LIVES BUILDING NEWSLETTER, JANUARY 2015 "CSR Excellence Award-We Care" Awarded to DLF Foundation by Amity Global Business School

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"CSR Excellence Award-We Care"

Awarded to DLF Foundation

by Amity Global Business School

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From the Editor’s Desk...

We bring to our readers in our January, 2015 edition of the Newsletter, several events and noble activities carried out recently and here’s a sneak peek.

DLF Foundation received “CSR Excellence Award-We Care” for its exemplary dedication to community welfare and vocational training from Amity Chandigarh.

Under the flagship initiative, “Nurturing Talent Program”, a range of soft skills training, coaching and counseling sessions were conducted for the meritorious underprivileged scholars covered under the programme.

As part of the Skill-a-million Programme, two more new Skill Centres were established in partnership with Labournet at Baddi, Himachal Pradesh and Kolkata, West Bengal to impart short-term courses in Beauty & Hair Care, Work Place Skills and Tailoring.

To break down barriers and make healthcare more efficient, DLF Foundation’s Village Cluster Development Programme launched a pilot telemedicine programme to further improve rural poor’s access to healthcare in two of its clusters comprising of ten villages in Gurgaon in December 2014.

A “Gifting Week” was organized by DLF Foundation in partnership with DLF HR from 17-23 December to enable low income families and their children to experience the joy of Christmas Cum New Year. Gifts, woolens, toys, books, clothes, etc. were gifted by DLF Employees and were distributed at an event organized on 24 December.

We also organized a 60-day-long Food-a-thon Campaign in partnership with Delhi NCR Food Bank Network in November-December 2014, which enabled us to collect over 29000 kg of non-perishable food from DLF Employees and other corporates. The collected food was distributed to the underprivileged in Gurgaon.

We wish our readers a very happy and prosperous New Year.


DLF Scholars at ‘Winter Camp 2014’.......3

DLF Sahyog Volunteer, Ms Parvinder Kaur Recognized...............................................4

Ms Rohini Shah, DLF Scholar Shares her Experience with her Mentor...................5

Over 123 Parents Participate at One-Day Parent Engagement Workshop...............5

Scholars & Parents Access Professional Counseling..........................5

Nurturing Talent Programme Stakeholders Meet Held..........................5


Two New Skill Centres Opened at Solan in Himachal Pradesh and Kolkata........... 6

Our impact..............................................7


New Healthcare Initiatives Launched in Gurgaon Villages .................................8

Pilot Telemedicine Project Launched in Gurgaon................................................10

Gifting Week Organized...............10

Food-a-Thon Collects 1600 kg of Non-Perishable Food....................................11

Amity, Chandigarh awarded DLF Foundation the first of its kind “CSR Excellence Award-We Care” award for its exemplary dedication to community welfare and vocational training. DLF Foundation was recognized for its various social development initiatives undertaken in the local

community. Chief Guest, Manjit Singh Rai, Chairman of Punjab Infotech, observed that the awards were valuable recognition of the fact that corporates are shouldering the government’s responsibility in the fields of education, health, environment, women’s empowerment and other sectors.In her introductory address Dr (Prof) Shivali Dhingra, Director of Amity Chandigarh, said that the CSR Awards-WE Care represented a corporate mega event to strengthen the academic-institutional bond. “We are delighted to receive the CSR Excellence Award – We Care. We understand the responsibilities of being a corporate citizen and value the importance of activities undertaken under corporate social responsibility. We would like to thank everybody who partnered with us and supported our commitments towards community development,” stated Lt Gen (Retd) Rajender Singh, CEO, DLF Foundation.

“CSR Excellence Award-We Care” Awarded to DLF Foundationby Amity

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Under The Flagship Initiative, “DLF Cares” – Nurturing Talent Program, a Winter Camp was conducted for DLF School Scholars where a

variety of soft skills training workshop sessions were held. The event was held from 29 November to 30 November 2014 at Ridge Valley School, Gurgaon.

The workshops for students of Class VII to Class XII covered a range of topics such as character building (focus being on honesty & respect), self discovery, confidence building and dealing with bullies. Scholars were divided into four groups: Group 1 comprised of students from Class I – III ; Group 2 comprised of students from class IV - VI ; Group 3 comprised of students from Class VII - IX and Group 4 comprised of students from class X – XII.

Session Highlights

The Soft Skill Training sessions for Scholars were conducted by eminent and acknowledged professionals, counselors and artists in various fields. The sessions at the workshops included :

• Session on ‘Possible Selves’ by Ms. Bharti Lal Kapoor: Understanding ideal self, Defining personal success, Understanding hopes, expectations and fears.

• Session on ‘Postures’ by Ms. Himani: Evaluating movement skills in terms of space, time, and force, and reproducing accurately through their own body.

• Session on ‘Dealing with Bullies’ by Ms. Prachi Rana (Promise Your Child): The purpose of the workshop was to make students, who bully either for fun or to be powerful or show that they are superior, to realize their mistake, and for students, who are being bullied, to have the confidence to stand up against bullying.

• Session on ‘Building Vocabulary’ by Ms. Monika Kacker: English is one of the major languages used to communicate in the world. To communicate effectively and to read and write fluently, grammar and spelling become the backbone of the language. Teaching spelling systematically can dispel the myth that learning spelling is challenging.

• Session on ‘I am Unique/Art of Sharing & Caring’

Dance session on ‘Postures’ ‘I am Unique’ session in progress

DLF Scholars at ‘Winter Camp 2014’

Scholars engaged in a Group Activity during the session on ‘Possible Selves’ Students engaged in Vocabulary Building Workshop

Class VII - IX scholars during the session on ‘Dealing with Bullies’

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through Storytelling Techniques by Ms. Simi: Accepting oneself as unique, Learning to seek and offer help, Appreciating uniqueness in others, Developing concentration.

• Session on ‘Medical Emergencies’ by VIVO Health Care: Emergency Medical Services (EMS) that provide pre-hospital medical care to injured or sick persons were taught to scholars.

• Session on ‘Health and Hygiene’ by Ms. Monika Tomar: Scholars were urged to see cleanliness as an essential virtue and practice it on a daily basis.

• Session on ‘Character Building’ by Ms. Aparna Balasundaran: Exploring the meaning of respect and why it is important in the lives of scholars.

The Scholar Guidance Cell, set up at DLF Foundation imparts soft skills by conducting various workshops and other group dynamic activities. The cell develops a talent nurturing plan for each scholar supported by the Foundation and constantly monitors, nurtures and empowers the scholars. Aptitude testing and career guidance, psychological counseling, peer learning opportunities, coaching, recognitions and awards forms part of the talent nurturing activities. A Consortium of Actors comprising of educators,

p r o f e s s i o n a l s , social workers, c o u n s e l o r s , c o m p a n y employees and youth workers, channelize their k n o w l e d g e , skills, assets and networks to foster the talents of the DLF Scholars.

Session being conducted for scholars on ‘Character Building’

Group counselling of Scholars during the workshop

Scholars after attending the workshop on ‘Health & Hygiene’

DLF Sahyog Volunteer, Ms Parvinder Kaur RecognizedMs Parvinder Kaur, a DLF Employee Volunteer was recognized for her exemplary role as DLF Sahyog Volunteer. To applaud her selfless effort, A certificate of Appreciation was presented to her by Mr Ajay Gauri, Senior Vice-president, DLF Corporate HR during the valedictory session of the Winter Camp. Talking about her experience as a DLF Sahyog Volunteer, Ms Parvinder Kaur said, “It is greatly rewarding to motivate my mentees and bring about a change in their lives, which is typically focused on interpersonal support, guidance, mutual exchange, sharing of wisdom, coaching, and role modeling. I thank DLF Foundation for giving me this great opportunity to contribute in shaping the lives of our future generation. I urge others in DLF Group to come forward and volunteer their services to this noble cause.”

Mr. Ajay Gauri , Senior Vice President, Corporate HR recognises Parvinder vide Citation

Awareness session on ‘Medical Emergencies’

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Nurturing Talent Programme Stakeholders Meet Held

The event organized on November 30, 2014, was attended by over 350 stakeholders of the Nurturing Talent Programme, including Parents,

Mentors, Employee Volunteers, Scholar Guidance Cell, Resource People and Scholars. The programme covered aspects such as educating the stakeholders on various initiatives undertaken and ways to foster the talents of bright scholars under the programme. It also recognized high achievers among scholars and outstanding DLF Sahyong Volunteer employees who have been a mentor, friend, guide and facilitator to many scholars on a voluntary basis. Two scholars Ann Mary and Alin Mary delighted the audience with their dance performance. A Kathak performance by Ananya of Class IV received a standing ovation from the audience.The Chief Guest, Lt. Gen (Retd.) Rajender Singh, CEO, DLF Foundation and the Guest of Honour, Mr Ajay Gauri, Senior Vice President, DLF Corporate HR motivated and applauded the efforts of the Scholars and the Consortium. Lt. Gen Singh said “every child has an inherent talent, which needs to be brought to the fore. The purpose of such programmes is to help our children embark on that journey of self discovery wherein they identify their strengths and all that they are capable of becoming.” He urged parents to invest time in their children and motivate them to attain great heights.

About DLF Sahyog Voluneering Programme

Under “DLF Sahyog”, an integrated employee volunteering program, senior employees of the DLF Group volunteer as mentors and act as a

“Guide, Friend and Facilitator” to select group of DLF Scholars. DLF Employees and their immediate family members interested in devoting their time, technical knowledge, expertise and inclined to meaningfully contribute towards various CSR initiatives get themselves enrolled as “DLF Sahyog Volunteers”.

Ms Rohini Shah, DLF Scholar Shares her Experience with her Mentor

While talking about how her Mentor, Ms Parvinder Kaur, a DLF Sahyog Employee Volunteer, has inspired her, Rohini, says;

“The encouragement and support I received from my mentor, Parvinder Ma’am, has boosted my morale.

She has made me realize my abilities and my inner strengths. She has helped me grow intellectually and psychologically. She is the special person in whom I can confide, look up to as a role model. I want to thank her in

a special way and shall remain indebted to her for being my good friend, guide and facilitator”.”

Over 123 Parents Participate at One-Day Parent Engagement Workshop

A one-day special session on various thematic issues relating to good and effective parenting was organized for parents of DLF Scholars on

November 30, 2014. The objective was to promote parenting education as a means of empowering parents to effectively interact with their children. The response from parents was extremely good with an overwhelming participation of over 123 parents. The session on ‘Parenting’ by Ms. Bharti Lal Kapoor dealt with understanding different kinds of parenting and understanding the importance of spending time with children. The Session on ‘Parents as Role Models’ by Ms. Aparna Balasundaran covered the aspects relating to developing a Parenting Role-Model Action Plan.

Scholars & Parents Access Professional Counseling• Personalized Parenting Counseling: Several

parents interacted with professional psychological counselor, Ms Pooja Lamba, and had in-depth talks to seek guidance and direction with regard to issues relating to their scholar’s academic and personal issues.

• Counselling & Guidance for Scholars: Individualised counselling is more focussed for children needing additional guidance by counsellors and other experts from the Scholar Guidance Cell. Several scholars interacted with the Psychological Counsellors and engaged in constructive discussions, consultations and problem solving and sought guidance.

DLF Scholar Rohini Shah shaing her experience on mentoring

Parents of scholars during the session on ‘Parents as Role Models

Stakeholders meet in progress

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Two New Skill Centres Opened at Baddi in Himachal Pradesh and Kolkata in West Begal

The provision of opportunities is central to DLF Foundation’s youth empowerment and transformation strategy. As centres of

excellence for skills development of the youth, the Foundation’s Skill a Million programme opened two new skill centres at Baddi in Himachal Pradesh and Kolkata in West Bengal.

The Training Centre at Baddi District in Solan is imparting training in Beauty & Hair Care and Material Handling.

The Training Centre in Kolkata is imparting training in Beauty & Hair care; work place skills; and tailoring . All training courses are two-month-long in duration. They will empower youth living in marginalised communities to live a life of dignity.

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Our Impact

Today there is a wide skill gap between the skill sets required by the industry and the skill sets possessed by our youth. This initiative is targeted

to provide employment to unemployed youth from low income backgrounds by enabling them with market driven skill sets and addressing the Skill gap currently prevailing in the industry. In addition to the existing Skill Development centres PAN India, 15 new DLF Skill Development Centres were established in 2014 in Delhi, West Bengal, Haryana, Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan and Chennai to promote training and employment of underprivileged youth. Offering free and subsidized training in market driven trades, all

the DLF Skill Development Centres spread across the country are today providing training and employment to over 11000 youth annually.

Training centres that have been established offer both short-term and long-term courses in a number of trades like Hospitality, Retail, Construction, IT enabled services, Customer Relations, Beauty and Hair Care, Electronics and Spoken English, all of which have high employment potential. Life Skills Training, which is integrated in the curriculum, prepares students for both job interviews and corporate work environment and instills in them a sense of confidence and the drive to excel.

DLF Foundation’s flagship programme “Skill a Million” has a clear mandate of linking learning with employment and has been training thousands of young people in India. The skill centres impart need-based industry-based vocational skill training through a mix of unique models including on site earn and learn platforms. The curriculum and training modules are developed drawing on successes of international best practices but are adapted to the Indian environment. An interactive alumni network, in-house career counselling and life skills training help young people develop a better understanding of their own potential and skills before they strategise to leverage these in the changing job market.

Young people are being trained in trades such as IT, hospitality, retail, office management, construction, electronics, beauty culture and nursing in centres ranging from Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh to Bangalore, Chikballapur, Mullanpur, Indore, Bulundshahr, Jaipur, Gurgaon, Sanand and Chandoliya.

‘Skill a Million’ Programme

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Believing in upgrading

services with the

increasing needs of the

people, “Laboratory in Suitcase”

model has been introduced that can conduct more than 24 essential diagnostic tests like glucose, haemoglobin, lipid profile, kidney functioning test, liver function test, electrolytes, ECG and so on. As a part of practicing good health habits, it is important to get routine check-ups from time to time. To facilitate that camps are held with “Laboratory in suitcase” model to monitor general health of people as well. This has render early diagnosis of many diseases as well. Also, the foundation engages with the existing medical functionaries by building their capacities through various activities in order to ensure sustained impacts.

For potable drinking water, water treatment plants are being installed in the villages. The

New Healthcare Initiatives Launched in Gurgaon Villages

initiative comprises active involvement of these communities, day-to-day operations of the water ATMs and door-to-door facilities.

Expanding its reach to two more cluster villages is under planning. For the same, convergence with the Local Government Authorities is done and the same model will be replicated.

ECG at Health Camp in Village Badha, Haryana

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About the Programme:DLF Foundation engages directly withthe communities under its ClusterDevelopment Program. The program has been conceptualized with a mission to have happy and self-reliant communitieswhohaveaccesstoenjoya good quality of life.

Ourapproachistomakethecommunitiesself-reliant by inculcating leadershipamongst the youth who will drive the development in the villages. We work in convergencewith the existing servicesandinfrastructuretoachievesynergisticresults. As a facilitator, we intent to ensure that people get access to their entitlements.

To augment the PHCs, multi-speciality camps are held quarterly at each cluster which takes care of the larger outreach requirements. Here medical specialists address the specific problems that the PHCs do not cover. Hospitals are also linked through referral services for those who need in-hospital treatment. Recently a multi-speciality camp was held in Mohali, Punjab.

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‘Gifting Week’ Organized

R Ringing in the Yuletide spirit, a ‘Gifting Week’ was organized during the festive season by DLF Foundation in partnership with DLF HR Department from 17-23 December, 2014 to enable low income families and their children to experience the joy of the Christmas


Twenty collection boxes were placed for people to donate gifts, woolens, toys, books, clothes, etc. All donations had to be in good and working condition. Guidelines for all donations included clothes to be washed and ironed, books, toys, stationery items, footwear, woolens to be in good condition.

Collected items such as children’s clothes, footwear, woolens, blankets, toys, books, etc were gifted to children of around 200 to 250 construction workers at an event at construction sites in Gurgaon, on 24 December.

While expressing his gratitude to DLF Foundation for the warmth, love and hope, Ramesh Manjhi, a construction worker from Bihar, said, “Many of us didn’t even know about the festival, but DLF Foundation has helped us in not only learning about the festival but also celebrating it with all these priceless gifts.”

Lt Gen (Retd) Rajender Singh, CEO, DLF Foundation, said “workers travel hundreds of miles to come here and work for a living and often they lack the basic necessities of life. Christmas is about giving and though our contribution is small, it is meaningful and will go a long way in helping

Pilot Telemedicine Project Launched in Gurgaon

In many rural areas, rural practitioners have difficulty in referring their patients to specialists, and sick people have to travel long distances at a cost to their families and their health. To break down such barriers and make healthcare more accessible and cost effective, DLF Foundation, under its Village Cluster Development Programme

launched a pilot telemedicine programme in two of its clusters comprising of ten villages in Gurgaon in December 2014.

Telemedicine, the use of technology to deliver healthcare at a distance, would seem to be an obvious solution to the burgeoning supply-and-demand challenge that exists in rural areas.

Telemedicine aims to eliminate distance barriers and improve access to quality health services, facilitate patients and rural practitioners’ access to specialist health services without the burden of travel for doctors or families.

Local health worker connecting to the on call doctor via internet calling

Children of construction workers being given out the goodies

DLF Construction workers being distributed the goodies on Christmas

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DLF Foundation in partnership with India Food Bank Network, along with 50 other corporations collected over 29000 kilogrammes

of non-perishable food in the 60 day long Foodathon campaign held in November-December 2014. The annual Food-a-thon is organised to mark World Food Day to inspire corporations and individuals to work together to collect food for feeding the vulnerable population. The initiative will support 10,000 nutritious meals daily.

Despite economic growth and self sufficiency in food grains production, food insecurity and malnutrition persist in India, and a quarter of all undernourished people worldwide live here.

At an event held to announce key corporate and individual contributors, Siraj Hussain, Secretary, Ministry of Food Processing Industries, who was the Chief Guest and felicitated the key contributors, said, “it gives me immense pleasure to see different stakeholders coming together and collaborating to support eradication of hunger and malnutrition. A Food Bank in each district supported by the community will go a long way to address hunger and malnourishment in our country.”

Continuing in its efforts to fight hunger and malnutrition, DLF Foundation, a founding member of the Food Bank Initiative, called for enhanced efforts and support from corporate and individual contributors to augment the food and nutrition

To provide immediate medical solutions to poor people in the rural areas , the DLF Foundation’s Village Cluster Development Programme opened Primary Health Centres in targeted villages five years ago. The rationale behind opening primary health care centres was that poor are not provided healthcare at the primary level. The initiative received phenomenal response with thousands of people visiting the centres every month. The centres are open six days a week and with growing demand for healthcare, “laboratory in a suitcase” model has also been introduced that can conduct more than 24 essential diagnostic tests. Multi-specialty camps are also organised quarterly at the two clusters, comprising of ten villages.

Food-a-Thon Collects 1600 kg of Non-perishable Food

security in the country.

Lt Gen Rajender Singh (Retd), CEO of DLF Foundation, while talking about the initiative, said “DLF Foundation is a founding member of the Food Bank Initiative. It has created the infrastructure for the Food Bank located at a prime location of Gurgaon. It is part of a larger goal to positively impact the health situation which can’t be achieved without addressing hunger and malnutrition. As individuals and corporates, we must contribute to this basic need which is related to the very existence of the marginalised and poor families. We must collectively pledge that the country will not let anyone die due to hunger and malnutrition. The Food-a-thon is a great step towards this direction”.


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All social and economic interventions by DLF Foundation are identified and conceived keeping in mind the need, requirement and the benefit which they are likely to give to the community for which they are intended to be implemented.

Published by DLF Foundation , 4th Floor , Gateway Tower , DLF Cyber City , Phase - III , Gurgaon

For more information, contact Director - Programmes, Mr. P. K. Joseph at [email protected], Ph. +91 - 124 - 4769200

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This newsletter is for private circulation only. All material printed is the sole property of DLF Ltd. Repro-duction without prior written permission is prohibited. The information published in this newsletter is correct at the time of production.

Toppers Among DLF Scholars Being Recognized by

Lt. Gen.(Retd.) Rajender Singh , CEO , DLF Foundation