Brookshire First United Methodist Church Reverend, Dottie ... · From the Pastor 1 Our Church...

In This Issue From the Pastor 1 Our Church Family 2 Congregation News 4 Events 5 Church News 7 Birthdays and Anniversaries 7 Prayers 8 Calendar 9 Brookshire First United Methodist Church Reverend, Dottie Dumas, Pastor January 2011 "I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?" Isaiah 43:19 (NRSV) In The Jewish Study Bible Isaiah 43:19 reads: "I am about to do something new; even now it shall come to pass, suddenly you shall perceive it…"---Suddenly you shall perceive it…(emphasis mine) I love it when God does something new and I "get it!" Sometimes I get it, I understand it, right away and sometimes it takes a while; but when I do get it, what a joy it is! "Suddenly you shall perceive it." I'm reminded of those "aha" moments, when the light dawns and a new comprehension shines forth. Dare I compare it to the comic book character who suddenly has the light bulb go on over his head? The Bible tells us about the Wise men, the Magi, seeing the star which led them to the Baby Jesus…it was their Epiphany, their "aha moment", the revelation to them of the new King. For them, and for us, it was the "sudden perceiving" of something new which God did and continues to do. As we begin this new year I'm excited to discover the aha moments God has in store for us as a congregation and as individuals. When the new thing springs forth and we get it, when we perceive it, I pray we will want to share that good news with others. Let us be ever watchful for the new things God has in store for us in 2011 and be ready to join Him in the work He is doing for the good of His Kingdom on earth. Staying watchful with you, Grace, peace and love, Dottie THE BELL TOWER FROM THE PASTOR’S HEART Pastor Dottie and Duwain

Transcript of Brookshire First United Methodist Church Reverend, Dottie ... · From the Pastor 1 Our Church...

In This Issue

From the Pastor 1

Our Church Family 2

Congregation News 4

Events 5

Church News 7

Birthdays and Anniversaries 7

Prayers 8

Calendar 9

Brookshire First United Methodist Church Reverend, Dottie Dumas, Pastor

January 2011

"I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?"

Isaiah 43:19 (NRSV)

In The Jewish Study Bible Isaiah 43:19 reads: "I am about to do something new; even now it shall come to pass, suddenly you shall perceive it…"---Suddenly you shall perceive it…(emphasis mine) I love it when God does something new and I "get it!" Sometimes I get it, I understand it, right away and sometimes it takes a while; but when I do get it, what a joy it is! "Suddenly you shall perceive it." I'm reminded of those "aha" moments, when the light dawns and a new comprehension shines forth. Dare I compare it to the comic book character who suddenly has the light bulb go on over his head? The Bible tells us about the Wise men, the Magi, seeing the star which led them to the Baby Jesus…it was their Epiphany, their "aha moment", the revelation to them of the new King. For them, and for us, it was the "sudden perceiving" of something new which God did and continues to do. As we begin this new year I'm excited to discover the aha moments God has in store for us as a congregation and as individuals. When the new thing springs forth and we get it, when we perceive it, I pray we will want to share that good news with others. Let us be ever watchful for the new things God has in store for us in 2011 and be ready to join Him in the work He is doing for the good of His Kingdom on earth. Staying watchful with you, Grace, peace and love,




Pastor Dottie and Duwain


Alyson White has received her Commission as a 2d Lt in the United States Air Force after

completing a six week course training in Alabama. So when you see her, be sure to

congratulate her on this achievement.

Jeff Shaw went home to a white Christmas to be with his family over the holidays in Ohio. He reported lots of snow, visits with family, and lots of mom’s good cooking. He arrived back home safely in time to teach the “Saints and Sinners” Sunday school class on Sunday.

Mack & Freda Johnson (Jill Norwood’s dad & stepmom) came over from Florida for their Christmas visit with Jill and Graham. It’s always a treat when Freda is here to visit because she and Jill always play several beautiful piano duets in worship.

It was a joy to see three very special young persons in our congregation be confirmed in the church in December. They were Kelli Kohler, Corey Ritchey, and Karrah Stuart. Please continue to support them in the faith walk.


Quit griping about your church; if it was perfect, you couldn't belong

Alyson White

Kelli, Joan, Jeff, Corey, Patty and Karrah

practicing the Bible Books Song

Joan Ash, Jeff Shaw, Kelli Kohler, Pastor Dottie,

Patty Toole and Karrah Stuart learning about

the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit wit) with

banana splits


The German’s had a full house the week after Christmas. Their son and daughter-in-law, Jeff and Vanessa, brought their two “hungry” boys, Justin and Brandon, down from South Carolina. They had two bottomless pits to keep filled. Linda made a lot of chocolate chip cookies while they were visiting.

Bill and Mary Grace Kitzman also had their son and daughter-in-law, Kenny and Jill, and their children, Jessica, Andrew, and Jason, visiting over the holidays from Maryland. It sure is good to see Mary Grace singing in the choir again after her recovery from her surgery.

Ralph Sanders is recovering from Achilles tendon surgery. He had to have more surgery due to “things” not healing correctly. We wish him a real speedy recovery…he doesn’t like being down.

Pauline Noble has been on a tour from her daughter Sharon’s home in Pearland to her son Mark’s in Colorado. She said it was -15˚ to 7˚ in Colorado. She watched her grandchildren ice skate and ski. One evening they went on a horse buggy ride that was colder than blue blazes, got warmed by the fire, then went and ate dinner. She said she had a wonderful time, but she’s glad to be back home.

Katherine Hoehn, Pastor Dottie’s mother, has moved to a personal care home in Katy. Please keep her, Dottie, Duwain and the rest of their family in your prayers. This has been very difficult for them and they need our love and support more than ever right now.


Remember that it is the daily grind that gives a person polish

Pauline Noble with her grandchildren play in

the snow in Colorado


If you weren’t at church on Christmas Eve, you missed a very special treat. Our kids with the help of some very talented adults performed “Jesus’ Nativity”. Each scene was enacted with scripture, music, and song. It was a beautiful! The performance was under the direction of Kathy Jordan and assistant director Kim Lewis. Kathy did the set design which also added to the splendor of the play. Holy Communion was served and the evening ended with the lighting of individual candles and singing “Silent Night” together with the accompaniment of Tom Powers and his guitar.

New Year’s Eve was celebrated by “un-decorating” the sanctuary, eating fajitas with the trimmings, and then participating in a Watch Night service led by Susan Feldman, Jeff Shaw, and Roland Stasny. Mary ‘O Wilpitz accompanied the singing on the piano. After the service, everyone got competitive and played their favorite game. Not everyone stayed until Midnight, but those that did, got to toast in the New Year with non-alcoholic champagne and then resume the game competition.


When you get to the end of your rope tie a knot and hang on

Rebecca Malcon, Michaela and

Hannah Lewis

James Jordan, Corey Ritchey,

Madison Adams

Drew Shapiro & Brittany Jordan

Kathy Jordan tells Christmas story...R-L James

Jordan, Zoe Buller, Emileigh Brewer, Deborah

Jordan, Whitney Brewer and Brittany Jordan

Carolers at Bonn & Soon Yoon's store


Please remember to turn in your pledge cards/envelopes for 2011. You may put them in the offering plate during worship or give them to Patty Sanders, Bob Young, or the church office. Remember, this is your commitment to the church and God for the 2011 year. “Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.” 1 Timothy 6:18

The flower calendar is in the Narthex for the 2011 year. There are still many available spots to sign up for altar flowers to the Glory of God, in memory or in honor of a loved one, or just because. The month of January still needs Sunday the 23rd and 30th assigned. If you aren’t able to physically come by and sign the calendar, you can always reach the church office at 281-375-LOVE (5683) or by email at [email protected].

If you’ve put someone on our church’s prayer list or on the continuing prayer list, please check to see if they are still in need of our congregations’ prayers. We are in the process of updating the list, so please contact Linda German (church secretary) so that she will know whether to keep them on or remove them from the list. She may be contacted at the church office at 281-375-LOVE (5683) or at [email protected].

The Food Pantry donations needed for the month of January are macaroni & cheese. “…and gives food to the hungry.” Psalm 146:7

The Brookshire Girl Scout Troops painted pumpkins and delivered them to The Oaks at Brookshire.

A seven week grief support group, H.O.P.E. (Helping Our Pain Ease), will be meeting at CHRISTUS St. Catherine Hospital beginning January 17, 2011. This informative grief support group is open to all those interested in processing or learning more about coping with the death of a loved one. It will meet on Monday nights from 7-9pm. The size of the group is limited, so if you are interested, please call Chaplain Michelle Taunton @ 281-599-6698 to reserve your spot.



No revenge is more honorable then the one not taken

Girl Scouts (Rebecca Malcom, Emily Bass),

Parents, Leader (Alyson White), and

Grandparents (Linda Jackson)


Please remember since we have turned the calendar to 2011, we have also turned our church calendar. At Charge Conference in November 2010 new positions for leadership and committees within the church were elected and appointed. So please keep that in mind; you may be on a “new committee” or in a “new leadership position” within the church serving our Lord. Please check your Charge Conference booklet or the bulletin board for those listings. Get involved and see how you can grow the church for the Kingdom of God.

The 5th Sunday of this month will be Music Ministry Sunday and we will be honoring those who participate in the music ministry of the church, so plan on a special Sunday, January 30th. Also, don’t forget to bring your appetite that day! It will be a 5th Sunday Covered Dish and you know how Methodist love to cook (and eat!). Start moving and get healthy! Beginning Tuesday, February 1st, Page Varner will offer a “Seniors Exercise Class” in the Fellowship Hall of the church. The class is free to all who attend. The classes will be held every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:30 to 11:15am. The only equipment needed is a resistant band(s), a towel, and water. Also, please wear comfortable clothes and tennis shoes. Please RSVP Page through the church phone number or web site. You may also contact her through those numbers if you have questions. Plan to come and get healthy…no excuses!!! SpringFest will be held the third Saturday of April. This is our major fundraiser for the church. It is our famous BBQ brisket, chicken, and sausage with all the trimmings. We have take-out plates/sandwiches and activities during the day and a live auction and sit-down evening meal. Please start thinking of that unique auction item that you’ll want to donate to the church that someone will just have to raise their hand in a competitive bid; it gets rather feisty. Also, we have a country store and if you have hand-made items or love to bake, it would love your talents. There are lots of areas that need assistance and if you have never participated in SpringFest or never even came to SpringFest, you don’t know what you are missing. We have a great time of fellowship and camaraderie. Linda German and Cindy Stasny have chaired this event for over 10 years and if anyone is interested in serving as chairperson or co-chairs, they will be happy to mentor you. Leadership Training for Laity: Saturday, January 29, 8:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m., First UMC, 1717 Pioneer, Wharton. Workshops: Financial Practices, Caring Ministry, PPR/SPR Committees, Worship, Dove Reporting, Youth Ministry, Mission in Small Church, UMC Membership, Trustees, Fundraising Principles, The Fifth Vow, Nurturing New Leaders, Texas Youth Academy, District Youth Council/Events, and Children's Ministry in the Small Church. Carpooling will be done from FUMC Brookshire. Register: [email protected]. Girl Scout Cookies for Sale! Girls will be selling until January 22nd. Please find a Brookshire Scout or contact Alyson White for more information at [email protected].


Quit griping about your church; if it was perfect, you couldn't belong.


Rev. Patty Wehn-Glowski preached her last sermon at First United Methodist Church in Pattison Sunday, January 9th. Dr. Bill Newcomb will be preaching from the pulpit in Pattison next Sunday and Pastor Patty will be preaching in West Columbia. We will sure miss her smiling face and happy spirit. We welcome Dr. Bill Newcomb to the area.

An article in the “Cross Connection” (the official publication of the Texas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church) discussed that the week of January 18th through the 25th is the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. It stated that “it invites the whole Christian community throughout the world to pray in communion with the prayer of Jesus “that they all may be one” (John 17:21)”. It also stated the “Year 2011 theme: One in the Apostles’ teaching, Fellowship, Breaking of Bread and Prayer (Acts 2:42)”. May we pray the week of the 18th that we too can follow the Apostles’, thus leading to unity in the Christian community.

Dawn Schmidt January 1st

Mary Ann Jordan January 4th

Mollie Hopkins January 10th

John Casto January 13th

Elliott LaFleur January 14th

Roland Stasny January 14th

Dustin Fontenot January 14th

Donna Fricke January 15th

Gayle Udemi January 17th

Kaye England January 17th

Sue Lyle January 19th

Jacob Ash January 23rd

Ed Griffin January 25th

Mary Margaret Henry January 25th

Ciana Johnson January 26th

Patty Toole January 30th

James & Sharon Henderson January 4th




Elroy Schreiner Gene Kelton Family SrA James Hanggee Rudy & Marlene Fields Francis Gibbs Family Lance Corpl. Max Boyd Tommy King Blake Harris Seaman Forrest Hartman Mark Schroeder Mandy & Baby Rayland Davis Daniel Klinger (in Iraq) Stephen Bohanan Jackson & Chelsey Sims Comdr. Les Cardenas Brian South Rev. Ernest Thomas SrA. Adam Calcarone Marge Johnson Family SSgt. Timothy Hanggee Ralph Sanders ST3 Seth Brewer Zach Vance (Marines)

Cheryl Accord, Charles Adams, Elise Anton, Mary Ardin, Dustin Ash, Don Baird, Kathryn Baker, Mary Baker, Mirna Baladran, Jean Beck, Tammy Bernard, Gregg Boyd, Nick Boyd, Mitchell Brewer, Iva Briggs, Tinker Brown, Matty & Macie Brumbelow, Michael & Jill Buczkowski, Jim & Katie Buller, Barbara Burk, Betty Cardiff, Brian & Braden Carter, John Casto, Lucy Dang, Wesley Davis, Jerry Denman, Simon DeSoto, Richard Dixon, Bob Dumas, Duwain Dumas, Robert Dunk, Marlene Earles, John Farer, Elise Fitzgibbons, Terry Ford, Gene Fricke, Phyllis Gann, Dorothy Griffin, Ed Griffin, Shayne & Eydie Groenke, Efrain Guherrez, Ricky H, Guenther Haller, Shaun Hart, Christie Helton, Vanessa Herrington, Frankie Himley, Katherine Hoehn, Zachary Hoffman, Toby Hogan, Greg & Tincy Holland, Lucas Howard, Bishop Janice Riggle Huie, Abigail Humber, Sean Johnston, Nicholas Jones, Brittany, Dede & Kathy Jordan, Virginia Ketch, Steven Key & Family, Chase Kiser, Phillip & Pennye Konderla, Melanie, Thomas & Baby Koy, Richard & Beatrice Madill, Joy Maness, Vivian Manino, Robert Marsh, Elma Martinez, Bottie McBride, Maxine McKinley, Kerri & Morgan McLeod, Kylee Metcalf, Leonard Milholland, Lillian Miller, Andrew Milsteadt, Welby & Bernie Misner, Hayley Mitchell, Norb & Tammy Moore, Maurine Nail, Alexis Nash, Shirley Nelson, Ann Nesbit, David Nieman, Kevin Norman, Alexandria (Alex) Orduna, Garrett Phillip, Victoria Preston, Jay Reviere, Rick Ritchey, Betty Root, Joel & Donna Ruderman, Tom Rye, Roberta Sage, Alana Sanchez, Jim & Martha Sanders, Gene Schacherer, Heath Schlielack, Carol Schmedt, Billy & Marie Sedita, Charlotte Sellers, Patsy Smith, Chris Sotelo, D.S. Pat Sparks, Bob Stager, Rev. Herb Stallknecht, Madison Thomas, Spencer Thompson, Darlene Torok, Art Tucker, Linda Webb, Cole Wessel, Greg White, Robert Wilcox, Wilbur Wood.




PO Box 397, Brookshire, TX 77423 Office: 281-375-LOVE (5638)•Cell: 713-569-0783

[email protected][email protected]

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 Refreshments @9:30am Sunday School @9:45am Worship @10:45am

3 UMW@ C.Kitzman’s @7:00pm Cub Scouts@7:00pm

4 5 Choir Practice @6:30pm

6 7 8

9 Refreshments @9:30am Sunday School @9:45am Worship @10:45am

10 Cub Scouts@7:00pm

11 Helping Hands @1:00pm/ Trustees @7:00pm

12 Choir Practice @ 6:30pm/Admin. Council @7:30pm

13 Girl Scouts@ 7:00pm

14 15

16 Refreshments @9:30am Sunday School @9:45am Worship @10:45am

17 AARP@ 6:30pm/ Friends of Royal FFA Chili Supper @PVFD 4:30 to 7:30

18 19 Choir Practice @6:30pm

20 21 22

23 Refreshments @9:30am Sunday School @9:45am Worship @10:45am

24 Men’s Brotherhood @6:00pm Cub Scouts@7:00pm

25 Helping Hands @1:00pm

26 Brown Hearing Ctr.@10am to 4:00pm/ Choir Practice@ 6:30pm

27 Girl Scout Investiture Ceremony@ 7:00pm

28 29 Angel Food Pickup @8:00am SW District Training@ 8:30am

30 Refreshments @9:30am Sunday School @9:45am Worship @10:45am/Music Ministry Sunday & Covered Dish

31 Cub Scouts@7:00pm

1 2 Choir Practice @6:30pm

3 4 5