
Mean Green Mother From Outer Space Ch 6 A Black Widow Challenge



Transcript of Bw06

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Mean Green Mother

From Outer Space

Ch 6

A Black Widow Challenge

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When we last left off, Laitus was giving birth to baby number five. And here she is folks: Zelma. Named so after one of the witch aunts from Sabrina the Teenage Witch.

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In other news, Lucy has learned how to use the potty. What’s more with a simple family kiss, she gives her mom a nice little aspiration boost.

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Since today also happens to be Lucy’s birthday and Laitus would like to throw a party. In terms of guests, Ti-Ning is a frequent caller and the is perhaps perfect for the next victim.

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Laitus, “It’s so nice to finally meet you in person, Ti-Ning.”Ti-Ning, “Uh yea, but a kid’s birthday party?”Laitus, “I don’t know of any kids to invite over.”Ti-Ning, “Oh, ok.”

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And in no time, Laitus and Ti-Ning go from touching hands to holding hands.

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Little Lucy goes from precocious tyke to adorable child.

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And kisses change to full blown make-outs.

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Laitus, “I know you already call as it is, but give me a ring sometime.”The party is a success in more ways than one.

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Laitus, “Hi, Ti-Ning. I know it’s only been the night, but I just have to see you again. I can’t get you out of my mind. Won’t you please come over?”

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Ti-Ning, “Isn’t this a little aggressive?”Laitus, “Don’t you worry about a thing Ti-Ning. In fact, you should be grateful. It’s not often that the town slob ends up with such a beautiful woman that adores his ways.”Ti-Ning, “Now that you mention it.”

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Laitus, “I’m still utterly amazed hat a guy with that much BO is able to have a position as a union leader. I just hope that a baby is on the way, because I don’t know if I can stand another shake-down under the blankets.”

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Laitus indulges on a pinch more and the final bit of the first elixir of life. That still leaves 2 other bottles in reserve.

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Laitus, “Hello? Jeannie? I thought you were taken by the social worker.”Jeannie, “Chill mom, I was adopted. The name of the guy is Cyd Roseland and I now live not to far from you. I’m not sure if the social workers will allow me to visit though.Laitus, “What about Esther and Sanford?”Jeannie, “As far as I know, they are still at the orphanage.”

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Lucy returns home from school with a friend in tow: one of the Pascal’s alien kids. Triana Curious, everyone.

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And with two kids in the household, Laitus picks this time to propose and engage in marriage with Ti-Ning.

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Ti-Ning, “How come only you’re allowed in the baby room?”Laitus, “Because I’m the mother. And I won’t make the consistant mistake of always trying to shove a bottle of milk in her mouth.”

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Not only is marriage in store for the day, but also a birthday. Little Zelma is due to grow into the toddler stage.

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Except, the cake decides to mess things up and not grow little Zelma up. *sigh* Time to get a second cake.

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Second cake is mo betta! Zelma personality stats: 4/10/10/10/1Looks like another mean little kid. Though she looks so peaceful with the teddy bear.

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Baby number six is on the way. And poor Ti-Ning is upset over the roaches he had to clean up.

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Ti-Ning is lasting much longer than other husbands of the past. Mostly because Laitus still has a fear for his death and I’m trying to avoid that aspiration hit. Still his useful around the house knows no bounds: be it taking out the trash, changing diapers, or even helping Lucy with her homework.

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Lucy, “What are you doing, mom?”Laitus, “I’m going to teach your sister, Zelma, how to talk. With luck, she might be the first of you kids to know how to walk, talk, and use the toilet.”

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Look who is visiting today! It’s Esther! Looks like she managed to sneak away from the orphanage for the day.

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Esther and Lucy get some sisterly bonding going on by swapping jokes and playing a friendly game of rock, paper, scissor.

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Don’t you hate it when you race to the potty with the toddler only to find out they just filled the diaper once you get there?

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With talking learned and potty training a difficulty, it’s time to move onto taking those first big steps with Zelma.

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Uh oh! Looks like the latest baby is ready to be delivered. And it’s another girl. That makes a grand total of 5 girls and 1 boy so far. And this newborn’s name is Clarissa, named so from Clarissa Explain It All.

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So much going on in this shot: Ti-Ning interrupts Lucy’s afternoon movie with a fart while Laitus continues teaching Zelma how to walk.

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And Zelma manages to learn that amazing skill! Much to be celebrated as it’s the first Widow child to learn how to walk and talk.

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Too bad it’s time for the birthday leaving no time to finish learning how to use the potty. Thankfully, children come fully equipped with the knowledge even if it isn’t taught.

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And here’s Zelma as a child, ready to learn all sorts of not so fun things at school. And here is where I’ll leave you guys. Til next time.

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Score60 points from the last update+5 points for the wedding+2 points for the proposal accepted+2 for the pregnancy+3 for Kids growing up well -------------------------------------------------72 points!

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Meanwhile, Jeannie has been busy. Using the surplus funds that Cyd happens to have, she has a room built and designed for her. To include her own bathroom.

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And here’s a nice close-up of Jeannie’s face post make-over.

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Cyd, “I don’t remember financing this.”Jeannie, “Of course you don’t. You just handed me your credit card and I got what I needed.”Cyd, “Are you sure it’s only what you needed?”Jeannie, “Everything you see is a need. And why are you in my room anyway? I thought I locked the door.”

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Jeannie, “Now to see about having some real fun. Hi Chuck, it’s Jeannie. Feel like doing something tonight? Sure, I can wait til 1AM, just don’t be late, okay? Alright, bye-bye.”

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And as one in the morning draws ever closer, Jeannie makes her move. Cyd is too busy writing in his journal to notice her sneaking out.

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Jeannie, “Wow. Just wow. You’re family is loaded and this is the best you can afford. Don’t your parents just let you have the credit cards?”Chuck, “No. In fact this is just a rental. I can’t believe my dad wouldn’t even let me try out his car.”Jeannie, “Sheesh, what a stick in the mud. Whatever, let’s have just go.”

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A few hours later…

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Jeannie, “Thank the mouse clicker that the cop decided to leave me off with a warning. Now to get back into the house without being seen.”

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Jeannie, “Ok, so maybe I did get busted. But there’s no reason that Cyd has to find out about it. This will just be my little secret.”