Bullying Book - Staff 2013




Transcript of Bullying Book - Staff 2013

At Decoy Community Primary School we expect

children to co-operate and be kind to one another, but

we know that from time to time, things go wrong.

Our Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy makes it clear

that we do not allow aggressive or unkind behaviour.

Children sometimes fall out with friends or say unkind

things in the heat of the moment.

This may not be bullying.

The key characteristics that turn

unkindness into bullying are as


That it is repeated and goes

on over time.

That it is deliberate and not


The person who is bullying has

some sort of power over the

person being bullied. This could

be that the bully is bigger or

louder, or it could just be that

they have a toy that everyone

wants to play with.

Listen carefully to everything you are told. Do not

interrupt or put words into the child’s mouth.

Make a note on the behaviour chart or in the class

log either at the time or straight afterwards.

Remember to tell the child you are doing this.

Give a copy to the Headteacher or Deputy

Headteacher. This allows us to monitor bullying

incidents and look for patterns, which may indicate

that we need to make some changes.

If this is a minor incident, use the ‘No Blame’

approach and ensure that similar incidents do not

happen again.

Consider using the restorative justice approach.

(See appendix in Behaviour/Anti-Bullying Policy)

Apply sanctions following Decoy’s Behaviour Policy

as appropriate to the situation.

Discuss the incident with a member of the

Senior Management Team.

Discuss serious situations with parents, explaining

the actions taken to support the child.
