By FaxJe-mailElection Matter By FaxJe-mail F.No. C.SO/61(2)/201S-Ad.II Government ofIndia Ministry...

- Election Matter By FaxJe-mail F.No. C.SO/61(2)/201S-Ad.II Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue Central Board Excise & Customs North Block, New Delhi. Dated the 15 th September, 201S. To, 1. Office of Chief Commissioner, Central Excise & Service Tax, Ahmedabad Zone, Central Excise Bhavan, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad- 3800 IS. 2. Office ofthe Commissioner of Central Excise, Jodhpur, NCR Building, Statue Circle, Prithi Raj Road "C" Scheme, Jaipur- 302005. 3. Office ofthe Commissioner of Central Excise, Service Tax & Customs, Hqrs. Manik Bagh Palace, Post Box No. 10, Indore-45200 1. 4. Office of the Commissioner, Audit-II, Vadodara, New Central Excise Building, opp. Gandhi Baug, Chowk Bazaar, Surat-395001 5. Office of the Commissioner of Central Excise, Service Tax & Customs, Daman, 3 rd floor, Adarshdharn Building, Daman Road, Vaisad-396191. 6. Office of the Commissioner of Customs, Gujrat Zone, Ahmedabad, 2 nd floor, Custom House, Near All India Radio, Navarangpura, Ahmedabad- 380009. 7. Office of the Commissioner of Customs, Central Excise & Service Tax, Basheer Bagh, Hyderabad-500004. Subject: General Election to the Legislative Assembly of Bihar - reg. Sir, I am directed to refer to the Election Commission's letter No. 4641Exp. Obs'/20 15/EEPS/Vol. IV dated 9 th September, 2015 regarding appointment of 16 IC&CES and letter of even number dated 10 th September, 2015 regarding appointment of 22 IC&CES Officers as Expenditure Observers in the General Election to the Assembly of Bihar, 2015. (The letter of Election Commission is available on the website of the Department.) 2. The following officers are nominated as Expenditure Observers m place of the officers mentioned against each :

Transcript of By FaxJe-mailElection Matter By FaxJe-mail F.No. C.SO/61(2)/201S-Ad.II Government ofIndia Ministry...

Page 1: By FaxJe-mailElection Matter By FaxJe-mail F.No. C.SO/61(2)/201S-Ad.II Government ofIndia Ministry ofFinance Department ofRevenue Central Board Excise &Customs North Block, New Delhi.

-Election MatterBy FaxJe-mail

F.No. C.SO/61(2)/201S-Ad.IIGovernment of IndiaMinistry of Finance

Department of RevenueCentral Board Excise & Customs

North Block, New Delhi.Dated the 15th September, 201S.

To,1. Office of Chief Commissioner,

Central Excise & Service Tax,Ahmedabad Zone,Central Excise Bhavan,Ambawadi, Ahmedabad- 3800 IS.

2. Office ofthe Commissioner of Central Excise, Jodhpur,NCR Building, Statue Circle, Prithi Raj Road "C" Scheme, Jaipur-302005.

3. Office ofthe Commissioner of Central Excise, Service Tax & Customs,Hqrs. Manik Bagh Palace, Post Box No. 10, Indore-45200 1.

4. Office of the Commissioner, Audit-II, Vadodara, New CentralExcise Building, opp. Gandhi Baug, Chowk Bazaar, Surat-395001

5. Office of the Commissioner of Central Excise, Service Tax & Customs,Daman, 3rd floor, Adarshdharn Building, Daman Road, Vaisad-396191.

6. Office of the Commissioner of Customs, Gujrat Zone, Ahmedabad, 2nd

floor, Custom House, Near All India Radio, Navarangpura, Ahmedabad-380009.

7. Office of the Commissioner of Customs, Central Excise & Service Tax,Basheer Bagh, Hyderabad-500004.

Subject: General Election to the Legislative Assembly of Bihar - reg.

Sir,I am directed to refer to the Election Commission's letter No. 4641Exp.

Obs'/20 15/EEPS/Vol. IV dated 9th September, 2015 regarding appointment of16 IC&CES and letter of even number dated 10th September, 2015 regardingappointment of 22 IC&CES Officers as Expenditure Observers in the GeneralElection to the Assembly of Bihar, 2015. (The letter of Election Commissionis available on the website of the Department.)

2. The following officers are nominated as Expenditure Observers mplace of the officers mentioned against each :

Page 2: By FaxJe-mailElection Matter By FaxJe-mail F.No. C.SO/61(2)/201S-Ad.II Government ofIndia Ministry ofFinance Department ofRevenue Central Board Excise &Customs North Block, New Delhi.

of the Officer/ RemarksSr.No. NameCommissionerate

l. Shri Kailash Chandra Sharma, Substitute for ShriAdditiional Commissioner. Dharmendra Pratap Singh

Office of the Commissioner ofCentral Excise, Jaipur, N.C.R.Building, Statue Circle, C Scheme,Jaipur - 302005.

Telephone Nos.-Office - 0141-2385775Residence - 0141-2812939Mobile - 9414467069

2. Additional Substitute for Shri PeeyoushBhati (R-17385)

Shri R.K.Sehgal,CommissionerTelephone Nos.-Office - 731-2395008Residence - 0731-2554220Mobile - 9820902323

Office of the Commissioner ofCentral Excise, Service Tax &Customs, Hqrs. Manik Bagh Palace,Post Box No. 10, Indore-45200l.

3. Dr. M.K.Meena,Commissioner.

Additional Substitute for Shri GirrajPrasad Meena (R-17385)

Telephone Nos.-Office - 0261-2465674Residence ---Mobile - 9995950008

Office of the Commissioner, Audit-Il,Vadodara, New Central ExciseBuilding, opp. Gandhi Baug, ChowkBazaar, Surat-395001

4. Sh. Prasant S.Kuduskar, Additional Substitute for Shri T.G.Commissioner. Venkatesh

Telephone Nos.-Office - 0250-2465868Residence ---Mobile - 9408709919Office of the Commissioner of CentralExcise, Service Tax & Customs,Daman, 3rd floor, Adarshdham Building,Daman Road, Vaisad-396191.

Page 3: By FaxJe-mailElection Matter By FaxJe-mail F.No. C.SO/61(2)/201S-Ad.II Government ofIndia Ministry ofFinance Department ofRevenue Central Board Excise &Customs North Block, New Delhi.

Sr.No. Name of the Officer/ RemarksCommissionerate .-

Shri5. Sh. Amit Gupta, Deputy Substitute forCommissioner. K.G.V.N.Surya Teja

Telephone Nos.-Office - 079-22863516Residence ---Mobile - 9687306229/8469378472

Office of the Commissioner of Customs,Gujrat Zone, Ahmedabad, 2nd floor,Custom House, Near All India Radio,Navarangpura, Ahmedabad-380009.

6. Sh. P.Narsimha Rao, Deputy Substitute for Shri A.Commissioner. Manimaran

Telephone Nos.-Office - 040-23220720Residence ---Mobile - 9924956758Office of the Commissioner of Customs,Central Excise & Service Tax, BasheerBagh, Hyderabad-500004.

7. Sh. Pankaj Kumar, Deputy Substitute for Shri S.K.Commissioner. Singh

Telephone Nos.-Office - 079-22868377Residence ---Mobile - 9712154785

Office of the Commissioner of Customs,Gujrat Zone, Ahmedabad, 2nd floor,Custom House, Near All India Radio,Navarangpura, Ahmedabad-3 80009.

3. The above officers (Expenditure Observers) may be asked to report for2nd Briefing meeting to be held on 16.09.2015 at Vigyan Bhavan at 11.00A.M. without fail.

4. The details of the above stated 7 IRS (C&CE) officers as received fromDG, HRD is attached.

Enc1: As above.

Yours faithfully,


Under Secretary to the Government of IndiaTel. No. 2309 5520

Page 4: By FaxJe-mailElection Matter By FaxJe-mail F.No. C.SO/61(2)/201S-Ad.II Government ofIndia Ministry ofFinance Department ofRevenue Central Board Excise &Customs North Block, New Delhi.

Copy to:-1. The officers concerned (bye-mail).2. The Secretary, (Attn. Shri Avinash Kumar, Under Secretary), Election

Commission of India, New Delhi for information.3. The Website Manager, DO (Systems) with the request to upload this

letter on the official website of CBEC.

(JP~~Under Secretary to the Government of India

Tel. No. 2309 5520

Page 5: By FaxJe-mailElection Matter By FaxJe-mail F.No. C.SO/61(2)/201S-Ad.II Government ofIndia Ministry ofFinance Department ofRevenue Central Board Excise &Customs North Block, New Delhi.

PROFORMA (Substitute Officers - 14/09/2015) .S. Emp. Name Sex Cadre Year of Date of Home Present Office Address Telephone Resid Mobile E-Mail Remark

No. Code allotment Birth State Designation Office enceNumbers

1 1811 Kailash Male IRS(C&CE) 2002 10.03.1964 Rajasthan Additional 0/0 of the 0141-2385775 0141- 9414467069 [email protected] Substitute for Shri

Chandra Commissioner Commissioner of 28129 Dharmendra Pratap

Sharma Central Excise, Jodhpur, 39 SinghNCRbuilding,statuecircle, Prithi Raj Road,"C' Scheme, Jaipur -302005

2 1819 R.K.Sehgal Male IRS(C&CE) 2002 16.03.1961 Delhi Additional 0/0 the Commissioner 0731-2395008 0731- 9820902323 [email protected] Substitute forShriCommissioner Central Excise,Service 25542 Peeyoush Bhati

Tax & Customs, 20 (R-17385)Hqrs.Manik BaghPalace,Post Box No-lO,Indore-452001

3 1649 Dr. M.K. Male IRS 2002 01.05.1977 Rajasthan Additional 0/0 the Commissioner, 0261-2465674 9995950008 [email protected] Substitute for Shri

Meena (C&CE) Commissioner Audit-II, Vadodara, New Girraj Prasad MeenaCentral Excise Building, (R-17385)opp. Gandhi Baug,Chowk Bazaar, Surat-395001


Page 6: By FaxJe-mailElection Matter By FaxJe-mail F.No. C.SO/61(2)/201S-Ad.II Government ofIndia Ministry ofFinance Department ofRevenue Central Board Excise &Customs North Block, New Delhi.






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/-- PROFORMA {Substitute Officers -15/09/2015)~( 5. £mp. Name Sex Cadre Ysrof Oat~rrf Home Present Dfffce Add ren Telephone Resid Mobffe E-M~1I

No. CGde allotment Birth State Cesillnatfon Office I!llce

Numbers1 1.316 Prosant S. Male I~S 1.998 17-9-59 Manaras Additional 0/0 the Commissioner 0200-2465&68 9408109919 [email protected] Substitute fer Shri T.

Kaduskar (C&CE) htra Commissioner of Central Exd1e, G. Venkatesh (R.Customs &. Service Tax, 14813)Daman, 3 I'd Iloor,Adarsl1dham Bui leling.[)aman Road, Valsad -396191


2 3258 Aroit Gupta Male IRS(C&CE) 2007 10.01.1983 Utlar Deputy 0/0 the (Ilief 079--22853516 9687306229 & caQri Substitute for ShriKPradesh Commissioner Commissioner of 84693711472 G. V. N. Surya Teja (R

Customs, Gujrat Zone, 20958)Ahmedabad. 2nd floor.Customs House, Near 1All India Radio.Na.flIngpur.Ahmedabad - 380009

3 2772 PNarsimha Male IRSlC&CE) 2005 28.12.1965 Andhra Deputy a/a TheChief 04<}-2322072C 99249S6758 l1arital,J.rao@icerne.! Su!>stitute forSh,; A.Rao Pradesh Commissiooer Commissioner Manim~filfl (R·

Cu~toms,CEntral Excise 185471& Service Tax.BashaerBagn,Hyderabad·500004

4 3045 Pankaj Kumar Male IAS(C&CE) 2006 Hary2na Oeputy 010 the Chief 079-22868377 9712154785 !1ankairadav13@gmditcom Suilstitute for ShIi S.Commissioner (om m issrcoer of Ie Slngh (R·20959j

Customs. Gujra\ Zone,Ahmedabad, 2nd floor,Customs House, NearAll India Radio.f'lavldngpur,

L-- AAmedabad . 380009 IiIij;1J


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