Business Objects Universe

he Business Objects Universe is a semantic data model between users and database that stores organization data, this semantic layer contains Objects that represent dimension, detail and measure. Some advantages of Universe or Semantic Layer are: 1. The objects are represented in Business Terminologies which makes easy for them to create a report. 2. Users don’t need to knowl SQL. Business User can simply drag drop the objects and the tool will generate the required query to fetch the data. 3.Integrated security: All types and security can be applied on Universe making it data secure and only available to related person. 4.Intuitive interface for developers and end-users 5.Maintenance/change management: With the universe model all of your logic is in one place, making maintenance straightforward. Fundamentally, the universe enables the end-user of BusinessObjects to interact with data without having to understand the complexities of database logic or be familiar with where the physical data is stored. Now for create your fist Universe we need to open de Information design tool and then go to File>New>Projet A Project will allow us to organize and maintain the different object needed to create the universe.



Transcript of Business Objects Universe

he Business Objects Universe is a semantic data model between users and database that stores organization data, this semantic layer contains Objects that represent dimension, detail and measure

he Business Objects Universe is a semantic data model between users and database that stores organization data, this semantic layer contains Objects that represent dimension, detail and measure.

Some advantages of Universe or Semantic Layer are:

1. The objects are represented in Business Terminologies which makes easy for them to create a report.2. Users dont need to knowl SQL. Business User can simply drag drop the objects and the tool will generate the required query to fetch the data.3.Integrated security: All types and security can be applied on Universe making it data secure and only available to related person.4.Intuitive interface for developers and end-users5.Maintenance/change management: With the universe model all of your logic is in one place, making maintenance straightforward.

Fundamentally, the universe enables the end-user of BusinessObjects to interact with data without having to understand the complexities of database logic or be familiar with where the physical data is stored.

Now for createyour fist Universe we need to open de Information design tool and then go to File>New>Projet

A Project will allow us to organize and maintain the different object needed to create the universe.

Choose a name and location for the project

Now we need to create a Relational Connection. Go to File> New> Relational Connection. Indicate the Relational Connections Name and then click next

Now we need to indicate the Data Provider we want to use, in this case we are going to use the OLE DB Provider for SQL Server 2008

Now we need to specify the information related with the connection, and click Finish

This is how it looks after created

Now we need to create a Data Foundation. Go to File>New>Data Foundation

In this case we are going to use a single data source, the relational connection that we have created before.


In this panel we need to specify the tables we want to add to the model

Expand the Connection to browse between the tables and drag and drop the table in the panel.


If we want we can use the tool in the menu that help you to create join between the tables.

In this case we want to detect the joins using the column names.


Now we need to create the Business Layer, to do this we need to go to File>New>Business Layer.

Select the type of data source you are going to use, in this case we are going to use a Relational Data Source.


Choose the data foundation object.


Click Finish.

Now we have all the dimension and fact tables that we have in the data foundation object.

Now we are going to delete the Fact Internet Sales. We only will leave the dimension tables.


Now lets create a new folder called Measures.


And lets create a new Measure into the folder.

Now inidicate a name for the measures and in the Select section click the SQL assistant button.

We can drag an drop the column that we want to use for the measure.

In the Aggregation Function choose SUM

Now we need to publish the Business Layer.

If we choose To a Repository we will get the next error.

So we first need to publish the Relational Connection, following the wizard:



When the wizard ask if you want to create a connecton shortcut click Yes.


Now we need to change the connection of the data foundation to use the created shortcut.

In the data foundation, select the connection section and select Change.

Choose the new shortcut and save the data foundation.

Now we can try again to publish our business layer (Universe)