Building Blocks of Military Family Readiness

Building Blocks of Military Family Readiness

Transcript of Building Blocks of Military Family Readiness

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Building Blocks of Military Family Readiness

Page 2: Building Blocks of Military Family Readiness

Connecting military family service providers and Cooperative Extension professionals to research

and to each other through engaging online learning opportunities

MFLN Intro

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Judith Dekle, LCSW, ACSWGraduate of University of Alabama, and University of TennesseeFormer Air Force OfficerAssociate Director, Office of Family Readiness Policy, DoDLeads performance reporting and trainings

Annette Brechon KuyperGraduate of St. Catherine University, St. Paul, MNDirector of Military Outreach for MNCivilian on the Adjutant General's StaffLiaison between the MN Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Military Affairs, and other federal agencies, commissions, nonprofit and professional associations

Today’s Presenters

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Judith Ward Dekle, LCSW, ACSW

Building Capacity within the Military Family Readiness System


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The network of agencies, programs, services, and individuals, and the collaboration among them, that promotes the readiness and quality of life of Service members and their families.


Who we are:Family Readiness System

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• Identifies priority issues/challenges through assessment

• Defines readiness outcomes

• Identifies formal system and informal network supports that promote the achievement of readiness outcomes

• Specifies community capacity building strategies (evidence-based programs/practices and practice-based evidence strategies) that promote formal and informal network supports.

What we do: Community Capacity Building


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• The state of being prepared to effectively navigate the challenges of daily living experienced in the unique context of military service.

• Ready individuals and families are o knowledgeable about the potential challenges they may face; o equipped with the skills to competently function in the face of such

challenges; o aware of the supportive resources available to them; and make use

of the skills and supports in managing such challenges.

• Includes mobility and financial readiness, mobilization and deployment readiness, and personal and family life readiness.

Our goal: Military Family Readiness


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The Family Readiness System is the network of

agencies, programs, services and individuals,

and the collaboration among them, that

promotes the readiness and quality of life of

service members and their families.

What is the Family Readiness System?


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It promotes the idea of “no wrong door”;

service members and families can access

an entire network of support through any

of several key access points.

Why is this system important?


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Within the Department of Defense:

• Military and Family Support Centers

• Reserve Component Family Assistance Centers

• Military OneSource

• Military and Family Life Counselor Program

• Medical facilities

• Child and youth programs

Other federal, state, local government organizations

Local community organizations

Family Readiness System Access Points


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What role do you/your agency play within the Family Readiness System?

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What other elements of the Family Readiness System do you

or your agency interact with?

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What can you do to strengthen those connections to create a ‘seamless’

network of support?

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• Identifies priority issues/challenges through assessment

• Defines readiness outcomes

• Identifies formal system and informal network supports

that promote the achievement of readiness outcomes

• Specifies community capacity building strategies

(evidence-based programs/practices and

practice-based evidence strategies) that

promote formal and informal network supports.

Community Capacity Building

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• Catalyst for military/civilian collaboration

• Online, interactive and on Military OneSource

• These modules open to public at no cost

• Resource documents to accompany training

Community Capacity Building Curriculum


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Fundamental (~2.5 Hrs.):

1. Community Action and Change

2. Becoming a Community Capacity Building Organization

3. Results-Focused Planning

Advanced (~4.5 Hrs.):

4. Community Assessment

5. Strengthening Formal Systems through Collaboration

6. Mobilizing Informal Systems

7. Engaging Military Leaders

8. Monitoring Results and Activities

9. Sustaining Desired Results

Community Capacity Building Modules


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Have any of you used the Community Capacity Building (CCB)


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Share examples of how you/your agency have engaged in CCB

in your community.

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Annette Brechon Kuyper

Director of Military Outreach, MN

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Minnesota National Guard

Minnesota's Beyond the Yellow RibbonRecognition Program

Annette KuyperDirector of Military Outreach

MN Department of Military Affairs


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Yellow Ribbon Community/County ProgramCommitment from Minnesota communities/counties to coordinate and synchronize support efforts. Key community/county partners are engaged and committed to a sustainable action plan to meet needs and beyond.

Community/County Key Partners:- Elected Officials- Faith Based Organizations & Volunteer Groups- Veteran Service Organizations - Behavioral Health, Social Service & Medical - Law Enforcement & Public Safety- Educators & Youth Service Providers- Businesses & Employers- Local Unit Representatives

90 Networks 220 Cities and 26 Counties

YR Program - Community

Used by permission from MN Beyond The Yellow Ribbon

Used by permission from MN Beyond The Yellow Ribbon


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County Veteran Service Officer Family Assistance Center Specialist DEED Veteran Rep MACV ESGR Unit Representative FRSA/AFR VA (MyVA Communities)

Used by permission from MN Beyond The Yellow Ribbon


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Share what support partnerships have been developed in your area


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Checklist due 30SEPT Activate key partners Maintain commitments Maintain key partnerships Needs analysis Needs resolution Annual objectives/goals JCF-MN Conference Unit Rep requirements

Used by permission from MN Beyond The Yellow Ribbon


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JCF-MN Conferences Annual requirement Share best practices Build relationships Update on initiatives Volunteer Recognition

6 locations across state

Used by permission from MN Beyond The Yellow Ribbon

Used by permission from MN Beyond The Yellow Ribbon


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Yellow Ribbon Company Program

Commitment from Minnesota companies and organizations to coordinate and synchronize supportefforts. Key partners within organizations are engaged and committed to a sustainable action plan to meet needs and beyond.

Company Key Partners:- Company Leadership- HR-Recruiting- HR-Policy and Procedure - Training and Development- Employee Outreach and Support- Community Outreach and Support

52 Companies

YR Program - Company

Used by permission from MN Beyond The Yellow Ribbon

Used by permission from MN Beyond The Yellow Ribbon


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YR Company Seminars Share best practices Build relationships Update on initiatives

Used by permission from MN Beyond The Yellow Ribbon

Images Used by permission from MN Beyond The Yellow Ribbon


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• Unit involvement• Direct resources• Annual JCF-MN Conferences• Bi-annual YR Company Seminars

• Targeted need identification

• Reduced redundancy

• Employment Mentor Program• Partnerships/synchronization of effort • 50/activate 7,000 volunteers

• 80% Green/Amber

YR Data-Successes

Used by permission from MN Beyond The Yellow Ribbon


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• Identification: Military connected residents• Identification: Needs of SM, Veterans, MFM• Involvement of all key community areas• Connection with all resources

• Volunteer leadership capabilities

• Constancy of all key support partners

• 20% Red

YR -Opportunities


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• New BTYR website• Key Support Partner Meetings

• AmeriCorps VISTA Members

• JCF-MN Events (March-May 2017) • Building Healthy Military Communities Initiative

• Indiana, Florida, Maryland, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma

• Checklist assessment

YR Moving Forward


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Synchronized and connected resources

Enduring relationships

Focused networks of support

United companies/communities

Synchronized communication

Locally accessible resources

Shared best practices


Used by permission from MN Beyond The Yellow Ribbon


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Share how these types of supports could/have assisted military Service Members and families in your area.


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Used by permission from MN Beyond The Yellow Ribbon

Used by permission from MN Beyond The Yellow Ribbon


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Connect with MFLN Family Transitions Online!

MFLN Family Transitions

MFLN Family Transitions @MFLNFT

MFLN Family Transitions



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MFLN Community Capacity Building

MFLN Community Capacity Building @MFLNCCB

Military Families Learning Network


Connect with us online!


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MFLN Intro

We invite MFLN Service Provider Partners to our private LinkedIn Group!

DoDBranch Services


Cooperative Extension


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Certificate of Completion

The Family Transitions Concentration Area offers a Certificate of Completion for today’s webinar.

To receive the certificate of completion, please complete the evaluation linked below.

After completing the evaluation you will be given instructions to receive your Certificate of Completion.


Page 41: Building Blocks of Military Family Readiness

Project In Sight: The Joys and Challenges of Reintegration after Deployment

• Thursday, October 27, 2016• 12pm – 1pm Eastern• Location:

Retirement Ready? Effective Strategies for Military Families

• Tuesday, November 1, 2016 (follow-up session on November 8)• 11am – 12:30pm Eastern• Location:

To stay in touch or get more information go to: http://blog/

Family Transitions Upcoming Events


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