Build Spanish Vocab Book of Riddles



Build Spanish Vocab the Fun WayOver 400 Riddles to Rattle your Brain Solve Riddles to understand the meaningsLearn Basic to Intermediate level of Spanish vocabulary ranging from nouns and prepositions to verbs and adjectives.

Transcript of Build Spanish Vocab Book of Riddles

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Build Spanish Vocabulary: A Book of Riddles

Basic to Intermediate Spanish

Copyright © 2012 by A.Rosso

All rights reserved.

Unique Edu Ltd

Published in United States of America

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What will you learn?

By using riddles, you will learn basic to intermediate Spanish vocabulary.

How does this work?

There are 80 Questions and over 500 possible answers. As you figure out the answers, you will figure out the meanings of the words. Words come in forms of noun, adjective, adverb, preposition and verb. To make things easier, the meanings of verbs are provided.

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Who ate my grassy sandwich? (I just happen to love sandwiches that are filled with grass)

Choose the best answer.

Different types of animals.

un ratón = squeak !!!

un conejo = I hop around and carrots are my favorite

un pez = You put me in a bowl of water. I hate cats .

un caballo = Did I mention that I run like wind? Oh people frequently sit on me.

una tortuga = Because of the stupid race, I hate conejos.

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Answer.... un caballo = a horse

Did you manage to guess the rest?

un ratón = a mouse

un conejo = a rabbit

un pez = a fish

una tortuga = a tortoise

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How to do it?

Read the riddle. Guess an answer.

Read the choices, analyze and guess their meanings. Sometimes Spanish words are similar to English words.

Eliminate illogical choices and pick the best logical answer.

Check if you are correct.

Understand the meanings of the other choices.

No matter how strange the question is, you should analyze the choices and pick the most LOGICAL answer. Now let's move on.

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Who does my pet dog chase down the street? Despite this, he visits me every day.

Different types of occupations

panadero = I love flour and I make pan (pan = bread)

enfermero = I will jab you with this needle. I hang out with the doctors.

peluquero = Arhhh!!! I cut too much of your pelo! (pelo = Hair)

cartero = I jumped over your fence to give you correo (correo = mail)

payaso = Stop pinching my red nose! Don't laugh at my fluffy hair and my big red shoes. I am a performer.

jardinero = Plants are my best friends (what a loner!). I snip your plants and make your garden look real nice.

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Answer.... cartero = postman

panadero = baker

enfermero = nurse

peluquero = barber

payaso = clown

jardinero = gardener

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Where did Crazy Cathy go? She loves to eat raw dead animals. Don't blame her she loves sushi.

Different types places

el estadio = sports are played here

el mercado = this place can be fresh or stinky. Butchers work in this place.

la tienda = you are always welcome here to spend some dinero (dinero = money) or window shopping.

el museo = I see a dino and ancient history in here

la lechería = moo...moo...this is where we produce milk, cheese and butter

la iglesia = we usually go there on Sundays

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Answer... el mercado = the market

el estadio = the stadium

la tienda = the shop

el museo = the museum

la lechería = the dairy

la iglesia = the church

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What did Evil Doc do to me? He cut off my ____ and threw it to the sharks.

derramar = (verb) to spill, to pour

pierna = If you sit on the pier, I will be sticking out to reach for the sea. I am the bottom part of your body.

queso = I am related to milk but I am solid.

ojo = I am on your face. Sun rays really hurt me. The 2 “o” should already tell you what I am.

saco = I carry all your stuff.

pueblo = A place where a population of people live, it has groups of houses and buildings

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Answer.... pierna = leg

derramar = (verb) to spill, to pour

queso = cheese

ojo = eye

saco = bag, sack

pueblo = town, village

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My 90-year old granny whacked somebody yesterday. Who could it be?

Different types of occupations

marinero = I have the same occupation as Popeye.

cirujano = I cut open bodies for the sake of health

pintor = I love colors and brushes.

monstruo = I am the one that is creeping under your bed when you are sleeping.

bombero = Don’t be deceive, I don’t bomb and set things on fire, I remove fire.

arquitecto = I design building structures.

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Answer: monstruo = monster

marinero = sailor

cirujano = surgeon

pintor = painter

bombero = firefighter

arquitecto = architect

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When is a good time to go swimming? (Hint: When)

pulgar = Stop sucking me when you are sleeping! You are no longer a baby! I am a body part.

verano = If you are living near a beach,you would wish to have me every day. I bring the sun to you.

abeja = I am short for B. I don't think you want to come near me, honey.

joya = I glitter in the sun. Women loves me. But I am no diamond.

desconsuelo = I bring sadness and sorrow.

seso = If you hit your head violently, you might knock me out of your skull.

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Answer...verano = summer

pulgar = thumb

abeja = bee

joya = jewel

desconsuelo = grief, distress

seso = brain

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If you are X you must be one of the Y. If you are a/an ____ you must be one of the many things in the bathroom.

iluvia = I come after thunder and lightening

aceite = When cooking, you will usually put me on the pan before you put anything else.

semilla = I wish I can be eaten just like the rest of the fruit.

adelanto = If you are talking about moving forward in something, yupe that's me.

pulgadas = I am a type of measurement.

inodoro = I dislike me because I have to take all your crap.

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Answer...inodoro = toilet

lluvia = rain

aceite = oil (cookery, medicine, technical)

semilla = seed of a fruit

adelanto = advancement, progress

pulgadas = inches

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What did I swallow? Ohh by the way...I am a python.

mundo = Human beings are such strange creatures, they always wish to rule me.

ocultar = (verb) to hide, to conceal

gallina = I am a mother of hot chicks

faena = You need to work on me. I am something that you need to spend time and energy on.

invierno = If you love verano, you will hate me.

oro = At times, I am more valuable than silver

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Answer...gallina = hen

mundo = world

ocultar = to hide, to conceal

faena = task, chore, a piece of work

invierno = winter

oro = gold

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What did Crazy Cathy do last Monday? She went to watch a crazy _____ .

sorprendido = I am a type of feeling. It happens when I give you a present unexpectedly.

alfombra = I am on the ground in your home. You always step on me. I am furry.

acera = I am the path that you would want to walk on so that you will not be hit by cars.

película = I am only available in theaters.

estatura = I am the opposite of weight

taburete = I am a type of chair. When you sit on me, you cannot lean back and I am pretty uncomfortable.

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Answer...película = movie

sorprendido = surprised

alfombra = carpet

acera = sidewalk, pavement

estatura = height

taburete = stool

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A plus B equals to C. Space plus Ship equals to Spaceship. Break plus Fast equals to ______

anchura = I am the opposite of length

desayuno = Pancakes are usually part of me. You have me in the morning.

año = I remind people of the number 365

mariposa = If the question was butter plus fly, you would have got me.

entusiasmado = I am a type of feeling, it happens when you are about to open a present.

estanque = I am wet, I am a home for fishes and frogs

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Answer...desayuno = breakfast

anchura = width, breadth

año = year

mariposa = butterfly

entusiasmado = excited

estanque = pond, lake

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Humans throw me away when they are done. But dogs love me. What am I?

brazo = If you don't have brazo you don't have a hand. I lead you directly to your hand.

hueso = I hold you up. Without me you will be like a lump of skin on the floor.

sandía = I am round, I am green on the outside, red and juicy on the inside.

muro = When you are at home, I surround you, I am everywhere and you cannot walk through me.

abril = Flip the “b” upside down and you got me

crimen = Only murderers have committed me.

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Answer...hueso = bone

brazo = arm

sandía = watermelon

muro = wall

abril = april

crimen = murder

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What did Silly Sally tell her friend? She told him a silly _______.

enfermo = If you got a cough, cold, fever, sore throat, or you are just unwell, you are me.

cuento = People always relate me to the phrase “once upon a time”

billetero = Men keep money inside me.

revista = I am something that you read. You have to subscribe to me.

rama = I am part of the tree. I am the smaller version of a trunk.

tímido = Use me to describe a person who is scare to talk to other people.

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Answer.... cuento = story

enfermo = sick

billetero = wallet

revista = magazine

rama = branch

tímido = shy, timid

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What did Trouble Tina say no to? She said no to _____

cerradura = you place me on your door to prevent thieves from coming in.

lavabo = You spit on me when you are brushing your teeth. I am the one that collects your dirt and water and lead them down the pipes.

cantar = (verb) to sing

sabroso = I have the same meaning as Yummy!

paz = If you hate war, you will love me.

pregunta = I am a type of sentence that ends with a question mark.

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Answer...paz = peace

cerradura = lock

lavabo = bathroom sink

cantar = to sing

sabroso = tasty

pregunta = question

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Without me you will be cleaning the floors with your bare hands like a slave. What am I?

piscina = Children loves to jump in me and splash water everywhere

trapeador = You usually dip me in a bucket of water before making me pick up the dirt

golpear = (verb) to hit, to beat

vestir = (verb) to dress, to wear

escritorio = Are you leaning your arms on me right now? I am a kind of table that you need for writing documents.

pepino = I am green and long. You usually see me in salads. I am a type of vegetables. Some people put me on their eyes as a mask.

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Answer... trapeador = mop

piscina = swimming pool

golpear = to hit, to beat

vestir = to dress, to wear

escritorio = desk

pepino = cucumber

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Why did the cow moo loudly yesterday? It saw a ________stealing grass

escoba = witches sit on me to fly.

ladrón = I am not a nice person. Things disappear because of me.

vacío = I am the opposite of full

aburrido = If the class is me, you will be yawning and daydreaming. I am an adjective.

apagar = (verb) to turn off, to extinguish

zorro = basically I am either a fox or a cunning person

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Answer...ladrón = thief

escoba = broomstick

vacío = empty

aburrido = boring

apagar = to turn off, to extinguish

zorro = fox, cunning person

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If you are not X then you are Y. If you are not a parent then you are a child. If you are not a teacher then you are a/an _________.

torta = even though I am very tasty, teachers won't want to smack me on their faces.

alumno = Sometimes I give the teacher an apple (What a teacher's pet!)

diablo = It is not wise to hang out with a teacher that worship me

delantal = A cooking teacher would wear me

consejo = Teachers usually talk to students and offer them me. I am pretty helpful in life.

puntos = After marking an exam paper, the teacher will put me on the front of the paper. I am usually a number that determine how many questions you have got it right.

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Answer...alumno = pupil, student

torta = cake

diablo = devil

delantal = apron

consejo = advice

puntos = marks, points

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Who did Dumb Dave say he was meeting for lunch? (Hint: lunch)

dedo = I am on your hand. The middle me is usually used to flip people off.

salchicha = You will put me on a bun, spread mustard or ketchup or radish on me.

equipaje = you will carry me when you are traveling to another place

dejar = (verb) To leave someone or something behind

cuadrado = I not a circle, not a rectangle, not a triangle.

pecho = I am the middle part of your body. I contain the rib cage, lungs and heart.

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Answer...salchicha = sausage

dedo = finger

equipaje = luggage, baggage

dejar = To leave someone or something behind

cuadrado = square (shape)

pecho = chest

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When is the best time to buy clothes? Hint: When

cascada = I cascade water down the mountain. I am beautiful. I am a scenery.

corbata = You wear me around your neck. You usually wear me for formal events.

enero = I am the first month.

granjero = I am a person that plants fruits and vegetables. I harvest rice too.

intentar = (verb) to try

cien = I am a number. I am 76 plus 24.

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Answer...enero = January

cascada = waterfall

corbata = tie (noun)

granjero = farmer

intentar = to try

cien = hundred

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If you are X you must be one of the Y. If you are ____ you

must be one of the subjects in school.

colchón = you sleep on me every night. I am without any bedsheets.

dolor = I am all about pain and sorrow

física = I am all about motion, light, electricity, radiation, gravity.

poder = (verb) to be able to, can, may

conducir = (verb) to drive

regalo = Santa Claus gives me to people.

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Answer...física = physics

colchón = matress

dolor = pain, grief, sorrow

poder = to be able to, can, may

conducir = to drive

regalo= gift, present

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What did Silly Sally buy at the zoo?

jaula = Animals are kept inside of me. I prevent them from coming out.

inquieto = It is past midnight and your daughter is not home yet, you will feel inquieto.

juicioso = Use me to describe people who has sensible and wise judgment

vez = While playing a game, I have finish my turn, it is your vez now.

guapo = Celebrities are usually guapo. They are so good to look at.

oír = (verb) to hear

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Answer... jaula = cage

inquieto = uneasy, anxious, worried

juicioso = wise, shrewd

vez = turn, "su vez" means your turn.

guapo = adjective, good-looking

oír = to hear

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Why did it rain today? Because there is a dark _____ in the sky.

cuchillo = You use me to cut your birthday cake.

grapadora = I am a tiny machine. Punch me and I will bind your papers together.

limpio = I am an adjective. I am the opposite of dirty.

trabajar = (verb) to work

llegar = (verb) to arrive

nube = You can find me floating around. I carry rain drops.

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Answer...nube = cloud

cuchillo = knife

grapadora = stapler

limpio = clean (adjective)

trabajar = to work

llegar = to arrive

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When did Trouble Tina lost her glove? (Hint: When)

abrigo = I am something that you wear when you are cold.

terminar = (verb) to end, to finish

el miércoles = I am a day of the week

jugar = (verb) To play

río = I am smaller than the sea but bigger than the stream.

boleto = You will buy me so as to get into the cinema to watch a movie.

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Answer … el miércoles = Wednesday

abrigo = coat

terminar = to end, to finish

el miércoles = Wednesday

jugar = To play

río = river

boleto = ticket

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Without me you would walk into the wall in the middle of the dark night. What am I?

guantes = I was mention in the previous sentence. I am a type of clothing.

sobrina = the daughter of your brother is me

lámpara = Look at me, the first few letters tells you something.

vuelo = Vuelo 245 is ready for boarding.

parar = (verb) to stop

ver = (verb) to see

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Answer... lámpara = lamp

guantes = gloves

sobrina = niece

vuelo = flight

parar = to stop

ver = to see

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How do you feel if I yell at you for no reason?

tirar = (verb) to throw, to throw away

pedir = (verb) to request for

zapatos = you wear me on your feet. I am not socks.

tinta = I am the liquid in a pen

perplejo = I will fill your mind with question marks.

ladrillo = The third pig has a house full of me. No wonder the wolf can't blow it down.

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Answer... perplejo = puzzled

tirar = to throw, to throw away

pedir = to request for

zapatos = shoes

tinta = ink

ladrillo = brick

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What happened to Trouble Tina at school? She smashed all the tables and _____

encender = (verb) to turn on, to burn

primavera = I am not winter, not autumn and not summer

tema = I am another word for subject. I start with “T”

sillas = I am something that you sit on.

comedido = I am an adjective. I am between “too much” and “too little”

gusano = I wiggle. If you see me you might scream. I am brown and I have no legs. You will usually see me in the soil.

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Answer..sillas = chairs

encender = to turn on, to burn

primavera = spring (season)

tema = topic

comedido = moderate

gusano = worm

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What did Insane Iris yell at the mall? She yell at the _____ (Note that it is “what” not “who”)

apellido = If Silly Sally's real name is Sally Stupid. Then I am stupid as I am not the first name.

abrir = (verb) To open

marzo = I am the third month

débil = I am the opposite of strong

camisa = I am a type of clothing for upper part of the body.

agradecido = If I help you when you are in need of help, you feel agradecido.

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Answer...camisa = shirt

apellido = last name, surname

abrir = To open (as in the store is open)

marzo = March

débil = weak

agradecido = grateful

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Why did Insane Iris yell? Because she wants a____ not a shirt. (It is another type of clothing)

mago = I am a person that conjures up tricks such as pulling a rabbit out of a hat.

colorar = (verb) to color

llevar = (verb) to bring, to wear, to carry

cintura = I am the middle section of your body. You will measure me to find out what pant's size you are wearing.

vestido = Girls wear me if they don't want to wear pants, shorts, skirts, shirts.

sucio = I am not clean. I am an adjective.

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Answer....vestido = dress

mago = magician

colorar = To color

llevar = to bring, to wear, to carry

cintura = waist

sucio = dirty

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A plus B equals to C. Space plus Ship equals to Spaceship. Pass plus Word equals to ________

monedero = women carry me and put money inside of me.

fuego = Strike a match and you got me.

contraseña = Never give me out to anyone. You need me to access your personal email.

mantequilla = I am related to milk. You can spread me on your bread.

broma = I am a thing that someone do to make a fool out of you.

ordenar = (verb) To order

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Answer...contraseña = password

monedero = purse

fuego = fire

mantequilla = butter

broma = joke, prank

ordenar = (verb) To order

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Who does Crazy Cathy live with? She lives with her __________.

cicatriz = You will see me when your wound is healed. I leave a permanent mark on your body.

envidia = If I have better grades than you, you are filled with me. I am a type of feeling.

impaciente = I am an adjective. Use me to describe people that cannot wait. Things must go faster faster, hurry up people.

terco = I am an adjective. Use me to describe people who insist on doing things their own way and refuse to change their views.

hada madrina = I am Cinderella's grandmother. I casts spells and grant wishes.

escribir = (verb) to write

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Answer...hada madrina = fairy godmother

cicatriz = scar

envidia = envy (noun)

impaciente = impatient

terco = stubborn

escribir = to write

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I love to appear when you are studying. I make you close your eyes. What am I?

oveja = when you are sleeping you count me.

esquí = I am a type of sport that makes you slide down the snowy mountains.

mobiliario = I am everywhere in your house. I can be the

table, chair, couch, bed, etc. I am a general term.

soñoliento = I make you go zzz

contar = (verb) to count

amar = (verb) to love

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Answer...soñoliento = sleepy

oveja = sheep

esquí = skiing

mobiliario = furniture

contar = to count

amar = to love

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Why did the pig cross the road? To get away from the __________.

carnicero = I chop meat and sell them

aprensivo = apprehensive, nervous

manta = When you are sleeping, you cover yourself with me.

bañar = (verb) to bathe

bañarse = (verb) to bathe oneself

caro = I am an adjective. I am the opposite of cheap.

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Answer... carnicero = butcher

aprensivo = apprehensive, nervous

manta = blanket

bañar = to bathe

bañarse = To bathe oneself

caro = expensive

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Where did Billy the Bad Boy go last Saturday without his mum's permission?

tapa = Look at a can of paint. What is on top of it? You need to lift me up to get paint.

cordón = I weave in and out of your shoe and I tighten your shoe.

fiesta = When you go to a fiesta, you have lots of fun.

veneno = Some snakes have me and if these snakes bite you, you will die.

patear = (verb) to kick

cocinar = (verb) to cook

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Answer.... fiesta = party

tapa = lid

cordón = shoelace

veneno = poison

patear = to kick

cocinar = to cook

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How can you scare away a vampire? By rubbing ____ on your neck.

anillo = if you are married you have me on your finger.

regla = I am not a pencil or an eraser, I am something that you use to draw a straight line

gustar = (verb) To like

conseguir = (verb) to get

cortina = Put me on your windows and I stop sun rays from coming in.

ajo = I am a vegetable.

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Answer....ajo = garlic

anillo = ring e.g. diamond ring

regla = ruler (stationery)

gustar = to like

conseguir = to get

cortina = curtain

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If you are X you must be one of the Y. If you are a/an ____ you must be one of the fruits.

medianoche = I am when the clock strike 12 times at night.

frío = I am the opposite of hot

antipático = I am the opposite of being nice

melocotón = nectarine is a type of me

vivir = (verb) To live

encantar = (verb) to like

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Answer...melocotón = peach

medianoche = midnight

frío = cold (adjective)

antipático = mean, not nice

vivir = To live

encantar = to like

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72727272 | | | | P a g eP a g eP a g eP a g e

What did Dumb Dave say yes to? He said yes to picking

his ____

esqueleto = I am full body structure that holds your entire body up.

aceptar = (verb) to accept

lavadora = I am a machine that washes all your clothes

nariz = I am on your face. You breathe through me.

preferir = (verb) To prefer

té = I am not coffee so I am ___.

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Answer... nariz = nose

esqueleto = skeleton

aceptar = to accept

lavadora = laundry washer

preferir = to prefer

té = tea

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When do you need medication? When you have a _____

escarabajo = I am a bug. I am usually brown. I have a hard shell. I am not a roach

fiebre = If you have me you will feel hot and you would place your hand on your forehead.

cena = I am neither breakfast nor lunch.

agregar = (verb)To add

lleno = I am not full, so I am...

reina = I am not the king, so I am...

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Answer... fiebre = fever

escarabajo = beetle

cena = dinner

agregar = to add

lleno = full, not empty

reina = queen

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When did the moon fall on the Earth? (Hint: When)

cierre = I am located on the front of your jeans. You need to pull me up. I am not a button.

cortauñas = Use me to trim your nails

reemplazo = Instead of using a pen, I used a pencil. So the pencil is a reemplazo of the pen.

el martes = I am a day of the week

quejarse = (verb) to complain

comer = (verb) to eat

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Answer... el martes = Tuesday

cierre = zipper

cortauñas = nail clippers

reemplazo = replacement

quejarse = (verb) to complain

comer = to eat

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Why did Crazy Cathy scream? Because she was scared of the _______

almohada = You will place your head on me when you are sleeping

horno = Where do you bake a cake in?

almuerzo = I am not breakfast, nor dinner.

serio = If you are not kidding, you are me.

teclado = What are you typing ON right now?

araña = I am a creature with 8 legs, now let me crawl on you and spin my web.

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Answer...araña = spider

almohada = pillow

horno = oven

almuerzo = lunch serio = serious

teclado = keyboard

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What did the Mama Bear give to Baby Bear? (remember the most logical answer)

pie = ouch you just step on my pie! Get your foot away!

química = I am not physics or biology so I am most likely _____.

preparar = (verb) to prepare

fácil = I am an adjective. If I am not difficult, I am ______.

comida = I am a general term for anything that you place into your mouth to feed yourself.

mato = (verb) to kill

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Answer...comida = food

pie = foot (pies= feet)

química = chemistry

preparar = to prepare

fácil = easy

mato = to kill

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If you are not X then you are Y. If you are not a parent then you are a child. If you are not the wife then you are the ______.

codo = I am the one that links your upper arm to your lower arm.

marido = When a man got married he becomes a marido.

duchar = (verb) to shower

ducharse = (verb) to shower oneself

ancho = I am the opposite of narrow

alegre = I am the opposite of sad

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Answer...marido = husband

codo = elbow

duchar = to shower

ducharse= to shower oneself

ancho = wide

alegre = cheerful

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What did Silly Sally trip on? She tripped on a _______

lento = I am an adjective, I am the opposite of fast

gratis = The item is gratis, if it cost 0.00

nublado = use me to describe the sky when it is full of clouds

ocupado = Use me to describe that you are not free and you have things to do

cara = What is on your head and has eyes, nose, mouth and ears?

piedra = I am usually located outside, on the street, in the garden, etc. People love to kick me or throw me at birds or throw me into the sea.

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Answer... piedra = stone

lento = slow (adjective)

gratis = free (adjective)

nublado = cloudy, overcast

ocupado = busy

cara = face

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What do you do when you see a shooting star? You make a _______.

feo = I am the opposite of pretty.

estrecho = I am the opposite of wide

helado = Children love to eat me. I am usually on a cone.

manejar = (verb) To drive

píldora = medication comes in a form of me. I am not a liquid

deseo = I am your desire, hope and dreams.

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Answer...deseo = wish

feo = ugly

estrecho = narrow

helado = ice cream

manejar = To drive

píldora = pill

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If you are X you must be one of the Y. If you are a /an ____ you must be one of the many ways of transportation.

avión = You can see me up in the sky. I cannot be operated on roads.

asustado = I am a type of feeling. Most people feel asustado when they see a ghost

ciclismo = I am a type of sport that requires a machine of two wheels

interruptor = You need to touch see me when you are turning the light on.

jamón = I am a type of meat. I hang out with Mr. Cheese in a sandwich

parque = I am place that you go jogging, or walk your dog, or bring your kids to the playground.

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Answer...avión = plane

asustado = fightened

ciclismo = cycling

interruptor = switch, e.g. light switch

jamón = ham

parque = park

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Where is Silly Sally going? She is going to the _____.

romper = (verb) to break

ayer = the day before today

albaricoque = apricot

cocina = a place where you cook

sol = I am always above you in the day. I scorch eggs on the ground.

cerrar = (verb) to close

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Answer.... cocina = kitchen

romper = (verb) to break

ayer = yesterday

albaricoque = apricot

sol = sun

cerrar = to close

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What did Silly Sally step on? She stepped on a _____, slipped and fell flat on her face.

pesado = I am not light, so I am_____. I might be 10000 pounds.

cambiar = (verb) to change

rosado = mix red and white to get me

ahorro = I am the money in your piggy bank

ayudar = (verb) to help

plátano = You can find me in the kitchen. I usually come in a bunch. Monkeys love me.

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Answer....plátano = banana (remember Sally was in the kitchen)

pesado = heavy

cambiar = (verb) to change

rosado = pink

ahorro = saving e.g. a saving of 10 cents

ayudar = (verb) to help

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Billy feels that Silly Sally is like a ____ in a china shop.

cansado = I work all day and I feel cansado. I just want to rest.

gafas = You need me to see. I am something in front of your eyes

toro = I am the male version of the cow

traer = (verb) to bring

vela = I am a type of sport. You need a ship.

comenzar = (verb) to start, to begin

lluvioso = I am not sunny, not cloudy, so I am most likely _____ .

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Answer.... toro = bull

cansado = tired

gafas = eyeglasses

traer = (verb) to bring

vela = sailing

comenzar = to start, to begin

lluvioso = rainy

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96969696 | | | | P a g eP a g eP a g eP a g e

What is Silly Sally determine to find? To find another

person that is _____ than her.

toser = (verb) to cough

toalla = you use me to dry yourself after a shower

peor = I am between bad and worst

triste = I am the opposite of happy

carta = you mail me

plancha = I am a house appliance. I straighten your clothes

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Answer...peor = worse

toser = to cough

toalla = towel

triste = sad

carta = letter

plancha = iron (house appliance)

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Without me you will be naked all the time. That is not good. What am I?

escalera = To go up you have to climb me. Some people call me a flight of steps.

tonto = foolish

ropa = I am a general term for things that you wear.

caer = (verb) to fall

encontrar = (verb) to find

rey = I am married the Queen

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99999999 | | | | P a g eP a g eP a g eP a g e

Answer...ropa = clothes

escalera = staircase

tonto = foolish (adjective)

caer = to fall

encontrar = (verb) to find

rey = king

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A plus B equals to C. Space plus Ship equals to Spaceship. Pea plus Nut equals _____

volar = (verb) to fly

reparar = (verb) to fix

cacahuete = You have to break open the shell to eat me.

ruido = If the place is not quiet, then the place is filled with me.

formulario = You need to fill me out at hospitals, schools etc. I am a document.

hermoso = I am more than pretty

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Answer...cacahuete = peanut

volar = (verb) to fly

reparar = (verb) to fix

ruido = noise

formulario = form

hermoso = beautiful, gorgeous

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If you smell bad you should take a _______

refresco = I am a fizzy drink. Kids love me.

ducha = This activity requires lots of bubbles and foam

estante = I organize your books so that they are placed neatly.

olvidar = (verb) to forget

responder = (verb) to answer

pimienta = You will always see me hanging out with salt.

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Answer... ducha = shower

refresco = soft drink, soda

estante = bookcase, shelf

olvidar = to forget

responder = to answer

pimienta = pepper

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104104104104 | | | | P a g eP a g eP a g eP a g e

What does Crazy Cathy love? She loves her pet _____

vender = (verb) to sell

firmar = (verb) to sign

armario = this is where you keep all your clothes

cinturón = I hold your pants up. I am a clothing accessory

señalar = (verb) to point out, to show

cucaracha = I am a creature that loves garbage. I might be in your kitchen right now.

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Answer....cucaracha = cockroach

vender = (verb) to sell

firmar = (verb) to sign

armario = closet

cinturón = belt

señalar = to point out, to show

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What did Evil Doc do to my stomach? He painted my stomach ____

gris = Mix black and white and you got me.

delito = people who commit me are punished by the law

dormir = (verb) to sleep

servilleta = after dinner, you will use me to wipe your mouth.

espantado = scared

deletrear = (verb) to spell something out

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Answer... gris = gray

delito = crime

dormir = to sleep

servilleta = napkin

espantado = scared

deletrear = (verb) to spell something out

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What else did Evil Doc do to me? He glued a ____ to my shoulder.

estupendo = wonderful

perezoso = You are me, if you don't want to do anything. You sit around and watch tv all day long.

pájaro = I chirp

nadar = (verb) to swim

llamarse = (verb) to call oneself

piso = If you go to the kitchen now, you are stepping on me.

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Answer... pájaro = bird

estupendo = wonderful

perezoso = lazy

nadar = (verb) to swim

llamarse = to call oneself

piso = floor

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How did you feel about that? I was _____

recibo = the cashier will always give you me after you pay

traducir = (verb) to translate

muñeca = Why do people want to slit me to end their lives?

trompeta = I am a musical instrument. Sometimes, I am related to the elephant

beber = (verb) To drink

enojado = If I steal your money, how do you feel?

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Answer...enojado = angry

recibo = receipt

traducir = (verb) to translate

muñeca = wrist

trompeta = trumpet

beber = to drink

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What did you do? I punched Evil Doc and glued a ________ on his head

sala = I am not the kitchen or the dining room. I am a room where your guests will sit on the couch

ciencia = I am a subject in school. You can break me down into physics, biology and chemistry

lejano = I am the opposite of near

caca = I am stinky and smelly. You can usually find me in the toilet.

tocar = (verb) to touch or to play an instrument

viajar = (verb) to travel

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Answer...caca = poo

sala = living room

ciencia = science

lejano = far away

tocar = to touch or to play an instrument

viajar = (verb) to travel

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If you are X you must be one of the Y. If you are a/an ____ you must be one of the vegetables.

tejado = I am on top of your house

utilizar = (verb) to use

entender = (verb) to understand

cebolla = You will use me to make many dishes. I am a type of food.

fecha = what is the time and ____ today ?

escuela = you go here to learn, to study, to acquire a skill. Kids hate me.

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Answer...cebolla = onion

tejado = roof

utilizar = (verb) to use

entender = to understand

fecha = date

escuela = school

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What did Trouble Tina bring to school ? (Remember she is Trouble Tina)

garaje = this is where you keep your car in the house.

despertar = (verb) to wake up

agraciado = I am the person who won something

pistola = Police carry me. They use me to protect

themselves. I go bang bang bang.

pasar = (verb) to happen, to pass, to spend time

músico = I am a person that read notes and play instruments

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Answer... pistola = gun

garaje = garage

despertar = to wake up

agraciado = prizewinner

pasar = to happen, to pass, to spend time

músico = musician

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Without me, the spade on the beach will be lonely. What am I?

cubo = I am something that you can put stuff in.

verde = When I am this, cars go zoom zoom through the traffic light. I stand for “Go”.

basura = I am trash

neumático = You can find me in cars. A car has four of me.

enviar = (verb) to send

hermano = I am your male sibling.

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Answer... cubo = bucket

verde = green

basura = garbage

neumático = tire

enviar = to send

hermano = brother

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120120120120 | | | | P a g eP a g eP a g eP a g e

What color did Insane Iris dye her hair? _____

vergonzoso = shameful

champú = you use me to wash your hair

arpa = I am a musical string instrument. I am huge and I am almost in shape of a triangle

anaranjado = mix red and yellow to get me

actuar = (verb) to act, to perform

hoy = I am between yesterday and the next day

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Answer... anaranjado = orange

vergonzoso = shameful

champú = shampoo

arpa = harp

actuar = to act, to perform

hoy= today

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A plus B equals to C. Space plus Ship equals to Spaceship. After plus Noon equals ____

pequeño = I am not big, so I am...

tarde = I am between morning and night

taza = You drink from me

confundido = if you are puzzled you are me.

lugar = place

enseñar = (verb) to teach

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Answer....tarde = afternoon

pequeño = small

taza = cup

confundido = confused

lugar = place

enseñar = to teach

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Why did Crazy Cathy cannot open the door? She lost the ______ .

canguro = I have a pouch in front of me and I hop around. Sometimes people think I do boxing

sonrisa = If you are happy you form me with your lips.

titular = I am on the front page of the newspaper. I will tell you what the main topic is.

llave = I am something that you need to open locks.

viejo = I am not young, so I am _____.

flor = I am on plants and I produce seeds and fruits.

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Answer...llave = key

canguro = kangaroo

sonrisa = smile (noun)

titular = headline

viejo = old (adjective)

flor = flower

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What did Crazy Cathy do? She climb ______ the window. (Hint: It is not a verb or noun)

natación = I am a type of sport. You will need a pool

hablar = (verb) to talk, speak

querer = (verb) to want

col = cabbage

alegría = At a wedding you will wish me to the couple. I am the same as joy.

a través de = I am a preposition

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Answer...a través de = through

la natación = swimming

hablar = to talk, speak

querer = to want

col = cabbage

alegría = happiness

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Why did the goat cross the road? To eat the ____

mermelada = You spread me on bread. I am fruity.

cabra = I am the animal in the question.

moneda = I am not a dollar note, so I am _____

hierba = cows love to nibble me. I am on the ground, in the park, on mountains and forests.

sentarse = (verb) To sit oneself down

vacaciones = it is a period of time when you relax and enjoy your time.

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Answer... hierba = grass

mermelada = jam (food)

cabra = goat

moneda = coin

sentarse = To sit oneself down

vacaciones = vacation

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What did Billy the Bad Boy tell? He told a ____

peinar = (verb) to comb

aspiradora = You use me to clean the carpet. I always make a loud sound.

espejo = you can see your reflection on me

mentira = I am the opposite of truth

creer = (verb) to believe, to think

coco= add a nut behind me and you got me.

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Answer... mentira = lie

peinar = (verb) to comb

aspiradora = vaccum cleaner

espejo = mirror

creer = to believe, to think

coco= coconut

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Why is Dumb Dave crying? He is crying because he lost his ______ .

falda = I am not shorts or pants I am almost like a dress.

béisbol = I am a type of sport. You need a bat and a ball

juguete = I am something that kids love to play with

andar: (verb) to walk, also use to express how the things are going

ir = (verb) to go

vela = light me up and I melt

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Answer...juguete = toy

falda = skirt

béisbol = baseball

andar: to walk, also use to express how the things are


ir = to go

vela = candle

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Billy the Bad Boy feels that Dumb Dave is acting like a _____ and calls him ______.

amarillo = mix green and red to get me

maleta = Professionals carry me to work. People carry me to travel.

boca = When you talk, I move.

deber = (verb) ought to, must, should

bebé = a person that is 1 year old is me

venir = (verb) To come

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Answer...bebé = baby

amarillo = yellow

maleta = suitcase

boca = mouth

deber = ought to, must, should

venir = to come

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Without me you will be drenched in the rain. What am I?

oreja = I am a body part. You listen with your ____

engrapar = (verb) to staple

boxeo = I am a type of sports. Two men fighting.

dar = (verb) to give

conocer = (verb) to know or be familiar with a person/place/thing

paraguas = You will have to open me up to keep you dry.

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Answer...paraguas = umbrella

oreja = ear

engrapar = (verb) to staple

boxeo = boxing

dar = to give

conocer = to know or be familiar with a person/place/thing

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What did Trouble Tina do during dinner? She threw the _______ on the floor and stomp on it.

castillo= the king and queen live here.

salir = (verb) To go out, to exit

escuchar = (verb) to listen

mirar = (verb) to look

bistec = I am a type of food. When you order me, you can choose to have it rare, well done, medium rare, etc.

florista = I sell flowers.

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Answer... bistec = steak

castillo= castle

salir = To go out, to exit

escuchar = to listen

mirar = to look

florista = florist

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If Crazy Cathy has a wand, she would cast a spell on everyone to make everyone _____ just like her.

luna = I am not the sun. I light up the sky at night.

empujar = (verb) to push

voz = the sound that comes out from your mouth

loco = I am mentally not right in the head. I am an adjective.

morado = mix red and blue and get me

tarea = I am the assignment that you bring back home to work on.

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Answer.... loco = crazy (just like her)

luna = moon

empujar = to push

voz = voice

morado = purple

tarea = homework

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What did Insane Iris say to the magician? “I am thirsty, get me some _________”

tío = the husband of your aunt.

vehículos = a general term for cars, trucks, vans, buses, etc

sangre = I flow inside of you. I am red.

leer = (verb) to read

pasear = (verb) to stroll, to take a walk

trabajo = work, job

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Answer... sangre = blood

tío = uncle

vehículos = vehicles

leer = to read

pasear = to stroll, to take a walk

trabajo = work, job

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If you are X you must be one of the Y. If you are a/an ____ you must be one of the utensils.

hambre = when you need food you are me.

tomar = (verb) to take (as in take the bus, take a drink, take a picture)

mil = place 3 zeros after 1 and you got me.

tenedor = I am not a spoon nor a knife. You need me to eat noodles .

comprar = (verb) to buy

rescatar = (verb) to save, to rescue

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Answer...tenedor = fork

hambre = hungry

tomar = to take (as in take the bus, take a drink, take a picture)

mil = 1000

comprar = to buy

rescatar = to save, to rescue

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What did Insane Iris think that she can buy from the clock?

bailar = (verb) To dance

contestar = (verb) To answer

mañana = I am not afternoon, not at night.

tiempo = Look at your watch and tell me the tiempo

contento = when you smile you feel me

crear = (verb) to create

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Answer....tiempo= time

bailar = To dance

contestar = (verb) To answer

mañana = morning

contento = happy

crear = to create

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Why did Silly Sally go to the supermarket yesterday? She wanted to get a love _____ .

sed = I need something to drink, I am _____.

farmacia= This is where you get your medicine.

mes = I am usually make up of 30 or 31 days.

visitar = (verb) to visit

hacer = (verb) to make, to do

poción = I am a liquid in a glass bottle.

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Answer... poción = potion

sed = thirsty

farmacia= pharmacy

mes = month

visitar = (verb) to visit

hacer = to make, to do

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Insane Iris has a dream. She wishes to have a new _____ .

seda = Insects churn me out and I am made into a material.

I am softer than cotton.

tener = (verb) to have

nieve = I am white and I only appear during winter

semana = I am equal to 7 days

vida = If Bob hangs himself, he is ending his vida

necesitar = (verb) to need

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Answer... vida = life

seda = silk

tener = to have

nieve = snow

semana = week

necesitar = to need

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Crazy Cathy has a dream too. She wants to be sane. So she borrowed “Sane 101” from the _____

puerta = The knob is on me. You need to turn the knob to open me.

nido= birds build me

llorar = (verb) to cry

pensar = (verb) to think

bonito = I am not ugly but neither am I extremely gorgeous.

biblioteca = This is where people read.

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Answer....biblioteca = library

puerta = door

nido= nest

llorar = to cry

pensar = to think

bonito = pretty

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Evil Doc was too embarrassed to face the world and left the ________ for another place.

decir = (verb) to say, to tell

tarjeta = I am made of paper and you give me to people

during their birthdays.

completar = (verb) to complete

país = your nationality tells me which país you are from

construir = (verb) to build, to construct

calor = I am the opposite of cold

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Answer...país = country

decir = to say, to tell

tarjeta = card

completar = to complete

construir = to build, to construct

calor = hot

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Dumb Dave decides to take classes and learn to be a _______ boy.

dibujar = (verb) to draw

periódico = people love to read me every morning

reloj = I tell you the time

correr = (verb) to run

inteligente = if you are bright you are me. If you are bright you will see that I am similar to an English word.

poner = (verb) to put, to place, to set

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Answer... inteligente = clever

dibujar = to draw

periódico = newspaper

reloj = clock

correr = to run

poner = to put, to place, to set up

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How about Billy the Bad Boy? Billy the Bad Boy has joined a band to write _____ .

globo = I fly upwards and please don't poke a needle in me. I am almost round like the globe.

arco iris = I appear after a rain. You can find a pot of gold at the end of me.

odiar = (verb) to hate

pisar = (verb) to step on something

canciones = I am filled with lyrics.

maloliente = if you don't shower you are me.

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Answer....canciones = songs

globo = balloon

arco iris = rainbow

odiar = (verb) to hate

pisar = (verb) to step on something

maloliente = stinky, smelly

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As for Silly Sally, she has found love from a man _____ . doesn't think that she is silly.

nombre = If I don't know who you are I would ask for your nombre.

billete = I am money but I am not a coin.

que = I am a pronoun. I can mean “who” or “which” or “what”.

gritar = (verb) to yell, to scream

lavar = (verb) to wash

lavarse = (verb) to wash oneself

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Answer....que = that, refers to both persons and things, e.g. that vase that broke. The person that yelled.

nombre = name

billete = dollar bill

gritar = to yell, to scream

lavar = to wash

lavarse = to wash oneself

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Congrats! You have finished all the riddles and successfully built up your Spanish vocabulary.

Good Job!

Now go back and use a dictionary to find more meanings of a word and learn how to use it in sentences.