Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and...

Building and Running a FTIM 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. 2. Develop an objective function of these DVs, IRVs, and DRVs. 3. For each IRVs, use stat. analysis to determine the appropriate distr. a formula, or a data table. 4. Find an inverse of the cdf of each dist. or use EXCEL function or VLOOKUP
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Transcript of Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and...

Page 1: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

Building and Running a FTIM 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs,

IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. 2. Develop an objective function of these DVs,

IRVs, and DRVs. 3. For each IRVs, use stat. analysis to determine

the appropriate distr. – a formula, or a data table.

4. Find an inverse of the cdf of each dist. or use EXCEL function or VLOOKUP

Page 2: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

building continued... Based on the formulas developed in steps 2-4,

build a spreadsheet with following sections. – Input parameter area– DV area;– Prob. Distr. area (optional)– Random variates generation and simulation area– Performance measure and summary statistics

Page 3: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.


pages 17-19 (Fresh Foods example)

Page 4: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

An Example: Perishable Product Inventory Control Decisions

Step 1: The system of interest: Inventory control system.– Goal: Maximize the expected weekly profit.– DV: Order Quantity -- Q.– IRV: weekly demand -- D.– DRV: an indicator variable for stockout:

I=0: No stockout, I=1: Stockout.

In this case, this DRV may not be relevant.

Page 5: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

Example continued...

Step 2: Develop the weekly profit function. Step 3 & 4: Determine the distri. for each

IRV--D. This is a discrete RV with only 5 possible values => a VLOOKUP table should be used (This step may require some statistical analysis, details to be discussed later).

Step 5: Develop a spreadsheet model according to the guidelines of building an FTIM.

Page 6: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

Output Data Analysis

The output of N simulation replications => a data sample with N observations.

SM actually generates the sample data for the performance measure.

Summary Statistics should be presented– mean, standard deviation.– confidence intervals with certain c.l.s– histogram or other distribution related graph

Page 7: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

output continued...

Major EXCEL functions that do the job:– =AVERAGE(data range);– =STDEV(data range);– =MIN(data range); =MAX(data range).– =NORMSINV(c.l.) -- returns the z-score for a

specific confidence level.– lower limit (upper limit)=mean - (+)


Page 8: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

output continued...

The statistical analysis performed on the output data is valid only when all these replications are independent.

For an FTIM, the Quality of the simulation results depends on the quality of the EXCEL’s 0-1 random number generator (=RAND()).

“=RAND()” has been tested extensively. It is a good random number generator.

Page 9: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

Complicating Factors

Lack of independence between consecutive data points => autocorrelation

=> naïve application of conventional statistical techniques => misleading results.

In a queueing system (VTIM), the customer waiting times tend to have some positive autocorrelation. (due to the queueing discipline such as FCFS).

Page 10: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

Complicating Factor continued.. The monthly profits may also have some positive

autocorrelation due to the fact that demand may have that autocorrelation. (Due to the property of input RVs).

Risks of using simulation models:– Statistical inference based on simulated data which do not

satisfy the critical assumptions =>– Misleading information =>– expensive errors in policy.

This issue will be discussed in later section.

Page 11: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

How accurate performance measure (expected weekly profit) an SM can generate?

The accuracy is determined by the width of the confidence interval of the performance measure.

The larger the number of replications => the narrower the CI => The more accurate the result is.

Page 12: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

Determining the number of replications. A procedure :

– Try an arbitrary number (>=50) of replications.– Calculate san estimate for the standard

deviation based on the first set of simulation replications (>=50).

– For |CI| <=D, we use


Page 13: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

How to Generate a large number of replications? Using EXCEL’s recalculate key “F9”. Using EXCEL’s Copy command. Using EXCEL’s DATA/TABLE function. Using EXCEL’s Add-in programs for

simulations such as @RISK or Crystal Ball

Page 14: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

“What if” Analysis in SMs

What happens to the performance measure of the system if the value of a DV changes?

It is more tricky than the “what if” analysis in an AM. Because– the difference between the performance measures

for different DV values may be due to the randomness of the simulation runs. This is true in particular for the slight differences between the performance of different decisions.

Page 15: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

“What if” continued...

“Quick and Dirty” solution: Just increase the number of replications. If the difference is very significant and consistent, then we may make a conclusion. However, this is NOT scientific and reliable.

Use Hypothesis testing to solve this problem. (To be discussed later).

Page 16: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

Simulating the Number of Occurrences of Random Events Occurrences of Random Events:

– arrivals of cars to a gas station.– machine breakdowns.– new competitors entering the market.– accidents during the rush hour.– insurance claims during a year.

the number of “events” that occur during some time period => Discrete RV.

Page 17: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

What distribution we usually use for this RV? Poisson Distribution: For a unit time

p xe



( )!

Where x is the number of events occurring in a unit of timeand is the mean (average arrival rate per unit time)

Page 18: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

For a time period t, we have

p xe t


t x

( )( )


Page 19: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

Poisson continued...

all non-negative integers. completely characterized by a single

parameter, its mean . Its variance is also equal to mean t can be used to approximate Binomial

distribution and can be approximated by normal distribution when certain conditions are met.

Page 20: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

How to simulate the Poisson RVs? Determine the time period in which a certain

# of random events occur Determine the mean () Create a Vlookup table: using EXCEL

function: “=POISSON(x, mean, 1). Use VLOOKUP function to generate the

number of event occurrences in one time period.

Page 21: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

Poisson Dist. is closely related to Exponential Dist. Another way of looking at the process of

random event occurrences:

The interarrival time (TBA) is exponentially distributed if the number of arrivals for a fixed time period has a Poisson distribution.

The mean of the TBA is 1/

Page 22: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

Applications of Poisson Distribution Market Share Model Machine Maintenance Model Waiting-line (queueing) Model

Page 23: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

Basic Structure of the Market Share Model Total market capacity at time 0 is estimated as M. Several dominant companies and a number of

small companies as a single class. Initial market share distribution is known. A random change in the market share due to

customers randomly switch among the companies, and entering of new or exiting of existing small companies.

Page 24: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

Structure continued...

The most difficult part in modeling is to get the switching probability matrix.

Consider an example:– Assume that we have K players where K-1 of

them are dominant companies and the Kth player represents all small companies.

– S1, S2, …, Sk : market share dist. at time 0.

Page 25: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

Structure continued...

New entries: Poisson Distribution. Exiters: Certain Chance of exiting for small

firms (in %). Market Share Loss Percentages (Show in

the class). These SLPs can also be random! Some

distributions may be selected for these SLPs

Page 26: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

Objective of Market Share Model

To forecast the future market share of the company (in particular, Large firms are more interested in this issue).

Start with the initial (current) market share distribution, market share loss %s, and the process of new entries and exiters.

Choose a planning horizon. Build the Model using EXCEL.

Page 27: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

An Example:

Use a flowchart to design the model. Show the example in class.

Page 28: Building and Running a FTIM n 1. Define the system of interest. Identify the DVs, IRVs, DRVs, and Objective. n 2. Develop an objective function of these.

FTIM -SMs Applications

Bidding Models Inventory Models Project management Models Details of these models will be discussed in
