WASHINGTON. Colorwl Jurors Ordered on Ihe List by Jtidue Fisher. DOUCLASS AND THE PRINTERS. At.. Ac., Ac- W ashington, June 21.- After the close of tho present fiscal year, June 30th, and until further notice, instead of the weekly purchases of bonds and sales of gold, the j secretary of the Treasury will purchase one million dollars of bonds on alternate weeks, ; commencing Thursday, July 1st, and will j Ludlow street jail ou information lodged against them by the .Spanish minister tnat they intended to violate the neutrality laws. YACHT RACING. Tho following yachts won prices to-day at the regatte of the lone Yacht (.'lab: Un known owner, J. Comet; Jersey Dutchman; A. h. Uitch; Van Vliet; M. K. Murphy. Distance—21 miles; time 5 hours 1 minute. CABLE NEWS. The London Press on Mr. mond's Decease. Ray- VOL XXIV. TUESDAY. JUNE 22. 1869. NO. 80010. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. (FROM YESTERDAY'S AETBRNOOS DITIO.N8 I WASHINGTON* Washington, June 21.—It will be rc- membered that in 1S07 certain Japanese ";!!,r.u^‘on ThSld.^ S irS lf e I • ’" ’PM -atlo** Colll|»U‘tc for (be I Assistant Treasurer at New York has been instructed accordingly. RECIPROCITY. On the 12th inst. Secretary Fish ad dressed an official letter t<* the British Min ister, informing him cf the action of the House of Ilepresentatives at the last session, recommending the renewal of negotiations for the arrangement of trade with Canada, and inviting Mr. Thorn ton's cooperation, with a view to the nego tiation of a convention covering the inter change of products, free navigation of the .St. Lawrence, freedom of the gulf and in the shore fisheries, and such othei matter* as may be embraced in the general subject of trade relations between the United States and <'anada. The British government has given the Canadian au thorities the practical control of these sub jects so far as they ar<- concerned, and it is expected that Canadian Commissioners will arrive here immediately to confer with and assiHt the British Minister in the considera tion of the proposed convention. RESOLUTIONS OK RESPECT. The following resolutions were recently passed by the Washington city Correspond- nuts' *Hub: Whereas, We the members of the Wash ington Correspondents’ Club have heard with sincere and heartfelt regret the an nouncement of the death of Hon. Henry J. ilaymond; and Whereas, We feel that in his decease American journalism has lost one of its most distinguished, able and useful leaders and representatives, and the country one of its liest, wisest and most patriotic citizens and statemen; /.VsnbW, That we, the mcmL-rs of tli e Washington Correspondent’s ( lub, while bowing to the infinite wisdom which has removed him from among us, mingle our regrets with those of our professional brethren elsewhere, at what seems to our vision his untimely death, and unite with them iu acknowledging and honoring the .ibilitv wl. ii placed him in the front rank among journalists; in applauding the wis dom and purity which won him the leader ship among state- men, aud in revering the tn my great public and private virtues which tendered him admired aud beloved, and which shall ever endear his memory to ii* and to his country. /tV*.i/r«‘»/, That we tender to his bereaved family tho expression if our sympathy an«l condolence iu their aUliction, and tliat a copy of these resolutions be transmitted t" them by the officers of the club. PERSONAL. I’reside/tt Cr^ut and family returned to W ashington this evening. CiH.OP.KI> ll ROHM. To-day Jud : ■ Fisher, presiding iu tin Criminal Court, •nlered the .Marshal t'1 pnimiicn a number of colored citizens to fill vacancies in the grand and petit juries, one term of which was commenced this morning. A list of nine was prepared accordingly, and those selected were summoned this af ternoon. Before the close of the week this nc w element will i>e represented among the white jurors. young r>oi glass . It is generally admitted that Douglass, ihe colored compositor, will continue at the government printing office, irres)«ectiv of auv society action. To-day three com posiuirs resigned. Due of them, a cripple declared that he would not work with negro. Another compositor was di* charged. Laying of ihr French Cable. ftc., Ac. Ac. The receipts from Internal Kevenu day were NEW YORK. to- Kr-Arrosl of Mem hers ( uliaii .1 ii nt a. of Hit1 MR R A Y M O N D ’S FUNERAL. Ac., Ac., Ac. N i w York, June 21. The United States steamer Frolic will re ceive the crew of the sloop Saratoga now in quarantine, ami after a thorough disinfec tion they will be sent to Portsmouth, N. H. GERMAN FESTIVAL. The New York Schutsenfest commenced at Jones’ Wood to-day. The attendance is immense. Delegations from 4 liarleston, Baltimore, Washington, New Haven and other cities are present. Various shooting societies. with guests, formed in the pr< cession, which was half a mile long, and proceeded to the Woods after passing through tho principal streets. <fii the grounds six targets are erected, and tiring has heen brisk all day. Iji iN. IIENKY .1. RAN MONP’S OI'.SKIJUIES. The funeral services of the late Henry J. Raymond took place this afternoon in the Presbyterian Church, corner of Tenth st reet aud University Place. The entire edifice, excepting a portion reserved for the family ami intimate friends of the deceased, was crowded fully two hours before the impres sive but sad services commenced. The rain, which feii at intervals in tor rents duriug tho afternoon, did not prevent a large assemblage of ladies. At about halt past live o clock, after nrayer at tho house. No. 12 West Ninth street, t. r the family, by Kev. Prof. Shcdd, the remains were removed to the c hurra, the pall bearers being (Jen. Dix. (.. n Mc Dowell, Thurlow Weed. Judge Daly, cx- Seaator Morgan. Wm. U- Bryant. Horace Crcelev, B. F. Tracy, A. U Stewart, M. H. (Jrinnell, Goo. Win. Curtis and U. U. Norvell. The chief moutners were Mr. Raymond's only son, his two brothers aud brothers-in-law, Mr. Ceo. Jones and others. The members of the Associated Press and nearly all tho prominent journalists of this L ondon, June 21.—The announcement of the sudden death of Henry J. Raymond, whicli was received here by cable ou Sat urday, creates a deep feeling of sorrow. The f’all Mall eulogizes Mr. Ray mond as a publicist and journalist, and says his death creates a gap which cannot be filled. The Daily T- !“*raph, in a similar article, say a the private li-c <>f Mr. Raymond was amiable, courteous, loyal and hospitable, and lie was beloved l.y all, even when op- posed to many in jx.litics. In the House of Common* this evening -ir John Gray, Member from Kilkenny, asked the government if there was any reason to apprehend further trouble in Ire land, and if tlie military force in that coun try was to l»c strengthened. Mr. Fortescue, Chief Secretary for Ire land, stated that the government was in formed that Mr. Johnson, a prominent < >range leader in Ireland, had called a meet ing to celebrate tne au'T&'versary of the 12th of July. This was not an act of hostility to the government, but tiie practice of increasing the military force in Ireland about the time of His anniversary, was never more appa rent than in the present year. In the House of Lord's, to-nigut, Karl Gray gave notice lhat he should move to omit in the Irish Church bill that portion of a preamble which provides that the property or pro ceeds of said churcn shall not be held or applied for tho maintenance of any church or clergy or ministry, or for the teaching of religion. It ia reported that the ( ambridge boat men will withdraw from the match with the Harvard club. I* R U S S IA . The /.ollveroin Parliament having reject- 1 the proposed duty on petroleum, Count Yon Bismark declared that the presidency I the Zoll vt-rein Would not consent to any eview of the actual duty unless the cham ber reconsider its a tion. The duty ou su- ;ar lias passed. The sessiou will close to morrow. THE X -’RKNCH ( ABLE. I’< i: kst, Juuu 21. A i>an.tuut was given m board the steamship Croat Fastern last light. Toasts were given in honor of Em peror Napoleon, Queen Victoria and Presi dent f Irant and to the union of France, England and America. At an early hour this morning the shore line and tlie deep a cable were spliced aud at daylight the whole expedition put to sea, the Great Eastern paying out the cable with ease and rapidity. Dispatches received from ou board the steamer sirnw that the work is '»oiug on without interruption. LATER FROM MEXICO. City »» f Mi.\ p •, .lune 11 Mr. Neison, the u.-w Minister of tlie United States, ar- rived here on the 12th. Tho authorities at Acapulco Lad some difficulty with the I nited States steadier Pensacola, and an Order was served upon her commander to the efl'ect that she must not leave the harbor. Without paying any attention to the order the Pensacola sailed on next day. The troubles in Aueretata are increasing. The federal forces in Michoocan and iJuanajuato have been ordered to reinforce the troops in the State of Queratara. There is much excitement over the coming elec tions. The Two Itc/wiili'-s newspaper pre dicts that the Government will surely carry the day. Tejada allows the church many privileges aud will gain its aid in the election. A revolution is on foot in Guadalajara. General Placido Veja has arrived at Tepee. General Ro/.aza has issued an order for a division of lands and haciendas among the Indians. This is looked upon as the begin ning of a war of races. Owing to vigorous measures of the gov ernment, kidnapping is on the decrease in all part* of the country. The latest news from Queretara is to the effect that the federal party have displaced the State offi cers and are executing prisoners for treason. EXCURSION. i*rol*N«or* and Stuilrnto of K lm lrn < nllr|{<' to IrMtc Jlnllalo to-duy on a IV i s U rn I r i p . The Elmira College annual excursion party will leave that city for a tour of tho upper lakes this morning. The party num bers about one hundred ladies and gentle men, under the direction of Prof. Ford of the Colli Among the prominent gentleman acchm- panying the excursion are Rev. Dr. Cowles, President of the College. Prof. C. S. Far rar, of Vassar College, Hon. E. N. Frisbe, ex-Mayor of this city, ami others. The representatives of the Elmira press will .also he of the company. The party have chartered the splendid screw propeller Pacific at Buffalo for the trip, at a cost of §’2000, ami will leave that city to morrow afternoon. W ednesday will be spent in Cleveland and Thursday in De- j troit. The whole tim e occupied will lie about ten (lays. The trip includes a visit to the copper mines of I*hW a> e»uj»erlor. large purchases of American products, Among other things they bought of our gov- erment the celebrated ram .Stonewall for $400,000, paying §300,000 cash and ntipu- Reecher’s brother,) preached in the Park Street Church, Hartford, Sunday. Vice President Colfax is expected in Hartford Wednesday. A reception in his honor will lie given at j;he residence of Ply my Jewell, father of Governor Jewell. Chief Justice Chase leaves Raleigh Jun< 21st for Richmond, Va.,‘ where he will spend a few days. At Mahanoy Plane. !'a.. a terrible explo sion occurred about half-pjut seven o’clock Sunday evening. The Ixnler of a locomo tive eDgine belonging to tlie Reading R. R. , ’ 1 ° , a. . .*■ - tive eDgme oeionging to me iveauing i\. rv. latmg to pay tho halaooe on the' am.-al of | ejqj!od£, killing th i engineer, Ik-orjc Wil- tho run in .Japan. The State Department ; inatartly. V o tirlmun i* t-aJly hnrt, has recently received the final payment and but there is a prosjiect of Ins recovery. pan During thii time the oxponooo o itu e | joini ith valoaWe ho„ ^ j*, veaeel ami crew some S.j.WJO were borne , CUU3U' r f _ L, ami advanced by the State Department ■ . through the Legation at Yeddo. an-:-- ----- placed the same in the Treasury to the | A tire Sunday evening in Philadelphia credit of the Navy Department Ihe re- i ,lest , the extensive carpenter shop oi UUloo in Japan canaed a long delay in tho SUoton & jicGarvey. eorner of Twenty dehTery of the ram after her arrival m | third and Market street*. The hotel ad | joining, with valuable h( .oss heavy, ilt is thought it rk of au incendiary. . James Russell, a bol l and sk,llful shop lifter, w as arrested in New York yesterday and taken to Albany to answer U charge of grand larceny. Arthur A. Smith, au Albany cartman, was arrested last evening fur making a mur derous assault on his wife- with a carving knife, indicting a serious wound in her neck. President (-rant and family left New York city for Washington this morning. This sum was promptly reimbursed by the Japanese Government with interest. They also al lowed interest on the balance of the pur chase money from the date of the transfer in Washington to the time of the payment in Japan. grant . President Grant is expected to return here to-morrow, and nearly all the mem bers of the cabinet will l*e in the city be fore the middle of the week. It is stated on good authority that at the Cabinet meeting to be held on Tuesday the Cuban question, in connection with the recent ar rests of the prominent revolutionary agents in New York last week, will be considered. Tlie general feeling in administration cir cles is that some definite policy in reference to aff airs iu that island should be adopted. H ENS*V L V A NIA PC)Ll T ICS. Senator Cameron and Senator Scott, of Pa., have been trying to ilpset the appoint ments in that State made at the instance of Representatives at a time when the Sena tors were too busy in executive session to attend to their interests. So far they have failed, and prophesy au inglorious defeat for the Radicals in Pennsylvania in conse quence, especially if ' Jen. Hancock is nomi nated for < lovernor by the Democrats. CHINESE IMMIGRATION. The subject of Chinese immigration to th< Pacific slope w ill be brought before Con gress at its next session. Several promi nent representatives are now on a visit to California for the express purpose of study ing the whole question, an.l another gentle man leaves here m a few days for San Fran cisco with s.milar intentions. It is appre hended that the number of Chinese who will arrive here within ten years will be estimated by millions, and the theory of some newspapers and politicians that they come merely for tho purpose of working without any desire or intention to partici pate in our politics is regarded Ly many as an assumption not altogether warranted by fact, history or experience. MARRIED. HAVE-'-FLETCHER-June 20. in Eden, by Eev. W. I. Hunt, Mr. Alpb-u- Ii. iiaycs, of Cold-n, N. V., and Ml-* Mary L. Fletcher, ul Eden, Ji. V. PRATT-FISHER—June 17th, by Rev. Dr. Ingersol, ai the residence of '.be bride s father, William L Pratt, of Buffa'o, and Cora A. Fiiiie;, of West Seneca. DIED. JAMISON—June 21. at Statebridgre, N. Y., Mrs. E) zibrth Jamison, mother uf James Jamison, Eo<|, of this city, aged 76 years. Funeral from St Joseph’s Cathedral at 2* P. M.. • Wcdn sday. Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend. GAIL—May 2S, at West Falls, of pneumonitis, Betsy A. w.fe of Lockwood Ga l, aged 67 years. ANDREW'S —June 19, at C< Iden, of capillary brcn- cljitH , c implicated whooping C-Ugh, Finer E. Andrews, aged 7 years 2 months and 29 days. TRACY—At Ripley, Chautauqua county, N. V., of couuautnption, Haiuuh, wife of Rooster Tracy, in her 69>h\ear, mother of Albert H. Tracy, of tliis city. CLARK -June 21, in this city, John Clark, agtd 3v years. Funeral Wednesday afternoon at 31 o'clock, from his late residence, No. 4*7 fcevtnth st. Frien.l- and acquaintance* are respectfully inv.ted to attend. Utica papers please copy. M ourning Good*. A comp ete assortment at reasonable pricca. BUFFALO MOURNING STOKE, 414 Main St., American Block. latuaixT S . THE RINK. GREAT RACE TO-NIGHT. GEO. D. GREENWOOD (Champion), AND E. L. ANTHONY, FOR THE GOLD BADGE, EMBLEM OF THE CHAMPIONSHIP. .VkisMvn ...................... Twnlvfirf Cuts ufe .................................................... coal n»ww>v I-’oreiut« Nexys. Espinar, acting Captain General of Cuba, j reviewed the volunteers on Saturlay. i Tbc Spanish war steamer Fernando Cato- 1 lica sailed from Havana 'to-day with the | captured schooner l.a Have it* tow for I Kingston for the purpose i?f bringing her , case before the English Cou.rt there for car- j rying articles eontrabatul of war. The i Spanish authorities refused to take any ac tion, as the La Have was capturfd on high i s e a s . Schneider ha1 -- been reappointed President ; of the French Corps IzigisUtif, and Alfre«l Lierout, Baron Jerome Dav».i aud Dumural j Vice President. ! The steamship <>reat Eas;ern h:is arrived I off Brest. The weather is Very uelightlul. e ' The splice to the shore cj.d w ifi soon lie ; made and the new cable uniter way. i Ismael Pacha, the Viceroy a: Egypt, I [ leaves Paris for London to-;norrow. i Slight tumults occurred i»t Miian yester- ' d a y . The military were 'called out but j met with uo resistance. >,11 is quiet uow. ! Count Torre, the Prof'-ct dt the*l’roviuce, ! ha.- issued a pr.Kilamation’ threatening to I take severe mei ires to repressfthe out- i breaks if they are renewed. A LITTLE N0NBLNS.E. llartfortl Fire ln,ur*ncc Company. Chartered in IS10. Cash Capital, f 1,000,000. WM. C. SMITH, Agent, 4 BrownN Buildings, Buffalo, N. Y. Phoenix Fire 1 nuurame Company. of Hartford. Capital, #600,000. WM. C. SMITH, Agent, 4 Brown's Buildings, Buffalo, N. Y. Connecticut Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. Cai ital, #200,000. WM. C. SMITH, Agent, 4 Brown’s Buihling, Buffalo, N. Y. Teetli Extracted W ithout Pain, J. O BARBOUR, formerly of New York, haa aii office in connection with Dr. M. B. Straight, Dentist, where he can be found daily ready to relieve suffering humanity. Dr. Barbour, having Lad ^reat exj>erie::ee in extracting teeth under the influence *f Nitroua Oxide (or laughing gas), will devote hi* whole time to this branch of practice Hundreds .-f testirionuda can be been at the office, at So. ‘363 Main treet. 18GG. 8G9. J. T. HOOLE & CO., Office No. 4 N. Division rt. We are now prepared to receive orders for the best quality cf P illslon . W illibharrr aid ladiawaona C«al. Which, until further notice, we will soil at the fol lowing ur'ces, per ton of 2n00 lba., delivered within the city limits, outside of which a small charge vail l>e made for cartage: Ton. J Ton. J Tom Grate ...................... #a 15 #4 20 #2 _ ' Egg .......................................... 8 25 4 25 2 20 Stove ....................................... 8 50 4 35 2 25 Chestnut .................................S 26 4 25 2 10 Pea ........................................... 5 00 2 75 1 74) Also, Bl-'ssburgh for l lacksmith’s use, Lehigh Lump (old Company’s and Sugar Loaf) for fouudry purposeS, and be«t quality of selected Soft Co d for grates, constantly on hand. We are also prepared tosu p'y manufacturers with go«d Bituminous Coal for steam purpo-t-s at low rates. Our facilities, tor receiving, housing and deliver ng coal are unsur passed, and we respectfully solicit a share of patron age. J. T. HOOLE, E L. HEDSTROM. I.akc Ire. NEW YOKki :K, -June 19. —l.y t For tlie 'Wisent A soothing nap- sack M i nd Women. illow. Human jirogross—From pap to .papa. The latest thing in dresues—Night-dres ses. « The winds most dear to merchants— trade-winds. Knowledge is power- Hejaee th-3 widow's might. Many of the richest planters oi Jamaica The eub-ii,eer failed to notice thi, j live “u coffee-gronnd.. as a come juence an engine, tender 1 - Wives who blow New Yoi: k, -June 11*. —By the careless ness of an engineer of a freight train, named Ryan, an immense destruction of property was caused on the Erie Railroad, ou .Satur day night. The bridgejover the Passaic river was opened to admit the passage of a schooner. The engineer failed to notice this fact, and as a come juenee an engine, tender | Domestic magazine aad fourteen cars were precipitated through : up their husbands. the opening into the river. Fortunately, no j To keep vour wife in cumstat t check— lives were lost. Make her dress in gingham,. mal-i’RA'tick. ; Motto for the Sheriff—Render unto seizer A young man uaiu. d Ntraffe died at Bell- ! tlu. tLlUgs that are seizer’s. vue Hospital yesterday morning under cir- 1 cumstancca tliat throw suspicion so strongly upon one Dr. Armand, ol Bleecker stre that a warrant for hi Tlie Buffalo Ice Companv are now prej-an-d to sup- plv cu t’-roen* with Lake Tee at ihe b.wert ratc-3. A tuM sup;.ly cuarantot-il tlie aeaaon through. The lH.-li/erv Wag*>n.-> of tnid c inpany are co'ored red and pr .minentlr lettered “ LAKE ICE.” Any inai- tenihoi of men dtlivi rieg ic-, if re|»orted at the of fice, Hill 1* corrected. Orders left at MAKVIN’B DRUG SToltK, c >r. Wa. hiugton and Seneca streets, wiil be promptl> tille1 ^ * 1 BiUUGS. BufTulo Type Foundry And PRINTERS' WAREHOUSE furnishes every article required m the printing business to any ex text desired, on as reasonable terras as any Foundry in tli io country. Also, E ECT ROT Y PING in all its variety. Also, type adapted for Dick s Mailing Ma chine. n. u XMAN. Niagara IMunfng Mill Company. Door Sash and Blind Mantifactory, 208 E. Seneca St., Buffalo.' Flooring, Siding, Mouldings, Brack ets, Kiln Dried Do ora, Glared and U nv lazed Sash, Inside ami Outside Blinds; Door and Window Frames. AKo, Planing, Sawing ai d Turning of every description done to order ou short notice and with dispatch. The town clerk of H artfprtl r» p o r t s one \ death last year from “iguor.xrice.' What did our first parents dt/ in Eden? 1 Adam kept the garden und Eve raised trhed in mind took and in mevliately arrest has been is sued. it appears that Straife, ln-ing ill, ob tained some medicine from the Doctor, which produced a frightful pain in the stomach, and on consulting another physi cian, ht took an emclL. Vportion of the matter emitted from his stomach was ana- j lyzed aud found to contain Steel’s green, an* active poison. dav; now let’ fiuht*. j >voud. A tenement house brawl took place at ,, . , . . ... .. , , 1 i “Wont that boa-constrictor bite m e .' No. In.; Downing street, yesterday after-; .. ..... ... . . , ,. , ° , i. *i saul a little urchin to a showman. Oh. noon, m which one Lynch, agent tor thi' , . . . . , ,, . • landlord of the pren&c* attempted t.. j ,hV”V'W b,t"-' ^ 9Vll k r “ >*“ shoot an occupant named Stringer, and shot i 'Vl vswioe. a watch mag named Gaygan instead. He j Mrs. Jenkins complained in t^e evening was arrested. that the turkey she had foi rhioiksgiving Yesterday afternoon John Kinney, re-| >*.d *.ot ret well. “ Probably, said Jeu- siding at No. SS South Orange avenue, f kins, “it was not a hen turjtey. Newark, X. J., became engaged in a quar- ( “That’s very siugular, saul a young lady • The man who was disl , a dose of yeast powder i rose above his troubles. “Bob,” said a facetious farmer to bis son, “we had a pretty hard day's work yester- ha\e i» gan.e cf cLopfiiig Highwlnen, Alcohol, Etc. THOMAS CLARK, succe.-.sor to Clark & Brown, RifQilyiug Distiller, corner of Washington and Perry I'.rMi-. Buifala manufacturer and u- alcr in Higl.- wines. Alcohol, Pure Spirite, Cologne Spirits, Recti fied Whisky, Old Rye Whisky, Domestic lirar.die^- and Gin Glass, Ulas*, Gla«a. 6100 17 ixee Window Glass, assorted .sizes. PLATE GLaSS FOR STORKS AND DWELLINGS at Le: • tha'i Eastern Prices. 50,000 ths. WHITE LEAD, 10o*bbla. LINSEED OIL For sale by A REYNOLDS & CO., 191 Main nt. and 4ii Lined st. BuOalc, N. Y. Iluffitlo Malleable Iron W orki. J’ allcabie Iron made to order PRATT & i ETCM- WfSRTil, Proprietors. Office 62 and 64 Terrace st., BufUlo, N. Y. _ _ Je^ner’i hair Tonic unit Hrsloralivr, Thi Incomparable remedy. Try it.—it never fails. This preparation stops the hair falling out and promotes a vigorous growth clean.es the scalp of dandruff, and render* the l.r.ir soft anil glossy. It contai> s no sulphur,sugar of lead or oth er -uloring matter, being designed fcxorewly for Htrv^igtheninsr the hair. 50 cents and #1 jn-r iiottle. l*r» <ared by R. JENNKK, Chemist, 410 Main St., op- the Park. Q.EXCINE LACKAWANNA COAL For Manufacturing and Domestic use,which is mined and shipped only by Tilt DEIAWAKI AAD ULNACANALCO . The undersigned are now prepared to receive or ders for the above superior quality of coal, which will be screened and delivered in good condition in quantities to suit purchaser*. Prices for the present, pert-iu of 2000 l!»j, delivered within the old city limit*, are a* follows: Ton. i Ton. 4 Ton Grate ............................... #8 16 #4 20 #2 2C Eg* ................................... 8 25 4 26 2 20 Stove ............................... X 60 4 35 2 26 Chestnut ........................ S ‘25 4 26 2 20 Also, Biosahurg, Lehigh Lump and prepari-ii coal, Scotch and American Pig Iron, Fire Brick, etc., wholesale and retail. G. R. WILSON A CO., _____________ 96 Ohio st., corner Mississippi 0 H. DUDLEY S l CO., Wholesale aud Retail Defers in SUGAR LOAF, LEHIGH, SPUING BROOK, FRANKLIN, m a n LMUWAMA, BUftBTMH , EOF AND CLEVELAND COAL. Principal Office CORNER ERIE AND TERRACE STS. YARD, FOOT OF ERIE ST. Buffalo, April 21.1869. rn m c iu . , and in tiie course ut thu j to a gentleman ;ed husband seized an axe | “oh : vlio had kissed her rel w ith I . ., dispute the enraged husband seized an axe j “t)h : well, my dearmiss.’ ' was the reply and inflicted a wound upon her head, which | “I will soonmake it plural :’an-1 the V i 1 - i will in all probability terminate fatally. Iain did. mb. Raymonds kunf.bat.. j Coleridge, the p<-et ahd philosopher, ar-I The funeral of the late editor of the New j riving at an iun. called out: "W aiter, do i v. :*rk T 1’ ' "ill take place this afternoon j you (line here collectively or. individually?” j at six o’clock ,n the Presbyterian Church, j “Sir," replied the k n i g h t (*f th.j napkin. | •’ev. A. H. Kellogg, pastor, corner Tenth ; “we (lines at six." street an.l I mversity Place, ihc casket j A well-known physician ifged to say that containing the reinaiii* oi t.io deceased wi.l j roast beef, serenity of mind, cold-water be borneJ>y the following eminent genLc- j bathr., au-i an amiable wile! would make 1 Jmoat any man healthy, wealthy and vise. A gentleman seeing a tine painting reprt N I C K L E ! rrjee city, and quite a number from other parts of tlie country, were present, while the Time* office was represented by nearly all the attaches of the establishment. The ceremonies at the church opened with a voluntary on the organ, llev. Dr. Stephen H. Tyng read the Episcopal ser vice tor tho dead. Key. Henry Ward Beecher delivered a touching eulogy of Mr. Kayinoml. Kev. Mr. Kellogg, pastor of the church where the services were held, fol lowed with prayer, and Kev. Prof. Shedd pronounced tlie benediction. Tlie coffin was a very handsome rosewood casket, sil ver mounted, and w ji inscribed simply with the name and age of the deceased, and covered with several )>eautiful wreaths of Immortelles. After the services the lid was opened and the whole audience passed in procession around the coffin, each member taking a last look upon the remains of one of New York's most respected ami deeply loved sons. The lid was again closed and the congregation dispersed. The remains, it is understood, were left in the church during to-night, and will lie privately interred to morrow at Greenwood by the family. Mrs. Raymond and daughters were present in church during the ceremonies. Gov. Hoff man, though desirous of attending, was un avoidably detained at Albany. From the City Hall an-1 other public buildings, ho tels and newspaper offices, tiags were dis- played at half-mast during the afternoon. The Board of Aldermen to-day adopted reso lutions in honor of the memory of Mr. Ray mond. THF. AKLLOW FEVER. Two additional deaths from yellow fever Lave occurred among the patients on board the steamship Illinois, and six new cases have been admitted to the hospital from the Saratoga. When the remainder of the crew have tmcn transferred to the steamship Frolic, the Saratoga will be placed in charge uf ship *keepers and detained in the lower bay until there is no further danger of in- ection. The following are the names of he patients who died yesterday on board the hospital ship Illinois: James Anderson of New York, apprentice, and Samuel F. Blodgett of Ggdensbarg, mate. AGAt’N IS LIMBO. Ignatius Alfaro, Col. W. A. Ryan, Capt. James Peters and Mesar*. Ackerman & Soiedorf, members of the Caban Junta, trere arrested this evning and lodged m MISSISSIPPI. (ii.r for ili«- Miinlcr of Col. C ra n r. Ja« ksos, Miss, June -1.- In the case of Verger, before the Military Commission for the shooting of Col. Crane, the defence commenced the examination of witnesses to day. It shown that the piano seized was net tlie property of Verier, and < rane knew the ft t, but ordered tiiu officer to make t he sei/ ro notwithstanding. It is further shown by correspondence that Verger had offered to settle the claim of tho city against him if the city would settle a claim he held against it for dam ages to property caused bv neglect of the city government. An order o». restitution had been issued by Judge Peyton in the high cfuirt aud served ou Crane previous to the difficulty, but it had not been obeyed. The 1'onservative Republican Convention will meet in this city on Wednesday, June ‘23. The Radical Republican Convention will meet on Thursday, July I. MISCELLANEOUS. About twenty thousand persons witness ed the game of base ball between the Red Stockings and the Athletics of Philadelphia vesterday. The game resulted in favor of the Cincinnati club by a score of “7 to IS. Prof. H. Dussance. an eminent chemist, having charge oi 1 ihlen & * o. s laboratory, and editor of the Industrial L'hunist, pub lished in New York and Boston, died sud denly at his residence in New Lebanon, N. Y., last night. Gov. Clarion, of Massachusetts, has sign ed the prohibitory liquor law, to go into effect July l*t. A thief entered the sleeping apartment of E. Raymond, in Cambridge, Mass., early yesterday morning and stole silverw are, U. S. bonds, aud other valuables, amounting to 312,000 or $16,000. The June meeting of Narragauset Park Association commences to-day and contin ues four days. Premiums have been offer ed amounting to $13,000. Mauy famous horses have been entered, ami a large at tendance of people is anticipated. Chief Justice Chase arrived at Richmond last night from Raleigh, N. C., on his way to Washington. Several buildings were consumed by fire at Monroe, La., last evening. Loss $30,000f The straw paper mill of Beach ft Co., at Sandy Hill, near Troy, was burned on Sat urday nijfht. Loss $20,000. Insurance from'$1U,d00 to $15,000. Dispatches from Key West of this morn ing say the bark Lucy A. Nichols, from Havana for New York, put in there with the captain and six of the crew dewn with yellow fever. Mrs. Ann Festlomel, of Baltimore, was burned to daath yesterday by the explosion and ignition of a can of ooal oiL men: I he Mayor of tlie city; Major-1 John A. Dix; Judge C. P. Daly ; Mr.Thur- low >Veed; Mr. Horace Greeley; Mr. A. T. Stewart; Mr. Geo. H. Curtis; Admiral Farragut; Major-Gen. McDowell; Hon. E. D. .Morgan. Mr. W. C. Bryant; Mr. B. F. Tracy; Mr. M. H. Grinnell; Mr. C. C. Nor vell/ _______ THE SOI TH. St. Lours, Mo., June 21.—About fifty business lirmshave guaranteed Merchants Exchange, or Crain Association,against loss in the experiment of bringing Ocean steam ers from New York and loading Loro wttn grain for tLot. port. EXTENSIVE SMUGGLING, &C. The sugar, coffee, cigars and pepper, w hich wore seized in May last, by the Sur veyor of this post tor Custom II *nse at New Orleans, were ou Friday aud Saturday m course of transfer from different prem ises iu this city to the United States bon led warehouse. The total value of property’ seized was between §70,900 and $80,000. Some forty marchants were innocently involved iu tho transaction. ITEMS. A company of the Tenth Infantry arrived here ou Saturday, from St. Paul, tn route to Brownsville, TcaOs A heavy storm of rain passed over the city yesterday. Since the storm the tem perature is cooler. f THE RED SKINS. The Republican has a special from Hays i ( ity, K ansas, dated June 19th, which says j Col. Greenwood’s surveying party, who are i surveying the route of the Kansas Pacific j Railroad from Sheridan to Denver, was at- tacked this morning a few miles beyond deafness, the judge said : * Could you Sheridan by a band of Cheyennes. The hear my charge to the jury wr - 4J e», I surveyor's were well armed, and after ades- j heard yonr honor s charge, • said I addy, {>erate fight succeeded in killing four lu- , ‘‘but I couldn t make any s-*ase out or it. dians, wounding several and putting the j ble w-as let off. balance to (light. The servant of an army officer one day Two brothers in Greenwood’s party, met a crony, who inquired Gf him how he named Schuyler, were wounded—one eriti- ! got along with his fiery master. “ Oh! ex- caliy and the other slightly. I celleutly!” answered the seriant, “ we live The Indians report that Spotted Tail, | on very friendly terms; every morning we •ith two hundred lodges, ha* left the reser- ; l>eat each other's coats; the Dnly difference senting a man playing on a lute, paid this high compliment to the ac.ist: “ When I look on that picture L fancy, myself deaf.” Be careful of your health! girls Don't mind being called “old fogj,” because you wrap yourselves up well and never venture out in thin shoes. Better ac. old fogy than a young corpse. “My son,” Said an anxioui- father, “why do you use that nasty tobacco? ’ The h<‘y tleclininu to ---- -I- ' H-, m the spirit in which it was askeof, replied; “ Io get the juice.” The pastor of a popular cjnnrth, at the Sunday Scheol concert, sai<l “ Boys, when I heard your beautiful sougs lo-eight, I hail ! to work hard to keep my fe ;t still; w hat do you suppose is tlie trouble with them ?” “Chilblains, sir,” shouted a tittle six-vear- old. Two physicians at the bed fide of a pa tient disputed as to nature of the disease. At last one of them ended -the discussion by saying: “Yery well, have it your own way now, but the post mort,:m will show that I am right." The (lafient was not much encouraged. A New Hampshire editor, .who has been keeping a record of big beets, .announces at last that “the beet that beat tne beet that j beat the other beet is now bea^n i.y a buet | that beats all the beets, whether the origi nal beet, or the beet that befit the beet, or j the beet that beat the beefi tnat beat the ither .beet.” An Irish juror having applied to the to be excused from serving on account FIXE ARTS. UPSON & SIMPSON, FH O TO G KAFHERS, 456 MAIN STREET PlLTUKEb ON EXHIBITION AT BOSTON ARE NOW AT OUR ART RoOMS. litKl>WARE A.XP STOVES. rp H E MORNING ANI) EVENING STAR Improved. A SPLESOIU KIKST-CI.AS3 COOK STOVE. ONE OF THE BL.VI IN M.kKIiF.T. Sold only by SHAW S l FERRIS, 44(3 Main st., Buffalo. vatiou and is coming down, with what in tention is not known. Army officers who came down on thp steamer Cora report a light between th< Sioux and Reis, below Fort Rufort, in hich the Siuux lost ten killed and fifteen wounded, and the latter lost one killed and three wounded. The Sioux have goue for reinforcements aud intend to renew the fight. _________^ ^ Items by Telegraph. Howell ft Co.'s wagon factory at < arth- age, 0., was destroyed by fire Sunlay night. Loss about $10,000. The supplementary concert of the great Peace Festival came off in the Coliseum, Saturday night, before an audience of about 15,000, and proved a great success. There were 5000 choristers, some of them from towns fifteen miles off, and Madame Parepa Rosa, Miss Adelaide Phillips and d e Bull participated. The concert was conducted by Messrs. Gilmore, Zerrahn and Eichberg. The former had a very w arm reception. It is probable that there will be no more musical entertainments given in the 1'olist-uro this week, at least until Saturday, when a series of popular musical entertainments will probably be inaugurated. In most of the churches .Sunday, favorable allusion was made by the preachers to the great moral accom plishments and effects of the Peace Fes tival. They were united in commendation of the affair. Vice President Colfax spent Sunday in Springfield, Mass., as the guest of Samuel Bowles, and leaves to visit Senator Morrill at Stratford, Vt. Rev. T. Beecher, of Elmira, (H. \Y, is, he takes his off to be bealen, and 1 keep mine on.” A merchant being unable ;;o live as com fortably as be desired, and at the same time pay his debts, failed several times in busi ness. and made assignments t, f his property. Finally he died. Among .hose who had rause to remember him was Mr. B , who, meeting one of his nij;hbors, was in formed that Uncle C— ’iras dead—had pfiiil the debt of nature. “ l,j that so?” re plied B — ; “why didn't be make an as signment ?” An Arkansas judge of the old times, who i had an office in common v i;h a physician, was at his table, busy with oriefs and bills in chancery. The doctor was writing a let ter, and pausing for a moment, called out: “Judge, isn't e-q-u-i the waj to spell equi- nomical?. “ Yes, .1 think i( is." said the Judge; “but here's Webster s Dictionary— I can soon tell you.” He ojiened the book and turned over the leaves, r jpeating aloud, “ E-qui-nomical—e-qui-nomic aL” Finding the p^per place, he ran his eye an i finger up and down thecolumn two or three times, until he was thoroughly satisfied the word was not there. Closing th ; book with a siam, the Judge laid his spectacles on the table, and rising slowly, broke forth: “ Well, sir, I’ve always been a Daniel Web ster man, and 1 voted for hit,* for President; bat any person that will write aa big a dic tionary as that, and not put' as common a word as e-qui-nomical in iR can't get my vote again not once.” m • :•» . ------ Tbc Hare Csrc, Jeaacr'i Ca ugh M ixtsn, Cure* Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bcsnenem, sod all affections of the Throat or L p r c Fifty caato B. JDnrCR, Chemist, , ofjpMtts th* FMfc. 'J'H E AMERICAN COOKING STOVE. UU1B [MOVEMENT IM THIS STOVE AND ANOTHER PATENT. After a long series of experiment* vre have added the Base Burning principle to the ’ AMERICAN COOKING STOVE, By which a more uniform combustion is obtained in all nut* of the Fire Box, and a continuous fire can be Sept with a great saving of fuel. Thi* is another ace jisltion to this world renowned stove and is fully »e<3red by Letters Patent. 7 his stove has now been before the public for eight yes 's, and (K«r Fifty TU-acd «f ilr* in ii 1st, To the entire satisfaction of the people, and they are eagerly sought after n all the State* between the At- !antic and Pacific coast*. We have improved it from time to time until it is admitted to lie a most perfect as a stove; and the strongest evidence of its superiority over all otb.cn is ti* numerous attempt* to imitate its name and de sign. While some of these imitation* are infringe ments of our right* and are being prosecuted, all will be found greatly inferior to the genuine article in their operation-. SHEAR, PACKARD * CO., 17 and 19 Green street, Alhanv N. Y. For sale bv C. EL WALBRIDGE, 271 Maui rtreet Buffalo, X. Y. __________________________________ 'J'H E PEERLESS IS CONCEDED TO BE THE BEST COOK STOVE EVER MADE. It is a SPLENDID BAKER and performs equally well in other respect* It ia a perfect GAS BURNER and require* LESS FUEL than any other stove. I* ^ equally well adapted for wood or coal. It is the HEAVIEST first class stove in market, and therefore MORE DURABLE It is mad* from the BEST QUALITY of iron, and warranted not to crack. And for BEAUTY OF DESIGH, SMOOTHNESS OF CASTING** AND ELEGANCE OF FINISH JJN IO N C0/,L AUD WOOD COMPANY, Foot of Court st. A large quantity of HARI) AND SOFT COAl. FOR 8 ALE, And 1000 CORDS OF CANADA WOOD (lJeacl aud Maple), either in .stick or *awt d or split. Delivered in any part of the city. Liberal deductions made to driers. 111-tf DARLING & MONTAGUE. 1869. 18es ANTHRACITE COAL CO., FOOT OF) GENESEE ST. w^il sell until further notice these celebrated coals at the following prices per ton of 2000 lbs, deliverid in any part of the old city limits, outside of which a small charge will be made for cartage: Grate .................................................. 8 16 Egg........................................ Stove .................................................. Chestnut... .................................... 8 25 Terms strictly Cash when ordered. GEORGE DAK IN, Agent. EufT&io, M aj 19, 18CW Ton *Ton JTon #8 -V) #4 35 #2 25 8 15 4 20 2 20 8 25 4 25 2 20 8 60 4 35 2 25 8 25 4 25 *2 l i C OAL AND COKE.—WEBSTER ft FREDERICK, Office and Yard. 219 Krie St., tn Coit Slip, wiil sell genuine Lackawana, Scranton, Pittston, and other hard coals. Also, krie and Cleve land best soft coal*, Blossburgh, soft nut and slack for steam purposes at th lowest market price, which will bo screened and delivered in good condition, in •quantities to suit purchasers. Branch office No. V W. Swan st. ALBRO * BYRNE, Agent*. ELLIS WEBSTER, P. C. FREDERICK. Q O A L , COAL. FARNHAM & ALLEN, CORNER ERIE AND RIVER STREETS Have on hand, and for *ale at all times,PITTSTON and other hard coals. Also Erie best soft coals BLOSSBURGH, LEHIGH, SLACK and NUT, at the lowest market prices. FARNHAM £ ALLEN. Buffalo, May 9, l&fiS. Q UEEN CITY COAL YARD, GENESEE BRIDGE AND ERIE CANAL, Office 299 Genesee s .. Buffalo, N. Y. For sale a good assortment of all kinds of HARD AND SOFi COAL, who esale and retail. Constantly on nan-i ai- . a superior quail lity of HARD AND SOFT WOOD h r sale, sawed and split, or in the stick, de livered ir. any part of the city. Dealers wanting small lots of coal or wood will do wed to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. S. DARLING. 0 O A L , COAL. A . & .T. H A M I T .L , So . H i Scu ll Street. Corner of MLwsi|ipi. Have on hand and for sale at the lowest ma ket price* GENUINE LACKAWANNA, Bituminous and Blowbtirgh Coals. All coal screened and perfectly dry. Term* cartt when ordered. BUILDING* JSAAC HOLLOWAY, Dealer in HUM Pit LOCkP ilRT SAM ISTIIJE , FLAGGING, CURBING, PLATFORMS. Door and Window Cap* and Sill*, Step*, Etc. Office and Yard corner of Michigan st. and the Mam and Hamburg Canal. w E INVITE Sold ottlyjby i unequalled. HAW * FEUUS, The Attention of BUILDERS To our Large and well Selected Stock of HARDWARE, NAILS, TOOLS, ftc, Pricce Low. SHAW k FERRIS, v 446 Mam st., Buffalo. 0UMMINCS k CLARK, Proprietors of the AKRON CEMENT WORKS. and dealer* in Offiea72 River street; Branch office 1 Cant. Whar Buffalo, H. T. TT C«n;mfng*_________________ SethClark. __________ PAPER. ____________ C HRISTBY ft JKNKS. (Succeaors to Arthur ChristeyJ Dealer* in TATIDNERY, PAPER, AND BLANK BOOKS, PRQITEKS’ AND BINDERS* STOCK, Nos. 200 and 202 Main at., Buffalo. ARTHUR CHRISTEY. EDMUND B. JEN KB. J^ C. WOODRUFF ft U>., rm lismmius aii iealeb, 24 and 36 PEARL TREET, BUFFALO, Eeep on h nd and mamriactaie to order paper* of every grade, et W hdad* Pricca. CAtH PAID for *0 kinds of Paper stock. Waretoowe* ef th* l i m n Faffs Paper HSU, Wy- lc\oSSSw f)1W' unriuuK K im s. «ni a w MH e m u t woooscrr c a m ’ n m u ra w . BUFFALO SAVINGS BANK. COR. WA8IUROTON AND BATAVIA STURT*, j The Board of Trustees have ordered interact at the rate of » x percent, per annum, fra* of government tax, to lie paid t<> depositors entitled thereto, on and after July 18th, 186B, for six months, ending Jun. 3. t h . Interest not withdrawn, will draw interest fr..m July l*t, the same as prmci: al. «ix per cent, interest, free from government tax, allowed on ah sums 'rom f t to #3000. Bank open daily from S A E to lP .lL WARREN BRYANT, Presidtnt. H. HOWARD, Secretary. June 21, 1869. HCOUTIOS. J. R. HOWELL PRACTICAL GILDER ANP FRAME MAKER No. 13 South Division 8treet. L4ii{ (ilass, iVtraii »b >1 Pirluir Francs OF ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER. An a*-ortiuent of Frames, Engravings, Chromos, etc., always on hand. I have also on exhibition the new and beautiful Duplex Mirro:* for Ladie*' Dres-ing Rooms, Mil.in- er., Drea* Makers and Tailors' Store* for which I am ready to receive order*. Call am! -ee. N. A —Pa* titular attention paid to cleaning and varnUhitig Oil Paintings. •T. I t . H o w e l l . N EW I'Al’ER HANGINGS! NEW DECORATIONS NEW WINDOW SHADES, CORDS, TASSELS, OIL CLOTHS FOR Fl.oORS, TABLES AND COUNTERS. Special attention i-called to mv ’Decoration De- partm»nt, and Fine Parlor Papers, superintenued by MH. EDWARD BLRLKY, Formerly White A Burley. Country Merchants -applied at Nev. Y rk city prices. M. H. E. E, 2IS Main treet. W B. O L V E li, Succes-or U> THOMAS BRIGGS, No. 6 Genesee st., Genesee Hou-e Block. PORTRAIT, PICTURE AND LOOKING GLASS FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. J. JOSEPHS, HOUSE, SIGN AND FANCY PAINTER, 4 6 E x ch an u re S t., Bullalo, N. Y. IV MY OLD CUSTOMERS, And as many new ones as choose to come, I beg leave to state that I am prepared to do KALS0MIMNG, TINTING WALLS, Or anything in my line of business a* well a* anv- ________________ body in tlie city. pO ST ft YI ERG IYER, Dealers in PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, WINDOW SASTI, ARTISTS’ MATERIALS, Ac., No. 13 E. Swan st., Buffalo, N. Y. Glazing done to order. JOHN C. POST, JACOB VIERGIVER. BOOKS AID STATIONERY. D ONT GET CROSS. But throw away your |K»or, thick Black Ink anj get Mine COMMERCIAL PURPLE WRITING FLUID, It flow* very free, don’t gat ihiek or change color. FELTON £ BRO. Manufacturer’* Agents. D U N K BOOKS. J. J. CHICHESTER, MANUFACTURER, Shipping, ifiiniDFrfial W trk, Ruling and B inding OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. 18? Wail.ington st.. Buffalo. MUSICAL. w E HAVE Jl'ST PUBLISHED THE foil .wing New Music My Willie for Thee. Soiig and cB«>r Bv-ir Adamson. A ton. lilng and plaii that cannot fail to please. Pri. e 30 ets. 11 Pack). Waltz. An easy arrangement of thi* jsipi’lar waltz, being No 23 of tlie “Knapsack Set.” Ly K Denton. Price 25 « .‘t s . Genevieve de Brabant, introdmrng the beautiful “ Serenade.” Thi* also is one of the “ Kiumcack Set.” I'rice 20 ct*. Riverside Galop. A da-hing and sp'rited, though easy piece. By Miss Ada A. Ken a? a. Price 30 «t-. Nreturue, in D fiat. By Cano lies a Thi* j* one of the nmst beautiful Nocturne* that we have ever heard. The author is comparatively unknown here, but he fmssesses undoubted ability, and we recoin-a mend Nocturne. Price 40 ct*. 1 Music mailed, post-paid, on receipt of the price. COTTIER k DENTON. 269 Main rtreet. C HRIS KUKTZMAN, PIANO MANU FACTUKEK. comer Batavia and Elm sta., two squares from old Court House. The nubacriber keep* constantly on hand a choice aaeortment of Piano Forte*, In elegant rosewood canca. which he warrants to be equal in tone, touch and finish to any manufac tured in the country. Person* desirous of obtaining a superior instrument are respectfully invited to give him a call before purrtas'rg *l**wh*r* CHRISTIAN KURTZMAX. EXPRESS. AMERICAN MERCHANTS’ UNION EXPRESS COMPANY, NOS. 7, 9,11 AND 13 W. SENECA ST., BUFFALO. CAPITAL........................................................ U M iM W Forward with the greatest Booed aad Safety, COIN, BANK NOTES, JEWELRY And other valuable Merchandise aad Package*, And collect NOTES, DRAFTS and ACCOUNTS. Bills sent with g»ods, and execute all other Commission* connected with the Ex pres- burinew, at all the prin cipal place* between the city off NEW YORK aad the WESTERN. NORTH and SOUTH WESTERN STATES and CANADAS, connecting with other re- »pon-ible Express Companies. GOODS, COIN, BANK NOTES, JEWELRY AND VALUABLES. WM. O. rAROO, President, WM. B. PECK. Agent. ATTORNEYS. 17'ORBUSH ft HYATT, F Huccemtor* to E. B. k W. H. Forbewh, Solicitor* of American aad Foreign Patent*, and ATTORNEYS IN PATENT CASES, Weed’* Block, comer of Main and Swan utreeta, BUFFALO. N. Y. Jav Hyat*. W. H. Forbush. tt'v A OmiM*n*r ♦ f w______ e. haaical Fuyinee /COOPERAGE. F. K. PLUMBLY, Tank and Cistern Builder, aad dealer in new second hand barrels, tanks, hoop*, staves aad I ing. Alt kinds of Cooperage constantly o * •J w OOL! WOOL I WOOL I FISKE, CLARK ft FLAGG’S PATENT PANTALOON DRAWERS, A lilK T FOR THIS CITY, T. KENNETT, tt78 M ain St. COMPANY. mmSF EO. KELLY ...................... Mi *111 leave Buffalo, Tl'KSt. Ei’i S ukSStJSeSSL elas* •ommctUn at Portage Lake, with ‘the ATLAJTTlt, 'ui** 22, a t S ocIim L * Portage 'ing GEORGE B. TRIPP. MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF SHIRTS, WRAPPERS, DRAWERS Linen Dickies, Bosoms, Collars and Cuffs. MADE TO ORDER AMD TOR RALE AT No. 11 North Division Mt. ■OTBL8. J J NITED STATES HOTEL, CAPE MAYCTTT. N. J., Will be opened for the *«-asoo Saturday, May 29. In all first cl a*- appointment!*, equal to any, aud yat af fording to families a I the comforts of a home. President Urant expects to visit tha United State* this Season. Address AAEON MILLKR, Proprietor. THOMAS' HOTEL & DINING ROOMS, (0*i THK EUROPEAN PLAN,) Cnrr » Hiring ud WulmglN Huflalo, N. Y. LADIES AND GENTS’ PRIVATE DINING ROOMS. ENTRANCE ON WASHINGTON ST. SHELL OYSTERS, CLAM AND SALT FISH RECEIVED DAILY. DINNERS FROM 12 TO 3. MEALS SERVED TO ORDER AT ALL HOUR** HOI HE FURNISH INC. WHOLESALE TRADE. FRUIT JARS FRUIT .TARS. AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES, DELIVERED IN TnE CITY. MASON'S IMPROVED CLASS COVERS, DEXTER AND UNION, AT W. H. GliEXXY, SOX & CO. CROCKERY. CHINA AND GLASSWARE, Of Every Description, AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. SILVER FLATED WARE, A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK. GAS FIXTURES, GAS FIXTURES. ?At Ileduoed Prices,! AND OP THE NEWEST PATTERNS. BRONZES, PARIAN MARBLE, VASES, COLOGNE SETS, ftc. AT W.H.GLENNY, SON &C0. S04 an.l 206 MAIN STREET, jCHJRNlTURE IFOR EVERYBODY AT REDUCED PRICES. A very large a*«*>rtment of FlUNITURE, CHAIRS. AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS ON HAND. Furniture made to order, and 'repairing, boxing, eta., done In the best manner. *-W -F ___________ ISAAC D. W HITE, *67 Main at. J^EKRH;fcRATui:> AND ICE CHESTS. BOTH SLATE A7TD ZINC. The Bert In Market. SHAW A FERRIS, 446 Main rt. rO w e B a re e r, EagM HarWr, Ontanagon, la oisto, Bhyfiald, Superior City and Du I nth. Freight received lor above porta at foot of Main The - ARCTIC* ft M TYRMOL................................................. Master. ■teal la rate, aagartty aad accciea*mi*tlno», wifi M ^eae above, oaTUBDAY. Juae M, lor mm* dart: ia*. and are furnished with facial refareao* to tho accommodation of pasaat^tri. aad have ahn an.pl* room for freight, aad wiU ooartkuta dwrmg the *«*- MB of 1MB, a iww aad Indeoendaat Lake Bnpeno* Line, leavii g Buffalo regularly every TUeedsy at 8 P. M .andtlevelaBd every WedtMadavatSP M. For freight or pamage apph at th* Coatpaay'a of fice, No. 1 Main atreet, Buffalo, _____________BETH CALDWELL. Agent. U NION STEAMBOAT COMPANY. For Chicago, Milwaukee and intermediate part*. Thejf favorite passenger sWamer ST. LOUIS, JAMES PRATT................................................. ....... ....... will leave Ike Company’s dock, foot of Mai l street, for the above poiti., on WEDNESDAY EVENING. June 23, at 8 o'clock P. M. For freight or jw-nage apply at the Companv’-* office, No. l Main st, ______________________ S g n i CALDWELL, Agent \B7ESTEKN TRANSPORTATION t (). * v People's Line Steam- ers. For Cleveland. Detroit, * Milwaukee and Chicago. The i MpleiKlid loar pressure | ger steamer BADGER STATE, WM. DICKSON....................... 7 .... Ma*ter, win leave the Company’* D.K-k, f,«t ot Wartiingt.-n street, on TUESDAY EVENING, June 22d, at s P. M. The Badger Stale, with flrrt class pa-^uger accommodation* in every respect, i* an established favorite with th* traveling public. F >r freirfat or passage apply at the office of tho Western Transportation Company, Erie Baain. oi foot of Waahington atreet. JOHN ALL«N, Jr .Freaide. i R. M. CHOATE Ticket Agent, Foot of Washington rt., Buffalo. B uffalo, milwai kke and chi oago Lin* —For Detroit, ' Milwaukee, Chicago aud Inter rt mediate Porte. Tlie fan! l.>w pressure paswu ger steamer ' FOUWTAIN CITY, OK'J- PKHKlMd..........................................Marter Will leave the Compauy’s Dock foot of Michigan st , for above ports, on TUESDAY EVENING, 'Jun.' fid. at 8 o’clock. T».e Fountain City 1s the fastest and mo*t mavmtU cut pawenger steamer on the lakes. For freight or passage app'y t.> SHELDON PEASE, Managing Agt., Offioe fnot of Michigan -t JEROME k WEHOOTr.Tck^t Agent*. 1869. feg g g g g 1869. PLEASURE TRAVEL d!E ,.;F 5 “ v“ 8T lawrencm. rising hk> THOUSAND ISLANDS and th* WONDEKFUL RAPIDS OF THE ST. UWRFNCK BY DAYLIGHT, BV THE SPLENDID STEAMER 1 Of THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY AND ROYAL MAIL LINt From Huftiilo TO MONTREAL, VUK11RC RIVER SAOUENAC through the beautiful and romantic t'.cencn ot the W HITE MOUNTAI -»8, LAKE. OEOKUF. LAKE CHAMPLAIN. LAKE MEM I’HRF MAGOG, HAKATOOA P RINGS, NEWPORT, PORTLAND, BOSTON pfeov.DKNCE AND Mf.W YoWs. * Th# whole forming the cheapest, moxt varied and delightful trip ou the Continent. Passengers will connect at Lewiston with the first- c’as* steamer CITY OK TORONTO for Toronto .whcru direct connection will he mada with the following Upper Cabin Steamers of tho Royal Mail Line : BANSHEE...........................................................Capt. Railct ^JJAMPION ............................................. Capt. Carmichael COKlKTlllkN .............................................. '.c.pt. Dunlop SPARTAN ................................................ Capt. Fairgrieve PA-bPORT ............................................... T c a ,.t (Mn. lair KINGSTON........................................................ Capt. Farrell Be sure and purchsueTickeu via. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY and ROYAL MAIL LINE STtAMFKS, which are good via rail or boat, are available until November, 18(19, and can be ontained at ail tlie prin cipal Watering Places aud Ticket Offices in tiiu United State*. A. Mll.LOY Gen. Agent R. M L .Mon*real. H. SHACK ELL, Gen. AgentG. T. K.. Montreal ________________J. WHITMORE, Agent, Buffalo 18G9 PE0PLErs LINEstka *:, ki FOR NEW YORK. The Steamers ST. JOHN, W. H. CHRISTOPHER ^ < ^ ^ Monday, Wediiuslay aat| Friday* r> R E \v S’ J *W ................................ .. . Capt a. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, At 8i o’clock P. M , On arrival of train* of New York Central, Albai Jt Buxquehanna, Ren—elaer k Saratoga, and’ Hort A Albany Railroads, and I ake Champlain SU-amei Baggage Wagona always in readiness at Dei>..t onvey Baggage to the Boat* free. Hudson River Railroail tickets taken for Paew on the Boat*, including State Room BerCn When requested of Htatkxi Agent*. Baguage « be Cliecked to New York by Beat*. pLATED FOKKS AND SPOONS AT REDUCED PRICES. Quality warranted Equal to any Made. SHAW k FERRIS, 446 Main st. ''ABLE CUTLERY. A Fine Assortment. SHAW k FERRIS. 446 Main at. 1869. ,869- THE UNION STEAMBOAT COMPANY Will run duriug the ensuing season in connection with the ERIK RAILWAY, ami all railroad, u mil itating at the Lake Ports below named, and with re liable lines on the Krie Canal, the following first-clans Dai|y Line* of Steamers: BUFFALO .AND LAKE IUPEHIUR LINE. Arctic ....................................................Capt. J. E. Turner PhcMc .............................................. Capt. Ed. Kelly BUFFALO, MILWAUKEE AND CHI CAGO LINK. JayOould ........................................... Capt. F. n. Brown. St. Louis ...................................................... Capt. Ja*. Pratt Paaaaic...................................................... Capt. Thus. Watt*. Eclipse ........................................................ Capt. K. L. Pope. Wabash ...................................................... Capt. John Kirby. f Canlrt«o .................................................... Capt. J. p. Been. •''"■Inox...................... a. .................. Capt. W. H. Arthur. BUFFALO AND DETROIT LIN’;. .................................Vsm. Tb im , • -Ot.pt. 8. Hhannon. C*Pt- ©. W. Stoddard. ................. C*pt- D. P. Purnell. ............... Cajit. D. MrFarlane. ........................ C»|ft. U. Watts BrrPALO, (LKVKLAND AND TO LEDO LINK. Toledo............................... gHEPPARD IKON WORKS, OHIC STREET, BUFFALO, H. Y , WM. J. KINO. Jr., Preeideot. H. O. PKR SY, Vice Prea”. and Sup’t. STEAM KWO NE8, BOILERS, BTKAM PUMPS, MINING PUMP8, STEAM FIRE ENGINES. Pr ope!l*r Wheels Iron and Braas Casting*, Wrought Iron Works, tic., kc. ru rx IF YOUR FLOUR DOES NOT SUIT. TRY FRENCH ft DOYLE, WHOLIULI OROCEM,FLOUK AMD OATMEAL DEALUM M HA1> (T MWf 2 0 0 r K 10811 OROUND OAT- 100 bbla May Mower Mills, white winter wheat. 10# bbls Genet Mills, ehoie* Minnesota. 19® hble International, Mo. 1 Bprrng. 60# boxes F o rt Cincinnati Starch. CHEAP FOB CASH, BY ANDREW M. JOHNSTON, DEALER IN CHOICE GROCERIES. FLOUR AMD OATMEAL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Tt MAIN STREET B UFFALO BRASS FOUNDRY. nr ---------- M. Y. WM CA9HM D ALL ITS ttiK U MEATLY AMD EXPMDIYKNWLY DOMM. Ani Wi ------- Atlantic ............... Evergreen City. Tioga ................... Missouri............ Guiding S tar... Dunkirk ............. Capt. R A. 8i-*on. . . .Capt. W. D. Dougla*,. Capt. John Kgelar. ., .C-.pt. W, II. McNally. Caj-t. J. O. Hlnde. ..Capt. Wm. Cumming*. Araxes .......................... New York .................... Oronte* ......................... Elmira ........................... Theae Steamer?, ar* in the beat possible- condition, many af them nearly or quite new, and will lie run regularly, affording to Hlnmiere unequalled facilitlee for the movement of their Freight with Ji*petH>. Dock for Cfcfoego and Lake Superior Line*, foot o( Main *t ; for Lake Erie Line*, foot of Lloyd rt. Freight and Pasnenger office. No. 1 Main *t, AGENTS AND CONSIGNER. MOR* ........................8r“*aiw»y. New York. JOHN J. S. DUNLAP ............. 8BTH CALDWELL.. W. D. CURHINU, GARRETRON ft CO., A. W. COLTON, A. W. COLT’lNACO., A. CHEIMUMtOUGH. J. «. PATTEN. C. M. OOTTRILL LATH HOP A CO. 124 W ^hiirtton *t., Boston. ............1 Main *t., Buffalo. j- ...........................Cleveland. ]• ............................ Toledo. £ ..................................... Detroit. .................................. Milwaukee. ......................................... Racine D. R. WILLIAMS, ( ........... Chicago. 8. D. CALDWELL. Oeiwral Manager, No. 6 Ohio atreet, Buffalo. BMTS AND lltM L BSYBEM’t CBLEBIATIB BOOTS AND SHOES FO* OKHTLCMKN. DCI BLE BOLB FBESCH CALF *007-. MXOLC SOLI FKKNCH CAL» BOOTS FIN* FBBK.-B CALT WALKING BBORS FINE FRENCH CALF OONOEXBB BOOn. FIXE PBBXfH CALT OXTOltD*. FIX* I.-ALF KID BITTOX CMION8. FIX* PATENT LBATBBB BITTOX LBIONI TN* A n n * n all m ala oa IN* —l.l.-ai.nl BOV OK a LAST, and a n am aalai )«tur tuateiiai. bat N. a_ l-tio- Ba. alaa ttoaa n u n SOLE AGENCY AT JE W E T T ’S POPULAR SHOE STORE. 406 5 £ 5 L S S P T’ r. 'JH K HICB8T, COOLEST AND BERT S O D A . n iN* CH, la lauod a*

Transcript of BUFFALO SAVINGS BANK. THE RINK. U - NYS Historic...

Page 1: BUFFALO SAVINGS BANK. THE RINK. U - NYS Historic …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030921/1869-06-22… ·  · 2013-12-19and which shall ever endear his memory to ii* and to


Colorwl Jurors Ordered on Ihe List by Jtidue Fisher.

D O U C L A S S A N D T H E P R IN T E R S .

A t.. Ac., Ac-

W ashington, June 21.- A fter the close of tho present fiscal year, June 30th, and until further notice, instead of the weekly purchases of bonds and sales of gold, the j secretary of the Treasury will purchase one million dollars of bonds on alternate weeks, ; commencing Thursday, Ju ly 1st, and will j

Ludlow street jail ou information lodged against them by the .Spanish m inister tna t they intended to violate the neutralitylaws.

YACHT RACING.Tho following yachts won prices to-day

a t the regatte of the lone Y acht (.'lab: Un­known owner, J . Comet; Jersey Dutchman; A. h . Uitch; Van V liet; M. K. Murphy. Distance—21 miles; tim e 5 hours 1 minute.


The London Press on Mr. mond's Decease.


VOL XXIV. TUESDAY. JU N E 22. 1869. NO. 80010.


WASHINGTON*W ashington, June 21 .—I t w ill be rc-

membered tha t in 1S07 certain Japanese" ; ! ! , r . u ^ ‘ on T h S l d . ^ S i r S l f e I • ’ " ’P M - a t l o * * C o l l l |» U ‘t c f o r ( b e IAssistant Treasurer a t New York has been instructed accordingly.

RECIPROCITY.On the 12th inst. Secretary Fish ad­

dressed an official le tter t<* the British Min­ister, informing him cf the action of the House of Ilepresentatives a t the la st session, recommending the renewal of negotiations for the arrangement of trade with Canada, and inviting Mr. Thorn­ton's cooperation, with a view to the nego­tiation of a convention covering the inter­change of products, free navigation of the .St. Lawrence, freedom of the gulf and in the shore fisheries, and such othei matter* as may be embraced in the general subject of trade relations between the United S tates and < 'anada. The British government has given the Canadian au­thorities the practical control of these sub­jects so far as they ar<- concerned, and it is expected th a t Canadian Commissioners will arrive here immediately to confer with and assiHt the British M inister in the considera­tion of the proposed convention.

RESOLUTIONS OK RESPECT.The following resolutions were recently

passed by the Washington city Correspond- nuts' * Hub:

Whereas, We the members of the W ash­ington Correspondents’ Club have heard with sincere and heartfelt regret the an ­nouncement of the death of Hon. Henry J. ilaym ond; and

Whereas, We feel th a t in his decease American journalism has lost one of its most distinguished, able and useful leaders and representatives, and the country one of its liest, wisest and most patriotic citizens and statemen;

/.VsnbW, T hat we, the mcmL-rs of tli e W ashington Correspondent’s ( lub, while bowing to the infinite wisdom which has removed him from among us, mingle our regrets with those of our professional brethren elsewhere, a t w hat seems to our vision his untimely death, and unite w ith them iu acknowledging and honoring the .ibilitv wl. ii placed him in the front rank among journalists; in applauding the wis­dom and purity which won him the leader­ship among state- men, aud in revering the tn my great public and private virtues which tendered him admired aud beloved, and which shall ever endear his m e m o r y to ii* and to his country.

/tV*.i/r«‘»/, T hat we tender to his bereaved family tho expression i f our sympathy an«l condolence iu their aUliction, and tliat a copy of these resolutions be transm itted t" them by the officers of the club.

PERSONAL.I’reside/tt C r^u t and family returned to

W ashington this evening.CiH.OP.KI> ll ROHM.

To-day Jud : ■ Fisher, presiding iu tin Criminal Court, •nlered the .Marshal t '1 pnimiicn a number of colored citizens to fill vacancies in the grand and petit juries, one term of which was commenced this morning.

A list of nine was prepared accordingly, and those selected were summoned th is af­ternoon. Before the close of the week this nc w element will i>e represented among the white jurors.

y o u n g r>oi g l a s s .It is generally adm itted th a t Douglass,

ihe colored compositor, will continue at the government printing office, irres)«ectiv of auv society action. To-day three com posiuirs resigned. D u e of them, a cripple declared th a t he would not work with negro. Another compositor was di* charged.

L a y in g o f ih r FrenchC a b l e .

f t c . , A c. Ac.

The receipts from Internal Kevenu day were



Kr-Arrosl of Mem hers ( u l i a i i .1 ii nt a.

o f H it1

M R R A Y M O N D ’S F U N E R A L .

A c., Ac., A c.

N i w York , June 21.The United States steamer Frolic will re ­

ceive the crew of the sloop Saratoga now in quarantine, ami after a thorough disinfec­tion they will be sent to Portsmouth, N. H.

GERMAN FESTIVAL.The New York Schutsenfest commenced

a t Jones’ Wood to-day. The attendance is immense. Delegations from 4 liarleston, Baltimore, W ashington, New Haven and other cities are present. Various shooting societies. with guests, formed in the pr< cession, which w as half a mile long, and proceeded to the Woods after passing through tho principal streets. < fii the grounds six targets are erected, and tiring has heen brisk all day.

Iji iN. IIENKY .1. RAN MONP’S OI'.SKIJUIES.The funeral services of the late Henry J.

Raymond took place this afternoon in the Presbyterian Church, corner of Tenth st reet aud University Place. The entire edifice, excepting a portion reserved for the family ami intim ate friends of the deceased, was crowded fully two hours before the impres­sive but sad services commenced. The rain, which feii a t intervals in to r­rents duriug tho afternoon, did not prevent a large assemblage of ladies.

A t about halt past live o clock, after nrayer a t tho house. No. 12 W est N inth street, t. r the family, by Kev. Prof. Shcdd, the remains were removed to the c hurra, the pall bearers being (Jen. Dix. (.. n Mc­Dowell, Thurlow Weed. Judge Daly, cx- Seaator Morgan. Wm. U- Bryant. Horace Crcelev, B. F. Tracy, A. U Stewart, M. H. (Jrinnell, Goo. Win. Curtis and U. U. Norvell. The chief moutners were Mr. Raymond's only son, his two brothers aud brothers-in-law, Mr. Ceo. Jones and others. The members of the Associated Press and nearly all tho prominent journalists of this

L ondon, June 21.—The announcement of the sudden death of H enry J . Raymond, whicli was received here by cable ou S at­urday, creates a deep feeling of sorrow.

The f ’all Mall eulogizes Mr. Ray­mond as a publicist and journalist, and says his death creates a gap which cannot be filled.

The Daily T- !“*raph, in a similar article, say a the private li-c <>f Mr. Raymond was amiable, courteous, loyal and hospitable, and lie was beloved l.y all, even when op- posed to many in jx.litics.

In the House of Common* th is evening -ir John Gray, Member from Kilkenny, asked the government if there was any reason to apprehend further trouble in Ire­land, and if tlie m ilitary force in tha t coun­try was to l»c strengthened.

Mr. Fortescue, Chief Secretary for Ire­land, stated th a t the government was in­formed th a t Mr. Johnson, a prominent < >range leader in Ireland, had called a meet­ing to celebrate tne au'T&'versary of the 12th of July.

This was not an act of hostility to the government, but tiie practice of increasing the military force in Ireland about the time of His anniversary, was never more appa­rent than in the present year. In the House of Lord's, to-nigut, Karl Gray gave notice lha t he should move to omit in the Irish Church bill th a t portion of a preamble which provides tha t the property or pro­ceeds of said churcn shall not be held or applied for tho maintenance of any church or clergy or ministry, or for the teaching of religion.

I t ia reported th a t the ( ambridge boat­men will w ithdraw from the match with the H arvard club.

I* R U S S IA .The /.ollveroin Parliament having reject-1 the proposed duty on petroleum, Count

Yon Bismark declared tha t the presidency I the Zoll vt-rein Would not consent to any eview of the actual duty unless the cham­

ber reconsider its a tion. The duty ou su- ;ar lias passed. The sessiou will close to ­

morrow.T H E X-’RKNCH ( ABLE.

I’<i:kst, Juuu 21. A i>an.tuut was given m board the steamship Croat Fas tern last light. Toasts were given in honor of Em­

peror Napoleon, Queen Victoria and Presi­dent f I rant and to the union of France, England and America. A t an early hour this morning the shore line and tlie deep

a cable were spliced aud a t daylight the whole expedition put to sea, the Great Eastern paying out the cable with ease and rapidity. Dispatches received from ou board the steamer sirnw th a t the work is '»oiug on without interruption.

LATER FROM MEXICO.City »»f M i. \ p •, .lune 11 Mr. Neison,

the u.-w M inister of tlie United States, ar- rived here on the 12th.

Tho a u t h o r i t i e s a t Acapulco Lad some difficulty with the I nited States steadier Pensacola, and an O r d e r was served upon her commander to the efl'ect tha t she must n o t leave the harbor. W ithout paying any attention to the order the Pensacola sailed on next d a y .

The troubles in A ueretata are increasing. The federal forces in Michoocan and iJuanajuato have been ordered to reinforce the troops in the S tate of Queratara. There is much excitement over the coming elec­tions. The Two Itc/wiili'-s newspaper pre­dicts th a t the Government will surely carry the day. Tejada allows the church many privileges aud will gain its aid in the election.

A revolution is on foot in Guadalajara. General Placido Veja has arrived at Tepee. General Ro/.aza has issued an order for a division of lands and haciendas among the Indians. This is looked upon as the begin­ning of a war of races.

Owing to vigorous measures of the gov­ernment, kidnapping is on the decrease in all part* of the country. The latest news from Queretara is to the effect th a t the federal party have displaced the S tate offi­cers and are executing prisoners for treason.

EXCURSION.i* ro l* N « o r* a n d S t u i l r n t o o f K l m l r n

< n l l r |{ < ' t o I r M t c J l n l l a l o t o - d u y o n a I V i s U r n I r i p .T h e E l m i r a C o l le g e a n n u a l e x c u r s i o n

p a r t y w i l l l e a v e t h a t c i t y f o r a t o u r o f th o u p p e r l a k e s t h i s m o r n i n g . T h e p a r t y n u m ­b e r s a b o u t o n e h u n d r e d l a d i e s a n d g e n t l e ­m e n , u n d e r t h e d i r e c t i o n o f P r o f . F o r d o f t h e C o ll i

A m o n g t h e p r o m i n e n t g e n t l e m a n a c c h m - p a n y i n g t h e e x c u r s i o n a r e R e v . D r . C o w le s , P r e s i d e n t o f t h e C o l le g e . P r o f . C . S . F a r ­r a r , o f V a s s a r C o l le g e , H o n . E . N . F r i s b e , e x - M a y o r o f t h i s c i t y , a m i o t h e r s . T h e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s o f t h e E l m i r a p r e s s w i l l .also h e o f t h e c o m p a n y .

T h e p a r t y h a v e c h a r t e r e d t h e s p l e n d i d s c r e w p r o p e l l e r P a c i f ic a t B u f fa lo f o r t h e t r i p , a t a c o s t o f § ’2 0 0 0 , a m i w i l l l e a v e t h a t c i t y t o m o r r o w a f t e r n o o n . W e d n e s d a y w il l b e s p e n t in C l e v e l a n d a n d T h u r s d a y in D e - j t r o i t . T h e w h o le t i m e o c c u p ie d w i l l lie a b o u t t e n ( la y s . T h e t r i p i n c l u d e s a v i s i t t o t h e c o p p e r m in e s o f I*hWa> e» u j» erlo r.

large purchases of American products, Among other things they bought of our gov- erm ent the celebrated ram .Stonewall for $400,000, paying §300,000 cash and ntipu-

Reecher’s brother,) preached in the Park Street Church, H artford, Sunday.

Vice President Colfax is expected in H artford Wednesday. A reception in his honor will lie given at j;he residence of Ply my Jewell, father of Governor Jewell.

Chief Justice Chase leaves Raleigh Jun< 21st for Richmond, Va.,‘ where he will spend a few days.

A t Mahanoy Plane. !'a.. a terrible explo­sion occurred about half-pjut seven o’clock Sunday evening. The Ixnler of a locomo­tive eDgine belonging to tlie Reading R. R., ■ ’ 1 ° , a. . .*■ - tive eDgme oeionging to m e iveauing i\. rv.

latmg to pay tho halaooe on the' am .-al of | ejqj!od£ , killing t h i engineer, Ik-orjc Wil- tho ru n in .Japan. The State Department ; ina tartly . V o tirlmun i* t-aJly hnrt,has recently received the final paym ent and but there is a prosjiect of Ins recovery.

pan During th ii tim e the oxponooo o i t u e | joini ith valoaWe ho„ ^ j * , veaeel ami crew some S.j.WJO were borne , CUU3U' r f _ L, ami advanced by the State Department ■ .through the Legation at Yeddo. an-:-------

placed the same in the Treasury to the | A tire Sunday evening in Philadelphia credit of the Navy Department I h e re- i ,lest , the extensive carpenter shop oi UUloo in Japan canaed a long delay in tho SUoton & jicG arvey. eorner of Twenty dehTery of the ram after her arrival m | th ird and M arket street*. The hotel ad

| joining, w ith valuable h(.oss heavy, ilt is thought it

rk of au incendiary. .James Russell, a bol l and sk,llful shop­

lifter, w as arrested in New York yesterday and taken to Albany to answer U charge of grand larceny.

A rthur A. Smith, au Albany cartman, was arrested last evening fur making a m ur­derous assault on his wife- w ith a carving knife, indicting a serious wound in her neck.

President (-ran t and family left New York city for Washington this morning.

This sumwas promptly reimbursed by the Japanese Government with interest. They also a l ­lowed interest on the balance of the pur­chase money from the date of the transfer in Washington to the time of the payment in Japan.

g r a n t .President G rant is expected to return

here to-morrow, and nearly all the mem­bers of the cabinet will l*e in the city be­fore the middle of the week. It is stated on good authority th a t a t the Cabinet meeting to be held on Tuesday the Cuban question, in connection with the recent a r ­rests of the prominent revolutionary agents in New York last week, will be considered. Tlie general feeling in administration cir­cles is tha t some definite policy in reference to aff airs iu th a t island should be adopted.

H EN S * V L V A NIA PC) Ll T ICS.Senator Cameron and Senator Scott, of

Pa., have been trying to ilpset the appoint­ments in th a t S tate made a t the instance of Representatives a t a time when the Sena­tors were too busy in executive session to attend to the ir interests. So far they have failed, and prophesy au inglorious defeat for the Radicals in Pennsylvania in conse­quence, especially if ' Jen. Hancock is nomi­nated for < lovernor by the Democrats.

CHINESE IM M IGRATION.The subject of Chinese immigration to th<

Pacific slope w ill be brought before Con­gress a t its next session. Several promi­nent representatives are now on a visit to California for the express purpose of s tudy­ing the whole question, an.l another gentle­man leaves here m a few days for San Fran­cisco with s.milar intentions. It is appre­hended tha t the number of Chinese who will arrive here w ithin ten years will be estimated by millions, and the theory of some newspapers and politicians th a t they come merely for tho purpose of working without any desire or intention to partici­pate in our politics is regarded Ly many as an assumption not altogether warranted by fact, history or experience.

M ARRIED.H A V E - '-F L E T C H E R -J u n e 20. in E den , by E ev .

W . I. H u n t, Mr. A lp b -u - Ii. iia y c s , o f C o ld -n , N. V ., and Ml-* M ary L . F le tc h e r , u l E d en , Ji. V.

P R A T T -F IS H E R —J u n e 17th, by R e v .Dr. Ingerso l, a i th e residence of '.be bride s fa th e r , W illiam L P r a t t , of B uffa 'o , an d C ora A. F i ii ie ; , o f West Seneca.

DIED.JA M ISO N —J u n e 21. a t Statebridgre, N. Y ., Mrs.

E) z ib r th Jam iso n , m o th e r u f Ja m e s Jam iso n , Eo<|, of th is c ity , aged 76 years.

F u n e ra l from S t Jo se p h ’s C ath ed ra l a t 2* P. M ..• W cdn sday. F rien d s a n d a cqua in tan ces a re inv ited

to a tten d .G A IL — May 2S, a t W est F alls, o f p n eu m o n itis , Betsy

A. w .fe of Lockwood G a l, aged 67 yea rs .ANDREW 'S — J u n e 19, a t C< Id e n , of c a p i l l a r y brcn-

c l j i tH , c im p l ic a te d w h o o p in g C -U g h , F i n e r E. A ndrew s, aged 7 y ears 2 m o n th s and 29 days.

TRA CY —At R ip ley , C h au tau q u a c o u n ty , N. V ., of co uuau tnp tion , H a iu u h , w ife o f R ooster T racy , in h e r 6 9 > h \e a r , m o th e r of A lbert H . T racy , of tliis c ity .

CLA RK - J u n e 21, in th is c ity , Jo h n C la rk , a g td 3v years.

F u n e ra l W ednesday a fte rnoon a t 31 o 'c lock , fro m his la te residence, N o. 4*7 fcev tn th s t . F rien .l- and acquain tance* a re respec tfu lly in v .ted to a t te n d . U tica papers please copy.

M o u r n i n g G o o d * .

A com p e te a sso rtm en t a t reasonab le pricca.B U FFA LO M O U RN IN G STOKE,

414 M ain S t., A m erican Block.

l a t u a i x T S .






CHAMPIONSHIP..VkisMvn...................... Twnlvfirf Cutsu f e ....................................................

c o a l n » w w > v

I-’o r e i u t « N e x y s .E s p i n a r , a c t i n g C a p t a i n G e n e r a l o f C u b a ,

j r e v i e w e d t h e v o l u n t e e r s o n S a t u r l a y . i T b c S p a n i s h w a r s t e a m e r F e r n a n d o C a to - 1 l i c a s a i l e d f r o m H a v a n a ' t o - d a y w i t h t h e | c a p t u r e d s c h o o n e r l . a H a v e it* t o w f o r I K i n g s t o n f o r t h e p u r p o s e i?f b r i n g i n g h e r , c a s e b e f o r e t h e E n g l i s h C o u .r t t h e r e f o r c a r - j r y i n g a r t i c l e s e o n t r a b a t u l o f w a r . T h e i S p a n i s h a u t h o r i t i e s r e f u s e d t o t a k e a n y a c ­

t i o n , a s t h e L a H a v e w a s c a p t u r f d o n h ig h i s e a s .

S c h n e i d e r h a 1-- b e e n r e a p p o i n t e d P r e s i d e n t ; o f t h e F r e n c h C o r p s I z i g i s U t i f , a n d A lfre « l

L i e r o u t , B a r o n J e r o m e D a v » .i a u d D u m u r a l j V ic e P r e s i d e n t .! T h e s t e a m s h i p < > re a t E a s ; e r n h : i s a r r i v e d I o f f B r e s t . T h e w e a t h e r is V e ry u e l i g h t l u l .

e ' T h e s p l i c e t o t h e s h o r e c j .d w i f i s o o n lie ; m a d e a n d t h e n e w c a b l e u n i t e r w a y . i I s m a e l P a c h a , t h e V ic e r o y a : E g y p t , I [ l e a v e s P a r i s f o r L o n d o n to - ;n o r r o w . i S l i g h t t u m u l t s o c c u r r e d i»t M i i a n y e s t e r - ' d a y . T h e m i l i t a r y w e r e 'c a l l e d o u t b u t j m e t w i t h u o r e s i s t a n c e . >,11 is q u i e t u o w .! C o u n t T o r r e , t h e P r o f '- c t d t t h e * l ’r o v iu c e ,! ha.- issued a pr.Kilamation’ threatening t o I take severe mei ires to repressf th e out- i breaks if they are renewed.

A L I T T L E N 0 N B L N S . E .

l l a r t f o r t l F i r e l n , u r * n c c C o m p a n y .C h a rte red in IS10. Cash C ap ita l, f 1 ,0 00 ,000 .

WM. C. SM ITH , A gen t,4 Brow nN B uild ings, B uffalo, N. Y.

P h o e n i x F i r e 1 n u u r a m e C o m p a n y .of H artfo rd . C ap ita l, #600,000.

WM. C. SM ITH , A gen t,4 B row n 's B u ild ings, Buffalo, N. Y.

C o n n e c t i c u t F i r e I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y ,of H artfo rd . Cai i ta l , #200,000.

WM. C. SM ITH , A gen t,4 B row n’s B u ih ling , Buffalo, N. Y.

T e e t l i E x t r a c t e d W i t h o u t P a i n ,J . O BA RBOUR, fo rm erly of N ew Y ork , haa

aii office in connection w ith D r. M. B. S tra ig h t, D en tis t, w here he can be fou n d daily ready to relieve suffering hu m an ity . D r. B a rb o u r, hav ing Lad ^ rea t exj>erie::ee in e x tra c tin g te e th u n d e r th e influence *f N itroua O xide (o r laugh ing gas), w ill devo te hi*

w hole tim e to th is b ranch of practice H u n d red s .-f te s tir io n u d a c an be been a t th e office, a t S o . ‘363 Main tre e t.

18GG. 8G9.J. T. HOOLE & CO.,

Office No. 4 N. D ivision r t. W e a re now p repared to receive o rd ers fo r th e best q u a lity cf

Pillslon. Willibharrr aid ladiawaona C«al.W hich, u n til fu r th e r no tice , we will soil a t th e fo l­low ing ur'ces, per to n of 2n00 lba., delivered w ith in th e c ity lim its, o u ts id e of w hich a small charge vail l>e m ade fo r ca rtage :

Ton. J Ton. J TomG ra te ...................... #a 15 #4 20 #2 _ 'E g g .......................................... 8 25 4 25 2 20S to v e ....................................... 8 50 4 35 2 25C h e s tn u t.................................S 26 4 25 2 10P e a ........................................... 5 00 2 75 1 74)

A lso, B l-'ssburgh fo r l lack sm ith ’s use, L ehigh L um p (o ld C om pany’s and S u g ar Loaf) fo r fo u u d ry purposeS, a n d be«t qu a lity of selected S o ft Co d for g ra te s , co n stan tly on hand . W e are also p repared t o s u p 'y m a n u fa c tu re rs w ith go«d B itum inous Coal fo r s team purpo-t-s a t low ra tes . O u r facilities, to r receiv ing , ho u sin g and de liv e r n g coal a re u n su r­passed, and we re spec tfu lly so lic it a share o f p a tro n age. J . T. H OOLE,


I . a k c I r e .

NEW Y O K k i:K, -June 19. —l.y t

F o r t l i e 'W i s e n t A soothing n a p - sack

M i­ n d W o m e n .i l lo w .

Human jirogross—From pap to .papa.The latest thing in dresues—Night-dres­

ses. «The winds most dear to m erchants—

trade-winds.Knowledge is power- Hejaee th-3 widow's

might.Many of the richest planters oi Jamaica

The eub-ii,eer failed to notice th i , j live “u coffee-gronnd.. as a come juence an engine, tender 1 - Wives who blow

New Yoi:k, -June 11*. —By the careless­ness of an engineer of a freight train, named Ryan, an immense destruction of property was caused on the Erie Railroad, ou .Satur­day night. The bridgejover the Passaic river was opened to adm it the passage of a schooner. The engineer failed to notice thisfact, and as a come juenee an engine, tender | Domestic magazine aad fourteen cars were precipitated through : up the ir husbands.the opening into the river. Fortunately, no j To keep vour wife in cumstat t check— lives were lost. Make her dress in gingham,.

mal-i’RA'tick. ; M otto for the Sheriff—Render unto seizerA young man uaiu. d Ntraffe died a t Bell- ! tlu . t LlUgs tha t are seizer’s.

vue Hospital yesterday morning under cir- 1 cumstancca tliat throw suspicion so strongly upon one Dr. Armand, ol Bleecker stre th a t a w arrant for hi

Tlie Buffalo Ice Com panv a re now prej-an-d to sup- plv cu t ’-roen* w ith Lake Tee a t ih e b .w ert ratc-3. A tuM sup;.ly cuarantot-il tlie aeaaon th ro u g h . The lH.-li/erv Wag*>n.-> of tn id c inpany are co 'o red red and p r .m in en tlr le tte red “ LA K E IC E .” Any inai- ten ih o i o f m en d tliv i r ieg ic - , if re |»orted a t th e of­fice, Hill 1* co rrec ted . O rders le f t a t M AKVIN’B DRUG S T o ltK , c >r. Wa. h iu g to n a n d Seneca s tree ts , wiil be p ro m p tl> t i l le 1 ^ * 1 BiUUGS.

B u f T u l o T y p e F o u n d r yAnd PR IN T E R S ' W A R EH O U SE fu rn ish es every a r tic le req u ired m th e p r in tin g business to an y ex ­te x t desired , on as reasonable te rra s as any F oundry in tli io c o u n try . A lso, E ECT ROT Y P IN G in all its varie ty . A lso, type ad ap ted fo r Dick s M ailing M a­chine. n . u XMAN.

N i a g a r a I M u n f n g M i l l C o m p a n y .Door Sash and B lind M antifactory , 208 E. Seneca

St., B uffalo .' F loo ring , S id ing , M ouldings, B rack­e ts , K iln D ried Do ora, G lared an d U nv lazed Sash, Inside am i O utside B linds; D oor and Window Fram es. AKo, P lan ing , Saw ing ai d T u rn in g of every d escrip tion done to o rd e r ou sh o rt no tice and w ith d ispatch .

T h e t o w n c l e r k o f H a r t f p r t l r» p o r t s o n e \ d e a t h l a s t y e a r f r o m “ ig u o r .x r ic e . '

W hat did our first parents dt/ in Eden? 1 Adam kept the garden und Eve raised

trhed in mind took and in mevliately

arrest has been is­sued. it appears tha t Straife, ln-ing ill, ob­tained some medicine from the Doctor, which produced a frightful pain in the stomach, and on consulting another physi­cian, h t took an emclL. V portion of the m atter emitted from his stomach was ana- j lyzed aud found to contain Steel’s green, an* active poison. dav; now le t’

fiuht*. j >voud.A tenement house brawl took place at ,, . , . . . . .

. . , , 1 „ i “ W o n t t h a t b o a - c o n s t r i c t o r b i t e m e .'N o . In .; D o w n in g s t r e e t , y e s t e r d a y a f t e r - ; . . . . . . . . . . . . ,, . , ° , i. „ *i s a u l a l i t t l e u r c h i n t o a s h o w m a n . O h .n o o n , m w h i c h o n e L y n c h , a g e n t t o r t h i ' , . . . . , , , . •

landlord of the pren& c* attem pted t.. j , hV ”V'W b ,t"-' ^ 9Vl l k r “ >*“shoot an occupant named Stringer, and shot i ' Vl v sw io e .a watch mag named Gaygan instead. He j Mrs. Jenkins complained in t^ e evening was arrested. th a t the turkey she had foi rhioiksgiving

Yesterday afternoon John Kinney, r e - | >*.d *.ot ret well. “ Probably, said Jeu- siding a t No. SS South Orange avenue, f kins, “ it was not a hen turjtey.Newark, X. J . , became engaged in a quar- ( “ T hat’s very siugular, saul a young lady •

T h e m a n w h o w a s d is l , a d o s e o f y e a s t p o w d e r i r o s e a b o v e h i s t r o u b l e s .

“ B o b ,” s a id a f a c e t io u s f a r m e r t o b i s s o n , “ w e h a d a p r e t t y h a r d d a y 's w o r k y e s t e r -

h a \ e i» g a n .e c f c L o p f i i i g

H i g h w l n e n , A l c o h o l , E t c .TH O M A S C L A R K , succe.-.sor to C lark & Brow n,

R ifQ ily iug D istiller, corner of W ashington a n d P erry I '.rM i-. B uifala m a n u fa c tu re r a n d u- a lc r in H igl.- wines. A lcohol, P u re S p irite , Cologne S p irits , Recti­fied W hisky , Old Rye W hisky , D om estic lirar.die^- and Gin

G l a s s , U l a s * , G l a « a .6100 17 ixee W indow G lass, assorted .sizes. PLATE

G L aS S FO R STORKS AND DW ELLIN G S a t Le: • th a 'i E aste rn Prices. 50,000 ths. W H IT E L EA D , 10o*bbla. L IN SEED O IL F o r sale by

A REY N O LD S & CO.,191 M ain nt. an d 4ii Lined s t . BuO alc, N. Y.

I l u f f i t l o M a l l e a b l e I r o n W o r k i .J ’ a llcab ie Iro n m ade to o rd e r PR A T T & i ETCM-

W fSR Til, P ro p rie to rs . Office 62 a n d 64 T errace s t., B ufU lo , N . Y. _ _

J e ^ n e r ’i h a i r T o n i c u n i t H r s l o r a l i v r ,T hi Incom parable rem edy. T ry i t .—i t n ev e r fails. This p rep a ra tio n s to p s th e h a ir fa lling o u t and p rom otes a vigorous g ro w th c lean .es th e scalp of dandru ff, and render* th e l.r.ir so ft anil glossy. I t contai> s no s u lp h u r ,s u g a r o f lead o r o th ­e r -u lo ring m a tte r , being designed fcxorewly fo r Htrv^igtheninsr th e hair. 50 c en ts and #1 jn-r iio ttle . l*r» <ared by R. JE N N K K , C hem ist, 410 M ain St., op-

th e P ark .

Q .E X C I N E

LACKAWANNA COALF o r M an u fac tu rin g a n d D om estic use,w hich is m ined

and sh ipped o n ly by

Tilt DEIAWAKI AAD ULNA CANAL CO.T he undersigned a re now p rep a red to receive o r­

ders fo r th e above su p e rio r q u a lity of coal, which will be screened an d de livered in good cond ition in q u an titie s to su it purchaser* . Prices fo r th e presen t, p e r t- iu of 2000 l!»j, de livered w ith in th e o ld city lim it*, a re a* follows:

Ton. i T on . 4 TonG ra te ............................... #8 16 #4 20 #2 2CE g * ................................... 8 25 4 26 2 20S to v e ............................... X 6 0 4 35 2 26C h e s tn u t........................ S ‘25 4 26 2 20

A lso, B iosahurg, L eh igh L um p an d prepari-ii coal, Scotch and A m erican P ig Iro n , F ire B rick , e tc ., w holesale and re ta il.

G. R. W ILSO N A CO., _____________ 96 O hio s t . , c o rn e r M ississippi

0 H . DUDLEY Sl CO.,

W holesale a u d R eta il D e f e r s in



Princ ipa l Office



Buffalo, April 21.1869.

r n m c i u .

, a n d in t i i e c o u r s e u t t h u j t o a g e n t l e m a n ;e d h u s b a n d s e i z e d a n a x e | “ o h :

v lio h a d kissed herr e l w i t h I . . ,d i s p u t e t h e e n r a g e d h u s b a n d s e i z e d a n a x e j “ t ) h : w e l l , m y d e a r m i s s . ’ ' w a s t h e r e p l ya n d i n f l i c t e d a w o u n d u p o n h e r h e a d , w h i c h | “ I w i l l s o o n m a k e i t p l u r a l :’ an-1 t h e V i 1 - iw i l l i n a l l p r o b a b i l i t y t e r m i n a t e f a t a l l y . Ia in d id .

mb. Raymond’s kunf.bat.. j C o le r id g e , t h e p< -et a h d p h i l o s o p h e r , a r - IT h e f u n e r a l o f t h e l a t e e d i t o r o f t h e N e w j r i v i n g a t a n iu n . c a l l e d o u t : " W a i t e r , d o i

v. :*r k T 1’ ■' " i l l t a k e p l a c e t h i s a f t e r n o o n j y o u ( l in e h e r e c o l l e c t i v e l y o r . i n d i v i d u a l l y ? ” ja t s ix o ’c lo c k ,n t h e P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h , j “ S i r , " r e p l i e d t h e k n i g h t (*f t h . j n a p k i n . |•’e v . A . H . K e l lo g g , p a s t o r , c o r n e r T e n t h ; “ w e ( l in e s a t s i x . "s t r e e t a n . l I m v e r s i t y P l a c e , i h c c a s k e t j A w e l l - k n o w n p h y s i c i a n ifg e d t o s a y t h a t c o n t a i n i n g t h e r e in a i i i * o i t . i o d e c e a s e d w i . l j r o a s t b e e f , s e r e n i t y o f m in d , c o l d - w a t e r b e b o r n e J > y t h e f o l l o w in g e m i n e n t g e n L c - j b a th r . , a u - i a n a m i a b l e w i l e ! w o u l d m a k e

1 J m o a t a n y m a n h e a l t h y , w e a l t h y a n d v i s e .A g e n t l e m a n s e e i n g a t in e p a i n t i n g r e p r t

N I C K L E !


city, and quite a number from other parts of tlie country, were present, while the Time* office was represented by nearly all th e attaches of the establishment.

The ceremonies at the church opened w ith a voluntary on the organ, llev. Dr. Stephen H. Tyng read the Episcopal ser­vice tor tho dead. Key. Henry W ard Beecher delivered a touching eulogy of Mr. Kayinoml. Kev. Mr. Kellogg, pastor of the church where the services were held, fol­lowed with prayer, and Kev. Prof. Shedd pronounced tlie benediction. Tlie coffin was a very handsome rosewood casket, sil­v e r mounted, and w j i inscribed simply w ith the name and age of the deceased, and covered with several )>eautiful wreaths of Immortelles.

A fter the services the lid was opened and the whole audience passed in procession around the coffin, each member taking a last look upon the remains of one of New York's most respected ami deeply loved sons. The lid was again closed and the congregation dispersed. The remains, it is understood, were left in the church during to-night, and will lie privately interred to ­morrow at Greenwood by the family. Mrs. Raymond and daughters were present in church during the ceremonies. Gov. Hoff­man, though desirous of attending, was un­avoidably detained a t Albany. From the City Hall an-1 other public buildings, ho­tels and newspaper offices, tiags were dis- played at half-mast during the afternoon. The Board of Aldermen to-day adopted reso­lutions in honor of the memory of Mr. Ray­mond.

THF. A KLLOW FEV ER.Two additional deaths from yellow fever

Lave occurred among the patients on board the steamship Illinois, and six new cases have been admitted to the hospital from the Saratoga. When the remainder of the crew have tmcn transferred to the steamship Frolic, the Saratoga will be placed in charge uf ship * keepers and detained in the lower bay until there is no further danger of in- ection. The following are the names of he patients who died yesterday on board

the hospital ship Illinois: James Anderson of New York, apprentice, and Samuel F. Blodgett of Ggdensbarg, mate.

AGAt’N IS LIMBO.Ignatius Alfaro, Col. W . A. Ryan, Capt.

James Peters and Mesar*. Ackerman & Soiedorf, members of the Caban Jun ta , trere arrested th is evning and lodged m

M ISSISSIPPI.( i i . r f o r ili« - M i i n l c r o f C o l .

C r a n r .Ja« ksos, M iss, June -1.- In the case of

Verger, before the M ilitary Commission for the shooting of Col. Crane, the defence commenced the examination of witnesses to day. I t shown tha t the piano seized was net tlie property of V erier, and < rane knew the ft t, but ordered tiiu officer to make t he sei/ ro notwithstanding.

It is further shown by correspondence tha t Verger had offered to settle the claim of tho city against him if the city would settle a claim he held against it for dam­ages to property caused bv neglect of the city government. An order o». restitution had been issued by Judge Peyton in the high cfuirt aud served ou Crane previous to the difficulty, bu t it had not been obeyed.

The 1 'onservative Republican Convention will meet in this city on Wednesday, June ‘23. The Radical Republican Convention will meet on Thursday, Ju ly I.


About tw enty thousand persons witness­ed the game of base ball between the Red Stockings and the Athletics of Philadelphia vesterday. The game resulted in favor of the Cincinnati club by a score of “7 to IS.

Prof. H. Dussance. an eminent chemist, having charge oi 1 ihlen & * o. s laboratory, and editor of the Industrial L'hunist, pub­lished in New York and Boston, died sud­denly at his residence in New Lebanon, N. Y., last night.

Gov. Clarion, of Massachusetts, has sign­ed the prohibitory liquor law, to go into effect July l*t.

A thief entered the sleeping apartm ent of E. Raymond, in Cambridge, Mass., early yesterday morning and stole silverw are, U. S. bonds, aud other valuables, amounting to 312,000 or $16,000.

The June meeting of Narragauset Park Association commences to-day and contin­ues four days. Premiums have been offer­ed amounting to $13,000. Mauy famous horses have been entered, ami a large a t­tendance of people is anticipated.

Chief Justice Chase arrived at Richmond last night from Raleigh, N. C., on his way to Washington.

Several buildings were consumed by fire a t Monroe, La., last evening. Loss $30,000f

The straw paper mill of Beach ft Co., a t Sandy Hill, near Troy, was burned on Sat­urday nijfht. Loss $20,000. Insurance from'$1U,d00 to $15,000.

Dispatches from Key W est of this morn­ing say the bark Lucy A. Nichols, from

H av an a for New York, put in there with the captain and six of the crew dewn with yellow fever.

Mrs. Ann Festlomel, of Baltimore, was burned to daath yesterday by the explosion and ignition of a can of ooal oiL

men: I he Mayor of tlie city; Major-1John A. Dix; Judge C. P. Daly ; M r.Thur- low >Veed; Mr. Horace Greeley; Mr. A.T. S tew art; Mr. Geo. H. Curtis; Admiral Farragut; Major-Gen. McDowell; Hon. E.D. .Morgan. Mr. W. C. Bryant; Mr. B. F.Tracy; Mr. M. H. Grinnell; Mr. C. C. Nor­v e ll/ _______

T H E S O I T H .St. Lours, Mo., June 21.—About fifty

business lirm shave guaranteed M erchants Exchange, or Crain Association,against loss in the experiment of bringing Ocean steam­ers from New York and loading Loro wttn grain f o r tLot. p o r t .

EXTENSIVE SM UGGLING, &C.The sugar, coffee, cigars and pepper,

w hich wore seized in May last, by the Sur­veyor of this post tor Custom II *nse at New Orleans, were ou Friday aud Saturday m course of transfer from different prem­ises iu this city to the United States bon led warehouse.

The total value of property’ seized was between §70,900 and $80,000. Some forty marchants were innocently involved iu tho transaction.

ITEMS.A company of the Tenth Infantry arrived

here ou Saturday, from St. Paul, tn route to Brownsville, TcaOs

A heavy storm of rain passed over the city yesterday. Since the storm the tem ­perature is cooler. f THE RED SKINS.

The Republican has a special from Hays i ( ity, K ansas, dated June 19th, which says j Col. Greenwood’s surveying party, who are i surveying the route of the Kansas Pacific j Railroad from Sheridan to Denver, was at- tacked th is morning a few miles beyond deafness, the judge said : * Could youSheridan by a band of Cheyennes. The hear my charge to the ju ry wr - 4J e», I surveyor's were well armed, and after ades- j heard yonr honor s charge, • said I addy, {>erate fight succeeded in killing four lu- , ‘‘but I couldn t make any s-*ase out or it. dians, wounding several and putting the j ble w-as let off.balance to (light. The servant of an army officer one day

Two brothers in Greenwood’s party, m et a crony, who inquired Gf him how he named Schuyler, were wounded—one eriti- ! got along with his fiery master. “ Oh! ex- caliy and the other slightly. I celleutly!” answered the serian t, “ we live

The Indians report th a t Spotted Tail, | on very friendly terms; every morning we •ith two hundred lodges, ha* left the reser- ; l>eat each other's coats; the Dnly difference

senting a man playing on a lute, paid this high compliment to the ac.ist: “ When I look on th a t picture L fancy, myself deaf.”

Be careful of your health! girls Don't mind being called “ old fogj,” because you wrap yourselves up well and never venture out in thin shoes. Better ac. old fogy than a young corpse.

“ My son,” Said an anxioui- father, “ why do you use th a t nasty tobacco? ’ The h<‘ytleclininu to ---- - I - ' H-, m thespirit in which i t was askeof, replied; “ Io get the juice.”

The pastor of a popular cjnnrth, a t the Sunday Scheol concert, sai<l “ Boys, when I heard your beautiful sougs lo-eight, I hail ! to work hard to keep my fe ;t still; w hat do you suppose is tlie trouble with them ?” “ Chilblains, s ir,” shouted a tittle six-vear- old.

Two physicians a t the bed fide of a pa­tien t disputed as to nature of the disease. A t last one of them ended -the discussion by saying: “ Yery well, have it your own way now, but the post mort,:m will show tha t I am right." The (lafient was not much encouraged.

A New Hampshire editor, .who has been keeping a record of big beets, .announces at last tha t “ the beet tha t beat tne beet tha t

j beat the other beet is now bea^n i.y a buet | th a t beats all the beets, whether the origi­

nal beet, or the beet th a t befit the beet, or j the beet th a t beat the beefi tna t beat the

ither .beet.”An Irish juror having applied to the

to be excused from serving on account

F I X E A R T S .

U P S O N & S IM P S O N ,F H O T O G K A F H E R S ,




l i t K l > W A R E A.XP S T O V E S . rp H E




Sold only by SHAW Sl FERRIS,44(3 Main s t . , Buffalo.

vatiou and is coming down, w ith w hat in tention is not known.

Army officers who came down on thp steamer Cora report a light between th< Sioux and Reis, below Fort Rufort, in

hich the Siuux lost ten killed and fifteen wounded, and the la tte r lost one killed and three wounded. The Sioux have goue for reinforcements aud intend to renew the f i g h t . _________^ ^

I t e m s b y T e l e g r a p h .

Howell ft Co.'s wagon factory at < arth- age, 0 ., was destroyed by fire Sunlay night. Loss about $10,000.

The supplementary concert of the great Peace Festival came off in the Coliseum, Saturday night, before an audience of about 15,000, and proved a great success. There were 5000 choristers, some of them from towns fifteen miles off, and Madame Parepa Rosa, Miss Adelaide Phillips and d e Bull participated. The concert was conducted by Messrs. Gilmore, Zerrahn and Eichberg. The former had a very w arm reception. I t is probable th a t there will be no more musical entertainments given in the 1 'olist-uro this week, a t least until Saturday, when a series of popular musical entertainments will probably be inaugurated. In most of the churches .Sunday, favorable allusion was made by the preachers to the great moral accom­plishments and effects of the Peace Fes­tival. They were united in commendation of the affair.

Vice President Colfax spent Sunday in Springfield, Mass., as the guest of Samuel Bowles, and leaves to visit Senator Morrill a t Stratford, V t.

Rev. T. Beecher, of Elmira, (H. \Y,

is, he takes his off to be bealen, and 1 keep mine on.”

A merchant being unable ;;o live as com­fortably as be desired, and at the same time pay his debts, failed several times in busi­ness. and made assignments t, f his property. Finally he died. Among .hose who hadrause to remember him was Mr. B ,who, meeting one of his nij;hbors, was in­formed tha t Uncle C— ’iras dead—hadpfiiil the debt of nature. “ l,j th a t so?” re­plied B — ; “ why didn 't be make an as­signment ?”

A n Arkansas judge of the old times, who i had an office in common v i;h a physician,

was at his table, busy with oriefs and bills in chancery. The doctor was writing a le t­ter, and pausing for a moment, called out: “ Judge, isn 't e-q-u-i the waj to spell equi- nomical?. “ Yes, .1 think i( is." said the Judge; “ but here's W ebster s Dictionary— I can soon te ll you.” He ojiened the book and turned over the leaves, r jpeating aloud, “ E-qui-nomical—e-qui-nomic aL” Findingthe p ^ p e r place, he ran his eye an i finger up and down thecolumn tw o or three times, until he was thoroughly satisfied the word was not there. Closing th ; book w ith a siam, the Judge laid his spectacles on the table, and rising slowly, broke forth: “ Well, sir, I’ve always been a Daniel W eb­ster man, and 1 voted for hit,* for President; b a t any person th a t will write aa big a dic­tionary as tha t, and not p u t ' as common a word as e-qui-nomical in iR can 't get my vote again not once.”

m • :•».------T bc H are C s rc , J e a a c r 'i Ca u g h M ix ts n ,Cure* Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bcsnenem, sod all affections of the Throat or L p rc Fifty caato

B. JDnrCR, Chemist,, o fjpM tts th * FMfc.

'J 'H E



A fte r a long series of experim en t* vre have added th e Base B u rn in g p rinc ip le to th e

’ AMERICAN COOKING STOVE,By w hich a m ore un ifo rm com bustion is o b ta ined in a ll nu t* of th e F ire B ox, and a con tin u o u s fire can be S e p t w ith a g rea t sav ing o f fue l. Thi* is ano th e r ace jis ltio n to th is world renow ned stove and is fu lly »e<3red by L e tte rs P a ten t.

7 his stove has now been before th e public fo r e ig h t yes 's , and

(K«r Fifty TU-acd «f ilr* in ii 1st,To th e en tire satisfaction of th e people, and th e y are eagerly so u g h t a f te r n all th e State* betw een th e A t- !an tic and Pacific coast*.

We have im proved it from tim e to tim e u n til i t is adm itted to lie a m ost pe rfec t as a stove; and the strongest evidence of its su p e rio rity ov e r all o tb .cn is t i * nu m ero u s a ttem p t* to im ita te its nam e and de­sign. W hile some of th e se im itation* a re in fringe­m en ts o f o u r righ t* and a re being p ro secu ted , all will be found g rea tly in fe rio r to th e g enu ine artic le in th e ir operation -.

SH E A R , PA C K A R D * CO.,17 and 19 G reen s tree t,

A lhanv N . Y. F o r sale bv C. EL W A LB R ID G E , 271 M aui r tre e t

Buffalo, X. Y. __________________________________

'J 'H E



I t is a S P L E N D ID B A K E R and perfo rm s equally w ell in o th e r respect*

I t ia a p erfec t GAS B U R N ER a n d require* LESS F U E L th a n a ny o th e r stove.

I* ^ equally well adap ted fo r w ood o r coal.I t is th e H EA V IE ST firs t class stove in m ark e t,

and th e re fo re M ORE D U R A B L EI t is m ad* fro m th e BEST QUALITY of iro n , and

w arran ted n o t to c rack . A nd fo r BEAUTY O F D E SIG H ,


JJNION C0/,L AUD WOOD COMPANY,F o o t of C o u rt st.

A la rg e q u a n tity of


A nd 1000 CORDS OF CANADA WOOD (lJeacl aud M aple), e ith e r in .stick o r *awt d o r sp lit.

D elivered in any p a r t o f th e c ity .L iberal d ed uc tions m ade to d r i e r s .111-tf D A R L ING & MONTAGUE.


FOOT O F ) G E N E SE E ST. w^il sell u n til f u r th e r no tice th e se ce leb ra ted coals a t th e fo llow ing p rices p e r to n of 2000 lbs, de liverid in an y p a r t o f th e o ld c ity lim its, o u ts id e of w hich a sm all cha rg e w ill be m ad e fo r cartag e :

G ra te .................................................. 8 16Egg........................................Stove ..................................................C h e s tn u t . . . .................................... 8 25

T erm s s tr ic tly Cash w hen ordered .G EO RG E DAK IN , A gent.

EufT&io, M aj 19, 18CW

Ton *Ton JTon#8 -V) #4 35 #2 258 15 4 20 2 208 25 4 25 2 208 60 4 35 2 258 25 4 25 *2 l i

C OAL AND COKE.—W EBSTER ftF R E D E R IC K , Office an d Y ard . 219 Krie St.,

tn C oit S lip , wiil sell g enu ine L ackaw ana, S cran to n , P itts to n , and o th e r hard coals. A lso, k r ie and C leve­land best so ft coal*, B lossbu rgh , so ft n u t and slack fo r s team purposes at t h low est m a rk e t price, w hich will bo screened a n d de livered in good co n d itio n , in

•quan tities to su it p u rch asers . B ranch office No. V W . Sw an s t. ALBRO * B Y R N E , Agent*.




H ave on h a n d , a n d fo r *ale a t a ll tim es,P ITTSTO N and o th e r hard coals. A lso E rie b est so ft coals BLOSS B U R G H , L E H IG H , SLACK and NU T, a t the low est m a rk e t p rices. FA R N H A M £ ALLEN.

Buffalo, May 9 , l&fiS.


Office 299 G enesee s .. Buffalo, N . Y. F o r sale a good asso rtm en t o f all k in d s of H A R D AND S O F i COAL, who esale an d re ta il. C o n stan tly o n nan-i a i - . a su p e rio r quail l i ty of H A RD AND SO FT WOOD h r sa le , saw ed and sp lit, o r in th e s tick , de­livered ir. any p a r t o f th e c ity . D ealers w anting sm all lo ts o f coal o r wood will d o w ed to g ive us a call before pu rch asin g elsew here. S. DARLING.

0 O A L , COAL.

A. & .T. H A M IT .L ,So. Hi Scull Street. Corner of MLwsi|ipi.

H ave on h a n d a n d fo r sale a t th e low est m a ket price*

G E N U IN E L A C K A W A N N A ,B itum inous an d B low btirgh Coals. A ll coal screened and perfectly d ry . Term * cartt w hen ordered .


D ealer in


D oor an d W indow Cap* and Sill*, S tep*, E tc .Office a n d Y ard c o rn e r of M ichigan s t. and th e

Mam and H am b u rg Canal.


Sold ottlyjbyi unequalled.

H A W * F E U U S ,

T he A tten tio n of

BUILDERSTo o u r L arge and w ell Selected S tock of


Pricce Low. SH A W k F E R R IS ,v 446 Mam s t . , Buffalo.

0 U M M IN C S k C LA RK ,

P ro p rie to rs o f th e

AKRON CEMENT WORKS.and dealer* in

Offiea72 R iv e r s t r e e t ; B ranch office 1 C a n t. W har B uffalo, H. T .

TT C«n;m fng*_________________ S e th C lark .

__________ P A P E R .____________

C H RISTBY ft JKNKS.(S u cceao rs to A r th u r C h ris te y J

Dealer* inT A T ID N E R Y , P A P E R , A N D BLA N K BOOKS,

PR Q IT E K S’ AN D BINDERS* STOCK,Nos. 200 a n d 202 M ain a t . , Buffalo.


J ^ C. W OODRUFF f t U>.,

r m l i s m m iu s aii iealeb,24 and 36 PE A R L T R E E T , BU FFA LO ,

E eep on h n d a n d m a m ria c ta ie t o o rd e r paper* of every gra d e , e t W h d a d * Pricca.

C A tH P A ID fo r * 0 k inds of P ap e r stock. Waretoowe* e f th * l i m n Faffs P ap e r H S U , Wy-

l c \ o S S S w f ) 1W ' u n r i u u K K i m s . «ni a wMH em u t woooscrr

c a m ’ n m u r a w .


T he B oard o f T rustees h ave o rd ered in te rac t a t th e ra te of » x p e r c e n t , p e r a n n u m , fra* o f governm en t ta x , to lie paid t<> deposito rs en titled th e re to , on and a f te r J u ly 18th, 186B, fo r six m o n th s, en d ing Ju n .3. th . In te re s t n o t w ith d raw n , w ill d raw in te re st fr..m Ju ly l* t , th e sam e as p rm ci: a l. « ix per cent, in te re s t , free from go v ern m en t ta x , allow ed on ah sum s 'ro m f t to #3000.

B ank open d a ily fro m S A E t o l P . l LW A R R E N BR Y A N T, P re s id tn t.

H. H O W A RD , Secretary .J u n e 21, 1869.

H C O U T I O S .


N o. 13 S o u th D ivision 8 tre e t.

L4ii{ (ilass, iVtraii »b>1 Pirluir FrancsO F A LL K IN D S M ADE TO O RD ER.

An a* -o rtiuen t o f F ram es, E ngrav ings, C hrom os,e tc ., a lw ays on hand .

I have also o n e x h ib itio n th e new and beau tifu l D uplex M irro:* fo r Ladie*' D res-ing Room s, M il.in- e r . , Drea* M akers and T a ilo rs ' S tore* fo r w hich I amready to rece ive order*. Call am! -ee.

N. A —Pa* t i t u l a r a tte n tio n pa id to c lean ing andvarnU hitig O il Pain tings.

•T. I t . H o w e ll .

N EW I 'A l ’E R H A N G IN G S !





Special a tte n tio n i-c a lle d to m v ’ D ecoration De- p a rtm » n t, an d F ine P a rlo r P ap ers , su p erin tenued by


F o rm erly W hite A Burley.

C o u n try M erchants -ap p lied a t Nev. Y rk city prices.

M. H. E . E,2 IS Main tree t.

W B. O L V E l i ,• Succes-or U> THOMAS BRIGGS,

No. 6 G enesee s t . , G enesee H ou-e Block. PORTRAIT, P IC T U R E AND LOOKING GLASS


J . J O S E P H S ,


PA IN TER,4 6 E x c h a n u r e S t . ,

Bullalo, N. Y.


A nd as m any new ones as choose to com e, I beg leave to s ta te th a t I am p rep a red to do


TINTING WALLS,O r a n y th in g in m y line of business a* well a* anv-

________________ body in tlie city.

p O S T f t Y I E R G I Y E R ,

D ealers in


No. 13 E . Swan s t . , B uffalo, N. Y.

G lazing done to order.JO H N C. POST, JA CO B V IERG IV ER.

B O O K S A I D S T A T I O N E R Y .

D O N T G E T C R O S S .

B u t th ro w away y o u r |K»or, th ic k B lack Ink a n j g e t M ine


It flow* very free , don ’t g a t ih iek o r change color.FELTO N £ BRO.

M anufac tu rer’* A gents.

D U N K B O O K S .


Shipping, ifiiniDFrfial Wtrk, Ruling and BindingO F EV ER Y D ESCR IPTIO N .

18? W ail.ing ton s t . . Buffalo.


w E H A V E J l ' S T P U B L I S H E D T H Efoil .wing New Music

My W illie fo r T hee. Soiig and cB«>r Bv-ir A dam son. A ton . lilng and plaii th a t can n o t fail to please. Pri. e 30 ets.

11 Pack). W altz. An easy a rra n g e m e n t of thi* js ip i’la r w altz, being N o 23 of t lie “ K napsack S e t.” Ly K D enton . P rice 25 «.‘ts .

G enevieve de B rab an t, in tro d m rn g t h e b eau tifu l “ Serenade.” Thi* also is one of th e “ Kiumcack S e t.” I 'rice 20 ct*.

R iverside Galop. A d a -h in g a n d sp 'r ite d , th o u g h easy piece. By Miss A da A. K en a? a. P rice 30 «t-.

N re tu ru e , in D fia t. By C ano lie s a Thi* j* one of th e nm st b eau tifu l N octurne* th a t we have ev e r heard . The a u th o r is com para tive ly unknow n he re , b u t he fmssesses und o u b ted ab ility , and we recoin-a m end N octurne. Price 40 ct*. 1

M usic m ailed , post-paid , on rece ip t o f th e price.C O TTIER k DENTON.

269 M ain r t r e e t .

C H R IS KUKTZMAN, PIANO MANUFA CTU K EK . c o m e r B atav ia a nd E lm s ta ., tw o

squares from o ld C o u rt H ouse. T h e nubacriber keep* co n s tan tly on hand a choice aaeo rtm en t of Piano Forte*, In e leg an t rosew ood canca. w hich he w arran ts to be equal in to n e , touch a n d finish to any m anufac­tu re d in th e c o u n try . Person* d esirous of ob ta in in g a superio r in s tru m e n t a re re spec tfu lly in v ited to give h im a call before p u r r t a s 'r g *l**wh*r*


E X P R E S S .



C A PIT A L........................................................U M i M WForw ard w ith th e g re a te s t Booed a a d S afety ,

COIN, BANK NOTES, JEWELRYA nd o th e r v aluable M erchandise a a d Package*,

A nd collect NO TES, D R A FT S a n d ACCOUNTS. Bills s e n t w ith g»ods, and ex ecu te all o th e r Commission* connected w ith th e Ex pres- bu rin ew , a t a ll th e p rin ­cipal place* betw een th e c ity off N E W YORK a a d the W ESTER N . N O RTH a n d SO U TH W ESTERN STATES a n d CANADAS, c o n nec ting w ith o th e r re- »pon-ible E xpress C om panies.GOODS, C O IN , BANK N O TES, JE W E L R Y AND

VALUABLES.WM. O. rA R O O , P residen t, WM. B. P E C K . A gent.


17'ORBUSH ft HYATT,F Huccemtor* to E. B. k W. H . Forbew h,

Solicitor* of A m erican a a d Foreign P aten t* , and

ATTORNEYS IN PA TEN T CASES,W eed’* B lock , c o m e r o f M ain and S w an utreeta,

B U FFA L O . N. Y.J a v H yat* . W. H . F o rb u sh .

t t 'v A O m iM *n*r ♦ f w______ e. h aa ica l F u y in ee


F . K . P L U M B L Y ,T ank a n d C iste rn B u ilder, a a d dea le r in new second han d b a rre ls , ta n k s , hoop*, staves a a d I ing. A lt k in d s o f C ooperage co n stan tly o * •J

w OOL!






A l i lK T FO R T H IS C IT Y ,

T . K E N N E T T ,

t t 7 8 M a i n S t .


m m S FEO. K E L L Y ......................Mi*111 leave Buffalo, T l 'K S t .

E i ’i S ukSStJSeSSLelas* •om m ctU n a t Portage Lake, with ‘ the


'ui** 22, a t S o’cIim L * Portage

' i n g



Collars and Cuffs.M ADE TO O R D ER AMD TO R RALE AT

No. 11 N o rth Division Mt.


C A P E M A Y CTTT. N. J . ,W ill be opened fo r th e *«-asoo S a tu rd ay , M ay 29. In all f irs t cl a*- appointm ent!*, equa l to any , aud y a t a f­fo rd in g to fam ilies a I th e c om fo rts o f a hom e.

P resid en t U ran t expec ts to v isit th a U nited S tate* th is Season . A ddress AAEON MILLKR, P ro p rieto r.



Cnrr » Hiring ud WulmglN

Huflalo, N. Y.













W. H. GliEXXY, SOX & CO.


GLASSWARE,Of Every Description,








W.H.GLENNY, SON &C0.S04 an .l 206 M AIN STR EET,


A very la rg e a*«*>rtment of



F u rn itu re m ade to o rd e r, and 're p a ir in g , boxing , e ta ., done In th e best m anner.

* -W -F ___________ ISAAC D. W H IT E , *67 M ain at.J^EKRH;fcRATui:>

A N D IC E CHESTS. B OTH SLA TE A7TD ZINC. T he B ert In M arket.

SH A W A F E R R IS , 446 M ain r t.

r O w e B a r e e r , EagM H arW r, Ontanagon, l a oisto , Bhyfiald, Superior City and Du I nth. Freig h t received lo r above porta a t foot of Main

The - ARCTIC*f t M TYRM OL.........................“ ........................Master.■ te a l la rate , aagartty aad accciea*mi*tlno», wifi M ^ ea e above, o aT U B D A Y . Juae M , lo r mm* dart:

ia*. and are furnished with f a c ia l refareao* to tho accommodation of pasaat^ tri. aad have ahn an.pl* room for freight, aad wiU ooartkuta dwrmg th e *«*- MB of 1MB, a iww aad Indeoendaat Lake Bnpeno* Line, leavii g Buffalo regularly every TUeedsy a t 8 P. M .andtlevelaB d every W edtM adavatSP M.

For freight o r pamage apph a t th* Coatpaay'a of­fice, No. 1 M ain atreet, Buffalo, _____________BETH CALDWELL. Agent.

U NIO N STEAM BOAT CO M PANY.F or C hicago, M ilwaukee

and in te rm ed ia te part* . T h e jf favo rite passenger sW am er

ST. LOUIS,JA M E S PR A T T ................................................. ....... .......

w ill leave I k e C om pany’s dock , fo o t o f Mai l s t r e e t , fo r th e above poiti., on W EDNESDAY E V E N IN G . J u n e 23, a t 8 o 'clock P. M.

F o r fre ig h t o r jw-nage app ly a t th e C om panv’-* office, N o. l M ain s t,______________________ S g n i C A LD W ELL, A gent

\B 7 E S T E K N TR AN SPO RTA TIO N t ().* v People 's L ine S team -

ers. F o r C leveland . D e tro it, *M ilwaukee and Chicago. T he i MpleiKlid loar p ressu re | ge r s team er

BA D G ER STATE,WM. DICK SO N ....................... 7 . . . . M a*ter,

w in leave t h e Com pany’* D.K-k, f ,« t o t W artiingt.-n s t re e t , on TUESDAY EV EN IN G , J u n e 22d, at s P . M. T he B ad g er S ta le , w ith flr r t class p a -^ u g e r accom m odation* in every respec t, i* an estab lished favo rite w ith th * tra v e lin g p ublic .

F >r fre irfa t o r passage ap p ly a t th e office of tho W estern T ran sp o rta tio n C om pany, E rie Baain. oi foo t o f W aahington a tree t.

JO H N A L L « N , J r .F re a id e . i R. M. CH O A TE T ick e t A gen t,

F oo t o f W ash ing ton r t . , Buffalo.

Bu f f a l o , m i l w a i k k e a n d c h ioago L in* —F o r D e tro it, '

M ilw aukee, C hicago a u d In te r r t m ediate Porte .

Tlie fan! l.>w p re ssu re pasw ug e r steam er '

FOUW TAIN C IT Y , OK'J- PK H K lM d..........................................M arterWill leave th e C om pauy’s Dock fo o t o f M ichigan st , fo r above p o r ts , on TU ESD A Y EV E N IN G , 'J u n . ' f i d . a t 8 o’clock.

T».e F o u n ta in C ity 1s th e f a s te s t and mo*t m avm tU c u t paw enger s te a m e r on th e lakes.

F o r f re ig h t o r passage a p p 'y t.>SH ELD O N P E A SE , M anaging A g t.,

Offioe fno t o f M ichigan -t JE R O M E k W E H O O T r.T ck ^ t Agent*.

1 8 6 9 . f e g g g g g 1 8 6 9 .

PLEASURE TRAVELd! E ,. ; F 5 “ v“ 8T lawrencm. r i s i n g hk>





th ro u g h th e beau tifu l and rom an tic t'.cencn ot th e W H IT E M OUNTAI -»8, LAKE. OEOKUF.


P R IN G S, N E W PO R T , PO R TLA N D , BOSTON pfeo v .D K N C E AND M f.W Y o W s. *

Th# w hole fo rm in g th e ch eap est, m oxt v aried and d e lig h tfu l t r ip ou th e C o n tin en t.

P assengers w ill connect a t Lew iston w ith th e f ir s t- c’as* steam er C ITY OK TORONTO fo r T o ro n to .w hcru d irec t connec tion will he m ada w ith th e follow ing U pper Cabin S team ers of th o Royal Mail L ine :B A N SH E E ...........................................................C apt. R ailct^ JJA M P IO N ............................................. C apt. C arm ichaelC O K lK T lllk N .............................................. ' . c . p t . D unlopS P A R T A N ................................................ C ap t. F airgrieveP A -b P O R T ...............................................T c a , . t (Mn. lairK INGSTON........................................................C apt. Farre ll

Be su re and p u rc h su e T ic k e u via. G RAND TR U N K RAILW AY and ROYAL M A IL L IN E S T tA M F K S , w hich a re good v ia ra il o r b o a t, a re availab le u n til N ovem ber, 18(19, and can be on tained a t a il tlie p rin cipal W atering Places au d T icket Offices in tiiu U nited State*.

A. M ll.LO Y Gen. A gent R . M L .M on*real.H . SHACK ELL, Gen. A gen tG . T. K.. M ontreal

________________J. W H ITM O RE, A gent, Buffalo

18G9 PE0PLErs LINE stka*:,kiFOR NEW YORK.

The S team ers

ST. JOHN,W. H . C H R IS T O P H E R ̂ < ^ ^

M onday, W ed iiu slay a a t| Friday*

r> R E \vS’ J * W ................................ .. . Capt a.

Tuesday , T hu rsd ay a n d S a tu rd ay ,

A t 8 i o’clock P. M ,

On a rriv a l o f tra in* of N ew York C en tra l, Albai Jt B uxquehanna, R en—elae r k S aratoga, and’ Hort A A lbany R ailroads, and I ake C ham plain SU-amei

Baggage W agona a lw ays in read iness a t Dei>..t onvey B aggage to th e Boat* free.H udson R iver R ailroail tic k e ts ta k e n fo r Paew

on th e Boat*, inc lud ing S ta te Room BerCn W hen req u ested of H tatkxi A gent* . B aguage «

be Cliecked to New Y ork by Beat*.



Q uality w arran ted Equal to a n y Made.SHAW k F E R R IS , 446 Main st.

''ABLE CUTLERY.A F in e A sso rtm en t.

SH A W k F E R R IS . 446 M ain at.

1869. ,869-THE UNION

STEAMBOAT COMPANYWill ru n d u riu g th e en su ing season in connection

w ith th e E R IK R A ILW A Y , am i all ra ilro a d , u m il­ita ting a t th e Lake P o rts below n am ed , and w ith re ­liable lines on th e Krie Canal, th e follow ing first-clans Dai|y Line* o f S team ers:B U F F A L O .A N D L A K E I U P E H I U R

L IN E .A rc tic ....................................................C apt. J . E. T u rn e rPhcMc.............................................. C apt. Ed. K ellyB U F F A L O , M IL W A U K E E AND C H I­

CAGO L IN K .J a y O o u ld ........................................... C apt. F. n . B row n.St. L o u is ......................................................C apt. Ja*. P ra ttPaaaaic...................................................... C apt. Thus. W att*.E clipse........................................................ Capt. K. L. Pope.W abash ...................................................... C apt. Jo h n K irby.

f C an lrt«o .................................................... Capt. J . p. B e e n .• ''"■ Inox...................... a . ..................C ap t. W. H . A rth u r .

B U F F A L O AND D E T R O IT L IN ’ ; ..................................Vsm. Tb i m , • -Ot.pt. 8 . H hannon. C*Pt- ©. W. S to d d a rd .................. C*pt- D. P. Purnell................C ajit. D. M rF arlane ......................... C»|ft. U . W atts

B r r P A L O , (L K V K L A N D AND T O ­L E D O L IN K .

T oledo ...............................



WM. J . K IN O . J r . , P reeideot. H . O. PKR SY , Vice Prea”. and Sup’t .



STEAM F IR E ENGINES.P r ope!l*r W heels I ro n a n d Braas C asting*, W roughtIron W orks, t ic ., kc.

r u r x







f t


DEALUM M H A 1> (T M W f

2 0 0 r K 10811 O R O U N D O A T -

100 bbla May Mower Mills, white winter wheat.10# bbls Genet Mills, ehoie* Minnesota.19® hble International, Mo. 1 Bprrng.60# boxes F o r t Cincinnati Starch.





B U F F A L O B R A S S F O U N D R Y .n r • ---------- M. Y.


A n i Wi -------

A tla n tic ...............E vergreen C ity .T io g a...................Missouri............G uid ing S t a r . . . D u n k irk .............

Capt. R A. 8i-*on.. . .C apt. W. D. Dougla*,. C apt. Jo h n Kgelar.. , .C -.pt. W , II . M cN ally. Caj-t. J . O. H lnde.. .C a p t. Wm. C um m ing*.

A rax es ..........................New Y o rk ....................O ronte* .........................E lm ira ...........................

Theae Steamer?, a r* in th e beat possible- co n d itio n , m any af th em nearly o r q u ite n ew , and will lie ru n reg u la rly , a fford ing to Hlnmiere unequalled facilitlee fo r th e m ovem ent of th e ir F re ig h t w ith Ji*petH>.

Dock fo r Cfcfoego and L ake S uperio r Line*, foo t o ( M ain *t ; fo r Lake E rie Line*, fo o t o f L loyd r t .

F re ig h t a n d Pasnenger office. No. 1 M ain *t,

AGENTS A N D C O N S IG N E R .MOR* ........................8r“*aiw»y. New Y ork .JO H N


124 W ^ h iir t to n * t., Boston.• ............1 M ain *t., Buffalo.

j- ...........................C leveland.

]• ............................ Toledo.

£ .....................................D etro it................................... M ilw aukee..........................................Racine

D. R. W ILLIA M S, ( ........... C hicago.8. D. CALDWELL. Oeiwral Manager,

No. 6 O hio a tre e t, Buffalo.

B M T S A N D l l t M




TN* A n n * n all m a la oa IN* —l.l.-ai.nl BOV OK a LAST, and a n a m a a l a i ) « tu r tuateiiai. bat

N. a_ l - t i o - Ba. a laa t t o a a n u n



4 0 6 5 £ 5 L S S P T ’

r .

' J H K H IC B8T ,


S O D A .n iN* C H , la lauod a*