Brown v. Board of Education (1954), “All Deliberate Speed” (1955) 1955: Brown II: Court orders...

Brown v. Board of Education (1954) , “All Deliberate Speed” (1955) 1955: Brown II: Court orders integration “with all

Transcript of Brown v. Board of Education (1954), “All Deliberate Speed” (1955) 1955: Brown II: Court orders...

Brown v. Board of Education (1954) , “All Deliberate Speed” (1955)

1955: Brown II: Court orders

integration “with all deliberate speed”

Southern Resistance– 80% of whites opposed– Southern state legislatures passed laws

preventing enforcement of Brown – Whites boycotted integrated schools– KKK reemerged– White Citizens Council emerged

Moton, Virginia, English 9 Class

“When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to abolish the Negro race, proper methods should be used. Among these are guns, bows and arrows, sling shots and knives. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all whites are created equal with certain rights; among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of dead niggers. --U.S. Senator James Eastland (D-MS) 1956, in a speech during the Montgomery

Bus Boycott in front of 10,000 white anti-boycott supporters

The Little Rock Nine

Gov. Orval Faubus

Desegregation plan at Central High School

Faubus Calls Out National Guard to Block Students

Elizabeth Eckford runs into a mob

Faubus and Eisenhower Meet

But the next day Faubus only has 10 police outside the school and a mob won’t let students in!!

Eisenhower sends in 101st Airborne division

This was an issue of FEDERALISM

No one messes with me Faubus . . . .

[1:00-5:00 Southern Resistance]5:00-30:00 LR9

Students escorted to classes by the military…..

…but there were still many hardships for the Nine