Business Ethics & Corporate Governance- session 02.ppt


Transcript of Business Ethics & Corporate Governance- session 02.ppt

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Business Ethics and Corporate Goernan

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Today’s outline


An overview of Business Ethics

Ethical principles in Business

Moral Development and Reasoning

Business ethics and Morality in

international Context

Ethics Theory and ractice

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An overview of Business Ethics

Business ethics !also corporate ethics" is a form of applied ethics or

professional ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical

pro#lems that arise in a #usiness environment$

%t applies to all aspects of #usiness conduct and is relevant to the conduct of

individuals and entire organi&ations$

Business ethics refers to contemporary standards or sets of values that govern

the actions and #ehaviour of an individual in the #usiness organisation$ Ethical issues include the rights and duties #etween a company and its

employees' suppliers' customers and neigh#ors' its fiduciary responsi#ility to

its shareholders

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Ethica! princip!es in Business

Fairness in tradin" practices# tradin" conditions# $nancia! contractin"# sa!es practiceconsu!tanc% serices# ta& pa%'ents# interna! audit# e&terna! audit and e&ecutie co'

a!so a!! under the u're!!a o $nance and accountin"*

 This area o usiness ethics usua!!% dea!s +ith the duties o a co'pan% to ensure thand production processes do not need!ess!% cause har'*

Potentia! e'p!o%ees hae ethica! o!i"ations to e'p!o%ers# ino!in" inte!!ectua! proprotection and +hist!e,!o+in"*

 Mar-etin" ethics ino!es pricin" practices# inc!udin" i!!e"a! actions such as price $&!e"a! actions inc!udin" price discri'ination and price s-i''in". Certain pro'otiona!hae dra+n $re# inc!udin" "reen+ashin"# ait and s+itch# shi!!in"# ira! 'ar-etin"# s Ethica! and !e"a! issues inc!ude/ Patent inrin"e'ent# cop%ri"ht inrin"e'ent# trade'inrin"e'ent# Patent and cop%ri"ht 'isuse# su'arine patents# io!o"ica! patents# patent# cop%ri"trade'ar- tro!!in"# E'p!o%ee raidin" and 'onopo!i0in" ta!ent# Bioprospectin"# iopi

industria! espiona"e# di"ita! ri"hts 'ana"e'ent.

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  Moral Development and Reasoning


People with integrity value other principles, including honesty, respect, personal

responsibility, compassion, and dependability. These qualities are integrated into

the Six Pillars of Character offered by the osephson !nstitute, a nonprofit

organiation that develops and delivers services and materials to increase ethical

commitment. The pillars are#

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Sets of moral Reasoning!






1The oerridin" princip!e that %ou hae indiidua! is %ou hae to 'a-e the ri"ht decisi

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(ometimes it is very difficult to apply ethical issues #ecause a decision may

easier' #ut it is not right$ (o it ta)es more of a personal challenge to do the

right decision$*

 +ocal context situation

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Business ethics and Morality in

international Context

%f it does not come from the top leadership' it will not permeate through the

rest of the organi&ation, Employees loo) to their top leaders for the #ehaviors

they are expected to model$

Ethical #usiness practices are not necessarily the most profita#le methods in

the short term' #ut they are essential for long-term organi&ational survival,

An ethical manner can create positive #usiness results$ A #usiness

environment that promotes and upholds strong values is usually a happier and

more productive wor)place where customers receive good service so they

)eep coming #ac)$

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Business ethics and Morality in

international Context

%n addition to wor) #ehavior' ethical principles should guide our personal and professlives$

.Being ethical re/uires loo)ing at universal values and that is the decision matrix peocan use in their #usiness and personal lives'

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Business ethics and Morality in

international Context



romise-1eeping 2 Trustworthiness



Concern for 4thers

Respect for 4thers

+aw A#iding

Commitment to Excellence


Reputation 2 Morale Accounta#ilit

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Thinking outside of the box

Morals are how you treat people you )now$ Ethics are how you treat

people you don’t )now$

5our morality is what ma)es you a good wife or hus#and' dad or

mother$ A good daughter or son$ A good friend$ Even a good

employee or #oss to the people you )now personally in the company$

5our ethics are what ma)es you a good politician$ %t is what ma)es

you a statesman$ %t is also what ma)es you a good' humane CE4 of

any large company$


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  Ethics Theory and ractice

7or) together in small groups to develop a shared language of ethical values'

apply that language to a series of real-life dilemmas in +i#eria$

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5ou have 8ust arrived in +i#eria to esta#lish another #ranch of your #usiness' %f th

/uestiona#le action is a common local practice' would you li)e to conduct #usine

without engaging in unethical practices9

Please address issues that are preailing in iberia and ho" it could be


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  $ood for thought!

+ive so that when your children thin) of fairness' caring' and integrity' they

thin) of you$ 0$ :ac)son Brown' :r$

7ith integrity' you have nothing to fear' since you have nothing to hide$ 7ith

integrity' you will do the right thing' so you will have no guilt$ ;ig ;iglar

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  T0E E<D
