Burj Dubai.Bi.E

Finishing touches Finishing touches are made on the are made on the world’s highest world’s highest building. building.

Transcript of Burj Dubai.Bi.E

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Finishing touches Finishing touches are made on the are made on the world’s highest world’s highest


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Burj Dubai Taipei 101 Empire State Eiffel tower

818 m

509 m

381 m

318 m

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The construction started inThe construction started in 2004 2004. .

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februfebruaarryy 2006 2006

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In May 2007 it set a record in vertical concrete pumping of 500 meters.

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In In september 2007 september 2007 was already the was already the worlds highest worlds highest


((555 m555 m))

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September 2008, it is the highest building ever built by human hand. It’s height: 700 m.

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With itsWith its160 160 floors, it floors, it broke a previous broke a previous


... .

The previous world The previous world record was record was 110 110 story'sstory's..

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Its work in progress…Its work in progress…

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It set the record in It set the record in occurred expenses occurred expenses

too:too:4,2 4,2 billionbillion DDollollaarrss..

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For its construction For its construction new technological new technological

solutions have been solutions have been developed.developed.

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The crane operatorsThe crane operators had nohad no acrophobia acrophobia..

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At the upper level the Earth's curvature and rotationAt the upper level the Earth's curvature and rotation

is detectable.is detectable.

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The existing skyscrapers The existing skyscrapers are dwarfed by the tower.are dwarfed by the tower.

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A photo from last year…A photo from last year…

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A view from the towerA view from the tower… … in fair weather…in fair weather…

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……and at dust storm.and at dust storm.

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The tower from afar…The tower from afar…

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The location of the tower inThe location of the tower in Dubai Dubai..

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The surroundingsThe surroundings

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There is an artificial lake and a There is an artificial lake and a fountain in front of the towerfountain in front of the tower..

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This is the Worlds highest musicalThis is the Worlds highest musical fountain.fountain.

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The curtain of water is 150 m high and 250 m longThe curtain of water is 150 m high and 250 m long

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The fountain’s jets are computer controlledThe fountain’s jets are computer controlled..

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The cost of construction of the fountain was 220 million dollars.The cost of construction of the fountain was 220 million dollars.

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The jets are illuminated by 6600 electric bulbs and 50 colored The jets are illuminated by 6600 electric bulbs and 50 colored light projectors.light projectors.

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The construction of the The construction of the Burj Dubai will be Burj Dubai will be

completed, but the opening completed, but the opening could be deferred for years could be deferred for years due to economic crisis, and due to economic crisis, and

the decline of tourism.the decline of tourism.