Brown Kai PLED 625 God's Glory in Conflict

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  • 8/2/2019 Brown Kai PLED 625 God's Glory in Conflict













  • 8/2/2019 Brown Kai PLED 625 God's Glory in Conflict




    INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 1BIBLICAL EXAMPLE ........................................................................................................................ 1BRINGING GLORY TO GOD ............................................................................................................. 2BRINGING GLORY TO GOD THROUGH CONFLICT RESOLUTION TODAY ....................................... 4CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................... 6BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................... 7

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    When conflict becomes a part of the human experience, one typically expects the

    outcome to be negative. From historys telling, conflict has almost always led to battles, schisms,

    separation, and even wars. Worse, conflict can lead to a loss of witness to an unbelieving world

    when it happens among believers. But conflict, when seen from a God-focused perspective does

    not have to result in situations that bring pain and alienation. Resolved conflict can bring great

    glory to God. This is an important truth to understand, especially among the family of God, and

    more particularly, within the local body of believers.

    As seen in the example of Achans disobedience during the conquering of Jericho,

    described in the book of Joshua, Gods glory can and will shine through if leaders handle conflict

    faithfully. While the actual ramifications of sinful behavior in the body of Christ are not as

    dramatic today as they were in the days of Joshuas conquest of the Promised Land, the pain

    inflicted on the community can be just as great. Yet in the proper handling of this situation,

    Joshua restored the community and their relationship to God and ultimately preserved the glory

    of God.


    In Joshua 6:17-19, Joshua instructed the Israelite fighting force how they were to handle

    the conquest of Jericho. Jericho was, according to Joshua, to be set apart for the Lord (Joshua

    6:17, NET)1, and all her riches, especially the silver, gold, bronze, and iron items, were to be

    placed into the Lords treasury (Joshua 6:19). If the Israelites were disobedient, the whole camp

    would be subject to annihilation. (Joshua 6:18)

    In Joshua 7, the reader learns of Achans disobedience. He had stolen some of the items

    found during the conquest of Jericho and had hidden them in the ground underneath his tent

    1 All biblical citations below are taken from the New English Translation (NET).

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    (Joshua 7:21). While he thought no one would know, God knew and was furious with the

    Israelites (Joshua 7:1). It is interesting to note that Gods anger was not against Achan alone, and

    that Scripture does not assign blame solely to him, even though it appears he was the sole

    perpetrator. Rather, Scripture tells us the Israelites disobeyed (Joshua 7:1). Sin was going to

    hurt not just Achan, even though his heart and hands physically committed the sin, but it was

    going to impact the entire nation.

    Thirty-six men died in the assault on Ai before Joshua was even aware of what had

    happened at Jericho (Joshua 7:5). Suddenly the Israelite army, which was so confident that God

    was with them when the walls of Jericho fell, saw their courage melt away like water (Joshua

    7:5. Joshua and the leaders of Israel sought Gods face in prayer, and God revealed to them

    something that may seem astounding to todays reader: Israel had sinned. Not Achan. Israel. God

    told Joshua and the leaders, You are contaminated, O Israel! (Joshua 7:13) While God saw a

    corporate guilt, He nevertheless showed Joshua what needed to be done, and that was to find the

    root of the problem (Achan) and deal with the assault on the Lords covenant (Joshua 7:14-15).

    While Achan did not step forward and confess voluntarily, he was identified through the

    selection process God had demanded. After confessing very readily and completely once

    confronted by Joshua, Joshua, his family, his livestock, his tent and the riches he had stolen are

    taken to the Valley of Achor, where he was stoned and his family killed and his belongings



    There are many things not to understand on an initial reading of this story contained

    within the pages of the book of Joshua, a book which describes the conquest of Canaan by the

    Israelites after their Exodus from Egypt. It may not necessarily seem foreign to us how God

    views a conflict caused by sin, but rather how He deals with it. Why would God blame the entire

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    nation of Israel if one person sinned? Why would God extinguish an entire family and the

    livestock over Achans guilt?

    Through his actions, ultimately Achan had not only hurt himself, but also his family and

    the broader family of the Israelites. He had brought conflict into their midst. God viewed one

    persons sin as something that reflected on the community and ultimately infected it. Alfred

    Poirier offers up a helpful reflection on the desires of a humans heart that are the cause for much

    conflict. He writes that the book of James can provide us insights into why our desires are so

    destructive.2In particular James 4:2 sheds light on this topic: You desire and you do not have;

    you murder and envy and you cannot obtain; you quarrel and fight. In Achans case, he desired

    to possess riches that were certainly enticing from a human perspective, but ultimately were not

    meant for him, but for a holy God who hadprotected Achans family and the other Israelite

    families on their way out of Egypt and into the Promised Land.

    Joshuas obedience in both seeking the Lord in prayer with his leaders as well as in

    executing a discipline, in this case capital punishment for the offender, allows Gods glory to be

    restored, and is captured for future generations as an example of both divine justice and faithful

    human response in obedience through a passage that seems hard to us. The death of Achan and

    his family and the destruction of his livestock and possessions, including the tainted riches he

    had stolen, seem to be excessive punishment to the reader. Marten Woudstra offers a helpful

    insight into the tricky ending of Joshua 7 in this reflection on the text:

    Although v. 15 had spoken only of burning, v. 25 also speaks of stoning. Moreover, v. 25uses alternately the third person singular and the third person plural for the object of the

    punishment. It may well be that the stoning was done to enable all Israel to participatein the act. The use of both singular and plural probably indicates that Achan was put todeath separately, to make an example of him. The fact that his family also shared in that

    fate may be due to their common knowledge of the crime. After all, the goods were

    2Alfred Poirier, The Peace Making Pastor: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Church Conflict(Grand Rapids,

    MI: Baker Books, 2006), 53.

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    hidden in the parental tent. The element of corporate guilt is here also. Deut. 24:16 is held

    in balance by Deut. 5:9.53 The former should not be seen as representing a more

    individualistic, less sacral view than the latter. Properly understood the Bible does not

    teach individualism anywhere. Care should also be taken not to view the corporate

    element as only a remnant of a primitive mode of thought that is inconsistent with

    modern thinking.


    Gods holiness was perfect and was not to be tainted through the disobedience of His

    people. Joshuas obedience to Gods demands showed that he understood the damage of sin in

    the midst of the congregation. If he had allowed this episode to go unpunished, the desires of

    others would have grown to the proportion James describes, where people would have killed to

    get what they coveted.


    In our churches today, the situation is really not that much different. If sin is allowed to

    rise up without countering it, we may see a bitter root springing up (Hebrews 12:15). Roger

    Ellsworth writes, Achan was guilty of holding one of the trademark beliefs of our age, namely,

    that personal happiness and fulfilment should override every other consideration. This mentality

    has devastating ramifications for society in general, but it is particularly damaging when it crops

    up in the church.4

    The example of Achan shows us just how idolatrous our desires can become. In his case,

    riches were more important than obedience to his God. Achan had seen God provide for the

    Israelites through their trek through the desert and into the Promised Land. He had a family, so

    he was probably not a very young man. Yet he allowed the desire for riches become an idol that

    was more important than obedience. Poirier writes, As counterfeit gods, idols are lawgivers.

    3Marten H. Woudstra, The Book of Joshua, The New International Commentary on the Old Testament

    (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1981), 130-31.

    4 Roger Ellsworth, Opening Up Joshua (Leominster: Day One Publications, 2008), 75.

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    They command us. They shape our affections, direct our decisions, and motivate our behavior.

    What we do, we do because we obey the command of our god.5

    The example of Achan also shows that we cannot divorce ourselves even today from the

    corporate aspect of our life as believers in the body of Christ. What one brother or sister does can

    have possible ramifications and ripple effects through an entire local body of believers or even

    outside of the local body into broader groups. God is still the same holy God He was in the days

    of Joshua and Achan, and His holiness still demands that we address sin in the body that brings

    conflict and ultimately can lead to division - or even brothers or sisters walking away from God

    because of it. If issues that offend God are addressed in a timely manner and appropriately dealt

    with, whether through direct one-on-one reconciliation or through a broader accountability

    (depending on the severity of the conflict), the risk of individual members of the body resorting

    either to peace-faking measures, such as denial or flight, or peace-breaking measures, such as

    assault or litigation, is greatly reduced.6Through this, Gods honor is maintained and the witness

    to the unbelieving world untainted and even strengthened.

    Ellsworth summarizes the lesson leaders in the church can take away from the example

    given to us in the pages of the book of Joshua:

    God has not changed in his nature or in his fundamental purposes since that long-ago dayin devastated Jericho. He still wants us to bring glory to his name by obeying his

    commands....Once we understand these fundamental realities we can see that the story of

    Achan is not just a tiring bit of ancient history; his choice is still being played out in ourown age. Any time we let our own desires and happiness crowd out obedience to God, we

    have donned Achans Babylonian garment and pocketed his Canaanite shekels.7


    5Poirier, The Peace Making Pastor: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Church Conflict, 59.

    6Ibid., 37.

    7 Ellsworth, Opening Up Joshua, 75.

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    The story of Achans stealing of Jerichos riches can teach believers about the importance

    of not letting disobedience or sin in our midst simply be ignored or overlooked. Gods glory is

    too important to Him (and should be to His people) to allow conflict to go unaddressed. If the

    body of Christ is allowed to make decisions based on their wants and desires, conflict is pre-

    programmed, and God is not honored. God is honored when His precepts are honored.

    Conflict appropriately addressed can help avoid dividing the body of Christ, can restore

    relationships, can combat the rise of idols in our thinking, can give joy, can strengthen our

    witness to an unbelieving world, and ultimately will bring glory to the One to whom it is due.

    Psalm 133:1 tells us about Gods ideal for the community of believers: Look! How good and

    how pleasant it is when brothers live together! Our actions and engagements with each other

    need to strive to bring this experience of unity about through our faithfulness in combating sin

    and addressing conflict in our midst.

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    Ellsworth, Roger. Opening Up Joshua. Leominster: Day One Publications, 2008.

    Poirier, Alfred. The Peace Making Pastor: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Church Conflict. Grand

    Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2006.

    Woudstra, Marten H. The Book of Joshua. The New International Commentary on the Old

    Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1981.