Brownian Motion on Manifold - Purdue Universityfeng71/talk/BM on Manifold.pdf · For a di...

Brownian Motion on Manifold QI FENG Purdue University [email protected] August 31, 2014 QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 1 / 26

Transcript of Brownian Motion on Manifold - Purdue Universityfeng71/talk/BM on Manifold.pdf · For a di...

  • Brownian Motion on Manifold


    Purdue University

    [email protected]

    August 31, 2014

    QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 1 / 26

  • Overview

    1 Extrinsic construction of Brownian motionDiffusion ProcessBrownian motion by embedding

    2 Intrinsic construction of Brownian motionElls-Elworthy-Malliavin construction of Brownian motionExamples of Brownian motion on Riemannian Manifold

    QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 2 / 26

  • Extrinsic construction of Brownian motion Diffusion Process

    SDE on manifolds


    For a differentiable manifold M. An M-valued path x with explosion timee = e(x) > 0 is a continuous map x : [0,∞)→ M̂ such thatxt ∈ M, for 0 ≤ t ≤ e and xt = ∂M for all t ≥ e if e

  • Extrinsic construction of Brownian motion Diffusion Process

    SDE on manifolds

    Definition (semimartingale on manifolds )

    Let M be a differentiable manifold and (Ω,F∗,P) a filtered probabilityspace. Let τ be an F∗-stopping time. A continuous, M-valued process Xdefined on[0, τ) is called an M-valued semimartingale if f (X ) is areal-valued semimartingale on [0, τ) for all f ∈ C∞(M).

    Definition (SDE on manifolds)

    An M-valued semimartingale X defined up to a stopping time τ is asolution of SDE (V1, ...,Vl ,Z ,X0) up to τ if for all f ∈ C∞(M),

    f (Xt) = f (X0) +

    ∫ t0Vαf (Xs) ◦ dZαs

    SDE (V1, ...,Vl ,Z ,X0):dXt = Vαf (Xs) ◦ dZαs

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  • Extrinsic construction of Brownian motion Diffusion Process

    SDE on manifolds

    Definition (semimartingale on manifolds )

    Let M be a differentiable manifold and (Ω,F∗,P) a filtered probabilityspace. Let τ be an F∗-stopping time. A continuous, M-valued process Xdefined on[0, τ) is called an M-valued semimartingale if f (X ) is areal-valued semimartingale on [0, τ) for all f ∈ C∞(M).

    Definition (SDE on manifolds)

    An M-valued semimartingale X defined up to a stopping time τ is asolution of SDE (V1, ...,Vl ,Z ,X0) up to τ if for all f ∈ C∞(M),

    f (Xt) = f (X0) +

    ∫ t0Vαf (Xs) ◦ dZαs

    SDE (V1, ...,Vl ,Z ,X0):dXt = Vαf (Xs) ◦ dZαs

    QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 4 / 26

  • Extrinsic construction of Brownian motion Diffusion Process

    Diffusion process

    Definition (diffusion process)

    (i)An F∗-adapted stochastic process X : Ω→W (M) defined on a filteredprobability space (Ω,F∗,P) is called a diffusion process generated by L if Xis M-valued F∗ semimartingale up to e(X) and

    M f (Xt) = f (Xt)− f (X0)−∫ t

    0Lf (Xs)ds, 0 ≤ t ≤ e(X )

    is a local F∗−martingale for all f ∈ C∞(M).(ii)A probability measure υ on the standard filtered path space(W (M),B(W (M))∗) is called a diffusion measure generated by L if

    M f (ω)t = f (ωt)− f (ω0)−∫ t

    0Lf (ωs)ds, 0 ≤ t ≤ e(ω),

    is a local B(W (M))∗-martingale for all f ∈ C∞(M).QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 5 / 26

  • Extrinsic construction of Brownian motion Diffusion Process

    Diffusion process

    relation between L-diffusion measure and L-diffusion process

    X is an L-diffusion⇒ υX = P ◦ X−1 is an L−diffusion meassure.υ is an L-diffusion measure on W (M)⇒ X (ω)t = ωt is an L-diffusionprocess.

    local coordinate representation of L

    L =1


    d∑i ,j=1

    ai ,j(x)∂

    ∂x i∂

    ∂x j+


    bi (x)∂

    ∂x i,

    where a = aij ;U → S+(d), b = bi : U → Rd are smooth functions. U is aneighborhood on M covered by the local coordinate system.

    dXt = b(Xt)dt + σ(Xt)dBt ←→ L =∑



    i ,j [σσT ]i ,j



    QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 6 / 26

  • Extrinsic construction of Brownian motion Diffusion Process

    Diffusion process

    relation between L-diffusion measure and L-diffusion process

    X is an L-diffusion⇒ υX = P ◦ X−1 is an L−diffusion meassure.υ is an L-diffusion measure on W (M)⇒ X (ω)t = ωt is an L-diffusionprocess.

    local coordinate representation of L

    L =1


    d∑i ,j=1

    ai ,j(x)∂

    ∂x i∂

    ∂x j+


    bi (x)∂

    ∂x i,

    where a = aij ;U → S+(d), b = bi : U → Rd are smooth functions. U is aneighborhood on M covered by the local coordinate system.

    dXt = b(Xt)dt + σ(Xt)dBt ←→ L =∑



    i ,j [σσT ]i ,j



    QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 6 / 26

  • Extrinsic construction of Brownian motion Diffusion Process

    Properties about diffusion process

    Theorem (1.3.4 by Elton P. Hsu)

    Let L be a smooth second order elliptic operator on a differentiablemanifold M and µ0 a probability measure on M. Then there exists anL-diffusion measure with initial distribution µ0.

    Theorem (1.3.6 by Elton P. Hsu)

    An L-diffusion measure with a given initial distribution is unique.

    QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 7 / 26

  • Extrinsic construction of Brownian motion Diffusion Process

    Properties about diffusion process

    Theorem (1.3.4 by Elton P. Hsu)

    Let L be a smooth second order elliptic operator on a differentiablemanifold M and µ0 a probability measure on M. Then there exists anL-diffusion measure with initial distribution µ0.

    Theorem (1.3.6 by Elton P. Hsu)

    An L-diffusion measure with a given initial distribution is unique.

    QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 7 / 26

  • Extrinsic construction of Brownian motion Brownian motion by embedding

    Brownian motion on euclidean space

    Brownian motion on Rn, transition denssity function:

    p(t, x , y) = (1

    2πt)n/2e−|x−y |


    infinitesimal generator:


    24 = 1





    Note:p(t, x , y) is the smallest positive solution of :




    24u, lim

    t↓0p(t, x , y) = δx(y)

    QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 8 / 26

  • Extrinsic construction of Brownian motion Brownian motion by embedding

    Brownian motion on a Riemannian manifold

    Definition (Laplace-Beltrami operator)

    The Laplace-Beltrami operator 4M on a Riemannian manifold is:

    4M f = div(grad f )


    〈·, ·〉x = ds2x = gijdx idx j : Riemannian metric on M.〈gradf ,X 〉 = X (f ),X ∈ Γ(M)∫M X (f )dυ = −

    ∫M fdivXdυ. υ : Riemannian volume measure.

    Local coordinates representation

    4M f = 1√G∂∂x j

    (√Gg ij ∂f

    ∂x i) = g ij ∂

    2f∂x i∂x j

    + bi ∂f∂x i

    , bi = 1√G

    ∂(√Gg ij )∂x j

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  • Extrinsic construction of Brownian motion Brownian motion by embedding

    Brownian motion on a Riemannian manifold

    Definition (Laplace-Beltrami operator)

    The Laplace-Beltrami operator 4M on a Riemannian manifold is:

    4M f = div(grad f )


    〈·, ·〉x = ds2x = gijdx idx j : Riemannian metric on M.〈gradf ,X 〉 = X (f ),X ∈ Γ(M)∫M X (f )dυ = −

    ∫M fdivXdυ. υ : Riemannian volume measure.

    Local coordinates representation

    4M f = 1√G∂∂x j

    (√Gg ij ∂f

    ∂x i) = g ij ∂

    2f∂x i∂x j

    + bi ∂f∂x i

    , bi = 1√G

    ∂(√Gg ij )∂x j

    QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 9 / 26

  • Extrinsic construction of Brownian motion Brownian motion by embedding

    Brownian motion on a Riemannian manifold

    Definition (Laplace-Beltrami operator)

    The Laplace-Beltrami operator 4M on a Riemannian manifold is:

    4M f = div(grad f )


    〈·, ·〉x = ds2x = gijdx idx j : Riemannian metric on M.〈gradf ,X 〉 = X (f ),X ∈ Γ(M)∫M X (f )dυ = −

    ∫M fdivXdυ. υ : Riemannian volume measure.

    Local coordinates representation

    4M f = 1√G∂∂x j

    (√Gg ij ∂f

    ∂x i) = g ij ∂

    2f∂x i∂x j

    + bi ∂f∂x i

    , bi = 1√G

    ∂(√Gg ij )∂x j

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  • Extrinsic construction of Brownian motion Brownian motion by embedding

    extrinsic construction of Brownian motion

    Stratonovich integral

    A general SDE in Stratonovich form: dXt = Vα(X )t ◦ dW αt + V0(Xt)dtIt generates a diffusion process with infinitesimal generator :L = 12

    ∑li=1 V

    2α + V0

    Theorem (Whitney’s embedding theorem)

    Suppose that M is a differentiable manifold. Then there exists anembedding i : M → RN for some N such that the image i(M) is a closedsubset of RN .(N = 2 dimM + 1 will do)

    Theorem (Nash’s embedding theorem)

    Every Riemannian manifold can be isometrically embedded in someeuclidean space with the standard metric.

    QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 10 / 26

  • Extrinsic construction of Brownian motion Brownian motion by embedding

    extrinsic construction of Brownian motion

    Stratonovich integral

    A general SDE in Stratonovich form: dXt = Vα(X )t ◦ dW αt + V0(Xt)dtIt generates a diffusion process with infinitesimal generator :L = 12

    ∑li=1 V

    2α + V0

    Theorem (Whitney’s embedding theorem)

    Suppose that M is a differentiable manifold. Then there exists anembedding i : M → RN for some N such that the image i(M) is a closedsubset of RN .(N = 2 dimM + 1 will do)

    Theorem (Nash’s embedding theorem)

    Every Riemannian manifold can be isometrically embedded in someeuclidean space with the standard metric.

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  • Extrinsic construction of Brownian motion Brownian motion by embedding

    extrinsic construction of Brownian motion

    Stratonovich integral

    A general SDE in Stratonovich form: dXt = Vα(X )t ◦ dW αt + V0(Xt)dtIt generates a diffusion process with infinitesimal generator :L = 12

    ∑li=1 V

    2α + V0

    Theorem (Whitney’s embedding theorem)

    Suppose that M is a differentiable manifold. Then there exists anembedding i : M → RN for some N such that the image i(M) is a closedsubset of RN .(N = 2 dimM + 1 will do)

    Theorem (Nash’s embedding theorem)

    Every Riemannian manifold can be isometrically embedded in someeuclidean space with the standard metric.

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  • Extrinsic construction of Brownian motion Brownian motion by embedding

    extrinsic construction of Brownian motion

    square representation of 4M4M =

    ∑lα P

    Pα :orthogonal projection : ξα → TxM. vector field on M.{ξα} : standard orthonormal basis on Rl ,∀x ∈ M, proof file up later

    Brownian motion by embedding

    Consider Stratonovich SDE on M driven by a l-dim euclidean Brownianmotion W:

    dXt = Pα(Xt) ◦ dW αt , X0 ∈ M.

    The solution is a diffusion process generated by 12∑l

    α=1 P2α =

    124M . Any

    M-valued diffusion process generated by 4M/2 is called a Brownianmotion on M.

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  • Extrinsic construction of Brownian motion Brownian motion by embedding

    extrinsic construction of Brownian motion

    square representation of 4M4M =

    ∑lα P

    Pα :orthogonal projection : ξα → TxM. vector field on M.{ξα} : standard orthonormal basis on Rl ,∀x ∈ M,

    proof file up later

    Brownian motion by embedding

    Consider Stratonovich SDE on M driven by a l-dim euclidean Brownianmotion W:

    dXt = Pα(Xt) ◦ dW αt , X0 ∈ M.

    The solution is a diffusion process generated by 12∑l

    α=1 P2α =

    124M . Any

    M-valued diffusion process generated by 4M/2 is called a Brownianmotion on M.

    QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 11 / 26

  • Extrinsic construction of Brownian motion Brownian motion by embedding

    extrinsic construction of Brownian motion

    square representation of 4M4M =

    ∑lα P

    Pα :orthogonal projection : ξα → TxM. vector field on M.{ξα} : standard orthonormal basis on Rl ,∀x ∈ M, proof file up later

    Brownian motion by embedding

    Consider Stratonovich SDE on M driven by a l-dim euclidean Brownianmotion W:

    dXt = Pα(Xt) ◦ dW αt , X0 ∈ M.

    The solution is a diffusion process generated by 12∑l

    α=1 P2α =

    124M . Any

    M-valued diffusion process generated by 4M/2 is called a Brownianmotion on M.

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  • Intrinsic construction of Brownian motion Ells-Elworthy-Malliavin construction of Brownian motion

    intrinsic construction of Brownian motion


    W :euclidean Brownian motion → M-valued Brownian motion.

    M: Riemannian manifold with Levi-Civita connection ∇ andLaplave-Beltrami operator 4M . Given a probability measureµ,∃!4M/2-diffusion measure Pµ on (W (M),B∗). Any 4M/2-diffusionmeasure on W(M) is called a Wiener measure on W(M).Roughly speaking: Brownian motion on M is any M-valued stochasticprocess X whose law is a Wiener measure on the path space W(M).

    QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 12 / 26

  • Intrinsic construction of Brownian motion Ells-Elworthy-Malliavin construction of Brownian motion

    intrinsic construction of Brownian motion


    W :euclidean Brownian motion → M-valued Brownian motion.

    M: Riemannian manifold with Levi-Civita connection ∇ andLaplave-Beltrami operator 4M . Given a probability measureµ,∃!4M/2-diffusion measure Pµ on (W (M),B∗). Any 4M/2-diffusionmeasure on W(M) is called a Wiener measure on W(M).Roughly speaking: Brownian motion on M is any M-valued stochasticprocess X whose law is a Wiener measure on the path space W(M).

    QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 12 / 26

  • Intrinsic construction of Brownian motion Ells-Elworthy-Malliavin construction of Brownian motion

    differential geometry concepts


    x → TxMtangent space → TMtangent bundle → Γ(TM)A connection O : Γ(TM)× Γ(TM)→ Γ(TM) satisfies:1)OfX+gYZ = f OXZ + gOYZ ,, 2)OX (Y + Z ) = OXY + OXZ3) OX (fY ) = f OXY + X (f )YOXY : covariant differentiation to Y along X.

    A vector field V along a curve {xt} on M is parallel along the curve ifOẋV = 0 at each point of the curve.

    frame bundle

    A frame at x is R−linear isomorphism u : Rd → TxM, ei 7−→ ueiThe frame bundle :F (M) = ∪x∈MF (M)xF (M)x : space of all frames at x,

    QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 13 / 26

  • Intrinsic construction of Brownian motion Ells-Elworthy-Malliavin construction of Brownian motion

    Horizontal lift and stochastic development

    cannonical projection π : F (M)→ MA tangent vector X ∈ TuF (M) is called vertical if it is tangent to the fiberF (M)πu. VuF (M) : space of vertical vectors.The curve {ut} is horizontal if each e ∈ Rd , the the vector field {ute} isparallel along {πut}.A tangent vector X ∈ TuF (M) is horizontal if it is the tangent vector of ahorizontal curve form u.We have the relation:

    TuF (M) = VuF (M)⊗ HuF (M)

    If we consider the orthonormal frames of the tangent space :

    TuO(M) = HuO(M)⊗ VuO(M)

    QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 14 / 26

  • Intrinsic construction of Brownian motion Ells-Elworthy-Malliavin construction of Brownian motion

    Horizontal lift and stochastic development

    The projection π : O(M)→ M induces an isomorphismπ∗ : HuO(M)→ TxM. At each u ∈ O(M) Hi is the unique horizontalvector in HuO(M) whose projection is the ith unit vector uei of theorthonormal frame: π∗Hi (u) = uei , Hi (u) ∈ HuO(M) Hi (u) is thehorizontal lift of uei .(in general, ∀e ∈ Rd)

    Bochner’s horizontal Laplacian

    4O(M) =∑n

    i=1 H2i is called the Bochner’s horizontal Laplacian on O(M)

    Important relation

    4M f (X ) = 4O(M)(f ◦ π)(u), ∀ u ∈ O(M) with πu = x .

    QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 15 / 26

  • Intrinsic construction of Brownian motion Ells-Elworthy-Malliavin construction of Brownian motion

    horizontal lift and stochastic development

    Let {ut} be a horizontal lift of differentiable curve {xt} on M. sinceẋt ∈ TxtM, so u−1t ẋt ∈ Rd . The anti-development of the curve {xt} is acurve {ωt} in Rd defined by:

    ωt =

    ∫ t0u−1s ẋsds

    The anti-development {ωt} and the horizontal lift {ut} of a curve {xt} areconnected by an ODE:

    u̇t = Hi (ut)ω̇it

    QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 16 / 26

  • Intrinsic construction of Brownian motion Ells-Elworthy-Malliavin construction of Brownian motion

    Horizontal lift and stochastic development

    u̇t = Hi (ut)ω̇it ←→ dUt =∑d

    i=1 Hi (Ut) ◦ dW it .


    An F(M)-valued semimartingale U is said to be horizontal if thereexists an Rd−valued semimartingale W such that the above ODEholds. The unique W is called the anti-development of U(or of itsprojectionx = πU)

    Ler W be an Rd−valued semimartingale and U0 an F(M)-valued,F0−measurable random variable. The solution U of the above SDE iscalled a stochastic development of W in F(M). Its projection X = πUis called a stochastic development of W in M.

    Let X be an M-valued semimartingale. An F(M)-valued horizontalsemimartingale such that its projection πU = X is called a horizontallift of X.

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  • Intrinsic construction of Brownian motion Ells-Elworthy-Malliavin construction of Brownian motion

    Horizontal lift and stochastic development

    W ←→ U ←→ XLemma 2.3.3

    Suppose that M is a closed submanifold of RN . For each x ∈ M, letP(x) : RN → TxM be the orthogonal projection form RN to the tangentspace TxM. If X is an M-valued semimartingale, thenXt = X0 +

    ∫ t0 P(Xs) ◦ dXs .

    Theorem 2.3.4

    A horizontal semimartingale U on the frame bundle F(M) has a uniqueanti-development W. In fact,Wt =

    ∫ t0 U−1s Pα(Xs) ◦ dXαs , where Xt = πUt .

    QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 18 / 26

  • Intrinsic construction of Brownian motion Ells-Elworthy-Malliavin construction of Brownian motion

    horizontal lift and stochastic lift

    Theorem 2.3.5

    Suppose that X = {Xt , 0 ≤ t ≤ τ} is a semimartingale on M up tostopping tie τ , and U0 an F(M)-valued F0-random variable such thatπU0 = X0. Then there is a unique horizontal lift {Ut , 0 ≤ t ≤ τ} of Xstarting from U0.

    Proposition 2.3.8

    Let a semimartingale X on a manifold M be the solution ofSDE (V1, · · · ,VN ;Z ,X0) and let V ∗α be the horizontal lift of Vα to theframe bundle F(M). Then the horiaontal lift U of X is the solution ofSDE (V ∗! , · · · ,V ∗N ;Z ,U0), and the anti-development of X is given byWt =

    ∫ t0 U−1s Vα(Xs) ◦ dZαs .

    QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 19 / 26

  • Intrinsic construction of Brownian motion Ells-Elworthy-Malliavin construction of Brownian motion

    Equivalent definition of Brownian motion on M

    Equivalent definition

    Let X : Ω→W (M) be a measurable map defined on a probability space(Ω,F ,P). Let µ = P ◦ X−10 be its initial distribution. Then the followingstatements are equivalent.

    X is a 4M/2-diffusion process(a solution to the martingale problemfor 4M/2 with respect to its own filtration FX∗ ), i.e.,M f (X )t := f (Xt)− f (X0)− 12

    ∫ 10 4M f (Xs)ds, 0 ≤ t ≤ e(X ), is an

    FX∗ -local martingale for all f ∈ C∞(M).The law PX = P ◦ X−1 is a Wiener measure on(W (M),B(W (M))), i .e.,PX = Pµ.X is a FX∗ -semimartingale on M whose anti-development is a standardeuclidean Brownian motion.

    An M-valued process X satisfying any of the above conditions is called a(Riemannian) Brownian motion on M.

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  • Intrinsic construction of Brownian motion Ells-Elworthy-Malliavin construction of Brownian motion

    Horizontal Brownian motion

    Proposition 3.2.2

    Let U : Ω→W (O(M)) be a measurable map defined on a probabilityspace (Ω,F ,P). Then the following statements are equivalent.

    U is a 4O(M)/2−diffusion with respect to its own filtration FU∗ .U is a horizontal FU∗ −semimartingale on M whose projection X = πUis a Brownian motion on M.

    U is a horizontal FU∗ -semimartingale on M whose anti-development isa standard euclidean Brownian motion.

    An O(M)-valued process U satisfying any fo the above condition is calleda horizontal Brownian motion on O(M).

    QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 21 / 26

  • Intrinsic construction of Brownian motion Examples of Brownian motion on Riemannian Manifold

    Brownian motion on a circle

    Consider the compact manifold:

    S1 = {e iθ : 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π} ⊂ R2

    W: a Brownian motion on R1. ThenThe Brownian motion on S1 is given by Xt = e iWt .The anti-development of X is W.

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  • Intrinsic construction of Brownian motion Examples of Brownian motion on Riemannian Manifold

    Brownian motion on a sphere

    Consider the d-sphere embedded in Rd + 1.

    Sd = {x ∈ Rd+1 : |x |2 = 1}

    The projection to the tangent sphere at x is given by

    P(x)ξ = ξ − 〈ξ, x〉x , x ∈ Sd , ξ ∈ Rd+1

    then the matrix P(x) is P(x)ij = δij − xixj .The Brownian motion on Sd is the solution of the equation :

    X it = Xi0 +

    ∫ t0

    (δij − X isX js ) ◦ dW js , X0 ∈ Sd .

    This is called the stroock’s representation of spherical Brownian motion.

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  • Intrinsic construction of Brownian motion Examples of Brownian motion on Riemannian Manifold

    Brownian motion on a radially symmetric manifold

    Consider a radially symmetric manifold.In the polar coordinates(r , θ) ∈ R+ × Sd+1 determined by the exponential map at its pole, themetric has a special form:

    ds2 = dr2 + G (r)2dθ2,

    where dθ2: Riemannian metric on Sd−1, G is a smooth function on aninterval [0,D) with G (0) = 0, G ′(0) = 1.The Laplace-beltrami operator has the form:

    4M = Lr +1

    G (r)24Sd−1 .

    Where Lr is the radial Laplacian

    Lr = (∂

    ∂r)2 + (d − 1)G


    G (r)


    QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 24 / 26

  • Intrinsic construction of Brownian motion Examples of Brownian motion on Riemannian Manifold

    Brownian motion on a radially symmetric manifold

    Let Xt = (rt , θt) be a Brownian motion on a radially symmetric manifoldM in polar coordinates.We can construct a Brownian motion on a radially symmetric manifold asa warped product.{rt}: a diffusion process generated by the radial Laplacian Lr{zt}: an independent Brownian motion on ∼d−1.By some rescaling, t → Xt = (rt , zlt ) is a Brownian motion on the radiallysymmetric manifold.

    Using martingale property of the Brownian motion X to the distance

    function f (r , θ) = r we have rt = r0 + βt +d−1


    ∫ t0

    G ′(rs)G(rs)


    For angular process, consider f ∈ C∞(Sd−1). Thenf (θt) = f (θ0) + M

    ft +


    ∫ t0

    4Sd−1f (θs)G(rs)2

    ds,scaling by lt =∫ t


    G(rs)2. We have

    f (zt) = f (z0) + Mfτt +


    ∫ t0 4Sd−1f (zs)ds, where zt = θτt , τt inverse of lt .

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  • Intrinsic construction of Brownian motion Examples of Brownian motion on Riemannian Manifold

    Brownian motion on a radially symmetric manifold

    Let Xt = (rt , θt) be a Brownian motion on a radially symmetric manifoldM in polar coordinates.We can construct a Brownian motion on a radially symmetric manifold asa warped product.{rt}: a diffusion process generated by the radial Laplacian Lr{zt}: an independent Brownian motion on ∼d−1.By some rescaling, t → Xt = (rt , zlt ) is a Brownian motion on the radiallysymmetric manifold.Using martingale property of the Brownian motion X to the distance

    function f (r , θ) = r we have rt = r0 + βt +d−1


    ∫ t0

    G ′(rs)G(rs)


    For angular process, consider f ∈ C∞(Sd−1). Thenf (θt) = f (θ0) + M

    ft +


    ∫ t0

    4Sd−1f (θs)G(rs)2

    ds,scaling by lt =∫ t


    G(rs)2. We have

    f (zt) = f (z0) + Mfτt +


    ∫ t0 4Sd−1f (zs)ds, where zt = θτt , τt inverse of lt .

    QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 25 / 26

  • Intrinsic construction of Brownian motion Examples of Brownian motion on Riemannian Manifold

    The EndThis slides is mainly based on firstthree chapters of Elton Hsu’s book”Analysis on Manifolds”.

    QI FENG (Purdue University) Brownian Motion on Manifold August 31, 2014 26 / 26

    Extrinsic construction of Brownian motionDiffusion ProcessBrownian motion by embedding

    Intrinsic construction of Brownian motionElls-Elworthy-Malliavin construction of Brownian motionExamples of Brownian motion on Riemannian Manifold