Building a Great Public Space3

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  • 8/6/2019 Building a Great Public Space3


    Building a Great Public Space


    & Columbia

    By Jonathan Cote

    URB 610

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    There are a number of elements that contribute to making a particular location a great

    public space. Place making involves integrating the functions and uses of a location with the

    elements and features of the public spaces that connect them. The intersection of 8th


    Columbia in New Westminster is in the process of a significant transformation. The coming

    years will witness the constructions of a new civic center, office tower and retail complex.

    Although the critical mass of these functions is important it will be how these functions are

    connected by the public spaces that will determine how successful in terms of place making the

    area will become. The intersection of 8th

    and Columbia has a tremendous opportunity to

    become one of the most interesting and dynamic places in the region. As the site is developed

    over the coming years, attention should be given to the public spaces that will play an

    important role in the success of the site.

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    Historic Images of the Site

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    The Site Today

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    Hyack Square

    The renovations completed to Hyack Square in 2009 played a significant role in deterring some

    of the nuisance behaviour that was occurring on that site before the renovations. There is now

    a greater feeling of safety and comfort in the plaza which is now starting to attract more

    positive interactions. The renovations however, have fallen short of creating a vibrant and lively

    public space. The site is currently dominated with concrete which makes the space appear very

    gray and lifeless. There are a number of things that can be done to improve the space, most of

    which would not be prohibitively expensive or difficult to accomplish.

    1. Add more trees to Hyack Square: The addition of trees to a plaza can make a publicspace more comfortable as it allows people to have the option to sit in the sun or the

    shade. Currently the Square feels very hard and cold; the addition of trees would soften

    the landscape and bring more natural elements into the space.

    2. Add moveable tables and chairs to the site: Although there are a number of locationsto sit at Hyack Square there would be some benefit to adding moveable tables and

    chairs. The work of William Whyte in New York has shown that people can be very

    selective on where they decide to sit. Providing people with moveable seat allows

    individuals choice and flexibility. A number of plazas in New York have successfully

    implemented such seating with minimal maintenance issues. This type of seating would

    also provide individuals more comfortable locations to eat a meal.

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    3. Use different paving materials to create a pathway through the site: One of thebiggest complaints that has been received about the re-design of Hyack Square is the

    concrete surface. Building a pathway with different paving materials that picks up on

    the natural pedestrian pathways would add some texture and colour to the site. This

    pathway could also provide some fun to a very well used pedestrian corridor.

    4. Find a way to tell the story of the site: Although the intersection of 8th and Columbiahas played a significant role in the City, there is nothing currently at the site that

    explains the history of the intersection. Public Art or signage should be installed at the

    site that represents things like, Chinatown, Wait for me Daddy or the Interurban


    5. Enhance the water play feature: An important element of the redesign of Hyack Squarewas the inclusion of a water play structure. This was added to attract young families and

    provide a whimsical element to the square. Unfortunately the water element has not

    lived up to expectations and most people are unaware the feature even exists. Given

    that the infrastructure is already in place on the site it would beneficial to explore

    options to improve this feature. Successful examples of urban water play structures

    usually include a constant flow of water. This could also serve to improve the aesthetic

    quality of the site and mitigate some of the noise issues.

    6. Add way finding element to the site: The intersection of 8th and Columbia is thegateway to New Westminsters downtown neighbourhood. There are a number of

    points of interest near the site which may be difficult to locate (particularly on the river)

    for someone not familiar with the area. During the site visits two individuals were

    witnessed asking for directions from the hot dog vendor. Many public spaces have

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    found unique and creative ways to integrate way finding in their public spaces.

    Columbia Street

    Columbia Street between Begbie and 8th

    Street has a tremendous opportunity to become much

    more than just a roadway. This block should become fully integrated as part of the public

    spaces on the site. The design of the new civic center is being developed to allow people to

    naturally flow out onto the street. Opportunities exist to create connections between the public

    spaces in the area.

    1. Create an elevated roadway that seamlessly connects with the sidewalk: Thedevelopment of an elevated roadway would greatly enhance the pedestrian

    character of the site. It would act as a traffic calming feature and communicate to

    motorists they are entering a more urban environment. It would also greatly enhance

    the public gatherings potentials for the site. If the streets were closed down functions

    could seamlessly connect between the public open spaces and the civic facility.

    2. Use different paving materials along the block: The change in texture of the roadsurface would provide a visual signal for both motorists and pedestrians that this

    space is a pedestrian oriented area. It would complement the public open spaces and

    further improve the aesthetics of the streetscape.

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    Inspirations for the future

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