By appointment COMMON GROUND

COMMON GROUND October, 2021 Contact Information Faith’s Office: 906-486-9083 Website: Email: [email protected] Trinity’s Office: 906-486-6791 Website: Email: [email protected] Pastor Evelyn 906-204-4979 Email [email protected] Pastor Steve 906-204-0256 Email [email protected] Faith Council Members Kathy Richards, President 360-2120 Helen Frederickson, V. President 486-9666 Dede Caplett, Secretary 569-9068 Donna Kroon-Harris 485-4227 Robert Lake 204-2084 Kurt Penrose 250-0025 Ann Pietro 486-9074 Trinity Council Members Cory Beth Grigg, President 361-4271 Peter Johnson, Vice President 486-6988 Nancy Polkinghorne, Secretary 204-4298 Kristine McDonnell, Treasurer 236-5829 Gary Baldini 360-0984 Brad Heinzman 362-8715 Norman Johnson 869-6100 Adele Price 475-7159 Ashley Price 869-7992 Linda Nicholls 361-8710 Church Office Hours Tue & Thu [9 am — 1 pm] For Pastoral care Call or text Administrative Interims Pastors Steve & Evelyn Weston By appointment Moving? Snowbird? Summer Retreater? If you forward your mail at any time of the year, please let the office know so that we can adjust your address. Common Ground does not get forwarded by the post office, but the church is charged for each item that is undeliverable. Thank You! Inside this issue: Pastor Weston’s Message 2 Bishop Finegan's Message 3 Worship Opportunities 4 Synod News 4 Faith Information 5 Trinity Information 6 Sharing in Ministry 7 Prayer List 10 Electronic Common Ground Would you like an electronic copy via email? Please call or send an email to your church, and you will be added to the email listing.

Transcript of By appointment COMMON GROUND

COMMON GROUNDOctober, 2021

Contact Information

Faith’s Office: 906-486-9083Website: faithishpeming.weebly.comEmail: [email protected] Trinity’s Office: 906-486-6791Website: trinitylutheranishpeming.weebly.comEmail: [email protected]

Pastor Evelyn 906-204-4979 Email [email protected] Steve 906-204-0256Email [email protected]

Faith Council Members

Kathy Richards, President 360-2120Helen Frederickson, V. President 486-9666Dede Caplett, Secretary 569-9068Donna Kroon-Harris 485-4227Robert Lake 204-2084Kurt Penrose 250-0025Ann Pietro 486-9074

Trinity Council Members

Cory Beth Grigg, President 361-4271Peter Johnson, Vice President 486-6988Nancy Polkinghorne, Secretary 204-4298Kristine McDonnell, Treasurer 236-5829Gary Baldini 360-0984Brad Heinzman 362-8715Norman Johnson 869-6100Adele Price 475-7159Ashley Price 869-7992Linda Nicholls 361-8710

Church Office Hours Tue & Thu

[9 am — 1 pm]

For Pastoral care Call or text

Administrative InterimsPastors Steve & Evelyn Weston

By appointment

Moving? Snowbird?Summer Retreater?

If you forward your mail at any time of the year, please let the office know so that we can adjust your address. Common Ground does not get forwarded by the post office, but the church is charged for each item that is undeliverable. Thank You!

Inside this issue:Pastor Weston’s Message 2Bishop Finegan's Message 3Worship Opportunities 4Synod News 4Faith Information 5Trinity Information 6Sharing in Ministry 7Prayer List 10

Electronic Common Ground

Would you like an electronic copy via email? Please call or send an email to your church, and you will be added to the email listing.

From Your Administrative Interim Co-Pastors

The Lutheran branch of Christianity traces its origins to Martin Luther, a German monk who came to believe that certain teachings and practices of the Catholic Church were not in keeping with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the evening on October 31, 1517, he posted on the door of the church building in Wittenberg a list of particulars that he thought should be discussed, in a document known as the “95 Theses.” He chose that date, because he knew the church would be full the next day for All Saints’ Day services, and he wanted people to pay attention.

Luther’s ideas gained lots of support, and also lots of opposition. He wanted to reform the Church as it then existed and had no intention of breaking away. However, the Catholic hierarchy was not persuaded and saw Luther as merely a trouble maker. Eventually Luther was excommunicated (kicked out) from the Catholic Church, so he and his followers reluctantly started worshiping on their own.

The Church is always in need of reform. (The Latin phrase is ecclesia semper reformanda.) No human being is perfect in this life, and so no human organization is perfect, either. whether we’re talking about “one holy catholic and apostolic” Church, or a local congregation, or some level in between, there is always room for improvement.

This is true on the individual level, too. Each one of us is constantly in need of reform. The history of the Lutheran Reformation points out some realities about one’s individual work toward personal reformation that are important to keep in mind.

1. You can't reform other people. Luther couldn’t reform the Pope, no matter how solid his reasons that things should change. You can’t make another person whose behavior or attitude is troublesome to you change. They have to be motivated to change, or it won’t happen.

2. You can work on reforming yourself. After Luther and his buddies were kicked out, they set about building something good on their own. We don’t have to let our lives be controlled by others. You can work on making improvements in your behavior and attitude, even if no one else in your family, or whatever group you’re a part of, goes along with you.

3. You can only reform yourself so much. In this life we are forgiven sinners, not former sinners. Luther and his followers made lots of mistakes. Some of them were really huge, and it’s a wonder that their mistakes didn’t spell the end of Lutheranism. Complete renewal is up to the Holy Spirit.

4. A group of people who are each working on reforming themselves can help each other. This is well known by folks in 12-Step recovery programs, by exercise and fitness buffs, by folks in writers’ groups, and by people who participate in small-group Bible studies. As long as all the group members are motivated to change themselves, and not each other, the mutual support is helpful.

On the last Sunday in October, the worship service in our churches is a celebration of the Reformation. This time around, as we celebrate the courage of the monk who refused to “go along to get along,” I encourage you to apply these lessons in your own life.

Our model for the change we should be seeking in our lives is, of course, Jesus. Jesus called on his followers to glorify God by serving others, and then he did that completely when he shed his blood for the sins of the world. Together in Ministry, Pastor Steve & Pastor Evelyn


“What then shall we say to this? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, will he not also give us all things with him?” ~Romans 8:31ff

Dear Northern Great Lakes Synod,

This verse has been coming to mind lately…

When we needed to cancel our Walking Together events, what then shall we say to this? When hospital beds are full of covid patients, leaving little room for accidents and other health emergencies, what then shall we say to this? As people continue to disagree about vaccine safety, masks, and protocols, what then shall we say to this?

God promises in Christ, that God is not against us. This is good news. But what if we are against each other? When suspicions are stronger than the ties that bind, when the conviction of political views undermines our common mission and congregational unity, what then shall we say to this?

I think we look for answers, for a diagnosis, for someone to explain or blame. Perhaps we stop listening and only assert our position more loudly. Perhaps we seek to convince instead of understand. I believe it helps to remember that we are not the first people of faith to argue, lament, suffer, and disagree.

The Israelites in the wilderness certainly suffered uncertainty, fear, and pain. And they also grumbled and complained. Paul’s letters to the Galatians, the Corinthians, the Colossians and more, give witness to each congregation’s challenges, from persecution and fear to how to get along and remember their purpose. In his letters, Paul makes an effort to remind people of faith who they are in Christ and what that means.

In the midst of the grief and weariness of all that we must face in these days, I ask you to remember who you are in Christ Jesus, and all that Christ calls you to do and be, no matter the circumstances. 3

Matthew 22:35-44 reads, “…and one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. ‘Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?’ He said to him, ‘“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”’

I encourage you to weigh your words and your actions, your social media posts and your conversations, your opinions and convictions, against the metric that Jesus provides, love of God and love of neighbor.

While I know there is interpretive room as to how to live these two commandments, I would like to think that remembering love of God and neighbor can indeed help shape our actions and our words in these days, as it has always meant to.

What does it mean to you to love God with your whole heart? What does it mean to you to love your neighbor as yourself? And who do you consider to be your neighbor?

Jesus answered this question for us with the parable of the Good Samaritan. If we apply historical context to contemporary circumstances, our neighbor is anyone whom society considers “less than.” Or in the nitty gritty details of the parable, anyone that you would rather not be obligated to, anyone you would rather not have touch you, anyone whom the dominant culture considers free to disparage, exclude, ignore, ridicule, oppress, or denigrate.

As you know, loving people who we dislike or do not understand, is not easy. And yet, Christ’s call upon our love, our speech, and our actions remains.

I encourage you to remember in this pandemic wilderness that “this too shall pass.” A time will come when either the pandemic will be managed, or some other new reality will emerge that feels less anxious.

Continued on page 4

Sunday Worship9:00 am @ Trinity

10:45 am Worship andSunday School [K-6th] @ FaithRadio Broadcast GTO 97.5 FM

Facebook Live

Worship services can be found on Facebook Live and will broadcast on radio station GTO 97.5 FM. To support the radio broadcast, mark donation for Radio Broadcast along with any dedication to your church offering. Each broadcast is $90.

The recommendation of the Faith/Trinity Reopening Task Force is mask wearing for those unvaccinated, sanitizing, and social distancing. Coffee fellowship will follow the service.

Bulletins are available Sunday mornings at the church. If you would like one by mail, call the church office. Bulletins are also available on the church’s website.

Zoom or PhoneThursday—see calendar

for timeSaturday @ 9 am

Contact Pastor Stacy for the information and link.

All Are Welcome!

[Continued from page 3]Bishop Finegan’s letter

Then we will have the luxury to argue about new things and disagree about something other than the current disputes.

Whatever the future holds, we are the body of Christ now, called to show the world the rest of what Paul writes in his letter to the church at Rome in Romans 8:38-39, that, “neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Yours in Christ,

Bishop Katherine Finegan

Monthly Prayer Calendar

1 Pray for our ELCA Bishops as they meet at the Conference of Bishops through Oct 2. Especially, we give thanks for those who are newly elected and will begin serving in their new calls during this difficult time in our world and our church. 2 Pray for all attending the Fortune Lake Fall Fest today. Pray for the Fortune Lake Staff and all who visit our Lutheran Camps throughout the year. 3 Pray for pastors who celebrate the anniversary of their ordination this month: Don Ludemann (10/04), Tom Wickstrom (10/05), Ken Carlson (10/05), George CandeaKromm (10/7), and Doug Johnson (10/15). 4 Pray for Licensed Lay Ministers who celebrate their birthdays this month: Larry Molloy (10/28). 5 Pray for pastors who celebrate birthdays this month: Timothy Vadis (10/05), David Echelbarger (10/08), Kenneth Carlson (10/13), and Maxine Gray (10/16). 6 Pray for our Synod Assembly Planning Team as they meet today and look forward to our spring assembly. May they find creative ways to celebrate our mission in God’s name and make wise decisions for the activities of our Synod. 7 Pray for all pastors on Clergy Appreciation Day this Sunday. We thank God for their presence among us: preaching the Word, presiding over the Sacraments, being present in the midst of crisis or grief, guiding, teaching, listening, challenging us to take new directions, and being examples of God’s love. 8 Pray for the members of St. Peter Lutheran Church, Ocean City, MD; St. Philip Lutheran Church, Baltimore, MD; St. Philip Lutheran Church, Wilmington, DE; and St. Stephen Lutheran Church (Arbutus), Baltimore, MD. 9 Pray for Pastor-Elect Jack Busche and the members of Grace, Gwinn, as he is ordained and installed into ministry in this congregation. May the Holy Spirit fill them with joy and wisdom as they work together to fulfill God’s mission for them. 10 Pray for Pastor Lloyd Luedeman and the members of Grace, Pembine, as he is installed into ministry in this congregation. May the Holy Spirit fill them with joy and wisdom as they work together to fulfill God’s mission for them. 11 Pray for all who have lost loved ones and homes in the midst of disasters – fires, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, wars, and the pandemic. Offer prayers of thanks for all who have donated to and volunteered with Lutheran Disaster Response, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee

Continued on page 10


Council Highlights from September

● Three basement windows in the parsonage will be replaced by a donation from a private donor. Motion passed to accept donation. There is currently $1363.20 that has been collected toward the remaining upstairs windows, leaving $5,672.80 left to raise of the $7036 needed for the last phase of windows.

● Church painting update--more paint has been purchased. The upstairs men’s restroom, downstairs men’s restroom and the stairwell are the next areas to be painted. An announcement will be made asking for help to finish painting.

● Carpet cleaning--lower level would include the fellowship hall, entryway and hall of stairwell--will be scheduled for the last week in October. A motion passed to use $420 of the kitchen fund to pay for the cleaning.

● Church sign update--Jeff Swanson will remove the current sign this fall so that the area will be ready for the new sign in the spring that Jim Harmala will be making.

● Church pews update--Kurt suggested changing out one of the stored pews for one that is in the sanctuary but has missing veneer on one side. He and a couple of others can do this.

● Fellowship Hall wood room dividers were posted to the church’s Facebook page. Will post to Facebook marketplace. Free for pick up.

● Snow plowing plan--announce the need for plowing in church first, then look at other options if necessary.

● Dishes--Will advertise for free/donation to the congregation and on Facebook Marketplace.

● Evangelism/Fellowship--First Communion cake on Oct. 31, Operation Christmas Child and Angel Tree will be advertised in the newsletter as upcoming projects sponsored by Altar Guild. Helen Frederickson will organize the Christmas Food Baskets, hoping for ten families.

● Marilee Koval requested to tile part of the wall outside of the kitchen where the trash can sits so that the wall behind it doesn’t continue to get damaged. Council approved.

● Church and parsonage mailboxes might be moved to PPO, but approval is up to the Postmaster.

Council MeetingOct 18@ 6 pm

Church Council VacanciesThe church council is looking for two members

to fill current vacancies. If interested in this ministry, please contact any council member or

the church office. The council meets on the second Thursday of each month at 6 pm. (I

think we can remove this announcement for now until we get closer to the annual meeting. Kathy)

Thank You!!! Lois Ombrello, Norma Denney, Barb Carlson for their continuing help with church newsletter mailing. Thank you,

Thank you to those who mowed: Dede Caplett and Dave Richards. Thanks to Vic Cox for repairing the parsonage siding.

This year more than ever, reaching these children is essential. Last year Marquette County’s Operation Christmas Child shipped about 823 boxes to children in the Philippines.

Imagine the smile that each child had as they received a gift from you and the hope they were given when they heard the Gospel. We pray that you, once again, will be willing to participate in this ministry. Boxes will be available to pick up on Sunday Oct 3. A list of acceptable items to include [and to not include] will be inside each box. Deadline to return filled boxes is Sunday, Nov 14. Any questions, ask Marilee.

● Historical records--financial records do not need to be kept longer than seven years, so old financials can be discarded. Old minutes can be digitized and saved to an external hard drive for future use. Ann Pietro suggested contacting the synod to find out if Region 5 keeps old church records. Dede will make contact to find out more information.

● Trunk and Treat Party, Saturday, Oct. 23, 1-3 pm at Faith.


Trinity’s Mission

Trinity Lutheran Church will, by the grace of God, faithfully witness to God’s love through prayer, worship, and support of others and encourage

Spirit-led growth within the church, the community, and the world.

Next Council Meeting:

Oct. 19@ 6:00 pm

Community Outreach

If you have any ideas how the congregation of Trinity can help our community stay strong, i.e. calling shut-ins, reading to the elderly, donating blankets to homeless shelters, etc. please let us know. You can call the church or Kathy Koski at

906-486-8637 with your suggestions.

Online Giving through VancoIf you are interested in online giving it is easy to sign up. How it works:

1. Visit the Vanco site either through the QR Scan or the link on the church website.

2. Sign Up for either a bank account or credit card.3. Choose this to be reoccurring or a one time

donation.4. Submit the request.

Once you sign up, Trinity will receive notification of your donation and your envelope number will be credited for the donation. Weekly and monthly statements are sent to Trinity and the donation is deposited on the day you chose while signing up. It is that simple.

Thank you to all who have signed up already. Trinity appreciates your contributions to God’s Work in Ishpeming. Questions: See Melissa


● Please contact the church office with anything you would like to include in the newsletter!

● Thrivent plan owners are reminded to inform the office so that advantage of Thrivent community grants can be arranged.

● The first communion class will be held in September. Please call the church office to participate.

Council Highlights● On request of Pastors Steve & Evelyn, Council will

meet on the third Tuesday beginning in October.

● The 4th Quarter Noisy Offering has been designated to Cancer Care of Marquette County.

● Approved a monthly item collection for the New Free Store in Marquette. October's items of need are 4/6 roll package of toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Watch for the shopping cart as a collection spot.

● Volunteers are needed to clean out the former quilter's work area (see the calendar). See Nancy Polkinghorne or Peter Johnson if you are available.

● Worship & Music Ministry discussed designating Second Sundays as Hymn Sing Sundays.

● Installation of new LED lights on the steeple occurred on September 23rd, completing the steeple refurbishment.

● Pastor Steve will offer training to volunteers who wish to deliver communion to shut-ins. Persons who wish to deliver communion or those who wish to receive visits should contact the church office.

● First Communion will be during worship on Reformation Sunday, October 31. Class for those in 5th Grade and up is scheduled for Sunday, October 24, 1-4, with Pastor Steve.

● Confirmation for all in Grades 7 - 9 begins Sunday, October 3 from 6 - 8 at Bethel Lutheran with Pastor Steve.

● Many thanks to Pete Carlson for repairing the sink hole in the parking lot!

Property & Maintenance Help Needed

Individuals who are interested in maintaining the lawn, front

garden, sidewalks and parking areas are needed. Contact the

church office to volunteer.

Many thanks to Lori Syrjala, Jan Grove, & Mary

Johnson for their continued help with

the newsletter mailing!


October Counters10/3 - Ashley Price10/10 - Brad & Elizabeth Heinzman10/17 - Cory Beth Grigg10/24 - Bruce & Tracy Tippett10/31 - Adele & Gary Price


● Please contact the church office with anything you would like to include in the newsletter!

● The first communion class will be held in September. Please call the church office to participate.

Time & Talent SheetsLook for Time & Talent sheets in the

next few weeks!

Soup Luncheons returning in October! We would like to start getting an idea

of who is willing to help. If you are interested in volunteering, please

contact Kathy Koski (906)486-8637 or Mary Heinzman (906)273-0725.

150th Anniversary RecognitionDear People of Trinity,

Congratulations on your 150th Anniversary!

I give thanks to God for the 150 years of grace and service that has been accomplished through the ministry efforts of the people of Trinity. May you continue to be a blessing in Jesus’ name for the sake of your community, our work together as a Synod, our partnership with the whole ELCA and Church, and our impact throughout the world.

As we celebrate your history, we also look forward to many years to come of faithful witness. May God bless your future as a congregation and community of faith just as God has blessed you for these past 150 years.

Yours in Christ,

Bishop Katherine Finegan

Thank you to Jan Grove for keeping the fellowship hall

decorated. Many thanks to Lori Syrjala, Jan Grove, and Mary

Johnson for their continued help with the newsletter mailing!

GOD’S WORK, OUR HANDSTrinity will be participating in God’s Work, Our Hands on September 12, 2021.

Sending young ones to school can be costly now days. Trinity will be collecting school supplies to donate to Birchview Elementary School to help supplement supplies that many families can’t afford.

Donations can be dropped off at the church on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 9:00 am to 1:00 pm or brought in prior to worship on Sunday Sept. 12th. Don’t want to shop? Monetary donations will be used to purchase supplies!

Below is a list of school supplies that Birchview stated would be greatly appreciated.Suggested items:· Pencils - regular and colored · Glue sticks· Crayons · Scissors· Folders · Paper· Notebooks

With our hands, we can do God’s work by helping local children get off to a great new school year.

Snow Shoveler Needed!Trinity has an opening for a

person to shovel snow in front of the building entrances this winter.

This is a paid position. Anyone interested should call the office.

October Soup Luncheon11:00 am to 1:00 pm on October 13th

In the Fellowship Hall

Soups, breads, dessert bars,coffee, milk, and tea

will be served.

Suggested Donation: Adult $5 and Child $3

Please contact Kathy Koski (906) 486-8637 or Mary Heinzman (906) 273-0725 if you are interested in volunteering.

The New Free Store Donation BoxTrinity will be collecting items to donate to

The New Free Store. Each month they request that a certain hygiene or cleaning supply be donated. See page 7 for more information regarding the TNFS and their

mission. There will be a collection box at the church for any donations.

Requested Items for October:Toilet Paper ( 4 or 6 rolls per pack)

Hand Sanitizer


through Vanco for FAITHIf you are interested in online giving, it is easy to sign up. How it works:1. Visit the Vanco site either through the QR Scan or the

link on the church website.2. Sign Up with Vanco for an account.3. Designate the amount and funds. Add your

information for either a bank account or credit card.4. Choose this to be reoccurring or a one time donation.5. Submit the request.

Once you sign up, Faith will receive notification of your donation and your account is credited for the donation. Weekly and monthly statements are sent to Faith and the donation is deposited on the day you chose while signing up. It is that simple.Thank you to all who have signed up already. Faith appreciates your contributions to God’s Work.Questions: Contact Robyn

Coffee HourWe encourage you to follow CDC safety guidelines during these gatherings. Hand sanitizer will be available. Sign up if you

are interested in serving.

If you are interested in online giving it is easy to sign up. How it works:

1. Visit the Vanco site either through the QR Scan or the link on the church website.

2. Sign Up for either a bank account or credit card.3. Choose this to be reoccurring or a one time donation.4. Submit the request.

Once you sign up, Trinity will receive notification of your donation and your envelope number will be credited for the donation. Weekly and monthly statements are sent to Trinity and the donation is deposited on the day you chose while signing up. It is that simple.

Thank you to all who have signed up already. Trinity appreciates your contributions to God’s Work in Ishpeming. Questions: See Melissa

Online Giving for TRINITY

Faith Items For Sale/DonationTwo long church pews, five beige folding chairs, TV/VCR set, TV cart and adult and children VHS tapes, dinner plates and mugs, Pella wood room dividers. Let the church office know if interested.

Family & friends of Merry Hamel Ringuette Louis Roncaglione Chuck Bellanger Georgianna Hebert

What Can Church Members Do For The New Free Store?The New Free Store provides clothing, bedding, hygiene, and cleaning supplies at no cost to people experiencing a financial burden. We can help by:

● Give a one time financial donation● Donate cleaning and hygiene products● Volunteer your time at The New Free Store● Share their mission with friends and family● Ask your social action or social ministry

committee to donate● Become a sustaining Friend of the Free Store

by giving annually● Direct Thrivent Choice Dollars to the store or

hosting a fundraiser through Thrivent

St. Francis Day Pet BlessingAll are welcome at a Pet Blessing hosted by Bethel Lutheran Church, Sunday, October 3. Pastor Evelyn will bless pets--on leash or in a cage, or bring your pet's photo, leash, toy, food, etc. to be blessed. Gather by the west entrance from 9-10 am, or from 11:45 am to 12:15 pm. This pet blessing is in honor of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals. We pray this will be a blessing to pets and their people. Faith will be Blessing the Stuffed Animals during the service.


● Need for reconvening the COVID Task Force● 2021 Lenten devotions via Facebook Live● Summer attendance at two Beer, Boats &

Bibles on the Dead River and Big Shag Lake.● Kathy Richards reported 28 kids and 19 adults

attended Vacation Bible Camp with volunteers from both churches. Councils thanked her for hosting.

New Business● Approved the Amendment to the

Memorandum of Understanding for Administrative Interim.

● Discussed Council Meeting day changes requested by the Westons. Trinity will meet on the 3rd Tuesday. Faith's change is to be determined.

● Discussed worship times and attendance and the need to take a serious look at our Shared Ministry.

● Due to a large number of homebound people between three churches, Pastor Steve will offer training for lay visitation, delivery of communion and the art of caring conversation. Those interested in delivering or receiving homebound visitation are asked to call the church offices.

● Confirmation classes for those in grades 7-9 begins on Sunday, October 3 from 6-8pm at Bethel led by Pastor Steve.

● First Communion class for 5th grade and up, will be held on Sunday, October 24 from 1-4 pm with First Communion during worship on October 31, Reformation Sunday. Parents are requested to attend.

● Trunk or Treat Party will be held at Faith on 10/23 from 1-3 p.m. Attendance will be limited to Faith and Trinity kids only due to COVID restrictions. Robert Lake, Marilee Koval, and Marcia Anderson are planning the event.

● Agreed to increase Joint Council meetings to quarterly instead of semi-annually. The next meeting is at Faith on Wednesday, November 10 at 6 pm.

Nancy Polkinghorne SecretaryTrinity Lutheran Church


Attention Church MusiciansYou are invited to an informal roundtable discussion

A time of Regrouping, Recruiting, Reorienting & Reconnecting Saturday, October 16

11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. *Messiah Lutheran Church

305 W. Magnetic St., MarquetteTopics will include: Church music in the age of the pandemic, Bringing back congregational singing,

Recruiting and rebuilding our choirs, Music for smaller numbers, Singing with masks, Virtual worship.

Refreshments will be served. The event is free, but please let us know you are planning to attend. RSVP to Jennifer Dodge at

Messiah (906) 225-1119 or email [email protected].

*In the event of COVID-19 restrictions preventing an in-person meeting, we may shift to ZOOM. Those who

RSVP will be informed of this change. Stay tuned!

“Faithful Innovations” Learning Communities of Jesus

For Laity, Pastors, Deacons and Licensed Lay Ministers of the Northern Great Lakes Synod “During the night Paul had a vision: there stood a man of Macedonia pleading with him and saying, ‘Come over to

Macedonia and help us.’ When he had seen the vision, we immediately tried to cross over to Macedonia, being

convinced that God had called us to proclaim the good news to them.” ~Acts 16:9-10

Announcing the 3rd Cohort Group* online or in person training options

• Help people connect with God, each other, and their neighbors. • Dwell in the Word and listening exercises. • Solid training in a cohort model with accountability and coaching support. • Affirming the role of lay people in our congregations. • Broadening your perspective beyond mere “maintenance.”

Training Schedule & Themes for Cohort #3: 1st Training via Zoom only Saturday, January 22, 2022 “Tracing God’s Movement in our Lives and Neighborhoods” 11 am to 2:30 pm (30-minute lunch break)

Continued on page 11


OctoberScriptures First Reading Psalm Second Reading Gospel

October 319th Sunday

After PentecostGenesis 2:18-24 Psalm 8 Hebrews 1:1-4;

2:5-12Mark 10:2-16

October 1020th Sunday

After PentecostAmos 5:6-7, 10-15 Psalm

90:12-17Hebrews 4:12-16 Mark 10:17-31

October 1721st Sunday

After PentecostIsaiah 53:4-12 Psalm 91:9-16 Hebrews 5:1-10 Mark 10:35-45

October 2422nd Sunday

After PentecostJeremiah 31:7-9 Psalm 126 Hebrews 7:23-28 Mark 10:46-52

October 31Reformation Day Jeremiah 31:31-34 Psalm 46 Romans 3:19-28 John 8:31-36

Youth & Confirmation

Amanda Rasner, Camp Director

End of Summer Worship Service

Grace & Peace,Amanda Rasner, Camp Directorshe/her/hersFortune Lake Lutheran Camp, Crystal Falls,

After a long hiatus, plans are in the works to restart Senior Days at Fortune Lake! With the increased vaccination rate among the senior population in our area, we hope to safely gather for fellowship, learning, and a meal. Come and join us for a day of wonderful conversation, delicious food, and great fun!

Senior Day is a wonderful way to reconnect with old friends and make a few new ones along the way! Gather in the Dining Hall from 10 am – 2 pm and enjoy a delightful day at FLLC, including a devotion, program, lunch, and fellowship! $10 donation per participant is requested. RSVP by the Friday before to (906) 214-2267.

Dates:Nov. 15, 2021 Mar. 14, 2022Jan. 10, 2022 May 9, 2022

The first fellowship event for students grades 7-9 will be a movie and discussion night at

Bethel on Sunday, Oct. 17, 6-8 pm, in the Fireside Room

Confirmation classes begin onSunday, October 3

6 pm @ Bethel

Service, and Lutheran World Relief to help them. 12 October 10 was World Mental Health Day and the stress of the pandemic has increased the need for mental health awareness and care. Pray for all those suffering from mental illness and for their families and medical care professionals. Pray also that health care systems and insurance companies do their best to care for those in need. 13 Pray for pastors who celebrate the anniversary of their ordination this month: Duane Priebe (10/24), Richard Likeness (10/26), Melinda VanderSys (10/29), and Judy Kirchoff (10/31). 14 Pray for all our Seminary Students, as they begin or continue their studies and preparation for rostered service in our Church.15 Pray for people who are homeless, refugees, and living in shelters. May they know God’s love through the work of diligent caregivers and advocates. 16 Pray for all church musicians and for the musicians’ workshop which is happening today. We thank God for all those who share their gifts and talents with our worshipping communities. 17 Pray for Pastor Elisabeth Daniels and the members of First, Gladstone, as she is installed into ministry in this congregation. May the Holy Spirit fill them with joy and wisdom as they work together to fulfill God’s mission for them. 18 Pray for pastors who celebrate birthdays this month: Stephen Gauger (10/28), Kari Vadis (10/28), and Alex Ross (10/29). 19 Pray for peace throughout the world and for world leaders to work together toward ending violence of all kinds, especially violence directed at women and children and violence based upon religious or ethnic prejudice. 20 Pray for our Synod Staff as they meet today to plan and coordinate events and activities throughout our Synod. 21 Pray for Council Presidents as they meet online for a workshop with Synod Vice President Chuck Thomas and Ray Miller. May they be encouraged in their leadership role. 22 Pray for the members of St. Stephen Lutheran Church, Wilmington, DE; The Slate Project (Charles Waverly Mission), Baltimore, MD; Tree of Life Church (Middletown), Odessa, DE; and Trinity Lutheran Church, Boonsboro, MD. 23 Pray for students, staff, and faculty at colleges and universities as they continue to teach and learn amid the challenges of the global pandemic. 24 Pray for Bethany Lutheran Church, Ishpeming, and their Interim Pastor Bruce Thorsen as they continue their discernment and search for a rostered leader to serve the people and lead the ministry in their community. 10

[continued from page 4]Prayer Calendar

25 Pray for students as they celebrate homecoming events. May they all be safe in the midst of these joyous events. 26 Pray for all those whose loved ones have died from COVID-19 and all those living with continuing disabilities caused by the disease. 27 Pray for Bethel Lutheran Church, Ishpeming, and their Interim Pastors Steve and Evelyn Weston as they begin their work together and discern where God is leading them in mission in their community. 28 Pray for quilters and Lutheran World Relief quilt ministries as the quilts are gathered and transported around the world. 29 Pray for creation and all of God’s creatures as they also face natural and human-created disasters that destroy their homes and environments. 30 Pray for all those participating in the Faithful Innovations Training today. May these pastors and lay leaders grow in their faith and learn new ways to spread the Good News of God’s love for the world. 31 Pray that the God who reformed the church through Martin Luther and other teachers five centuries ago may continue to reform – and transform – the church today.

We hold in prayer...

...those ill, convalescing, grieving or in need:

Faith: Dennis & Cheryl Salmer, Nathan Brewer, Ashley Richards, Helen G., Norman P., Fran Armitage, Brandon, Anna & Sandy, Nan, Bill & Helene, Jacki L., Ann, Mickey, Dale, Harmony, Sam & family, Melita, Wally, Bobbie, Ricky & Robbie, Ted, Carol, Mark P., Janice, Marie K., Mike & Dani Hollenbeck, Arlene, David, Virginia, Ursula, Carol, Judy, Gina, Rita, Henrik, Charles, Don and Mike.

Trinity: Brian Easterwood, Skip Lyons, Diane, Glenn Sarka, Jason, Mark Pajula, Lucille, Abel Barrett, Mark Chanen, Alan, Ari Paananen, Jeremy Levi, & Jan Grove.

Continued on page 11

[Continued from page 8]Faithful Innovations Trainings

2nd Training via Zoom or in person at Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp Saturday, March 5, 2022 “Learning by Doing: Using Action Learning to Discover God’s Leading” 11 am to 4 pm ET / 10 am to 3 pm CT (60-minute lunch break)

3rd Training via Zoom orin person at Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp Saturday, May 21, 2022 “Sharing our Learning: Intentional Reflections on Our Actions” 11 am to 4 pm ET / 10 am to 3 pm CT (60-minute lunch break)

What’s a congregation’s commitment?

• A congregation has a “Guiding Team” of 4 to 7 lay people committing to 3 training sessions and follow up assignments between trainings. The pastor or licensed lay minister also attends the trainings. • Cost for Training Sessions is only $50* per congregation which includes meals at Fortune Lake and a copy of Dwight Zscheile’s book, The Agile Church (Dr. Zscheile was keynote speaker at the May 2019 Synod Assembly).

*The actual full costs of these trainings are supported by a generous subsidy from an ELCA Synod Vitality Grant and a Siebert Grant.

Register and pay by January 13, 2022. Contact Pastor Jim Duehring (906) 228-2300 to learn more about this learning process and to hear testimonials go to:


First Communion Class for those in 5th grade and up and who have never taken First Communion classes is scheduled for Sunday, October 24, 1-4 pm, with Pastor Steve at Bethel for students from Bethel, Faith and Trinity. A parent or guardian is also asked to attend.

First Communion Sunday for the students will be at their home churches during worship on Reformation Sunday, October 31.

Covid Task Force invites new members to join

Please contact the church office if you are interested in joining the task force as it is looking for new members in the event that it is needed.

[continued from page 10]Prayer List

...our service men and women and their families:John Lawson, Christian Henderson, Andrew Kubas, Joshua & Cheyenne Perreault, Nathan Murray, Mike Hollenbeck, Craig Perry, Jacob Smith and Dan Best.

...those who are homebound or in nursing homes:Home: Mary Denney, Betty Mitchell, Sherry Watters, Marlene A. MCMCF: Melita Aho, Geraldine Harrison, Shirley Langsford, Karen Lehman, Bill Neuroth. Mission Point: Eileen Peterson Mill Creek Memory Care: Pat Phare

my love





Ishpeming, MI 49849

Change Service Requested

Administrative Interim PastorsSteve & Evelyn Weston


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1 John 4:18

is stronger than

your fear.