Building a Culture of Walking & Biking to School webinar (Masha Giller)

Walking the Talk: Stories from the field Presented by Masha Giller [email protected]

Transcript of Building a Culture of Walking & Biking to School webinar (Masha Giller)

Walking the Talk:

Stories from the field

Presented by Masha Giller

[email protected]

“It seems simple – this idea of getting kids walking and biking to school, but it’s really quite complicated.”

~ Barbara Myron, Principal Greenway School, Winnipeg

Walking the Talk:

Stories from the field


3 Different Communities Engaged With STP:

1. Urban Centre – Winnipeg (pop. 730,018)

2. Northern Planned Community – Thompson (pop. 12,829)

3. Urban/Rural Mixed Community – Steinbach (13,524)

Walking the Talk:

Stories from the field


1. Winnipeg – Greenway School

2. Thompson – All 6 Elementary Schools

3. Steinbach – Woodlawn School

Walking the Talk:

Stories from the field


1. Winnipeg – Greenway School

Barbara Myron, Principal

2. Thompson – All 6 Elementary Schools

Bruce Krentz, Regional Health Promotion Coordinator

Burntwood Regional Health Authority

3. Steinbach – Woodlawn School

Shelley Amos, Principal

Walking the Talk:

Stories from the field

Getting More Kids Walking & Biking: Where does it start?

Inspiration for change:

• Health

• Safety

• Traffic Congestion

Walking the Talk: Stories from the field

Getting More Kids Walking & Biking: Where does it start?

Walking the Talk:

Stories from the field


“I make it my choice. More people could do it if they make the choice. If your child walks to school on a great big snowy day, chances are they’re not complaining about it when they get there. My experience is that I do walk and bike

with my children, but that’s because I’m choosing to do so.”

~ Bruce Krentz

Walking the Talk:

Stories from the field

Getting More Kids Walking & Biking : What are the challenges?

• Competing Priorities

• Lack of Role-Models

• Parents lead busy lives

Walking the Talk: Stories from the field

Getting More Kids Walking & Biking: What are the challenges?

• Infrastructure changes

• Bussing Issues • Walking School Bus • Safety Education for Parents “We still have an astounding amount of vehicle infractions: cars

going through stop signs, illegally turning around in intersections and so on. “ ~ Shelley Amos

Walking the Talk:

Stories from the field

Walking the Talk: Stories from the field

Getting More Kids Walking & Biking : Overcoming the challenges

• Cultivate relationships

• Take your time

• Role-modelling is important

“Getting more people out there doing it encourages others to join. If there are 50 people biking, it would be easier for there to be 100. But if it’s just me, then it’s easier to write off as the lone crazy.” ~ Bruce Krentz

Walking the Talk:

Stories from the field

Getting More Kids Walking & Biking : Overcoming the challenges

• Newsletters to parents

• Staff buy-in

“Our staff is very supportive, and a great number of them ride their bikes to school. So the kids see and know that, see them with their bikes and helmets. It’s great role-modeling for the kids.” ~ Barbara Myron

Walking the Talk: Stories from the field

Getting More Kids Walking & Biking: Overcoming the challenges

• Communicating with key stakeholder

• Steering Committees get things done

“Ours got movement happening with the City. We definitely recommend the need for that steering committee in order for necessary change to happen.” ~ Shelley Amos

Walking the Talk: Stories from the field

Getting More Kids Walking & Biking: What about your successes?

Thompson • Slow & Gradual Shift

• Supportive City Council. “Council ensures school zones get

done first, when it comes to plowing snow off the streets. These sidewalks get cleared, making it ok to walk, and that indicates walking is a priority for Council, which is a great thing.” ~ Bruce Krent

• High number of kids walking to school.

Walking the Talk: Stories from the field

Walking the Talk: Stories from the field

Getting More Kids Walking & Biking: What about your successes?

Greenway School (Winnipeg)

• Curb bump-outs

• Bike lanes

• Educating Parents

• Fewer Kids Driven

• Engage kids

• Walking School Bus

Walking the Talk:

Stories from the field

Getting More Kids Walking & Biking: What about your successes?

Woodlawn School (Steinbach) • Special Events • Traffic Reduced • School Division Support • Improved Infrastructure • Safety Officer

12% shift in the number of students walking to school!

Walking the Talk:

Stories from the field

Walking the Talk: Stories from the field


“To be honest, I don’t know if we’ve had lots and lots of successes. But we’ve certainly turned the corner. Some success comes from being able to talk with schools. A couple of times a

year, I speak to teachers and administration around various health topics – and active travel is one I really believe in, so I

do make a point of reminding them of this. Reminding them , reminding them, reminding them.”

~ Bruce Krentz

Walking the Talk: Stories from the field

Getting More Kids Walking & Biking: What does it take?


1. Having the right facilities

2. Prioritizing active travel

3. City Planning plays a role

Walking the Talk: Stories from the field

Getting More Kids Walking & Biking: What does it take?

Greenway School (Winnipeg)

1. Plan

2. Parental Involvement

3. Partnerships with City & Other Community Stakeholders

Walking the Talk: Stories from the field

Getting More Kids Walking & Biking: What does it take?

Woodlawn School (Steinbach)

1. Educating Students and Parents

2. Steering Committee

3. Modelling It

4. Focus on Walking

Walking the Talk:

Stories from the field


“Even some staff had their doubts on the safety of having kids biking to school -- but people really switched once the

momentum of the program got going. There was a definite change in attitude.”

~ Barbara Myron

Walking the Talk:

Stories from the field

Changing mindset

“And I don’t know how to do it, but I do know that lots of it is in city planning Getting more over the hump of getting more people doing it. If all your neighbours are driving, you’ll want to too.

However, if more of your neighbours are walking or biking, you’ll think that’s the way to go.”

~ Bruce Krentz

Walking the Talk:

Stories from the field

Getting More Kids Walking & Biking: Keys to success


1. STP Facilitator to Guide Process

2. Regular Meetings

3. Communicate

4. Staff Buy-in

5. Partnerships

Walking the Talk: Stories from the field

Getting More Kids Walking & Biking: Keys to success

People to Enlist 1. Community Leaders 2. Parent Ambassadors 3. Student Voices. 4. Data Entry Support 5. School Champion

Walking the Talk:

Stories from the field

“In a way, a good idea is making it easy – the thing in everything.

People like McDonald’s because it’s easy.”

~ Bruce Krentz

Walking the Talk: Stories from the field


Walking the Talk:

Stories from the field

“People want to do it, but they just don’t know how. It’s both a challenge and an opportunity – kids want to walk, and how do we make it easier for them. We thought there’d be more resistance.”

~ Bruce Krentz

Walking the Talk:

Stories from the field

“The thing is:

How to make it work in their world? Some of it is a mindset, some logistics.”

~ Bruce Krentz

Walking the Talk: Stories from the field

Thank you! Questions?

Lea Grzenda – Events Coordinator

Masha Giller – Outreach Coordinator

Active & Safe Routes to School

Green Action Centre

(204) 925-3773

[email protected]

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