By Mia H. 1.Tile, and student name as subtitle 2.Table of contents 3.What do scientists think the...

By Mia H.

Transcript of By Mia H. 1.Tile, and student name as subtitle 2.Table of contents 3.What do scientists think the...

By Mia H.

1. Tile, and student name as subtitle2. Table of contents3. What do scientists think the surface is

like on Saturn. What is the atmosphere on Saturn

4. What is the temperature range? What is the diameter or circumference of Saturn?

5. Does Saturn have any moons? How many? What are they like? How far is the planet from the sun?

6. How many miles from earth is Saturn planet? How many earth hours/days does it take to rotate once?

7. How long does it take Saturn to revolve around the sun? How did Saturn get its name?

8. Are there any other interesting or important facts about Saturn? Bibliography/bibliography: Include all books and websites used for content and pictures.

Saturn’s air is so cold that you wouldn’t be able to breath on Saturn. Saturn does not have a solid surface. If you tried to walk on Saturn you would fall right though.

Saturn’s average surface temperature is -288 degrees. The planets diameter is 74,897 miles and its circumference is 235,301 miles

Saturn is 885,900,000 miles away from the sun. Its also has more then 60 moons. Four of its moons are Titan, Enceladus, Lapetus, and Mimas.

Saturn is 746,000,000 miles away when it is the closest to earth. It takes Saturn 11 earth hours to rotate once.

It takes Saturn 29.4 years to revolve around the sun. Saturn got its name from a Roman god.

Saturn is the son of Uranus and the father of Jupiter. Saturn also has many rings. Its rings are made of ice, dust, and chunks of rock. It is the 2nd largest planet in the solar system.

Erickson, Kristen. “Solar System Exploration." NASA. April 7, 2014. NASA. 7 April, 2014. <>.;_ylt=A0SO80daUHpT30QAc9ZXNyoA?p=saturn&fr=moz35&fr2=piv-web