Bulletin Week 3 · 8/9/2020  · Entonces parece que la imagen del Juicio como una cuestión de...

NOTRE DAME CATHOLIC CHURCH Corner of Water and Washington Street, Kerrville, TX 78028 August 9, 2020 Visit www.notredamechurch.cc Corner of Water and Washington Street, Kerrville, TX 78028 • Pastoral Center: 909 Main St. Office Hours: 8:00 am-5:00 pm, Closed 12:00 noon-1:00 pm 830-257-5961 • Fax: 830-895-9771 Faith Formation 830-896-4233 School: 830-257-6707 Fr. David R. Wagner, Pastor Fr. Rafal A. Duda, Parochial Vicar

Transcript of Bulletin Week 3 · 8/9/2020  · Entonces parece que la imagen del Juicio como una cuestión de...

Page 1: Bulletin Week 3 · 8/9/2020  · Entonces parece que la imagen del Juicio como una cuestión de descubrimiento, o descubrir si vas o no al Cielo o al infierno, no es correcta. Nuestro

NOTRE DAME CATHOLIC CHURCH Corner of Water and Washington Street, Kerrville, TX 78028

August 9, 2020

Visit www.notredamechurch.cc

Corner of Water and Washington Street, Kerrville, TX 78028• Pastoral Center: 909 Main St.

Office Hours: 8:00 am-5:00 pm, Closed 12:00 noon-1:00 pm 830-257-5961 • Fax: 830-895-9771

Faith Formation 830-896-4233 School: 830-257-6707

Fr. David R. Wagner, Pastor

Fr. Rafal A. Duda, Parochial Vicar

Page 2: Bulletin Week 3 · 8/9/2020  · Entonces parece que la imagen del Juicio como una cuestión de descubrimiento, o descubrir si vas o no al Cielo o al infierno, no es correcta. Nuestro

The Alpha and the Omega – Part 15: The Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, Hell (15.2.1 Judgment) There is probably no other topic in all of Christian doctrine that strikes more terror in the human soul, other than the doctrine of hell, than the topic of the Final Judgment. What is likely is that many people have a misunderstanding about what it actually means to appear before the Judgment seat of Christ, or to undergo Judgment on the Last Day. I suspect that too many of us have an image in mind that it will be something very much like facing some sort of Tribunal, where testimony and evidence will be heard and evaluated, and then a verdict will be pronounced.

Now, judgment is not something that any normal, sane person would look forward to the way we would look forward to a birthday party. We are told that there will be tears for some, and much worse for others. But I think there is unexpected good news for all of us who belong to Christ.

First, it seems to me that what is so frightening about the Final Judgment is the prospect that we will be condemned. Tragically, some people will be condemned. But it is better to say that they are condemned. Those who never gave a thought to God, His love, mercy and forgiveness, His grace, His Church, His people or, those who actually despised even the idea of accepting God’s grace are self-condemned already.

We can trust fully that the Lord has no interest at all in anyone being finally condemned to eternal damnation. This was never God’s intention in creation. We were not created by God just to live a few decades, wither and die, nor were we created for eternal separation from God. To the contrary, God created all of us to be His children, to know and love Him, and to be known and loved by Him in His Kingdom for all eternity. Condemnation was never a part of God’s intentional plan. In John 3:17, Jesus says, “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.

Some times in Holy Scripture, it seems the only thing we must do is believe. In Mark 16:16, Jesus says, “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved” and He goes on to say, “whoever does not believe will be condemned”. In John 3:18, we see how condemnation is set while still in the flesh, before we die, and before we face the Judgment: “Whoever believes in him will not be condemned, but whoever does not believe has already been condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God”.

In Chapter 5 of John’s Gospel, Jesus again seems to say that all that is really necessary for going to Heaven is belief: “Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes in the one who sent me has eternal life and will not come to condemnation, but has passed from death to life”.

So it seems that the image of the Judgment as a matter of discovery, or finding out whether or not you’re going to Heaven or hell, is not correct. Our eternal destiny is set before we die. It can change, of course. Even at the last moment, we can come to the Lord. As He was dying on the cross, Jesus said to the criminal who asked Jesus to remember him when He came into His Kingdom, ““Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” To be continued . . .

Blessings In Jesus, Fr. DavidBlessings In Jesus, Fr. DavidBlessings In Jesus, Fr. DavidBlessings In Jesus, Fr. David

El Alfa y la Omega – 15ª Parte: Las cuatro últimas postrimerías: muerte, juicio, cielo, infierno (15.2.1 Juicio) Probablemente no haya otro tema en toda la Doctrina Cristiana que genere más terror en el alma humana, que no sea la doctrina del infierno, que el tema del Juicio Final. Lo que es probable es que muchas personas tengan un malentendido sobre lo que realmente significa comparecer ante el Tribunal de Cristo, o someterse al juicio en el último día. Sospecho que muchos de nosotros tenemos una imagen en mente de que será algo muy parecido a enfrentar algún tipo de Tribunal, donde se escucharán y evaluarán los testimonios y las pruebas, y luego se pronunciará un veredicto.

Ahora, el juicio no es algo que cualquier persona normal y sensata esperaría de la forma en que esperamos una fiesta de cumpleaños. Se nos dice que habrá lágrimas para algunos y mucho peor para otros. Pero creo que hay buenas noticias inesperadas para todos los que pertenecemos a Cristo. Primero, me parece que lo que es tan aterrador sobre el Juicio Final es la posibilidad de que seamos condenados. Trágicamente, algunas personas serán condenadas. Pero es mejor decir que están condenados. Aquellos que nunca pensaron en Dios, en su amor, misericordia y perdón, su gracia, su Iglesia, su pueblo o, aquellos que realmente despreciaron incluso la idea de aceptar la gracia de Dios, esos ya están condenados.

Podemos confiar plenamente en que el Señor no tiene ningún interés en que alguien sea finalmente sentenciado a la condenación eterna. Esta nunca fue la intención de Dios en la creación. No fuimos creados por Dios solo para vivir unas pocas décadas, marchitarse y morir, ni fuimos creados para la separación eterna de Dios. Por el contrario, Dios nos creó a todos para ser Sus hijos, para conocerlo y amarlo, y para ser conocidos y amados por Él en Su Reino por toda la eternidad. La condena nunca fue parte del plan intencional de Dios. En San Juan 3:17, Jesús dice: “Porque Dios no envió a su Hijo al mundo para condenar al mundo, sino para que el mundo se salve por medio de Él.

Algunas veces en las Sagradas Escrituras, parece que lo único que debemos hacer es creer. En San Marcos 16:16, Jesús dice: "El que crea y sea bautizado será salvo" y continúa diciendo: "El que no crea será condenado". En San Juan 3:18, vemos cómo se establece la condenación mientras todavía está en la carne, antes de morir, y antes de enfrentar el Juicio: "El que cree en Él no será condenado, pero el que no cree ya ha sido condenado, porque no ha creído en el Nombre del Hijo Único de Dios".

En el Capítulo 5 del Evangelio de San Juan, Jesús nuevamente parece decir que todo lo que es realmente necesario para ir al Cielo es creer: “En verdad les digo: el que oye Mi palabra y cree al que Me envió, tiene vida eterna y no viene a condenación (a Juicio), sino que ha pasado de muerte a vida".

Entonces parece que la imagen del Juicio como una cuestión de descubrimiento, o descubrir si vas o no al Cielo o al infierno, no es correcta. Nuestro destino eterno se establece antes de morir. Puede cambiar, por supuesto. Incluso en el último momento, podemos venir al Señor. Mientras moría en la Cruz, Jesús le dijo al criminal que le pidió a Jesús que lo recordara cuando entrara en su reino: "En verdad, te digo que hoy estarás Conmigo en el

paraíso". Continuará. . .

¡Bendiciones! En Jesús, Padre David¡Bendiciones! En Jesús, Padre David¡Bendiciones! En Jesús, Padre David¡Bendiciones! En Jesús, Padre David

Page 3: Bulletin Week 3 · 8/9/2020  · Entonces parece que la imagen del Juicio como una cuestión de descubrimiento, o descubrir si vas o no al Cielo o al infierno, no es correcta. Nuestro

Sunday, August 9, 2020 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-13a, Rom 9:1-5, Mt 14:22-33(115) 7:45am †Elizabeth Bowser 9:15 am †Maria Elena Rios 11:00am †Norman Straumann 5:00 pm People of the Parish Monday, August 10, 2020-Saint Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr 2 Cor 9:6-10, Jn 12:24-26(618) 12:00 pm †Bobby Waddell Tuesday, August 11, 2020-Saint Clare, Virgin Ez 2:8—3:4, Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14(414) 7:00 am †Alfredo Reyes Villar Wednesday, August 12, 2020-Saint Jane Frances de Chantal Ez 9:1-7; 10:18-22, Mt 18:15-20(415) 12:00 pm †Lucy Marroquin Thursday, August 13, 2020-Saint Pontian Ez 12:1-12, Mt 18:21—19:1(416) 12:00 pm †Andy Miciotto Friday, August 14, 2020-Saint Maximilian Kolbe Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63, Mt 19:3-12(417) 8:00 am All Souls in Purgatory Saturday, August 15, 2020-THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2, 1 Cor 15:54b-57, Lk 11:27-28(621) Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a; 10ab, 1 Cor 15:20-27, Lk 1:39-56(622) 10:00 am All Souls in Purgatory 5:00 pm Special Intention for the Anniversary of Phillip & Heather Sunday, August 16, 2020 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 56:1, 6-7, Rom 11:13-15, 29-32, Mt 15:21-28(118) 7:45 am †Herminia Villanueva 9:15 am †Blas & Juanita Rodriguez 11:00 am People of the Parish 5:00 pm †Stephen & Mary Chuck

The feast of Virgin Mary’s Assumption

It’s possibly the oldest celebration of the Virgin Mary, rooted in the Tradition of Christian practice. The word Assumption comes from the Latin verb assumere, meaning "to take to oneself." Our Lord, Jesus Christ took Mary home to himself where he is. Belief that Mary has been taken up and is now in heaven with both her body and her soul has been part of the teaching of the Catholic Church since the earliest centuries of Christianity. The strongest evidence for the belief of the early Christians

is found in ancient liturgies and in homilies in honor of Mary's passing.

By the end of the Middle Ages, belief in Mary's Assumption into heaven was well established theologically and part of the devotional expressions of the people. It is a Great Feast of the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches which commemorates the Dormition "falling asleep" or death of Mary the Theotokos ("Mother of God", literally translated as God-bearer), and her bodily resurrection before being taken up into heaven. The term Dormition means falling asleep and comes from the Latin dormire, meaning “to sleep.” It is celebrated on August 15th.


Maximilian Mary Kolbe (Raymond Kolbe) was born in Poland on Jan. 8, 1894. In 1910, he entered the Conventual Franciscan Order. He was sent to study in Rome where he was ordained a priest in 1918. Father Maximilian returned to Poland in 1919 and began spreading his Militia of the Immaculata movement of Marian consecration. In 1927, he established an evangelization center near Warsaw called Niepokalanow, the "City of the Immaculata." By 1939, the group had expanded from eighteen friars to an incredible 650, making it the largest Catholic religious house in the world. Maximilian was

a ground-breaking theologian. His insights into the Immaculate Conception anticipated the Marian theology of the Second Vatican Council.

The friars utilized the most modern printing and administrative techniques. This enabled them to publish countless catechetical and devotional tracts, a daily newspaper with a circulation of 230,000 and a monthly magazine with a circulation of over one million. Maximilian started a shortwave radio station and planned to build a motion picture studio. He established a City of the Immaculata in Nagasaki, Japan, in 1930, and envisioned missionary centers worldwide.

In 1941, the Nazis imprisoned Father Maximilian in the Auschwitz death camp. There he offered his life for another prisoner and was condemned to slow death in a starvation bunker. On August 14, 1941, his impatient captors ended his life with a fatal injection. Pope John Paul II canonized Maximilian as a "martyr of charity" in 1982. St. Maximilian Kolbe is considered a patron of journalists, families, prisoners, the pro-life movement and the chemically addicted.


Monday, August 10, 2020 12:00 Noon—Fr. David

Tuesday, August 11, 2020 7:00 am—Fr. David

Wednesday, August 12, 2020 12:00 Noon—Fr. Rafal

Thursday, August 13, 2020 12:00 Noon—Fr. Rafal

Friday, August 14, 2020 8:00 am—Fr. David

Saturday, August 15, 2020—The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 10:00 am—Fr. David/Fr. Rafal 5:00 pm—Fr. David

Sunday, August 16, 2020 7:45 am—Fr. Rafal 9:15 am—Fr. Rafal 11:00 am—Fr. David 5:00 pm—Fr. David

Mass Schedule

Page 4: Bulletin Week 3 · 8/9/2020  · Entonces parece que la imagen del Juicio como una cuestión de descubrimiento, o descubrir si vas o no al Cielo o al infierno, no es correcta. Nuestro

Monday, August 10, 2020 Daughters of Notre Dame-5:30pm-Social Center Tuesday, August 11, 2020 Wednesday, August 12, 2020 Thursday, August 13, 2020 Friday, August 14, 2020 Saturday, August 15, 2020 Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week

for All Souls in Purgatory

The Second Collection on

August 15 & 16, 2020

will be for

St. Vincent de Paul

Thank you for your generosity!

Guía’s para juntas Todas las reuniones se están llevando a cabo en el centro social solamente (asientos estarán preparados para cuarenta personas)

Cada grupo puede reunirse solo una vez a la semana

No entre en la sala de chimenea ni en la cocina

Baños están disponibles

No reorganizar las mesas en el Centro Social

Para música se permiten dos instrumentos

Los niños no están permitidos en este momento

No se permite comida en este momento

Cada grupo necesita proporcionar desinfectante y desinfectar el área después de la reunión

Sólo entrar y salir a través de las puertas de vidrio

Máscaras y el distanciamiento social son necesarios

Si el grupo no sigue las guía’s, las reuniones para ese grupo serán canceladas

Guideline for Group Meetings All meetings are being held in the Social Center only (seats will be prepared for 40 people).

Each group can meet once a week only.

Do not enter Fireplace Room nor the kitchen.

Restrooms are available.

Do not rearrange the tables in the Social Center.

For music 2 instruments are allowed.

Children are not allowed at this time.

No food is allowed at this time.

Each Group needs to provide sanitizer and sanitize area after the meeting.

Enter and exit through the glass doors only.

Masks and social distancing are required.

If group does not follow the guidelines meetings for that group will be cancelled.

Page 5: Bulletin Week 3 · 8/9/2020  · Entonces parece que la imagen del Juicio como una cuestión de descubrimiento, o descubrir si vas o no al Cielo o al infierno, no es correcta. Nuestro

Please join us in just one hour of adoration a week out of nearly 124 weekly hours to choose from.

An adorer is needed for:

Saturday 12:00 a.m.—1:00 a.m.

If you are able to help with this time, please call Veronica Fabro at (830)377-9117. Por favor únanse en solo una hora de adoración a la semana de las 124 horas semanales a escoger. Tambien es necesario un adorador los:

sabado 12:00 a.m.—1:00 a.m.

Si usted puede acompañar a Jesús este momento, por favor llame a Veronica Fabro al (830)377-9117.

Thank you for your time with Jesus in the Adoration Chapel. If you are finished with your hour and if there is no one in the chapel, you may close the Tabernacle doors and leave.

Gracias por su tiempo con Jesús en la Capilla de Adoración. Si ha terminado con su hora y no hay nadié en la Capilla, puede cerrar las puertas del Tabernáculo y salir.




6:00PM UNTIL 8:00PM6:00PM UNTIL 8:00PM6:00PM UNTIL 8:00PM6:00PM UNTIL 8:00PM

We will be meeting in the Social Center

by the playground parking lot. Come

join us for a night to meet and greet and

ask questions!




Are you Catholic desir ing to complete

your sacraments of first Eucharist and


Are you unbaptized, and seeking God,

possibly in the Catholic tradition?

Are you baptized in another faith tradition and interested in learning

more about the Catholic faith, or

feeling called to become Catholic?

If you are, RCIA is a program of prayer and

study designed to assist you on your journey

to the sacraments and to a life of faith.

Our group is made up of all ages of adults

and people from all of the above groups. If

you are interested in joining these sessions,

please call me:

Gail Stauder, Coordinator of RCIA At: 830-257-5961 or 830-377-8716 I will be glad to meet and talk

with you.

“I have called you by name“I have called you by name“I have called you by name“I have called you by name---- you you you you are mine.” are mine.” are mine.” are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

Roy Ybarra, William Etchison, The Dry Family, Bill Gibson.

Because the prayer list can become very big and

has to be renewed after it is full, it will be

available to parish members only. Please call the

Parish Office to place your intention on the list.

Thank you for your understanding.

There are still Mass Intention dates available for this year. You may come to the Pastoral Center to reserve your intention or you may call the Parish Office at 830.257.5961.

The Mass Intention book for 2021 is also available for your intentions.

Todavía hay fechas disponibles para pedir Misas para este año. Puede venir al Centro Pastoral para reservar su Misa o puede llamar a la Oficina Parroquial al 830.257.5961.

El libro de Misas para 2021 también está disponible para sus peticiones.

Page 6: Bulletin Week 3 · 8/9/2020  · Entonces parece que la imagen del Juicio como una cuestión de descubrimiento, o descubrir si vas o no al Cielo o al infierno, no es correcta. Nuestro


August 1-2, 2020

CHURCH Envelopes/Checks $ 14,323.50 Currency/Coin 719.50 Capital Improvement 586.00

TOTAL $ 15,629.00 July 27-Aug. 2, 2020 On-line Giving Offertory $ 5,396.00

Bld. Fund 30.00

School 120.00 TOTAL $ 5,546.00 St. Vincent de Paul $ 50.00

Catholic Campaign for Human Development 5.00 TOTAL $ 55.00 SCHOOL School Envelopes $ 1,200.75 TOTAL $1,200.75

Online giving for your benefit and convenience. If you appreciate the ease of online banking, you will be happy to know that you can easily offer a regular tithe with automatic online donations. Please visit notredamechurch.cc/online-giving to learn more. Make a one-time gift, or create a personal recurring gift account. It is quick, easy and convenient.

Purchase your H E B CARDS at Notre Dame School!!!

These are Gift Cards just like you get at any other store, however, Notre Dame Catholic School receives a percentage of each card sold. The percentage depends on the Business. For example, if you purchased a $200.00 HEB card, the school will receive 5%, $10.00. By the time you have purchased groceries a couple of times you have spent $200.00 easily. The value of the gift card stays the same. The school’s percentage does not decrease the value of your gift card.

Why not buy your gift cards from the school?

Stop by the school office and get yours today.

FULLNESS OF TRUTH Catholic Evangelization Ministries

“Radical Discipleship!” “Evangelization in the Real World”

A Fullness of Truth Summer Catholic Family Conference

August 21—23, 2020 Hyatt Hill Country Resort & Spa

9800 Hyatt Resort Drive San Antonio, TX.

Fullness of Truth invites you to their signature event: the 14th Annual Summer Catholic Family Conference, August 21-23 at the beautiful and family-friendly Hyatt Hill Country Resort & Spa in San Antonio, TX. This year’s theme is , “Radical Discipleship! Evangelization in the Real World” and features renown speakers: Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC (popular preacher, EWTN guest & author), Fr. Ken Geraci, CPM (engaging missionary preacher), Mark Hart )(Executive VP Life Teen, author & international presenter), Hallie Ford (host of “Hallie Weekly” on SiriusXM Radio & author), Ennie Hickman (international missionary & pilgrimage leader), and Jesse Romero (dynamic Catholic evangelist & author). Together, and along with an opening night, kick-off concert with the festive sounds of The Tony Melendez Band, and special guest Taylor Tripodi, they will unforgettably renew and inspire attendees in their vocations: to live the Gospel anchored in the Word of God, the Mass, and in the Holy Eucharist, radically detached from the things of “this world,” in favor of attachment to Almighty God, His Truth, and His Holy Will! To register & for more details, visit: FullnessOfTruth.org or call 877.218.7884/877.21.TRUTH.

Page 7: Bulletin Week 3 · 8/9/2020  · Entonces parece que la imagen del Juicio como una cuestión de descubrimiento, o descubrir si vas o no al Cielo o al infierno, no es correcta. Nuestro


PARISH GOAL—-$78,500.00.

Pledged Up to Date—56.48%

Thank you to all who have made a gift to this year’s Archbishop’s Appeal. As we approach mid-year, we want to remind you to consider a gift. The Archbishop’s Appeal is a united effort by our Catholic which supports ministries that serve and evangelize the people in our archdiocese. Your gift will form seminarians and deacons, evangelize and share Christ’s love through acts of kindness, care for retired clergy, and protect God’s most vulnerable — the hungry, homeless, elderly, unborn, sick, prisoner, and lonely. Please pray and discern in your heart a gift of love by responding to the letter sent to your home. You can offer a pledge with an 5 month installment or a one-time gift.

Thank you and may God bless you.

Gracias a todos los que han realizado un donativo para la Campaña Anual del Arzobispo de este año. Al acercarnos a la mitad del año, quisiéramos recordarle que considere realizar un donativo. La Campaña Anual del Arzobispo es un esfuerzo unificado de nuestra comunidad católica que apoya a los ministerios que sirven y evangelizan a las personas en nuestra Arquidiócesis. Su donativo formará seminaristas y diáconos, evangelizará y compartirá el amor de Cristo a través de actos de bondad, cuidará de clérigos jubilados, y protegerá a los más vulnerables de Dios – los hambrientos, los indigentes, los ancianos, los no nacidos, los enfermos, los prisioneros y los solitarios. Por favor haga oración y discierna en su corazón el hacer un donativo con amor respondiendo a la carta enviada a su hogar. Usted puede ofrecer un compromiso de 5 pagos mensuales o realizar un donativo único.

Gracias y que Dios le bendiga.