Buffalo Rocketbuffalorocket.com/files/2012/05/issue33WEB.pdf · own life, the laughs resume at full...

THURSDAY, AUGUST 16 SATURDAY, AUGUST 18 MONDAY, AUGUST 20 Partly Cloudy High 83° Low 69° TUESDAY, AUGUST 21 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22 Sunny High 79° Low 66° Scattered T-Storms High 72° Low 59° Partly Cloudy High 70° Low 58° Partly Cloudy High 73° Low 60° Few Showes High 75° Low 62° Few Showes High 77° Low 63° FRIDAY, AUGUST 17 www.buffalorocket.com COMMUNITY NEWS Distributing to North Buffalo, West Side and Riverside • Established in 1969 Buffalo Rocket Vol. XLIII ISSUE No. 33 • Thursday, August 16, 2012 Publishers of North Buffalo Rocket, West Side Times & Riverside Times SUNDAY, AUGUST 19 Buffalo Rocket Coupon Page! pg. 3 "Shop, Rock n Stroll" on Hertel Set For Aug. 24th The business owners of Hertel Ave. are getting ready for another Shop, Rock -n- Stroll event on Friday, August 24th from 6:30-9:30 p.m. on the North Park Theater block. There will be extend- ed hours on two full blocks of boutique shop- ping from Norwalk to Sa- ranac. Other features of this event will be live music with Kickstart Rumble, light refreshments, give- aways, Vitamin Water (with free samples) and Mia Dolcezza Cookies. Come and enjoy all the sights and sounds of Her- tel Ave., while exploring some of Hertel's best boutiques, restau- rants and salons. (con't on page 5) Kiwanis Hold Annual Fishing Derby The Elmwood Kiwanis Club held their annual fishing derby at Hoyt Lake in Delaware Park on Wednesday morning. One hundred and twenty kids, as well as their coun- selors, from the Delaware YMCA’s Summer Youth Camp and the YMCA UB Summer Camp program, took part in this year’s event. The kids lined the edge of the lake near the Wil- liam Marcy Casino and Kids from the YMCA Summer Youth Camp lined the edge of Hoyt Lake during the Annual Elmwood Kiwanis Fishing Derby. caught various fish and then released them back into the lake. Volunteers from the Kiwanis, the US Naval Sea Cadets, as well as volunteers from Dop- kins & Co., ACE Insur- ance and SYNCOR repre- Realign your karmic en- ergy by attending Friends of the Night People’s third annual Party for the Peo- ple, a gala where black tie is discouraged. This fundrais- er “for the people” provides much needed funding to as- sist in feeding and clothing our neighbors in need. The need is great this year. In July 2012, 8,089 individu- als were served at Friends of Night People’s four lo- cations around the city of Buffalo. That’s nearly 2,500 more meals than were served in July 2011. The guest of honor, J. Danee Sergeant from Active Minds, will speak about her struggle with mental health and homelessness. In addi- tion, there will be food by The Whole Hog food truck, drinks and entertainment, including a magician, a theme basket raffle and si- lent auction. Friends of the Night People, founded in 1969, is a non- profit organization that has provided essential support- ive services to the home- less, destitute and working poor women, men, children, elderly and disabled of this community. FONP provides free meals, clothing, and re- ferral services daily. Since Friends Of The Night People Benefit At Karpeles Museum on Aug. 19th Party For The People - August 19th. senting The United Way Day of Caring were there to assist the kids with set- ting up the poles, baiting hooks and removing the fish from the hooks once the fish were landed. This event gives inner city children a change to enjoy the experience of fishing and demonstrates how to handle fish once the fish are caught. The kids were served pizza for lunch before continuing on with their day’s activities.

Transcript of Buffalo Rocketbuffalorocket.com/files/2012/05/issue33WEB.pdf · own life, the laughs resume at full...

Page 1: Buffalo Rocketbuffalorocket.com/files/2012/05/issue33WEB.pdf · own life, the laughs resume at full volume. ... Bonifacio Pratts, ... One brother Andres and one sister, Rosa.

Thursday, augusT 16 saTurday, augusT 18 Monday, augusT 20

Partly CloudyHigh 83°Low 69°

Tuesday, augusT 21 Wednesday, augusT 22


High 79°Low 66°

Scattered T-Storms

High 72°Low 59°

Partly Cloudy

High 70°Low 58°

Partly Cloudy

High 73°Low 60°

Few Showes

High 75°Low 62°

Few Showes

High 77°Low 63°

Friday, augusT 17


COMMUNITY NEWSDistributing to North Buffalo, West Side and Riverside • Established in 1969

Buffalo Rocket Vol. XLIII ISSUE No. 33 • Thursday, August 16, 2012Publishers of North Buffalo Rocket, West Side Times & Riverside Times

sunday, augusT 19

Buffalo Rocket Coupon Page! pg. 3

"Shop, Rock n Stroll" on Hertel Set For Aug. 24th ThebusinessownersofHertel Ave. are gettingready for another Shop,Rock -n- Stroll event onFriday,August24thfrom6:30-9:30 p.m. on theNorth ParkT h e a t e rblock. Therewillbe extend-ed hourson two fullblocks of boutique shop-pingfromNorwalktoSa-ranac.

Other features of thisevent will be live musicwith Kickstart Rumble,light refreshments, give-aways, Vitamin Water(with free samples) and

Mia DolcezzaCookies. Come andenjoy all thesights andsoundsofHer-telAve.,while

exploringsomeofHertel'sbest boutiques, restau-rantsandsalons.

(con't on page 5)

Kiwanis HoldAnnual Fishing Derby

The Elmwood KiwanisClub held their annualfishing derby at HoytLake in Delaware Parkon Wednesday morning.One hundred and twentykids,aswellastheircoun-selors, fromtheDelaware

YMCA’s Summer YouthCampand theYMCAUBSummer Camp program,took part in this year’sevent. Thekids lined theedgeof the lake near the Wil-liam Marcy Casino and

Kids from the YMCA Summer Youth Camp lined the edge of Hoyt Lake during the Annual Elmwood Kiwanis Fishing Derby.

caught various fish andthen released them backinto the lake. VolunteersfromtheKiwanis,theUSNavalSeaCadets,aswellas volunteers from Dop-kins & Co., ACE Insur-anceandSYNCORrepre-

Realign your karmic en-ergy by attending Friendsof the Night People’s thirdannual Party for the Peo-ple,agalawhereblacktieisdiscouraged.Thisfundrais-er“forthepeople”providesmuchneededfundingtoas-sistinfeedingandclothingourneighborsinneed.Theneed isgreat thisyear. InJuly 2012, 8,089 individu-als were served at Friendsof Night People’s four lo-cations around the city ofBuffalo.That’snearly2,500more meals than wereservedinJuly2011. The guest of honor, J.


andhomelessness.Inaddi-tion, there will be food byTheWholeHog food truck,drinks and entertainment,including a magician, athemebasketraffleandsi-lentauction.FriendsoftheNightPeople,founded in 1969, is a non-profitorganizationthathasprovidedessential support-ive services to the home-less,destituteandworkingpoorwomen,men,children,elderlyanddisabledofthiscommunity.FONPprovidesfreemeals,clothing,andre-ferral servicesdaily. Since

Friends Of The Night People BenefitAt Karpeles Museum on Aug. 19th

Party For The People - August 19th.

senting The United Way Day of Caringwere theretoassistthekidswithset-ting up the poles, baitinghooks and removing thefish from the hooks oncethefishwerelanded. This event gives inner

city children a change toenjoy the experience offishing and demonstrateshow to handle fish oncethe fish are caught. Thekidswereservedpizzaforlunchbeforecontinuingonwiththeirday’sactivities.

Page 2: Buffalo Rocketbuffalorocket.com/files/2012/05/issue33WEB.pdf · own life, the laughs resume at full volume. ... Bonifacio Pratts, ... One brother Andres and one sister, Rosa.

Week of THURSDAY, AUgUST 16, 2012BUffALo RoCkeT ISSUe 33PAge 2


rocket coMMUNIcAtIoNS 2522 Delaware Avenue • Buffalo, NY 14216 • (716) 873-2594

© 2012 rocket communications, Inc. • Buffalo, New YorkPrINteD BY: GALLAGHer PrINtING, INc.

2522 DeLAWAre AVeNUe • BUFFALo, NeW York 14216(716) 873-2594

email: [email protected] cLASSIFIeDS oN-LINe: web site: www.buffalorocket.com

David Gallagher ........................Publisher Dennis Gallagher ............Managing editorrose Mattrey ................ Graphic DesignerDeborah tully ................... office ManagerJoe Bortz. ................................ columnist

John Duke............................... columnist Doug Smith ............................. columnist renee klineline ............... office AssistantBarbara Gilboy ..............Advertising Salesrobert Wright .......... Web Press operationDaryl Gallagher ......... Production Director

‘His Girl Friday’ Hold the presses for “HisGirl Friday,” the Shaw Fes-tival’s gritty and hystericallookback at print journal-ism’sgoldendays. Fool’sgoldismorelikeit,apressroomfullofreprobates,con men and agendas, allawaitingthefallofagallowssnuffingoutamanconvictedofmurder.FormanyaBuf-falonian, the comedy willbe muted by memories ofthe competitive journalismwhichendedwiththeclosingof the Courier-Express 30yearsagothisSeptember. Withitspell-mellpatter,re-friedromancesandportentsof doom, it blends the bestof “Guys & Dolls,” “PrivateLives”and“TheValiant,”lastspring’sTheatreintheMisthit,withjustadashof“BennyHill.”JimMezondirectsinaslightlyexaggeratedstyle,so

thatwhentherivalreportersbeginmatchingmandates,itsoundslikeoneofthosepar-lor games challenging play-erstofinisheachothers’sen-tences.While to thecivilianear,itsoundscontrived,takeit from Rocket Man, who’sbeenthere,thisishownews-mensharpentheirwits–oneachother. Butthegoldmedalforlin-quistic gymnastics goes toWendy Thatcher’s rant onwomen writers, downfallof society as she sees it, soafraidofVirginiaWoolfthatshe’dputherbeforeafiringsquad. The object of her disaffec-tion is her daughter-in-law-not-to-be Hildy, gleefullywrought with Niagaran en-ergy by Nicole Underhay.Hildyhasreturnedtorubherimprovedstatusinthefaces


The Adventures of...

Rocket Manby Doug Smith



ofherformercolleagues, in-cludingWalterHill(BenedictCampbell)towhomshewasoncewed. Buttheurgetoreportdieshard,takeitagainfromonewho’s been there (and stillis). Partly swindled, partlyaddicted (to the truth, thatis), Hildy is dragged rightintoitagain,especiallysincethe upcoming executionseemsdrivenbypolitics.(“Iftherewasn’tanelectionnextweek, I’d have this on myconscience.”)“Girl Friday” is deliciousstaffed in every role, par-ticularly theploddinggo-ferWoodenshoes (Peter Mal-lard),thedoor-slammedRev.Pickett (Kelly Wong) andKristaColosimoasthetragicMollieMalloy. Thereinliesthesinglerubof “His Girl Friday,” thatbarelyaminuteafterasym-patheticcharactertakesherown life, the laughs resumeatfullvolume.It’sratherlikeputtingthecomicsnexttotheobits,butlikeHildy,wecan’tresist.Extra,extra,“GirlFri-day” runs throughOct. 5, aFriday,asithappens.NINEROCKETS(outof10). Fire back to Rocket [email protected]

Free Pizza from Bob and John's LaHacianda: A.Frezza. 1149 Hertel Ave.

Bonifacio Pratts, formerWestSide residentpassedawayathome25daysafterhereachedis100thBirthday. He died June 30, 2012.Born in Arecibo, PuertoRicoJune51912.Wasselfemployedasamason,car-penterandagriculturistinhislifetime. He is survived by hiswife Juana, one daughterMaria Antonia and threegranddaughters Edmarie,AnnedandMaryEd, threegreat-grandchildren Chel-sea, Christina and Owen.One brother Andres andonesister,Rosa.

`During WWII he en-tered the workforce at age10, working in the sugarcane fields in Puerto Ricoto help feed and supporthis mother and siblings.He didn’t pass the medicalexaminationtoserveintheArmy, but worked as a su-pervisor building roads inPuertoRicoformilitaryve-hicletravelandsuppliesaspartofthewareffort,thenworked in a military sup-pliesfactoryduringthewarinPhiladelphia,Pa. Duringthewaryears,hemet his future wife, Juanaand after three months ofcourting married her onApril 23, 1944. He was 32andshewas23.Onlychild,a daughter named MariaAntoniawasbornin1950. He passed away in thehouse on Dart Street thatheboughtin1986.Thiswashis only home in Buffalo,andhisdaughterlivedjustafewblocksaway. Until a heat stroke in2007,helivedanamazinglyhealthy life, gardening, upkeeping of his home andworkingonsmallprojectsofinteresttohim.

Obituarybonifacio Pratts 1912-2012

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Page 3: Buffalo Rocketbuffalorocket.com/files/2012/05/issue33WEB.pdf · own life, the laughs resume at full volume. ... Bonifacio Pratts, ... One brother Andres and one sister, Rosa.

PAge 3Week of THURSDAY, AUgUST 16, 2012 BUffALo RoCkeT ISSUe 33

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The Blotter FeloniesFrom “D” District

North BuffaloAugust 6, 2012NorthParkAve.-Complain-ant reports that television,mountainbikeandover50DVDs were missing afterherex-boyfriendmovedout.Valueover$1,000.

August 8, 2012Groveland St. - Complain-ant did provide her creditcardinformationtoafraud-ulentcompanyfora$79feethey said would result inreceiving a prize. No prizewasdistributed.

Henley Rd. - Complainantreportsthatunknownmaleentered house from openwindowinrearofbuilding.Suspect tookcomplainant’swallet with debit card andcash and driver’s license.Keys to home and vehiclewerealsotaken.

August 9, 2012Starin/Depew Aves. - Fa-ther of juvenile victim re-portsthatsonwasattackedin the middle of the streetby four males that exited

ablack,latemodelvehicle.Suspectsalsotookfromvic-timawhiteteeshirtthathewaswearingandabluecap.Allsuspectsdescribedtobebetween 18 and 20 yearsold with medium lengthhair,wearingblackonblackclothing.

Kenmore Ave. - Complain-antreportsthatsuspecten-teredhomethroughkitchenwindowanddidtake60inchtelevisionandasmallersetaswell.Valueover$1,000.

August 12, 2012St. Lawrence Ave. - Com-plainant reports that de-fendantdidpushandshoveher and did also damagehervaseandplants.

West SideAugust 7, 2012West Ferry - Complainantreports that suspect askedto borrow her phone anddidswitchphones,handingback duplicate model, thentook$20outofherhandbe-forefleeingonfoot.

Potomac Ave. - Complain-antreports thatherwalletwas stolen from her home.Walletcontained3benefitscards, insurance card, to-kens,buspassand$500incash.

August 8, 2012Ferguson Ave. - Complain-ant reports that person (s)unknownenteredresidenceand did take, without per-mission, a 42 inch televi-sion, a 50 inch televisionand 1 game box. Value ofitemsover$1,200.

August 11, 2012Potomac Ave. - Complain-ant states that defendantdidthreatentocausebodilyharm ifhe findsoutshe iswithanotherman.

RiversideAugust 6, 2012Esser Ave. - Complainantreports that unknown per-sondidgainentryandonceinside did take, withoutpermission, lap top com-puter and five Xbox videogames value totaling over$1,000.

August 7, 2012Sandrock Rd. - Complain-ant reports that suspectdid use a six inch knife tocutapartacouchand loveseatcausingatleast$30indamage.

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August 8, 2012AmherstSt.-Complainantreports that unknown per-son(s)didenterhouseandwent through items andthrewsomeofthemonthefloor.

August 10, 2012Ontario St. - Complainantreports that unknown per-son (s) did enter home byunknown means, once in-sidedidtakecomplainant’splay station, radio, DVDs,


Hertel Ave. - Unknownperson (s)didenterbyun-knownmeansanddidtake,without permission, din-ingroomtableandalaptopcomputer.

Need PriNtiNg?Call Gallagher Printing


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Buffalo RocketCall Barb for details873-2594

Ask about frequency Discounts

Free Pizza from Bob and John's LaHacianda: S. Cole. Blantyr Rd.S

Page 4: Buffalo Rocketbuffalorocket.com/files/2012/05/issue33WEB.pdf · own life, the laughs resume at full volume. ... Bonifacio Pratts, ... One brother Andres and one sister, Rosa.

Week of THURSDAY, AUgUST 16, 2012BUffALo RoCkeT ISSUe 33PAge 4

Massachusetts Avenue Project - Every Tuesdayfrom 3:30pm-6:30pm andSaturdays 10am-1pm wewill be selling delicious lo-cal and organic food fromourfarmat389Massachu-settsAve. Saturdays are also opento volunteers between thehours of 11AM and 1 PM(rainorshine!) A tour of our farm willalsobeheldeverySaturdayat10:30amandeveryTues-dayat4pm.Suggesteddo-nationof$2perperson.Noneedtocallahead. This week we will beselling Adirondack Red,Adirondack Blue and RedNorlandpotatomix,Candyonion, Swiss chard, Heir-loom tomato, Cucumber,Sweet corn, Saladette orCherry tomatoes, Summersquash, Ozark garlic, Cyl-indra red beets, Burgundybeans.The farm is locatedat 389 Massachusetts Av-enue. Buffalo, NY 14213.Mass-ave.org.

Ub Archaeologists Digging Up buffalo’s Ca-nalside - Forseveralyears,teamsofUniversityatBuf-falo archaeologists fromthe Buffalo ArchaeologicalSurveyhaveconducteddigsin downtown Buffalo alongwhat was the Erie Canal.Theartifactsthey’vefound,when considered together,help describe how Buffalo-nianslivedandworkedfromtheearly1800sonward. Thissummer,they’recon-ducting a “public outreachdig”undertheSkywayandinvite the community tocomedownonAug.18and22,from9a.m.to4p.m.,tovisitthedigsite,observeitsoperation and speak withthe archaeologists and his-toriansworkingthere. The site is bounded byMain Street and HanoverStreet, east of the SkywayPier. Hanover Street runsbetween Marine Drive andPrime Street. (See maphere: http://www.buffalo.edu/news/13594.)


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I love you phIllIp morrIs

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FREE MOVIE tIckEts from north Park theatre: Michelle Bradshaw, 47 Manchester Pl.

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(restrictions apply)

Duringmuchof the19thand20thcenturies,Buffalowas a major internationalindustrialandgrain trans-portcity,largelybecauseofitswaterfrontandtheErieCanal, which cut a swaththrough what are nowdowntownstreets.

Erie Community Col-lege’s “Pathways to Suc-cess”Pre-CollegiateStudiesprogramwillbestartingitsfall session Tuesday, Sep-tember4th,2012.Registra-tionopenedonMonday,Au-gust13thandwillcontinueuntil Saturday, September15th. ECC’s Pre-CollegiateStudies program providesfree10-weeknon-credit in-structionforadultswhoareplanning to start college,but aren’t ready academi-cally or need to improvetheirskills. Inadditiontocollegeread-ing,writingandmathemat-ics sessions, the programalsoincludesindividualas-sistancewith financialaid,career exploration and theECCapplicationprocess. Program is designed foradult learners, high schoolgraduates or G.E.D. quali-fiers.Formoreinformation,call(716)851-1243.

Page 5: Buffalo Rocketbuffalorocket.com/files/2012/05/issue33WEB.pdf · own life, the laughs resume at full volume. ... Bonifacio Pratts, ... One brother Andres and one sister, Rosa.

Week of THURSDAY, AUgUST 16, 2012BUffALo RoCkeT ISSUe 33PAge �Week of THURSDAY, AUgUST 16, 2012 PAge �

Exp. 8/31/12

Free Movie Passes to North Park Theatre: T. Gleason. 162 Villa Ave.

TRINITYTOWERApartments for Senior Living

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(con't from front page)

Friends Of The Night PeopleBenefit

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January,FONPhasservedmore than 39,000 meals.In January, meal serviceat theLt.Col.MattUrbanHope Center on Buffalo’sEast Side was increasedtofivedaysperweek.ThispastMay,weopeneduptwonew locations in the Kens-ington-Bailey area whereamealisservedattheEd-wardSaundersCommunityCenter and The SalvationArmy. Throughout themonth medical, eye, andfootclinicsareprovidedbyareadoctorsatourfacility. TheeventtakesplaceonSunday,August19thattheKarpelesManuscriptMuse-um.453PorterAve.Buffa-lo.Ticketsare$25eachandcan be purchased at www.FriendsofNightPeople.com,orbycalling884-5375.

This Saturday, August18thfrom5-9pm,anyonewho brings a donated fooditem for the Food Bank ofWestern NY will get theirgaspumpedbyaZombieatJoe’sServiceCenter,corner

of Amherst and Elmwood.Zombie ability to washwindowsorcheckfluidsde-pends on their particularreason for being undead.Regardless of Zombie dis-ability, they definitely willnotcheckoradjusttireairpressure. Canned or boxed itemswelcomed. Comeandhelpmakethe“Weplaydeadsoothers may live” motto ofTerror Technologies comealivethisSaturday. LegalDisclaimer: Joe’sServiceCenterwillassumenoresponsibilityforZombieblood,organsorbodypartsleft on or about customerscars.Washedwindowsmayactually not come cleanerthan before Zombie at-tempt at window washing.AllZombieactionsandbe-haviorssolelybelongtotheZombies themselves andcarry no warranty expressnorimplied.

Zombies Pumping Gas ToBenefit Food Bank Of WNY

Zombies pumping gas to benefit the Food bank of Western new York this Saturday, August 18th at Joe's Service Center.

Page 6: Buffalo Rocketbuffalorocket.com/files/2012/05/issue33WEB.pdf · own life, the laughs resume at full volume. ... Bonifacio Pratts, ... One brother Andres and one sister, Rosa.

Week of THURSDAY, AUgUST 16, 2012BUffALo RoCkeT ISSUe 33PAge 6

NorthwestBuffalo Beatby Joe Bortz

As I have mentioned be-fore in this column, I wasbornandraisedontheWestSide of Buffalo. Born on14thStreet,grewup,(Iusethe term loosely) on FargoAvenueandraisedmyfam-ily on 15th Street. So theearly part of my life wasspentinhouseslessthanamilefromeachother.LovedtheWestSideand thoughtI would die living there.But things change, peoplechange and the need forotherthingschange.Ifany-one has lived on the goodold West Side they wouldknowofwhatIspeak.Lotsofthesehomesaretwofam-ily,builtbackinthemidtolate1800’s.Ithinkmyhouseon15thStreetwasbuiltin1848.Backwhenthereweremillions of people migrat-ing from Europe and theycouldnotbuildhouses fastenough.Andofcoursetherewere no cars therefore no

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needfordriveways.Mostofthehousesweresoclosetoeachotherthat,“ifyouspitout thewindow,youwouldhit the house next door”.Heard that expression allthe time. So usually therewas, at the most, five tosix feet inbetweenhouses.Noroomforadrivewayletalone a garage. Garageswere things that were be-ingbuiltoutinthesuburbsinthethen“new”homes.Itwas a dream to own a ga-rage. Ifyoulivedinthisneigh-borhood, the only place topark your car was on thestreet.Thiswasokay forawhileasnotalotofneigh-bors had cars. But thatchanged and soon parkingbecame,notonlyapremiumbutaluxury.Tofindaplacenear your home was spe-cial, especially if you hadgone grocery shopping. Itwassometimesnecessarytogohomeandgetawagontobringtothecartogetyourgroceries. Now how wouldyou like that? One of thethingsmydadwouldworryaboutwheneverhe left thehousewaswherewouldheparkwhenhecamehome.Ifmy mother would take thecar, he would pace up anddownandlookoutthewin-dowcheckingoutthepark-ing.Hisbiggestdesirewasto someday own a garage.Thatneverhappened. Now,Ihadgonealltheseyears without a garageand thought nothing of it.Well,Ithoughtaboutitbut

thought it was far fetched.Thenonedaywiththehelpof a friend and my daugh-ter,Iwasabletobuyaplacewithagarage.Noteverhav-ing onebefore I thought iswasaplacetostoreyourcaroutoftheweather.SothatiswhatIuseditfor.Notev-eryonedoesthat.Somecan-not even fit there car intotheirgarage, it isso fullof“storage”.Theproblemwithmy first garage is it waswaybackintheyardtoitsfurthest point. No probleminthesummer,butwhatalotofshoveling inthewin-terjusttogetthecarout. We had owned an inex-pensive cottage in Evansandspentthehotsummersoutthere.Inordertomoveinto this home we neededtosellthecottage.Tomakethesummermorebearable,we decided to put in an ingroundpool.Withthepool,thegarageneededtogo.Sohere I am again without agarage. Icalledaroundtofindoutwhatitwouldcostforanewgarage. I was surprised attheprice.FellownamedAlat Atlantic garages. Theirad is still in this paper. Inlessthanonedayaftertheconcretewasready,thega-rage went up. Completelydoneandreadytousehoursaftertheystarted.Thistimeit was next to the housewithverylittledrivewaytoshovel. This was like mov-ingintoanewhouse,cleanandempty. Inowownsevengaragesaltogether.Mydadwouldbeproud. Atlantic built threeandrefurbishedanother.AlthebuilderwasoldwhenIbuilt my first one and wasstill around when they didmylastone.Heisnolongerherebuthiscrewisstillin-tact. Iamworkingonhav-ing them build another.Seems I now have a fetishfor garages, AND they areallfull.

Free Pizza from Bob and John's LaHacianda: M. Shepard. 214 Norwalk Ave.

Free Movie Passes to North Park Theatre: J. Wells. 76 Cheltenham Rd.

Page 7: Buffalo Rocketbuffalorocket.com/files/2012/05/issue33WEB.pdf · own life, the laughs resume at full volume. ... Bonifacio Pratts, ... One brother Andres and one sister, Rosa.

PAge 7Week of THURSDAY, AUgUST 16, 2012 BUffALo RoCkeT ISSUe 33



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CITY of BUffALooffICe of STRATegIC PLANNINgDIVISIoN of ReAL eSTATeNoTICe of ReQUeST foR PRoPoS-ALS �7 Howard Street Buffalo, NY – former School #7� The Mayor’s office of Strategic Plan-ning (oSP), Division of Real estate is soliciting proposals for the sale and redevelopment of former School #7� located at �7 Howard Street Buffalo, New York. The former school is a 3 story, precast concrete panel, pier/ slab basement, consisting of 94,9�2 gross floor area(gfA) on a lot size 218’x 303’. Proposals should include all informa-tion specified in the Request for Pro-posal which is available in the Mayor’s office of Strategic Planning, Division of Real estate 920 City Hall Buffalo, NY14202. The proposal package is alsoavailable on the City of Buffalo’s web-site at www.city-buffalo.com/bids 32-34__________________________________

Board of education, Buffalo, New YorkDivision of Purchase716-816-3�8�**Sealed proposals will be received in Room 816 City Hall on: Monday, August 27, 2012 at 11:00 AM for BID #12-13-022 offICe SUPPLIeS foR SeRVICe CeNTeR SToCk on: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 at 11:00 AM for BID #12-13-023 SPoRTS MeDICAL SUPPLIeS foR ATHLeTICS DePT. on: Monday, August 27, 2012 at 2:00PM for BID #12-13-024 SANfoRD DRY eRASe MARkeRS foR SeRVICe CeNTeR SToCk Specifications and bid forms are available at www.buffaloschools.org/PurchaseDept.cfm.Craig A. koeppelDirector of Purchase 33-33__________________________________


Mirrored table - with leaf, 2 door, 6ft. glass book case, entertainment center, 2 small book cases. Call 881-4�4� 33-36

Vulcan stoVe - for sale. electric com-mercial stove, side grill. $�00. 88�-3290 M-f 8am-4pm 33-36

costuMe JeWelry - necklace & ear-ring set, new, nice for dresswear. $1� 877-4682. 32-3�

necklace - Small Pearls in form of a cross on 16" silver chain $99. 877-4682. 32-3�

angel books - (3) for $10 877-4682. 32-3�

princess House pilsner glasses - (2) $10 or best offer 877-4682. 32-3�

coat - Ladies Red Wool. Size 8 petit. Very good condition. 877-4682. 32-3�

storM doors - 2 White. 80"x32". $3� each. 873-8708 32-3�

earrings- freshwater pearls $40. 877-6271 32-3�

goWn - formal cream color, sleeveless, size 6, worn once, very pretty. $30. 877-6271. 32-3�

ski goggles - Navy. $12 877-6271 32-3�

dog Jacket - Med/large soft brown suede like. Like new. $10 . 877-6271 32-3�

dog sWeaters - (2) one red, one green for med. size dog. Crocheted, new 1�" length. 876-1267 32-3�

antique Hanging ligHt- Looks like a lantern with a glass globe. $1� 947-9190. 32-3�

antique table laMp - Looks like a ships wheel. Brown & tan. Adorable. $2�. 947-9190 32-3�

Wall cabinets - (2) Wood with pine doors. 36" wide x 30" high. $49 each. 947-9190 32-3�

cabinet - 7'8" high. 20" wide, 24" deep. Six adjustable shelves. Solid oak. excellent. $99 947-9190 32-3�

table - Vintage enamel top. White with blue trim and front drawer. Wood base. 2�"Wx40"L. $99 (chairs also available) 947-9190 32-3�


aMHerst flea Market - Port of entry. 63� Dodge Rd. Corner of Campbell Bl. Sunday August 26th, 8 am to 4pm.

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Web DeveloperBuffalo State, State University of New York, seeks candidates for the full-timeposition of web developer. Part of the team that manageswww.buffalostate.edu, the web developer is responsible for developing, testing,and implementing advanced and interactive websites within Drupal, the campuscontent management system. Other duties include: Train and support campusDrupal end-users. Maintain the main site search appliance (Google Mini) andweb analytics system (Google Analytics). Required Qualifications: Demonstrated proficiency in Drupal theming andmodule deployment using PHP, jQuery/Javascript, and CSS. Experiencedeveloping websites that operate consistently on multiple platforms, devices, andbrowsers. Familiarity with W3C Web Accessibility Guidelines/Section 508. One(1) year related work experience. Bachelor's degree. Preferred Qualifications: Two (2) or more years related work experience. Unixserver administration experience. Familiarity with any of the following:ASP/ASP.NET, APIs, MySQL, Oracle 9i or above, or XML. Experience working ina higher education or not-for-profit environment. Experience with mobile sitedevelopment. Experience providing training and support to users with varyinglevels of technical knowledge. Experience completing advanced configuration ofDrupal modules.Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until position isfilled. Qualified applicants may apply online at https://jobs.buffalostate.edu.

Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.

Buffalo RocketSize: 2 (3.875”) x 4”Issue: 8/9D/L: 8/2Price: $141.20

___________________________________Help Wanted - WindoW cleaners - Professional or will train. Top Pay & Bonus. Call 884-2936 32-34

boWling pin cHaser - Part time. Will Train. Call Tim McCarthty 87�-�780 ext. 2�. kenmore knights of Columbus, 1�30 kenmore Ave.

CITY of BUffALooffICe of STRATegIC PLANNINgDIVISIoN of ReAL eSTATeNoTICe of ReQUeST foR PRo-PoSALS 243 Sears Street Buffalo, NY – former School #�7 The Mayor’s office of Strategic Plan-ning (oSP), Division of Real estate issoliciting proposals for the sale and re-development of former School #�7 lo-cated at 243 Sears street Buffalo, New York. The former school is a 3 story, brick with block backup, consisting of 30,�39 gross floor area(gfA) on a lotsize 300’ x 180’. Proposals should include all informa-tion specified in the Request for Pro-posal which is available in the Mayor’s office of Strategic Planning, Division of Real estate 920 City Hall Buffalo, NY 14202. The proposal package is also available on the City of Buffalo’s website at www.city-buffalo.com/bids. 32-34__________________________________

PUBLIC AUCTIoN - to satisfy overduestorage charges pursuant to UCC Code Section 7- 209, 210, and/or Ar-ticles 8 and 9, Sections 182, 184, 201,201A-203 of the Lien Law of the Stateof New York, on Saturday, September1, 2012@10am, at premises Metro Self-Storage Center, 1�7� Main St., Buffalo, NY. The following units will beauctioned: gL823 Charles Allen, Jr.:boxes, loveseat, end tables, chairs, home decor. 2f34� Rashawndra Bold-en: bed, bags, toys. 2f284 Irene Cole-man: fan, 3 bookcases. LL6� elizabeth Cotton: fridge, kids toys, desk, boxes, totes, bags. 2f432 Samantha Daniels: totes of clothes, artificial plants, bed, small flat screen TV. Bk101 glenda Davis: fridge, stove, washer, dryer, artificial plants, dresser. 2f483 Tai-sha Diaz: fridge, washer, desk, chair. 2f�00 Joseph Dietzel: kitchen appli-ances, table, totes, side table. Bk20�John Dillard, III: washer, dryer, boxes,coffee and end tables. LL71 kerry foltz: bed, dresser, file cabinets, din-ing room chairs, boxes. LL107a La-wanda fuller: full bedroom set, bags, bike, kitchen wares. MM931 Laverne gilbert: bags of clothes. 2f202 Paula grayson: TV, table. 2f469 Cheryl grif-fin: tools, coffee and end table, fridgefreezer. LL110 Michael Harris: TV, freezer, chest, gym equipment, desk, stereo equipment, bags, table, kitchen wares. gL737 Arthur Hill: car rims, caraudio, home stereo, car body parts, gym equipment. LL146 Zuria komor-iko: TV, beds, shelving, dresser, table,totes, bags, boxes. 2f237 Tonya Lucas: 2 couches. gL723 Julie Mc-gregor: antique dining chairs, table, larger covered furniture, boxes, smallappliances. 2f332 eric Mitchell: bed, dresser, microwave. 2f286 John Red-man: tools, table, tall cabinet, guitar, golf clubs, file cabinet, boxes. 2f4�8 Robert Schreglman: boxes of books. 2f446 Paul Sotack: boxes, books, vhs tapes. 2f417 Joyce Stines: din-ing room table, chairs, totes. 2f464 Sandra White: couch, boxes, wall par-titions, kitchen table. This list is an in-complete, representative sample only.All items subject to redemption beforesale, and are sold “as is, where is.” 10% Buyer’s Premium. Cash Auctions88�-2200 33-34

The Buffalo Public School District will hold a public hearing:

Monday, August 20, 2012 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Buffalo City Hall

Council Chambers, 13th Floor

The purpose of the hearing is to seek comments from the community & stakeholders regarding:

Charles R. Drew Science Magnet School #59: Reconstruction ProjectAcademy School #44: Move to School #8 (Masten & E. Utica Sts.)Montessori School #32: Cedar St. Extension


Nurse Practitioner Weigel Health Center

Buffalo State, State University of New York, seeks candidates for the full-timeposition of Nurse Practitioner. Responsibilities: Evaluate, diagnose and treat students for injury and illnessincluding pelvic exams, and testing for STDs when appropriate. Medicalinformation will be properly documented in the electronic medical record,referrals will be made and appropriate follow up will be documented. All labtests and x-rays will be reviewed and properly documented in the electronicmedical record. The collaborating physician will be kept informed of all complexcases and patients referred to the Emergency Department and x-ray. Cooperate asa member of the health care team to ensure coordination and continuity of careto our diverse student population. Participate in the educational mission of thehealth center by providing patient education. Required Qualifications: 1. Master's degree in Nursing as a Family or Adult Nurse Practitioner 2. BLS Certificate 3. Prescribing privileges with a DEA number 4. Ability to function as part of a team in the delivery of quality medical care 5. One (1) year of experience as a nurse practitioner after licensure 6. Work two (2) evening shifts until 8 p.m. Preferred Qualifications: 1. Certification by a nationally recognized agency as a family or adult nurse

practitioner2. Two (2) years of experience as a nurse practitioner after licensure 3. Experience as a nurse practitioner in a college health setting Deadline for applications is 08-31-2012. We encourage qualified applicants toapply for this posting online at https://jobs.buffalostate.edu.

Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.

Buffalo RocketSize: 2 (3.875”) x 5”Issue: 8/16D/L: 8/10Price: $176.50

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Next Day Business CardsGallagher Printing 873-2594

Free Pizza from Bob and John's LaHacianda: M. Shepard. 214 Norwalk Ave.

Page 8: Buffalo Rocketbuffalorocket.com/files/2012/05/issue33WEB.pdf · own life, the laughs resume at full volume. ... Bonifacio Pratts, ... One brother Andres and one sister, Rosa.

Week of THURSDAY, AUgUST 16, 2012BUffALo RoCkeT ISSUe 33PAge 8


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