Building a $100k and flexible design career

23 Creating a flexible, 100k design career Precisely how to build a lucrative & flexible career from people who actually do it.

Transcript of Building a $100k and flexible design career

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Creating a flexible, 100k design careerPrecisely how to build a lucrative & flexible career from people who actually do it.

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About this book:

It is possible for anyone, regardless of their skillset, to make $100k+ as a designer, work flexibly, and travel. I know because I do this myself and know hundreds of others who do as well. This is the dream isn’t it? A high paying job and the flexibility to be anywhere you want. This used to be very difficult, but with the unbelievable technological advances, you can become indispensable to companies with less of your time. I am 100% certain you can make this a reality, and I’m going to show you how.

Why do some extremely talented designers struggle to make $60,000 a year and hate their job? While others, with the same or even less design skills, make over $150,000 a year? Why is it that some designers can work flexibly, travel, while still influencing their companies? What’s the difference?

I assure you it’s not random. These people are doing something different. They learn to become indispensable to their companies. How? In this book you’re going to get a brief overview and some key steps to move your career in this direction.

I’m going to share with you the specific secrets I have observed that help designers go from struggling to make meager salaries, to making 6-figure+ salaries with work-life balance. And it’s simpler than you think. This book is just an overview. Later on, I will tell you about a course I’ve created that will go into the depth of it, and help you make it a reality in your career. This is the stuff you can’t learn in any conventional design school.

This system really works, and I can’t wait to share it with you. For the last 5 years, I have hired and trained dozens of designers with these same principles. Most of them had little design experience when they started. Every single one of them has gone on to get high paying jobs, or launching extremely successful freelance careers while traveling the world. I remain close friends with each of them to this day, many of them now work for me with on companies I invest in or creative direct for.

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Technical design skills

Utilizing software, photoshop, illustrator, indesign, etc.

Design process.


Increasing your salary dramatically and consistently.

Reducing conflict and wasted time in the workflow.

Learn how to arrange high-paying flexible and remote working situations.

Having stability, flexiblity, and a sense of empowerment in your career is one of the greatest gifts in life, one that no one can take away from you. I want in my heart to share that gift with you.

A Quick Note:

This course is not about how to learn design. There are plenty of great resources available to help you with that, including, which is how I learned the basics. I won’t spend any time on the technical aspects of photoshop, color theory, typography, user experience, etc. I am going to be sharing with you the profound secrets of making your career really work for you. The things that will truly make a difference in your career.

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**In the interest of full disclosure, this dog does not belong to me :(

Adam Carney (founder)Los Angeles, CA

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About Me:

My name is Adam Carney and I live in Santa Monica, California (LA). When I started my design career 7 years ago, I had no design degree or formal training. My design obsession began with online tutorials and thumbing through design annuals at Barnes and Nobel (how I cherish these years!) To this day I have no design degree and have never needed one. I became a designer because I loved creative work, but I also wanted the opportunity to build my career on my own terms, enjoy life, and travel.

I wanted the best of both worlds: the career, and the freedom, and I thought design would allow me to do this. Fortunately, I was right.

I started designing websites for a few hundred dollars out of my parents basement. In fact, my mother was my first client (love you mom!) I have since gone on to lead creative work for fortune 500 companies, celebrities, revolutionary startups, and just about everything in between, without ever having to lift a finger to secure new work. I have been personally mentored by some of the true design & advertising masters, including Creative Director of the Decade Alex Bogusky of CP&B, and design legend Milton Glaser. It’s been a really fun ride.

Many people told me this wasn’t possible, that it was one or the other. I went from struggling to make a few hundred dollars a month, to 3 years later making anywhere from $10-20k/ month, leading teams of up to 10 people, while enjoying a balanced schedule of 3-4 hours of work a day. I’m not saying this to brag. I’m saying this to show you that I have lived it myself, and know the very specific steps it takes for anyone to get to this point as well.

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“Making 6-figures as a designer is not a product of skills, or even experience. It’s how you

approach your work.”

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The keys to a 6-figure, flexible career:

What allows someone to make 6 figures while enjoying a work-life balance and traveling the world? It’s their approach. Let me be very specific. They develop a specialty at something that is indispesable to growing businesses.

They have a sense of what type of design is valuable to GROWING business, and they become masters at this, to the point where they cannot be replaced.

This is a simple idea. Growing businesses pay a lot for creative work. If you are someone who specializes in design for businesses like them, you will get high-paying contracts. This is so simple. When it clicks for you, you will wonder how others have not seen it as well. Many young or inexperienced designers fall victim to one of the following:

1. Not knowing how to search for businesses that are growing and have huge design budgets.2. Focusing on something, like print design, which businesses don’t value or pay for anymore.3. Having no specialty and not knowing where they fit in.4. Lacking basic professional skills that are essential to contributing to a team.5. Not truly understanding the specific business marketing strategy and goals.6. Not understanding the office dynamics they are working in.

In this book, I’m going to start to prepare you to figure out how you can become absolutely indispensible to businesses with huge design budgets. So much that they will be willing to make special exeptions just to keep you around. This is a simple idea, but there’s a lot of nuances to getting you there.

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STEP 1: Build a portfolio that attracts big budgets.

STEP 2: Learn to properly value yourself.

STEP 3: Find & apply to companies that are growing.

STEP 4: Master the workflow.

STEP 5: Learn to successfully freelance.

STEP 6: Become a f*#!ing boss.

There’s a lot to cover.I’ve simplified the process into 6 steps.

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STEP 1: Build a portfolio that attracts big budgets.

STEP 2: Learn to properly value yourself.

STEP 3: Find & apply to companies that are growing.

STEP 4: Master the workflow.

STEP 5: Learn to successfully freelance.

STEP 6: Become a f*#!ing boss.

Build a portfolio that attracts big budgets.STEP 1:

Your portfolio is everything. This will 100% determine your salary range, and the type of job you get.Design is fundamentally different than most careers. You won’t validate yourself with resume accolades. With the dozens of designers I’ve hired, I’ve literally not once looked at a resume.

Don’t spend a bunch of time building a custom portfolio. The best employers just look at your work, presented simply. Use to get a portfolio up in a day, and focus on the quality of your work.

Use free photoshop mockup templates (see next page). In my course, I walk you through this step-by-step.

Present a specialty that aligns with what growing industries are looking for (more on this later).

Never post student work. It devalues you. Make student work seem as if it’s a real project.

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You can easily create design mockups like this from pre-made photoshop templates. Would you know that none of these are real photos? It’s entirely free and you can upload all your designs in them to enhance how they look in your portfolio.

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Learn to value yourself.STEP 2:

I often get asked, what kind of salary should I ask for? How much should I quote a job? Design salaries can range anywhere from $40,000 - $150,000 a year! I’ve seen designers with more skills that make 50% less than they are worth because they don’t know how to value themselves. You need to understand one important idea:

Nobody is ever going to value you more than you value yourself.

Realize that there are no rules for how much a designer makes. It’s how well you sell yourself and how confident you are.

You are not an “aspiring designer“ or a “student.“ No one wants to hire an aspiring anything. Call yourself a “professional designer.” Right now. Just do it.

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Find companies that are growing.STEP 3:

You can instantly increase your salary potential by 30% or more by learning to identify the right companies.Most designers I meet apply randomly to companies, hoping to get hired. By learning the secrets of how to find the companies that do pay better, and treat their designers better, you will make more money and enjoy a more satisfying career. Your first job will lead to all your future jobs. It’s the most impotant part of your process.

Apply to companies you know are growing, and having success. Some examples of the fastest growing industries are: clean energy, financial technology, cannabis, organic food, just to name a few. Failing or stagnant companies never have design budgets.

Look for companies that just raised money. They are almost always hiring designers. I have created a course lesson that shows you exactly how to do this.

Never apply through the common application. You become 1 in 100. Always send your portfolio directly to the person hiring. I walk you through in the course exactly how to know who that is and how to find them.

For the love of god, keep emails short. I delete long application emails instantly. I am not exaggerating.

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Mastering the workflow.STEP 4:

Most designers have a lot of creative struggle at work. It doesn’t need to be this way.I hear designers often complaining about shitty clients. The truth is, it’s not the clients that are shitty, it’s them. They have not yet mastered the workflow.

Learn the optimal way to use photoshop for web projects. I have a free video online that walks you through exactly how to do this. This takes all the stress off the whole process.

Find a few examples of sites to use as an example. Be incredibly specific. What are they liking about it? Are they loving the copy? The photos? The modernness? Be specific. I just repeated myself but you seriously need to be very specific.

Eliminate all personal opinions about the work. Make it objective. You will have more influence over the work process. I’ll explain this more later on.

Ask the company who is making the final decisions on design. Be EXTREMELY clear on this. They will respect you for addressing this up front.

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Learn to successfully freelance.STEP 5:

It’s easy getting freelance work. The real key is to get freeelance work the pays well. I can show you exactly how.Freelance work has been one of the greatest gifts of my life. This is what has allowed me to make more than any designer I know, while working less. With freelance work, you are completely in control of your life. You can work from anywhere, on your own hours.

Learn to identify companies who are in situations for freelance work. Look for companies who are growing and doing well, but clearly struggling with design.

Create a very, very clear scope of work. This is the #1 thing freelancers get wrong, and it can lead to nightmares. I have included a template that has worked for me, and video courses explaining exactly why it works.

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Becoming a f*$#ing boss.STEP 6:

Most designers don’t know how to move their career in this direction of being a creative director and leader. You can. Regardless of where you are it’s important that you get on this path.

Learn to see the business more holistically. Learn about the marketing strategy, ask more questions about how the business runs and what their long term goals are.

Read Dale Carnegie’s book “How to win friends and influence people.“ Specifically the parts about how to get people to change their minds about stuff. It’s genius.

Invest in leadership training for yourself. I recommend Tony Robbins, John C. Maxwell. This will help you see yourself beyond being an employee, and more as a leader. Make this a regular practice. Start to notice the barriers to getting work done in the workplace and develop unique solutions to these. Don’t complain about shit. Change it.

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READY TO GET GOING?This book is a broad overview. If you want to actually make this real, I’ve created a comprehensive course that will help you step-by-step. It is my 100% money-back guarantee that you will get the job you are seeking, or if you already have one, increase your salary by 30% within 5 months (probably much less, but I don’t want to overpromise.)


At the end of the course, I will also offer you the option to personally edit your design portfolio. This is exactly what I did for my students that almost immediately got them high-paying jobs.

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Set up a beautiful portfolio of work that will put you in the higher-salary & freelance project ranges.

How to identify companies that are growing, with huge design budgets.

How to own the development process, set up files properly, communicate with engineers for web/mobile.

How to get your clients to see you as a creative leader, rather than just a work-slave designer.

In the course, I will walk you through EXACTLY how to:

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How to cut down uneccessary work time by managing the communication/feedback process with clients.

Reduce stress by managing the revision process.

Use photoshop ideally to eliminate hours of unecessary work.

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A design degree is what, like $120,000 or some shit like that? This honestly makes me laugh because in 7 years no one has ever asked for my degree. $79 is approximately the price for a sweatshirt at Banana Republic. If the $79 for my course is not the best investment you will ever make in your life, I am not doing my job. Consider the following...

Design School: $120,000

Literally step-by-step how to get high paying jobs in design: $79

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It is my 100% money back guarantee that if you go through this program, and truly invest yourself in the materials, you will get an awesome design job or see a 30% increase on your salary within 5 months. Let’s do some math. And keep in mind that this is not even taking into consideration future growth as well. So the real figure is much, much higher than this. But you get the idea...

Current Salary:


30% Increase in salary:


Money earned over 10 years:


Money earned over 20 years:


Extra money you will earn over 40 year career:


(That could buy you this house.)

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(That could buy you this house.)

Stop dreaming about doing cool shit. Make it happen. Tagline!