Building a Women's Enterprise Movement That Will Stand the Test of Time

Building a Women’s Enterprise Movement That Will Stand the Test of Time: Lessons From the US Julie R. Weeks President & CEO Womenable


An exploration of the history of the women's business movement in the United States, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the passage of the Women's Business Ownership Act of 1988. Three waves of the movement are discussed: information, formation, and transformation. The presentation ends with four key elements of a sustainable ecosystem and a depiction of what a healthy ecosystem might look like.

Transcript of Building a Women's Enterprise Movement That Will Stand the Test of Time

Page 1: Building a Women's Enterprise Movement That Will Stand the Test of Time

Building a Women’s Enterprise Movement That Will Stand the Test of Time:

Lessons From the US

Julie R. WeeksPresident & CEO


Page 2: Building a Women's Enterprise Movement That Will Stand the Test of Time

Mary Katherine Goddard (1738-1816)Newspaper publisher, Printer of the Declaration of Independence

Polly Bemis(born Lalu Nathoy)

(1853-1933)From indentured servitude

to successful rancher

Madam CJ Walker(born Sarah Breedlove)(1867-1919)Daughter of slaves, first African-American millionairess

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The Three Waves of Women’s Enterprise Development in the US

1. INFORMATION: Dawning Awareness

2. FORMATION: Finding Our Voice

3. TRANSFORMATION: Shaping Our Future Ourselves

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Page 5: Building a Women's Enterprise Movement That Will Stand the Test of Time

Wave II: The Formation of a Women’s Business “Movement”

▲1974: Equal Credit Opportunity Act

▲1975: NAWBO founded

▲1978: President’s Interagency Task Force on Women’s Entrepreneurship

▲1986: White House Conference on Small Business

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WBO Act of 1988: The “Big Bang” of Women’s Entrepreneurship

H.R 5050

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Economic Clout of WOBs Boosted By Expansion of Census

Source: US Census Bureau

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Women’s Business Center Program Established

• Number of WBCs has grown from 4 “demon-stration sites” in 1989 to over 100 today

• Served 190,000+ clients in FY2012 w/ budget of $14 M

• Evaluations show significant ROI, client satisfaction

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ECOA Expanded to Include Business Credit

• Prior to HR5050 women could not get business credit in their own name

• % of WBOs with bank loan or line of credit*• 26% in 1992• 58% in 1998• 57% in 2002

*Source: NAWBO membership surveys

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WBOs Get Seat at Federal Policy Table Via NWBC

• Bi-partisan

• 15 members: mixture of individual WBOs and WBO associations

• Submits annual report to SBA, Congress, President on state of women’s enterprise, policy recommendations

• Research, roundtables, bully pulpit

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1990’s: A Proliferation of Women’s Business Organizations

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Wave III: Taking the Future Into Our Own Hands

▲Data, Data, Data

▲Messages Matter: What we say, how we say it


▲Schumpeter at Work: Succession & Spinoffs

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Data, Data, Data

▲Highlight gaps

▲Chart progress

▲Bust myths

▲Tell stories

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Messages Matter: The Value of Soundbites

“Women-owned firms are just as financially sound and creditworthy as the average US firm.” ~ NFWBO, Breaking the Boundaries report, 1995

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The Importance of “Champions”

▲Early support: a leap of faith

▲Often ephemeral

▲Pack mentality


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Succession & Spin-offs







WBCs From 4 to 110

WPO Now in UK

WBENC WE Connect Int’l


BPW Fdn BPW Int’l

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Developing a Women’s Enterprise Ecosystem

Fact-based data


ProgrammesLegal parity





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Building a Women’s Enterprise Movement That Will Stand the Test of Time:

Lessons From the US

Julie R. WeeksPresident & CEO
