bulthaup umwelt

bulthaup environment


bulthaup umwelt - bulthaup küchen

Transcript of bulthaup umwelt

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bulthaup environment

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Responsibility for people and environment

Environmental protection is becoming increasinglyimportant and will remain a key issue in our soci-ety’s future. Therefore, bulthaup gives great impor-tance to treating our environment in a responsibleand sustainable way.

In time of decreasing resources and the contin-uously growing impact on the environment, we fullyacknowledge the necessity for companies to con-tribute to protecting the environment.

Many countries worldwide have already re-sponded by establishing regulations and thresholdsfor the manufacturing industry. bulthaup operatesin accordance with these regulations and thresholdsand is fully aware of the responsibility we have toproduce environmentally friendly products.

Contemporary in every respect:bulthaup and ecology

The term “ecology” is derived from the Greek words“oikos” meaning house and “logos” meaning teach-ings. Ecology is therefore the science of the home orof nature's “household.” Originally, it was under-stood to denote a branch of biology dealing withthe way that organisms interrelate with their nat-ural environment.

Today, it is generally acknowledged worldwidethat we as human beings are an integral part of thebiological environment, whether or not we chooseto take notice of this fact. We shape this environ-ment either deliberately or unintentionally. In the20th Century, the term “ecology” has been used in-creasingly in the context of environmental politicsand popularized by the publication of studies (Clubof Rome in 1972, Global 2000 in 1980).

When designing and manufacturing each indi-vidual element of bulthaup products, not only do weobserve both the statutory norms and additional,self-imposed standards and quality commitments,we also take a serious approach to social and eco-logical responsibility. Otl Aicher, past advisor tobulthaup, believed that many things in life can bemade simpler and better through intelligent mini-mizing. bulthaup b1, for example, follows this prin-ciple and is intentionally based on using a few sim-ple, authentic materials in a systematic way.

A key feature of bulthaup b3 is its “light design.”Thin materials give the kitchens a sculptural andlight appearance while at the same time conservingresources by using less material. bulthaup succeedsin combining minimalist design, perfect quality andecology in a single product.

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An environmental approach from the onset

Right from the product development stage, we fo-cus on economical use of materials, energy conser-ving manufacturing process and disposal-friendlyproducts. The long lifespan of our products is also akey environmental benefit. The emphasis on highestquality design, materials and manufacturing processis guarantee for an above average life span of abulthaup kitchen, therefore reducing the environ-mental impact of a disposed kitchen.

Longevity through quality design means time-less design. Even after many years, a bulthaupkitchen is still attractive. A bulthaup kitchen doesnot succumb to fashion trends but stands behind itspromises and generally stays with a client for manyyears. Longevity in the sense of high quality materi-als and in the manufacturing process is guaranteedby adhering to set strict internal quality standards(known as bulthaup quality norm -BQN).

In addition, bulthaup has implemented a qualitymanagement system according to DIN ISO 9001.Once a year, a Technical Inspection Agency (TÜV)tests of our system. The areas of development, man-ufacturing, distribution and service are closely ex-amined. Adherence to all respective requirements isconfirmed with a certificate. (see illustration)

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One outcome of our design considerations has beenthe use of renewable raw materials, i.e. for fronts,side panels, wall panels and bar tops. bulthaup onlyuses veneer from sustainable forests. In future,hemp will be used as support material for bar tops.Bamboo, a rapidly renewable resource, has estab-lished itself as a classic material for our fronts. Vari-ous types of solid wood are used for bar tops andfronts. The ecological benefits, with bulthaup b1 forexample, also include drawers and pull-outs madeof multi-layered birch with solid birch interior fit-tings. All woods used by bulthaup are guaranteed tocome from sources that practice reforestation. As amatter of principle, bulthaup will not use woodstaken from tropical rainforests without FSC-Certifi-cation. This is our choice to protect these globalnatural resources. In addition, wherever possible, wewill not use polyvinyl chloride (PVC). In principle, weonly source materials and purchased parts from cer-tified suppliers that comply with the bulthaup qual-ity norm (BQN). At receipt, all materials are checkedfor sourcing and quality.

Use of renewable raw materialsguarantees sustainability

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The Leadership in Energy and Environmental DesignGreen Building Rating System™ (LEED ) was developedin the USA by the U. S. Green Building Council (USGBC).LEED is a program for constructing high-performance,sustainable buildings, focusing on strategies for achiev-ing environmental quality.

It is a guideline for developers, builders and archi-tectural offices to plan and implement ecological pro-jects. LEED projects earn points towards one of four cer-tification levels — Certified, Silver, Gold and Platinum.LEED does not endorse specific products, but premiumproducts such as bulthaup’s can contribute towards aproject’s points for certification. The LEED point systemtakes into consideration all aspects of the building/con-struction and considers the impact on the environment.

bulthaup as a leading company in the manufactureof kitchens in the premium segment, offers a customerinnovative products that may help to receive LEED certification points in the “Materials and Resources”category.

Rapidly renewable materialsEnvironmentally preferable productsLow or no VOCCertified Wood

The current E1 norm (2007) already complies with theFormaldehyde Act that comes into force in California inJanuary 2009. Our MDF and particle boards contain lessthan 0.10ppm (parts per million) for formaldehyde emis-sion. When the California norm is tightened beginningin 2011, products will be adapted accordingly to ensurethat they will comply. Through ongoing contact withour suppliers and certification companies, bulthaup en-sures that auditing takes places in good time.

Japan passed a law in 2003 stipulating the maximumvalues for formaldehyde emissions from materials usedin interior fittings (built-in furniture). These are catego-rized in product grades according to their formaldehydeemission level, ranging from one star F* to four starsF****. The use of F* products is not permitted and F**through F*** products are subject to certain restrictions(forced ventilation). Forced ventilation systems notwith-standing, if kitchens are built into a room in Japan, thestrictest requirement F**** must be met. For furnitureand wood derived products, a standard of 0.02 mg/mhapplies for formaldehyde emissions. Built-in furniture or kitchen furniture imported into Japan must carry acertificate to this effect. bulthaup has received this F**** (Four Star) certificate from the state test centers in Japan and is therefore authorized to export its prod-ucts into the Japanese market.

Leadership Energy EnvironmentalDesign (LEED) — bulthaup productshelp collect points

bulthaup-relevant points in the LEED category Materials and Resources

Current and future compliance bybulthaup with California norm

F **** (Four Star)Export to Japan through compli-ance with the strict Japaneseformaldehyde standard

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Longevity of productProtection of resources by use of light constructionUse of sustainable raw materials (e.g. wood andwood products)Reduction of waste by special, protective productionprocessSingle-material packaging (cardboard/paper) madefrom recycled materials, no composite materialsPackaging 95% recyclableNo polyvinyl chloride (PVC)Metals and other waste recycled i.e. burning ofchippings to generate energy, aluminum waste col-lected and fed back into the manufacturing processUse of materials with components made from recy-cled raw materials e.g. MDF, stainless steel, alu-minumUse of recyclable metals e.g. aluminum fronts andaluminum panels, high-quality stainless steel onworktops and frontsLow toxic emissions from bulthaup materials (hold-ing sheets, coatings, paint, varnish and stain). Thevalues for VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) com-ply with or are well below the standard Within the VOC guidelines, different norms apply toparticular product groups. For example, values for allchipboard and MDF used by bulthaup are below thestrictest E1 norm (< 0.1 ppm). Test results from theFraunhofer Institute for Wood Research in Braun-schweig confirm the sanitary conditions and perfectliving quality in regard to formaldehyde concentra-tion in the air of the room according to emissiongrade E1

All safety-relevant products carry the German GS(geprüfte Sicherheit = certified safety) certificationmark and the CE mark (Communauté Européenne —European Community). The CE mark is a statutoryEU label for particular products relating to productsafety. By adding the CE mark, the manufacturerconfirms that the product corresponds to Europeandirectives. Products with this mark must meet veryhigh safety requirements

The EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) testhas been carried out for electrical products.bulthaup has been granted the appropriate autho-rizations (CB, UL, CSA, GOST) in order to meet thesafety requirements in all countries where bulthaupis distributed. The safety of our products is alsomonitored by the Landesgewerbeanstalt in Nurem-berg (LGA certificate, see annex)

Other areas where bulthaup protects the environment

Product safety through constant control

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Detailed statements regarding individual com-ponents relating to production

All wood materials (plywood and particle boards,medium fiber board) meet the statutory formalde-hyde emission values (E1). To prevent residual emis-sions, all surfaces and edges are sealed. All woodmaterials are free from pentachlorophenol (PCP)and lindane and are therefore harmless.

Stain is used occasionally to create particular coloreffects on wood surfaces. In the majority of cases,this is water-based. If the stain is not water-based,any solvents released are filtered during the produc-tion process and do not cause any emissions fromthe finished product. All stained surfaces are cov-ered with lacquer.

Kitchen fronts are subjected to more wear thanother furniture surfaces (mechanical wear, steam,grease, frequent cleaning). In cooperation with lac-quer manufacturers, bulthaup has developed a wa-ter-based lacquer process for kitchens in order toreduce solvent levels.

This environmentally friendly process is usedwherever it is applicable to the type of wood or basematerial and is becoming steadily more widespread.Any solids (overspray) released are absorbed by fil-ters. In principle, water-based lacquer can be ap-plied in smaller quantities without loss of quality.For many years, bulthaup has pioneered the devel-opment and use of high-quality water-based stainsand lacquers.

The support boards (mostly MDF) are pressed withveneer, laminate, aluminum or stainless steel. Foradhesion we use only low toxic and formaldehyde-free glues.

bulthaup only uses veneers and solid woods fromsustainable forests. We do not use woods that areecologically questionable.

Wood materials

Water-based stain

Water-based lacquer

Low-emission and largelyformaldehyde-free glues/adhesives

Solid woods/veneer only from sus-tainable forests, no tropical woods

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bulthaup uses aluminum from environmentallyfriendly manufacturers. The manufacturing of aluminum requires large amounts of energy, how-ever, bulthaup’s aluminum sources use excess hy-droelectric power from utility companies to manu-facture our aluminum. The unlimited life span andrecycling value justifies the high use of energy. Aluminum, without loss of quality and with littleuse of energy, can be reshaped and this materialdoes not emit any toxins.

This high-quality material is highly valued for use inthe kitchen as it is virtually indestructible and hasan unlimited life span. Stainless steel does not pro-mote bacterial growth and is the material of choicefor commercial (restaurant) kitchens.

All bulthaup packaging is mostly made of genuineand recyclable materials which protects duringtransport to the client. Certain construction partsare delivered with reusable packaging (such asworktops with integrated sinks and lazy-susans).Solid wood packaging is treated according to regu-latory requirements. Our packaging conforms to themotto: “as little as possible, and only as much asnecessary.”

AluminumUnlimited lifespan, totally emission-free

Stainless steelPremium quality with unlimited life span

Recyclable packaging

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The entire factory is oriented towards energy con-servation. Noncombustible waste is recycled andwood is converted into energy through a state-of-the-art heating system to keep our factory warm inwinter. bulthaup does not utilize air conditioning insummer to further reduce our energy consumption.

All work flows are tested and geared to thesafety of our employees. Hazardous materials areavoided as much as possible, or substituted. Areas inwhich hazardous materials are handled in our fac-tory are installed with technical equipment that willensure that no leakage can occur. Oil strainers, cov-ers for drainage and conduit blocking ensure thatno harmful discharge will get into our waste waters.There is no direct discharge into any ground water.To clarify the air, electric filters are used within thefactory. We hire consultants to monitor the removalof waste and hazardous material and to protect thewater.

bulthaup works closely with all authorities on a lo-cal, state and national level. Investing in developingenvironmentally safe and protective products andprocesses will always be a primary part of bulthaup’sprinciples and our philosophy.

Factory productionResponsibility for people andthe environment

Supervision by Authorities

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We reserve the right to make tech-nical modifications and designchanges. Colors may vary depend-ing on the printing process.

CopyrightBulthaup GmbH & Co KG2008

Bulthaup GmbH & Co KG84153 AichGermanyTel. +49 8741 800Fax +49 8741 [email protected]

10000125554 Umweltbroschüre EN 08