Business Plan 2017 – 2020 - Darwin Middle School Downloads... · Business Plan 2017 – 2020...

Business Plan 2017 – 2020 Opening doors to successful futures Darwin Middle School listens to its students and recognises them as emerging young adults. Scan and listen to the Darwin Middle School Band play Pomp and Circumstance

Transcript of Business Plan 2017 – 2020 - Darwin Middle School Downloads... · Business Plan 2017 – 2020...

Business Plan2017 – 2020

Opening doors to successful futures Darwin Middle

School listens to its students and recognises them

as emerging young adults.

Scan and listen to the Darwin Middle School Band play Pomp and Circumstance

About UsDarwin Middle School is beautifully located at

Bullocky Point Educational Precinct and cohabits this

site with Darwin High School and Northern Territory

School of Distance Education. The three schools work

collaboratively together to support a six year learning

program for students who enrol at Darwin Middle

School. The school is also positioned well as the middle

school closest to the central business district and

having operated for 10 years has an outstanding record

of delivering quality outcomes. There is substantial

infrastructure and a history of professionalism

demonstrated by a highly committed staff.

Darwin Middle School is a centre for learning which

is linked to its local and global community. Our

educational program reflects both these environments

and provides students with rewarding experiences

now while preparing them for their futures.

Darwin Middle School is the leader in Government

Middle Schools in the Northern Territory achieving

significant success. The school has a strong belief in

reflective practice and this is inherent in why the school

has been so successful. The school operates at capacity

with 750-800 families opting to be part of

the Darwin Middle School experience.

Darwin Middle School’s focus is to provide students with opportunities designed to cater for the specific learning and social needs of young adolescents. This is achieved through innovation and contemporary educational practices, with a core focus on pastoral care and technology.

Embedded in these practices is our belief that all students, staff and parents have a responsibility to work together to ensure:

� High Behavioural Standards

� Quality Teaching/Innovative Educational Programs

� A Safe School Environment

� High Academic Outcomes

� Clear Values

Business Plan 2017 – 2020 D A R W I N M I D D L E S C H O O L 3

The Darwin Middle School Business Plan clearly

defines the newly constituted Board and School Based

Leadership with four significant goals to be addressed

and completed before 2020.

> A $12 million multipurpose hall, upgrade to classroom and dry access walkways.

> To ensure that STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts and Mathematics) is embedded into school practice.

> A focus on quality teaching and learning.

> Continued parent and community engagement,

including redesign of the school website.

Our task as leaders is to ensure that Darwin Middle

School is in the best possible position to offer an

outstanding suite of experiences and services to

our students and their families. We rely on a team

of educators who likewise must be given equal

opportunities to develop themselves and have a working

environment which is stimulating and fulfilling.

Our Business Plan has been developed with a unique

perspective. All stakeholders were represented in its

construction with a particularly strong emphasis placed

on student voice. 437 students provided comprehensive

responses which we have used to drive significant

initiatives within this Business Plan. By recognising the

student as the pivotal beneficiary and seeking their

input, we have gained invaluable insight on the future

positioning and needs of the school community.

We are confident this Business Plan builds on the

passions of our students by capturing their voice and

through recommendations from parents and our staff.

Our plan will ensure Darwin Middle School continues its

proud reputation as the leading middle years schooling

provider in the Northern Territory.

From the School Board and Principal

Kate Crawley

Chair Darwin Middle School Board

Marcus Dixon

Principal Darwin Middle School

4 D A R W I N M I D D L E S C H O O L Opening Doors to Successful Futures

MissionTo provide a challenging, innovative and vibrant learning environment that fosters individual talents and supports students in reaching their highest potential.

VisionDarwin Middle School is a positive learning centre leading the way in middle years education through innovation and contemporary educational practices, ensuring students’ learning and social needs are being developed for their future pathways.


Business Plan 2017 – 2020 D A R W I N M I D D L E S C H O O L 5

Teaching and LearningWe are totally committed to quality teaching, hence the

core business of teaching and learning is our priority.

Our standard model of teaching and learning will be

developed and implemented across the school. All staff

members are committed to implementing a consistent

model which provides students with clearly defined

learning intentions and success criteria.

Staff will be continuously provided with professional

development and support as well as the resources to

work within this teaching and learning framework and

to ensure consistency in our teaching practice.

This model will focus on the interests of our students

and be delivered with energy.

As part of our commitment to quality teaching and learning we will:

> construct and publish the Teaching and Learning Model through an in-service with all staff.

> embed the Teaching and Learning Model throughout the school.

> ensure the Teaching and Learning Model is explicitly accessible.

Student LearningIn consultation with students we

will develop a student learning

model that is conducive to

adolescent learning needs.

Our model will consistently

demonstrate the value of students

and teachers being partners in the learning process.

Each student will be immersed in a school learning style

and culture of inclusion, enabling ownership of their

own learning experience.

The learning model will be reflective of their stage of

development as emerging young adults.

Through a consultative approach with students, we will:

> develop and construct a student learning model.

> provide significant visual and media productions for student access.

> upskill the student body in the Darwin Middle School learning strategy.

Our Strategic Priorities

6 D A R W I N M I D D L E S C H O O L Opening Doors to Successful Futures



Critical thinking


Logical Problemsolving

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

(STEM) are recognised as the most powerful 21st

Century skill sets for a leading educational experience,

ensuring that our students are well positioned to

embrace future opportunities intrinsically intertwined

with their contemporary identity and life journey.

Our focus will engage students and equip them

with critical thinking, problem solving, creative and

collaborative skills. This will ultimately establish

connections between the school, work site, community

and the global economy.

STEAM – STEM Employment in STEM is growing

2x faster than other


By inspiring a passion for STEM in students, we will:

> engage in expeditions and applications in real life challenge forums via intrastate, interstate and international opportunities.

> increase opportunities for robotics and engineering, develop units in coding and provide tactile experiences.

> establish clubs and learning continuums across the three years of middle years schooling.

> upgrade, through investment, significant science and technology experiences and make them accessible in the classroom context.

> reframe the teaching of mathematics and tailor to suit every student’s learning competencies. Improve every student’s personal mathematics goal by tracking their development, analysing individual strategies and providing appropriate feedback.

> travel on a virtual world tour bus, experiencing the wonders of the world and other virtual experiences to establish a learning continuum for our

humanities students.

The Left Brain

3 in 4 of the fastest growing occupations require science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) related skills and knowledge.

Business Plan 2017 – 2020 D A R W I N M I D D L E S C H O O L 7




Flexible & Adaptable

Creative & Innovative



Our students are passionate and creative. We

recognise that The Arts is crucial in fostering creative

and innovative minds. Our Business Plan captures

their tremendous commitment towards expressive

connectivity as young adults and their artistic journey.

STEAM – The Arts

The Right Brain

We are a fully STEAM powered lighthouse school and by harnessing our strong focus and commitment to The Arts we will:

> expand the school music program, ensuring a large concert band and a highly accomplished stage band. Band members will be provided with the opportunity to showcase their talents and go on tour developing their skills and confidence through public performance.

> deliver live theatrical performances through dramatic arts. These opportunities and experiences will be greatly increased and embedded in the school’s program.

> build visual arts units that include considerable 3D elements such as pottery and sculpture and exhibit students’ work in a variety of forums.

> increase opportunities for students to learn a variety of dance styles including hip hop, contemporary, modern and classical.

> ensure students are exposed to and learn skills in a contemporary context through the use of digital technologies in the areas of music

and visual arts.

STEAM Powered Lighthouse SchoolStudents who play a musical instrument are 4 times more likely to be recognised for academic achievement.

Student WellbeingIntegral to a positive learning model is the recognition

of the importance of the social and emotional wellbeing

of every student at Darwin Middle School.

It is a priority of the school that students are

empowered with a sense of resilience and positivity.

This develops confidence within each student and

allows them to approach life and learning with a sense

of optimism from a position of strength.

We will design programs that provide students with

opportunities for personal growth and building skills to

embrace life with positivity and to ensure a successful

personal journey.

We will provide real life learning experiences and

expeditions that will develop the individual passions

and skills of our students through a real world context.

Student wellbeing is a priority. As such we will:

� implement subject-focused expeditions interstate and overseas providing opportunities that support personal growth experiences.

� participate in Duke of Edinburgh Award recognising students for completing a series of self-improvement and confidence-building exercises suitable for young adults.

� develop a student empowerment program focused on social and emotional wellbeing.

� develop and implement trade training programs appropriate for middle years schooling.

Happy, Safe, Fulfilled studentsThe SMILE program will develop life skills and emotional resilience supporting students on their journey.

Business Plan 2017 – 2020 D A R W I N M I D D L E S C H O O L 9

Investment for Campus Development:

� $12M for multipurpose hall

� $1M in transportable classrooms

� $1M for outdoor basketball court and roof

� $300,000 for campus interconnecting pathways

(All figures are best estimate as of date of publication)

Infrastructure Needs and Campus DevelopmentWe will construct a significant multipurpose hall to support

physical education and the arts as well as enhance the

established strong spirit of the school and further build the

community culture of Darwin City Schools.

As part of our ongoing commitment to the development

of our campus, we will increase learning environments and

connect the school through a series of walkways and paths

that provide safety and integrate all campus facilities.

By continuing to masterplan our school campus and

integrate its functionality as part of the Bullocky Point

Education Precinct we will cover the outdoor areas to

provide SunSafe environments.

Building Our FutureOur plans will see the completion of the Darwin Middle School campus.

1 0 D A R W I N M I D D L E S C H O O L Opening Doors to Successful Futures

Supporting Successful Students

Over 50% of the World’s population speaks two or more


Global MindsetLanguage skills are an asset that promotes a lifetime of

effective communication in our increasingly changing

interconnected world.

To provide further opportunities for our students to become successful global citizens, we will:

> develop and implement a Chinese language program and review learning continuum with Darwin City Schools.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) provides freedom to

students and their families. It allows them to tailor their

choice of technology to suit their educational needs and

ensures sustainability through a school supported ICT

Management model.

It is essential for developing bodies and minds to

participate in a broad range of physical activities building

important skills for life.

Through our commitment to promoting health and physical activities we will:

> create a new dynamic student engaged skill-based physical education program.

> develop learning continuum of target, invasion, net and wall activities, fielding and striking games.

> develop new health promoting program.

Our school library is a well-resourced learning centre

offering many options for students and staff. The

environment and furniture is aesthetically pleasing and

can be moved to cater for collaborative groupings.

Keeping up with technology we will:

> redevelop and upgrade all library management processes ensuring all resources are tracked through wireless frequency rather than barcodes.

Bilingual students consistently outperform their monolingual counterparts in cognitive tasks. Demand for bilingual employees is growing rapidly.

Department of Education Strategic Plan Measure Result (%)TARGET %

2017-2020Year 7 students achieving at or above NMS in Numeracy

Non-indigenous students 97 99+Indigenous students 86 90+

Year 7 students achieving at or above NMS Reading

Non-indigenous students 98 100Indigenous students 94 98+

Year 7 students achieving at or above NMS in Writing

Non-indigenous students 91 95+Indigenous students 73 77+

Year 9 students achieving at or above NMS in Numeracy

Non-indigenous students 97 100Indigenous students 93 97+

Year 9 students achieving at or above NMS Reading

Non-indigenous students 96 100Indigenous students 100 100

Year 9 students achieving at or above NMS in Writing

Non-indigenous students 85 89+Indigenous students 56 60+

Proportion of students attending four days or more per week

Non-indigenous students 89 3+Indigenous students 76 80+

NAPLAN and Attendance Targets

Atkins Drive, The Gardens NT 0820PO Box 2257, Parap NT 0804

Phone 08 8942 5200Email [email protected]









As Justin Bieber says, “I have a bright future

ahead of me”.