by Cayelin K · 2016...

2016 March Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell Page 1 2016 March Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell ... The sky Spreads like an ocean hung on high, Bespangled with those isles of light, So wildly, spiritually bright; Who ever gazed upon them shining, And turned to Earth without repining, Nor wished for wings to flee away, and mix with their internal Ray? ~ Lord Byron, the siege of Corinth, 1816 In the Great Above the stars and the constellational patterns in the sky are a seasonal calendar, meaning there are certain times of the year when the constellations are visible in either the morning or evening sky and other times when they are NOT visible because the Sun is there. Be sure to check out what is happening in the sky this month in the section on the March Sky. This month also features the Vernal Equinox (Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere). These seasonal points move through the constellations at the rate of one degree every 72 years, taking nearly 26,000 years to return to a starting point. Currently, the Solstices are aligned on the boundaries of the Scorpion (a.k.a. the eagle) near Galactic Center and the Bull near the Galactic Edge. The Equinoxes are located on the boundaries of the Lion (aligned with the North Galactic Pole), and the Waterbearer or Human (aligned with the South Galactic Pole). This signals a major Turning of an Age, that is way bigger than what many are calling the Age of Aquarius. The Age of Aquarius represents a way of determining a Galactic Month within the Great Galactic Year of nearly 26,000 years. However, whenever the Solstices and Equinoxes align with the BIG four constellations as they are now - we know we are experiencing a seasonal shift of at least 6500 years and with the Solstices on the Galactic Crosses This image is begins with the Spring Equinox in the Bull that began about 6500 years ago. Today it is the Solstices that are aligned with these constellations

Transcript of by Cayelin K · 2016...

2016 March Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell Page 1

2016 March Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell

... The sky Spreads like an ocean hung on high, Bespangled with those isles of light,

So wildly, spiritually bright; Who ever gazed upon them shining,

And turned to Earth without repining, Nor wished for wings to flee away,

and mix with their internal Ray? ~ Lord Byron, the siege of Corinth, 1816

In the Great Above the stars and the constellational

patterns in the sky are a seasonal calendar, meaning

there are certain times of the year when the

constellations are visible in either the morning or evening sky and other times when they are NOT visible because the

Sun is there. Be sure to check out what is happening in the sky this month in the section on the March Sky.

This month also features the

Vernal Equinox (Spring in the

Northern Hemisphere and Autumn

in the Southern Hemisphere).

These seasonal points move

through the constellations at the

rate of one degree every 72 years,

taking nearly 26,000 years to

return to a starting point.

Currently, the Solstices are aligned

on the boundaries of the Scorpion

(a.k.a. the eagle) near Galactic

Center and the Bull near the

Galactic Edge. The Equinoxes are

located on the boundaries of the

Lion (aligned with the North

Galactic Pole), and the

Waterbearer or Human (aligned

with the South Galactic Pole). This

signals a major Turning of an Age, that is way bigger than what many are calling the Age of Aquarius.

The Age of Aquarius represents a way of determining a Galactic Month within the Great Galactic Year of nearly

26,000 years. However, whenever the Solstices and Equinoxes align with the BIG four constellations as they are now -

we know we are experiencing a seasonal shift of at least 6500 years and with the Solstices on the Galactic Crosses

This image is begins with the Spring Equinox in the Bull that began about 6500 years ago.

Today it is the Solstices that are aligned with these constellations

2016 March Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell Page 2

near Galactic Center and the Galactic Edge it is very likely we are experiencing the shift of an entire 26,000 year cycle.

(See articles and videos)

It is worth noting that the lion, eagle (a.k.a.

scorpion), bull and human (often seen as a

Man or Woman pouring water from a jar)

are the four symbols found in the biblical

book of Revelations. These 4 symbols have

all been related to the imagery of the

Egyptian Great Sphinx.

In the Great Below, the Sphinx links to this

great cosmic time clock as the seasonal

cycles align with these constellations every

6500 years.

There is an ancient Arab proverb that says

Man Fears Time, but Time Fears the Sphinx.

Indeed, the Sphinx is much older than was

previously thought. In the early 1990’s,

Robert M. Schoch found that erosion on

the Sphinx was not caused by the effects of wind-driven sand, as the current consensus believed. It was actually

cause by moving water during a time when water covered the Sphinx.

In William Henry’s book, The Peacemaker and the New Key of Life, he tells us that when the flood waters receded

from the Great Sphinx, it was recarved. Prior to that time the tail and backend of the Great Egyptian Sphinx

represented the image of a bull. The paws and forefront represent a lion. The head still represents a human. Stone

boxes on the flanks of the Sphinx where ceremonial fires were lit caused the Sphinx to look like it had the out

stretched wings of a soaring eagle.

These images represent the four constellations of the four directions of our

Galaxy. The Scorpion is where we find Galactic Center, the Bull is where we

find the Galactic Edge, The Lion is where we find the North Galactic Pole and

the Waterbearer is where we find the South Galactic Pole.

The Sphinx has connections to the Mer-Ka-Ba (Mer /Light Ka/Spirit Ba/Body

or our light body). To the Ancients the MerKaBa was a transport system

through space/time/light and they understood that we each possess a

MerKaBa inherently within our own cellular structure. All that is needed is for

us to remember to activate what is already encoded within our DNA.

Over the years there have been whisperings and even obscure reports that

the great Hall of Records has been located under or near the Egyptian Sphinx,

suggesting the Sphinx is a key symbol to our remembering who we are, where we come from, and how we are living

into the unfolding Great Mystery.

2016 March Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell Page 3

In 2016 Jupiter continues to journey through the constellation of the Lion (Sphinx linked to the Sphinx in the Great

Below) helping us to unlock, activate and expand the codes of light we all carry. For those who feel a resonance with

these mysteries this is a powerful time to invite the mysteries of the Sphinx, of time, of the turning of the great

wheel, of the hall of records, of our origins, of the lion, bull, eagle (dragon/scorpion)and Waterbearer, of the council

of the twelve and one, of the Mer-Ka-Ba, of Tula/Shamaballa, of the Central Sun behind the Sun and so on, more fully

into our conscious awareness. These are indeed mysterious and magical times.

This is a follow up on Last Month’s Introduction and Discussion about the Money System

2016 March Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell Page 4

April 14-19, 2016 Join Cayelin K Castell

and Shelley Tatlebaum

at the pyramids of Teotihuacan

near Mexico City for a special sacred event

marrying Toltec Wisdom and Shamanic Astrology

The Pyramids, Plazas and Temples of Teo have long been a place of deep healing and self discovery where the veils between the seen and the unseen are lifted. Come join us and experience ancient Toltec wisdom, along with the AS ABOVE SO BELOW mysteries where we will play in all worlds and universes, past, present and future in the flow of present time, when Venus is in the Underworld and Mars is stationing Retrograde along with the rare Jupiter North Node conjunction in Virgo continuing to expand humanity’s sacred destiny! This is about having a direct experience of Teo's unique magical energy carefully designed by an ancient culture to amplify your capacity for personal transformation and ever evolving self-awareness.

Journey Includes:

5 nights accommodations (double occupancy) All meals Ground transportation to and from Airport All entrance fees to archaeological pyramid sites Daily Teachings, and Experiential Activities Airfare is NOT included

$1195 if paid in Full by March 15. A $350 deposit holds your space until March 15. For more information contact Shelley Tatelbaum at [email protected]

MORE Details are HERE

My 60th Birthday Reading Special

for both Updates and First Time Sessions Up to

90 minutes for $260 HERE are the Details or go


readings/ Note: Due to birthday travels I will

begin taking appointments on March 8

2016 March Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell Page 5

March Sky

In Like a Lion out Like a Lamb?

The famous saying for the Month of March is - if it comes in like a Lion it

will go out like a Lamb. Most consider this to be about the weather in

March that is often spring like one day and a raging blizzard the next. Guy

Ottewell’s proposes in his Astronomical Calendar that this saying may have

originated due to the Constellation of the Lion being at the Zenith in the

evening sky as the constellation of the Ram (lamb) sets.

Stars worth noting in the Night Sky this Month

The Sacred Hoop of Stars (as they were known

to the Lakota Sioux and other Plains Indians)

are high in the sky after Sunset. This

configuration of stars is what astronomer’s

sometimes call the ‘winter hexagon’ though

the Sacred Hoop includes the Pleiades on the

outer edge rather than Aldebaran, the eye of

the Bull. The top star of the Hoop this month

is Capella and moving clockwise includes the

Pleiades, Rigel, Sirius, and Procyon, and Pollux

and Castor.

The Ecliptic (plane of the solar system and the

path the planets travel) and the Milky Way

(plane of the galaxy) intersect near the middle

of this hoop of Stars forming a cross within a


The place of the intersection occurs at what is

called the Galactic Edge, where we look out beyond our Galaxy. The center point of the cross is located between the

feet of the Twins and the horns of the Bull. This intersection is the place in the sky where the summer solstice (0

degree Cancer) is currently located.

Orion and the Hyades are located inside the Hoop and are easily spotted this time of year. Interestingly, the Mayans

perceived the sword of Orion as a sacred fire of creation inside a fire pit and modern astronomers have discovered

this is a place where the most new stars are being birthed!

Heaven’s Gate is a configuration of Stars that form a great equilateral triangle (see image above) with two stars that

form the outer edge of the Sacred Hoop already mentioned and they are Sirius and Procyon. The third star is

Betelgeuse marking the shoulder of Orion. These stars were known as ‘Heaven’s Gate’ to Alaskan Shamans and

represent another version of an entry point or entrance into incarnation. (Sacred Hoop Article)

2016 March Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell Page 6

Moonless March nights feature the zodiacal light visible in the twilight of sunset. This is the time when the plane of

the solar system, also known as ecliptic, is tilted highest with respect to the western horizon at mid-northern

latitudes. The zodiacal light is caused by interplanetary dust from disintegrated comets illuminated by the Sun as it

sets. Other times of the year the zodiacal light is visible in the

morning sky lit by the Sun as it rises.

The zodiacal light is actually the brightest thing in the solar

system after the Sun, as it reflects more total sunlight than

Venus or Jupiter if you could collect their light all in one

place. Astronomers wonder if the zodiacal light around other

stars prevents them from detecting the light of other small

planets that may be orbiting those stars.

The Minimum Three Day Window

Since it has been awhile since I have included this information in the Celestial Timings here it is again. All the celestial

events described each month have a minimum three day impact including the day before and the day after. In many

cases, the planetary effects extend into weeks, months and even years. Noting the sign and degree of the aspects

and planets helps you to know if these events are directly affecting your own natal chart. The Celestial Timings then

are a great guide to knowing how these energies affect us collectively but also when to pay extra close attention to

the personal initiations we all go through as well as the messages that are there to guide and support our choices.

This month Procyon and Sirius are the two bright stars in the eastern sky after Sunset. Procyon, 11 light years from

Earth, is the star known as "before the dog" rising just before the dogstar Sirius, who is 8 light years from Earth and

our brightest fixed star. Look for Sirius to the lower left of the three stars of Orion's belt. Also prominent is the bright

red star known as Betelguese marking the shoulder of Orion. All three stars, Procyon, Sirius and Betelguese form the

perfect equilateral triangle known as Heaven’s Gate where souls enter this dimension. (see above)

Regulus is the bright star that you see at the base of a "backward question mark" that defines the head of the Lion

constellation. The Moon was beside Regulus during last month’s Full Moon. This important royal star is about 84 light

2016 March Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell Page 7

years away or 8 times further away from Earth than Sirius. Rising later in the evening, is the stellar triangle that

marks the tail of the Lion. This stellar triangle features the bright star Denebola, 43 light years away.

Saturn in Sagittarius

Saturn is traveling through the constellation of the Scorpion and the seasonal sign of Sagittarius or the place where

the Sun is 30 days before the December Solstice. Saturn travels through Sagittarius for about two and half years

having entered Sagittarius on Dec 23, 2013 with a short 3 month retrograde back into Scorpio in 2015. Saturn enters

Capricorn on December 19, 2017. And this year Saturn is within range of the Royal Star Antares marking the heart of

the Scorpion. In ancient times, Antares was considered the key to the Golden gate of Ascension and the alchemist

viewed is as Behenian Star meaning the power of this star is magnified when Saturn is passing by within 6 degrees.

Connecting with the imagery of the heart of the Scorpion near the heart of our Galaxy we are reminded that Love is

the answer to every question.

“…True love is unconquerable and irresistible and goes on gathering power and spreading itself, until

eventually it transforms everyone it touches. Humanity will attain to a new mode of being through the free

and unhampered interplay of pure love from heart to heart.” —Ken Keyes, A Conscious Person’s Guide to


This month of March 2016 features Sagittarius beginning with

the Last Quarter Moon on March 1 and the Moon enters

Sagittarius again at the end of the month. Mars enter

Sagittarius this month and hangs out with Saturn and Antares.

Saturn in Sagittarius is an opportunity to review and

synthesize what gives our lives meaning, what is the deeper

truth of who we are and why we are here? Saturn is a

remarkable guide and teacher in practical objective reality.

Sagittarius loves to continually expand consciousness and

awareness. Saturn in this archetypal energy asks what is

needed to practically apply our expanded awareness in ways

that are sustainable and get the best results in this Middle

World reality?

Saturn also supports understanding about how we are creating

our reality how we are creating the structure and form we

experience every day. AND that the form of our reality is constantly growing and evolving. Saturn helps with growth

and evolution by reminding us of the limitations of the Middle World and what actually works and doesn’t work here.

There are limitations to being in a Physical body. However these limitations are what allow us to have an experience

that ultimately is about growth and evolution

The Spiritual Journey for both Men and Women

In 1975, I heard a talk given by a man named Charlie Lutz who was all about the Sagittarian themes of expanding

consciousness through Transcendental Meditation. Someone asked a question about the perception of women as

not being as spiritually capable as men and yet more women we're showing up to engage these teachings. How could

Early Morning March 1

2016 March Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell Page 8

that be? In answer to the question, he simply stated that if it were not for women - men would still be living in the


As a young 19 year old woman I was delighted and took it to mean that the masculine is not better than the feminine

and the feminine is not better than the masculine. Both are essential to the process of Evolution and necessary

components of a successful Middle World experience. And when either the masculine or feminine are not fully

recognized for the gifts they bring - our evolutionary process becomes imbalanced.

Beliefs Affect Our Spiritual Journey

Saturn’s passage through Sagittarius inspires us to revisit what we believe about growth, evolution and the spiritual

path. This is because Saturn's job is to create a reality that reflects our collective beliefs. As we change our perception

(or awareness/consciousness) of what is true, what is spiritual, what truly has meaning for us, the structure of our

reality changes. This is similar to the idea of how what we envision and dream is what becomes our reality.

It is clear that what is playing out in the Political Arena in the USA this year is placing a spotlight on all the limiting

beliefs that are not working. The insanity seems to be getting bigger as Neptune and Jupiter also square Saturn this

year. What kind of world are we really co-creating. Are we stepping up to be conscious co-creators and it may be

time to take responsibility for not only our personal experience but also our collective one.


This year Saturn is with the heart of the Scorpion all year, reminding us that that - as we expand consciousness and

awareness - we are also expanding the power of our hearts to guide our lives.

The Beehive

The Greeks and Romans called this Praesepe (meaning manger).

China thought of this area of the sky as captured spirits or

demons, known as Yugui.

The Beehive is about 600 light years from Earth with about 1000

stars. 50 or so of the brightest stars are what we can observe in a

telescope otherwise it appears as more of a faint smudge with

the naked eye. Also within the star cluster appears several (at

least nine) distant galaxies though not easy to see even with a

high powered telescope.

As already mentioned The Sacred Hoop is high in the Eastern sky

after sunset. Two of the bright stars that mark the outer edge of

the sacred hoop shine together similar to a beautiful conjunction

of two planets.

Planets quickly separate, but the stars Castor a(-1.58 magnitude)

and Pollux (-1.16 magnitude) shine together for thousands of

years. I have shared much about them in the past and will share more in the future. I mention them now in case you

desire to step outside and look high in the sky after sunset to see them.

2016 March Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell Page 9

March Planets

In 2016 we have the dance with Mars and Saturn lasting several weeks. Saturn and Mars both reach opposition to

the Sun within 12 days of each other in late May and early June. However they are closest this month coming within

about 7° of each other. Come August 13 Mars finally catches up to Saturn for their one and only exact conjunction.

March features two eclipses including a total solar eclipse on March 8/9 depending on your Time Zone in Indonesia

with a partial visible in Hawaii. We also have a penumbra lunar eclipse on March 23 for western North America and

Hawaii. See more about this potent eclipse window in the Daily Timings.

The March 8 total Solar Eclipse is primarily visible in Indonesia. The March 23 penumbral lunar eclipse reaches its

maximum point at 4:47 am Pacific Time and is technically visible in North America. This means the very outer edge of

the Moon will be darkened. It is not a spectacular event and may not even register visually. However, technically this

eclipse is visible for about an hour before and after mid-eclipse.

The Sun enters the Equinox point of zero Aries (marking the balance of day and night) late on March 19 for the

Western time zones and after midnight for the Eastern time zones. This is the start of spring in the northern

hemisphere at the start of autumn in the southern hemisphere. At this time the Sun is located on the intersection

point of the Ecliptic (path the planets follow) and the Celestial Equator.

Although Mercury was spectacular to see in the morning sky in February, in March it will not be easy to see as it

reaches its exterior conjunction with the Sun on March 23, meaning Mercury is on the other side of the Sun from the

Earth's perspective. This is the phase of the Mercury cycle Shamanic Astrology calls the guide for souls or

psychopomp phase.

Venus is visible lower on the eastern horizon in the morning sky for the month of March and will disappear from

visibility in early April. As March begins Venus rises about an hour before the Sun and only about 25 minutes before

the Sun at the end of March. Venus is also receding in brightness reaching -3.8 magnitude on March 5.

2016 March Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell Page 10

It is interesting to note that Venus and Saturn had a close observable conjunction back in January. In August, Venus

and Jupiter come quite close, though not as easy to see as both are low on the western horizon after sunset.

Mars, the planet the month of March is named after, is shining significantly brighter this month, rising around

midnight for those who are shifting to daylight savings time. Mars is rising an hour earlier for those who are not

shifting to daylight savings time, because no matter how we adjust clock time, the planets are still following their

own rhythm. Mars is brightening from a +0.3 magnitude at the beginning of March to a -0.5 magnitude by the end of


Mars has been traveling through the constellation of the Scales and will be entering the constellation of the Scorpion

passing by the eye of the Scorpion on March 16. Mars will be most impressive in the morning sky before sunrise

when it's visible in the SW inching towards Antares and Saturn.

Mars rises about 90 minutes before Saturn as March begins and only 40 minutes before Saturn as March ends. Mars

stations retrograde on April 17 at about 9° Sagittarius within about a degree of Antares and goes to direct on June 29

at 23 Scorpio. Saturn stations retrograde on

March 25 at 16 Sagittarius 24 going direct on

August 13 at 9° Sagittarius 47. This means that

Mars and Saturn do not actually make an exact

conjunction until August 24 however they do

hang out within about 10° to 12° of each other

from about to March 25th to until September 11,


Saturn ends the month of March at a +0.3

magnitude the same degree of magnitude that

Mars begins March. Saturn and Mars move from

a 17° separation at the beginning of March to a 9°

separation during March. As Saturn and Mars get

closer together you may notice Mars is Orange

Yellow and Saturn is a deep Gold.

The waning gibbous Moon hangs between Mars and Saturn on

the morning of March 1 and it is much closer to Saturn the next

morning before sunrise. At the end of March the waning Moon is

to the upper right of Mars before sunrise on March 28 and to

the upper right of Saturn on March 29 with Moon, Saturn, Mars

and Antares forming an uneven quadrangle March 29, 2016.

The Moon rises near Jupiter on the evening of March 21. And

on the morning of March 23 a penumbral lunar eclipse is visible

across the western United States and Hawaii.

Remember Saturn is in the range of Antares all this year a time

for attuning to the power of our heart to guide our co-creative


2016 March Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell Page 11

Jupiter is rising around sunset as March begins shining in its biggest to brightest

appearance this year - reaching opposition to the Sun on March 8 and shining at

a -2.5 magnitude all night long. Retrograde Jupiter is visible in the body of the

lion but is in the seasonal sign of Virgo (where the Sun is for the 30 days prior to

the Autumnal Equinox). Whenever an outer planet is retrograde it always

reaches opposition to the Sun when it is closest to the Earth, and is always

brightest at that time from the Earth’s perspective.

This is the second most distant (close) approach to the Earth in Jupiter's 12 year

orbital cycle. It will be September 2022 when Jupiter reaches its next closest

approach to the Earth during opposition to the Sun.

The earliest possible Time for spotting a thin Crescent Moon this Year. March 9,

April 7, May 6, June 5, July 4, August 2, September 1, October 1, October 30,

November 29, and December 29.

Daily Celestial Timings for March 2016 All times are Pacific Time unless otherwise noted and check out the Audios for more details.

March 1, Tuesday. The Sagittarius Last Quarter Moon (11 Sagittarius 48) is exact at 3:11 pm and will be visible just

beyond Antares and Moon is passing by Saturn tonight closest around 11:15 pm Pacific Time or 2:15 am Eastern time

tomorrow morning. Moon in Sagittarius at the Last Quarter represents crossing the return threshold meaning it is a

point of return to the place where the journey began, returning with the gifts and boons gained for further synthesis

and integration.

This is the time to reflect on your personal truths, beliefs, and practices and how well they are serving your current

life expression. Are they healthy and balanced, or are they excessive, creating limits and blocks to experiencing your

true self? Is it time to begin a spiritual practice by exploring prayer, mediation, contemplation or other ways to

connect with source? Being open to change, taking time to go within, releasing attachments to outcome, meditating,

and simply being with what IS creates the space for your inner truth of who you are to be revealed to you.

March 2, Wednesday. Venus (18°Aquarius 23') is sextile Uranus (18°Aries 23') at 5:13 pm so unexpected events that

shift our perspective especially around how we view the feminine in her cosmic essence are possible.

March 3, Thursday. The Moon enters Capricorn at 2:01 am. This is a great

time to get organized.

March 4, Friday. This is the day to March Forth with Courage, Love and

Compassion for all life. And it’s my 60th Birthday! My twins 31st birthday is

March 6. YAY.

Plus, the Moon catches up to Pluto at 9:17 am illuminating the deeper

shadows of fear, uncertainty, concern for our survival, and all that we have

repressed and denied bringing them into the light of our awareness.

2016 March Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell Page 12

This includes the shadow issues of our current cultural rules, including the unstainable practices around money and

profit that have become more important than people. As this shadow continues to come to light you might ask, how

are you can live into the solution of an economic system that serves everyone and not just an elite few that also

sacrifices the health of our planet?

This is a time we may find we are releasing unresolved feelings that include judgments of ourselves and others,

stored trauma, negative feelings and emotions, and other shadow issues. One way to facilitate this transformative

clearing process is through intention and movement. Intentional movement, through dance, yoga, hiking, running,

walking etc. is a key to gaining access to the life force energy Pluto represents. This life force is powerful when we

access it and is intended to help us to create the life we truly desire.

Mercury (29°Aq41') squares Mars (29°Scorpio 41') at 9:43 pm indicating something similar to the Pluto Moon

conjunction today. Mercury in Aquarius is Visionary, Innovative and Ahead of Its Time. Mars in Scorpio is diving deep

into the shadow realms to discover what has

been repressed and denied so appropriate action

can be taken to create healthy transformation.

March 5, Saturday. Mercury enters Pisces at 2:24

am suggesting this is a time to listen more deeply

to our inner knowing, especially when events do

not make logical sense.

Mercury in Pisces is not about figuring things out

in a left brain linear way through logic and

reason. Rather this is an expression of the mind

that is more right brained, creative, and trusting

what is known without knowing how or why.

This is not a time to TRY and figure things out

logically and rationally. It is a time to let go of

attachments to results and to allow space for expressing our creative inner genius.

The Moon enters Aquarius at 8:22 am.

Mars enters Sagittarius at 6:30 pm spending several months here as it goes retrograde in Sagittarius in May. Mars

will retrograde back into Scorpio and re-enters Sagittarius on Aug 2, finally entering Capricorn on Sep 27, 2016.

This means Mars in this area of the Sky for nearly 6 months even though it retrogrades back into Scorpio on May 27.

Mars reaches opposition to the Sun on May 22 at about 2 Sagittarius and that will define the Mars Overtone for the

next two years. (see more about Sagittarius in this month’s intro to the Timings)

Mars traveling through Sagittarius is activating the spiritual quest for expanding self-understanding, knowledge, and

the true meaning of life as it relates to our individual and collective experience.

The Sun (16° Pisces 06") Squares Saturn (16°Sagittarius 06') at 10:04 pm signaling the slowing of Saturn as it

prepares to station retrograde on March 25.

2016 March Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell Page 13

March 6, Sunday. Daylight Savings Time begins in the

USA. Happy Birthday to my beautiful Twins. The Sun

(17°Pisces 03)'sextiles Pluto (17°Capricorn 03') at 8:41 pm

signaling the approaching Pluto retrograde exact April 18.

March 7, Monday. The Moon catches up to Venus (24

Aquarius) at 12:46 am marking the passage of Venus or

Inanna through the 7th gate into the underworld and then

the Moon enters Pisces at 11:08 am This means the

Queen of Heaven is passing through the Gate of

Manifestation (as described in the myth of Inanna) and is

releasing her 7th vestment symbolizing the first chakra or

her life force energy.

In the story of Inanna this was when she surrenders her royal robe, also referred to as the “Garment of Ladyship” and

she arrives in the underworld stripped naked and vulnerable.

This Timing is significant for anyone turning a multiple of

eight (16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, etc.) from

August 22, 2015 to April 1, 2017, as this marks the eight-

year personal synodic Venus Return. The importance of this

eight-year cycle has been lost to many current systems of

astrology but is one of the most significant cycles considered

in Shamanic Astrology.

This Venus Gate is a time for releasing all attachments to life

being a certain way and surrendering to the transformative

process of shamanic death and rebirth. This is a process that

will intensify next month as Venus passes through the 8th

gate known as the “death by intent” gate as she enters the


Then the Moon catches up to Mercury (4 Pisces) at 6:29 pm. Vesta enters Taurus at 4:50 pm.

March 8, Tuesday. International Women's Day. The 2016 theme is “Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender

Equality”. The United Nations observance on 8 March will reflect on how to accelerate the 2030 Agenda, building

momentum for the effective implementation of the new Sustainable Development Goals. It will equally focus on new

commitments under UN Women’s Step It Up initiative, and other existing commitments on gender equality, women’s

empowerment and women’s human rights. See more at International Women’s Day 2016

The Sun (18°Pisces 18') reaches opposition to Jupiter (18°Virgo 18') at 2:57 am. This marks the half point of the

current Jupiter Retrograde exponentially expanding the power of this Eclipse. The Moon catches up to Neptune at

3:12 am.

Next image on the next page around the Total Solar Eclipse speaks to Jumping Timelines as described on March 19.

Total Solar Eclipses have Mega Moon power so the intentions we are seeding now are super charged.

2016 March Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell Page 14

Something to know about eclipse windows is they operate outside of ordinary reality, in a between the worlds kind

of place where we can revision, redream and reimagine our reality. I have heard from many that they feel odd or out

of body during this time, when time isn’t its usual middle world experience…as both Total Solar and Lunar eclipses

have the effect of accelerating our experience of time. The Total Solar Eclipse speeds through a day arriving at night

in just a few hours. Totality lasts a few

minutes and then a new day dawns again.

This is also a South Node Eclipse meaning

it is a time for releasing into the cauldron

all that prevents us from living our true

divine destiny so at the North Node Lunar

Eclipse on March 23 we are ready to move

into what is truly ours to express and


In regard to Total Solar Eclipses I am often

reminded of the passage from JRR

Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings that says:

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,

A light from the shadows shall spring;

Renewed shall be blade that was broken:

The Crownless again shall be king.

To me this describes a Total Solar Eclipse, as the Moon moves across the face of the Sun blocking the Sun’s light, the

flowers close up, the birds stop singing as if it is night. Then a second day begins as the light returns, (as the light from

2016 March Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell Page 15

the shadow springs) reconnecting us to our divinity or as Tolkein described it - the crownless again becoming

King/Queen, where we claim our own divine


When honoring the Queen aspect of the

current Venus Cycle the line could be rewritten


From the ashes a fire shall be woken,

A light from the shadows shall gleam;

Renewed shall be all that was broken:

The Crownless again shall be Queen.

March 9, Wednesday. The Moon enters Aries

at 11:40 am. What cause or purpose are you

committed to further and what action are you

willing to take now?

March 10, Thursday. The Moon catches up to

Uranus at 5:43 pm. The Sun is conjunct Chiron

(21°Pisces 02') at 8:27 pm. Mercury is conjunct Neptune (09°Pisces 55') at 10:01 pm. At the beginning of this eclipse

window, it is a time to expect unexpected events that shift and maybe even disrupt your perspective for the purpose

of magnifying personal and planetary healing.

March 11, Friday. The Moon enters Taurus at 11:44 am illuminating the mysteries of healthy receivership. Healthy

Taurus agrees with the statement that life is not something that happens to you, but rather happens through you. It

is an embodied experience and the more we enjoy the more we get to enjoy! The more we gratefully receive the gifts

of life, the more the gifts of life flow through us.

The Sun is conjunct the South Node (21°Pisces 47').

March 12, Saturday. Venus enters Pisces at 2:24 am and travels

through this seasonal sign until April 5. The Sacred Feminine Venus is

now exploring her divinity through mystical union with the divine and

the imaginal realms where she is learning more about co-creating her

world though her ability to imagine a manifest reality of her heart-felt

visions and dreams.

March 13, Sunday. The Moon enters Gemini 2:03 pm visible near the

Pleiades after sunset tonight and occults Aldebaran for the 15th time

late tonight or in the early morning hours tomorrow in this series of 49

that lasts until September 2018.

Aldebaran, is the eye of the Bull, also referred to as the great "red

giant" one of the four stars considered to be "Guardians of

Heaven." There are four guardian stars, Antares, Fomalhaut, Regulus

and Aldebaran, also referred to as the sentinels watching over the other stars by the ancients, have links with the

four archangels. Aldebaran, Watcher of the East, is the star of archangel Michael, known for promoting protection,

2016 March Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell Page 16

courage, strength, truth, and integrity, with a Heavenly Host of angels that are ready to help when we need it. It is

also interesting to note that Michael is the only Archangel written about in the all three major religions including the

Torah (Judaism), the Bible (Christianity), and the Qur'an (Islam).

These royal stars also marked the place where the Sun rose at the Solstices and Equinoxes about 5,000 years ago.

Aldebaran marked the zero Aries point (Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere) in 3044 BC, Antares marked the

zero Libra point in 3052 BC, Fomalhaut marked zero Capricorn, 2582 BC, Regulus marked zero Cancer 2345 BC.

Aldebaran has also been known as "the Leading Star of Stars", because there was a time when all ecliptic longitudes

were measured from Aldebaran and its exact opposite star, Antares.

This current series of Moon occultations over Aldebaran are very important as they are exponentially increasing

activating and transmitting the light codes of information Aldebaran carries.

March 14, Monday. Mercury (16°Pisces 19') Squares Saturn 16°Sagittarius 19') at 12:26 pm. Venus (03°Pisces 01') is

square Mars (03°Sagittarius 01') at 1:48 am. Remember when Venus and Mars were together last August to

November? Now they are 90 degrees apart at the first quarter square re-evaluating the intent that was set into

motion last year.

March 15, Tuesday. The Ides of March is the infamous day Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BCE. According to

Wikipedia the Roman calendar used the word Ides, meaning to divide, to describe the middle of their calendar

month. The 15th day of March, May, July, and October marked the ides, or middle of those months. All other months

the Ides fell on 13th day. William Shakespeare’s play made famous the warning to Julius Caesar “Beware the Ides of

March”, which of course, he ignored. As we approach the Spring Equinox the Ides of March is a reminder to pay

attention to our environment and how we are engaging with those around us. The Sun is now in the last 6 degrees of

Pisces suggesting that genuine compassion for ourselves and others is the place to start.

Mercury (17°Pisces 24') is opposite Jupiter (17°Virgo 24') at 2:42 am expanding what we know and are ready to


The Gemini First Quarter Moon (25° Gemini 33') is the exact at 10:03 am energizing the mysteries of the coyote

trickster. This is a time for being in the moment, spontaneous, outrageous and fun, getting the cosmic joke,

entertaining ourselves with what we do and how we do it, as well as embracing laughter as one of our greatest

healing gifts.

Paul Radini says, “Trickster is at one and the same time creator and destroyer, giver and negator, he who dupes

others and who is always duped himself . . . He possesses no values, moral or social, is at the mercy of his passions

and appetites, yet through his actions all values come into being. . . “

The Moon moves into Cancer at 5:57 pm crossing over the Galactic Cross at the center of the Sacred Hoop.

March 16, Wednesday. Jupiter (17°Virgo 13') is trining Pluto (17°Capricorn 13') at 1:06 pm expanding the deep dive

into our fears for the purpose of transforming them and experiencing empowerment in doing so. What needs your

loving attention and awareness now? How can you be gentle with yourself and take time to appreciate the

sacredness of life?

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March 17, Thursday. Happy St. Patrick’s Day a celebration that

was created by the Roman Catholics. This holiday was designed

to replace the Celtic festivals (Pagan Ceremonies) celebrating

Spring and honoring the Green God or Green Man.

The waxing Moon is leaving the Sacred Hoop as it passes below

Castor and Pollux and above Procyon, three stars that mark the

outer rim of the Sacred Hoop.

Mercury conjuncts Chiron (21°Pisces 25') at 6:29 am and

Mercury conjuncts the South Node (21°Pisces 47') at 11:10 am

and Chiron and the South Node are about to be exact too. This

activates messages coming in that are sourced from the ancient

healing wisdom that helps us to turn our wounds into medicine

so we are no longer at the effect of our wounds in ways that

prevent us from truly living our soul’s purpose.

March 18, Friday. The Moon enters Leo at 12:54 am. A great time to step your healthy self-practice.

March 19, Saturday. Happy Vernal Equinox exact when the Sun enters Aries at 9:31 pm or 12:31 am Eastern time. The Chaco Canyon complex, along with many pyramids, temples and standing stone circles have been built around the planet to capture the magic of the Equinox Solar Effect.

In South America, there is a pyramid at Chichen Itza known as Kukulkan (feathered serpent) famous for the undulating serpent shadow cast down the stairs of the pyramid by the rising Equinox Sun.

At another Mayan temple Near Merida, Yucatan, Mexico the light of the Sun passes through special openings in the temple illuminating the center of a column of stone about a hundred yards away. Dzbilchaltun (Zi-bil-chal-toon means place with writing on Stone) was used by the Maya to determine the exact day of the Equinox.

In Tucson, Arizona we have a Sun Circle that captures windows of light at the Four Solar Gates of the Year. This photo is of the Solstice Sun but it gives you the idea of how it works. If there is a site near you aligned with the Equinox Sunrise or Sunset it is a powerfully inspiring and grounding experience to see how it works. You can also pick your own place to observe the Sunrise. Mark the spot and then tomorrow and at the September Equinox you will see the Sun rise in that exact same place.

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Ancient cultures understood the importance of the Equinox and Solstice gateways, building sacred sites for the

purpose of aligning with them through ceremonial intent. Remembering our place as conscious co-creators, it is vital

we find ways that inspire us to connect deeply with these Timings. This doesn’t necessarily mean adopting old ways.

Rather it is about discovering what works and has value and meaning now, for the purpose of utilizing the energy of

the Sun and the information coming in through these solar gates now. There is no better time for ceremonially

sending love into the Earth grid.

As we are also near the Full Moon Eclipse just 4 days from now we will be experiencing the amplified effect of this

Eclipse Window as it coincides with the Equinox window. What better time to celebrate the Equinox in a time out of

time way as the light codes or information coming from the Sun is magnified within the Eclipse Window.

The Equinox Sun rises and sets precisely over the Earth’s equator lessening the magnetic field of the Earth and

providing easy access, or a doorway, into the greater mysteries. This is a powerful time when we could successfully

jump timelines.

Jumping Timelines

So when Tom Kenyon’s Hathor article showed up in August of 2010 I was intrigued. I immediately loved the title “The

Art of Jumping Timelines.” I resonated with this intuitively and it seems to confirm some experiences I have had.

Note: You can read about two of them. This link is to a piece I wrote in 2007 describing a Time Node experience in

Southern France. This link is to a piece I wrote about my time out of time experience in Peru in 2002.

Tom Kenyon’s article from the Hathors begins by saying:

Although it may seem paradoxical to some, your timeline—your life—is only one of many simultaneous

possibilities. And it is quite possible, indeed it is your birthright, to alter your timeline and the potentials of

your life.

Your culture, for various reasons, has hypnotized you into

believing that you are limited to one timeline. In this message we

shall endeavor to discuss our understanding of timelines and how

you can change them.

Whenever there is an increase of chaotic events, there is a

convergence of multiple timelines. Due to the fact that your planet

has entered a Chaotic Node and is experiencing ever-increasing

levels of chaos, there is also an increase in what we call time


Time nodes occur when two or more timelines converge. As a

result of their close proximity oscillation effects sometimes occur

when the realities of one timeline bleed through, or are psychically

perceived by those on a neighboring timeline.

Strong timelines can also literally affect the possibilities and/or

probabilities of other timelines within a time node. In other words,

creative and novel effects often occur within timelines when they

enter a time node (proximity to other timelines). (See the Rest of

my Article)

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March 20, Sunday. The Moon enters Virgo passing by the star Regulus at

10:39 am see Moon passed Regulus in the sky around 7:30 this evening.

Venus conjunct Neptune (10°Pisces16') at 10:45 am.

March 21, Monday. Mercury enters Aries at 5:19 pm energizing the rapid

movement of the mind, or knowing without knowing how that knowing is

manifesting beyond the logical rational mind.

The Moon passes Jupiter at 7:27 pm expanding the power and potency of

this Sacred Solar Gateway as we head to the Lunar Eclipse on the 23rd.

March 22, Tuesday. The Moon enters Libra at 10:23 pm.

March 23, Wednesday. Retrograde Jupiter (16°Virgo 24') is square

Saturn (16°Sagittarius 24') at 3:15 am. The Libra Penumbral Full Moon

Lunar Eclipse (03° Libra 17') is exact at 5:01 am. The Sun is conjunct

Mercury (03°Aries 37') at 1:11 pm. Chiron is conjunct the South Node

(21°Pisces49') at 10:13 pm. Jupiter (16 Virgo) Squares Saturn (16 Sag) at 3:15 am. A powerful day for receiving

insights beyond ordinary knowing and ordinary reality.

March 24, Thursday. Mercury (05°Aries 51') is trine Mars (05°Sagittarius 51') at 3:45 pm. This means Mars has an

opportunity to receive a fiery intuitive type message from Mercury that is intended to support Mars in his spiritual

quest for expanded awareness and consciousness.

The Moon is visible near Spica (24 Libra) entering Scorpio tomorrow around 11 am activating the archetypal energy

most known for being a master generator of Life Force

Energy, of Will, and of Desire. Our primary evolutionary

process is NOT about getting over our human desires or

somehow evolving past them.

Scorpio School says desire is fine and is in fact a part of the

human experience. It is our attachment to the way we want

our desires to manifest that causes pain, frustration, and

other problems. When we learn how to be with our desires

without attachment to how they manifest, then Life Force

Energy is free to manifest in the most powerful and life

supporting ways possible. Not being attached to results often

means that what actually manifests is more amazing than

what we were imagining anyway.

March 25, Friday. Good Friday. Saturn (16°Sagittarius 24') stations retrograde at 3:01 am moving back to exact

zodiacal alignment when Antares stations direct on August 12 at 9 Sagittarius 47.

Venus (16°Pisces 09') is opposite retrograde Jupiter (16°Virgo 09') at 4:58 am and square retrograde Saturn

(16°Sagittarius 24') at 9:48 am. This is a balancing aspect for the sacred feminine on her journey to the underworld

as Jupiter expands and Saturn contracts so the two work together to get practical, useful, and the most helpful


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March 26, Saturday. The Sun (06°Aries 12') trines Mars (06°Sagittarius 12') at 3:33 am signaling the approaching

Mars retrograde happening on April 17. Mars is the only planet outside the orbit of the Earth that trines the Sun

before it goes retrograde.

Venus (17°Pisces 21') is sextile Pluto (17°Capricorn 21') at 4:12 am.

March 27, Sunday. Happy Easter Sunday also honoring the Goddess Eostare and themes of resurrection. The Moon

enters Sagittarius at 11:46 pm tonight Pacific Time and 2:46 am Eastern Time tomorrow morning.

March 28, Monday. The Moon passes Mars (7 Sag) near Antares at 1:12 pm.

March 29, Tuesday. The Moon catches up to Saturn at 8:18 am. Venus is conjunct the South Node (21°Pisces38') at

3:18 pm. Mercury (16°Aries 23) is trine Saturn (16°Sg23') 8:02 pm.

March 30, Wednesday. Venus is conjunct Chiron (22°Pisces 11') at 2:08 am. The Moon enters Capricorn at 10:45 am.

Mercury (17°Aries24') is square Pluto (17°Capricorn 24') at 7:54 am.

March 31, Thursday. The Last Quarter Moon (11° Capricorn 20") is exactly 8:17 am and conjunct Nunki the ancient

Sumerian name for that star. Mercury is conjunct Uranus (19°Aries 56') at 1:49 pm suggesting unexpected messages

that expand awareness are possible.