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  • 8/3/2019 BuchananRenewables-WoodchipDataSheetNov2011


    Woodchip Data Sheet: Rubber Wood Chips From Liberia

    Buchanan Renewables (BR) produces a high quality woodchips

    with a commercially deliverable moisture content rangebetween 25 and 45%, depending on the time of year. The

    optimal productive dry season starts in September which is

    ideal for winter fuel deliveries into Europe, and as the season

    progresses the moisture content of the wood drops going into

    the rainy season which starts in June. The raw material for the

    woodchips is from rubber trees that are no longer producing

    latex at viable rates. They are classified as agricultural waste

    products cleared as part of the normal crop rotation cycle ofrubber farms. BR ensures that at least one new tree is planted

    for every unproductive rubber tree removed. As a result, BR Fuel provides a renewable source of

    biomass fiber that is considered to be carbon neutral and contributes to the rejuvenation of the

    rubber industry in Liberia.

    Target Markets and Applications

    The energy content from rubberwood chips yields higher net energy values relative to other

    forestry and agro waste products, which have higher moisture contents. Our first customers were

    in the energy market and they found our product to be highly beneficial as a combustion

    stabilizer, when burned with the wet, non homogeneous wood fibre they typically fire. We have

    had discussions with the manufacturers of MDF and particleboard machinery that have ample

    experience with the Hevea brasiliensis fiber in South East Asia and suggest that our product

    would be useful as a raw material for European wood product manufacturers. We are also

    discussing applications with wood pellet manufacturers. In fact we have completed a 5 year

    supply agreement with a pellet manufacturer.

    Our Base Port and Stowage

    Our primary export port is the Port of

    Buchanan in Liberia. It has a 10 meterdraft. The woodchip stows well at 130

    cubic feet per BDMT and our current rate

    is 6000 GMT per day.

    Corporate Social Responsibility

    The spin-off social and economic benefitsof BRs activities in Liberia are profound.

    Harvesting activities forms a natural part

    of plantation management. In the case ofLiberia, where past years of war have left

    plantations in ruin, this normal crop

    rotation has to be accelerated to ensure the health of the rubber industry in the country. BR

    works on rubber farms owned by large companies, as well as on smallholder farms. Many of the

    smallholder farmers lack resources to rejuvenate their unproductive plantations. On theseplantations BR, through its Farmbuilders initiative, goes as far as helping the farmer to replant

    his/her farm, using trees from our professionally run nursery.

    Liberia is in its 8th year of peace and stability and BRs activities are helping ensure a peaceful

    future by creating jobs, contributing to the redevelopment of the rubber industry, supporting local

    businesses, and generating revenue for the Government of Liberia.

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    Environmental Benefits:

    A large European Utility conducted a study on the carbon footprint of Liberian woodchips and

    concluded that including all emissions along the product life cycle, the woodchips from Liberia

    produce less emissions arising from the pure combustion of lignite, anthracite, oil and naturalgas.

    Certification and Verification:

    BR is committed to sourcing its rubber wood responsibly and operates in compliance with its CSRPolicy. BR is also seeking certification of its chain of custody and investigating upcoming biomass-

    specific certification systems that apply more directly to its business. Currently, SGS Liberia

    verifies all of BRs woodchip exports on behalf of Liberias Forestry Development Authority and

    provides BR with a Certificate of Origin as part of the National Chain of Custody System.

    Import Compliance:

    The product has been imported into Italy, Sweden,

    Poland and Germany so far and passed allrequirements. It is clean to the touch and free from

    dust, bark and extraneous contamination. The

    chipping process efficiently removes all bark, leavesand dust in a single pass operation.

    The sizing illustrated is typical but the chip can bemade larger or smaller by adjustment of the chipper

    head to meet individual requirements.

    Biomass Specification: Revised 2010-02-28

    Biomass Name Woodchips from Rubber Wood Trees

    Biomass Origin Liberia, West Africa

    According to Standard UNI CEN/TS 14961

    Parameters Standard Code Specification Unit

    Net Calorific Value (wet basis)Net calorific value (qp,net,d)

    UNI CEN/TS14918

    Expected 3,3 MWh/ton

    Ash Content (dry basis)

    Ash content (A)



    A2,5 Max 2,5 wt%

    Moisture (wet basis)

    Total moisture as received




    M48 Max 48 wt%

    Moisture (wet basis) Annual


    Total moisture as received



    M30 Max 30 wt%

    Fraction of fragment,

    Particle size distribution (P)


    15149-1 and -2

    P45 3,15mm

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    Chemical Analysis

    (dry basis)

    Standard Code Specification Unit

    Nitrogen (N) content UNI CEN/TS 15104 N0,3 Max 0.3 wt%

    Chlorine (Cl) content UNI CEN/TS 15289 Cl0,03 Max 0.03 wt%

    Sulphur (S) content UNI CEN/TS 15289 S0,05 Max 0.05 wt%

    Alkali (Na + K) content UNI CEN/TS 15290 Max 0.5 wt%

    Port Information

    Port of Buchanan, Liberia

    Depth 10 meter draft

    Stowage Factor Approximately 130 per BDMT

    Current Load Rate 6,000 GMT per day

    Load Rate Q2 10 9,000 GMT per day

    Phytosanitary PHOSTOXIN 56% at rate of 1 tablet per 10 GMT

    Shipping Agent OBT Peter Burgel Nielsen, +231 77 590 911 [email protected]

    Contact Information

    Don Durand

    [email protected] +41 79 814 5332 (Geneva)

    Tel +231 643 9851 (Liberia Mob)