for tbe fall as and s ns of the 1'00 heathen world But to reeogn ze n them some of God. jl<lol'le thus ap ng the heathen a DUDd them was too much W th b slieen propbe c ken tbe good old prophet Isa ab lqoked forward to tbe k lling effect of sucb conform ty to tb. world on the nner fe and w th heart full oC crown of the head of the daughters of Z on The Lord w II take away the bravery of the r t nkl og the cha ns and b aceleto the nDgs and no,!'e Jewels the man les and W m pies and cr sp og p DS And t shall come to pass that nstead of a g rdle a rent and nstead of we 1 set ha r baldness and nBtead of a stomacber a g d ng of sa kc ot and bn n ng nstead of beauty Tby men shall fall by the sword And her gateB Bhall lament and tnourn and she be ng desolate Bhall Bt on the gronnd Among the temB of the heavy nd etmeD t nnder wh cb Israel went to her deBtruct on th s cba ge of onfann ty to the custonia and bal> ts of tbe wo Id was formed to tb s world I fe of Cbnst only tbat he may be a t ner and better man than before hnt 8ayB my text That ye m&y prove what s tb.t good and ac c6ptable and perfect WIll of God The new mao n Chr 9t s to be a I bt n tlie wo ld .. 1 v ng act ng w tneBS for eb B1. 7" e are my w Iness.. says Chnst Tbe Chna t an then s to be a I VlDg illustrs t on of the ChrlBt I fe nth. world So that when the man out of ChrISt he Be ye t ansfonn d by tbe re new ng of your m nd That re Dew og of the m nd t an,forms the slave to the freeman n Ch s Where the sp nt of the Lord 8 there s 1 bertv The }>bndage • n s sore and te nb e hut God tbe powerof graeewb cb the new life g ves also freed,om the power of s n takes the form of DasslOio. _ .. _! ...• 1! •• _" eus om or {ash on Ch st B more than a uatch for t The I ght of tne new I fe • not slow to d scover tbat long es abl sbed usage nne ent precedent and pres sent hab t g ve no t ne leaBe of I fe to what s w oog or fool sli n t.elf A w eked h ng only deepens tB dye by age g ey h. red B n s ex eed ugly Bnfn long establ .hen fall) s extremely oollSh Fash ooab e nonsense only becomes more non sen. cal by mult pi cat on of vota nes and espec aUy so f tbose vota nes be gatbe ed f om among be danghters of Z on or sons ether He s not yet qu te a freedman n Ch st who cannot or dare not Btand up aga nst the hehest. of custGmary s ns faBh onahle fall es t me sane t ODed errors Come out f am theworld and be ye Bepara e Be not confo med to tb s wo d a e lessonG be needs yet to s:;ray Who dares DOt we. a hat or a boot that g ves comfo t and health becanse other folks wear hats and booto that g ve headacheB aod co ns s not a freedman nChr st She IB not yet a freedwoman n Chr Bt whG dares not buy or make mode te mea 8 aflord to get mar herself a hat or a dress nnt I sb. ti st finds out what they wear and then gets that at whatever cost r ed or deW edd ngB and funeralB ost too nu h as t e world goes Oue of wo th ngs mnst be done By Borne s et h of means we mnst keep up w h the customs of the wo Id 0 take tbe conseq ences of h ea ng "ver them The former a terna e of en subJects us to mor Iy g nconveD ence and temp 8 us to put on appearances poorly susta ned by facts or to resort to meanS of obta n og money not JnBt>- fied by st ct ntegr ty There s clear y somewhere a 1 ne between Chr ot an economy and worldly ex travagance beyond wh ch the Chns an may not pass The Bac ed wr ters do not tell us exact y what they would deem a we I dressed Ch s an woman but w th great clearness some of tbem have dep ct d the ex ravagance aga nst wh cb bey warn us Some of tbe daugb ters of Z on n tl e t me of Isa ab had gone beyond the I ne of what he cons dcred decent behnv or and good dressmg and be ventures npon a very pan talk w th them about t They p ofesscd bette th ngs but had ev dently been over to Gaza or up to Tyre OJ! some bea ben c ty and come baok to J e us.lem w th the latest faBh ODS And bere they are as the good old man of God sees them go ng hy hIB w ndow Tbe danghte s ofZ on are banghty and walk w th stretchecI forth necks and wanton cyeB walk ng and m nc og liS they go and ro.k ng II t nk ng wltb the r feet [ ttle aQkle bel.] Their canls [net work 1 theu round t res 1 ke the moon tbe cbs os and bracelets and the mnf to decenoy of appearaoce or bealth and comfort of body FaBb on may bave ts paper m ts W th n those I m tB I have no war w th t It has tB tvranny also and t s 8ga nst tb BI revolt The Cnr s t an B tbe h gheBt style of a geotle man And t s the Clir st an B prerogat ve to determ oe for hUDself what shall he h s style of I v ng and soc al and polrt cal as well a. re- I grons bablts There 1. scarcely a more hnwl at ng s ght m the I ght .of the snn than a ChrlBt an go g ant from hIS sanctuary of rei g 00 where perchance he aBBe s h s r ght to order enBtoms and forms of Ber v ce and abJe tly fall ng nto toms and habltB of soc al 1 fe bled n the hotbedB of s n n New York or Par B and accept ng the behestB of pol teal mapms customs and praet ces bred 0 the peBt lent al clob-rooms cl ques r ngs and cau cnBes nnder lead of the worst men n commuDlty IB t not t me for some Gar bald or L n oln to ISsue an emanc pat 0 .. aot by wh ch many millions may be set free from tbe gall ng ohalDs of w cked customs and fool sli fashions and be brought to the freedom that mherep In the kmgdom w thm a kmgdom ? 0 thete comes to snch a freedman a GonBe onsness of self worth neBS that the cnngwg of cnsto",l'! can never feel Bot there IS an ob Jeet ve or onts de ose for snob non oonformlty to the world The trnly Chnsted man I not for b mself Nor IB hIS tranaforwty mto the new In,mn.1A no one

Transcript of c!!1 9 PElt DAY:A;T P1IllLlBHEIJ THE AMERIOAN SAllllATH ...Vol+31+(1875)/Sabbath... · and bal> ts...

Page 1: c!!1 9 PElt DAY:A;T P1IllLlBHEIJ THE AMERIOAN SAllllATH ...Vol+31+(1875)/Sabbath... · and bal> ts of tbe wo Id was formed to tb s world I fe of Cbnst only tbat he may be a t ner

c!!1 90 PElt DAY:A;T !JiJ....... HOME T

d li b NSON&CO ~


a a d tb ngB f om a new center A ne\li felln all has sp ung up n h m f om wh eh the whole cur ent of s outward I fe flows on to ts new des nat 00 Non oonform ty to

e world s now the duty of the n w maD the man n Ch st To fiud out and define the terms of tb s non onfo m y to the .. orId IS the ob c of d scourBe to day

Be not conformed "0 d says ran There are two 1\0 ds a Via d w th n a' world 'I wo k ngdom-a k ngdom w th n a k n"dolD The world of 01' r t w th o he wo Id of flesb he k ngdom

of Ch s w tb n the k ngdoms of h ea h tempo~al k ngdolDB and he • m Bet up by Chr 8t s that

au ho y of the ner world the e k ngdom 8 supreme tB laws be oheyed whatever may be the

b es 8 of the other When tempo .1 and Bp nlnal th ngs conffict

wheu human and dlvme laws lay


OpInt oays wholloever shall sm te thee on the



enough enougb d eBB

deta ['spangles] the bonnets and the ornaments of the legs and the head bands the tablets and tbe ear nng. tbe nnga and tho nOB. Jewels the cbangeable sruts DC appatel and tbe

Im:antlee, and tbe w mp e. and tbe cnsp ng I' n. the glasses anil tbe finD I nen and tbe hoods and the va Is Do you wonder the sonl of the dear old maD q,f God was st Tred as be saw the daughters of Z on oh Idren of God God s cbosen go ng by n sucb " d .!igurement of dress? Had some f'hsh 01 able belles from heathen Askalon gone by n snch att re he would not bave won dered He would have s ghed for tbe fall as and s ns of the 1'00

heathen world But to reeogn ze n them some of God. jl<lol'le thus ap ng the heathen a DUDd them was

too much W th b slieen propbe c ken tbe good old prophet Isa ab

lqoked forward to tbe k lling effect of sucb conform ty to tb. world on the nner fe and w th heart full oC

crown of the head of the daughters of Z on The Lord w II take away the bravery of the r t nkl og the cha ns and b aceleto the nDgs and no,!'e Jewels the man les and W m pies and cr sp og p DS And t shall come to pass that nstead of a g rdle a rent and nstead of we 1 set ha r baldness and nBtead of a stomacber a g d ng of sa kc ot and bn n ng nstead of beauty Tby men shall fall by the sword And her gateB Bhall lament and tnourn and she be ng desolate Bhall B t on the gronnd Among the temB of the heavy nd etmeD t nnder w h cb Israel went to her deBtruct on th s cba ge of onfann ty to the custonia and bal> ts of tbe wo Id was

formed to tb s world

I fe of Cbnst only tbat he may be a t ner and better man than before hnt 8ayB my text That ye m&y prove what s tb.t good and ac c6ptable and perfect WIll of God The new mao n Chr 9t s to be a I bt n tlie wo ld .. 1 v ng act ng w tneBS for eb B1. 7" e are my w Iness.. says Chnst Tbe Chna t an then s to be a I VlDg illustrs t on of the ChrlBt I fe nth. world So that when the man out of ChrISt

he Be ye t ansfonn d by tbe re new ng of your m nd That re Dew og of the m nd t an,forms the slave to the freeman n Ch s

Where the sp nt of the Lord 8

there s 1 bertv The }>bndage • n s sore and te nb e hut God tbe powerof graeewb cb the new life g ves also freed,om the power of s n takes the form of DasslOio. _ .. _! ...• 1! •• _"

eus om or {ash on Ch st B more than a uatch for t The I ght of tne new I fe • not slow to d scover tbat long es abl sbed usage nne ent precedent and pres sent hab t g ve no t ne leaBe of I fe to what s w oog or fool sli n t.elf A w eked h ng only deepens tB dye by age g ey h. red B n s ex eed ugly B nfn long establ .hen fall) s extremely oollSh Fash ooab e

nonsense only becomes more non sen. cal by mult pi cat on of vota nes and espec aUy so f tbose vota nes be gatbe ed f om among be

danghters of Z on or sons ether He s not yet qu te a freedman n Ch st who cannot or dare not Btand

up aga nst the hehest. of custGmary s ns faBh onahle fall es t me sane t ODed errors Come out f am theworld and be ye Bepara e Be not confo med to tb s wo d a e lessonG be needs yet to s:;ray Who dares DOt we. a hat or a boot that g ves comfo t and health becanse other folks wear hats and booto that g ve headacheB aod co ns s not a freedman nChr st She IB not yet a freedwoman n Chr Bt whG dares not buy or make

mode te mea 8 aflord to get mar herself a hat or a dress nnt I sb. ti st finds out what they wear and then gets that at whatever cost

r ed or deW edd ngB and funeralB ost too nu h as t e world goes

Oue of wo th ngs mnst be done By Borne s et h of means we mnst keep up w h the customs of the wo Id 0 take tbe conseq ences of h ea ng "ver them The former a terna e of en subJects us to mor

Iy g nconveD ence and temp 8

us to put on appearances poorly susta ned by facts or to resort to meanS of obta n og money not JnBt>­fied by st ct ntegr ty There s clear y somewhere a 1 ne between Chr ot an economy and worldly ex travagance beyond wh ch the Chns an may not pass The Bac ed wr ters do not tell us exact y what they would deem a we I dressed Ch s an woman but w th great clearness some of tbem have dep ct d the ex ravagance aga nst wh cb bey warn us Some of tbe daugb

ters of Z on n tl e t me of Isa ab had gone beyond the I ne of what he cons dcred decent behnv or and good dressmg and be ventures npon a very pan talk w th them about t They p ofesscd bette th ngs but had ev dently been over to Gaza or up to Tyre OJ! some bea ben c ty and come baok to J e us.lem w th the latest faBh ODS And bere they are as the good old man of God sees them go ng hy hIB w ndow

Tbe danghte s ofZ on are banghty and walk w th stretchecI forth necks and wanton cyeB walk ng and m nc og liS they go and ro.k ng II

t nk ng wltb the r feet [ ttle aQkle bel.] Their canls [net work 1 theu round t res 1 ke the moon tbe cbs os and bracelets and the mnf

to decenoy of appearaoce or bealth and comfort of body FaBb on may bave ts paper m ts W th n those I m tB I have no war w th t It has tB tvranny also and t s 8ga nst tb B I revolt The Cnr s t an B tbe h gheBt style of a geotle man And t s the Clir st an B

prerogat ve to determ oe for hUDself what shall he h s style of I v ng and soc al and polrt cal as well a. re­I grons bablts There 1. scarcely a more hnwl at ng s ght m the I ght .of the snn than a ChrlBt an go g ant from hIS sanctuary of rei g 00

where perchance he aBBe s h s r ght to order enBtoms and forms of Ber v ce and abJe tly fall ng nto c~s

toms and habltB of soc al 1 fe bled n the hotbedB of s n n New York

or Par B and accept ng the behestB of pol teal mapms customs and praet ces bred 0 the peBt lent al clob-rooms cl ques r ngs and cau cnBes nnder lead of the worst men n commuDlty IB t not t me for

some Gar bald or L n oln to ISsue an emanc pat 0 .. aot by wh ch many millions may be set free from tbe gall ng ohalDs of w cked customs and fool sli fashions and be brought to the freedom that mherep In the

kmgdom w thm a kmgdom ? 0 thete comes to snch a freedman a GonBe onsness of self worth neBS that the cnngwg sla~e of cnsto",l'! can never feel Bot there IS an ob Jeet ve or onts de ose for snob non oonformlty to the world The trnly

Chnsted man I v~s not for b mself el::!I'~~~1~:e:t~~n~::;::J Nor IB hIS tranaforwty mto the new In,mn.1A no one OOlU\l,nolV~

Page 2: c!!1 9 PElt DAY:A;T P1IllLlBHEIJ THE AMERIOAN SAllllATH ...Vol+31+(1875)/Sabbath... · and bal> ts of tbe wo Id was formed to tb s world I fe of Cbnst only tbat he may be a t ner

= ® 90 PEU DAY AT a'D"-! nOME.. T_

,"'U«co :>SON &. CO Pon:.


------,----,--lEO F


ijhe ~ltbbltth ~erorder


Let U'3 cons cler Borne h ngs n respect of wh eli we a to sand

out aloof and d iferent f am the world to t to the

B g yen U8 as a reason Th s s the new man

n I fe and all

5 outward I fe flows on to s new de na on Noo conform ty to t e wo Id s n(>w the duty of the D w man the mao 0 Ch 5t To fi d ou and define the ferms of tb s non onfo m ty to the ¥orld s the ob c of dlllconrse to day

Be not conformed wo d says Paul There are two 1\0 d~ a wor d w th n a' world 'I "0 k ngdom-a k ngdom w tb n a k n dam The world of sp r t w th n he wo ld of flesh lhe k ngdom

Chns w th tbe k ogdoms of ea b tempo~al k ngdomB and

a m set np by Chnst B tbat e au hor tyof the nner WaNd the

u e k ngdom 8 snpreme Its laws be obeyed whate er may he the

b s s of \he 0 ber When tempo ral and sp nlnal th ngs cooll ot when human ana d • ne lawa lay



Jus tia. fin " Cre 1\ uun

Out of tbe flames tbat have burnt a m 00 rna ty s fo the t oth has come dowu to us a b Btonc max m transeenden y more t uthful

aod nsp ng than a I tbe old heart of unbel ef I as nvented It lB

h s rhe blood of t e IDa tyrs the seed of tbe cbn oh Do gbt and d e fo t f needs be and out of you asbes sha I r se forms of beauty and glory fa more heaut ful and gloT ous tLao you could have be eo Lad you refus dod e fo the

ght Sa d he g and old B shop of Smy Da as the flames cackled before h m

enoogh d os

flel'8 Lspangles] the bonnets and the omaments of tbe leg. and the head bands, the tablets and the ear nngs the r nga and the nose Jewels the changeahle su t. or apparel and the mantles and tbe w mples and tbe or sp ng p ns the glasses and the

I nen and the hoods and the va Is " Do you wonder tbe soul of tbe dear old man q,f God was st rred as he saw the daugbters of Z on ob Idren of God God. cbosen go ng So that when the man ant of Chnst by n Buch .. d",llgurement of dress? Had some f!lsh 0 ahl. belles from heatben Askalon gone by n sucb att re be would not bave won dered He would bave B ghed for the foil as and 8 fiB of the poor heathen world But to recogn ze n them some of God s p 01'10 tb s ap og tbe beathen a GUlld tbem was

too much W th h s \i.ecn prophet c ken the good old prophet IBa ah

Iqoked forward to tbek !ling eifect of snch conform ty to the world on the nner I fe and w th heart full of sadness uttered th s mournful rnalr-d t on Because the daughters the of Z on are haughty and walk w th s retched out Deoks and wanton eyes and m DC ng 8S they go and mak ng

okI ng w th the r feet the efo e tbe lord w II sm te w th "cab tbe crown of the bead of the daughters of Z on The Lord w II take away the uravery of the r t nkI ng the cha ns and bracelets the nngs and no~e Jewels the man es and pIes and cr sp ng p n. And t shall come to pas. that nstead of a g rdle a rent aod nstead of well set lia r bald neBS and nstead of a stomaober s g rd og of sa kcloth and burn Dg nstead of beauty Thy men shall f811 by tbe sword And her ga es shall lament and tnourn and she be ng desolate shall 8 t on the ground Among the terns of tbe heavy nd etment nnde wh cb Israel went to her destruct on tb s charge of onfGrm ty to the customs and hab ts of the wO Id was Dot east All th s was preseDt 0 be

m nd of Paul 8S be was wr tlOg to h • brethren -s tuated n tbe m d,t

Chnst B rna e han a U3. ch fo The I ght of he new I fo s not slow to d scover that 10Dg estab sI e usage aoc ent precedent and pres sent hah t g ve 00 true lease of I re to what s wong or foo sh n tself A w eked th ng only deepens ts dye by age grey ba red s n s ex eed ngIy s nfuI long es abl shen. folly s extremely rooI sh Fasb onab c

nonsense only becomes mo e non sens cal by mult pI cat on of vota neB and espec ally so f tbose vota nes b. gathered from among the

daughters of Z on or sonB e tber He soot yet qu Ie a freedman 0 Chr 5t who csnnot or dare not stand

up aga nst tbe behests of customa y s ns fasI onal Ie fall es t me sanc t ooed e roro Come out f am theworld and be ye separate

mode ate means aiford to get mar red 0 d e 'Vedd ngs and funera s

not confonned to th s wo Id a c lessons be needs yet to s:nay Who dares not wea a hat or a hoot that g ves comfort and health beeanse other folks wear hats and boots that g ve headaches and co ns s not a freedman nCb st She lB not yet a freed woman n Chr st whG dares not buy or make herself a bat or a dress nnt I sbe Ii st find. ant what

ost too mu b as t e world goes Oue of two th ngs must he done By some st e h of means we mnst keep up w b be c stoms of tbe odor take the consequences of

h ea ng "ver hem The former a c nat ve often subJects us to mor

y ng Deonven ence and tempts us to put on appearances poorly sus a ned by facts 0 to reso t to meanB of ohta 0 ng money not Just>< fied by st ct ntegr tv There s I"", y '!lome where a I De between

Chnst an e anomy aod worldly eX travaganee hey and wu ch tbe Ch se an may not pass The Bacred w te s do not te I us exactly what they would deem a well dres ed Ch st an woman but w th great clearness 80me of tbem have depIct cd the .ex ra agane. aga nBt wh ch tbey ¥arn us Some of the daogh ere of Z on 0 the t me of lsa ah

had gone beyond the I oe of what he conB dcred deceDt behaVIOr aod good dress ng and he ventores upon a very p a 0 talk w th them aboot t They professed better th ngs but bad BV deotIy been over to Ga.. or up to Tyre o~ some heatben c ty and come baak to J erosalem w th the latest fashions .And here they are as the good old man of God sees bem go og by h s w ndow

The daugI te s ofZ on are haughty aod walk w th stretched forth necks and wanton eyes walk ng and m nc ng as they go and mak ng " t nk ng w th the r feet [I ttle sI)kle bel s] Theil' canis [net work] theIr round t res I ke the mOOD the cha ns and hracelets and the muf

or Pans and accept ng the behests of pol t cal mapms cnstoms and pract ces bred 10 the pesl lent al club-rooms 01 qne': r nga ana ~au cnBes under lead of the worst men n commnnltv Is It not t me for

some Ganbald or L nolo to ISsue an emano pat 0 ... aot by wh ch many m Ilions may be set free from the ~a1hng cbatns of w eked customs lIud fool sh fash 008 and be brougbt tb the freedom that IOberep 10 the i kil)gdom w thin a kingdom? 0 thete oomeB to sucb a freedman a aonse ousneBB of self worth ness that tbe enng ng slave of custom oao never reel Bnt there s an ob Jeet ve or oulS de nse for sucb non conform ty to the world The trnly CI:hnsted man ltves not for himself Nor IS hIS transforIDlty mto tbe new • "mtlle.

Page 3: c!!1 9 PElt DAY:A;T P1IllLlBHEIJ THE AMERIOAN SAllllATH ...Vol+31+(1875)/Sabbath... · and bal> ts of tbe wo Id was formed to tb s world I fe of Cbnst only tbat he may be a t ner
Page 4: c!!1 9 PElt DAY:A;T P1IllLlBHEIJ THE AMERIOAN SAllllATH ...Vol+31+(1875)/Sabbath... · and bal> ts of tbe wo Id was formed to tb s world I fe of Cbnst only tbat he may be a t ner



chap e to bave been at the m ddle of t 8 cond century

The fol ow ng canclus ons are UD

avo dab e 1 The Ep st e of Igoa us to the ?![agnes ans s a fa "e y made lOng after the death of Ig oat us 2 It makes no m nt 00 of the Sunday or Lo d. dll) 3 The nterpolat ng of the wo iI day D the

oft quoted passage pe ve s the mean Dg aDd deBt oys the gamma leal a rangement of the Be ence

Thus t appears that the e s ao solulely no tes mony 0 favo of Sunday or the Loril" day a r fer r ng to Sunday by any of the

Apostol n Fa he B The first defio te w tness n favor of auy form of Snnday ob8er~nce by ChrIStians w II be seen ill next

means n our power God and ake coorage



and n hope? WE TER Y


V K S FLORAL Gu DE No 3 been rece ved and con a ns muel nformat on of value to flo Bt, bu

THE WE SKEY RING _ mak ng the mo_t. enuous efforts to defeat tbe purpose of tbe government to arrest the g gant c frauds wb h bave been perpet ated and to pun sb the offie als who have conn ved

at the f auds Some of thl! most buoyant are boldly assert ng that they have he power to tes st govern ment and ""u,e t to hBOk down from the pr",eeu on of del nquent_ Under such" sta e of th ngs t , de, rah e tbat the p eBB and peop e 'ho Id promptly g ve the suppa t of the r ord a1 approhat on to the wo k of efo m It s to be hoped ha the R ng w I find another

V k,burg when they threaten the I.~"".n.t. i P e8 dent wh Ie he attempts to ex ceu e the laws of the land

\V E reg et to learn by a let er from B 0 Wm V Ie, of GlaBgow Sea and that h • health s so poor as to render t neCes~a y fo h m to eave h 8 bus ness and go to be

connt y We egret t the more for the reason that h s d ,eaBO unfit, h m fo


THB CENTENNIAL CRLEDEAT ON of the capture of Fort T conderoga by Gen Etban Allen was celebrated on the 10th of May was an oc as on worthy of tbe patnot c Amenean



No 2 Spring. 1 19 @ 1 Vl'1D1e red Western 1 35 @ 40

Amba 1 40 @1 42 WhIte Western 1 40 @ 43

1 45 @ 50 @ 62t

761" 77 77 ib rs.

1 OS @l O!I Corn Westem mu.:ed now

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