BYOD in e-Learning - Some Considerations

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by Dr. Allen Wong, Senior Vice President, Product Development & Management, Consumer Group, HKT Limited 香港電訊 個人客戶業務產品開發及管理 高級副總裁 黃一川博士

Transcript of BYOD in e-Learning - Some Considerations

Page 1: BYOD in e-Learning - Some Considerations

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Page 2: BYOD in e-Learning - Some Considerations

What is BYOD?

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Source : YouTube – “BYOD in the 21st Century” by Marc-Anre Lalande

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BYOD in Commercial World

Gartner report (May 2013) “By 2017, Half employers will require

Employee to supply their own device for work purpose”

In US market, BYOD is growing strongly …

Sources : 1Gartner report May 2013 and 2ReadWrite Survey

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No Just Cost Saving Productivity Gain

Employee Satisfaction

BYOD Drivers

Sources : and 4 Intel Inc.

• These are also the main drivers for eLearning.

• Same tool students use for social interaction with peers and

using it as educational tool.

• BYOD makes 1:1 Computing more financially sustainable.

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Security & Privacy

Damage, Loss & Theft

Network Loading & Filtering

Support & Servicing

Classroom Managemt

Equity of Access

Inevitable trend, create

challenges for schools

In 2011, Forsyth County, Georgia,

became the 1st school systems in

US to introduce BYOD policy.

Some Concerns in eLearning

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Security & Privacy

Damage, Loss & Theft

Network Loading & Filtering

Support & Servicing

Classroom Managemt

Equity of Access

Not all students have devices, thus

limits learning

Some devices may NOT have the

ability to run necessary applications

• Loan devices for class and/or home use

Equity of Access

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Security & Privacy

Damaage, Loss & Theft

Network Loading & Filtering

Support & Servicing

Classroom Managemt

Equity of Access

Data and Network Breaches

• Separate networks for students

Security policy on device itself

• Anti-virus / Anti-malware software

eSafety Awareness

• No sharing of personal information

Cyber-bullying policies

Security and Privacy

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Security & Privacy

Damage, Loss & Theft

Network Loading & Filtering

Support & Servicing

Classroom Managemt

Equity of Access

Student safety

• Remind student to take special precaution

Device theft and breakage

• Purchase insurance to protect investment

• Extend device warranty

Damage, Loss & Theft

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Security & Privacy

Damage, Loss & Theft

Network Loading & Filtering

Support & Servicing

Classroom Managemt

Equity of Access

Increasing no. of devices and traffic

• Invest in sufficiently robust and high speed

network infrastructure

• Good WiFi coverage, minimal interference

• Provision enough Internet bandwidth

Access to only appropriate resources

• Caching and Content Filtering

Network Issues

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Security & Privacy

Breakage, Loss & Theft

Network Loading & Filtering

Support & Servicing

Classroom Managemt

Equity of Access

The onus of responsibility and care

lies with each student

• Acceptable-use / Responsible-use Policy

Teachers are NOT IT support

• Encourage student to consult more

tech-savvy classmates

Baseline standardization to easy out

device compatibility issues

Support & Servicing

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Security & Privacy

Breakage, Loss & Theft

Network Loading & Filtering

Support & Servicing

Classroom Managemt

Equity of Access

For example, Lamp On and

Off, device face up …

Classroom Management

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Classroom Management

Source : YouTube – “BYOT for Parents” by Amy May, Huntsville ISD

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Source : Til Death, TV series by Fox

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Really a Distraction?

Digital technology shortening students attention spans; and

Hampering their ability to preserve in the face of challenging tasks *

“Wikipedia syndrome”

• Students so accustomed to getting quick answers with a few keystrokes that

they are more likely to give up when easy answer eludes them.

* Studies by “Pew Internet Project” Pew Research Center and Common Sense Media

Kristen Purcell, Associate Director at Pew, “… What we’re labeling as

‘Distraction’, some see as a failure of adults to see how these kids process

information. They’re NOT saying ‘Distraction’ is good but that the label of

‘Distraction’ is a judgment of this generation.”

Education system MUST adjust to better accommodate the way

students learn

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Digital Content

BYOD shift traditional Desktop software to

applications based on web technology

(browser) and cloud services

Pedagogical practice change

• Impact on teaching approach

• May require a digital curriculum

Standardized device hardware means easy of training for teachers/students


• eBook content require reasonable Screen size and Screen magnification

• Device may have limitation in supporting certain formats e.g. Flash, HTML5 …


• In past education license meant content can only be access within school. BYOD change

this model significantly as access is now anytime and anywhere.

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BYOD Spectrum

Limited Access Basic Enhanced Advanced

Access based on

teacher permission

or planned events.

May be

supplemented with



Can only access to

restricted Internet.

Little school

resources support.

Device may be

used during free

time such as lunch.

Certified device

types only.

Full Internet



access to school

resources. Multiple

devices may be

brought to school.

Onboarding with



Culture change and

innovation begins.

Students begin to

develop and create

applications on


Teacher Centric Student Centric

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Final Thoughts









Content &







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