Business Letter Lesson w Gallery Walk Student

Company, Inc. 123 Alphabet Drive Los Angeles, California 90002 15 October 2012 Mr. John Doe Customer Service Representative Widgets Galore, Inc. 987 Widget Street Miami, Florida 33111 Dear Mr. Doe: I am writing you concerning a recent purchase of widgets. Approximately two weeks ago, on October 1, I ordered a total of 50 widgets for Company, Inc. via the Widgets Galore client webpage. I received an email notification two days later confirming the receipt of payment and the shipment of the widgets. According to your website, shipments should reach their destination within 3-5 business days of being sent, but I have yet to receive the widgets. Do you have any information on what may have happened to delay the shipment or where the shipment is currently? I have worked with Widgets Galore, Inc. in the past and have the greatest confidence in your products and customer service. We need the shipment of widgets soon, however, and I hoped you might be able to provide me with an idea of when I can expect them. Thank you in advance for any help you might be able to offer. Sincerely, Leroy Jenkins


This is the letters for the Business Letter Gallery Walk. Students will fill out their handout as they make their way around class.

Transcript of Business Letter Lesson w Gallery Walk Student

  • Company, Inc.

    123 Alphabet Drive

    Los Angeles, California 90002

    15 October 2012

    Mr. John Doe

    Customer Service Representative

    Widgets Galore, Inc.

    987 Widget Street

    Miami, Florida 33111

    Dear Mr. Doe:

    I am writing you concerning a recent purchase of widgets. Approximately two weeks ago, on

    October 1, I ordered a total of 50 widgets for Company, Inc. via the Widgets Galore client

    webpage. I received an email notification two days later confirming the receipt of payment and

    the shipment of the widgets. According to your website, shipments should reach their destination

    within 3-5 business days of being sent, but I have yet to receive the widgets. Do you have any

    information on what may have happened to delay the shipment or where the shipment is


    I have worked with Widgets Galore, Inc. in the past and have the greatest confidence in your

    products and customer service. We need the shipment of widgets soon, however, and I hoped

    you might be able to provide me with an idea of when I can expect them. Thank you in advance

    for any help you might be able to offer.


    Leroy Jenkins

  • Company, Inc.

    123 Alphabet Drive

    Los Angeles, California 90002

    15 November 2012

    Prince Humperdink

    Supervisor of Product Development

    Pet Supply Provider, Inc.

    472 Canine Road

    Los Angeles, California 90002

    Dear Mr. Humperdink:

    It was a pleasure meeting you at the conference last week. As we discussed, I sincerely believe

    that the widget gizmo produced by Company, Inc. can greatly streamline your production

    process. If you are still willing, I would like to bring some of the key members of my team along

    with me to meet with you at Pet Supply Provider, Inc. We would like to give you an overview of

    our services and discuss with you the best plan to suit your needs.

    Meeting in person would allow us to fully evaluate your wants and needs. Our team is available

    to meet any time this week or next. Please let me know, at your earliest convenience, when you

    would be available.


    Westley Rogers

  • Company, Inc.

    123 Alphabet Drive

    Los Angeles, California 90002

    15 December 2012.

    Dr. Pepper Potts

    Marketing Representative

    Creativity Plus, Inc.

    824 Imagination Lane

    Miami, Florida 33111

    Dear Pepper,

    Working with Creativity Plus, Inc. for the past four months has been a wonderful experience.

    Regrettably, Company, Inc. no longer has need of your services. We have decided to move our

    company in a different direction, and that decision requires that we make a number of changes to

    our infrastructure. To that end, we have decided to keep all of our current marketing efforts in-

    house, so we can no longer make use of your marketing consultation services.

    Thank you for the excellent work you have done for us. I hope to remain on good terms with you

    and Creativity Plus, Inc., and if we require services similar to what you have provided for us in

    the past, we would certainly like to consider you again. Attached you will find the final check

    for your services.

    Warm regards,

    Tony Stark

  • 5 Hill Street

    Madison, Wisconsin 53700

    March 15, 2005

    Ms. Mary Jane Watson


    Watson, Jones & Jones

    123 International Lane

    Boston, Massachusetts 01234

    Dear Ms. Jones:

    Ah, business letter format-there are block formats, and indented formats, and modified block

    formats . . . and who knows what others. To simplify matters, we're demonstrating the block

    format on this page, one of the two most common formats. For authoritative advice about all the

    variations, we highly recommend The Gregg Reference Manual, 9th ed. (New York: McGraw-

    Hill, 2001), a great reference tool for workplace communications. There seems to be no

    consensus about such fine points as whether to skip a line after your return address and before

    the date: some guidelines suggest that you do; others do not. Let's hope that your business letter

    succeeds no matter which choice you make!

    When you use the block form to write a business letter, all the information is typed flush left,

    with one-inch margins all around. First provide your own address, then skip a line and provide

    the date, then skip one more line and provide the inside address of the party to whom the letter is

    addressed. If you are using letterhead that already provides your address, do not retype that

    information; just begin with the date. For formal letters, avoid abbreviations where possible.


    Peter Parker (not typing letter)


  • 3519 Front Street

    Mount Celebres, CA 65286

    October 5, 2004

    Ms. Betty Johnson

    Accounts Payable

    The Cooking Store

    765 Berliner Plaza

    Industrial Point, CA 68534

    Dear Ms. Johnson:

    It has come to my attention that your company, The Cooking Store has been late with paying

    their invoices for the past three months.

    In order to encourage our customers to pay for their invoices before the due date, we have

    implemented a discount model where we'll give you 2% off your invoice if you pay us within 10

    days of receiving the invoice.

    I hope that everything is going well for you and your company. You are one of our biggest

    customers, and we appreciate your business. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at

    (555) 555-5555.


    Kane Smith

  • 26 rue Washington

    75008 Paris, Texas 12345

    November 7, 2014

    Darth Vader

    Interplay Languages

    77 bd Saint Germain

    Paris, KY 75006

    Dear Sir

    I am interested in working as Director of Studies for your organisation. I am an EFL language instructor

    with nearly 10 years' experience to offer you. I enclose my resume as a first step in exploring the

    possibilities of employment with Interplay Languages.

    My most recent experience was implementing English Through Drama workshops for use with corporate

    clients. I was responsible for the overall pedagogical content, including the student coursebook. In

    addition, I developed the first draft of the teacher's handbook.

    As Director of Studies with your organisation, I would bring a focus on quality and effectiveness to your

    syllabus design. Furthermore, I work well with others, and I am experienced in course planning.

    I would appreciate your keeping this enquiry confidential. I will call you in a few days to arrange an

    interview at a time convenient to you. Thank you for your consideration.

    Yours faithfully

    Luke Skywalker

  • 350 5th Avenue

    New York, NY 10118

    March 15, 2015

    Mr. Henley Reeves

    President and CEO

    BioDynamics Llc.

    1525 Broadway, Suite 4500

    New York, NY 10034

    Dear Mr. Reeves:

    As Chairperson of the Corporate Conscience Campaign - Helping the Homeless in New York, I

    am writing this to thank you personally for your company's support in last month's fund-raising


    As I indicated when we spoke on the phone two weeks ago, the campaign was considered a

    resounding success, raising a total of $1.65 million to-date, significantly exceeding our target of

    $1 million. Some donations are still trickling in, so we could end up close to a total of $2 million.

    BioDynamics was an influential leader throughout the entire three-month campaign. In fact, we

    couldn't have succeeded without the generous support of your company, both financially, and

    through your organizational and administrative assistance. Your Team Leader, Kathryn Gomez

    was particularly impressive, going above and beyond what we could have expected of someone

    performing as a volunteer while continuing on with her day-to-day duties. Please convey my

    special thanks to Kathryn.

    I would also ask you to convey my sincere thanks and congratulations to all of those other people

    in your company who contributed in any way to the Helping the Homeless Campaign. Please tell

    them that the sum of their contributions resulted in a major success that they should all be proud of

    taking part in.

    I believe that the 27 companies that participated in this effort have set a new standard for social

    responsibility in this community, and have set a powerful example that will inspire other

    companies and organizations to do the same.

    I look forward to seeing you at the Mayor's special thank you reception next month.

    Yours sincerely,

    Daniel J. Atlas


  • 400 Broad Street

    Seattle, WA 98109

    November 15, 2014

    Mrs. Beverly Crusher

    4575 Village Drive

    Seattle, WA 98105-5032

    Dear Mrs. Crusher:

    I was deeply saddened to learn of Frank's death and I would like to express my sincere sympathy to you and your

    family on behalf of the senior management team here at Interconnect Corp. Your husband was highly respected by

    managers and employees alike throughout the entire company. He was regarded as a visionary leader by anyone

    who ever worked with him.

    Frank's contributions to this company during his 27 years of dedicated and selfless service were many and varied. In

    the early years he was a major part of our initial expansion overseas, and a number of the offices he set up in Europe

    are still operating very successfully. In recent years Frank was a key player in our transformation to full digital

    technology, a move which catapulted us into a leadership position in the industry. Believe me, his contributions to

    this company will not be forgotten.

    Please accept my heartfelt condolences at this difficult time and I ask you to please pass these sentiments on to your

    children. Your husband was a remarkable man in many ways. Knowing him personally as I did for many years, I am

    well aware of the difference he made in the lives of many people, both here in the company, and in his private life.

    He will be missed by many.

    With sincere sympathy,

    Jean Luc Picard