Burns First Aid by Dr.Mohamed El-Abiad


Transcript of Burns First Aid by Dr.Mohamed El-Abiad

Page 1: Burns First Aid by Dr.Mohamed El-Abiad
Page 2: Burns First Aid by Dr.Mohamed El-Abiad

1 Causes Of Burns

2 Classifications Of Burns


First Aid Of Burns4

Hospital Treatment5

Complications Of Burns

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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The skin is divided into 3 layers, as follows: Epidermis : epithelial cells Dermis :capillaries, nerve endings , hair follicle. Hypodermis :adipose and connective tissue

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Causes of burns

Flames Hot fluids-------produce scalds Caustic burns Electrical burns Radiation burns Cold burn (frostbite)

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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HealthyOf Person




Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Classification according Extend

It’s according the surface area rule of nine

Head and neck-----9% Each upper limb---- 9% Each lower limb -----18% Front of the trunk -----18% Back of the trunk ------18% Perineum -------1%

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Classification according Depth

First degree: erythema of the skin Second degree: vesicles filled with serum Third degree: destruction of the epidermis Fourth degree: destruction of whole skin

thickness Fifth degree: the burn involve the muscle Sixth degree: the bone is burnt

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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First-degree burns

the mildest of the three, are limited to the top layer of skin

Signs and symptoms: These burns produce redness, pain, and minor swelling. The skin is dry without blisters.

Healing time: Healing time is about 3 to 6 days; the superficial skin layer over the burn may peel off in 1 or 2 days.

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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رار ���������احمد ���الجل

ورم ف��في�خور ���������شعال

م ��باألل

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Second-degree burns

are more serious and involve the skin layers beneath the top layer

Signs and symptoms: These burns produce blisters, severe pain, and redness. The blisters sometimes break open and the area is wet looking with a bright pink to cherry red color.

Healing time: Healing time varies depending on the severity of the burn.

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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الدرجة من حرقالثانية:

ور ��������������ظهع ��اقي�فق

ظ ر��اه��ورمبأل ����شع م ����ورد ��دي��ش

رار ������������احمف��ي�ف�خ

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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3rd,4th,5th,6th degree of burn

are the most serious type of burn and involve all the layers of the skin and underlying tissue:

Signs and symptoms: The surface appears dry and can look waxy white, leathery, brown, or charred. There may be little or no pain or the area may feel numb at first because of nerve damage.

Healing time: Healing time depends on the severity of the burn. Deep second- and third-degree burns (called full-thickness burns) will likely need to be treated with skin grafts, in which healthy skin is taken from another part of the body and surgically placed over the burn wound to help the area heal.

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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الدرجة من حرقالثالثة:

اإلحس���اس قل���ة أ���و انعدامف� المحترق�ة ىباألل�م المنطق�ة

الحس�ية األعص�اب تل�ف . نتيج�ةالج�لد .تفح�م

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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اإلسعاف العالمات األسباب عمق اإلصابة الدرجةيوضع مكان الحرق تحت الماء

دقائق كاملة 10البارد لمدة لتخفيف األلم .

نجعل المصاب يشرب ماء .

احمرار الجلد ألم موضعي

حرارة موضعية

أشعة الشمس أو انعكاسها على

الثلج.حرارة جافة.

ماء ساخن أو بخار.

الطبقة السطحية من الجلد )البشرة(


تبريد بالماء البارد لمدة دقائق لتخفيف األلم .10

نعطي المصاب ماء إلعاضة السوائل

تجفيف الحرق وضع مرهم خاص للحروق

وضع شاش فازلينيوضع قطعة شاش على مكان

الحرق التغليف بلفائف شاش

مالحظة هامة : يمنع فتح الفقاقيع

ظهور فقاقيع مكان اإلصابةاحمرار الجلد

ألم شديد بسبب تلف النهايات العصبية في

الجلد حرارة موضعية

تشوه مكان اإلصابة

ضربة شمس نافذة

سوائل ساخنة حرارة قوية

حروق بالمشتقات


الطبقة األولى

والثانية من الجلد

)البشرة واألدمة(


تغليف مكان الحرق والنقل السريع إلى المشفى

تشوه الجلد رائحة احتراق

)شواء( إسوداد وتفحم إمكانية النزف عالمات الحالة


صعقة كهربائية مواد كيماويةحرارة عالية

تعرض طويل للحرارة

تلف الجلد الثالثة

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Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Complications of burns (general)

General complications

of burns

shock Failure ofAcute

duodenal ulcer




Supra renal, RenalHeart failureRespiratory

Asphyxia & weight loss(burn cachexia)

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Complications of burn (local)

Local complications

of burns

sepsis Secondary hge

Scar formation

Sq. cell carcinoma

Destruction of nerves

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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First Aid of Thermal Burns

1. Matafy …..distinguish & exit the fire.2. Move patient from site of fire3. Make the patient lie down and ensure A.B.C.D.4. Mya …..wash the burn area under running water.5. Malt…..remove all the cloth, jewelry and cover

with clean blanket.6. Maintain injury clean by cover with dry, sterile

dressing (Vaseline Gauze)7. Morphia… to decrease the pain.8. Medical assistance request

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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First Aid of Caustic Burns

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Ingestion of caustic material

Clinical Picture Complications:1. Shock2. Laryngeal edema3. Chest infection4. Malignant transformations5. Malnutrition and dehydration6. Perforation ----- mediastinitis

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Ingestion of caustic material

at the site of accident 1. A+B+C2. Airway through opening of the cricoithyroid

membrane3. Ensure good breathing4. Ask the patient to ingest milk to dilute

corrosive material

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Ingestion of caustic material

At the hospital1. Anti-shock (measures, sedation)2. Antibiotic (penicillin, flagyl)3. No oral treatment for 1-2 weeks4. Steroids ( to decrease the stricture and

laryngeal edema)5. Plain X ray abdomen, chest to detect


Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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First Aid of Electrical Burns

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Radiation Burns

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Radiation Burns

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Radiation Burns

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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First Aid Of Radiation Burns

Cool water or cool shower Aspirin (pain, headache &

fever) Cool room comfortable position

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Treatment of burn( in hospital)

Treatment according to1. Major burn ---- local + systemic treatment2. Minor burn ---- local treatment

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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General treatment

1. Wide pore IV Canula (fluid, blood & drugs)2. To relieve pain ----- Morphia3. To prevent infection ----- antibiotics4. To ttt shock ---- IV therapy (major burn)plasma, dextran, crystalloid, ringer lactate & blood

5. Foleys urethral catheter (urine retention)

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Local treatment

1. It’s done after the shock stage recovery2. Wash burn with saline3. Apply Antiseptic (Betadine)4. Puncture Vesicles5. Remove necrotic tissue6. Betadine7. Antibiotic spray & Analgesic8. Covering by Vaseline gauze & light bandage9. electric burn--- excision and skin graft is done

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1 Causes Of Burns

2 Classifications Of Burns


First Aid Of Burns4

Hospital Treatment5

Complications Of Burns

Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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Dr. Mohamed El-Abiad

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A localized cold injury of frostbite can occur when a part of the body is exposed to extremely low temperature and partially or completely freezes. This typically occurs in areas away from the core of the body, such as fingers, toes, nose, and ears. Frostbite must be properly managed to minimize tissue damage

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Symptoms: Pale, cold, or solid skin tissue Throbbing Pins and needles sensation Numbness

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Cold temperatures can result in a generalized cooling of the body known as hypothermia. Hypothermia is when the body temperature has decreased to 95° F or less. Body processes become impaired and eventually fail. Cardiac arrest may occur.

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Symptoms: Pale and cold skin Difficulty speaking Uncontrollable shivering Altered mental status Loss of Coordination

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