Building a Strong Mastermind Alliance - NeuroGym

Building a Strong Mastermind Alliance

Transcript of Building a Strong Mastermind Alliance - NeuroGym

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Building a Strong Mastermind Alliance

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© 2011 Praxis Now, LLC. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate.

Dear Friends,

In order to get the most out of your mastermind group please use the following outline.

Be punctual, be serious, be fun and be committed. Masterminding has the potential to catapult your life to spectacular heights.

Once you have selected assembled your Mastermind Group, select an initial team leader and the group can make decisions and changes as they see fit.

I strongly urge you to select the same time once every 2 weeks for a 60-90 minute session for the first 3 months and then decide whether you want to increase or decrease the frequency of the calls. When done right, these calls can really help you make the quantum leap you are capa-ble of.

The purpose of the call is for you to derive great value and not to just spend time on the phone. The calls should be focused, planned and fast moving to get the most out of them. A reminder should be sent to all participants 48 hours before each call with the agreed upon agenda. On a 90-minute call you can focus on two people with great effectiveness or 10-15 minutes of quick masterminding for each person.

On the first call rules should be set up such as if one person misses X number of consecutive calls they are removed from the group.

In my mastermind group it was 2 strikes and you’re out. Unless there is a very real and serious reason why someone misses two calls in a row this is what I recommend.

Always keep in mind that you will derive a ton from participating if you play full out and give of yourself unconditionally.

Even if it’s not your turn to get help and ideas you will just by listening and participating.

Being fully present for each call without being distracted is CRITICAL. You should know that the key to success on these calls is determined by how people “show up.” If they are fully present for their mastermind teammates then this is where their greatest insights will come from.

All my best,

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MasterMind Guidelines1. The average group works best with two to eight members, no more than 12—time is the constraint.

2. Meet regularly, weekly if possible. Meet in a nice, preferably inspirational place if possible. Make sure it’s a well-lit restaurant, office, home, library or church, etc. Have a preplanned agenda.

3. If you are in different cities, the meeting can be conducted on a conference call. Make certain you engage an excellent conference call company (setting up a series of 3-way calls does not work well.) You might save a few pennies but miss a million dollar opportunity through distractions.

4. Start the meetings by reading the MasterMind principles. This is possibly one of the most important points of a call. Every member of the group should read aloud all seven Principles and the Dedication and Covenant.

5. Each member should be supported visually, verbally and emotionally by the others. For example: someone wants a new home. Other members might say, “I see you driving up to your glorious new home. I see you sunning yourself at poolside with your loved ones, friends and me.” The principle is that we can believe for others what they cannot fully believe for themselves. These are not idle words. You must create and project to the MasterMind a clear vision that the words represent.

6. Your MasterMind call should run like a “Swiss watch.” Ensure the call is timely. If you have commit-ted to a 60 minute call, keep it within that time frame. MasterMind members are generally extremely busy...time is important—use it wisely. Each group should elect a MasterMind leader to keep every-thing flowing freely. The leadership position can rotate from one member to another. The group leader should be prepared to time each person’s participation in the call to ensure it is kept on track. Have a watch (with a second hand) or stop watch available. This point is extremely important (do not treat it lightly).

7. Roll Call—The group leader would take a roll call and would assign each person a number (i.e. if there are 6 people on the call, each person would have a number from 1-6). This numbering system can be used to designate who speaks when and should be rotated with each call to ensure the #1 person doesn’t always speak first.

8. Good News—Starting with whichever number is designated for that particular call, each person would be allowed 2 minutes to speak about something very positive. They will share their “win for the week.” This will help in creating the right vibration to get the call started in a positive direction.

9. Wants and Needs—Again, starting with whichever number has been designated to begin first, each person would have 10 minutes (the group would decide on the length of time) in which to state their wants and needs and receive their responses. It might sound like, “This is John. This is what I want and this is what I need.” Or, “This is John. This is a challenge I’m facing and I would appreciate the help of my MasterMind group.” It’s important that everyone understands that the designated amount of time allotted is both to state their want/need and to receive the group’s response. Therefore, if 4 minutes has been designated to each person and someone is not prepared for the call and it takes them 3 1/2 minutes to state what they need, it allows the group only a 1/2 minute to respond. Each MasterMind member needs to be prepared for the call—to ensure maximum benefit. At the end of the 4 minutes, it would be the team leader’s responsibility to say, “Time is up.” The discussion would then come to a halt. The second person would be asked to begin.

10. Depending on the “chosen” length of your call, you may decide to leave room for a “free for all” at the end, at which time anyone and everyone would have a chance to speak.

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MasterMind PrinciplesI Begin Every MasterMind Meeting By Reading These Seven MasterMind Principles

I release I release myself to the MasterMind because I am strong when I have others to help me.

I believe I believe the combined intelligence of the MasterMind creates a wisdom far beyond my own.

I understand I understand that I will more easily create positive results in my life when I am open to looking at myself and my problems and opportunities from another’s point of view.

I decide I decide to release my desire totally in trust to the MasterMind and I am open to accepting new possibilities.

I forgive I forgive myself for mistakes I have made. I also forgive others who have hurt me in the past so I can move into the future with a clean slate.

I ask I ask the MasterMind to hear what I really want; my goals, my dreams and my desires, and I hear my Mastermind partners supporting me in MY fulfillment.

I know I know, relax, and accept; believing that the working power of the MasterMind will respond to my every need. I am grateful knowing this is so.

Dedication and Covenant

“I now have a covenant in which it is agreed that the MasterMind shall supply me with an abundance of all things

necessary to live a success-filled and happy life.

I dedicate myself to be of maximum service to God and my fellow human beings, to live in a manner that will set the highest exam-

ple for others to follow and to remain an open channel of God’s will.

I go forth with a spirit of enthusiasm, excitement and expectancy.”

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Mastermind Agenda

Week of _________________________________________________________

Challenges or Projects to Share:









Suggestions from the Group:









Areas to Take Action On:









Contacts/People Suggested by Group:









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Masterminding Agenda Example

Thursday August 5th

7:00 A.M. PDT (90 Minutes Total)

� INTENTION—Start each session with 15 seconds of quiet time just to really connect and set forth your intention for the call. Find your “center” with a couple of deep inhales and exhales.

� INVOCATION and Greetings (3-5 Minutes MAX)

� POSITIVE FOCUS—12 Minutes (2 minutes each) Talk about positive things happening in your life. This sets the stage for a positively charged meeting.

Remember Rules. 1. Speak with good purpose; if it does not serve, do not say it.

2. When you disagree, or do not understand, ask clarifying questions.

3. Make only agreements that you are willing and intend to keep.

4. If you cannot keep an agreement, communicate it as soon as practical to the appropriate person.

5. When something is not working, look to the system for correction and propose a system-based solution. (94% of all problems can be corrected by changing the system.)

6. Communicate “Above the Line:” No laying blame, justifying or shame.

Each Week focus on one person’s needs and goals. This person must get any info that needs reviewed to the group at least 72 hours before the call in order to give them a chance to really help them. Example below.

� JOHN ASSARAF—John will be sharing his latest project with us. John has asked us to please check out the early first page of the website at He has asked us to look at his process, any ideas to add to the program, pricing and market-ing, etc. (As much time as needed… estimated at 45 minutes)

� Create Agenda and the Assignment for next week.

The total time allotted is 90 minutes. One person must be in charge of watching the time and keeping the group on target and on task at hand.

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Mastermind Facilitator Training Handout

A Mastermind Facilitator… Is / Does � Leads the meeting and facilitates ‘gently’

� Is Empathic (there is an ideal process and then there are in-the-moment issues that arise and need to be addressed).

� Is Fair (ensure that there is rotation in group and everyone receives their fare share).

� Manages the clarifying question process

� Manages responses to questions (prevent a dialogue occurring between 2 people to the exclusion of all others)

� Is a good listener (what is said vs. not said or implied)

� Grasps issues to help guide the process

� Manages time

� Strong enough to ask for help when needed

General Mastermind Group Guidelines � Groups meet twice a month

� Meetings are 75-90 minutes

� The facilitator checks in with members between meetings

� During meetings, the facilitator ensures everyone gets equal time – or adjusts the agenda if the group determines there should be a change in the venue

� Generally, the typical agenda and process should be followed unless agreed upon in advance

� Group can determine if they want to discuss a topic for the month (list of suggested top-ics is provided)

� The facilitator stays connected and sends value-added materials (if happens upon them( and advice targeted to the individual members

� Group members fulfill their obligations and commitments made to each other

� The group is not a therapy session, or a support group.

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Meeting 1 – Sample Agenda � Welcome (send profiles to all before call)

� Discuss roles: facilitator, timekeeper, participant

� Brief Introductions (2 minutes each)

� Reiterate purpose of the group and give each person 1 minutes to tell about themselves- This allows the others to connect auditorily with each other

� Housekeeping and Process

f Review Ground Rules for participation

f Discuss Group Charter (need more info on this)

f Consider developing Rules of Enforcement Example: Walking at 3 AM or paying a $25–100 fee to charity

f Reiterate the Mastermind Process

� Gain group consensus on the rest of the meeting

� Use the remaining time to move through the mastermind process

f Each person presents their biggest current challenge

f Get clarifying questions out of the way

f Rapid fire suggestions

� Talk about follow up actions and steps to take after the call

Call Process1. First 5 minutes of call—get oriented.

2. All have 2 minutes to talk about positive things. This sets the stage for a positively charged meeting.

3. Each participant gets a 10 minute spotlight: Make sure you tell them the order they are going in.

� State issue, idea or strategy for which help is desired

f The facilitator asks clarifying questions

f The group either offers options or asks clarifying questions

f The facilitator listens, jots notes, and keeps time

f The facilitator also ensues the ground rules are followed

f As the dialogue starts to dissipate, the facilitator asks if the person in the ‘spotlight’ is receiving the help they need

4. The last 13 minutes is spent on next steps

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Ground Rules � Speak with good purpose; if it does not serve, do not say it.

� When you disagree, or do not understand, ask clarifying questions.

� Make only agreements that you are willing and intend to keep.

� If you cannot keep an agreement, communicate it as soon as practical to the appropriate person.

� When something is not working, look to the system for correction and propose a system-based solution. (94% of all problems can be corrected by changing the system.)

� Communicate “Above the Line:” No laying blame, justifying or shame.

Topics to Consider for Monthly Mastermind Calls1. From the 16X Book, how do we determine the activity that will produce 80% of the results

in our particular business?

2. What they see as the most common challenge facing our MM group in terms of Neuro-reconditioning – and what they suggest?

3. What they see as the most common challenge facing our MM group in terms of Business Strategy and Business Application, and what to do about it?

4. Discussions on Market Research – how can we determine what ideas are in demand, or if an idea we have has enough demand to be marketable?

5. How to stay on track – accountability?

6. What are your highest income/impact producing activities? And what percent of your day are you spending doing it?

7. What is the single biggest support you need from the group to achieve your goals this month/ quarter, year?

8. What is the number one problem/issue right now preventing you from achieving your business goals?

9. What is your revenue generating plan for the next 90 days? What help do you need to achieve it?

10. What are your three highest income/impact producing activities? What are you doing to get them done?

11. Sixty days to end of year. How are you going to maximize revenue in the next sixty days? Be specific with actionable items, timelines and questions.

12. What are your unique abilities?

13. How are you using your unique abilities to grow your business?

14. Gap Analysis – The distance of where you are now and where you want to be in your busi-ness. Analyzing this will help you develop a roadmap and identify what resources/strate-gies you will need to get you from where you are today to where you want to be (See the Map the Gap section of this document).

15. Open Session – What is your most urgent/pressing need?

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Map the Gap: The distance from where you are to where you want to be.

Where you are… Where you want to be…


� Revenues

� Profits

� Cash flow

� Assets

� Available cash

� Expenses

� Receivables

� Debit

� Credit

� Revenue sources


� Revenues

� Profits

� Cash flow

� Assets

� Available cash

� Expenses

� Receivables

� Debit

� Credit

� Revenue sources

Non Financial:

� Number of clients

� Products/services

� Inventory

� Hours worked per week

� Days worked per week

� Stress level

� How much vacation time

� How much personal time

Non Financial:

� Number of clients

� Products/services

� Inventory

� Hours worked per week

� Days worked per week

� Stress level

� How much vacation time

� How much personal time

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