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Hessonite (Gomed) Gemstone GEMSVIDH I Hessonite (Gomed or Gomedhikam in Hindi)

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Hessonite (Gomed) Gemstone


Hessonite (Gomed or Gomedhikam in Hindi)

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• It is an orange-brown semi-precious gemstone which has a very special place in Astrology. Hessonite or Gomed stone represents the planet Rahu.

• According to Vedic Astrology, Rahu is a 'shadow planet'. Although it is associated with Aquarius, the gemstone for Rahu should only be worn after an in-depth Astrological study of your horoscope and the position of planets in its various houses.

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• Hessonite stone bestows wealth, success, power, fame, spirituality and good health upon its wearer. The Hessonite gemstone should ideally weigh at least 1/10th carats of your body weight. (60 kg body weight = 6 carat stone).

• The stone should preferably have high clarity, mid to deep orange colour and no chemical or heat treatments. For Astrological purpose, Ceylon Hessonites (Sri Lankan) are considered the best.

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Here also some precious jewelry of

Hessonite Stone which looks pretty and

helpful too.

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Main benefits:

• Brahmin Varna -Hessonites that are whitish brown in colour belong to the Brahmin Varna.

• These gems are suitable to be worn by those who are engaged in teaching, research, consultations and other spiritual practices.

• Wearing such pale brown Hessonite Gemstones makes the person very peaceful in nature and gives spiritual inclinations.

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Kshatriya Varna

• Hessonite Stones that are brown in colour with reddish tint are known as Kshatriya Hessonite. These gems should be worn by those who seek power and position as wearing such gems gives administrative powers. These gems should be worn by people engaged in politics, administration, and bureaucracy and by those who occupy high positions. This is the optimal colour for a hessonite to have.

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Vaishya Varna

• Hessonite Stones that are brown in colour with yellowish tint are the Vaishya Varna. These gems are suited for those involved in trade, business and those who are self-employed and own some kind of business or organization. These kinds of Hessonites should be worn by people who only seek to amass wealth and are primarily engaged with finances, loans, mortgages and insurance. Such gems have moderately low prices and are most sought after the brownish red counterparts.

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Important information

• The Substitute does not have the same effect. The physical appearance of Hessonite and the substitutes are same. However, the astrological benefits of the substitutes are far less and require longer time duration for fruitful results.

• The weight of the substitute should not be the same as of hessonite stone recommended. Hessonite is advisable to be worn in weights from 2 carats to 6 carats. The substitute should be heavier in weight than that advised for the original gemstone.

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Astrological benefits of Hessonite Gemstone:

• According to the Vedic astrology, the Hessonite is known as the Rahu Graha or Dragon head.

• The uniform cow urine colored Gomed neutralizes the evil effect of Vedic planet Rahu and protects the wearer from the negative vibes & energies.

• It calms the mind of the wearer and relieves him/her from depression, deep seated anxieties and mental problems.

• Gomed / Hessonite helps to boost concentration focus and gives clear direction to help achieve goals. Therefore, it is quite beneficial for students and people who are working in the field of research.

• Hessonite provides professional progress and enhances one's social & financial status