By: Mary-Margaret Chabot Submitted To: Mrs.Lucarelli Submitted On: October 08, 2009.

By: Mary-Margaret Chabot Submitted To: Mrs.Lucarelli Submitted On: October 08, 2009

Transcript of By: Mary-Margaret Chabot Submitted To: Mrs.Lucarelli Submitted On: October 08, 2009.

By: Mary-Margaret ChabotSubmitted To: Mrs.LucarelliSubmitted On: October 08, 2009

ENVIRONMENT & PHOTOGRAPHY -What are ways to help our earth? - Some ways to help our earth as photographers; you

should use digital instead of film because no more chemicals are being used, instead of using batteries over and over use rechargeable batteries meant for cameras, reduce the amount of the paper getting thrown out just read online, you can set your computer to power down when not in use, inform people to print out the pictures they will be using instead of wasting paper, instead of printing out pictures use online sharing programs like, or even, another main thing to always do is reduce, reuse recycle.


-What impact does the environment have on photographers?

-The impact of the environment on photographers most of the time is better for photographers because it gives them something to photograph and then it also keeps them photographing things while the world changes. The only photographers that would benefit from this though are nature photographers. Everyday photographers for people or places it could make an impact on them because if they is a problem in the environment like a recession in the economy you could not get a lot of business and not succeed as a photographer.

-Is photography harmful to the environment? -Photography can be harmful to the environment if

you are not using "green" chemicals when using film instead of digital. It can also be harmful if you are just going threw batteries instead of rechargeable. If you don’t get rechargeable you could at least dispose of the batteries properly instead of just throwing them in the garbage. It can also be harmful if you don’t recycle what so ever, you should always Be Green! (knowledge)

Society & Photography -What are the best techniques to use as a photographer for the society? -If you are into serious photography, then you have to take into

consideration many things when selecting the type of equipment and gadgets to purchase. It does not matter whether you are going into photography as a hobby or as a profession. There are important things that you have to include in the general equation for the determination of the type of photography equipment and gadgets that you will have to invest in.” When taking pictures you have to take everything into consideration. Like the weather the lighting the direction of the wind and the shadows. (

-Where would be the best place to go for good business? -Any bigger city would be good to go, just make sure you advertise

make your business known. Get noticed and you should have good business, do not move to a place with not a lot of people because eventually you will be losing money instead of gaining money. (Different

Websites and knowledge + books)

- How necessary is photography in this society?

- Photography is really necessary in the society, even though there is tons of people now that have cameras and take there own pictures but what about the people that don’t have a camera? It is also better to have photographers because if we didn't not everyone would be able to see what this world has. With no photographers we would not know what the Grand Canyon actual looks like, since not ever one can actually go around the world looking at the different things this world has to offer.

(My knowledge and different websites and books)

SCIENCE & PHOTOGRAPHY -What types of chemicals are used by photographers? - Some types of chemicals used are; An organic acid,

usually acetic, to provide the necessary acidity to stop development and create the proper pH for effective hardening. Sodium sulfite, which prevents the decomposition of the thiosulfate by the acid and forms colorless oxidation products of the developer thus preventing staining. Alum as a hardening agent.

-How often is science used/ needed? -Science is not really needed for digital photography as

long as you no how to work your camera and everything. If you are going to be using film then you will need to no what chemicals will be used how to dispose of them and what to and not to mix. If you do not know your science it is not going to be a major issue as long as you stick with digital instead of film.

-What is the best way to dispose of these chemicals?

-Unmixed chemicals need to be disposed of through a licensed hazardous waste handler or through a professional household hazardous waste collection. It is best to use up your chemicals or check with a school or photographic materials supplier to see if they can use your unwanted supplies to avoid this disposal problem.

Properly mixed and diluted black-and-white photography solutions can be flushed with plenty of water down the drain connected to the sanitary sewer system. If you use a septic tank or lagoon, ask a friend or relative who is connected to the sanitary sewer system if you might use their drain to dispose of your properly mixed and diluted photography chemicals.”

Technology & Photography

-Will photography benefit from upgrades in technology?

-Photography and every other digital equipment will benefit from upgrades unless it doesn't affect them at all. Then it shouldn't be too big of an impact on them. But when it upgrades in the future the only thing that is not that great about it is that if you don't have the money you will have to stick with the camera they originally had. But then the technology doesn't make the photographer better the photographer makes them selves better. (knowledge + books)

-What is a better thing to use digital or black room (film)?

-They each serve a different purpose.Film and digital capture are completely different media. They are used for similar purposes, but they themselves are completely unrelated to each other. more people get a better result with digital cameras. Extremely skilled photographers can get better results on film if they can complete the many more steps from shot to print all perfectly. Because there are so many ways things can go wrong with making prints from film, especially from print (negative) film, beginning photographers and hobbyists usually get better prints from digital because there are fewer variables to control.

-What camera would be the best camera to be using?

-Pentax is alone in having developed a comprehensive range of prime lenses for the APS-C format that dominates modern DSLR photography, while most of its competitors concentrate on offering a selection of zooms.

Pentax's cameras have also catered well for this market in the shape of the competitively-priced K20D, a very likeable, solid upgrade to the K10D. Both cameras offered robust semi-pro build quality and a fairly advanced degree of environmental sealing, combined with a good level of customizability and well worked-out handling. But it's now been over two-and-a-half years since the K10D appeared and, as it tends to, the market has moved on. The K20D's live view system was not exactly class leading, and the camera was starting to look a little long-in-the-tooth when compared to the video-shooting Canons and Nikons that have started to appear, with their VGA screens and polished interfaces. (Mixed Websites)