


Bullying. Bullying. deliberately harming or threatening other people who cannot easily defend themselves. What Bullies Do…. Tease victims, spread rumors, try to keep them out of a group Attack physically by pushing, shoving or hitting them Others?????? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Bullying

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• deliberately harming or threatening other people who cannot easily defend themselves.

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What Bullies Do…..

• Tease victims, spread rumors, try to keep them out of a group

• Attack physically by pushing, shoving or hitting them

• Others??????

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg8wxcepAxM

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Why Some People Bully

• May do it to make them feel superior• Helps them feel part of a group• Others????

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Effects of Bullying

• Makes kids want to stay at home• Could cause someone to harm themselves

because it has damaged their self esteem• Others????

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Cyber Bullying

• What is it?-cruel or hurtful online contact

• Stats:-40% of teens say they have experienced it-Can range from immature and annoying to threatening and scary.-Those that cyber bully are often just looking for attention.

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• Making others perform certain tasks in order to join the group. -can be physically and mentally harmful -yelling or swearing, forcing individuals to go without sleep, physically beating them, forcing them to drink alcohol. -used to humiliate new members -used to prove that they are inferior to existing members. -has resulted in death

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• An unfair opinion or judgment of a particular group of people Example: -don’t like cheerleaders because they turned you down for a date

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• An exaggerated or oversimplified belief about who belongs to a certain group Example: -assuming all boys like sports is a gender


What are other stereotypes that you can think of?

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• The ability to accept others’ differences -value diversity and appreciate differences

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Manipulation: indirect, dishonest way to control or influence other people

Making threats Promising violence or some other negative consequence if the person does not do what is asked

Blackmail Threatening to reveal some embarrassing or damaging information if the person does not do what is asked.

Mocking or teasing Making fun of another person in mean or hurtful ways

“Guilt trips” Making a person feel guilty to get desired results

Bargaining Offering to make a deal to get what one wants

Flattery Using excessive praises to influence another person

Bribing Promising money or favors if the person does what is asked

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Want To Help?

• Visit http://www.dosomething.org/• Don’t just stand by, DO SOMETHING!

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Being Safe Online

When online be careful how you word things -A joke to you may not be a joke to someone else -be careful how you word things -block unsafe communications (delete those friends)Avoid “flame wars” which is trading insults back and forth Don’t respond to hurtful messagesSave hurtful messages as evidence -show those messages to adults or parents

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Being Safe Online

• Avoid Internet predators -They try to build your trust, then they will want to meet you face to face. -Keep your identity private -Log off if any conversation ever makes you feel uncomfortable.

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Being Safe Online

Here are some precautions to take while online:-keep you identity private (keep anything that would allow someone to track you down, school, phone number, address, birthday, full name, etc.)-keep online relationships online-don’t respond to inappropriate messages-let your parents know what you are doing online

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Are you Safe?

• Do you have any of the following?-Birth date-Email-Phone Number-School-Pictures

• If you have just your birthday, picture and school think how easy it would be for someone to find you………BE SAFE!!