Building Quality and Cost Containment Into Health Care Reform Peter V. Lee Executive Director,...

Building Quality and Cost Containment Into Health Care Reform Peter V. Lee Executive Director, National Health Policy Pacific Business Group on Health Health Care Reform: The California Perspective Insure the Uninsured – Washington, DC Workgroup September 3, 2009

Transcript of Building Quality and Cost Containment Into Health Care Reform Peter V. Lee Executive Director,...

Page 1: Building Quality and Cost Containment Into Health Care Reform Peter V. Lee Executive Director, National Health Policy Pacific Business Group on Health.

Building Quality and Cost Containment Into Health Care Reform

Peter V. LeeExecutive Director, National Health PolicyPacific Business Group on Health

Health Care Reform: The California Perspective Insure the Uninsured – Washington, DC WorkgroupSeptember 3, 2009

Page 2: Building Quality and Cost Containment Into Health Care Reform Peter V. Lee Executive Director, National Health Policy Pacific Business Group on Health.

1. Promotes better quality.2. Makes it MORE likely that patients

“ALWAYS AND ONLY” get the right care, at the right time from the right clinician in the right setting – especially for those who need care the most

3. Promotes more affordable care and slows the growth of health care costs

4. Fosters coordination of care5. Improves accountability of clinicians

and all providers6. Fosters innovation

Scorecard for ALL Policy Options

2© Pacific Business Group on Health, 2009

Page 3: Building Quality and Cost Containment Into Health Care Reform Peter V. Lee Executive Director, National Health Policy Pacific Business Group on Health.

Health Reform – Key Employer Issues

Defining “Shared Responsibility”

New Rules, Exchanges, Connectors & the Public Plan

Minimum Benefits

Delivery System Reform

3© Pacific Business Group on Health, 2009

Page 4: Building Quality and Cost Containment Into Health Care Reform Peter V. Lee Executive Director, National Health Policy Pacific Business Group on Health.

Health Reform Elements

Shared Responsibility Financing – Limits on Tax Exclusion? Individual Mandate

Level/type of subsidy Employer Mandate

All employers or cut off at “very small” If “pay or play” – what’s the “pay”

What would make employer mandate “palatable” For some:

Nothing For others:

Reasonable definition of “pay” and “play” Clear path to cost reduction System change Permeability – require, allow, prohibit

For others: Get employers out entirely (Wyden/Bennett; CED)

4© Pacific Business Group on Health, 2009

Page 5: Building Quality and Cost Containment Into Health Care Reform Peter V. Lee Executive Director, National Health Policy Pacific Business Group on Health.

Health Reform Elements

New Rules, Coverage Expansion & Connector/Exchange New Insurance Rules

Guaranteed Issue No Pre-existing conditions Rating Rules

Exchange – who’s in/out Permeability – require, allow, prohibit Which plans

Subsidies for individuals/businesses “Public plan” options

Price Setting Required inclusion of providers

Cooperative Option

Minimum Benefits Minimum, standard benefit package Level of actuarial equivalence (65%?) Specified in statue or delegated to outside entity Value based insurance design

5© Pacific Business Group on Health, 2009

Page 6: Building Quality and Cost Containment Into Health Care Reform Peter V. Lee Executive Director, National Health Policy Pacific Business Group on Health.

Health Reform Elements

Delivery and System Reforms Quality improvement

Provider-Level Measurement Public Reporting (transparency) Comparative Effectiveness Research (AND use)

Chronic care management Wellness/Prevention Patient Engagement & Shared Decision-making Payment reform: moving from volume to value

Alignment between public and private programs Promote primary care, collaboration/integration and

paying for “Value” Medical home Accountable care organizations Episodes, bundles

Health Information Technology Workforce Medical malpractice reform

6© Pacific Business Group on Health, 2009

Page 7: Building Quality and Cost Containment Into Health Care Reform Peter V. Lee Executive Director, National Health Policy Pacific Business Group on Health.


Big Issues: Public & Private Alignment

Need alignment to avoid the cost-shift train wreck:The “[F]ederal health spending trends should not be viewed in isolation from the health care system as a whole.... Rather, in order to address the long-term fiscal challenge, it will be necessary to find approaches that deal with health care cost growth in the overall health care system.” Peter Orszag, quoting David Walker, Comptroller of GAO

• Use the same measures

• Address cost-shifting from public to private

• If “public plan”…do it to promote value

© Pacific Business Group on Health, 2009

Page 8: Building Quality and Cost Containment Into Health Care Reform Peter V. Lee Executive Director, National Health Policy Pacific Business Group on Health.


Big Issues: Bending the Curve with Confidence

Need to “score” for Congress (federal spending) AND for the nation (national health expenditures):“We do not see the sort of fundamental changes that would be necessary to reduce the trajectory of federal health spending by a significant amount.” Doug Elmendorf, Director CBO

2007 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 2047 2052 2057 2062 2067 2072 2077 2082












All Other Health Care



© Pacific Business Group on Health, 2009

Page 9: Building Quality and Cost Containment Into Health Care Reform Peter V. Lee Executive Director, National Health Policy Pacific Business Group on Health.

9 — an overview of PBGH programs and initiatives — Consumer Purchaser Disclosure Project, good source for background and resources on the value agenda – Leadership effort to reform payment to foster value – Coalition promoting the measurement of performance as the foundation for reform

Contact: Peter Lee at [email protected]

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© Pacific Business Group on Health, 2009