Bum Who Fell Into a Pothole by Lilshinhwafreak

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Transcript of Bum Who Fell Into a Pothole by Lilshinhwafreak

  • 8/12/2019 Bum Who Fell Into a Pothole by Lilshinhwafreak


    The Bum Who Fell into a Pothole by lilshinhwafreak

    Chapter 1

    My mom told me I was accident-prone even before I started walking. She kept me in a crib until I wastwo because the bogey and allowing me to walk ended up in leaving the house a mess because I wouldrun into everything and break them. Not to mention a million scrapes and bruises on my body.

    In high school, my school-wide known nickname was pothole.I fell into one during a school track race and everyone saw me eat it.It was the most embarrassing moment of my lifeat the time.

    My friend later reiterated how I looked when I fell; she was nice enough to include the crowds

    reaction.When I tripped, my arms supposedly flailed out and spun around like a windmill, commonly seen inSaturday morning cartoons. My mouth was frozen in a perfect O and my eyeballs were on the verge

    of popping out.

    Its been 6 years since that incident and my friends still talk about it. They assured me that they

    would vote it as the Most Unforgettable High SchoolMemory for the yearbook and it went intothe yearbook when I graduated.

    When I go to a blind date, Im introduced as Pothole. Nothing elsejust Pothole Kim.Its a curse.

    And that brings me to where I am right now.Sitting in a caf with Soo Jung, Waiting for, in Soo Jungs words, the unbelievably cute, dreamy, richall packaged into a hot male body type guys. Lets just say Soo Jung and I have greatly different tastes.

    Are they really cute---Yes Won Young, for the 100th time.and down-to-earth and smart and rich?One in a millionth chance youll ever meet a guy like that. They just dont exist, Soo Jung replied,

    applying anti-shine powder on for the 10th time. Just take what you can.

    Why should I? I grumbled, Im beautiful enough.Oh shut up Then she looked up, OH! HERE THEY COME!!

    Soo Jung straightened up as two tall guys entered the caf.

    One was wearing a jean jacket on top of a hooded orange shirt. He was also wearing a black Von Dutch


    The other wore a black sweater and baggy jeans. He had a tiny silver hoop in his right ear. His brownhair was messy with yellow highlights generously sprinkled everywhere.

    Hello~ the one with the cap said, taking his seat in front of Soo Jung.Hi. Soo Jung replied in high-toned voice.Oh God, shes in Flirt Mode. You cant stop her now.

    The other gave me a nod.Stupidly, I shook my head.He stared at me strangely.I stared back.

    All of the sudden, the two of us were trapped in a staring contest.

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    Oh, hes SO going to lose.Im so good at this game. I beat everyone at this game. Im the Queen of the lets burn holes into each

    others eyes game.

    We stared hard for at least 2 minutes.He had very pretty brown eyes with long eyelashes. His eyebrows were thick and dark, like Song

    Seung Hun and Jo Han sun. He had big eyes.

    His eyes slowly began to water.VICTORY!! I thought as I sent him my best Cheshire Cat smile.

    Yah!A stinging slap landed on my back and my body lurched forward, causing me to blink in surprise.What are youdoing? Soo Jung asked. Talk to him!

    The guy smirked and sat back on his chair, crossing his arms very arrogantly.

    Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!This was my game! Im supposed to win! Im the Queen.

    Stupid Soo Jung!

    I sent her a nasty glare, but she was already deep in conversation with Von Dutch boy.

    My guy (wait a minute, since when did he become MY guy?!!) and I sat quietly as Soo Jung and VonDutch flirted like there was no tomorrow.

    I studied him since I had nothing else to do.

    His black sweater was faded, displaying frayed sleeves and pockets with small holes.Then I thought, At least he doesnt spend too much time or money on his clothes.

    My gaze fell on his pants and realized they were faded as well, and with bigger holes in them.

    Its a trend. Everyone has holes in their jeans. Some crazy kids even MAKE their own holes.

    Then I saw his shoes.They were Converse All StarsThey were black.So were his shoelaces.A big hole was proudly adorning his big toe.How his toe tore through the rubber part of his shoe, I dont know.But the sock he wore was gray, and if my assumptions are correct, its original color wasnt gray

    My eyes trailed back up to his face.His hair was messy and he looked like he just woke up.His face was dark.

    What..is this He looks like a poor helpless guy

    What are you staring at?My head snapped up.He was staring at me with a mildly annoyed expression.

    Am I that handsome?Not even. I blurted out, disgusted as his question, You look like bum. WHAT? A BUM?!!

    He stood up suddenly, his knees hitting the glass table as his chair toppled over.

    Von Dutch boy and Soo Jung finally noticed us.Hey! Hes not a hobo. Von Dutch sharply said, Hes a

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    Shut up Jong Hyuk. The bum cut him off sharply. Im leaving.

    He left his seat and angrily walked out of the caf.Jong Hyuk didnt look like he wanted to leave.He stared at the door and then at Soo Jung about 5 times, before deciding to follow his friend.

    Ill call you later, he told Soo Jung before quickly chasing after the bum.

    Isnt Jong Hyuk cute?! Soo Jung squealed.Yeah, if you like that type.Hey just because your guy looked like a hobo doesnt mean you can make fun of mine! SEE? EVEN YOU THINK HE LOOKS LIKE A HOBO!

    what an fiascono.. what waste of TIME. The guys werent even CUTE. Geez.At least at least he didnt find out about my cursed name

    Chapter 2

    I left the caf and went home. My mom had called and screeched over the phone to come

    home immediately.

    She sounded frantic and I began to grow nervous as the taxi pulled up in front of my house.

    MOM! Im he---WAHH!!

    My mom popped out of nowhere holding a spatula.

    SO! How was the meeting?

    What meeting? I asked, nervously eyeing the spatula. Did something happen?

    Soo Jung told me you mettwo guys?

    Is this why you told me to come home quickly?!!

    I went into the kitchen and took out the orange juice carton.

    Yes! So what happened?

    I opened the carton and put it to my mouth.

    The spatula met my head. BONK.


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    So, what was he like? Soo Jung said he had style, my mom prattled on as I poured juice in

    to a cup.

    Style my butt He was a total bum I replied.

    My mom replied with another blow to my poor head.

    Dont say that about another person! Thats incredibly rude.

    But he was!! All his clothes were faded and worn out.

    You just expect too much from people! My mom said, Its what you get for watching too

    many dramas. Guys in those dramas dont exist in the world.

    SOMEWHERE in this world they do. But that guy definitely wasnt one of them.

    I walked into the living room to watch some TV when I heard my mom whisper something to


    Tsk tskliving in a dream world She thinks shes a princess.

    I scoffed.My mother was talking about me, purposely loud enough for me to hear.

    So what if I thought I was a princess? Dont ALL people think about their well being before

    the well being of others? Im just looking out after myself.

    And its not like I only care about myself. I care for my family, myfriends yeah whatever.

    The next day, I was sitting by the counter, reading a fashion magazine I found lying

    somewhere around the store. Mrs. Kang, my boss, came out of the dressing room with one of

    the customers.

    Won Young, what do you think? This color matches her skin tone very well, dont you


    I looked up and saw a girl in about her early twenties, wearing a lavender dress suit. On her

    head was a matching headband. She smiled.

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    My jaw dropped.

    I had never seen such a pretty girl in my life.

    Won Young, what do you think? Mrs. Kang asked again.

    Huh? Oh yeah, its VERY pretty. I replied, still gaping.

    Mrs. Kang gently chuckled as she gently pushed the girl towards the mirror.

    Wont Yong Hee be surprised when he sees you? She said to the girl who just smiled


    OH, are you going out on a meeting? I asked.

    The girl shyly nodded, her cheeks turning a rosy pink.

    Shes eating lunch with my son, Mrs. Kang informed

    Ahh I see, I said, Well, I hope you have a good time.

    Thank you, the girl said quietly.

    It was weird

    Because for a split second, I was jealous of Mrs. Kangs son for getting set up with this girl.

    Then I remembered I was also a girl ;;

    After the dress was altered, the girl and Mrs. Kang left to meet her son at a restaurant nearby.

    That meant I had the whole store to myself. ^__^

    Business was slow that day, and only two customers came by.

    I continued reading my magazine until the clock on the wall chimed to let me know it waslunchtime.

    Should I close the store to grab lunch? Or order in and guard the shop?

    Questions swam around in my head as I debated with myself.


    OH! A customer!

    I got up from the counter and bowed.

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    Welcome to Lemon Scent, what kinds of clothes are you looking for?

    Ew... What are you doing here? asked a familiar voice in a nasty tone.

    It couldnt be

    I slowly lifted my head, my vision moving from the floor to the

    Same Converses with the same holes.

    Same raggedy pants

    What are you doing? Lift your head up you idiot.

    I straightened myself and my eyes met with the pretty brown eyes I remembered from before.

    What do you want? I asked tersely, clearly conveying my annoyance.

    He smirked. Is that the way to treat a customer?

    I rolled my eyes, but he was right. I could get fired if Mrs. Kang came back and found out.

    Welcome-to-Lemon-Scent,-what-are-you-looking-for? I asked, gritting my teeth.

    The bum raised his eyebrows.

    Whats wrong with your voice? I dont like your tone.

    What do you want?

    Without answering, he walked around the shop, staring at the walls and walls of clothes, as if

    he were the manager evaluating his merchandise.

    Ey. Stop loiteringIf youre not going to buy anything, leave, I finally said, tired of him

    strutting around in front of me.

    You cant do that, he replied.

    I jabbed a finger at the sign posted in front of the counter.

    We have the right to refuse service to anyone.

    But Im not anyone, he replied.

    You are to me, meaning I dont have to serve you.

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    He rolled his eyes. Whatever. Im waiting for my girlfriend.

    The bum grabbed a magazine and made himself comfortable in one of the chairs meant for

    ACTUAL customers.

    I stared at him in disbelief.

    I began to walk toward him, more than ready to drag him out of the store while yelling at him

    that hes making the store look bad with his bad fashion when the main door opened and a

    couple walked in.

    Hmmph. Ill deal with the bum later.

    Welcome to Lemon Scent, what are you looking for? I greeted the couple brightly.

    Were looking for a dress, The guy said. The girl behind him frowned.

    All right. The dresses are over here, I said, leading them to the racks where most of the

    dresses were hanging.

    Lets just go. I dont need a dress, the girl whispered.

    Yes, you do, the guy said, eyeing the dresses on the stands.

    I eyed at the couple, wondering why the girl didnt want a dress. She was probably the first

    girl who entered the store and didnt want to buy anything.

    The guy picked out a dress.

    Hows this? he asked the unhappy girl.

    I dont like it.

    The guy picked out another, but the girl continued to shake her head each time.

    Lets goI dont need a dress, she whispered again.

    Ignoring her pleas, the guy continued to pick out dresses.

    The girl sighed and glanced around the store. Then her eyes stopped at a particular stand.

    I followed her gaze to one of my favorite dresses in the store.

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    It was a deceptively simple dress. However, the key was "simple, yet elegant.

    It was a pale yellow dress, which would have been strapless if it werent for the two thin,

    sheer yellow ribbons holding it up. It had an empire waist while the rest of the gown rippled

    down to the floor in folds.

    The girl kept staring at it, obviously wanting it.

    Fortunately, the guy saw it too.

    He walked over to the stand and extracted the dress off the rack.

    You like this one? he asked.

    The girl hesitated awhile before replying no.

    The guy frowned.

    I know you like this dress. If you like it, just say so! he said. He was getting impatient and


    No. Its too expensive.

    But were getting married!I want you to wear something decent! he yelled. I feel bad

    enough already that I cant get you a wedding dress.

    Ah so thats the situation.

    They cant afford a wedding dress

    But look at the price! If we had that much money to spare, Id rather save it! the girl replied,

    getting angry as well.

    I want you to have something you like!

    But its too expensive!

    Ah, that dress? Excellent choice! I quickly intervened.

    The couple turned to stare at me.

    Yeah, its a beautiful dress. The owner designed it herself! And perfect timing. The dress is

    on sale!

    Sale? The girl repeated, It doesnt say anything about a sale

    Oh no, I must have forgotten to mark it. I replied, That dress is on sale. Its been here for a

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    while and the owner wanted to get rid of it so she put it on sale.

    The couple stared at each other.

    From the corner of my eye, I could see the bum staring at me.

    Do you want it? the guy asked again. I know you want it. And if its on sale, I really want

    you to have it.

    The girl weakly hesitated once more and before sighing in defeat. I guesssince its on


    I smiled.

    The guy gave me the dress and I took it to the cash register.

    The guy paid the amount I asked for and he and the girl walked out of the store hand in hand,

    smiling happily.

    Congrats on your marriage! I said, as they left the store.

    Suddenly, I felt someones presence behind me.I know that dress wasnt that cheap the bums voice grumbled.

    I turned around. So what? Mind your own business.

    So what? the bum echoed in disbelief. That means the register is not full! You just sold a

    really expensive dress for a quarter of what its worth!

    I pushed him out of the way and walked to the register.

    Its not your store! Why are you changing the prices on your own? He continued to

    reprimand me as I continued ignoring him.

    I took out my credit card and cashed in the remaining amount of the dress cost.

    The bum fell silent.

    Happy now? The register is full to the penny.

    The bum stared at me in surprise. I guess he didnt think I was the type to show such


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    *Ding Dong*

    The door opened and another employee came in for her shift.

    I turned to the bum.

    Now, if you dont mind, Im going on my well-deserved lunch break. Have a great time

    loitering in Lemon Scent. Hope I never see you again, I said as I made a face at him, grabbed

    my bag, and walked out the door.

    What the hell was this guys problem?

    Stupid busybody. Doesnt he even have sympathy for the poor couple?

    My thoughts buzzed around in my head like annoying flies.

    I walked down the street looking for a place to eat. I called Soo Jung only to discover she was

    already eating with Von Dutch.

    Ditching her best friend for a GUY? Tch ^

    McDonalds or Burger King, I debated with myself, pointing at the two restaurants across

    the street. Big Macor Whopper

    Does it really matter? Theyre the same.

    I jumped a little as a deep voice popped into my ear.

    The bum was standing behind me with a sorry smile.

    Okay, what do you want now? I snapped, annoyed at his presence.

    Im hungry.

    And? I asked, refusing to pick up the hint.

    Buy me food~+_+

    - _ -+

    - _ -^


  • 8/12/2019 Bum Who Fell Into a Pothole by Lilshinhwafreak


    Chapter 3

    Buy me Food.

    I stared at him, bewildered.


    Food you know substance you eat to stay alive? McChicken Sandwich looks good, he

    replied, his eyes glued to a giant poster adorning the front door of McDonalds.

    Are you crazy?

    I quickly crossed the street, and entered McDonalds, trying to ignore the tall figure following

    me like a shadow.

    I walked up to the smiling worker at the register.

    Can I have a number 2?

    And a number 6, the bum added.

    So a number 2 and 6? the girl asked.No, just a number 2, I replied, pushing the bum away.

    NO! Lady! Number 6 too! the bum yelled, causing people to turn and stare.

    Number 2 only, I repeated firmly.

    The poor girl at the cashier asked confusedly, So just a number 2?

    I nodded.

    The bum made a face.

    Youre so mean, he said finally. You cant even feed a poor guy? I didnt have anything to

    eat for 2 days. You cant even buy me a five-dollar meal? What kind of person are you?

    He stared at me like I was the scum of the earth.

    I was about to tell him off when I realized it was too quiet in the room.

    Everyone was glaring at me.

    A grandma in the corner clicked her tongue and shook her head at me.

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    I had become the bad guy in a span of 5 seconds. Big thanks to the bums outrageous


    That big, fat liar!

    Even the girl at the cashier wasnt smiling anymore. I liked her better when she was

    confused. .

    So is a number 2 combo all you want? she asked in a mean voice.

    BIZNATCH. How can she trust a bum more than a fellow member of the same sex??

    I was dying to say yes, mainly out of spitebut the people eating there would probably burn

    me alive if I did.

    I sighed

    Number 2 and a number 6 please

    I glared at the bum as he happily gobbled up his McChicken sandwich.

    He slurped his sprite, shoved a whole bunch of fries into his mouth, and then took a bite outof his sandwich without swallowing the fries. Sick.

    Judging by the way he ate, he really must have not eaten for 2 days.

    I took a bite out of my Big Mac.

    So youre really a bum? I asked him.

    He looked up at me and smiled. Ill let this one slide since I got a free meal. Insult all you


    I coughed and half-chewed hamburger chunks flew out of my mouth and landed on his dirty


    EW! YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE! he yelled, shooting up from his seat.

    Afraid of becoming the bad person again, I pulled him down.

    SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN, I whispered fiercely at him.

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    For once he obeyed.

    I shoved a stack napkin into his hands.

    So why are you following me?

    He shrugged, You just looked really easy.

    I jumped from my seat and stared at him in shock while he began to wipe his face.


    capture the peoples attention.

    Whos the bad guy now?

    EASY? Is that why youve been stalking meyou FREAK?

    Sit down! he whispered loudly, grabbing my arm.

    This time, he was the one pulling me down.

    The scrawny bum was pretty strong. Dont judge a book by its cover!

    He pulled me down with such force that my butt stung with pain when it hit the chair.

    Why are you making a fool out of yourself? he asked while starting to eat MY french fries.A fool? ME? I repeated, flabbergasted. Youre the one dressed like a bum, begging for

    food! Dont you have any pride? What happened to all that male ego?



    From his pocket, he pulled out one of the newest Anycall phones, the one I had my eyes on

    for the longest time.


    I felt my jaw dropping open.

    Since when did bums own expensive cell phones?

    He looked around self-consciously before answering the phone.

    Hello? Who is this? No. Hehes not here. Thisthis isnt his phone. Err... wrong number.

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    Dont call.

    I frowned in confusion.

    He hung up with a grim look on his face.

    Hey, I said, Can I see your phone? Ive wanted that phone for the longest time! Can I see it?

    Please please please?



    He raised an eyebrow. Grr.. I hate it when people do that.

    Why are you so dense?

    Cant you tell Im not in a good mood?

    I stared at him in disgust.

    I got up from my seat and picked up my tray.

    Well have a great time sulking alone, you @ss.

    I got a glimpse of his shocked face as I left, but who cared about him? I most definitely did


    I didnt realize he was following me until I was back in the store.

    Instead of coming inside, he loitered around in front of the glass window and stared in.

    Unnie, theres some bum staring my co-worker said, Hes kind of freaking me out.

    Dont worry, Hanna. Hes only there because I pissed him off, I said. Hell go away soon.

    Five minutesten minutes

    He was still there, staring. A shadow of smile flitted on his face.

    Was he laughing at me?

    Unnie Hanna whispered, Hes really scaring me. Should I call the police?

    I had to admit, he looked intimidating. I was starting to get scared, too.

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    I slowly walked to the door, building up my courage.


    I closed my eyes and fervently practiced the line over and over.

    Who knew how he would react he didnt seem violentbut he didnt seem all that gentle


    My hand trembled as I slowly pushed the door.

    But before I could even open my mouth, the bum apparently spotted someone and started


    He zoomed past the store right as I stuck my head outside.

    A couple of seconds later, a black figure chased after the bum.

    I quickly ran outside, just in time to discover the black figure was a tall man in a dark suit. I

    couldnt see his face, but he seemed very desperate to catch the bum.

    Although I couldnt yell at him, I was ratherglad the bum had gone without any effort on mypart.

    I stayed at the store until Mrs. Kang called around closing time.

    The meeting went perfectly fine. There was a tiny problem, but it was fixed in no time.

    Theyre great together. I wont be surprised if they got married by the end of this year.

    Im glad you had a great day, Mrs. Kang, I replied.

    As I closed the store and began to walk to the bus stop, I wondered if my perfect match would

    come any time in the near future.

    Chapter 4

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    Saturday is my favorite day of the week.

    Nothing can ruin my Saturdays.

    I have no classes, no work, so I can pretty much do anything I want on Saturdays.

    That Saturday, I had planned to get a 2nd piercing in my ears when Soo Jung called, jabbing

    furiously about some awesome new store she found in Ap Goo Jung Dong. She guaranteed

    big discounts and told me she was picking me up in 30 minutes.

    So much for my Saturday.

    I really wanted that 2nd hole, but being a fashion major, I wanted to check out this

    awesome store.


    I looked out the window and saw Soo Jung in her nice Mercedes Benz chattering again on her


    She motioned for me to come down quickly when she my face at the window.

    I dashed down the stairs.

    Mom! Im leaving!Be back by 8!

    Yeah, whatever.

    I hopped into Soo Jungs car and greeted her only to be answered with a careless wave.

    Yeah, Jong Hyuk. You dont mind right? Okay! Soo Jung said into her phone.

    I sadly shook my head.

    Who was the poor guy who got lured by Soo Jungs beauty this week?

    But the name Jong Hyuk sounded familiar where have I heard it before?

    Soo Jung hung up and said, All right, lets go.

    Why are you so excited? I asked.

    Just cause.

    Oh, by the way, whos Jong-

    Before I could finish, Soo Jung turned on the stereo and Shinhwas Brand New blared on.

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    Im looking right to yooooooou! Through that mirror~~~ pretending to fix up on my

    haaaaaaaaaaaaaaair! She sang at the top of her lungs.

    I groaned loudly, quickly covering my ears.

    She may be my best friend, but she cannot sing to save her ass.

    Just one never let you gooooooooooooooooooo! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhk!

    Oh godplease let the store be close.

    We eventually reached Ap Goo Jung Dong. It was Saturday so the place was packed.

    Come on~ SooJung said, locking the car pulling me by the arm through the crowd.

    Theyre probably waiting for us!

    They? Whos they?

    Jong Hyuk and his friend.

    You didnt say we were shopping with other people.


    I sighed in frustration as Soo Jung dragged me to a store called Rainbow Paradise.

    Oh. Theyre not inside, Soo Jung said, peering through the glass front of the store.

    Is this the place?

    Soo Jung nodded, continuing to search for this person named Jong Hyuk.

    I entered the store.

    True to its name, the store looked like a tangible Skittles commercial.

    On each shelf, hanger, or whatever, were various colors of the rainbow. The styles were pretty

    decent; it was definitely the trendy type for teens.

    My eyes lit up at the summer selections. Various shades of blue hung in neat rows, giving off

    a cool, summer vibe. Then I spotted a mannequin dressed in a blue shirt with white scribbles,

    white baggy jeans, tan flip flops, and dark sunglasses.

    Very stylish.

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    I touched the shirt to feel the fabric.

    Hmm. Soft, very nice, I said to myself.

    The mannequin suddenly moved.


    Nervously, I poked the stomach.

    I felt hardening muscles

    I slowly looked up and saw my reflection on the sunglasses. The mannequin stared down at


    OMG, Im so sorr-

    Pothole! What the heck are you doing? Soo Jung yelled, walking into the store.

    The frown disappeared. Oh! Jong Hyuk!!!

    She ran to a guy who was coming in from the back.

    I finally realized Jong Hyuk was Von Dutch, Soo Jungs blind-no-more date.

    Wheres your friend? Jong Hyuk asked.

    Soo Jung pointed at me.

    Ha, ha. Shes good. She found her date so quickly.

    Hukdate ??

    I raised my hand up to the mannequins face. I slowly pushed down the glasses.

    The guy smirked.

    Pothole, eh? Bum doesnt sound so bad now.

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    Chapter 5

    Pothole, eh? Bum doesnt sound so bad now.

    WHAT? I said in outrage.

    Bumface pushed his glasses up, covering his eyes. Then he smirked at me once more.

    All this time, youve been calling me a bum when youre nothing but a pothole.

    Shut up! I yelled.

    Why? I deserve a little revenge.

    Welluhyoure stinky bum!

    OkayI admit that was really childish, but I had no ideawhat to say.

    Hey, at least Im a human.. Youre lower than an ant. Youre dirt. Youre just a hole in the


    It took me 3 seconds before I erupted.YOU STUPID BUM! STOP CALLING ME POTHOLE! YOU @SS!

    Instead of being yelled back by Bumface, it was Soo Jung who yelled.

    Yah! Won Young! Shut up! The managers going to get mad!

    Dont worry Soo Jung, Im not mad. This is a bit entertaining actually.

    My head turned to the voice.

    Jong Hyuk was standing next to Soo Jung.

    You own this store?

    Jong Hyuk nodded.

    What? How? How old are you?

    I have my ways and Im 27. Its time for me to have my own business.

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    27thats only 2 years older than I amand he already has his own business while Im still

    stuck in fashion school. X_X

    Why did I slack off my 2nd year

    Did you know about this? I asked Soo Jung.

    She nodded.

    Is that why were here?

    Nod again

    Did you know he was coming? I asked referring to the bum boy.

    She nodded again, I thought you would be happy to see him again, since he doesntdress

    like a hobo anymore. Jong Hyuk gave him new clothes."

    Hey! Bumface shouted.

    I ignored him. Well, you have fun shopping here. Im getting out of here.

    Why? Because of him? Soo Jung pointed at Bumface, whose face was getting redder.

    I shrugged and started out the door, when something caught onto my arm. I slowly turned


    Bumface was standing behind me.

    His sunglasses were off and he didnt look too happy.

    Dont be rude. He solemnly said, Jong Hyuk invited you here and offered you abig

    discount on whatever you buy.

    Sso? I managed to squeak out.

    You can treat me like trash, but dont do that to Jong Hyuk. So buy something and go.

    Hey, she doesnt have to buy anything if she doesnt want to. Jong Hyuk said, coming

    closer to us.

    For the first time Ive seen him, Bumface was being sincere. It was strange.

    No, Jong HyukIll buy something.

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    I grabbed the closest thing around me and handed it to Jong Hyuk. Ill take this.

    Suddenly Bumface laughed. You must like me.


    You picked the shirt I have on.

    He was right The same blue t-shirt with white sketchings on it.

    I could feel my face becoming flushed.

    ImIm buying itfor my dog.

    Your dog wears XXL?


    Yes I stuttered.

    Jong Hyuk asked if I wanted to change my item, but unwilling to look any more idiotic, I

    decided to buy it.

    At the cash register, I could see from the corner of my eye Bumface laughing his head off


    GrrI hated myselffor giving Bumface the satisfaction that this timehe won.

    Chapter 6

    I was pretty much grumpy after having Bumface win.

    It was pretty childish, but it also wasnt great with Bumface mentioning how stupid I was

    every 5 seconds.

    Soo Jung FINALLY noticed that I wasnt happy.

    You guys! Lets celebrate our 2nd meeting by going out to eat! Ill treat!

    Jong Hyuk and Bumface cheered loudly and I knew exactly why.

    Jong Hyuk: more time with Soo Jung.

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    Bumface: free dinner.

    Soo Jung, I think Ill just go home. I replied to her. She came towards me with a sad face.

    Aw come on Won Young~ Ill take you to Fruit Land!

    I swallowed.

    What was Fruit Land? Just one of my favorite restaurants of all time.

    Every food that is made in the restaurant is served with a different type of fruit. So once you

    order a fruit once, it comes out with every course. Even if you dont like fruit, the restaurant

    itself is worth going to. The atmosphere is great. The people are great. Everything about it is


    I couldnt resist the offer and followed along with Soo Jung.

    Unfortunately, Jong Hyuk and Bumface ended up going in the same car as us.

    Were going to come back to the store anyways. Soo Jung pointed out. It doesnt matter.

    It mattered...because I ended having to sit next to Bumface while Soo Jung and Jong Hyuk sat

    side by side in the front.

    I swore if he said one mean comment to me, I would choke him to death right there in the car.

    Unfortunately, he didnt and we pulled into the parking lot of Fruit Land without anyone dead.

    One of my favorite parts of Fruit Land was the interior design of the place. The colors were so

    bright and happy that once you step into the doors of the restaurant, all your worries and bad

    moods fly away.

    Which is exactly what happened.

    My anger for Bumface flew away.

    A waitress sat us down at a table and passed out the menus.

    Ill be back in a few moments with your drinks. She replied cheerfully with a smile.

    Whats good here? Jong Hyuk asked Soo Jung.

    Just about everything. Just pick your favorite fruit.

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    Im going to get the Kiwi Express. Bumface announced.

    No one asked you. I muttered. I set the menu down.

    What are you getting? Jong Hyuk asked, still puzzled at what he was going to order.

    I opened my mouth to answer but Soo Jung did instead.

    Shell probably get the Mango Basket. Thats her favorite fruit. She gets it all the time even

    though shes allergic to it.

    I gave a stare at Soo Jung, who missed it.

    Bumface looked at me with a puzzled look.


    Nothing. Its just funny how you eat stuff that makes you sick

    Hey, shut up

    All done deciding?

    The happy little waitress returned with our drinks.

    We ordered our food and waited. I chose not to look at Bumface or Soo Jung.Soo Jung had no reason to tell Bumface that now Bumface knows something new about me

    that he can use for future torturing.

    Our food came out and we started eating. I carefully cut the mangos into small pieces so they

    wouldnt touch my skin when I ate it. I couldnt risk getting a reaction on my beautiful face.

    I put a piece of mango in and it slowly started melting in my mouth. My taste buds woke up

    and screamed like crazy as the juicy sweet flavors of the mangos settled in.

    It was just too good

    Suddenly, I felt a strange feeling.

    I looked up and saw Bumface giving me a look of disbelief.

    What? I asked, putting another mango in my mouth.

    Youre an idiot

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    O_O WTH Whos an idiot now?


    Well, you are. Bumface said casually, chewing his kiwi and steak. If you have allergies to

    it, you shouldnt eat it. Only idiots eat something theyre allergic to.

    The atmosphere at the dinner table turned extremely cold.

    Soo Jung and Jong Hyuk stared, waiting for me to explode and come with a snappy comeback.

    Surprisinglynothing came out of my mouth.

    I didnt yell. I didnt hit him

    I just sat there, quietly, eating my mangos.

    Bumface looked dumbfounded. He must have lost words to say because his mouth was

    opening, but nothing was coming out.

    Seeing that nothing was happening, Soo Jung and Jong Hyuk went back to eating their dinner.

    Truthfully, I was pissed off to the max.

    I was so angry that I couldnt say anything. I didnt even have the strength to fight back.

    Just wait until later you bastard

    Chapter 7

    Dinner ended and I got the impression that Soo Jung wanted more time with Jong Hyuk.

    I got the hint.

    But Soo Jung kept implying that I leave with Bumface

    Fat chance.

    Ill leave alone though.

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    We came out of the restaurant.

    All right guys, I said, putting my purse on my shoulder. Im going to go now.

    Soo Jungs face lit up. Oh! You have to go?

    I nodded.

    But you dont have a ride. Jong Hyuk said in a worried tone.

    Its okay, Ill take the bus or something.

    Jong Hyuk shook his head and tapped Bumface. Go take her home.

    WHAT? NO! Bumface and I yelled at the same time.

    Yeah, its dark out and there are a lot of perverts out there. Jong Hyuk said as if it was the

    most obvious thing. Take her home.

    Soo Jung got into her car and said, All right guys, Have a great time!

    Then she whispered to me. Call me with details later.

    I tried to swing my purse in her face, but she quickly rolled up the windows and stuck her

    tongue out at me.

    Then they left usBumface and I stood awkwardly.

    Not wanting to even stand next to him, I started walking away.

    He didnt call out for me or stop me from walking off alone.

    What a butthead

    Even a real bum would have the decency to take a lady home at night

    Not that I would allow a bum to take me home.

    I was at the block, when I heard footsteps behind me.

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    I looked back and I saw Bumface, his hands jammed into his pockets and head focused on the

    ground, strolling behind me.

    I started walking faster, hoping to lose him.

    The footsteps behind me sped up.

    The sky grew darker than before and all the street lamps turned on, guiding me home.

    I think there was a point when I broke into a full on sprint trying to lose Bumface. By the time

    I stopped to rest, I was breathless and already in my neighborhood.

    So was Bumface. He stuck on like glueand for some reason, he didnt look tired at all.

    What a crappy neighborhoodWhat kind of neighborhood is this? I heard him ask

    under his breath.

    I twisted around.



    Whats so scary about me? Im going to take you home!

    STOP FOLLOWING ME!!! I was almost to tears.

    It was scary having someone follow me in the dark, even if it was Bumface.

    Out of nowhere, brilliant blue and red lights of a cop car appeared from an alley.

    I stopped dead in my tracks.

    The car pulled right to me.

    Miss, is this man bothering you?

    Blankly, I nodded. Hes freaking me out and he keeps following me

    The cops nodded, getting out of the car. They headed toward Bumface, who looked very

    confused. They talked awhile before returning to me.

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    He says hes your friend. Is that true?

    Friend? Well ye- I stopped.

    This could be it. My chance for revenge. He could sleep over in jail like in My Sassy Girl.

    Jun Ji Hyun always punished Cha Tae Hyun by making him spend a night in jail

    Without another moment of thinking -

    Hes not my friend! He followed me from downtown all the way to here!

    The officers went back to Bumface and before I knew it, they were shoving Bumface into the

    patrol car.

    HEY! WHATS THIS?! Bumface yelled alerted.

    I waved with guilt as the car drove away. Bumface was slamming the rear window angrily,

    yelling many somethings at me.

    He drank a bit of soju during dinner so hes going to suffer a little at the station.

    Eh whatever.

    That should teach him not to make fun of me.

    Chapter 8

    I wasnt even home for 30 minutes when I got a phone call from the police station.

    I think its best if you come down here right now. The officer said. He didnt sound angry

    nor too happy.

    I put on a sweater over my pajamas and walked down to the station.

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    At the station, there were a couple of drunks sleeping on the couches and Bumface who was

    sitting in front of an officer. Bumface didnt look happy at all.

    Youre Won Young? The policeman asked.

    I nodded my head and the policeman pointed at the seat next to Bumface.

    I sat down.

    This young gentlemen says youre lying and that you do know him.

    I rolled my eyes. I wanted to say no.

    Yes, I know him. I finally confessed, Im sorry for the trouble I caused. I know I shouldnt

    have lied to you, but he was annoying me so much that I needed to get rid of him.

    The policeman signed, annoyed. Did you realize you were lying to a police officer?

    I slowly nodded. I didnt mean any harm from it I justwanted to teach him a lesson.

    You know, like in My Sassy Girl

    I put on my pitiful face and the policemans face softened.

    Dang, Im too good.

    Okay, Im going to let you go just this once. He said, But the next time you and your

    boyfriend have a fight, dont call the police. Settle it on your own.

    Boyfri---- I started to say before Bumface cupped my mouth.

    Thank you sir. Have a great night. He said, as he dragged me out of the station, still

    covering my mouth.

    He didnt let go until we were outside.


    back into the station, when Bumface grabbed my arm.

    Where do you think youre going?

    To tell the policeman were not dating!

    What good will that do?

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    Its not like he gives a crap.

    Stupid Bumface.

    Okay FINE. But lets make this straight. I dont like you in any way!

    Bumfaces eyebrow curved up and his lips curled.


    I dont like you in any way.

    I never said you liked me


    I opened my mouth to fix what had come out of my mouth.

    You must like me. Bumface said arrogantly, Or else, you wouldnt have mentioned any of


    What? You must be insane!

    Yeah, whatever. You like me.

    Then he started walking down the street.

    HEY! I yelled.

    What? He turned around as if he was irritated.

    Where are you going?


    What? Im not even following you anymore. You cant call the police on me this time.

    It was almost 12 and the streets were slowly filling with drunken people.

    Mmmphmmph... I whispered.


    Take me home I said.


    He said it so casually and carefree that it shocked me. And he was a guy?

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    Because its scary at night!

    So? You went home pretty well before.

    He continued his way.


    Of coursehe didnt turn around, but he kept on walking.

    Angry and scared, I started walking home.

    I never realized how scary the walk back home was in the dark. Every little thing scared me.

    The trash bags on the street looked like people waiting to jump up and mug me.

    I held my breath in fear as I drew closer and closer to my house.


    AHHHHHHHHHH! I screamed, startled by a sudden cry. A cat dashed from behind me

    and ran into the dark alley. Another screech from the cat flowed into my ears.

    I ran home and didnt stop until I got there.

    In front of the gates of my house, I finally calmed down and told myself that it was just cat

    and that cat was probably as scared as I was

    Why would the cat just jump out like that! It wasnt as if I disturbedit or anything


    I hate cats

    Chapter 9

    Bumfacewhat a bastardnot even walking me home

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    I was sitting at the counter in the store, drinking a coffee and thinking about him.

    Whyd he take me home before but not after? Isnt he a guy? Arent guys supposed to

    chivalrous to girls?? Wah! What a bastard

    Ugh whatever. Who knows whats going on in the head.

    Just then, Mrs. Kang came into the door with the pretty girl from last time and a man Ive

    never seen before.

    Won Young~ three coffees please. Mrs. Kang said, as she ushered her guests to the couch

    in the front.

    I got right down to making the coffee.

    I couldnt help but to stare at the man that walked in with Mrs. Kang.

    He was wearing the plainest clothes yet he looked like a celebrity. He was really good looking,

    and sitting next to the girl, they looked like a movie star couple.

    I brought out the coffee and was serving it when Mrs. Kang introduced us.

    Youve seen Hae Jung before. She said, referring to the pretty girl. And this, The man

    is my son. Its your first time meeting him right?

    *nod nod*

    Mrs. Kangs son put out his hand for me to shake.

    So youre Won Young. He said, Mother always talks about you. All she talks about during

    dinner is you. But youre much prettier in person.

    He grinned and my knees started to shake. Ive never met such a handsome guy before.

    Thank you. I managed to say, before shyly going back to the counter to finish my coffee.

    Hes Mrs. Kangs son? I can totally tell where he got his looks.

    Mrs. Kang is a retired model. She was pretty famous back in the days

    Thats why shes so into fashion and why she has her own store out.

    SoEngagement party first right? Mrs. Kang said.

    Her son nodded. Engagement first and then wedding a couple of months later.

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    Hae Jungs face turned pink with happiness as she thought about it.

    AhI see I see. They were the two that Mrs. Kang set up last time. It must have gone well if

    theyre already talking about engagement stuff.

    I smiled.

    They matched so nicely together.

    HEY! ANSWER THE PHONE! WON BINS CALLING YOU! my excited phone yelled. I

    quickly answered it.

    Hello? I whispered, not watching to disrupt Mrs. Kangs conversation.

    Hey, come to Jong Hyuks store right now.

    Bumface? Why? Howd you get this number?! I mean, no! Im working. I cant just leave.

    Yeah you can.

    No. I cant!

    I felt a light tapping on my shoulder. Mrs. Kang smiled at me.

    Sounds like your friend. Go out to eat lunch. Ill take care of the store.

    On the other line, I heard that. You better come. Then he hung up.

    Who the heck does he think he is, ordering me around

    But I grew curious at what he was calling me about and decided to go

    I was hungry too. Maybe hell buy me food.

    When I arrived at the store, I only saw Jong Hyuk.

    Wheres Bumface? I asked, only to be answered by Jong Hyuks smile.

    Im right behind you, Pothole.

    Suddenly, darkness overshadowed me.

    I felt all the happiness in me getting sucked out.

    Youre here. He said, in a somewhat happy tone.

    Whyd you call me?

    Here, have this. Bumface handed me a large bag.

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    I took the bag and looked inside. I had a shocked period of 5 seconds.

    Inside, I saw some of the prettiest clothes Ive ever seen. The designs were fresh and the

    fabric was the best kind for each clothing.

    I looked up at Bumface.

    Whats this? I asked, suspicious.

    Yours. He replied.

    Huh? Why is this mine?

    Because Im giving it to you.

    Why? Im not taking thisTheres something wrong with it huh! I yelled, shoving the bag

    back to him.

    No! Its yours! He pushed it back to him.

    I stared at him. How can a bum like you afford these clothes? Did you steal them?

    Bumface started looking angry. I must have really messed with his temper.

    Luckily Jong Hyuk came to the rescue.

    Just think of it as his friendship He said, He probably wants to makeup with you.

    HA! Friendship? Oh so you admit to your horridness. I scoffed, But seriouslytheres

    something wrong with these clothes huh?

    Like what? Bumface finally grumbled.



    I stared at the clothes again. They were really pretty.

    Okay, thanks. Ill wear it well.

    I scanned him over. His clothes were decent He had a large bandage on his arm; gives off

    that rebel kind of look.

    HehBumface looks hot today~ Never knew he could be nice to me.

    As soon as that thought came to mind, Bumface sneered.

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    Are you having fun?

    Fun? I asked, confused. What fun?

    My being nice to you. Is it entertaining?

    - _ -!!!!


    What? You thought I was being sincere?

    YOU BASTARD! I yelled. TAKE IT BACK! I shoved the bag of clothes to his chest.

    Am I a girl? he yelled back, pushing the bag back towards me, What would I do with girl

    clothes? Just think of it as my way of paying for lunch.

    I opened my mouth once more but Bumface added, I didnt even buy it, so just keep it. Use

    them for school or something.


    Frustrated, I ran out of the store and stomped my way back to work.

    I walked a long way before I realized I was still holding the bag of clothes. I started my way

    back to Jong Hyuks store but stopped.

    I didnt want to walk all the way back.

    AISH. Whatever. Ill just keep it.

    When I retuned back to Lemon Scent, Hae Jung and Mrs. Kangs son were leaving.

    Ill see you again, Mr. Kang said, smiling at me. He opened the door to his nice looking car.

    Bye Won Young. Hae Jung said, shyly. She and Mr. Kang both got into his car.

    I nodded and waved at them as the car went away.

    Back in the store, Mrs. Kang hummed happily.

    Im guessing everything went well?

    Mrs. Kang nodded. Engagements on in a month, wedding will be in July, two months from



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    So did you meet your friend? She asked, looking over the new dresses.

    Hehehyeah. I clutched the bag of clothes in my hand.

    Stupid retarded idiotic Bumface

    Making fun of memaking me feel stupid I hate him I hate him I hate him

    But then again, the clothes are pretty and free.

    And I like free things.

    Chapter 10

    I waited at the bus stop for the bus going home like always.

    My arms were hurting more from the extra luggage I had to carry that day.

    It was just a couple of outfitswhy is it so heavy?

    The bus came finally and I became relived.

    As soon as I stepped onto the bus, the bus driver greeted me.

    Won Young, did you sell a lot of clothes today? he asked with a friendly smile as I paid my

    bus fare.

    Yes sir~ I replied, I hope you had a good day too!

    He chuckled and I looked around for a seat.


    I heard a familiar voice and I found myself looking at the direction of where the voice came


    I wish I hadnt

    Sit here Pothole!! He said happily in a really loud voice, getting everyones attention.

    Stupid Bumfacesince when did you ride the same bus as me?

    I flat out ignored him and sat as far away from him as possible. I was trying to ignore his

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    Tell you what?.

    Come on!

    Youre suddenly talking to meI guess youre not mad at me anymore.

    I stopped myself from saying another word.

    He was rightI had forgotten that I wasnt talking tohim.

    Yeah, wellIm too hungry to be mad at you. I snapped back weakly.

    Why are you hungry?

    You call that a question? I was too busy at work to eat dinner, unlike some bum on the


    Why would anyone want to buy clothes from you?

    AISH! I DONT KNOW! Leave me alone

    I walked faster. I could hear him laughing silently at me.

    Oh how I hated him so.

    I was less than 2 blocks away from my house when the faint footsteps behind me disappeared.

    I turned around and Bumface wasnt there anymore.HrmI guess he did live near here.

    As soon as I started continuing my way, the footsteps returned.

    Ughhe just wont leave me alone.

    BUMFACE! GO Ho--------Youre not Bumface

    I found myself standing in front of two unfamilar guys. One guy was abnormally tall and the

    other one was abnormally fat..

    Hey pretty lady. The tall guy said in a smooth voice. Whats in the bag?

    O_Oclothes I said blankly.

    Are you sure? the fat short one asked. Doesnt look like clothes from here!

    They came closer to me. I stepped back.

    OMG Im going to die

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    Suddenly the tall one grabbed the bag of clothes from my hand and as a reflex, my foot went

    up and kicked him hard.

    The tall one screamed in a high tone. The fat guy took this chance to grab my arms and cover

    my mouth.

    Hey! Stop fooling around! Check the bag! he ordered the man on the ground, grabbing his

    soft spot.

    The tall man took a couple of seconds recuperating before he grabbed the bag and looked


    D@mn itthey are clothes. He swore. Check her handbag.

    I felt the fat man reaching for my bag

    OH WHAT THE---

    I looked up at what the fat man was screaming at.

    Out of nowhere, a big kim bap box was flying right towards my face.

    Without fail, it hit me right smack in the middle of head, causing me to fall on the ground.I grabbed my nose as I yelped silently. No sound would come out of my mouth.


    Tears sprang to my eyes. It hurtso much

    By the time I could finally open my eyes, both of the crooks were on the ground, groaning.

    Someone ran to my side.



    Yeah, are you okay? Did they touch you? He looked at me, worried.

    OF COURSE NOT. THATS WHY IM ON THE GROUND. I replied sarcastically Then I

    picked up the kim bap box at my side.

    Did you throw this? I asked, still in pain.

    He nodded.

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    Did you have to throw it at me?

    He nodded his head.

    Ow.whered this come from anyways?

    You saidI mean, I got hungry so I went down to the super market and bought a package.

    He stuttered.

    Bastard I said. You knew I was hungry and you got yourself food?


    I pushed his blank face away just in time to see the two crooks limping away.

    Awtheyre getting away. I pouted.

    Who cares, Bumface shrugged, They wont be doing anything for awhile.


    I think I broke theiryou know

    Oh? OH

    So Bumface was a fighterBetter stay on his good side.

    I was still far from my house and afraid that I was going to get attacked again, Bumface

    escorted me.

    He didnt say anything but just stayed behind me the whole time.

    When we reached my house, he handed me the kim bap box.

    Here, you have it. I lost my appetite. He said.

    Happy to see food offered to me, I grabbed it.

    Thanks~ I said.

    Silence followed.

    It was very awkward


    I ran into my house and up to my window sill.

    I watched him walk away into the darkness.

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    Maybe Bumface wasnt so bad. I thought as I cracked open the kim bap box.


    The kim bap box was half empty.

    Chapter 11

    Mrs. Kang decided to make Hae Jungs dress on her own. Usually, she just designs a dress

    and then sends out her design to the factory to have it made, but she said for her daughter-in-

    law, the dress needed to be handmade by her.

    I grew so jealous of Hae Jung.

    Shes pretty, shes smart, and shes getting a dress done by Mrs. Kang.

    Won Young, want to help me? Mrs. Kang asked me as she got out the half made dress off

    the mannequin.

    Did I ever.


    I literally jumped from my seat at the counter and ran to Mrs. Kang.

    Wear this. I need a live model. Mrs. Kang chuckled. Youre about the same size as Hae

    Jung too.

    I took the dress to the dressing room and wore it.

    I can just tell you that I fell in love with it.

    It fit perfectly.

    The design was very simple.

    It was a light pink dress, with sleeves that started at the edge of my shoulder and ended a little

    above my elbows. The bottom portion of the dress was my favorite part. There were 3 layers

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    of fabric and each fabric wrapped around the dress and made 3 little bows around my waist.

    It might sound a bit weird and complicated from my explanation, but it was the simplest yet

    prettiest dress ever.

    It was a dress meant for Hae Jung.

    Wow, Won Young~ you look so beautiful! Mrs. Kang said in awe as I came out of the

    dressing room.

    Its because the dress is pretty~ I replied.

    Mrs. Kang took a bow.

    All right, lets see what I have to fix.

    She got down on her knees and started muttering to herself about what to cut and what to

    stitch up.

    I admired her so much. I wondered if I would ever be in her place.

    I looked at myself in the mirror and enviously at the dress.

    A part of me really wished it was mine.

    Won Young, you have a phone call. Hana came to the back of the store, holding my


    Who is it?

    Some guy.

    She handed me my phone and disappeared to the front desk.


    Come out. A familiar voice said.

    Whos this? I asked, even though it was obvious who it was who elsewould flat out say

    come out?


    Oh? I said surprised, So you do admit youre a bum?

    HAHAHAH what a loser.

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    Won Young~ hold still. Mrs. Kang said patiently, with a pin between her teeth.

    Oh sorry.

    Whos that? Bumface asked, hearing Mrs. Kangs voice.

    My boss.

    Silence followed.


    What are you doing right now?

    Im wearing a dress.

    A dress? Youre a girl?

    Hey! Shut up!

    OW~ Mrs. Kang perked. Won Young

    AH! Im so sorry Mrs. Kang! Then I turned to Bumface. Hey! Hang up!

    I hung up on him before he could say anything and crouched down to Mrs. Kangs level to

    apologize.As always, Mrs. Kang was sweet about it.

    So, Mrs. Kang asked, who was that?


    The guy on the phone.

    Oh. Some guy.

    Are you sureits not a boyfriend?



    She chuckled.

    You should have a boyfriend! Youre reaching the age where you need to be married. Im so

    happy my sons going to get married. You should make your parents happy too.


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    See? You do like me. He said, And since Im so nice, maybe Ill accept your desperate


    What offer? I dont like you! I dont want to go on a date with you! I screamed.

    Shush. Youre making a scene

    He was right. People at the stop were staring at me.

    Stop making an idiot out of yourself and be quiet. He took off his sunglasses, hat, and mask

    and tucked it into his bag. Then he shook his hair with his hand, making it into its usual messy


    Some high school girls started giggling and taking out their cell phones to take pictures.

    I have to admit, he looks pretty good today.

    The bus came and we got on.

    Pay. Bumface said.



    Hey, youre the one who dragged me here.Hey, what bum has money? He turned to the driver. Shes paying for us both. Then he

    went to sit in the back.


    I paid for both of us.

    As soon as my bus card was scanned, Bumface waved to me with a bright face to sit next to


    I stared at him dumbfounded.

    First he hates methen he mocks methen hes nice to meafter I pay for him

    How many faces does Bumface have?

    Who the heck was he?

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    Chapter 12

    For someone who dragged me down for the longest time, Bumface surprised me when he

    brought me to a fashion show.

    Whats this? I asked, standingin front of the place where the show was held.

    Are you stupid? Cant you tell what it is? Bumface asked, pointing to the poster regarding

    the fashion show.

    Whyd you bring me here? We probably cant even go in ----

    Hey! A guy wearing a nice tux camerunning towards us.

    I didnt think you would make it! He said, breathlessly as if he had been running, Is this

    your girlfriend?

    I opened my mouth to argue, but the guy didnt give me a chance.

    The shows going to start soon. Youre in the front row.I reserved it just for you.Then he ran back into the building.

    I looked at Bumface for an explanation.

    Hes my college roommate. Bumface explained, I did him a favor. So he invited me to his


    You went to college?

    He gave me a blank expression and silently went into the building.

    Hey! Wait up! I ran after him.

    The moment I stepped into the showroom, my heart skipped a beat.

    It was my first fashion show and I had never seen such a pretty sight.

    Bumface pulled me over to the first row and pushed me down to my seat, like I was some kid

    he could control.

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    For once, I didnt mind his roughness. I was too busy looking at everything. It was all so new

    to me.

    Stop drooling. He whispered to me.

    I nodded, not really listening.

    The lights dimmed down and music played.

    I seriously didnt know what was going on the next hour or so.

    The lights flashed brilliantly. One by one, the most beautiful models swept the runway,

    wearing the latest styles of clothes.

    My mouth opened and stayed open as I watched in awe.

    As the show came to a close, Bumface leaned towards me.

    Im going to the bathroom.

    Uh huh

    He got up and disappeared.

    All the models came out and started applauding. Then Bumfaces friend came out to the


    Oh! Bumface! Your friend! I yelled.

    Then I remembered he wasnt there.

    Theres a couple of people I want to thank The friend said.

    Hrmm. Wheres Bumface! Hes not going to see his friend?

    Jin Young Lee, designer So Jin Kim

    Then I saw Bumface somewhere in the back, leaning against the wall. I waved for him to

    come. He shook his head.

    stylist and designer Yong Hee Kang, stylist Woo Jin Kang, and finally, my parents and

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    God. Thank you! And I hope you had a great time.

    When I tried to look for Bumface again, he was no where to be seen in the crowd.

    I didnt know anyone there and I didnt have any reason to linger with the stars and models,

    so I decided to leave.

    I stepped outside of the building and saw Bumface.

    He was waiting against a wall, holding a cigarette.

    Yah! I yelled as I ran to him.


    You left me---you smoke???

    NO. He replied sarcastically, Im just holding it to look cool.

    He took out his lighter and lit the cigarette.

    I pulled it out of his fingers, before he put it in his mouth. Then I took his lighter.

    Do you plan on dying early? I stomped on the cigarette and put the lighter into my purse.

    Aishat least give me back my lighter.

    No. As long as you hang around me, no smoking.

    He shoved his hands into his pockets and started walking away.

    Where you going? I asked, following after him.

    To eat.

    What about the fashion show? Your friend?

    Its over. Buy me food. Im hungry.

    I pouted.

    Ehhe got me into a free fashion show. I might as well be nice to him.

    We went to a tofu house for dinner. He ordered two bowls of tofu and three rice bowls. I was

    pretty disgusted.

    Not only because of the nasty sight of him eating, but because I was paying for all the food.

    He seemed pretty happy.

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    I found myself staring at him eating, chewing loudly.

    Bumfacewas such a mystery.

    He was a bumyet he had so many connections.

    The clothesthe fashion showgoing to college and making friends Where was the

    connection to all of this? He practically wore the same clothes everyday.

    It made no sense.

    I guess I was staring at him for too long.

    Bumface raised his head. What?

    You I blankly replied. I rested my head on my hands, propped up on the table.

    What about me? He shoved another spoonful of rice into his tofu bowl and mixed it.

    I have no idea what I know about you

    He swallowed. What do you need to know?

    I shrugged, Youre so mysteriousYou look poor but everything you give me is expensive.

    You take me to fashion shows. Youre always around when I least expect it

    Then I gasped. I donteven know your name! Ive called you Bumface from the start

    Bumface looked pink, but he continued eating.


    Yeahso tell me your name.


    Your real name?

    Youll find out eventually. For now, just call me Bumface.

    I started to feel frustrated. Why cant you just tell me your name?

    Fine. He put down his spoon and came closer to my face as if he was going to tell me a

    dark sercret.

    ItsJi Nom. He whispered really quietly.

    Ji Nom? I repeated. What a strange namewhats your last name?

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    Guh He whispered again.

    GuhJi Nom? HEY!!!

    Well, its not like were dating. Why do you need to know my name?

    I have a right to know my friends names.

    Oh so suddenly, Im your friend?

    - _ -++

    Ahh forget it.

    He grinned.

    Youll find out soon enough. Dont worry. And besides, youll call me Bumface anyways.


    We finished eating and left the tofu house.

    It was getting pretty dark.

    Why was it that I was always with Bumface after dinner?

    Come on. He said, Ill take you home.

    O_O! Why? I asked, shocked at what he said.

    Pulling onto my hand, he said, Im still a guy and its my job to take you home.

    Whatever, Annoyed, I pulled my hand away from him. Suit yourself.

    I led the way with Bumface staggering behind me

    To tell you the truth

    I felt really securedwith him walking behind me.

    Chapter 13


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    Soo Jung stared at me with a face that clearly said, And youre my friend?

    It wasnt planned! I replied in defense. Bumface dragged me over.

    Soo Jungs expression suddenly changed from anger to interest.

    You went with Bumface?

    I nodded, It was his college buddys show.

    She chuckled unbelievably, almost spilling the coffee she was holding in her hand.

    Won YoungDo you like Bumface?

    NO! ARE YOU CRAZY?? I burst.

    I cant believe she just said that.

    Bumface is the last person Ill like. If he was the last person on earth, I wouldnt like him

    You sure?

    YES Im SURE.

    She shrugged. Well theres definitely something going between you twoA guy doesnt just

    take a girl to an expensive fashion show

    Well, he knows Im studying fashion and it was to help me I guessNo who cares if youre studying fashion Only a boyfriend would take the time and

    effort to get you into a show

    I shoved her away.

    You disgust me.

    Maybe he likes you! Soo Jung yelled as I walked away from the park bench.

    My @ss

    I strolled away from the park and started walking to my house.

    What Soo Jung said started to bother me.

    Bumfaceliking me? Thats as crazy as me liking him.

    Thats hilarious. We dont even know each other well.

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    When Bumface wasnt thereMy life became kind of boring.

    Hey! Won Young! Are you crazy, girl? Its Bumface were talking about. Stinky, raggedy,

    dirty Bumface.

    Still! Hes nice! Because of him, I got lost of cool stuff.

    Thenyoure using Bumface? Youre a bad girljust horrible.

    Hey. Shut up. Youre benefiting from it too!

    What are you muttering about?

    Startled, I looked up and saw Bumface standing in front of me.

    Todays outfit: Grey sweats, white baggy shirt, and a blue jacket.

    As always, holes didnt fail me His shirt and sweats had a couple.

    Whered you come from? I greeted,really curious. Dangmaybe he really did live in my


    ME? What about you? Why are you walking in front of my apartment?


    I realized I was in the apartment neighborhood.


    Regular decent apartments are hard to find and really expensive..

    And the ones I happened to be standing in front of were the REALLY REALLY Expensive


    Ive heard that about 6 celebrities live here Soo Jung had once tried to stake out to catch a

    glimpse of Jo In Sung, but failed.

    With my eyes still staring at the beautiful apartment building, You live here? You must be


    You dont have to be rich to live here He muttered quietly.

    Uhtheres a reason why there are 5 security guards standing at each of the entrances.

    He shrugged.

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    I dont know hey, hurry and leave?

    Why? I just got here. Since Im here, lets go to your house! I said excitedly, I always

    wondered where Bumface lived.

    You crazy! LEAVE! He yelled, frantically.

    No. What are you hiding?




    He shoved his hands into his sweat pockets and sneered.

    I win. So wheres your house?

    Go find it yourself.

    Where do I go?

    After I pried the direction from him, I left to find his house.

    Turn leftand go down the alley

    This was it! Maybe all the answers to all my questions about Bumface!

    I turned the corner

    and found myself staring at the apartment dumpsters.

    A lady, who was throwing away her trash, stared at me strangely as she sorted out her plastics

    and papers.

    Hes done it again.

    I ran back to the front but Bumface was already gone.

    Gawd I am such an idiot.

    Won Youngis that you?

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    Chapter 14

    Won Young, is that you?

    I turned to my right and saw Hae Jung.

    Hi! I called out. Hae Jung smiled and started walking closer.

    Hi Won Young. She greeted, What are you doing here?

    I live near here. What about you?

    Oh me? She blushed, Im getting my engagement plans together.

    Ah~ with that guy.

    Mrs. Kangs son, the really handsome one.

    She nodded. Well, Im off. Maybe Ill see you later.

    Hae Jung walked past me and to the apartment building.

    She was at the front when Mrs. Kangs son got out of his car to greet her.

    They sure are a beautiful couple.

    He is SOOO HOT. If only I was Hae Jung

    I sighed, and then remembered what Bumface did to me.

    I took out my cellphone and called him. I need to yell at him.

    Hello? he answered.

    Hey you stupid

    Hello. This is Bumface. He doesnt talk to PotholesGood bye.



    I was recalling this idiot when another call came through.

    -Soo Jung-


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    Hey, Pothole. When are you going to come over?

    I frowned, Why?

    Why? Dont you know its Bumfaces birthday next week? I thought I told you. Were

    planning his party right now.

    Oh I replied, And what does that have to do with me?

    Stupid. Since he likes you, you should participate in the party!

    Wanna die?

    Seriously, hes so in love with you. I know. Im a pro.


    UghWon Young, thats why you dont have any guys around you. Youre so blind. Soo

    Jung snapped her gum at me. Fine. Ill call you with details about the party later. Get him a

    present at least.

    For the 2nd time that day, I got hung up on.

    SoBumfaces birthday

    As much as I hate him, I should get him something. Its the decent thing to do.

    He did give me lots of stuff so its only fair that I pay him back with a present.

    NowWhat should I buy?

    Food stamps.nothats just mean.

    Clothes.no, Jong Hyuk can get him that.

    BahIll just think about it later.

    Besides, his birthday is next week. I have a whole week to think about it


    Sadly, I couldnt think of a gift for Bumface.

    It was the day of his awesomely planned party according to Soo Jung- and I didnt have a


    I sat at the counter of Mrs. Kangs store, tapping my pen anxiously, wondering what I can get

    him that will make him happy.

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    Unnie, what are you thinking about?

    Hanna was staring at me.

    I have to get someone a present, but I have no idea what to get.

    Well, what does she like?

    He. I corrected, And I have no idea what he likes.

    OH a guy Hanna said in a sing song voice. Well, if you cant think of anything, I have

    the best idea for a gift.

    Really? What is it?

    All you have to do is

    *Ding Dong

    Oh, Ill tell you later. Customer. Hanna walked off to the entrance to greet the customer.

    I sighed deeply and continued tapping my pen.

    Everything I thought of just didnt fit Bumface.

    Bah, its all right. I have a couple of hours before the party.

    Ill think of SOMETHING.

    Unnieuh can you help me here? Hannas pained voice came into my ears and I looked up.

    A very obese lady, dressed in fancy jewels and the tackiest dress ever, stood in front of Hanna.

    Whats wrong?

    Hanna opened her mouth to explain, but the fat lady pushed Hanna aside.

    I ordered this dress last month and when I got it yesterday, it wouldnt fit! The lady

    shrieked. Its poorly made!

    I stared at the lady unbelievably

    Well, the clothes dont shrinkperhaps I stopped myself.

    The lady arched her eyebrows.

    Are you implying something?

    Mortified, No no, no maamof course not.

    What do you mean the clothes dont shrink? It must have! Because I cant fit into them!

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    When she realized we were only working at the store part time, she demanded to see the


    Mrs. Kang is at the clothing factory today. Hanna explained carefully.

    Well, then Ill wait until she comes.

    The fat lady must have had nothing to do

    She complained for three hours sitting at our sofa.

    Hanna went to serve other customers while I had to painstaking hear the fat lady out.

    Actually, I wasnt really listening to her.

    I was panicking.

    The party was going to start and Mrs. Kang was no where to be seen, and I still didnt have

    present for Bumface.

    I wanted to call Soo Jung to tell her I was going to come late, but the fat lady didnt give me a


    Another hour passed before I finally saw Mrs. Kang entering the store.By then, the sky was already dark and the streetlights were flickering on.

    I quickly explained what the problem was to Mrs. Kang.

    It took her less than 5 minutes to sort everything out

    The lady got her money back and left the store content.

    Feeling sorry that she wasnt there when we needed her most, Mrs. Kang let us go early.

    I ran out the store with Hanna screaming at me what to do for the present.

    I barely heard her, but got enough words to understand what she was saying I think.

    It took me a while to drag down a taxi, so I went to execute Hannas plan.

    When I finally caught one, I didnt enjoy the ride.

    The driver kept looking back at me through the rear view mirror.

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    Quite freaky, but I had other things on my mind.

    I called Soo Jung to check how the party was going, but she didnt answer her phone.

    When the taxi reached Jong Hyuks house, where the party was held, I dashed out and into the

    elevator, hoping at least Bumface was still there for me to wish him happy birthday.

    I burst into Jong Hyuks apartment as soon as I rang the doorbell.

    To my disappointment, Soo Jung and Jong Hyuk were the only ones inside

    They were tidying up the living room, where streamers and balloons were seen.

    Jong Hyuk noticed me and smiled.

    Am I late? I asked stupidly.

    Soo Jung gave me a look. Ya think?

    Wheres Bumface? I asked frantically, wishing he was in one of the rooms or something.

    He left a while ago, to take out the trash. Jong Hyuk answered, If you hurry, you might be

    able to---

    I was already out the door before Jong Hyuk could finish his sentence.

    By the time I stepped outside again, I made it just in time to see Bumface, walking away fromthe dumpster.

    Whats with him and dumpsters?

    YAH! BUMFACE! I yelled.

    Bumface turned around and I swear, his face lit up

    I ran to him quickly, since he was waiting.

    You made it. He said, three hours late

    Sorry! I had something at work.

    I was really sorry. I hope he knew that.

    He shrugged and continued walking.

    My heart fell as he walked away. He must have been very angry.

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    Then he paused and turned around back to me.

    Arent you coming?

    huh? I said in confusion. Where are we going?

    Your house.

    O_O! Why?

    To drop you off. You cant walk alone in the dark.

    I grinned. He was getting better at taking girls home after dark.

    I walked up to him and patted his back. Atta boy~

    Sowheres my present?

    Heh? Heh..heh

    I opened my purse and took out the cheapo bow I bought while waiting for my taxi to arrive.

    I stuck it on my head.

    Ta da~ Your present!

    Bumface gave me an expressionless face.

    No really, wheres my present?Iam your present


    He pulled the bow from my head, making me scream.

    NEVER put adhesive bows on your hair


    After pulling the bow from my hair, he pushed me away and started walking faster.

    I caught up to him and put my arm around his neck, forcing him to crouch down to my level.

    So~ How was your party?

    For once, the conversation between us was actually meaningful.

    No mean jokes, no sarcasm, just a normal conversation between two people.

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    It was nice.

    When we reached my house, I kind of wished that my house was a bit farther away

    Well, heres my house. I said awkwardly.

    He nodded.

    Good night I pushed the doorbell.

    My mother answered and opened the gate.

    Won Young. Bumface called out, making my heart skip a beat. I turned back around.

    About that birthday present he said quietly, almost whispering.


    How about he lowered his head and looked away from me like he was trying to hide.

    a peck on the cheek?

    The moment he said that, my whole body flushed with warmth.

    I tried to calm myself.

    WellIum I stuttered, trying to find the words to say to him.

    He put out his hand. Never mind, forget it. I was just joking. He began to walk away.

    I dont know whybut I found myself running to him.

    I stopped in front of him as he stared at me surprised.

    Taking a deep breath, I stood up on my toes and gave him a peck on the cheek.

    Happy birthday. I whispered.

    There was an awkward silence for 2 seconds between usbefore I started running like crazy

    back to my house.

    My heart was beating so fast; it felt like it was going to burst out of my chest.

    ThenI found myself smiling.

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    Chapter 15

    I couldnt sleep that night.

    Why did I give him a kiss? Ok, it wasnt EVEN a kiss. It was a peck. But Im the kind

    of person who wouldnt kiss a guy even if I was paid

    And yet.

    Why did Bumface ask in the first place?

    Suddenly, Soo Jungs words floated into my head.

    Maybe you like him.

    He is so in love with you

    I shook my head. Nodefinitely not it.

    It was his birthday and I didnt have a present. End of story.

    Unnie~ howd it go last night? Hanna asked, handing me a cup of coffee.

    Huh? Ohit was okay, I replied, I dont think he liked it very much.

    Really? Hanna replied with surprise. My boyfriend thought it was so cute when I

    did it.

    He isnt my boyfriend.


    Hanna grew silent.

    Your friend must be very confused right now then.


    Because hes probably wondering why you gave yourself as a present

    Shes right

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    And with the kiss on the cheek

    Oh God... Bumface must be totally confused right now He might think I like h im!

    I have a package for Kim Won Young.I stood up from the counter and walked to the entrance where the delivery man was


    Thats me, I said.

    Please sign here, the delivery man said, holding out an electronic clipboard.

    I quickly scribbled on it and handed it back.

    The man went outside and came back in holding a medium-sized box.Here you go~ have a nice day.

    What is it? Who is it from? Hanna asked excitedly. She read the label on top of the


    Bumface? Whos Bumface?

    O_O. What is thisits from Bumface?

    I grew suspicious

    It better be something nice thought I hate to admit, I did give him a kiss last

    night =_=

    I dragged the box to the back room so that it wouldnt get in the way of customers.

    Hanna helped me but soon left to greet new customers.

    Good. I wanted to open the box alone.

    I turned on the light and ripped off the tape. I slowly opened the box, making sure

    to keep my face turned away just in case a cake decided to fly out at me.


    The box was open but no flying cakes.

    I peered inside. A slice of cake laid at the bottom of the boxa piece of Bumfacesbirthday cake from last night?

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    I dont get it

    Then I noticed the card inside.

    What you missed out on Oh yeah, one more thing. Another package for you.

    I dropped the card and ran outside.

    Won Young, I think this package is for you Mrs. Kang said, holding a white box

    with a giant red bow on it.

    ERrrrThank you, I said awkwardly, taking the box from her.Whos it from? Your boyfriend? Mrs. Kang asked, winking.

    No~~~ Mrs. Kang! Its just aish I blushed furiously.

    Ho, Ho, Ho. All right, Ill stop teasing you. Mrs. Kang laughed. Lets see whats


    I slowly untied the giant bow and opened the box.

    When I took out the white tissue paper, my eyes grew round at the contents.

    Its a dress! Mrs. Kang exclaimed. Its so beautiful!

    I took out the dress.

    It was made out of light white material and it felt cool against my skin. There were

    small pink flowers spread randomly along the bottom portion of the dress. It had

    three-quarter sleeves and a boat neck to gracefully display the shoulders.

    It took my breath away.

    Its so pretty! But I think Ive seen it somewhere maybe a catalogue or something.

    Aw, Won Young, whoever gave this to you must really like you~ Mrs. Kang

    chattered as she cooed over my dress.

    Another note was nestled in the box.I quickly bent down and picked it up.

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    I had been dreading meeting Bumface face to face, but for some reason, this whole

    thing was making more nervous.

    I opened the note.

    Since you owe me, buy me dinner. Wear this dress! I made reservations at Pine



    about the peck on the cheek last night? That should totally make up for everything!!!

    And the kiss was your obligation The dinner will make up for you absence



    Something smelled fishy when he was being so nice yesterday.


    Chapter 16

    I thought over and over about the dinner. I had no money to pay for it

    How was I supposed to treat someone at that restaurant?

    Desperate, I called Bumface many times to cancel or go to a different restaurant.

    But he didnt answer.

    In fact, he changed his voice mail just for me.

    Hi, this is Bumface. If youre Pothole,dont bother listening to the rest of this recording

    because youre taking me there without a say. If youre not Pothole, go ahead, leave a

    message. Lets see if I call you back. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP.

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    Feeling beaten down, I sighed.

    I dropped my things at home and gathered as much cash as I had, hidden around my room.

    I took out the dress Bumface had sent and stared at it, admiringly.

    Even as a fashion student, Ive never seen such a beautiful dress in my whole life.

    Curious, I looked at the tag to see where Bumface had gotten it.

    No tag.

    *toot toot*

    My cell phone signaled that I had a new text mail. Putting the dress back into the box, I

    leaned over my bed and retrieved my cell phone.


    Come to Pine Tree at 6, Ill be waiting inside, so bring yourself in.

    Thats Bumface all rightMake the girl escort herself in. Even if we were friends, he should at least have the decency to

    escort me in! or at least pay for dinner


    6 6 =0= an hour from now?

    But I just got home! I have to take a shower and do my hair and make up!

    Aish. I threw my phone on my bed and gathered my stuff and raced to the bathroom.

    My shower lasted 10 minutes, the fastest Ive ever taken a shower.

    I sat in front of my dresser mirror and stared at myself.

    How should I do my make up?

    Then I remember I didnt have much time, so I slapped some stuff on my face and left it as


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    Who cared? It wasnt like I was trying to look good for Bumface.

    I turned to the mirror and frowned.

    ButI dont want to look horrible in front of him either.

    I redid my makeup with more care before putting on the dress from Bumface.

    I was wearing my shoes, holding my purse, and ready to go out the door, when I realized I

    didnt do anyth