C Long Professional Learning (CLPL) 2018/2019

1 Career Long Professional Learning (CLPL) 2018/2019 ******************************************************************************* Update 1 – June 2018 ******************************************************************************* Welcome to our first update for session 2018-2019 Contents Page 2 New for 2018/2019 – Online Booking 3 Dates for Your Diary 2018/2019 (including Conference Information) 4-5 Public Protection Team Training 2018 6-7 e-learning modules for Induction and Mandatory e-learning 8-9 Coaching for Success 2018/2019 10 Workshop on Raising Awareness of Prevent (WRAP) 11 Co-operative Learning Programme 2018/2019 12-13 Numeracy Academies 2018/2019 14-17 Leadership Programmes 18 Building Middle Leadership Pathways: Leading Change and Improvement 19 Professional Update 20-21 Courses scheduled by other service areas 22-24 CLPL Course List 2018/2019

Transcript of C Long Professional Learning (CLPL) 2018/2019

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Career Long Professional Learning (CLPL) 2018/2019


Update 1 – June 2018


Welcome to our first update for session 2018-2019



2 New for 2018/2019 – Online Booking

3 Dates for Your Diary 2018/2019 (including Conference Information)

4-5 Public Protection Team Training 2018

6-7 e-learning modules for Induction and Mandatory e-learning

8-9 Coaching for Success 2018/2019

10 Workshop on Raising Awareness of Prevent (WRAP) 11 Co-operative Learning Programme 2018/2019

12-13 Numeracy Academies 2018/2019

14-17 Leadership Programmes

18 Building Middle Leadership Pathways: Leading Change and


19 Professional Update

20-21 Courses scheduled by other service areas

22-24 CLPL Course List 2018/2019

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New for 2018/2019 – Online Booking

Session 2018/2019 sees a move to online booking for the majority of Career Long

Professional Learning Opportunities.

Booking Live can be used to book your place at an event and view/manage your bookings. Booking Live is already being successfully used by other Service Areas

within East Lothian Council (including Active Schools and the Summer Activities

2018 Programmes).

Although the Training and Development pages of eduBuzz will still be used for information and updates on learning opportunities, all Education learning events

will now move to the Booking Live site.

The bookings homepage for Education Training and Development Opportunities is:


To book your place on one of our courses you will need to create an account on

Booking Live. As this system has been used for the recent Primary and Secondary Teaching Conferences, lots of staff will already have an account. Bookings can

be made at any time and the system can be used on all devices, giving you more

control over where and when you make your booking.

Courses running during term 1 are now ready for booking and over the summer break, work will be ongoing to ensure all 2018/2019 learning opportunities are

available for booking at the start of August.

If you have any queries or comments please contact the training & development inbox – [email protected].

Please note that unless specified in the course information, e-mail bookings will

no longer be accepted.

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Head Teacher Conferences 2018/2019 Dates of Head Teacher Conferences for 2018/2019 are as follows:

Wednesday 5th September 2018, 8.45-3.30 Wednesday 14th November, 2018, 8.45-12.00

Wednesday 23rd January 2019, 8.45-3.30 Wednesday 27th March 2019, 8.45-12.00

Wednesday 29th May 2019, 8.45-3.30

The venue for all dates will be Venue 2, The Brunton Hall, Musselburgh

Depute Head Teacher/Principal Teacher Conferences 2018/2019

Wednesday 14th November 2018, 1.00-4.00 Wednesday 27th March 2019, 1.00-4.00

The venue for all dates will be Venue 2, The Brunton Hall, Musselburgh

Support Staff Conference – Queen Margaret University on Tuesday 14th August 2018 from 9.00am–1.00pm. Bookings for the conference will be open from 8.30–

8.55am on the morning of the conference. Following a key note address there will be an opportunity to attend two workshops around the theme of Driving

Forward GIRFEC.

Secondary Staff Conference – Monday 22nd October 2018, the theme for our conference is Driving Forward the Curriculum. Staff from the East of the county

(Dunbar Grammar School, North Berwick High School and Knox Academy) will attend the conference from 8.45–11.45am at Knox Academy. Refreshments will

be served from 8.15am.

Staff from the West of the county (Ross High School, Preston Lodge High School

and Musselburgh Grammar School) will attend the conference at Ross High School from 1.00–4.00pm. Refreshments will be served from 12.30pm.

Primary Staff Conference – Monday 18th February 2019, the theme for our

conference is Driving Forward the Curriculum. Staff from the East of the county (Dunbar, North Berwick and Haddington Clusters) will attend the conference from

8.45–11.45am (venue to be confirmed). Refreshments will be served from 8.15am. Staff from the West of the county (Tranent, Prestonpans and

Musselburgh Clusters) will attend the conference from 1.00–4.00pm (venue to be confirmed). Refreshments will be served from 12.30pm.

Scottish Learning Festival 2018

The Scottish Learning Festival, 19-20 September 2018 is the

annual conference & exhibition for the teaching profession in Scotland. The theme for SLF 2018 is Collaborating for

Improvement. Registration for the event is now open.

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Public Protection Team Calendar of Training 2018

East and Midlothian Public Protection Committee

The East and Midlothian Public Protection Committee (EMPPC) is the key strategic group dealing with public protection matters across East and Midlothian and

includes representatives from key partners (Social Work, Police Scotland, NHS Lothian, Education, Housing, 3rd sector etc). The committee reports to senior officers through the East and Midlothian Critical Services Oversight Group.

If you have any questions or would like further information in relation to the office or committee then please e-mail: [email protected]

For further information and useful links in relation to child protection or wider public protection matters please visit http://emppc.org.uk/home/ The Public

Protection Calendar for 2018 is also available on this website.

Child Protection Awareness and Response Level 1

If you come into contact with children and young people

in your day-to-day employment you should attend a face-to face Child Protection Awareness and Response Level 1

course. If you have attended the face-to-face course then you are required to complete the e-learning module every

two years to refresh your knowledge.

Dates and booking information for Child Protection Awareness and Response

Level 1 training from August-December 2018 are available in the 2018 Public Protection Training Calendar

When a school requires CP 1 training for several members of staff the minimum

number of participants in a course is 10. Where schools have a smaller number of staff it is suggested that schools within a cluster get together to make a course

viable with a minimum number of 10 staff. Once staff have been identified contact the Children’s Services Training Team to arrange.

Routes to access Child Protection Awareness Level 1 Training

If you do not come into contact with children and young people in

your day to day employment. You should access Child Protection

Awareness Level 1 Training via ‘learnPro’, an e-learning resource. Please follow the link and instructions below.

If you do come into contact with children and young people in

your day to day employment. You should attend a face to face Child Protection Awareness Level 1 Training.

If you require Child Protection Awareness Level 1 Refresher

Training. You should access this training via ‘learnPro’, an e-learning resource. Please follow the link and the instructions below.

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Please be aware Child Protection Awareness Level 1 Training should be completed every 2 years if you come into contact with children and

young people in your day to day employment

To access child protection training on learnPro e-learning

Click on the link below and then click on Login to learnPro (RHS of page) and follow the instructions. New users to learnPro will need to create an account.

Existing users should enter their login details then select Public Protection and then select East Lothian Council – Public Protection - Child Protection.


Inter-Agency Child Protection Risk Assessment and Processes – Level 2

Inter-Agency Child Protection Risk Assessment and Processes – Level 2 training

is suitable for staff who are involved in case conferences e.g. for Head Teachers, Depute Head Teachers, Educational Psychologists, Guidance Teachers. If you

have not yet attended this training please e-mail [email protected] to add your details to the waiting list

for this training.

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Guide to learnPro: e-learning modules for Induction and Mandatory e-learning

learnPro website: http://eastlothiancouncil.learnprouk.com

For more information on logging into learnPro or registering for an account please visit the “Learning at Work” pages of ELNET

Step 1 – Click on Education Division

Step 2 – Click on Education Staff – Mandatory e-learning

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Step 3 – Click on the relevant e-learning module(s).

It is mandatory for all new members of staff to complete all 9 modules as part

of their Council Induction.

It is mandatory for existing members of staff to complete modules 3, 4, 5 and 6 every two years.

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Coaching for Success

This course has been awarded Professional recognition by the GTCS for all

participants who successfully complete the seven sessions and the assessment.


To develop essential skills for non-directive coaching: questioning,

listening, summarising, feedback.

The application of non-directive coaching as a valuable tool for enhancing

the development of staff and colleagues and one’s own professional


To assess and understand the impact of mental state upon performance.

To identify strengths and development areas of one's current leadership


Content: A bank of skills which can be used in coaching will be provided as well as opportunities to observe and practise coaching conversations.

Who it is for? This course is for anyone who would like to develop their

knowledge and skills as a coach. This course is being delivered in partnership with East and Midlothian.

Participants who have attended this programme have said ………….

The Coaching for Success programme has been a hugely positive experience for

me this session. I have completed First and Next Steps to Leadership and they provided some coaching experience, but I wanted to develop my knowledge and

skills as a coach in a more practical way.

I learned a variety of different coaching tools that I am now using with staff,

through formal coaching sessions and informal coaching conversations. I am using a lot of my coaching knowledge and skills during PRD sessions this term

and have noticed a big difference in the flow and quality of conversations compared to last year.

I have particularly enjoyed the teaching sessions with our small group and it's

great that this includes staff from East Lothian Council and Midlothian Council. We have developed a very trusting relationship with each other and

everyone has felt supported throughout the programme. Primary Depute Head Teacher

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Coaching for Success has given me the patience and the confidence to let

my silence and my listening do the heavy lifting. This provides colleagues and pupils the opportunity and the time to speak, understand and articulate their

issues and concerns as well as the space and authority to find realistic solutions that they have ownership of.

It has made me a more supportive and reflective colleague and teacher both in

'set-piece' coaching sessions but also in more informal 'corridor' conversations which has increased my knowledge and understanding of others. Coaching for

Success has provided me with a toolbox of strategies to employ but also a more flexible mind set to appreciate that there are times when a good leader needs to

let others lead themselves. This leads to a more engaged and dynamic classroom and department.

A brilliant opportunity to work and engage with colleagues from across Primary and Secondary sectors in a safe, supportive and stimulating environment.

Support for Learning Teacher

Cost: £50 which includes the cost of the book Super Coaching

Session Time Date Day one 1.30-4.30 Friday 2nd November 2018

Day two 1.30-4.30 Friday 7th December 2018 Day three 1.30-4.30 Friday 11th January 2019

Day four 1.30-4.30 Friday 1st February 2018 Day five 1.30-4.30 Friday 1st March 2019

Day six 1.30-4.30 Friday 29th March 2019 Day seven 1.30-4.30 Friday 7th June 2019

The venue for all dates will be the Esk Rooms, Brunton Hall, Musselburgh Applicants must be able to attend all sessions of this course.

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Workshop on Raising Awareness of Prevent (WRAP) Who should attend? This workshop is for any member of staff who is has

joined the Education department from September 2017.

Why should you attend? One of the challenge questions in HGIOS? 4 in relation to safeguarding and child protection asks “How do we ensure that staff

are kept up-to-date with safeguarding practice including for example, e-safety, extremism, female genital mutilations and child sexual exploitation?” This

workshop will keep you up-to-date with safeguarding practice in relation to extremism.

What will you learn? The aim of the session is to:

Understand Prevent’s aims

Think about who may be vulnerable to terrorism

See why some people are able to influence and manipulate others to

commit crimes

Recognise when a vulnerable individual may be in need of your help

Be clear on what help and support looks like in this area and who you

should turn to if you have concerns

Where and when is learning?

Tuesday 29th January 2019, 4.30-6.00, Saltire Rooms 1&2, John Muir House OR

Tuesday 26th February 2019, 4.30-6.00, Saltire Rooms 1&2, John Muir House

How to apply? Bookings for this course will open in August 2018, bookings can be made online

via the Booking Live website.

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Co-operative Learning for Teaching Staff 2018/2019

The Johnsons (1990) define Cooperative Learning as

“…the instructional use of small groups so that students work together to

maximise their own and each other’s learning.” A task is set where small structured small groups of between 2 and 4 pupils work through until they have

successfully understood and completed it. Being successful or unsuccessful depends on the entire group but each pupil is also individually accountable.

Academic goals within Cooperative Learning are always coupled by a supporting social skill and equal weighting is given to each.

Researched benefits of Cooperative Learning include higher attainment (including higher level reasoning, critical thinking skills, deeper understanding of material

and retention), improved relationships, personal and academic support, self-esteem and increased ability to cope with adversity and stress (resilience). Pupils

are more active participants in the learning process; they care about the class and material and are more personally engaged.

Cooperative Learning Consultants are able to offer a number of options to support

learning establishments to incorporate Cooperative Learning in to their learning and teaching.

During the 4 day (3 full days plus two half-day recall sessions), participants will:

• be introduced to the authentic and copyrighted ‘Johnson and Johnson model

of Cooperative Learning’, both the theory and how it translates in practice

• become familiar with the ‘Five Basic Elements’ which ensure that all group work is collaborative, powerful and active

• explore how Cooperative Learning benefits pupils in each phase of education • consider both the academic and social aspects of learning through practical

examples, facilitation and collaboration with colleagues • plan specific Cooperative Learning tasks and put them into practice when back

in school • consider how Cooperative Learning connects directly to reducing the

attainment gap and improving outcomes for children and young people • return for two half-day ‘Recall Sessions to share experiences and successes,

and to further deepen their understanding

Dates: Full Day Sessions: Fri 2nd, Sat 3rd & Fri 9th November 2018, 9.00-4.00

Recall Sessions: Fri 1st & Fri 15th March 2019 (1.00-4.00pm)

Venue for all dates will be confirmed in due course Delegates should be able to attend all dates

Cost: Delegate costs will be confirmed but are expected to be in the region of £80 per person.

Book a place: To book places for Teaching staff on this course please e-mail the name, designation and establishment to the Education

Training & Development team, quoting reference CFE002. [email protected]

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Early Years Numeracy and ELC Frameworks

The Early Years Numeracy Academy aims to develop practitioner’s knowledge and

understanding around the conceptual development of young learners within a Numeracy and Maths context. Through professional enquiry, practitioners will

explore the stages of development and how these can be supported within the Early Years setting through enabling environments and responsive planning using

Curriculum for Excellence and the East Lothian Frameworks in Number.

Target audience: Compulsory for all Senior Nursery practitioners in local authority nurseries and lead practitioners in partnership


Trainers: Wendy Hardie and Kathryn Jane James Dates: 14 August 2018 – 9.00–12.30

Esk Room 2, Brunton Hall, Musselburgh

Early Years Numeracy and ELC Frameworks

The Early Years Numeracy Academy aims to develop practitioner’s knowledge and understanding around the conceptual development of young learners within

a Numeracy and Maths context. Through professional enquiry, practitioners will explore the stages of development and how these can be supported within the

Early Years setting through enabling environments and responsive planning using Curriculum for Excellence and the East Lothian Frameworks in Number.

Target audience: Compulsory for nursery nurses

Trainers: Wendy Hardie and Kathryn Jane James

Dates: 22 October 2018 – 9.00–12.30 Venue To Be Confirmed

Early Years Numeracy Academy

The Early Years Numeracy Academy aims to develop practitioner’s knowledge and

understanding around the conceptual development of young learners within a Numeracy and Maths context. Through professional enquiry, practitioners will

explore the stages of development and how these can be supported within the Early Years setting through enabling environments and responsive planning using

Curriculum for Excellence and the East Lothian Frameworks in Number.

Target audience: Early Years Practitioners who are interested in further developing their knowledge and understanding of early numeracy

Trainers: Wendy Hardie and Kathryn Jane James

Dates: 28 November 2018, 5.00-7.00 30 January 2019, 5.00-7.00

27 February 2019, 5.00-7.00 27 March 2019, 5.00-7.00

Venue to Be Confirmed

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Quality Assurance and Leadership in Numeracy and Mathematics

These sessions aim to provide Head Teachers and Depute Head Teachers with an overview of the guiding principles for the learning and teaching of number using

the East Lothian Numeracy Framework.

Participants will explore the guiding principles alongside HGIOS4 and HGIOELC to inform whole school improvement, supporting quality assurance and self-

evaluation to develop consistent, high quality learning and teaching.

Participants will consider the opportunities and challenges in leading

improvements in numeracy and mathematics at whole school level as well as share and develop effective leadership strategies in order to build capacity across

their school.

Target audience: Head Teachers and Depute Head Teachers Trainers: Mhairi Stratton, Alison Elgin with contributions from Helen

Gillanders and Jo Legge Dates: 26 September 2018, 4.00-5.30

28 March 2019, 4.00-5.30 Venue to Be Confirmed

Supporting numeracy learning in the classroom

This session is aimed at support staff in primary and secondary settings working

with children and young people to develop their numeracy skills. Participants will

gain an understanding of the approaches used in East Lothian to develop a secure understanding of number. Participants will explore their role in supporting the

learning and develop practical approaches to help young people develop their skills, knowledge and understanding.

Target audience: Support staff working in primary and secondary settings

Trainers: Dianne MacKenzie and Karen Haspolat Dates: 13 August 2018, 9.00–12.30

Esk Rooms 1&2, Brunton Hall

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Education Leadership Framework

School Leadership is a key driver within the National Improvement Framework (NIF). There is a clear commitment to the development of leadership at all levels within our schools.

Education Leadership Framework

What Who

Teacher Leadership We are working with SCEL (Scottish College of Educational

Leadership) and HEI’s to support the leadership development of all teachers. The SCEL Teacher Leadership Programme supports and

challenges teachers to become more confident in leading classroom

practice in their contexts and develop against the GTCS Standard for Career-Long Professional Learning. Applications are made

directly to SCEL via www.scelscotland.org.uk Various master level CLPL is available with a focus on Teacher Leadership via the

Teacher Education Partnership (TEP) between the University of Edinburgh, the City of Edinburgh, East Lothian, Fife, Midlothian,

Scottish Borders and West Lothian Councils. These are advertised as and when they become available.

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What Who

First Steps into Leadership - this programme has been accredited by the GTCS for Professional

Recognition (SCQF level 11)

This is the beginning of the leadership pathway. There are a series of four taught sessions and an opportunity to lead a small scale

project. The impact of leading the project is captured in a 2000 word report with reflection against the Standards for Middle

Leaders and Managers (SfML&M) and a short presentation.

Next Steps into Leadership - this programme has been accredited by the GTCS for Professional

Recognition (SCQF level 11)

This programme is for teachers’ who are PT’s or aspiring PT’s. It is recommended that participants have successfully completed First

Steps into Leadership. There are four taught sessions and two support sessions to equip participants for leading a whole school

project. The impact of leading the project is captured in a 3000 word report and at an evaluative interview with reflection against

the Standards for Middle Leaders and Managers (SfML&M)

Building Middle leadership Pathways: Leading

Change and Improvement

This programme has been developed by Local Authorities from the

TEP. The programme is for PT’s and aims to build leadership capacity using the Standards for Middle Leaders and Managers,

HGIOS 4 and “Leadership Matters” by Andy Buck (2017) which forms the core text. Participants will be asked to share their

learning from the programme in a 7 minute presentation in a style of their choosing. In due course it is intended that this programme

will be validated against the SCEL leadership framework.

PGCE in Middle Leadership and Management (SCQF

11) formerly Leading from the Middle – this programme has been awarded 20 credits at SCQF

level 11 (masters level) from the University of Edinburgh

This programme is for fully registered teachers with 3 years

teaching experience, working in professional roles commensurate with a middle leadership and management role (e.g. with a

Principal Teacher/ Faculty PT / Curriculum Leader remit) in order

to fulfil the work based components of the course.

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What Who

Coaching for Success (Diploma) - this programme has been accredited by the GTCS for Professional

Recognition (SCQF level 11)

This programme has been awarded Professional Recognition by the GTCS and is suitable for any member of staff who would like to

develop their knowledge and skills as a coach. Professional recognition is available to all participants who attend all sessions

and complete a 2,000 word reflective essay, with reflection against the GTCS Standards.

Into Headship qualification – this programme has been awarded 60 credits at SCQF level 11

This qualification is designed for fully qualified teachers whose next post will be that of a Head Teacher, likely within 2-3 years. The

programme is delivered in partnership between the Local Authority, The University of Edinburgh and SCEL.

In Headship qualification - this programme has been awarded 60 credits at SCQF level 11

This qualification is designed for Head Teachers who have been in their substantive post for 2 or more years. The programme is

delivered by SCEL, participants can choose to study at one of the following universities - Glasgow, Stirling, Aberdeen or Dundee.

Excellence In Headship programme – this

programme is mapped to the GTCS Standard for Headship

This programme is for Head Teachers who have been in a

substantive post for two years or more. The programme aims to increase awareness of and engagement with current thinking in

relation to education policy, literature and research. There is a residential element to the programme. This programme is

delivered by SCEL and administered by the Training and

Development Officer.

SCEL Fellowship This programme is for Head Teachers’ who have a deep understanding of systems leadership. A Head Teachers must have

a minimum of five years’ experience in post. This programme is delivered by SCEL and administered by the Training and

Development Officer.

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What Who

Leading Systems Change This programme is for system leaders in the local authority who are

seeking to develop their collaborative leadership skills and understanding. The aim of this programme is to support the twin

aims of excellence and equity through a whole-systems approach to developing integrated leadership. It prepares system leaders for

diverse and complex challenges encountered when undertaking system leadership. This programme is delivered by SCEL and

administered by the Training and Development Officer.

For more information about leadership development please contact Margo Cunningham, Training and Development

Officer at [email protected] or call 01620 828767

This framework has been designed to complement the four areas of the Scottish College of Educational Leadership (SCEL)

framework; Teacher Leadership, Middle, School and System.

More information about leadership programmes within East Lothian and SCEL can be found under the Leadership heading at www.edubuzz.org./cpdshare

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Building Middle Leadership Pathways: Leading Change and


This programme has been designed in partnership with local authorities from City of Edinburgh, Fife, Midlothian, Scottish Borders and West Lothian. The

programme uses Leadership Matters by Andy Buck as the core text. It is specifically for Principal Teachers and Faculty Heads and consists of 7 sessions.

The sessions will be delivered over a series of twilights and will be facilitated by Depute Head Teachers from across the local authority. Dates for the

programme have still to be confirmed.

Aims of the programme: Develop middle leadership capacity

Enable you to evidence you learning against the GTC Standards for Middle Leaders & Managers

Align your learning with HGIOS? 4 Quality Indicators (Q.I.’s) 1.1 – 1.4

Enable you to demonstrate how you have implemented the themes from our core text “Leadership Matters”

Structure of the programme:

Based on Leadership Matters 14 hours of taught sessions – this includes your final presentation

Inter-sessional activities

The 7 sessions are:

Knowing Yourself – Showing Yourself The Specificity of Middle Leadership

Leadership of Learning Leadership Styles

Leading Teams

Leading Change Presentation

Prerequisite for the programme: you must be in a PT or Faculty Head role.

Notes of interest should be made to [email protected]

on or before the 7th September 2018.

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Professional Update

If your year of registration with the GTC ends in a “2” or a “7” you will be

required to have your professional learning “signed-off” by your reviewer at your PRD meeting, this must be completed by the 1st July 2018.

Information relating to Professional Update is available on Edubuzz or go to www.gtcs.org

Does your GTCS number end in a “3” or a “8”? You can have your professional learning signed off anytime from August

2018- 1st July 2019.

If you have not already begun recording your professional learning, you must begin recording your learning as there is an expectation that learning has been

recorded from August 2014. If you have requested a deferral for 2017-18 you will be due to sign-off in 2018-19 by the 1st July 2019.


Should you need to request a deferral for maternity leave, long-term sickness

absence or a career break please discuss if this with your reviewer. More

information can be found in Professional Update Guide for Reviewees section 5.7

Bring Forward your Professional Update

This is designed for those teachers/registrants who are about to retire and wish to bring forward their Professional Update year which will allow them to

undertake supply teaching in the future. More information can be found in Professional Update Guide for Reviewees section 5.8

For more information on Professional Update go to

http://www.gtcs.org.uk/professional-update/professional-update.aspx or

contact Margo Cunningham Training and Development Officer at [email protected]

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Firstclubgolf Course

Date : 1st February 2019 Time : 2.00-4.00pm

Venue : Prestonpans Primary School

To Book a Place: Bookings for this course should be e-mailed to Sports Development (e-mail [email protected])

Designed for:

TO DELIVER TO P5’S/P5 COMPOSITES ONLY P5 teachers or any other nominated school representatives that would be able to

deliver the sessions to Primary 5’s/P5 composites during curriculum time


On completion of the course, participants will: Be equipped with the knowledge to deliver 6 very basic introductory golf

sessions known as firstclubgolf. This will then allow children to access clubgolf coaching in an after school setting delivered by trained volunteer coaches.

Outline Programme

Familiarise attendees with firstclubgolf equipment and lesson cards Introduce the key teaching points of the 3 main shots involved in golf

Demonstrate how to put the shots together in an easy game format Introduces alternative activity stations which assist in developing core golf


Note: No golf experience is needed. Please wear comfortable clothing and

trainers. Please also bring outdoor shoes and a warm jacket as if dry

the course will be delivered outdoors.

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Teenage Brains and Behaviour

Date : Friday 2nd November 2018 OR Friday 15 March 2019

Time : 1.00-4.00pm Venue : Ross High School Library

To Book a Place: Bookings for this course should be e-mailed to

[email protected]

Designed for: Primary and Secondary Teaching staff, guidance staff, support staff, youth workers, auxiliaries, anyone in contact with young people age 10+

This course was developed and is now delivered for staff in all 25 Edinburgh High Schools. The course considers brain development, emotional wellbeing,

risk and challenge and how those involved with young people on a daily basis can understand and support these changes.


On completion of the course, participants will: Have an increased awareness of the factors that influence children and young

people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing Understand how brain development and behaviour are shaped and influenced by our

interaction and experiences with others

Develop strategies to increase resilience, decrease stress and support children and young people during this vulnerable period of development.

Outline Programme What is emotional health and wellbeing

Risk and resilience, why relationships matter Explore current research on brain development and how this may impact on


Understand adolescence as a period of vulnerability and opportunity Consider impacts of stress and strategies to support with stress

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Outlines & Booking Information for all courses can be accessed on the Booking Live website.


Date Ref Title Session Time Venue

01/08/2018 PP001 Working with non-engaging families 1 of 1 1.30-4.30 Esk room 1, Brunton hall

13/08/18 CFE015 Supporting numeracy learning in the classroom 1 of 1 9.00-12.30 Esk rooms 1 and 2, Brunton Hall

24/08/2018 HSL001 Diabetes Care 1 of 1 1.30-3.30 Saltire Rooms 1 & 2, John Muir House

24/08/2018 LSM003 Next Steps into Leadership- Induction 1.30-4.30 Adam Room, John Muir House

29/08/2018 CFE003 Having a Coaching Conversation 1 of 2 4.30-6.15 Saltire Rooms 1 & 2, John Muir House

29/08/2018 n/a Child Protection Awareness Level 1 Training (book your place via [email protected])

1 of 1 9.30-12.30 Outdoor Learning Service, Musselburgh

05/09/2018 CFE003 Having a Coaching Conversation 2 of 2 4.30-6.15 Saltire Rooms 1 & 2, John Muir House

21/09/2018 HSL004 Asthma & Allergies 1 of 1 1.30-4.00 Saltire Rooms 1 & 2, John Muir House

22/09/2018 HWB007 Movement Support Programme Training 1 of 3 4.00-6.00 Kings Meadow PS Haddington

25/09/2018 Child Exploitation Sexual Awareness 1 of 1 1.30-4.30 Esk Room 1, Brunton hall

25/09/2018 HWB004 Early Moves/ Basic Moves PE Course 1 of 3 4.15-6.15 Gullane Primary

27/09/2018 n/a Child Protection Awareness Level 1 Training (book your place via [email protected])

1 of 1 9.30-12.30 Outdoor Learning Service, Musselburgh

28/09/2018 Children Affected by Parental Substance Misuse 1 of 1 1.30-4.30 Esk rooms 1 and 2, Brunton hall

28/09/2018 HWB001 Primary Rugby/ Hockey / Football 1 of 1 1.30-3.30 Meadowmill Sports Centre, Tranent

29/09/2018 HWB007 Movement Support Programme Training 2 of 3 4.00-6.00 Kings Meadow PS Haddington

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Date Ref Title Session Time Venue

02/10/2018 Protection of Children with Disabilities – Advanced

1 of 1 9.30-12.30 Esk room 1, Brunton hall

02/10/2018 HWB004 Early Moves/ Basic Moves PE Course 2 of 3 4.15-6.15 Gullane Primary

06/10/2018 HWB007 Movement Support Programme Training 3 of 3 4.00-6.00 Kings Meadow PS Haddington

09/10/2018 Vulnerability of Babies 1 of 1 1.30-4.00 Esk Room 1, Brunton Hall

09/10/2018 HWB004 Early Moves/ Basic Moves PE Course 3 of 3 4.15-6.15 Gullane Primary

24/10/2018 HWB005 Early Years and 1st Level Gymnastics 1 of 1 4.30-6.30 Kings Meadow PS Haddington

26/10/2018 HSL007 Epilepsy Full Training 1 of 1 9.30-3.30 Saltire Rooms 1 & 2, John Muir House

26/10/2018 n/a Child Protection Awareness Level 1 Training (book your place via [email protected])

1 of 1 1.00-4.00 Saltire Rooms 1 & 2, John Muir House

01/11/2018 Child Exploitation Sexual Awareness 1 of 1 1.30-4.30 Esk Room 1, Brunton hall

02/11/2018 CFE001 Coaching for Success 1 of 7 1.30- 4.30 Esk Rooms 1 & 2, Brunton Hall

02/11/2018 CFE002 Co-operative Learning (full day 1) 1 of 5 9.00-4.00 TBC

03/11/2018 CFE002 Co-operative Learning (full day 2) 2 of 5 9.00-4.00 TBC

09/11/2018 CFE002 Co-operative Learning (full day 3) 3 of 5 9.00-4.00 TBC

14/11/2018 HWB006 2nd Level Gymnastics Teacher 1 of 1 4.30-6.30 Kings Meadow PS Haddington

20/11/2018 n/a Child Protection Awareness Level 1 Training (book your place via [email protected])

1 of 1 1.00-4.00 Pennypit centre, Prestonpans

23/11/2018 HSL004 Asthma & Allergies 1 of 1 1.30-4.00 Saltire Rooms 1 & 2, John Muir House

28/11/2018 CFE013 Early Years Numeracy Academy 1 of 4 5.00-7.00 Venue TBC

07/12/2018 CFE001 Coaching for Success 2 of 7 1.30- 4.30 Esk Rooms 1 & 2, Brunton Hall

07/12/2018 HSL008 Epilepsy Refresher Training 1 of 1 1.30-4.00 Saltire Rooms 1 & 2, John Muir House

12/12/2018 n/a Child Protection Awareness Level 1 Training (book your place via [email protected])

1 of 1 9.30-12.30 Garelton Rooms, Penston House, Macmerry

Page 24: C Long Professional Learning (CLPL) 2018/2019


Date Ref Title Session Time Venue

11/01/2019 CFE001 Coaching for Success 3 of 7 1.30-4.30 Esk Rooms 1 & 2, Brunton Hall

25/01/2019 HSL007 Epilepsy Full Training 1 of 1 9.30-3.30 Saltire Rooms 1 & 2, John Muir House

29/01/2019 CFE011 WRAP for Education Staff 1 of 1 4.30-6.00 Saltire Rooms 1 & 2, John Muir House

30/01/2019 CFE013 Early Years Numeracy Academy 2 of 4 5.00-7.00 Venue TBC

01/02/2019 CFE001 Coaching for Success 4 of 7 1.30-4.30 Esk Rooms 1 & 2, Brunton Hall

19/02/2019 HWB002 Early Years Athletics 1 of 1 4.20-6.30 Macmerry Primary School

22/02/2019 HSL004 Asthma & Allergies 1 of 1 1.30-4.30 Saltire Rooms 1 & 2, John Muir House

26/02/2019 CFE012 WRAP for Education Staff 1 of 1 4.30-6.00 Saltire Rooms 1 & 2, John Muir House

27/02/2019 CFE013 Early Years Numeracy Academy 3 of 4 5.00-7.00 Venue TBC

01/03/2019 CFE001 Coaching for Success 5 of 7 1.30-4.30 Esk Rooms 1 & 2, Brunton Hall

01/03/2019 CFE002 Co-operative Learning (half-day follow up 1) 4 of 5 1.00-4.00 TBC

05/03/2019 HWB003 Level 1 & 2 Athletics 1 of 1 4.30-6.30 Dunbar Primary, Lochend Campus

08/03/2019 HSL008 Epilepsy Refresher Training 1 of 1 1.30-4.00 Saltire Rooms 1 & 2, John Muir House

15/03/2019 CFE002 Co-operative Learning (half-day follow up 2) 5 of 5 1.00-4.00 TBC

27/03/2019 CFE013 Early Years Numeracy Academy 4 of 4 5.00-7.00 Venue TBC

29/03/2019 CFE001 Coaching for Success 6 of 7 1.30-4.30 Esk Rooms 1 & 2, Brunton Hall

29/03/2019 CFE004 Having a Coaching Conversation 1 of 1 1.30-4.30 Regent Room, Brunton Hall

26/04/2019 CFE005 Having a Coaching Conversation 1 of 1 1.30-4.30 Esk room 1, Brunton hall

26/04/2019 HSL007 Epilepsy Full Training 1 of 1 9.30-3.30 Saltire Rooms 1 & 2, John Muir House

10/05/2019 HSL004 Asthma & Allergies 1 of 1 1.30-4.00 Saltire Rooms 1 & 2, John Muir House

07/06/2019 CFE001 Coaching for Success 7 of 7 1.30-4.30 Esk rooms 1 and 2, Brunton Hall