C HIEN -S HIUNG WU By Joseph E ARLY L IFE May 31 1912 Graduated from her dad school at age nine PhD...


Transcript of C HIEN -S HIUNG WU By Joseph E ARLY L IFE May 31 1912 Graduated from her dad school at age nine PhD...

  • Slide 1

Slide 2 C HIEN -S HIUNG WU By Joseph Slide 3 E ARLY L IFE May 31 1912 Graduated from her dad school at age nine PhD Female instructor Had a son. Slide 4 E DUCATION She started high school in 1922 She wanted to be a teacher Retired from teaching PhD. Female instructor at a college Slide 5 A CCOMPLISHMENTS Graduation Soochow girl school Bachelor degree Teacher during war She got chosen a member Slide 6 L ATER L IFE In 1957 she disproved the law Research Corp. Studied physicist Proves consignation of current law Comstock award First female president of American of science Retired Asteroid named after her she died Slide 7 F UN F ACTS She made the atomic bomb She astroid named after her Slide 8 B IBLIOGRAPHY http://www.factmonster.com/search?fr=fmtnh&qu ery=chien-shiung+wu&x=15&y=12 http://c250.columbia.edu/c250_celebrates/remark able