Business Audit Under MVAT Act

Business Audit under the MVAT Act , 2002 Presentation on 08 TH May 2010 at Intensive Course on MVAT by WIRC CA KIRAN G. GARKAR

Transcript of Business Audit Under MVAT Act

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Business Audit under

the MVAT Act , 2002

Presentation on 08TH May 2010 at

Intensive Course on MVAT by WIRC


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Business Audit under

the MVAT Act , 2002

�Business audit

�Refund audit

� Its procedure

Relevance in MVAT Audit

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�Relevance in MVAT Audit

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Coverage of topic

� Legal provision : Section 22

� Trade Circular 25-T/2008

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� Internal Circulars

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Accounting provisions

� Sec. 63 – Accounts to be maintained

� By every dealer liable to pay tax

�Who is asked by the CST in writing

In respect of sale & purchase of goods

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� In respect of sale & purchase of goods

� By notification–for dealer/class of dealers

� To be kept at POB

� G/R- D/N & C/N – rate diff. to be claimed in

month of accounting

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Accounting provisions (cont..)

� Sec. 86 Tax invoice

� Rule 77 Declaration on tax invoice

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� Rule 55 conditions for grant of set off

� To maintained a true a/c of purchases of goods

� Sec. 84 Declaration of op. stock as on 1.4.05

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�Usual route

�Assessment through Returns &

verification of books of accounts

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�Administrative tool

-- Exceptional assessment

--Voluntary compliance/Self policing

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� To ascertain and ensure compliance of

laws implemented by Sales Tax Dept.

� Practical level- to ascertain correctness of



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� To identify inadequacies of returns,

� when checked with books of accounts

� And the circumstances of the business.

� To quantify the liability and enforce

recovery , if returns are not filed.

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Sec.22 : Audit – An Analysis

� Audit qua Accounts v/s qua Business

� Enlarged scope.

� Not restricted to accounts but also to

cover the entire business.

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cover the entire business.

� With a view to promoting compliance – CST

may arrange Audit of the Business of any RD

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Sec.22 : Audit – An Analysiscontd….

� Sub-sec.1: Criteria for selection of dealers

– who have

� Not filed returns in time

� Claimed refund of tax

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� Claimed refund of tax

� CST prima facie not satisfied with

correctness of any return filed OR is not

satisfied with any claim, turnover etc

� Selected based on ‘criteria or on random’

� Reason to believe

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Sec.22 : Audit – An Analysiscontd….

� Sub-sec.5: During the course of audit – the

dealer to

� Afford him necessary facility to inspect

Books, documents – which may be

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Books, documents – which may be

available at such a place.

� Afford him facility to check or verify the

cash or stock.

� Furnish information

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Sec.22 : Audit – An Analysiscontd….

� Officer cannot remove any books of

accounts, other documents or any cash or


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� Time with in which Business audit is to be

completed – not provided

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� Sub-section 2,4,6,7 & 8:

Deleted wef 1.4.2005

� Sub-section 3:

Sec.22 : Audit – An Analysis


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� Sub-section 3:

Delegation by CST in writing:

Deleted wef 15.8.2007

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Documents/data required at the

time of business audit.� Balance sheet/Trial balance/ Sch. under Companies Act, IT Act incl. Tax Audit Report in Form no.3CD.

� Sale & Purchase register- Summaries

� Sales invoices/Purchase invoices

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� Sales invoices/Purchase invoices

� Returns & challans filed under MVAT Act, 2002 & CST Act, 1956.[Allied laws also]

� Ledger and all books of account

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Documents/data required at the time

of business audit (cont..)

� Stock registers

� stock or cash verification sheets –to

facilitate verification of cash & stock - found

at POB

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� Detailed party wise statement of sales and


� [e-Form 801 now prescribed for audits

which commenced on or after 1.4.2009]

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Documents/data required at the

time of business audit (cont..)

� DN and CN , if any.

� Details and necessary dispatch proof of

return of goods; i.e. sales return and

purchase return

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purchase return

� Transport receipts and delivery challans.

� Import/export documents like bill of

lading, bill of entry, packing lists, high

seas sale agreement if any, clearing

agents bill etc. supporting documents.

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Documents/data required at the time

of business audit (cont..)

� Reconciliation statement of sales and purchases with MVAT returns filed Registers, Ledger, Manufacturing , Trading, Profit & Loss A/c, Balance Sheet

� Month wise summary of sales/purchases.

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� Month wise summary of sales/purchases.

� Declarations in support of exemptions claimed under MVAT ACT, 2002 and CST Act, 1956; i.e. C forms, H forms, F forms etc.

� Any other documents/books required during conduct of audit.

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Documents/data required at the time

of business audit (cont..)

� Statement of various input tax credit availed on

� opening stock as on 1.4.2005

� Regular purchases

� Expenses

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� Expenses

� Assets purchased.

� Rate of tax on input and output goods.

� List of capital assets, and addition/ reduction if any.

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Documents/data required at the time

of business audit (cont..)

� Audit officer may also ask for agreement,

purchase orders, work orders, tender

documents, if required for ascertaining

correctness of returns.

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� Allied laws-PT/ Luxury Act

� Depending upon the facts, return or other

info. related to IT/Excise law

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Scope of Audit

� Interview

� Free hand u/S 14

� Physical stock of goods

� Cash/bank balance

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� Cash/bank balance

� Reconciliation

� Discretion of checking other period/ issues

� Intervention by Investigation Branch

� If info. Not kept ready, Penalty ?

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Powers of Audit officer

� Powers or Duties?

� To communicate his observations to the

dealer, if possible on the date of audit or

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dealer, if possible on the date of audit or

immediately thereafter.

� No order / information contemplated

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� If discrepancies found

� Intimation (no time limit)

� Form 7 [Administrative purpose]

� After 1.7.09, under section 63(7)

Powers of Audit officer

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� After 1.7.09, under section 63(7)

� No form yet prescribed[604 wef 1-5-10]

� To file revised return & pay differential

tax, claim lesser refund or recalculate


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� Corrective action

� File revise returns, pay off differential dues with interest.

� W.e.f 1.7.09, interest @25% under Sec.30(4)

� If not acceptable to dealer- initiation of

Powers of Audit officer

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� If not acceptable to dealer- initiation of appropriate proceedings incl. assessment.

� Rejection of claim of refund / reduction in claim - Assessment notice (u/s.23)

� If already assessed – review u/s.25

� Intimation to appellate authority

� Orders to levy interest and penalties

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Rights of the dealer

� To ask for valid authorisation of audit


� To check identity proof of audit team

� To continue his conduct of business

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� To continue his conduct of business

� To take help of his Sales Tax consultant

� Right to know results within reasonable


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Internal Circulars

� 15A of 2008 dtd.4/8/2008 for refund appli.

� Desk audit & Select ones for business audit

� Other criterias

� Random sampling ,

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� Random sampling ,

� Refund = > Rs. One Crore

� 25% refund reduced in preceding year

� Abrupt rise in refund claim compared to

previous year

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� First and last refund claim

� Dealers availing benefits under any PSI

for expansion unit

� Not covered under Voluntary refund

Internal Circulars

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� Not covered under Voluntary refund


� Paying tax in investigation proceedings

and then claiming refund

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� 17A /2008 dtd.18.08.08

� Pre audit preparations, dealer’s profile,

planned approach

� Type of audit

Internal Circulars

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� Type of audit

� Entire year or periods

� Specific issue based audit

� Scope of specific audit: expandable

� Penalty: Defiance of law or prima facie

proof of ‘mens rea’.

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� Time limit: Three months from date of visit

� Scrutiny of bank Statements

� Not merely placing on record

� Taking Stock/Cash counting:

Internal Circulars

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� Taking Stock/Cash counting:

� Not to be resorted in routine manner

� Express permission from JC for strong

and valid reasons

� 20A/2009 dtd 4.9.09: Instead of

permission, discretion to be exercised

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Internal Circulars

� 18A/2009 dtd.18.08.09

� Criteria for keeping forms on record

� Inter-State TO: Value of C form for record

� Up to 1 crore:Rs.50,000

Up to 10 crore:Rs.2,00,000

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� Up to 10 crore:Rs.2,00,000

� Above 10 crore: Rs.5,00,000

� Formats

� For forms kept on record

� Received but not kept on record

� Defective forms & Not produced

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� Instructions for cross checks

� Representative documents to be taken on

record for exports : Direct and deemed

� Deemed Exports:

Internal Circulars

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� Deemed Exports:

� Conditions to be complied with

� Relevant documents

� No disallowance on ground that details

of overseas importer have not been

produced or defaced on the document

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Business Audit – Some issues

� Time limit to initiate or complete the

business audit ? No such limitation

� Under the instructions of the business

auditor- revised return filed – differential

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auditor- revised return filed – differential

taxes paid under protest

� If no assessment is done? Remedy of

appeal can’t be resorted

� If assessed –option to appeal open

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Business Audit – Some issues

� Can there be business audit even if refund audit is done?

� As such there is no bar

� No duplication of efforts

Tr. Cir. No 56 T/2007 Para 11(iv)

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Tr. Cir. No 56 T/2007 Para 11(iv)

� It may be noted that intimation does not bar an authority from Initiating a fresh business audit proceedings or any other proceeding, for that matter against the dealer for the same period.

Tr. Cir.22 T/2009 [6.8.09]

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Business Audit – Some issues

� Can there be business audit even if Assessment is over? Yes- Business auditor may recommend review proceedings- refer to appellate authority.

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� What if the stand of the MVAT Auditor and Business auditor is divergent?

� Declaration Forms – pending – Should taxes be paid if insisted by business auditor?

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� Notice for conduct of the Audit?

� Only intimation letter issued.

� To end with intimation letter only, if any

� Multiplicity of proceedings

Business Audit – Some issues

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� Multiplicity of proceedings

� Concept introduced under PT Act

� No finality

� Departure from Advisory nature

� Lack of transparency

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Refund Audit

� No specific provision under the Act

� One of the aspect of Business Audit

� Trade Circular 3T-2007 dated 10.1.2007

� Trade Circular 56T-2007 dated 23.8.2007

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� Trade Circular 56T-2007 dated 23.8.2007

� Trade Circular 3T-2010 dated 18.1.2010

� Internal Circular 2A-2010 dated 10.2.2010

� Main Hurdle

“Tax received into Govt. Treasury”

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Relevance in MVAT Audit

� MVAT Auditor to take a call on this front

� Business audit notice is received

� Refund application in Form 501 filed

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� Refund application in Form 501 filed

� Keeping track of developments

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� Where Business audit/Refund audit is

being conducted simultaneously

� Likely Results based on observations of

Audit team

Relevance in MVAT Audit

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� Intimation , if any under sec.63(7)

� Action/compliance from Dealer’s side

� Proper observations in Form 704

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Relevance in MVAT Audit

� Where Business audit/Refund audit is

complete, prior to MVAT Audit

� Results

� Observations of Audit team

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Observations of Audit team

� Intimation , if any under sec.63(7)

� Action/compliance from Dealer’s side

� Suitable disclosure in the Form 704

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