Business Advice From Self-Made Multi-Millionaire Entrepreneurs

Jamilah Corbitt


Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. Running a business can be challenging, and it takes hard work and perseverance to achieve a high level of success. Whether you're already in business, or looking to start a business, it pays to heed the advice of others who have walked in your shoes. I asked a few self-made millionaire entrepreneurs to share their advice for being successful in business. Here's what they had to say....

Transcript of Business Advice From Self-Made Multi-Millionaire Entrepreneurs

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Are you an entrepreneur looking to

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Are you an entrepreneur looking to

create a 7+ figure business?

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I asked a few self-made multi-millionaire entrepreneurs to share their advice for being successful in business.

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I used to have nothing to lose, but now that I have a lot to

lose, I have a whole new perspective on this. Even after

you’ve made it to the top, you still have to act like you have

nothing to lose. And beware a man who has a great deal

to lose, but acts like he doesn’t. Regardless of the amount

of money a person has or the size of their company, or the

amount of wealth they have—those people that take action

and risk without the fear of failure are the ones that will

ultimately take market share.

Even when you have everything to lose, act like you don’t.

Ryan BlairCEO and Co-founder of ViSalus

Former gang member turned serial entrepreneur multimillionaire.

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If you want to have success, you can’t make success your

goal. The key is not to worry about being successful, but to

instead work toward being significant—and the success will

naturally follow. If you do work that you love, and work that

fulfills you, the rest will come. I truly believe that the reason

I’ve been able to be so financially successful is because my

focus has never, ever for one minute been money.

Work toward being significant.

Nellie AkalpCEO of CorpNet

A passionate entrepreneur, small business advocate and mother of four.She has formed more than 100,000 corporations and LLCs across the U.S., building a strong passion to assist small business owners in starting, run-ning, and protecting their small businesses the right way.

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There are thousands of clues and even direct blueprints

to how to make money if you know where to look. Find a

successful company that is creating products or services

that you are interested in and figure out HOW they are doing

it. I use a process called reverse engineering to isolate two

important factors: Their traffic and monetization. Where

are they getting people to see their products? How are they

converting them into buyers? If you can answer these two

questions with a systematic approach, you can start to build

a business around it immediately.

Seek and you shall find.

Trey SmithFounder of Kayabit Games

Has created three different 7-figure businesses over the last 6 years totaling over $18,000,000 in sales of his own products and services. Trey recently finished authoring a book on reverse engineering wealth.

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1) Choose something that is in line with your own personal

interest and passion, then it never seems like work. 2) Don’t

be afraid to fail. 3) It’s critical to spend the time early on to

hire the right people. If you are disciplined in finding the

best and brightest people who are also team players then

management is easy. 4) There is no substitute for talking

directly to customers. Whether they are happy or upset about

something, it feels great to connect with people who are using

your products, because you immediately get a good sense for

how to make it even better.

Love what you do.

Brian SharplesCo-founder of HomeAway

Co-founded HomeAway with Carl Shepherd in February 2005. Since then, he has raised nearly $405 million in private funding, completed a successful IPO in 2011 (NASDAQ: AWAY) and acquired 17 websites, to create the world’s leading online marketplace of vacation rentals.

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1) Work harder than everyone else—I may not be the most

formally educated, the most financially set up, or even the

smartest, but I will give them a run for their money when it

comes to ambition and determination. It’s a bit cliché, but I

always remember this quote: “Always go the extra mile, there’s

a lot less traffic up there.” 2) Every expert was a newbie at one

point—don’t let them intimidate you out of your dream. Learn

as much as you can, as fast as you can. 3) Ethics do matter—I

don’t care what they say about “it’s just business,” the world

comes full circle. Be competitive, but stay true to your beliefs

and principles. It always comes back around eventually.

Don’t let them intimidate you out of your dream.

Amber SchaubFounder and CEO of

The company landed at #166 of the 2012 Inc. 500 list and surpassed $10 Million in total sales that year.

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Based on my own experience, it pays to be a thought leader

in your own industry. In today’s world, it is easy to publish

your own information (including videos), but the traditional

media outlets still carry a lot of weight. Get positive exposure

and help others by sharing your expertise. By building up a

following and strategic partners, good things will happen.

On a side note, it pays to love what you do. Hard work and

dedication can separate success stories from those that do not

have their heart in it. As the old Confucius quote goes, “Find

something you love to do and you will never have to work for

the rest of your life.”

Be a thought leader.

Mike ByrnesOwner of Byrnes Consulting, LLC

National speaker, and has been published over 250 times. His firm provides consulting services to help businesses become even more successful.

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So there you have it.

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Now go be great.

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This piece was originally published onmy Huffington Post column:

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