By Arunav, Aran, Humza. theist- belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator...

By Arunav, Aran, Humza

Transcript of By Arunav, Aran, Humza. theist- belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator...

Page 1: By Arunav, Aran, Humza. theist- belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe. atheist-a person who.

By Arunav, Aran, Humza

Page 2: By Arunav, Aran, Humza. theist- belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe. atheist-a person who.

•  theist- belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe.

• atheist-a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.

• agnostic- a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God

• Proof- argument establishing a fact or the truth of a statement.

• Reason- A source of moral authority.

• Experience- S kill or knowledge obtained from observation or living through situations or circumstances.

• Evidence- Facts that can indicate whether something is true

Page 3: By Arunav, Aran, Humza. theist- belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe. atheist-a person who.

• First Cause argument (cosmological argument)

-A proof for the existence of God based on the idea that there had to be an uncaused cause that made everything else happen

-The belief that God created the universe. Everything has a cause, so God must be the cause of the universe (Aquinas).

• Design argument (teleological argument)

-The argument that God designed (made) the universe because everything is so intricately made in its detail that it could not have happened by chance.

Page 4: By Arunav, Aran, Humza. theist- belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe. atheist-a person who.

How do we prove things exist?

1. Personal experience- ‘I have seen it so I know it exists.’

2. Using a chain of reasoning to reach a conclusion(logic)-‘I have not seen it but there must be a logical reason to believe in its existence’

3. Reliable evidence-‘ I have not seen it but others have convinced me they have.’

Page 5: By Arunav, Aran, Humza. theist- belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe. atheist-a person who.

How do we prove God exists?

1. Theists are certain that they have been in contact with God directly.

2. Theists accept the accounts that other people have given of their experience of God

3. Believe that god is the reason for the origin of the universe and the order within it.

Page 6: By Arunav, Aran, Humza. theist- belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe. atheist-a person who.

First cause(Cosmological) argument

• Everything that exists was caused to exist

• the Universe exists, so it must have a cause

• There had to be something eternal(without beginning or end) that was not caused by anything.

• Eternal cause has to be god

• Therefore god exists.

Page 7: By Arunav, Aran, Humza. theist- belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe. atheist-a person who.

Problems with argument

• The First Cause argument states that things exist because they are caused to exist, and this includes the universe which was caused by Gosd, who is eternal.

• Atheists and agnostics challenge the argument by saying-if the argument is that things exist because they are caused to exist, THEN WHAT CAUSED GOD?

• THEISTS reply that the argument only applies to God as he is transcendent.

Page 8: By Arunav, Aran, Humza. theist- belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe. atheist-a person who.

Design (Teleological) Argument

William Paley(1734-1805)• If you were walking on a heath and saw a watch on the ground you would assume that its parts had not come together by chance because it is too ordered and complicated. Therefore someone must have designed it or it would not work.

• Because the universe is also ordered and complicated, someone must have designed that too. That 'someone' is God.

Page 9: By Arunav, Aran, Humza. theist- belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe. atheist-a person who.

Problem with argument

• ATHEISTS point to the existence of the cruelty and suffering found within nature as evidence that the world is not designed- a designer would not have included such flaws.

• THEISTS reply that God is beyond human understanding and there is an explanation for natural evil and suffering which humans do not understand.

Page 10: By Arunav, Aran, Humza. theist- belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe. atheist-a person who.

Morality Argument• MORALITY is a sense of right and wrong that helps guide

people’s behaviour.

• THEISTS argue:

People have an inbuilt sense of morality

This sense comes from a source outside of them.

This source is God

Therefore GOD EXISTS.

• Some THEISTS argue that the fact that we have a conscience is evidence fore the existence of God. Conscience is like AN INNER VOICE from GOD that guides our behaviour.

Page 11: By Arunav, Aran, Humza. theist- belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe. atheist-a person who.

Problem to argument• ATHEISTS and AGNOSTICS claim that

morality is part of human development through evolution and thus natural selection has favoured morality as survival value.

• THEISTS reply that the fact that morality helps people to survive is part of God’s design for humans.

Page 12: By Arunav, Aran, Humza. theist- belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe. atheist-a person who.

Miracles Prove God

• A miracle is an event that would be impossible by natural law, but is brought to pass by the supernatural power of God.

• therefore god must exist due to it.

Page 13: By Arunav, Aran, Humza. theist- belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe. atheist-a person who.

• miracles could have a scientific explanation, however cannot be found due a lack of scientific knowledge

• miracles can be faked easily

• Theists want miracles to happen, so they give miraclous claims to ordinary events.

• THEISTS respond by saying that miracle cases are thouroughly tested.

Problem to argument

Page 14: By Arunav, Aran, Humza. theist- belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe. atheist-a person who.

Religious Experience

• The argument for God’s existence based on personal experience of God through a revelation, miracle, conversion, worship, etc.

• Revelations prove God’s existence

Page 15: By Arunav, Aran, Humza. theist- belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe. atheist-a person who.

• Could just be delusions caused by medical problems in that situation e.g. serious dehydration

• A false statement could have been made to enforce peoples belief in God.

• THEISTS reply that the influence of religious experiences is so great that they must be true.

Problem to argument

Page 16: By Arunav, Aran, Humza. theist- belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe. atheist-a person who.

Key Quotes• "As we shall see, the concept of time has no

meaning before the beginning of the universe. This was first pointed out by St. Augustine. When asked: What did God do before he created the universe? Augustine didn't reply: He was preparing Hell for people who asked such questions. Instead, he said that time was a property of the universe that God created, and that time did not exist before the beginning of the universe." 

-Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time (New York: Bantam, 1988), p. 8 

Page 17: By Arunav, Aran, Humza. theist- belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe. atheist-a person who.

• “And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him”

-Hebrews 11:6 

Page 18: By Arunav, Aran, Humza. theist- belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe. atheist-a person who.

• “A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell”

-.C.S. Lewis

Page 19: By Arunav, Aran, Humza. theist- belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe. atheist-a person who.

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