Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Building Information Modeling Nancy Yen-wen Cheng, University of Oregon What is BIM? Why do we need it? How does it work?


What is BIM? Why do we need it? How do we do it? A collection of graphic images explains the advantages of using a coordinated data-rich 3D model for design communication and collaboration.

Transcript of Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Page 1: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng

Building Information Modeling Nancy Yen-wen Cheng, University of Oregon

•  What is BIM? •  Why do we need it? •  How does it work?

Page 2: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng

What is BIM?

Page 3: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng What is BIM? A Building Information

Model is a virtual object database shared by AEC partners

-  connects 3D forms to non-graphic attributes (material properties, cost, scheduling and performance information, etc.)

Image courtesy of Revit

Page 4: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Consistent Information

Page 5: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Consistent information reduces miscommunication

Slide courtesy of IAI North America

Page 6: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Benefits throughout the Building Lifecycle

Timo Hartmann & Martin Fischer, Stanford CIFE, 2008

Page 7: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng

Why do we need BIM?

Page 8: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Why BIM? Downward Construction Productivity

2004 2008 2012 2014 2018 2022 2024 ….

Paul Teicholtz

Page 9: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Benefits of BIM compared to previous 2D CAD or paper •  Better: Coordination and clash detection reduces errors •  Cheaper: Efficiency saves money •  Faster: Minimizes redrawing -- Chuck Eastman, Georgia Tech


Page 10: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Benefits of BIM compared to previous 2D CAD or paper •  Better: Coordination and clash detection reduces errors •  Cheaper: Efficiency saves money •  Faster: Minimizes redrawing -- Chuck Eastman, Georgia Tech


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Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Why BIM? Islands of Automation in Construction

Slide courtesy of Matti Hannus, VTT

Page 12: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng

Litigation Phase

SD DD CDs Construction




Time Slide courtesy of Patrick MacLeamy, IAI International

Traditional Design Decisions

Page 13: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng

Litigation Phase



Time SD DD CDs Construction

Earlier Design Decisions with BIM / IP


Slide courtesy of Patrick MacLeamy, IAI International

Page 14: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Benefits for Sustainability Facilitates •  Integrated practice •  More seamless performance modeling •  Post-occupancy monitoring & responsiveness

Image courtesy of Turner Construction

Page 15: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Sustainability requires integrated practice •  More stakeholders involved in design earlier •  Shared risk & rewards: Your success depends of success of others –Michael Hricak •  Cultural Transformation needed. New tools don’t change thinking or processes — The Toyota Way by Jeffrey K. Liker

Image courtesy of Green Building Services

Page 16: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Integrated Practice •  One aspect affects all others. Adding mass for a thermal flywheel effect would

have triggered a seismic upgrade. As soon as you did something to the flooring, suddenly it wasn't just that cost, but it was the next cost, the next cost. So that was the early design process: dead end, let's back up, let's go this way, try again."

- Mark Heizer, Interface Engineering

Diana Fischetti

Page 17: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng

How does BIM work?

Page 18: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Interoperability •  Get the right kind of information to the right people.

-- Michael Hricak, USC

Image courtesy of Victor Várkonyi, Graphisoft

Page 19: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Interoperability •  Changes to Architectural design changes Structural view

•  Industry Foundation Classes provide a common exchange language (driven by the Building Smart Alliance, formerly International Alliance for Interoperability)

Image courtesy of Victor Várkonyi, Graphisoft

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Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Level of Detail •  Model complexity should support each phase of development

Onuma Inc.

Page 21: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng BIM works at all scales Geographic Information Systems (GIS) coordinating with building

scale models through GeoSpatial Consorium

Image courtesy of Geospatial Consotium, Onuma, Inc., Portland Maps

Page 22: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng BIM works at all scales Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

coordinating with building scale through GeoSpatial Consorium

Images courtesy of Onuma, Inc.

Page 23: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng BIM & Energy Analysis

** Slide courtesy of Phil Bernstein, Steven Brittan, Mark Dietrick, Rick Huibregts

Page 24: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng BIM & Analysis •  From simplified zone analysis to room-based analysis



Image courtesy of Christine Clevenger, Stanford CIFE

Page 25: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Performance-based design •  Round trip from model to analysis to reshaping the model

Page 26: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng BIM & Analysis software

Images by & Autodesk

Page 27: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Form & Performance •  Solar radiation mapped onto form SOM’s Pearl River Tower uses PV and

wind turbines

Slide courtesy of SOM, Ecotect

Page 28: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Shadow Casting •  Burt Hill Architects' Parkway 22 condominium complex in Philadelphia

Slide courtesy of Phil Bernstein, Steven Brittan, Mark Dietrick, Rick Huibregts

Page 29: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Shadow Casting •  Burt Hill Architects' Parkway 22 condominium complex in Philadelphia

Slide courtesy of Phil Bernstein, Steven Brittan, Mark Dietrick, Rick Huibregts

Page 30: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Parametric •  Parameter = variable (i.e. dimension or count)

Page 31: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Parametric modeling

•  Adjustable form with Bentley’s Generative Components

Images by Wilson Chang, Simon Frazier University

Page 32: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Modeling to Fabrication

•  Adjustable form with Bentley’s Generative Components

Images by Wilson Chang, Simon Frazier University

Page 33: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Construction visualization •  See Stanford CIFE’s Virtual Design and Construction

Slide courtesy of Washington DOT

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Nancy Yen-wen Cheng BIM in the Construction Industry

Slide courtesy of Martin Fischer, Stanford CIFE

Page 35: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Form and Performance •  Graphic feedback: Deviation map obtained by mapping laser scan

data collected during construction onto 3D design model

Slide courtesy of Dr. Burcu Akinci, Carnegie Mellon University

Page 36: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Facilities Management •  4D Modeling, GSA

Slide courtesy of Caroline Clevenger

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Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Building Information Networks •  Building dashboard by Lucid Design Group

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Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Building Information Networks •  Operations, Services via Online connections

Slide courtesy of Phil Bernstein, Steven Brittan, Mark Dietrick, Rick Huibregts

Page 39: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng What matters?

From McGrawHill The Business Value of BIM,

SmartMarket Report, 2009,

Page 40: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Benefits of BIM

From McGrawHill The Business Value of BIM,

SmartMarket Report, 2009,

Page 41: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Benefits of BIM

Evidence •  20-30% higher productivity in the field •  reduction of Requests for Information (RFI) & Change

Orders (CO) by a factor of ten or more, •  higher engagement of all stakeholders (~70% positive in

2007 survey) •  consideration of more design options from more

perspectives --Martin Fischer, Stanford Center for Integrated Facility

Engineering (CIFE)

BIM •  Reduces redundancy & errors •  Provides visual communication •  Facilitates adjustable Form with Performance

Onuma, Inc.

Page 42: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Summary

Caveat •  Don’t mistake change for innovation. •  With computers, bad design can happen really fast.

— Michael Hricak

Slide courtesy of Onuma, Inc.

Page 43: Building Information Modeling : What, Why, How

Nancy Yen-wen Cheng Summary Sustainable Design requires Integrated Practice

–  Engage stakeholders early –  Share risks & rewards

BIM supports the full building life-cycle BIM: Building Investigation Model BAM: Building Assembly Model BOOM: Building Operation Optimization Model -- Patrick MacLeamy, HOK

Slide courtesy of CH2MHill

[email protected] Nancy Yen-wen Cheng