By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control.

By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control

Transcript of By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control.

Page 1: By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control.



Secretary General,

Egyptian Society of Infection Control

Page 2: By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control.

• I.C. program

• Patient care

• Employee health

• Environmental hygiene

• Surveillance of infection

Prevention & Control Activities(Outlines)

Prevention & Control Activities

Page 3: By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control.

• Ward specific measures

• Disease/ Organism specific measures

• Antibiotic policy

• Reportable diseases

• Isolation policies

Prevention & Control Activities (contd.)

Prevention & Control Activities

Page 4: By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control.

• I.C. program • Ward sp. measures

• Patient care • Ds./Org. sp. measures

• Employee health • AB policy

• Environm. Hygiene • Reportable diseases

• Surveillance of inf. • Isolation policies

Prevention & Control Activities

Prevention & Control Activities

Page 5: By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control.

• Organizational structure




Infection Control Program

For each item:




Meeting periodicity

Prevention & Control Activities

Page 6: By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control.

• Handwashing

- Routine

- Surgical (H.W. facilities - antiseptics)

Patient Care

• Standard precautions

1. Protective barriers

2. Resuscitation facilities

3. Decontamination (later)

Protective barriers

- Gowns

- Gloves

- Masks

- Eye protection

- Shoe covers

Prevention & Control Activities

Page 7: By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control.

• Invasive Procedures

• Wound dressing

• Oral alimentation

• Other activities

Patient Care (cont.d)

Invasive procedures

- Indwelling urinary


- IV catheters

- IV injections

- Endoscopy

Prevention & Control Activities

Page 8: By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control.

• Old/ New Employee medical exam.[Initial (at time of employment) & Periodical]

• Exposure to blood, body fluids or tissue (exposure control plan)

• Staff accident or ward related infections

• Work restrictions

• Education

Employee health (Occupational health)

Prevention & Control Activities

Page 9: By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control.

• DecontaminationCleaning - Disinfection - Sterilization

• Hospital waste management.- Color coding- Segregation at source- Collection- Transportation- Storage- Disposal- Recycling regular waste

Environmental hygiene (Hosp. Env. Control)

• Regular waste• Biohazardous waste

- Identification

- Handling

- Disposal

Prevention & Control Activities

Page 10: By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control.

• Microbiologic sampling- Not routine- Outbreak investigation- Research purposes

• Housekeeping policy

• Laundry policy

• Construction policy(Construction, design & remodeling measures)

Environmental hygiene

Prevention & Control Activities

Page 11: By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control.

• Sterile water(for invasive procedures)

• Appropriate air supply(room ventilation)

• Proper storage of sterile supply

Environmental hygiene

Prevention & Control Activities

Page 12: By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control.

A. Elements- Data collection- Data collation (consolidated or tabulated)- Data analysis- Reporting

Surveillance of infection

• Criteria for Nosocomial infections

• Surveillance analysis & reporting

Prevention & Control Activities

Page 13: By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control.

• Surveillance analysis & reporting (cont.d)

B. Uses (improvement of outcomes & processes)

- Provide baseline data on infection risk - Problem identification- Problem investigation- Evaluation of control measures- Evaluation of practices- Education of HCW- Research - Risk management

Surveillance of infection

Prevention & Control Activities

Page 14: By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control.

C. Approaches- Comprehensive, Total - Priority-directed, Site-specific- Problem-oriented

(outbreak response surveillance)

D. Worksheets

Surveillance of infection

• Surveillance analysis & reporting (cont.d)

Prevention & Control Activities

Page 15: By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control.

- Site, design & construction of unit - Function & activity of unit- Type of patient - Expected infections& diseases- Treatment modality (AB, Chemoth.)- Type of intervention- Type of case

(long-term, short-term, day care)

Ward specific measures (Dept or unit)

Measures differ according to:

Prevention & Control Activities

Page 16: By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control.


re - O.R. - ICU- Ped. & Neon. ICU - Pediatrics- Medical wards - Outpatient clinics- Surgical wards- Ante/Postnatal care unit ……..etc

Ward specific measures

- Laboratory• Construction• Safety•Techniques & investigations( e.g. pipetting, cell counting, blood sampling)

Prevention & Control Activities

Page 17: By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control.

• Blood borne pathogen (Prevention precautions - Control)

e.g. HBV, HCV, HIV

• T.B.• Pneumonia• MRSA• VRE• Multidrug resistant organisms• Scabies ….etc

Disease &/or Organism specific measures

Prevention & Control Activities

Page 18: By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control.

• Clinical use - Therapeutic (Empirical - Targeted)- Prophylactic

• Hospital AB committee- membership- meetings- duties

• Education (better to say: Communication with clinicians)

Antibiotic policy

Prevention & Control Activities

Page 19: By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control.

• Investigation & mgt of majoroutbreaks (or clusters) How?- Diarrhea- MRSA- VRE

• Notification of communicable disease How?

Reportable Diseases

Prevention & Control Activities

Page 20: By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control.

• Enteric isolation

• Blood & body fluid isolation

• Respiratory isolation

• Strict isolation

• Contact isolation

• Protective isolation

Isolation policies

Prevention & Control Activities

Page 21: By Prof. OSSAMA RASSLAN Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection Control.