Budget RequestOffice of ScienceThe FY 2002 · Biological & Environmental Research High Energy...

Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee The FY 2002 Office of Science Budget Request Science for America’s Future Dr. James Decker Acting Director, Office of Science May 15, 2002

Transcript of Budget RequestOffice of ScienceThe FY 2002 · Biological & Environmental Research High Energy...

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Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory CommitteeFusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee

The FY 2002Office of ScienceBudget Request

Science for America’s Future

Dr. James DeckerActing Director,Office of Science

May 15, 2002

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DOE Office of Science Budget($

in M






$238 $248


$197 $203



Advanced Scientific

Computing Research


Biological &Environmental




All OtherSC


FY 2000 Appropriation (Excludes SBIR/STTR) FY 2000 Appropriation (Excludes SBIR/STTR) FY 2001 AppropriationFY 2001 Appropriation



FY 2002 Request FY 2002 Request* An additional $10M will be transferred to Fusion Energy Sciences through a budget amendment to be transmitted to Congressshortly. The source for this $10 M is: High Energy Physics ($5.0M), Advanced Scientific Computing Research ($2.7M), EnergyResearch Analysis ($0.3M), and Science Program Direction ($2.0M)






$166 $166

$360 $360

Spallation Neutron Source

Congressional Mandates

FY 2000 and FY 2001 Appropriation Comparable to FY 2002 Request

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DOE Office of Science FY2002 Budget Highlights(FY2002 Request)

• Spallation Neutron Source($291M)

• Scientific Discovery throughAdvanced Computing($176M)

• Nanoscale Science,Engineering, & Technology($87M)

• Genomes to Life ($20M)

• The High Energy PhysicsFrontier ($721M)

• Fusion Energy Sciences($248M)

• Science Education ($5.5M)

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The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS)The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS)Under Construction on Chestnut Ridge at ORNLUnder Construction on Chestnut Ridge at ORNL

• World’s premier neutron scatteringfacility for basic and applied research inphysical, materials, polymer, chemical,and biological sciences. Expected tohost more than 2000 researcher a year.

• FY 2001 activities – begin: Title IIdesign, site preparation, subsystemfabrication, conventional facilityconstruction

• FY 2002 requirement - $291M

• FY 2002 activities – continue:conventional facility construction,design and procurement of acceleratorand global control systems. Begininstallation of Linac components, Ionsource and low energy beamequipment, target and instrumentsystems design

• Project on track to meet Level 0(Secretarial) baseline goals.

• Total Project Cost - $1,411.7 M• ≥1MW proton beam power on target• Project completion – June 2006Artist’s Conception of the Finished Facility Overlaid

on the October 2000 Aerial View

Schematic instrument suite for the SNS.Final instrumentation will be determined by the user community

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Expanded Operations at Key Facilities in FY02

The IPNS target-reflector-moderator assembly

• Intense Pulse Neutron Source(IPNS)– Instrumentation upgrades and

increased operating time

• Environmental MolecularSciences Laboratory (EMSL)– Terascale computing capabilities

• Fermilab– Increased operating time and

detector enhancements

• SLAC– Increased operating time

• National Energy ResearchScientific Computing(NERSC)– Terascale computing capabilities

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Peak Performanceis skyrocketing

But efficiency decliningFrom 40-50% on the vectorsuper-computers of 1990s to aslittle as 5-10% on parallelsupercomputers of today

Combustion turbulence modelingCombustion turbulence modeling

Turbulent methane flameTurbulent methane flame

HEP particle beam haloHEP particle beam halo

Vortices in a Vortices in a superfluidsuperfluid

Lattice quantum Lattice quantum chromodynamicschromodynamicsAu-Au collisionAu-Au collision

Clay-mineral geochemistry Clay-mineral geochemistry

High Temperature SuperconductorsHigh Temperature Superconductors

Protein dynamicsProtein dynamics

Perturbed plasma densityPerturbed plasma density

Transport barrier dynamicsTransport barrier dynamics Fusion magnetic fieldFusion magnetic field

Crystal structure for CCrystal structure for C3636 solid solid

Structural biologyStructural biologySea temperatureSea temperature Molecular simulation of complex fluidsMolecular simulation of complex fluids

Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing






2000 2004






Peak Performance

Real Performance

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Scientific Discovery Through Advanced ComputingScientific Discovery Through Advanced ComputingUsing Supercomputers To Revolutionize ScienceUsing Supercomputers To Revolutionize Science

• New Software Infrastructure– Operating systems and software tools to

optimize total system• Processors – Memory - Communications

channels - Disk drives

– Algorithms that can use thousands ofprocessors

– Petabytes data set management & analysissoftware

– Advanced collaboratory software

• Modeling And Simulation– Basic theory development

– Scientific code development byinterdisciplinary teams

– Code validation through experiment

Combustion Models & Simulations

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• Solicitations were made to universities and laboratories forapproximately $53 million for new FY 2001 funding focusing onR&D to support DOE-specific activities in three areas ofAdvanced Computing:– high performance middleware services that provide ease of

collaboration for distributed teams;– innovative, high performance network research that is focused on

improving the end-to-end performance for data intensive scientificapplications; and

– collaboratories to test and validate the enabling technologies fordiscipline-specific applications.

• Over 160 preproposals were received from labs, universities andlab-university collaborations. An impressive response from thescientific community. Formal Applications due March 15, 2001.– 50% were mailed Encouragement letters– 50% were mailed Discouragement letters

FY 2001 Scientific Discovery ThroughFY 2001 Scientific Discovery ThroughAdvanced Computing ActivitiesAdvanced Computing Activities

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• Approximately $53M new FY01 funding:– National Collaboratories & High Performance

Networks– Integrated Software Infrastructure Centers– Scientific Applications

• Energetics & dynamics of chemical reactions• Chemistry & fluid dynamics interaction• Climate at regional & global scales for decadesto centuries, including uncertainty

• Microscopic turbulence & macroscopic stability inmagnetically confined plasmas

• Basic plasma science processes• Beam dynamics and electromagnetic fields ininertial fusion accelerators

• Beam dynamics and electromagnetic fields inparticle accelerators

• Large scale simulations of QCD (fundamentaltheory governing strong interactions)

• Supernovae explosions• Collaboratory pilot projects for large experiments

•FY 2001-2002 Scientific Discovery ThroughAdvanced Computing Activities

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•Nanoscale Science, Engineering, & TechnologyBuilding Structures One Atom at a Time

• Tailor materials at the nanoscalefor desired structure/functionproperties

–Materials with enhanced physical,mechanical, optical, electrical,tribological, or catalytic properties

–Materials with the ability to selfassemble, self repair, sense andrespond to the environment

• Combines expertise in materialssciences, chemistry, physics,biology, engineering, andcomputation

• Expected are technologicaldevelopments to rival theimpact of the transistor

A Z-contrast transmissionelectron microscope image ofiodine atoms intercalatedinside a single-wall carbonnanotube in the form of adouble helix (ORNL, U.Kentucky and Vanderbilt U.).

Fluid flow in a nanotube

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• Solicitations were made to universities and labs forapproximately $30 million new FY 2001 funding.

– 745 preproposals were received from universities! Anenormous response from the scientific community.(313 Encouragement letters mailed)

– 497 formal applications were received March 14.

• 46 proposals were received from laboratories. (Thelabs were limited to 4 responses per lab for largegroup activities.)

• Planning for Nanoscale Science Research Centers(NSRC) was initiated.

• About $3M was used to support increased facilityoperations for Nanoscale research.

•FY 2001 Nanoscale Science Activities

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• Materials Chemistry• Engineering

Research• Separations and

Analysis• Geosciences• Physical Behavior

of Materials• Synthesis and


FY 2001 Proposed Nanoscale Science Research Areas

• Structure and Composition of Materials• Mechanical Behavior and Radiation Effects• Experimental and Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics• Chemical Energy and Chemical Engineering• Catalysis and Chemical Transformations

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•Beyond Genome Sequencing

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Goals of Genomes to Life Programs• Identify and characterize the

molecular machines of life-themulti-protein complexes thatexecute cellular functions andgovern cell form.

• Characterize gene regulatorynetworks.

• Characterize the functionalrepertoire of of complexmicrobial communities in theirnatural environments at themolecular level.

• Develop the computationalmethods and capabilities toadvance understanding ofcomplex biological systemsand predict behavior.

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Biological Solutions for DOE Missions

• Human Susceptibility

• Bioremediation

• Chemical andBiological NationalSecurity

• Renewable andAlternative EnergySources

• Carbon Cycle andSequestration

This image of a human mammarycell was produced using soft X-raymicroscopy at LBNL. The blue dotslabel proteins of the nuclear porecomplex, through which moleculesenter and exit the nucleus.

The role of the Rad checkpointcomplex was inferred from the3-D structure predicted bycomparative modeling atLawrence Livermore NationalLaboratory. The Rad complexdelays cell division to allow timefor DNA repair to take place.

D Radiodurans - Knowledgeabout the metabolic & regulatorypathways of microbes will help tobegin understanding and usingtheir remarkable capabilities,especially those related toenvironmental remediation,biogeochemical cycles, climatechanges, and energy production.

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GENEVA — Gerard Bachy, an engineer,stands 250 feet underground in an immense,bottle-shaped cavern that scientists aroundthe world might regard as a kind of magiclantern. Thousands of those scientists hope,in effect, to rub this lantern and conjure amysterious subatomic particle called theHiggs boson that their most trusted theoriessay is the source of all mass in the universe,the reason matter has weight.

If they are granted a few more wishes, thosescientists may find strange things predictedby more speculative theories, like newdimensions, beyond the usual four, hiddenin the fabric of space, and swarms of otherunknown particles with odd properties —discoveries that would remake humanity'sview of the cosmos.

November 21, 2000

Particle Physics Braces forthe Next Big Thing By JAMES GLANZ

February 13, 2001

Particle Physics GetsModern-Day ‘Eureka!’By JAMES GLANZ

Dr.Morse presenting resultsof Brookhaven's experiment.

Archimedes shouted "Eureka!" when hediscovered how to tell what anapparently gold crown was really madeof without tearing it apart. Last week,particle physicists at BrookhavenNational Laboratory said they had foundhints of a new form of matter using aremarkably similar trick.Instead of dunking a crown andmeasuring how much water it displaced,as Archimedes did, the physicists dipped

Race to Find Basis of MassStill on as Lab Retires DeviceBy JAMES GLANZ

GENEVA, Nov. 8 — The director of the leading European particlephysics laboratory has decided to shut down a particle acceleratorhere just as scientists using it believed they were on the verge ofcapturing one of the most glittering prizes in physics: the discoveryof the particle that theorists believe is the origin of all mass in the

November 9, 2000

July 21, 2000


What many physicists consider to be one of the last pieces of thetheoretical puzzle that explains the structure of matter has been detected atthe Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory near Chicago.An international team of scientists will announce today that they havedetected the tau neutrino, considered to be the most elusive member ofnature's most ghostly family of particles, the neutrinos.

Scientists Detect ElusiveBuilding Block of Matter

An Exciting Time for Physics

STONY BROOK, N.Y. (AP) - Scientists saythey used a particle accelerator to smash thenuclei of gold atoms together to make thehighest density of matter ever created in anexperiment.

The accelerator, the Relativistic Heavy IonCollider, smashed the nuclei together atnearly the speed of light, BrookhavenNational Laboratory scientists said at a

Tuesday January 16, 2001

Highest Density of Matter Created

conference Monday. Physicists who studied the debris streaming fromthe collisions concluded that densities more than 20 times higher thanthose within the nuclei of ordinary matter had been produced.

June 22, 1999

Physicists Zero In onGhostly NeutrinosBy MALCOLM W. BROWNE

Scientists operating huge underground detectors inJapan and Canada are racing to obtain independentproofs that the elusive neutrino, a ghostly particlewhose vast family may constitute a large part of themass of the universe, changes form as it flies throughmatter or space.

At least some neutrinos are nowbelieved to have some mass, andphysicists would love to learn howmuch, a goal that may be reachedby studying the changes in form atraveling neutrino undergoes.At issue is the effect of neutrinos,which pervade every cubic inch of

A race toprove thata pervasiveparticlechanges itsform.

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Key Physics QuestionsKey Physics Questionsand the SC Capabilities Addressing Themand the SC Capabilities Addressing Them

• The Origins of Mass? -> Higgs Boson -> Fermilab

• Matter over Antimatter? -> CP Violation -> BFactory at SLAC

• Quark Confinement? -> Quark-Gluon Plasma ->RHIC

• The Standard Model?-> Neutrino Mass? ->SNO,NuMi

• The Standard Model?-> Muon Magnetic Moment?->g-2

Fermilab’s Wilson Hall

Simulation of a “GoldenEvent” in the B-Factoryat the Stanford LinearAccelerator Center (SLAC)

Computer simulation of a Quark-Gluon Plasma formedwhen gold ions collide at nearly the speed of light inside the

Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)

Insidethe SNOneutrinodetector

The muon storage ringat Brookhaven, home

of the g-2 experiment’s

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Science-Based Fusion Energy Research• Improve and extend our understanding

of how to confine a plasma, hotter thanthe sun, in toroidal magnetic fields.

• Understand the fundamental processesof plasmas and predict their complexbehavior through the development ofintegrated computer models.

• Develop heavy ion accelerators andcompare to beam simulation codes forpossible Inertial Fusion Energy drivers.

• In partnership with NSF, support basicplasma science and engineering.

• Support a Junior Faculty in PlasmaScience development program.

• Successfully and safely complete thedecontamination and decommissioningof the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor.

This picturedemonstrates particletrajectories andelectrostatic potentialsfrom a 3D implicittokamak plasmasimulation employingadaptive meshtechniques.

Removal of the TFTR Umbrella Structure

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• Signed an agreement withNSF in 2000 to jointly fundand expand ScienceEducation at the DOENational Laboratories

• $5.5 Million core program inScience Program Direction– Undergraduate Research

Fellowships Program

– Community College Program

– National Science Bowl

– Albert Einstein DistinguishedEducator Fellowship

•Science Education

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Science also salutes nine other scientific achievements of 2000.Except for the first runner up, the others are in no particular order.

RNA Runs the ribosome: Last year witnessed the

unveiling of the first molecular maps of the ribosome, the cell'sessential protein factory. In 2000, higher-resolution maps of theribosome revealed startling details about its structure that boostsupport for an "RNA world" as the model for the origin of life onEarth. Although the ribosome consists of both ribosomal RNA(rRNA) and proteins, researchers found that the "active site" on thelarge unit of the ribosome--the site of the chemical reaction thatchanges genetic information into the beginnings of a protein--containsonly rRNA. This suggests that the ribosome is actually a ribozyme, anRNA molecule that can catalyze its chemical reactions. RNA'sstarring role of in the ribosome may support the idea that life on Earthbegan with RNA. Other research in 2000 bolstered support for theribosome's antiquity, and uncovered mechanisms in the cell that guardagainst defective protein production.

Breakthrough of the Year:Genome SequencingThe editors at the international journal,Science, have compiled their list of the Top10 scientific developments for the year 2000,placing genome sequencing first on the list.

Science's Top 10 research advances, chosenfor their profound implications for societyand the advancement of science, appear inthe journal's 22 December 2000 issue.

These advances will bring with them a hostof ethical questions that we have only begunto address. Yet, genome sequencing'spotential for advancing human health andour understanding of life has made its allureirresistible.

Scientists have developed avariety of devices and systemsin which they hope to be ableto compress hydrogen to thedensities and temperaturesneeded to sustain thermo-nuclear fusion reactions.These are among them.

Systems Designed toHold a Homemade Sun

June 8, 1999

January 19, 2001

Celera and NationalLabs to CollaborateBy Justin Gillis

The Sandia National Laboratories and CeleraGenomics Corp. will announce a collaborationthis morning to speed computer analyses ofbiological data, perhaps solving in hours problemsthat now take months of computer time.

Researchers at Sandia, home to the world'ssecond-fastest computer, will join biologists andcomputer scientists at Celera to write improvedcomputer programs that can help make sense ofhuge volumes of biological information, includingthe soon-to-be-published human genetic map.

Sources said the collaboration would spend $25million to $30 million over four years to createthese improved programs while simultaneouslyspelling out design requirements for an extremelyfast new computer that would be useful both inbiology and in national security work.

Office of Science Results & Recognition

Runners Up:

STONY BROOK, N.Y. (AP) - Scientists saythey used a particle accelerator to smash thenuclei of gold atoms together to make thehighest density of matter ever created in anexperiment.

The accelerator, the Relativistic Heavy IonCollider, smashed the nuclei together atnearly the speed of light, BrookhavenNational Laboratory scientists said at a

Tuesday January 16, 2001

Highest Density of Matter Created

conference Monday. Physicists who studied the debris streaming fromthe collisions concluded that densities more than 20 times higher thanthose within the nuclei of ordinary matter had been produced.Temperatures in the compressed matter topped 1 trillion degrees.

Light Beams MayFind Breast CancerBy MICHELLE LOCKE, Associated Press Writer

LIVERMORE, Calif. (AP) - Lawrence Livermore nuclear laboratory scientists areworking on a new weapon in the fight against breast cancer, a probe that usesbeams of light to check suspicious lumps and could reduce unnecessary biopsies.

Lab officials are developing the new device, called Smart Probe, in partnershipwith BioLuminate, a San Jose-based start up.

Smart Probe uses a very thin needle - smaller than the kind used in routine bloodtests - to probe suspect lumps. The probe sends out light which bounces off thetissue, providing measurements of optical, electrical and chemical properties thatare fed back to a computer screen.

January 21, 2001


WASHINGTON, June 26 -- In an achievement that represents a pinnacleof human self-knowledge, two rival groups of scientists said today thatthey had deciphered the hereditary script, the set of instructions thatdefines the human organism.

"Today we are learning the language in which God created life," PresidentClinton said at a White House ceremony attended by members of the twoteams, Dr. James D. Watson, co-discoverer of the structure of DNA, andvia satellite, Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain. [Excerpts, Page D8.]

Dr. Francis Collins and J. Craig Venter joined PresidentBill Clinton at the White House on Monday to announcethe completion of the first draft of the human genome.

Genetic Code ofHuman Life IsCracked byScientists

June 27, 2000

July 21, 2000


What many physicists consider to be one of the last pieces of thetheoretical puzzle that explains the structure of matter has beendetected at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory near Chicago.An international team of scientists will announce today that theyhave detected the tau neutrino, considered to be the most elusivemember of nature's most ghostly family of particles, the neutrinos.

Scientists Detect ElusiveBuilding Block of Matter

Study Unlocks BrainMystery of Ritalin

By Merritt McKinney

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Doctors have been prescribing Ritalin foryears to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children, butexactly how the stimulant helps young people calm down and pay attention habeen unclear.Now, researchers at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton and theState University of New York at Stony Brook report that the medicationappears to work by increasing levels of the brain chemical dopamine. And

Jan. 19, 2001

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Scientific Computing InfrastructureWhat we are Doing to Bridge the Performance Gap



HardwareInfrastructure Software Infrastructure







Data Analysis &Visualization

Scientific DataManagement







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Scientific Computing InfrastructureWhat we are Doing to Bridge the Performance GapHardware

Infrastructure Software Infrastructure


R&D forApplications




Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)

Advanced Computing Research Facilities

National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC)


• Applications • Materials • Chemical • Combustion • Accelerator • HEP • Nuclear • Fusion • Global Climate • …

• FacilityAccess

• Teams ofResearchers

• Applied Mathematics• Computer Science

• Advanced Computing Software Tools

• Scientific Application Pilots


•Collaboratory Tools

• Collaboratory Pilots


• Integrated Software Infrastructure CentersGroups of mathematicians, computer scientists, application scientists, and software engineers
